N OVEMBER 2 0 1 1
T H E S E C O N D A RY N E W S L E T T E R Secondary News from the Pupils and Teachers of The British School of Alicante
Unicef Diplomas
He ad o f S e c on d ary Me s s a g e The practice of charity means the voluntary giving of help to those in need. It is an act of kindness to anyone. With the increasing number of people in the world today comes with the increasing number of poverty and hardships in financial and social status, and educational background. Being aware with these facets of life nowadays creates a sense of charitable purpose in each person, which in turn is translated into charitable deeds. Over the past month Kings College students and staff have worked tirelessly in their goal to make a difference to the lives of a number of different people. It has also enabled students to have a greater awareness of the world around them in order to help and share what they have to those who are in need. These worthy ideals have all been achieved in a vast array of activities, from fun to reflective –
all of which can be seen and enjoyed in this month’s newsletter. May I also take the opportunity to remind you all that we shall again be collecting for children and families of the Asociacion Humanitaria Americana through donations of clothes, food and presents at our GIVING TREE which will be situated at the office. If you would like to contribute please bring in your donation from Monday December 12th until Monday 19th December. Please wrap and label any gifts for children with Girl/Boy and age.
Stephen Green Head of Secondary