Primary News from the Pupils and Teachers of King’s College, Alicante
Rocket Museum Head of Primary Message November has been a very busy and exciting month in Primary and I have to compliment the children on looking so smart in their winter school uniforms. This month the children have enjoyed a whole host of activities including: school trips, a Year 2 Rocket Museum, a Non-fiction poster competition, a Year 6 Transport Museum and of course preparations and songs for our December Christmas Shows. Mrs Gandhi and I were delighted to receive a huge number of outstanding contributions to the Non-fiction poster competition. After much deliberation and discussion the judges have awarded the top prizes to:
• My Non-fiction Journey by Isabel 3M • I Like to Take a Walk in the Clouds by Blanca 3M • The Water Cycle by Arnau 3P • A Dolphin´s Life by Marina 4O • India by Virginia 6G • India by Neus 6G • India by Mark 6G Congratulations to all of the poster winners whose winning entries have now been displayed in the school library. We do invite you to come and take a look at their beautiful work. The prize draw winner of the Nonfiction book titles which were posted in the special library post box goes to Caytana from 4J. Well done, Cayetana!
Year 5 must also be highly praised for their fantastic 6 Country project homework which adorn the corridors outside their classrooms. I am very impressed by the colourful, high quality posters. Well done Year 5! I must also mention the amazing rockets prepared by Year 2 and the outstanding transport vehicles built by Year 6. We certainly have some very talented children in the school. A huge WELL DONE to all the children for their hard work this month! Lovely to see you enjoying your learning!
Miss Lubaczewska Head of Primary Pag e 1