Primary Newsletter English

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LAMDA examinations

Primary pupils are now preparing for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat�

Changes are ahead for all our pupils as we approach the end of the school year

The British School of Alicante Monthly Update

Newsletter PRIMARY Message from the Head of Primary

NUMBER 15 2010

When we think of all the experiences we offer our pupils throughout the year, this final term of the academic year includes some of the most enriching activities on offer. Our planned residential trips go ahead towards the end of this month as well as continuing with our out of school day visits. "Evidence shows that learning outside of the classroom brings benefits to pupils such as deeper subject learning, increased self confidence and raised achievement. It can also help young people to understand and manage risk." (Department for children schools and families January 2008) As a good school we know that teaching and learning cannot be limited to the classroom. We want to see pupils reach their potential, and the experience gained from a school trip stretches far beyond the academic to include raising self-confidence, self-esteem and motivation. When we take our pupils out of school on a trip we want to be sure that it will benefit their performance back at school. We want to know that their attainment and motivation will improve; that the trip we run will help to stimulate their interest in school; that in the long term this enthusiasm will translate into better results at all levels. With this in mind our residential trips are designed to stimulate, educate and motivate our pupils, enabling them to meet new challenges. Away from home (for the first time for some) presents a challenge in itself, and is a personal development goal for many. These trips offer team building and encourage leadership skills as well as building personal confidence. The pupils are kept busy from breakfast to bedtime and combine fun and learning in a supportive environment. The longer Year 6 trip to Matalascanas also gives excellent grounding for their transfer to secondary. We wish all our pupils well and hope their experience is a rewarding one!

Fiona Thomas Head of Primary





A S B e h t L A M D A at I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate our Year 5 and Year 6 Pupils who were recently entered for their LAMDA examinations. We have not had the individual results yet (approx. 6 weeks) but the feedback that the teachers received on the day from the visiting examiner was all positive. Mrs. Susie Hague, who took 35 hours to get to Spain because of the flight disruption, spent a whole day in Primary examining 58 of our pupils. Year 5 were examined individually and had to re-tell the story of a chosen book, as well as have 2 prepared topics for discussion. Topics ranged from Real Madrid to Winston Churchill and Mrs. Hague commented at the end of the day that she had learned a great deal about Spanish football. Year 6 were examined as a group and there were 4 separate groups comprising of 6-8 pupils. They had to choose a scene from a book and adapt and devise the drama for performance. They also used sound effects, props and some costume. The Examiner said: “I thoroughly enjoyed meeting the pupils and were impressed by their warmth and confidence�

Some Primary pupils are now busily preparing for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat”, which will be performed on May 20th and is a joint venture with secondary. The Secondary drama group will also be performing on that evening. The musical is based on the “coat of many colours”, the story of Joseph from the Bible’s Book of Genesis. Narrators tell the story of Joseph and his jealous brothers. There is hardly any spoken dialogue, being sung through almost completely. We do hope that you will be able to join us for the performance as I am sure you will enjoy the catchy music as well as the friendly story line. Tickets will be available soon!

Climbing Frame The fencing around the climbing frame was completed during the Easter break which means it is only used during the school day when supervised by Primary staff. I would like to thank you for your support and co-operation in this matter.

Residential Trips Years 4, 5 and 6 are very excited as their residential trips approach. Last week Year 7 visited our Year 6 pupils to tell them about their experiences in Matalascañas last year and Year 6 will be doing the same for Year 5: 30th May – Year 6 trip to Matalascanas 31st May – Year 4 trip to Onil 8th June – Year 5 trip to La Manga

Changes Changes are ahead for all our pupils as we approach the end of the school year. Pupils will be moving year group which includes a new classroom, new teacher and sometimes new pupils joining the class and Year 6 have the big step of moving to secondary. “Change” will be the theme of many of our assemblies this term in order to help to prepare the pupils for the changes ahead and to give them the opportunity to talk about their worries and concerns. Changeover day has been set for May 28th when the pupils will visit their new classroom and meet their new teacher. Year 6 will spend the day in secondary and Mrs.Swoffer and Miss.Turton have already met to discuss and plan arrangements. As well as “changeover day” there will be a number of planned activities for pupils moving from Reception to Year 1 and Year 2 to Year 3. Today, Year 2 began carrying their own lunch trays and they will be getting together with Year 3 teachers and pupils later in the term.

School Council News Even though the School Council has begun to think about and plan for next year they are still busy working on current ideas. With Mrs. Crompton’s help and feedback from all the Primary classes they have come up with a “Language Plan” for the dining room. This will help our speaking and listening skills ensuring that we are all using the correct vocabulary and sentence patterns when asking and answering questions. The duty teachers and older pupils will be encouraging everyone to follow plan in order to develop our English even further.

May Dates

Dates for your Diary Friday May 7th – Poet Paul Cookson visits School Tuesday 11th May – Sports Day – Yrs 3 and 4 Wednesday 12th May – Sports Day- Yrs 1 and 2 Thursday 13th May – Sports Day – Yrs 5 and 6

Thursday 20th May – Joseph and the Amazing Technicolour Dream Coat Friday 28th May – Changeover Day Sunday 30th May – Year 6 Residential Monday 31st May – Year 4 Residential

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