May Secondary Newsletter English

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“Si eres original, eres de libro”

Graduation Dinner

The British School of Alicante Monthly Update

Newsletter SECONDARY Message from the Head of Secondary

NUMBER 15 MAY 2010

It is good to have an end to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters, in the end. (Ursula Le Guin) This is the final newsletter of this academic session and how time has flown! As the year progresses, the days, weeks and months seem to quicken towards the end of another term and before we know it, we will have reached the end of another year at school. Each year brings new hopes, fears and challenges for pupils, staff and parents alike, and it is difficult sometimes to step back from the throng and see the bigger picture. Education is a journey, not a destination. Formal education, whether at school or university or training for work is only part of that journey. If we believe that we have nothing more to learn we will soon realize our mistake; we are all in a perpetual state of learning whether through watching TV, reading, travelling or pursuing leisure activities. Every time we interact with others or take time to explore, investigate or reflect on our own, we are learning. At BSA, we have taken great strides forward to nurture our pupils and develop our staff in all areas of learning through opportunities in and outside the classroom. In the end, we will not be judged by our examination results alone, but by the people we have become through our experiences at school and the influences we exert on others in our personal lives. Our duty as teachers, support staff and parents is to provide opportunity, set good examples, embody our principles and values through our everyday lives, encourage creativity and a love for learning, admit to our mistakes and strive for excellence in all we do. Honesty, Faith and Courage is our school motto and at the very least, we should try to instill these in our lives and encourage our children to be guided by them throughout their time at school and the years beyond. We have come a long way on our educational journey; for some of us it is time to depart on a new journey to different locations. For others the summer will bring a welcome relief from the rigors of the school day, but it doesn´t mean that learning will stop, and we will meet again in September refreshed for the next part of our journey at BSA. I would like to thank all the pupils, staff and parents for your hard work, good humour, support and encouragement, patience and understanding, tolerance and positive attitude this year; in short, your Honesty, Faith and Courage. I wish you all a happy summer and look forward to welcoming you back in September.

Derek Laidlaw Head of Secondary School

TEECHERS May 19th and 20th A most successful couple of days were had by the cast and crew of TEECHERS a play where 6 actors play all the kids and teachers of Whitehaven Comprehensive (not the best school in England)! Some good kids were putting on a production of ´Joseph´ - these weren´t the good kids. Everyone had a thoroughly lovely time and the audience seemed to enjoy it all as well – even the man who got told off for eating crisps. Huge thanks to all who helped and all who turned up to laugh and clap! -What is probably most remarkable is the hard work that the boys put into ´Lord of the Flies´, which was all going well till Piggy left for Scotland and plans had to change! Actors involved: Karl Lipman, Michael Saliba, Ethan Port, Hector Chapela, Ashley Allen and Charlie Hughes. Director: Sophie Welsh

“Si eres original, eres de libro” Students in the Secondary Department participated in a competition called “Si eres original, eres de libro” organized by CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos), an association that groups more than fourteen thousand five hundred writers, translators, journalists and editors in Spain. The members of the jury are people with recognized prestige in different areas of knowledge (Art, Philosophy, Literature, Music, Science…), such as Juan Cruz Iguerabide, Juan Mollá, Margarita Prado y Fernández, Carme Riera, Javier Sábada and Ramón Tamames. In groups of minimum two, maximum four, our students

had to do a research project on a topic of their choice. This is the second time that the school has taken part in it. This year there were two teams: “Doble A”(Alejandro Ramos Y7F and Alejandro Hernández Y8C) with their work entitled “History of Maths and tricks”. - “Yingyana” (Ying Zhou Y7P and Ana Antón Y7P) with their work entitled “Sea life”. It was a difficult competition, as there were 526 teams participating. Although none of them won, the team “Doble A” was a finalist. Congratulations to Alejandro Ramos and Alejandro Hernández, and thanks to the four students for their great effort! They all received a diploma.

Graduation Dinner 2010

DANIEL BUTCHER Introduction Hi to everyone in sunny Alicante(!), though I fear I have brought the English weather with me as it has been cloudy since I started at the BSA, in the Science department as a teacher of Chemistry. I am from the North of England, born in the steel city of Sheffield, though as a teacher I have worked in schools in Bristol and Cheltenham in the South West of England, and in Manchester and Liverpool in the North West. Along with the Science teaching I have also been fortunate enough to have taught some PE and coached football to both boys and girls at my previous schools. I am a life long Everton supporter (for my sins) and so I’m looking forward to enjoying more attractive football

while I am here in Spain. I have already tasted life in a Spanish speaking country when I worked in Argentina as a Teaching Assistant after I left school. While I was there I fell in love with the culture, food, landscape and the language, though I have already noticed a few strange looks from Spanish shopkeepers when I try and use my “porteňo” here. Although I have always wanted to travel in Spain I have spent very little time here, save for short breaks in Madrid and Barcelona. I am looking forward to finding out much more about the history and culture of Spain, and so far after two weeks in I am greatly impressed...

GOLF SUCCESS Nicky Stewart Nicky Stewart, Year 12, has dramatically qualified for the circuito Match quality golf final in Rio Real ( Marbella ) on the 16th of October 2010. It was a tough day due to unpredictable winds and the humidity. During the tournament I played extremely consistently hitting 16 pars, 1 bogey and 1 birdie. My caddy was making sure I played steady golf, telling me to focus on fairways and greens and the putts will drop. That worked throughout the front nine till I faced my second shot on the par 5 ,10th. I was stuck between a 3 iron and a 5 wood for my second shot and took the 5 wood, a bad choice as I stuck it out of bounds way left of the green, but somehow miraculously escaped with just a bogey due to a terrific up and down. The next 7 holes was steady until I reached the 17th. One

of the hardest par 3’s on the course with the green surrounded by water. The pin was tucked in the back right corner and I took a 6 iron and put it front left of the green. A very poor shot but quite honestly I was scared of the water. Then the golfing gods come on my side, I drained a 50 foot putt for birdie which put me at level par to leave me with a fairly routine par down the last. Now it is just hard work and practicing till my final in October. Nicky is pictured with his winners´ trophy from the qualifying competition held recently in Alicante. Nicky won the tournament outright in a field of 150 competitors, a remarkable achievement! Well Done Nicky!


A WONDERFUL YEAR! Soon we will be on holidays and we will always remember this year 2009/2010 being the first year in secondary for 7F. In our mind we will recall many good moments such a: Our trip to Chocolates Valor and Villajoyosa, the Sports day or the visit to Hogueras museum. This year was full of successes and I am sure the coming year will be as brilliant as this one was!


I will always remember when we played the football tournaments against other schools and when we played games in Spanish! I like the new timetable and having to move classrooms!


Secondary is cool, interesting and very different! I liked when we went to the beach and we made a hoguera, we won!


In year 7 I learned the value of friendship. All the time we had before an exam revising and sharing nerves.


My best moments in Secondary are when we do projects in groups. I would like to remember my friends because some of them are leaving the School.


I liked a lot this first year in Secondary. I met new friends and new teachers! I very liked the food for lunch this

year, it was very different and you could choose it yourself!


I will always remember the Halloween disco and the trip to the castles. I have enjoyed this year!


I have done new friends! This year in secondary has been fabulous!


One of the moments I most remembered was the BSA’s got talent! It was fun!


My first year in secondary has been the best in the school because I made a lot of friends and I have a locker and planner!


I look forward to start year 8! Year 7 was very good and I enjoyed a lot!


One moment to remember was when we did the assembly about Christmas!


The first day was strange for me because I was new and all was different but after that I had a great year!


I remember when we visited Francisco Espla’s studio. It was very interesting!


I liked when we did the swimming gala, sports day and Halloween disco!


I made new friends and I thought year 7 was harder than it is!


Some of the lessons I enjoyed more were Drama and Art.


I liked when we did a Restaurant model in English, PE and Art! It was a great year!

June Dates

Dates for your Diary 7th-11th

Year 8 Granada Trip


Year 10 Work Experience


Year 9 Exams Continue

15th June

Prize Giving (Invited Guests Only)

18th June

Last Day of Term

22nd June

Parent-Teacher Meetings

12th August

CIE Exam Results

19th August

Edexcel A Level Results

26th August

Edexcel (I)GCSE Results

6th September

First Day of Term

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