September 2013
King’s College Alicante
school newsletter from pupils and teachers of King’s College Alicante
Message from the Headteacher facilities and resources for our pupils. This year we have welcomed more than 100 new pupils and our overall role has increased to almost 970. This represents an impressive continuation of our expansion over the past years and is testament to the strength and development of the school both academically and pastorally. Our new staff have introduced themselves in this newsletter and are looking forward to meeting you in the near future.
Welcome back to a new school term and to the first of our monthly newsletters. This summer started with a very busy Summer School throughout July, attended by more than 120 children. Sr Mora and his team worked extremely hard to provide a first class experience once again and I am very grateful for their continued support for this programme. As usual, a great deal of maintenance, building works and refurbishments were carried out over the summer holidays, the main improvements are highlighted later in this newsletter. These improvements are possible through the continued investment and commitment of the King´s Group Board to provide the best practical
I would like to mention a few important reminders for parents at the start of term. If your son or daughter uses the school bus service please remember to contact Carole at the office before 3pm for any changes to your normal routine. In order to alleviate any un-necessary stress or anxiety for parents, pupils and staff, please keep any bus changes to an absolute minimum. If you need to take your child out of school during term time, please fill in a request form and leave at the school office in advance. Disruption to learning must be kept to a minimum and all pupils under 16 have a legal obligation to be in school unless ill or for exceptional circumstances. I cannot authorise holidays during term time, but ultimately the decision rests with you. If you need to collect your child early from school you must collect them from the school office only, please do not ask them
to meet you at the school gate or outside the school. I would like to remind parents about the new pedestrian crossing system which the Ayuntamiento has installed. Please do not park on the yellow lines or on the raised area between the crossings as this causes a major safety concern for our pupils. Finally, I would remind parents from Y1 to Y13 of our Monitoring Day on October 11th (please see my two previous letters). This is a very important addition to our provision and although no classes operate that day, please make every effort to attend at your appointed time to meet with your child´s class teacher. I am looking forward to all the events and activities we have planned and wish you all a very happy and fruitful term.
Mr D Laidlaw MA NPQH DipTMus Head teacher
NEW S TA FF Mr Sloa n H e a d of P r i m a r y My wife and I have been in Alicante for more than six weeks and we are delighted to find ourselves in such a lovely city in a truly beautiful part of the world. It is also a great privilege and pleasure to be part of King’s College, Alicante and to be taking on the role of Head of Primary. This will be the sixth school I have served in as head and I can truly say I have never worked with more enthusiastic and positive pupils than those at King’s College. The opportunity to be a part of such a highly respected international school that is committed to giving children world class learning opportunities was the reason that I made the decision to leave my previous post. My last school was an international primary school in Blantyre, Malawi. Living in Africa was a fantastic experience and helped me to grow personally and professionally. There were plenty of challenges, these ranged from helping our pupils understand how they should respond to the poverty around them, to stopping monkeys stealing the children's snacks at playtime! I have two grown-up daughters, who live and work in England. Both are delighted by our move to Spain and will be coming out to see us in the near future! I find the natural world fascinating. Living in Africa allowed my wife and I to enjoy some tremendous wildlife experiences around the continent. I’m looking forward to exploring the coast, mountains and towns of this part of Spain. Much of my personal enjoyment centres around watching football (Hercules or Elche?), playing basketball, snorkelling and going for walks with our, very well-travelled, dog. My wife, Linda, is a qualified teacher who is currently enjoying finding out all she can about the shops and cafes of Alicante! We spent a very fulfilling seven years in Malawi, however, I am absolutely delighted to be a part of the King’s College family here in Alicante.
Mi ss R o b ins o n
Di r e c t o r o f Si x t h F o r m I have joined King´s College as the Director of Sixth Form. I have been very lucky to combine my love of travelling with my career, working in Thailand and Jordan before moving to Alicante. When I´m not in my office, you can find me teaching Advanced Study Skills to Year 12, my other teaching subjects are Geography and Psychology. I studied Criminology and Criminal Justice in the UK and I am currently studying for my Masters in Education. I am looking forward to the challenge of developing the 6th form provision at King´s College over the next few years. The warm welcome I have received from the staff, students and parents has been lovely, so thank you.
M rs S cu l l i o n Tem po r a r y Te a ch e r in P ri ma r y I am originally from Glasgow, but have lived in England and Spain over the last 20 years! I love the Spanish lifestyle, the delicious food, the relaxed family atmosphere and of course the weather! I am most enjoying meeting all the children and have a favourite age group each day, making it impossible to decide which age I would most like to teach! King´s College has provided me with an excellent start to my teaching career, with wonderful children and an extremely supportive team, I consider myself very lucky to be part of it.
Mi s s Wa l k e r Yea r 3 Te a ch e r After graduating from The University of Hull I taught in Nottinghamshire for four years. For the past two years I have been teaching a year two class at Serlby Park Academy. I am very excited to be relocating to Alicante and immersing myself in the Spanish culture. Everybody at school has been very welcoming and I have a lovely year three class. I look forward to continuing my teaching career here.
M s R igh to n M u s ic Te a ch e r My daughters and I have just arrived here from Milan, Italy. We have brought with us our dog (Waffle), two cats and two terrapins all packed in to the back of my Mini! We are really enjoying the weather here in Alicante and particularly the swimming pool. I am looking forward to getting to know all the pupils and preparing many musical events.
Mr H e w e r H i s to r y a n d Aca de mi c Tuto r Born and raised in London I left home when I finished school and moved to the North of England to attend the University of Leeds, completing a BA degree in History. I returned to London to begin my teaching career, joining Rydens School and teaching there for seven years before moving to Oxted School in Surrey. I recently took time out of teaching to see the world and spent a great deal of time in Asia and Africa. Teaching abroad has been an ambition of mine for many years and I am hugely excited about living in Spain and working at King´s College.
M is s R i gn e y Te m p o r a r y PE Te a ch e r I was born in Luton, Bedfordshire, England. Before moving to Spain in February 2012, I lived in Devon. My last school was Akralingua Academy in San Vicente where I taught English for ages 4 to 40+. I am really enjoying the school, everyone has made me feel so welcome and the staff could not be more helpful. I love living in Spain and hope to build my future here.
M s Gr i f f i n Te a ch e r of Bi o l o gy a n d Sci e n ce After University in Glasgow, I entered the electronics industry, only becoming a teacher when my youngest son started school. I have taught in England but for the last 8 years have been teaching Science and Maths in my native Glasgow. I have always loved Spain and so really, this is my dream job. The school is everything I thought it would be and more and I´m enjoying the energy, enthusiasm and passion for learning that I´ve experienced in the short time that I´ve been here. The staff have been immensely supportive and welcoming and I have felt instantly at home at King´s College and in Alicante. I´m looking forward to learning Spanish, playing golf in the winter and generally making the most of the sporting opportunities that living beside the sea brings.
Mi s s Be s t Te ac he r o f B i o l o gy a n d Sci e n ce After completing a biology degree at the University of Nottingham, I moved back down to the south of England where I completed my PGCE at the University of Brighton. I stayed in this area to teach in a secondary school for a few years. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Alicante so far and I am looking forward to spending my weekends travelling and enjoying the sunshine!
Dr Ma r l e tta H e a d o f Ma th e ma ti c s Originally from a dreich wee village in central Scotland, I am joining King´s College from a school in Budapest. I am enjoying the enthusiasm of the children at King's College and looking forward to my first winter in above-zero temperatures. For some incomprehensible reason I am passionate about running, so expect to see me in many races this year!
Ms Pe r k i n En g lis h Te a ch e r I have taught English for many years, to lots of students from many different countries! Most recently I have been teaching in Budapest, which was an exciting experience, especially during the long snowy winters. I am looking forward to learning all about Spain, and to helping with the school productions.
Mr Glover B u s i n e s s Studi e s a n d
Computer Studies Teacher I am from the UK, and have recently been working in The Netherlands. I really enjoy the family atmosphere in the school and working in Spain. Being in Spain allows me to enjoy my hobbies such as walking and gastronomy.
N e w P a r ents Welc om e M e e t i ngs On Thursday 5th September, our Headteacher, Mr Derek Laidlaw, welcomed new families to King´s College Alicante with a canapé reception held in the quadrangle. The event was the first of the new term and gave families the opportunity to meet other new families , key members of staff and to view the school in an informal , social atmosphere. Mr Laidlaw remarked that it was very pleasing to hear such positive comments from new parents and pupils and that the staff are very much looking forward to working with the pupils and getting to know the families in the weeks ahead.
Mrs. Elena Benito New CEO We would like to congratulate Sra. Elena Benito on her new roll as Chief Executive Officer of King’s Group and to wish her every sucess.
2013 summer
results external examinations
congratulations to the students and staff of King’s College Alicante on another outstanding set of examination results this summer.
The 2013 A Level results achieved by the hard working pupils at King’s College, Alicante have once again been excellent with almost all of our students achieving a passing grade at A2 level and 52% of our students achieving an A* or A grade at A2 Level. Congratulations to all students who have recently received their examination results. We are pleased that the majority of Year 13 are going on to their first choice universities including elite Russel Group universities in the UK and prestigious universities in Spain and America.
% Pass Rate 98.3 % Grades A*/A/B 70 % Grades A*/A 51.7
spanish credential The Spanish Authorities have validated the results of those students who applied to Spanish universities and have given our students 100% pass. Our best performing, Marta Signes was awarded an impresive 11.10 by UNED.
GCE advance level
International GCSE 100% Pass Rate
57.0% A* - A
89% A*- C
Our Year 11 pupils continued the high standards of previous cohorts and achieved excellent grades in their GCSE examinations this summer. Almost 90% of their results were awarded A*- C grades.
student destinations It is easy to forget that King’s College Alicante is a relatively young school. This adds greatly to the pleasure we all take in the success of all students who have chosen to continue their education at university.
Somos un colegio joven y nos sentimos orgullosos de contar con varias promociones de alumnos y alumnas en Universidades Españolas y del Reino Unido.
Changes some time ago in the rules governing Spanish university entrance mean that our 6th formers are able to apply to Spanish universities in June, at the same time as students from Spanish schools. These students are offered places based on their A-Level results, without the need to take the Selectividad examination. This is great news and we are delighted that a number of our students have already secured places at top Spanish universities.
Los recientes cambios en la normativa para el acceso a las Universidades en España permiten que nuestros alumnos de Year 13 puedan solicitar el ingreso a la universidad en Junio, al mismo tiempo que el resto de alumnos españoles. De esta forma nuestros alumnos acceden con sus resultados de A Level sin necesidad de realizar exámenes de selectividad. Esta es una muy buena noticia ya que todos han conseguido matricularse en los estudios que querían en universidades españolas.
Congratulations to the following students, to whom we wish every success in their continuing education, both in Spain and the UK.
Enhorabuena a todos los estudiantes, a quienes deseamos mucho éxito en su futura educación, tanto en España como en el reino Unido.
UK & Other Universities Universidades del Reino Unido y otras
Moresche Bartley Biomedical Science Oxford Brookes
Liam Galbraith
MA Physics University of Sheffield
Alejandra Gutiérrez
Katriona Munro
Computer Animation University of Abertay Dundee
Verena Oetzmann
MEng Mechanical Engineering University of Warwick
Julia Pérez
International Business Regents, London
Product Design Engineering Loughborough University
Craig Laidlaw
Toby Saliba
MA Psychology University of Glasgow
MSc Biology University of Sheffield
Anis Mottahedeh
Juan Antonio Sirvent
Physiotherapy Brunel University
Business Management University of Fordham, USA
20 13 National Universities Universidades Nacionales Victor D’Amore de Oliveira International Business, Marketing & Languages ESADE, Barcelona Alejandra Esteve Cortés Architecture IE, Segovia Sandro Fernández Herrero ADE University of Alicante María García Fernández ADE & Marketing ESIC, Valencia Manuel Espinosa Rastoll Marine Sciences University of Alicante Candela García Villalba Law Carlos III University, Mardrid Gustavo Guerrero Bianco Mechanical Engineering UMH, Elche José Ramón Martín Fernández Business IE, Segovia María Molina San José ADE & Industrial Engineering Deusto University, Bilbao Álvaro Nevares Architecture University of Alicante Javier Nicolás Zapata Pharmacy UMH, Elche Claudia Pastor Monllor Translation (French) University of Valencia Teresa Quesada Renaud Opthalmology University of Alicante Marta Signes Espuch ADE ESADE, Barcelona Felix Troeschel Environmental Engineering Politécnica de Madrid Ana Villaescusa Andrés Music Conservatorio of Alicante
NEW FACILITIES King´s Group Board of Governors has an ongoing investment plan for all our schools, ensuring that pupils and staff are provided with the best possible facilities and resources in order to support the learning experience of all our pupils. This summer we are pleased to have enhanced our provision with the following improvements:
A new Sixt h For m S t u d y C ent re This allows greater capacity to match our increase in numbers of 6th formers. This includes multimedia resources and careers information.
A N e w Careers and P u p i l S u p p or t Roo m This will allow us to enhance our pastoral support for all secondary pupils and will be the base for our new Careers Officer.
New B enches for t he P a t io
We have 6 new benches for pupils‘ use at patio times ,with more to follow.
A N e w Fút b ol Sala / Ho c k e y P it ch This will extend our PE provision throughout the school and add an extra playing area at patio times.
S a f et y Ramp s a n d F l ooring We have installed ramps and anti-slip flooring to enhance our Health & Safety features.
Ne w M o b ile Lib rar y
´Books On Board´ (Bob) a British bus:This will be refurbished for use by Primary pupils to promote and enhance reading in English. We will also use this resource to outreach into the local community.
Si x th F o r m C om m e t t e e Congratulations to our new Sixth Form Commettee including our Head Boy Guillermo and Head Girl Tara. We look forward to a busy year ahead.
Si xt h F or m C o m me t t e e at w or k !
Ki ng’s College Alicante Student Alumni Group I am delighted that we have now set up our first Alumni Group for former students and staff. I would encourage all our FPs to join our group via the tab on the front page of our website. We will update this with regular news and hopefully our Alumni will also contribute discussions and updates. We will plan reunions for year groups in the near future. Mr D Laidlaw, Head teacher
Alumni Tab
Congr a tu l a t i o n s t o o ur New S c h ool C o un c i l
Ne w R e c e p t i o n D esk , S chool O f f ice an d Wa i t i n g R oom I am delighted that we now have a new Reception and School office area; this will enable us to better serve the needs of parents and visitors as well as staff and pupils in two distinct areas:
Carole will receive parents and visitors at our new Reception Desk
Elisa and MariCarmen will attend to staff and pupils at the new School Office area
We have also refurbished our Waiting Room, which is situated opposite the Reception Desk. This will afford more privacy for parents and visitors.
In addition to these new facilities, we have also added: • • • • •
new lockers for secondary pupils new computers and smart boards 3 new lap-top trolleys new safety fencing around the sports pitches a new KS2 library area
We have painted the perimeter wall with anti-graffiti paint, increased the electricity supply to the school and previously replaced the awnings on the KS1 patio. We are awaiting planning permission for our new Sixth Form Common Room which we hope to have ready by January. All of these improvements over the summer represent a continuing investment in facilities and resources by the King´s Group Board of Governors and will greatly enhance our learning environment, provide more opportunities and further support the academic development of all our pupils.
S a f ety C r ossing I am very pleased that the Ayuntamiento has responded to our continuing requests for safer crossing zones for our children. Last week two observers from the Mayor´s Office attended school in the morning to see the situation at first hand. As a result they have now re-painted all the pedestrian crossings and added a new one. My thanks to Sr Llorca for his assistance with this. I would therefore ask that parents and pupils use only these safety crossings when approaching and leaving the school gates. Please do not cross at the previous area directly in front of the school gate as this is no longer safe. I would also ask parents not to park at the zones marked on the diagram below. Thank you for your cooperation. Mr Laidlaw
Ch an g e s t o Bu s Tr av e l Parents should inform the school in writing before 3pm on any day they wish to change their bus travel arrangements. Telephone calls before this time may be accepted. Payment for additional travel must be received beforehand. Changes cannot be made after 3pm on any day, unless in an emergency.
IAR A : S p a in Cham p io n Congratulations to Iara (Year 11) who has won the gold medal in both individual and team categories in the Championship of Spain ( Pony C class, horse jumping) and hence the title of Champion of Spain 2013. Last year Iara was Reserve Champion of Spain 2012, but this year, after much effort, many hours of training and a lot of sacrifice and dedication she has been crowned the Champion of Spain. This is a truly wonderful achievement and we are very proud of Iara.
Eli te S po r t s Performance by Emm a Congratulations to Emma, Y7, who achieved a top 16 European Table Tennis Ranking (Under 14) whilst representing Spain at the European Table Tennis Championships in Strasbourg, during August 2013. 34 European Countries took place and having finished in the top 16, Emma qualified for the elite European invitation tournament to be held in Belgium in October 2013. Congratulations on a wonderful achievement and good luck!
INTERNET SAFETY Following our very successful talks from Jonathan Taylor on E Safety, we are posting the following 10 top tips for pupils, parents and staff. We will make Jonathan´s full `presentation available to parents very soon. 1. Think! Whenever you're about to post something online, pause and just imagine someone in authority, someone you respect, reading that post or looking at that photo. If that feels uncomfortable, don't do it. 2. Got a nickname? Think about using a nickname instead of your real name if you're signing up to a microblogging site like Twitter. Consider setting up a separate, personal email account to use with social media sites, rather than using your work, or even your main personal email. Remember, only connect to people you know. 3. Check your settings Use the privacy and security settings on social media sites so that only friends and family can see your pages. Then speak to friends and family and encourage them to tighten their privacy settings too as they could affect you. Even if your account is locked as private, personal information you have shared with others could still be accessed through their pages. 4. Mother's maiden name Don't use your mother's real maiden name as a password or as a bank security answer. It doesn't really matter whether you use the real one so make up a name that only you know. Just make sure you remember it. 5. Guard personal information Don't post any personal information- your address, email address or mobile number - publicly online. Just one piece of personal information could be used by a complete stranger to find out even more. If you want to include your birthday in your profile it's safer not to actually display it publicly - providing your full date of birth makes you more vulnerable to identity fraud. 6. Photos and videos Be careful about which photos and videos you share on
social media sites - avoid photos of your home, work, school or places you're associated with. Remember, once you've put a picture of yourself online, other people may be able to see it and download it - it may not just be yours anymore. 7. Check what's needed Don't give out information online simply because it's asked for - think whether whoever is asking for it, really needs it. When you're filling in forms online, for example to register with a website or sign up for a newsletter, always provide the minimum information possible. 8. Direct message if you can It's almost always possible to send a direct message or private message on social media platforms. If you're having a personal chat, this is the best option to go for - unless you don't mind sharing your conversation with millions of other users. Alternatively, send an email from a private account. 9. Delete old accounts If you've stopped using a social media site or forum, then close your account down. There's no point in leaving personal information out there unnecessarily. 10. Get anti-virus software Make sure you have anti-virus software installed on your computer and be careful what you download or install on your computer.
As a new member of staff this year my aim is to create a department which is central to the life of the school and for all students to enjoy music and music making. In order to do this I am asking for your support for our extra-curricular music program. In our first term I am hoping to encourage a growing number of students to participate in our choirs and orchestra. Our first concert will be held at Christmas and I am hoping this year to take the concert to a venue outside school, preferably one of the churches in Alicante. There are no fees involved in being a member of the choir or orchestra and rehearsals will be held at lunchtime. I am also aiming to increase the uptake of instrumental lessons, either inside or outside school. If you need them, I have outlined below just a few good reasons why you should be encouraging your son / daughter to participate in music making. • Early musical training helps develop brain areas involved in language and reasoning. Singing is a widely recognized educational tool for teaching foreign languages. • Recent studies show that students who study the arts are more successful on standardized tests such as the SAT. They also achieve higher grades in high school. • Music performance teaches young people to conquer fear and to take risks. • Music study enhances teamwork skills and discipline. • In music, a mistake is a mistake. It is only by much hard work that a successful performance is possible. Through music study, students learn the value of sustained effort to achieve excellence and the concrete rewards of hard work. But most of all, taking part is fun!
Important Dates • Wedn esd ay Octobe r 9 th Sc ho o l Clos e d • Fr i day October11 t h
M onitoring Da y
• Tues day October 15 th
B oo k Fa ir in the Lib ra r y
• Wedn esd ay Octobe r 1 6 th Sp or t s Da y Ye a r 6 - 1 3 E l ch e • S unday October 20 th
Ye a r 1 2 /1 3 E ng /A r t Trip
Le a v e s f o r Lond on • Monday October 21 st
Trip s We e k
• Fr i day October 25 t h
H a llo w e ’e n Dis c o Ye a r 7 / 8
• Fr i day November 1 st
Sc ho o l Clos e d
• Fr i day November 4 t h
Sc ho o l Clos e d
• Fr i day M ay 2n d No r ma l Scho o l Wo rk ing Day
Grease the Musical! Watch this space for cast news and performance dates.