British School of Alicante
2007 y e a r b o o k
design by Carlos Lรกzaro - carlos.lazaro@kingsgroup.org
Index Headteacher’s Message
Early Years Message
Nursery Seahorse
Nursery Starfish
Nursery Jellyfish
Reception Angelfish
Reception Rainbow Fish
Reception Octopuses
Y1 Penguins
Y1 Turtles
Y1 Lobster
Y2 Dolphins
Y2 Seals
Y4M 31-32 Y5C
YtS 41-42 Y8B
Extracurricular Activities
Group Photos
Sponsors 95
Head Teacher’s Message
Mensaje de la Directora
Our pupils have enjoyed a wide variety of special events in school this year, including Medieval History Day, organised by Mr. Saunders and Sr. Belda; Creative Arts Week organised by Mrs. Swoffer; Book Week followed by Book Character Day organised by Mrs. Currie and Internet Safety Week organised by Mr. Wicks and Mrs. Muratore. The Art and Music Departments have also been busy entertaining us, with an Art and Music evening, and a Local Artists’ Exhibition, in aid of the Associacion Española Contra Cancer.
Nuestros alumnos han disfrutado de gran variedad de eventos especiales este año, incluyendo el Día de Historia Medieval, organizado por el Mr. Saunders y el Sr. Belda; La Semana de Artes Creativas organizado por Mrs. Swoffer; La Semana del Libro seguido del Día de los Personajes de Libros organizados por Mrs. Currie y La Semana del Uso Seguro de Internet organizada por Mr. Wicks y Mrs. Muratore. El Departamento de Arte y Música también ha estado muy ocupado entreteniéndonos, con la tarde de Arte y Música y una Exhibición Local de Artistas en ayuda de la Asociación Española contra el Cáncer.
As well as saying goodbye to our Year 13 leavers, some of who have been with us since year 5 or 6 (Pablo, Israel, Nuria and Isabel), we also say farewell to some members of staff. Mr. Saunders, Miss Penpraze and Sr. Belda will be sorely missed from the Secondary Humanities Department, and Miss Drein, Mr. O’Connor and Mrs. Muratore from the Primary Department. Mr. Wright will also be leaving to take up a new post in charge of the Secondary Department of a school in the Canary Islands. I wish them every success their new posts, and would like to thank them for their hard work over the past few years in helping to make the BSA the school that it is today.
De la misma manera que decimos adiós a nuestros estudiantes de Year 13, algunos de ellos llevan con nosotros desde year 5 o 6 (Pablo, Israel, Nuria e Isabel), tambíen queremos despedirnos de algunos miembros del colegio, Mr. Saunders, Miss Penpraze and Sr. Belda serán echados de menos en el Departamento de Humanidades de Secundaria, y Miss Drein, Mr. O’Connor y Mrs. Muratore del Departamento de Primaria. Mr. Wright también nos dejará para pasar a ser el nuevo responsable en el Departamento de Secundaria de un colegio en las Islas Canarias. Les deseo a todos muchos éxitos en sus nuevas obligaciones y me gustaría agradecerles el gran esfuerzo realizado por todos ellos ayudando al BSA ser el colegio que es en la actualidad.
he 2006/7 academic year has been a year filled with exciting and important events in school. Our second cohort of Year 13 students are about to leave, having secured offers from prestigious universities both in the UK and Spain. We all wish them the very best of luck, and hope that they look back on their days at the BSA with fond memories.
I would like to wish all the pupils, staff and families of the BSA a happy and safe summer and look forward Mrs. Elaine Blaus
l curso académico 2006/7 ha estado lleno de eventos excitantes e importantes en el colegio. Nuestro segundo grupo de estudiantes de Year 13 nos va a dejar y han conseguido ingresar en importantes universidades del Reino Unido y España. Les deseamos a todos mucha suerte y esperamos que recuerden sus años en el BSA con gratas memorias.
Me gustaría desear a todos los estudiantes, empleados y familias del BSA un feliz verano, esperando verles a todos de nuevo en Septiembre. Mrs. Elaine Blaus
Early Years
his year has been new and exciting as we now have three classes in the Nursery Department, and new members of staff who have brought individual qualities and experiences which have enriched the Nursery team. During the first term we focussed on colour and shape and had great fun dressing up on Colour Days. The Christmas Production was a significant experience for the children as it allowed them to share (with their families) songs that they had learnt at school and helped them to develop a sense of occasion. The second term gave the children the opportunity to find out about each others families and
further develop their English vocabulary. We celebrated Carnival during Creative Arts week which involved colourful and exciting activities. The summer term started with Book Week and gave the children and teachers an opportunity to dress up as a story book character. On a damp April morning, the Early Years department set off to the farm school in Valverde. The children had a wonderful day and the rain stayed away. Our final topic was the Seaside with lots of creative activities which prepared us for the Summer break.
fter a few tears the children settled easily into the class, and learnt to sleep in siesta, sit beautifully in a circle and to line up.
The chil-
dren have formed excellent relationships with each other, they love making up games together, especially playing at being teachers! The children, and teachers, in Seahorses love dressing up and so our Colour Days were a great success! On Yellow Day we sang Yellow Submarine, painted our class submarine, and wore silly yellow hats.
The children have approached
all new activities with tremendous enthusiasm and have grown in confidence and maturity. They soon began to use new vocabulary in English at every opportunity, on our shape hunts there were cries of “Look triangle” and “Look rectangle”.
On Blue Day the world
looked blue through our blue glasses. Red Day found us dancing and on Green Day we were monsters.
uring Creative Arts Week we spent a wonderful morning with 6L making Carnival masks. The Year Six children really encouraged our class and everyone enjoyed the occasion. In Book Week 6L read stories to the Seahorses which was a beautiful experience for all.
In this final term we all had great fun on the farm. The children then painted animal masks and have
impressed their teachers with their confident use of English in our song “Where’s my mummy?” We also made amazing animal biscuits. This has truly been a wonderful and exciting year for all the children in Seahorses and their teachers would like to thank them for being so fantastic!
Starfish Nursery have had a re-
ally busy and successful year. The children have enjoyed playing together, making new friends and learning lots of new things in English. We are so proud of how independent they have become during the year. We can still remember when they said a tearful goodbye to their parents on their first day. We have had many happy times this year and there are lots of special things we will remember. It was great fun trying lots of different coloured food on our colour day.
Then at Christmas the children
were very brave and sang a song about a snowman for their families. Our baby clinic was a huge success and they all enjoyed baby Beatrizs visit to the class and bathing the dolls in the second term.
s part of the Arts Week they worked with some of the children from Year 6S, painting butterflies, then Year 6 read stories during Book Week.
A great day was our trip to the
farm and this inspired the children to paint some fabulous animal pictures and masks.
The children have loved singing and have learnt many songs
and rhymes. It is great to hear them sing and speak in English and we are thrilled with how much they have grown, both as individuals and as a class.
We will miss them next year, but we are sure they will all be very happy and well prepared for their Reception class. Well done Starfish class!
In term one the Jellyfish class
started school. Some of us settled really quickly and others took a little more time but it didn’t matter because the children all enjoyed coming to school and playing with new friends. The children enjoyed finding out where everything is kept and playing with toys. It was great fun learning about shapes and colours. At the end of the term we were able to invite families into school to see us dressed up as father Christmas and singing “Must Be Santa” and “Twinkle, Twinkle little Star”.
In February we joined in with
the Creative Arts week and some children from year Five helped us make carnival masks and musical instruments.
ater our class Topic was “Spring-time & Families” The children brought in photos of their families. It was lovely to talk about mums, dads, grandparents and cousins etc. The children enjoyed telling us who was who! One of the children brought their little baby sister in to school and showed us how to bathe her. It was so much fun that the children played baby bathing in our role-play area.
fter the Easter holidays we began learning about farm animals and things that happen in Summer time. The children had an amazing day at a real farm. There were lots of things to do like making bread, a puppet show and lots of animals to see. It is lovely to see how the children have developed and grown over the year. We wish them all the best in reception class.
In term one the Angelfish class looked back at
photos of when they very small and we invited Mrs. Phillips and her baby son Zach into the class to visit. We discovered that all the children had grown up so much and could now do so many things by themselves! We enjoyed learning the names of the days of the week and tasting fruit through the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar. The children also printed with the fruit to make colourful repeating patterns and we played games with the ‘feely bag’ to guess the textures and shape of hidden objects.
ollowing the Christmas break our class Topic concentrated on Toys – old and new. The girls and boys painted pictures of their favourite toys and investigated what toys were made of and how they moved. The class used toy money in our role play Toy Shop and enjoyed making spinning tops and designing robots. The class brought in lots of teddy bear books and near the end of term, Archie, our class bear invited all their bears to a very special party!
The children drew some beautiful pictures of some scenes from the Pied Piper of Hamelin following our Theatre trip.
term the pupils have planted sunflower seeds and peas and beans in class in preparation for our Farm Visit. We also observed the progress of silkworms and brought in photos and some real pets to look at. The children all enjoyed role play in the Vets and Pets Clinic and learnt how to take good care of their animals.
uring book week we retold the traditional story of The Little Red Hen through puppets and masks and everyone illustrated their very own zig-zag books. We have had a very busy year in Reception and the children are all looking forward to next session when they move on to Year 1. Mrs. Davidson.
Rainbow Fish
The Reception Rainbowfish children have had a
very busy year. It has all been new and exciting for these 24 children who only joined the B.S.A. in September 2006. For many of these children it was the first experience of learning English and even school life. We are very proud of how well the children have progressed and adapted to their new school. Well done!
uring the first term in Reception we studied “Ourselves” which involved learning lots of songs about the body and lots of new words in English. The children began to learn or revise basic colours, shapes and numbers in English and were introduced to the Jolly phonics scheme, learning letter sounds. At Christmas the children were able to perform for their parents and show them how much they had achieved, singing a song in English. What a good first term we had!
In the second term our topic was “Toys”.
The children loved this theme and it gave them an opportunity to further their language development and undertake lots of creative activities e.g. painting pictures of their favourite toys, playing in the toy shop and designing and making a robot. In January we introduced the book bags and the children have all really enjoyed the experience of reading and taking home books. We also went on our first theatre trip to see the Pied Piper of Hamelin where everyone behaved very well and drew some wonderful pictures of the play.
We celebrated Carnival during Creative Arts The last term began with Book week and we week which involved many different activities and all the children’s work was put up on display. What a busy second term.
made little zig-zag books about “The Very Hungry Caterpillar”. At the end of the week we dressed up as a story book character. Our final topic was “Animals” and we were able to have a wonderful day out on the farm trip. The children loved talking about the animals and this topic was a great way to end the year in Reception. We wish them the best of luck in Year 1.
Optopuses The Octopus class have had a very busy year and have
enjoyed learning lots, especially learning how to read and write.
uring our first term we learnt all about ourselves and the ways in which we have changed since we were babies. We had lots of fun looking at our baby photographs trying to guess who the babies were. We enjoyed pretending to be doctors and nurses in our mini health centre, and especially enjoyed bandaging up Miss Whittam!
Our second terms topic was all about toys and we were
very excited to have our toy day, when we showed each other all our new toys that we received from the three kings. We produced some fantastic designs of robots and worked really carefully making models of them. We also celebrated carnival through our arts week, where we took part in many exciting activities.
During our Arts week in February, we took part in many exciting activities. We loved dressing up in our carnival costumes!
We made a special carnival pi単ata and then had great fun trying to hit it open!
The year 4 children came to help us make carnival masks.
In our final term we have learnt all about the
different types of animals. We started off with a trip to the farm which helped us to remember all the names of the animals. Then we made our own pet shop and told each other about the pets that we have or would like. Finally we learnt all about the animals that we might find in the jungle and had great fun dressing up and acting like little lions and monkeys.
We had a special hat day and learnt how to do carnival
We dressed up as Santa Claus for our Christmas show.
Classroom Activies
Y1 Penguins
Year 1 Poem
In Year 1 Penguins we’ve had a great year, We can’t believe the end is near. Lots of trips and special weeks, Lots of work and lots of treats! We speak so much English, And read and write too, We sing lots of songs, We know what to do! We brought things to show for all our topics, Like toys, and teddies, and material objects. We’ve played lots of games and danced in P.E, We enjoyed the computers in ICT. In maths, to 100 and more we can count, We add and subtract and work out amounts. In Art we have drawn and painted beautifully, Made collages and printed, please come and see! At Christmas as angels we sang a song, In Book Week we brought our teddies along. We made lion puppets with the help of Year 3, And story maps in 3D! We went on a trip to see some old toys, And later to play with the girls and the boys, We went to the theatre and enjoyed the show, Of Little Red Riding Hood, a story we know. We’ve had so much fun and we’ve learnt such a lot, And we mustn’t forget Sr. Bellot! Now we are ready to start Year 2, Next year we wonder what will we do!
Creative arts week – our fantastic costumes
Playing with toys at the Ludoteca
Creative arts week – we made lion puppets with year 3J
Book week – teddy bears picnic with year 3J
Book week – reading in the bear cave
Book week making story maps with year 3J
Some Artistic Work from the Kids!
Y1 Turtles
e are the Turtles and we have had a very busy year in Year One! We arrived in September to meet our new English teacher, Mrs Crompton and our Spanish teacher from Reception, Snr Bellot. After two years at BSA Year One has been a challenge – we have learnt many new things and made more friends. We have been the oldest children in the playground and we have enjoyed playing with the Reception children, often looking after them and being kind. In the classroom we have learnt about many new subjects. Just a few of these being ‘Our Homes’ where we thought about where we live, labeled a house and even made 3D houses.
Out of the classroom
we really loved our trips out. The day we went to the Ludoteca was brilliant. We learnt a lot about toys – old and new- and even got to play with all our friends in Year One!
e have learnt about how we travel to school, our local area and even counted cars to see how busy the roads are around the school! We have enjoyed developing are art skills too. We have drawn, painted, collaged and printed over the year. Mrs Crompton was particular proud of our paintings of animals. We had to paint very carefully and used lots of different techniques. She even made an art gallery in the classroom of our work!
Not only is Mrs Crompton very proud of all our
achievements over the year, especially in our reading, writng and speaking in English, but the Turtles are also proud of many things we have achieved.
OF i AM PROUD ‘Playing nicely with my friends’ – Jorge ‘My writing’ – Guadalupe ‘Playing football’ – Alejandro ‘My writing’ – Florian ‘Playing football’ – Santiago ‘Listening’ – Clara ‘Listening very carefully’ – Carlos ‘My writing’ – Sergio ‘Listening to my class’ – Sophie ‘Listening to my teacher’ – Patricia ‘Solving problems’ – Lara ‘Reading’ – Guillermo ‘My friends’ – Carolina ‘My artwork’ – Hugo ‘Reading a book’ – Jorge Paya ‘Reading a book’ – Selene ‘Playing football’ – Dani ‘Painting’ – German ‘Listening to my class’ – Daniel ‘Listening’ – Nicolas ‘Reading’ – Paula ‘Painting’ – Aitana ‘My friends’ – Sara ‘Listening to my teacher’ – Pablo ‘Playing’ – Marta
e have had very special days in the classroom too.We celebrated carnival week ‘ by having a creative arts week , the Year One theme was the ´carnival of the animals´. We made lion puppets with Mrs Pilkington´s class in Year Three and we showed these in an assembly. We were very proud!
e also celebrated Book Week. We read the book ´This is the Bear´’ it was fab! On the Friday of Book Week we dressed up and brought our favourite book in. Even Mrs Crompton dressed up as a witch from the ´Harry Potter´books!!
So, all in all, we have had a VERY busy Year One and
we are looking forward to becoming Year Twos very soon!!
Y1 Lobsters
e are the Lobsters. Our first day at the British School of Alicante was in September 2006. We met our new teachers, Senora Rodriquez and Mrs Tomkins, who was also new to the school. Mrs Gaffney and Miss James have worked with us in our class this year and have helped us to settle in well to our new school. We have really enjoyed our first year and have made lots of new friends. We have been learning about our bodies, materials and plants in Science. In Geography and History we have learnt about our environment and how things were in the past.
his term we are learning about plants and we have planted some seeds. We will watch them closely as they grow.
arnival week was an exciting time. We listened to the music of The Carnival of the Animals by St Sagent and did lots of creative activities based on animal. We also made masks and musical instruments to play when we danced to the music. Dressing up at the end of the week was really good fun.
e had some help from our friends in Year 4 to make monkey puppets.
uring Book Week we read the story of Handa’s Surprise. It is about a girl in an African village who took some fruit to a friend and got a big surprise when she arrived. We looked closely at the different fruits in the story and used pastels to create some fantastic pictures. We also wrote our own stories about Handa’s journey.
After drawing pictures of Handa’s exotic fruits we decided which fruits we would like in a basket of our own.
Y2 Dolphins
e have been really busy in the Dolphins class this year. We have learnt so many new things and have been working hard in class. It has been a lot of fun and we have so many fantastic memories of our time in year 2A.
This is our work for Book Week The Interactive Whiteboard has been fantastic!
Carnaval Masks The FireStaion trip was excellent!
We had lots of fun pretending to be patients
The Hoity Toity We loved singing and acting in the play
What I enjoyed most about Year 2
Marta Bañón
I loved making Firework
I have enjoyed
pictures in ICT.
reading, I love to read new books.
I loved riding in a Fire
It was a lot of fun when
I liked reading stories
engine on our trip to
the Ambulance came
about Barnaby Bear
the Fire Station.
to visit.
travelling around the world.
I have learnt lots of
I liked learning about
I loved doing the
new ways to add in
Island Homes in
hurdles in PE.
I had fun in the
I loved learning how
I really enjoyed
Christmas Play, I was
to play tennis with the
a king.
doos in Art.
I had fun making
I loved making Mothers
I liked designing a
Carnival masks.
Day cards in Spanish.
t-shirt in Art.
I liked painting
I was so happy to be
I loved dressing up
patterns in Art.
the ´Shining Star´ in the
for Carnival.
Christmas Play.
I enjoyed getting
I have learnt a lot
I liked learning
dressed up in Book
about the Great Fire of
about Florence
Nightingale in History.
The Christmas Party
It was really exciting
I had fun making
was a lot of fun.
reading ´The Ghost Next
Carnival Jewellery.
Door´ in Literacy.
It has been fantastic
In Art I liked making a
I loved reading the
to have an Interac-
clay stamper and using
Gingerbread Man in
tive Whiteboard in
it to make repeating
Book Week.
our class.
Primary O
ur busy year started in September with Mrs Bentley teaching us; she kept us busy with lots of fun activities.
Y2 Seals
e all really enjoyed Creative Art week; we did lots of cutting, sticking, painting and colouring. At the end of the week we dressed up for a carnival parade.
Before leaving, Mrs Bentley
helped us rehearse for our Christmas production “The Hoity Toity Angel�. We had great fun learning all of the songs and performing for our parents. Mrs Phillips came back in December just in time for all of the Christmas activities!
Book week and maths week
were also busy but fun; the highlight of maths week was a treasure hunt in the gym, each group solved the problems and found the treasure!
The new year meant lots of hard work, learning our number facts and solving problems in numeracy, writing stories and poems in literacy, learning all about the Great Fire of London in history and much, much more! Did you know that at the time of the Great Fire of London fire WE DRESSED UP AS OUR FAVOURITE in 1666 fire fighters had to CHARACTER use very basic equipment? When we took a visit to the fire station in Alicante we ere able to look at modern day equipment. We all got to sit inside the fire engine, the siren was VERY loud! 23
owards the end of the year an ambulance came to visit the school, we also had a special tennis class which was great fun!
Our memories and thoughts about Year 2 Javier
In Year 2 I liked getting merits. I also liked when we went to the fire station, I remember when I went in the fire engine it was like a big toy engine. I liked looking at Barnaby Bear on the computer.
Rocio María
I enjoy getting merits for my work.
I have made lots of new friends. I like drawing pictures on the computer. I like learning my spelling words.
Jude I have enjoyed sticking
I work hard in class and like it when I get merits.
In Year 2 I have art. In art week I liked the day we made a mask.
I have very much enjoyed learning about Florence Nightingale, I found out she lived in Italy. I also enjoyed making pictures to go on fabric in art class.
I enjoyed everything in Year 2 I like coming to school. I especially remember the trip to the fire station and the visit from the ambulance.
I enjoyed very much the Christmas fair; I had lots of fun on the games.
I liked when we made puppets of dancing dinosaurs in art week. I liked the Christmas play, I was a sheep. I had fun at the Christmas fair.
Miguel G
I remember going to the fire stations, I liked sitting in the fire engine and I tried on the clothes of a fireman.
and gluing and colouring activities. I liked the trip to the fire station.
I have enjoyed making masks in art week of Joanne Blau with Señor Mora.
I liked the “Hoity Toity Angle” because I was a soldier and I liked it a lot when I got to stand on the stage and hold my sword in the sky.
I have enjoyed golden time, I like playing with my toys.
I most enjoyed doing the topic of Florence Nightingale it was very interesting.
Miguel Ll
I liked the trip to the fire station. I liked when we were in the fire engine. It was funny when Miguel Galan put the fireman’s hat on.
I liked making the finger puppets of the gingerbread man and I liked making a play of the Three Little Pigs. I also liked making carnival masks.
I remember working on the computers with Mrs Bentley.
I have liked working on the computers to find out about Barnaby Bear. I have liked working Javier.
I liked the Hoity Toity Angel. I like writing in Literacy.
I liked the trip to the fire station and going inside the fire engine.
I liked Andrea’s singing in the Hoity Toity Angel play.
I have enjoyed everything in Year 2, I especially remember Art Week.
I liked it when I got 20 merits and I liked singing in the Christmas play.
I liked learning about Florence Nightingale with Mrs Bentley. I also like throwing and catching in PE.
We have had a fantastic time in 24 Year 2!
I would just like to say a ‘BIG THANK YOU’ to We love playing Rebelde, it’s our favourite
3J for being a fantastic class and making my first year here at BSA such fun!!! Good Luck
game. Sira is Mia, Maria is Lupita, Camilla is Beco and Laura is Roberta.
e are super friends and we like to play together all the time. Cristina, Marta, Priscila, Andrea, Lucia, Paola and Daniela.
We play a lot of games and we laugh a lot. We like playing the game called hide and seek. Pablo and Iria
Iván, Adrián, Héctor, Yong Le, Sergio, Rober-
to, Fernando, Daniel, Danial and Kike. Our favourite sport is football. We all play very well. Iván is the best goalkeeper of Y3J. Kike is the best forward of Y3J.
The best bits about being in Y3J... Adrian
I liked it when Ben invented a story for Halloween and he Said “vaca waca”.
I liked going on the trip to make magdelena’s.
I liked it best when we painted some picturefor the mum’s day.
When the ambulance visited school we took turns in a chair with wheels and we had a race and it was very funny.
Yong Le
I liked the trip to the theatre to see ‘The Selfish Giant’. We had lots of fun.
I remember when I was new that I went to Y4 and the teacher said “you are not on the list” and I said “adios”.
I liked the traffic park because I like riding bikes and I when I went very fast I went off the road!
I liked making the magdalena’s because the teacher had to help me because I had one arm in plaster and couldn’t hold the bowl!
I like to play tag it is very funny because one day I fell again and again.
Pablo I loved the trip when we made magdalenas because my mum and dad liked them a lot.
I like playing football at patio time. I am the best goalie in 3J.
I liked going to the traffic park. My favourite subjects are Literacy and Valenciano.
I really enjoyed our history trip to Lucentum. When we made the clay heads they looked very funny.
Lucía My favourite trip was when we went to make magdalenas. Maria didn’t want to do it because when we put the milk and other ingredients together the colour was green and yellow.
I like the traffic park because there were bicycles and we played a computer game about keeping safe on the roads.
My favourite part of the year was when Yong Le scored a goal with his bottom.
My favourite subjects are Numeracy ,ICT and Golden Time. In ICT we play games and we go on the Internet.
My favorite subjects are History and Literacy. In history we did about the Romans and Anglo Saxons. We have learned about them going in battles.
I like playing football being forward with Alex. They say we are a fantastic pair.
I love Science my favourite topic was growing plants.
My favourite lessons are Art and ICT. I like playing games on the computer.
I liked the traffic park. I was following Sergio on the bike when I went off the road, onto the path, wobbled and fell off!
I liked it when we did Art Week because we painted a lot.
I like to play football on the patio.
Year 3P have been thinking about everything they have enjoyed over the year. Here are some of their thoughts: Sara
I liked the trip to make Magdalenas. As well I enjoyed Art and I.C.T. I enjoyed it when the ambulance came because I’d never seen an ambulance before. I enjoyed the trip to the Traffic Park and riding on the bicycles. I also like playing with my friends.
I have enjoyed doing Science a lot because it is very interesting, like looking down the microscope you see a lot of things. I liked I.C.T., playing “Grannie’s Garden” it was funny when the witch moved her eyes. I enjoyed Geography. I have a lot of fiends in the class. My favourite trip was going to the Traffic Park.
My favourite subject is History, and my second favourite is P.E. My best topic is the Vikings. I liked it when my Mum came in to do Art with us on Tuesdays. My favourite friends are Guillermo, William and Alex.
I enjoyed Science because it is good. I liked playing “head to head” in Numeracy. I like playtime because I play with my friends. I liked music because I like to sing songs. I liked “Golden Time” because we played with the toys.
I enjoyed all the subjects in Year 3. I enjoy learning because I want to go to University. I enjoyed Art most of all. I especially enjoyed going on trips.
I liked being in Year 3 very much, especially because of my teachers and friends. As well, I liked the football league, Numeracy games, (like “head to head”) Science, (discovering how plants need to grow) doing P.E. on the apparatus, and lots of other things. This has been my best year in the B.S.A., and I’m very pleased with the class.
I liked I.C.T., Music, Art, Spanish and Spellings. I enjoy my lunch. My best friend is Alicia; she makes me laugh. I liked going on the trips.
I enjoyed all subjects in Year 3 and found all of them fun. I liked it so much in Year 3, and was really really happy. I had lots of friends with whom I enjoyed playing. The trips were so much fun, and one trip was to three places with a great train ride.
I enjoyed it a lot being in Year 3. I enjoyed P. E., “Golden Time” - playing with the toys, my friends because I can play with them, and they are very funny, the trips, I.C.T. - playing on the computer, and painting in Art. I liked playing football in the League, because we won.
When I started in the school I didn’t have many friends, but now I have some more. My best friend is Harry.
I enjoyed studying the Romans, and being in the football league, and the investigation about absorbing. I loved History because it was very interesting. I have lots of best friends in Year 3, and I enjoy playing with them.
I went on a trip and made Magdalenas. In I.C.T I liked playing “Grannie’s Garden”. I enjoyed doing Gym. The ambulance was very interesting. It was good making Chinese Lanterns. In “Golden Time” I enjoyed playing with the Lego. I liked the Book Fair. I enjoy playing on the playground with my friends.
In Year 3 the football team won the League. I have lots of best friends in Year 3. In Year 3 the teachers are fun. I liked Year 3 because this year Music was more interesting. As well, we went on a lot of trips. I have enjoyed it in Year 3.
I’ve liked how good my friends are with me, especially how Guillermo made me laugh. I also liked the trips; my favourite trip was when we made Magdalenas because we could eat them and they were nice. Also, I’ve liked studying the Vikings and the Romans. I forgot my league – we won the League!
I liked Art and Science. I liked going on the trips. I liked playing with Omar; he is my best friend. I liked “something special”. I liked playing football.
I enjoyed all the subjects, because they were very interesting, and the trips were fabulous. I liked playing at playtime with all my friends, and I am very happy to have so many friends. I liked making the Chinese Lanterns, and playing “Grannie’s Garden.
I was very happy in Year 3 when we made Carnival things in Art, when we did the Christmas Play, when the ambulance came, (especially when we got up onto the bed! ). All the subjects were very good, especially making presents for Mother’s and Father’s Day. I enjoyed all the trips, and copying the style of Van Gogh because he painted lots of beautiful pictures. I liked getting house points and table points. I have a lot of friends that I play with in the playground. My favourite friend is Hannah because she is very kind, helpful and honest. In the playground we dance and sing. And this year was incredible!
I liked it in Year 3, and I loved all the different subjects, because this is the best school in the world. This is where my best friends and teachers are. I was excited when we went to make the Magdalenas, and also when we went on the Earth Trip. I enjoyed sport, and and in Art, making Chinese Lanterns and a tin cockerel. I love I.C.T. because it is my favourite subject.
In Year 3 I enjoyed doing P.E. I liked History because it’s interesting. I liked Music because it’s good. I liked doing my spellings. I enjoyed learning English. I want to learn Valencian. I enjoyed playing with my friends.
I liked going on trips. I liked playing tennis and “cops and robbers”. I like all my friends. I liked I.C.T. a lot. I liked studying the Vikings in History. I liked spellings, but I liked “Golden Time” more. I enjoyed doing Science experiments a lot. I liked “Circle Time”. I like playtime, especially lunchtime as it is longer.
I liked doing the Christmas Play because we got to dress up and we had our faces painted as well. I enjoyed doing the myths, the Good Samaritan and Pandora’s Box in Literacy. I enjoyed Art because at Easter we brought in a boiled egg and decorated it. I liked I.C.T. when we went into “Grannie’s Garden”. I enjoyed History when we pretended to be Romans. I enjoyed doing all the experiments in Science. I enjoyed Book Week because we changed classes. I liked all the school trips. I liked the teachers and my friends, and playing in the playground. I enjoyed lying on the bed in the ambulance. I enjoyed P.E. when a girl from Charlton Athletic showed us some football. I enjoyed going on the Earth Trip, and singing “A sailor went to sea, sea, sea” in Music.
I enjoyed doing Art because I like doing it, and it’s the best thing in the world. I enjoyed doing Valencian because we can learn more, but my favourite thing is English., because we can learn very much more, and I have learned a lot of English. I play with all the class, but my best friend is Hannah. She is very helpful, and when somebody says I can’t play Hannah is always there to help me. I liked the trips. On one we made Magdalenas, and on another we saw a play which made us laugh.
Mrs. Pilkington What a fabulous year with 3P! I enjoyed the class very much. We worked hard, and learnt a lot, but had fun as well, and did many interesting things. The year went by very quickly, in fact, too quickly, and I shall miss them all next year. Well done Year 3P, and good luck in Year 4!
Miss Drein: I was thrilled when I found out that I was to have my old class back again. It has been a pleasure to see how they have grown and matured since I taught them in Year 2. We have also welcomed some new children into Year 4D and they have together made the class a wonderful one to teach. I wish them all the best of luck in the future and urge them not to forget our time together as Y4D!
Laura: Since I came to Y4 I’ve learnt lots. One of my favourite things is the guitar. I also like Art because we do lots of detailed work. I liked Maths Week, especially the Treasure Hunt, it was good fun. I liked when we did experiments with solids and liquids in Science. Y4 has been a great year.
Yongmin: It has been fun in Y4 because I have played on the Interactive Whiteboard a lot on Mathszone. It was also fun when we had a Treasure Hunt with Egyptian scarabs and stones. It’s been good because it’s the second time with Miss Drein.
Aitana: My name is Aitana, I’m in Y4D. My favourite subject is HISTORY! This year I liked: my guitar lessons, the Egyptian scarabs we made, the stories we wrote in English, reading with Y1, doing collages in Carnival Week. Here is my group’s collage.
Sarah: I came to BSA from a small school and did get lost in the secondary building at first! But I did settle in well and made good friends. The first struggle was to learn Spanish and then Valencian. My most liked subject is Art and the thing I love doing most is Spanish Dance with my friends.
Alec: I liked dressing up as a cow for carnival. Here I am with Jesus. I also really liked both treasure hunts that we did for Maths and History because I liked the sweets we won as a treat.
Miguel: Hello, my name is Miguel. I am in Y4 and I like to play the violin. I practice a lot. As well as the violin, I like to play football and tennis.
Nicole: My name is Nicole, I am in Y4 and I have liked reading to the Y1 children. My favourite subject is History and I play the guitar. I loved going swimming and when we went on trips. Also I liked doing the carnival collage of Brazil!
Alvaro: My name is Alvaro and
my favourite subject is Science. I loved winning the dressing up competition for Carnaval! I was a bit shy when I came to BSA but now I am not so much. It is a good experience being in this school.
Caterina: My favourite thing in Y4 is the Egyptian topic, especially doing the puzzle because there are so many pieces! I love doing painting in Activities after school too.
Alex: I’m Alex and the things I
Gracia: I came to BSA this year Luis: This Year I really liked doing Football after school. We are very good and get to play against other schools. I also like to play with my electric guitar
like best about Y4 were Swimming and Science. My best memories have been the trips to the chocolate factory in Villa Joyosa, the Museum in Elche and the Music concert in another school.
and I thought it was going to be very difficult but it is much easier now. My favourite subject is English and I loved writing a very funny story about a dilemma. I learnt that sometimes the problem is not what you think it is!
Isabel: It has been fun in Y4
Carolina: I’m Carolina and in Y4D I liked doing reading with Y1T. My favourite memories are when we went on the trips to Elche to the Egyptian Museum and to the Valor factory.
Jesus: The best thing in Y4 was when we saw the ambulance, it was enormous. We went inside, we listened to the noise it made and we saw how things worked. It was fun!
Joby: My name is Joby. I am in Year 4. My favourite thing is Geography because I enjoyed learning about the dabbawallahs in India. My most treasured memories are the trips; one to Elche and one to the Valor chocolate factory. They were fun!
Maria: It has been fun in Y4 because we have done lots of different activities in History like making a cartouche with our names in Hieroglyphics. Here is mine.
because… I liked doing the Egyptian presentation because it was fun looking in books for information about gods and goddesses. I really liked the Book Fair because the books looked very interesting. I love Maths too. And I also like Judo and Drama!
Paula: My name is Paula. In Year 4 the thing I liked most was the Spanish dancing with Sarah and Gracia. My favourite thing in class was when we did paintings in Art of different flowers. They were very effective.
Alejandro: In Y4 I liked doing
Art, History (especially anything related to Egypt), everything in Science and the difficult Maths work. But my favourite thing is ICT! I do chess and liked being in the chess championship. The other good thing we did was reading with Y1 children.
Silvia: Since Year 4 started my favourite subject is History because it is really interesting. I loved making the scarabs. Being with Miss Drein has been really good this year.
Javier C: When I came to BSA in the Nursery I wasn’t scared, but when I passed to Reception I was scared. Now I am in Y4 I am very happy in school. My favourite thing to do out of school is Basketball.
Hector: My name is Hector. I am in Y4. In Y4 I like doing maths because it is easy for me. The name of my teacher is Miss Drein and she is very funny and a very good teacher.
Javier D: My name is Javier Diaz. My favourite thing in Y4 was when I drew Henry VIII in Art because I carefully added lots of detail. I also liked all the different games we played in maths.
Trip to Elche
In year 4 we went to Elche, it was a Tuesday and it
was very hot. We went on a little train and then had our snacks in the Palmeral. I like how it was because it was near my house. Then we went to the Egyptian museum, and then we saw a giant screen, afterwards we ate again in the Palmeral. Then we went to the play park and the swings. After that we went to school and after school I went home. Natalia Galan
Mr Manning Fox says: This was my first year at the BSA and Class 4M have made sure that I really enjoyed it. They make me laugh with their jokes and sometimes they even understand mine! I will miss teaching them and wish them all every success as they move up through the school.
In year 4 we went to a trip to Vil-
la Joyosa and we went to an archaeological museum and we put on some tunics then we wrote our age in Roman numbers. Then we went to a park to eat and then we went to the chocolate factory of Valor. Then they gave us chocolate. After that we saw statues and we saw how we make chocolate. Alejandra Lledo I liked it a lot when we went to Valor in Villa Joyosa, the chocolate factory, it was amazing. First we saw a DVD about how they made chocolate, then we saw the factory, it was fabulous. After a while we went to the shop and they gave us 4 chocolate sweets and I bought a bar of chocolate. After eating my lunch I wanted to eat a piece of chocolate but instead I ate my sweets because I wanted to save my chocolate for my house so my family could taste it. All my family wanted some and I gave them 3 little squares each.
We went to a museum in Villa Joyosa and we learned about the Romans. They gave us a piece of wood with some wax inside and with a little thing made of wood we wrote our name and our age with roman numbers. And we put on some white tunics like Romans. Then we went to a chocolate factory of Valor where they told us the story of Valor. We looked at a video of Valor how the chocolate was made and inside the video there were some adverts. We went inside the chocolate factory and they gave us a bag with 4 chocolate sweets and a little book telling how to make the chocolate. We went to a park to eat our dinner. Then we went to school and got our bags and went home. Gonzalo Martinez
Ana Anton
The funniest thing that happened to me
It was when Yongmin came to car-
nival dressed as a Grandmother. It was very funny, he had a walking stick, a purple dress and also he had a grey wig. Carlos Hannibal The funniest thing that happened to me was when Iara made a funny face to Natalia and Natalia told the teacher. Later the teacher told Iara and Natalia to stand up and to make silly faces at each other for 10 seconds. When the class saw then they laughed for a long time. Chiara Alessi
In assembly Mr O’Connor gave me a certificate for a story but I didn’t do any story. It was year 3 that did the story and it was Ivan of year 3. Then Jorge said that we didn’t do any stories and Mr O’Connor read the certificate and it said 3J so I gave the certificate to Ivan of year3. Ivan Moreno In carnival I dressed as a fairy. It was Friday. We played all day and we did not do homework only played, dance, played games and we did a picnic with Y4D. And in Spanish we did not do homework only played a game and then we went to the assembly and we did a parade. On my table Alex dressed up as a knight, Jorge dressed up as a cow boy, Jamie as a cow boy, Carmen as a cow girl and Yong Xuan as a bull fighter. And then Mr Manning Fox took a photo. Ying Zhou
Primary Mr O´Connor
It has been a pleasure teaching year 5 this year. Every member of the class is a real asset to the British School of Alicante and I am sure they will all make great strides in the future. I have been extremely impressed with all of their hard work and enthusiasm over the year. All of the children have their own strengths and each of them bring something special to the class. The children have created some genuinely strong friendships, I am sure, one day when they are a little older, they will look back at this year book together with fond memories.
5C Memories Football with Fernando, Alex, Juan, Alfonso, Luis , Carlos and Cayetano
We have all really enjoyed playing football this year. Juan, Luis and Alex joined football as an extra curricular activity and have had the chance to play in the league. During patio we usually all play on the same team because we are all good friends. We take it in turns to play in goal but Fernando and Carlos are the real goal keepers. Juan, Alfonso and Luis are the strikers and usually score the goals. With Alex and Cayetano in defence we usually never lose!
At Ceramics with Hana, Marta amd Lucia
We remember when Marta made Lucia and Hana laugh. Lucia and Marta painted each others faces with clay. We had great fun. In one lesson we made a mini-house out of clay, once we finished we left it in the oven to harden. Then we had the chance to paint our house. We all hope to carry on next year.
My friend Victor by Harry Marshall My favourite memory is when I first met Victor. He made me feel very welcome to the school. It was my first day when Victor became my friend. He is funny and kind, he also plays with me a lot. He’s really reliable and a good friend.
Medieval day Tom Jenkins
Writing competition by Lydia Kay
At the Traffic Park by John, Michael, Kyle
Our favourite memory was when we went to the Traffic Park. Michael went through about 50 red lights while John ran over the person in charge and was not allowed to ride for a few minutes. Meanwhile, Kyle burst a tire while riding around a sharp turn.
My favourite memory is when most of the class entered a writing competition. All the excitement made me feel a bit sick. I love entering competitions because there is always the chance of winning. Competitions are cool and fun. If I could turn back time I would go back to that moment.
On medieval day we dressed up as medieval people and we had to find out who killed the kings tax man. Medieval day was set up in the sports hall; there was a bar, the king’s castle, the market, etc. At lunch we had a lovely feast. At the end of the day we found out who the murderer was and it was lord Devil.
Internet safety PowerPoint presentation by Robin Debondt
My favourite memory is when me and John made a power point presentation, it was my first time and I liked it .We were making a power point presentation about internet safety. I decided to do it with John because he is one of my best friends.
Making carnival floats by Monique Bachu
My favorite memory is when we were making the carnival floats. I made one with my friend, we had to use lots of newspaper because the tubes we were using were very slippery and we could not paint them. We made a space float and it was pretty hard. We had a sun a moon and a very big rocket. The rocket was blue and red. The float was really good.
My friend Alex by Daniel Lledo
One of my best friends is Alex, he is very funny. At play time, one day, Alex scored 1 goal and I scored 3. We are very good at football. He is little like me and we like to talk about films and games. His English is very good and he draws very well.
Medieval day by Paula Martinez
My best memory this year was when we had the Medieval day. First we went in to our groups; we saw lots of people dressed up in medieval costumes. We watched a play by the teachers and we had to solve a murder by following clues.
Carnival week picture by Mario Beltran
I remember when I, Alfonso, Carlos created a picture of space with a spaceship, the Sun, the Earth and the moon. This was for carnival week, it was beautiful, and we thought it was the best thing in the class.
My friends by Ornella
These are my best friends! Paula is always very helpful, Irene and Marta are really funny, Lucia is always friendly, Lydia is kind and Hana always has clever ideas.
Judo by Victor Lin Hu
Irene Nicolas Internet safety week
My friend Harry by Ethan Port
My greatest memory is when Harry came to school; he was very funny and good at football. After a few weeks Harry became Geography boy, this is because he is great at geography. Then he became Toms, Johns, Michaels and my best friend.
My favourite memory this year was when we created a Power point presentation about the safe side of internet for y3. We watched a video first, the video taught us: Never open emails, downloads or pop-ups with out asking an adult. Never chat with someone you don’t know and never meet someone on the internet. Do not post personal information online about yourself. Never respond to emails or anything that makes you feel weird or uncomfortable and always tell an adult.
My favourite day was at Judo, it was in a competition when I had fought with a child that was quite good and he beat me with his best attack. He was first and I was second, I felt glad to be second. However, I have been working hard in Judo and I think I will beat that child next time; I want to have the competition now!
Mrs. Langton My second Year 6 class at BSA. Children always think it’s hard for them to have to get to know a new teacher but the teacher also has to get to know them! I’ll be sorry to lose them now but I know they are definitely ready for greater things. WELL DONE YEAR 6L! Ernesto
When I was in year 5 I didn’t expect that year 6 would be so difficult, it was nothing like year 5. Although you always have a chance to have fun with your friends and chat, you have to work hard for your SATS.
When you go to year 6 you fell very nervous and for me I felt it was difficult. But I got the hang of things
I came into Y6L from a different school and was very nervous because I had never been new at a school before. I thought that my new teacher would be strict or mean and that I wouldn’t fit in with anyone. But I made lots of new friends and my teacher, Miss Langton was the best I had ever had. She likes to do lots of work, not to mention lots of homework!!!! Miss Langton has prepared us well for year 7 and the SATS. I think it will be hard in Secondary but I think we will be OK. After all, Miss Langton has never failed us yet!!!
Carlos Javier
Year 6 is a very difficult level. When I do something bad the teacher shouts at me. In patio time we always play games of running and football. I think that the SATS are a bit difficult.
Being in Year 6 has been a bit difficult when we arrived in September. But since November it has changed, now it’s not so difficult, it’s normal. And don’t think MRS.LANGTON is bad, because she’s not!
I had a lot to think about in year 6 like jobs, SATS, learning new stuff, but I enjoyed it. Miss Langton has got us ready for our SATS, she has also got us ready for year 7, but she is not all work she has been a laugh.
I think that year 7 is going to be hard to start, so I will study more. In year 6 you have to work hard,.
What I think is that this term it has been difficult because we have been studying hard because of the Sats, but what I also had was lots of support from my two teachers. The good thing is that we will be able to eat what we want and buy things on the food machine in secondary.
This is really the best school I’ve been in. The teachers have my best interest at heart which I have needed as I entered Y6, my friends are loyal and they care about me this means a lot because I will not have to face secondary alone. The SAT´s are a lot of pressure. I advise new Y6´s to listen to the basics.
I think y6 has been a very hard year, because like Chris said our teacher is obsessed with hard work, but now I think she’s good. I as well I think that Y7 is going to be worse because of the home work but the good thing is that you have more treats and rewards.
When I went into yr6 I thought it was going to be all hard work and SATS but a couple of months into yr6 I found out that it could be a laugh as well. People used to say Miss. Langton was a strict teacher but we found out that she has a lot of sarcasm in her (ha-ha).
My first day was on the 5th of September, I didn’t know anybody so I felt a bit left out but after I got to know everyone I began to feel much better. Now I know the school and I know I can find my way though the primary corridors but I have just adjusted to this and now I am going up to secondary and that is very different.
I think it is hard to leave primary because I have lots of friends in Year 3 to 5.Year 7 is going to be difficult because we don’t know any people and the work is going to be a lot harder than in primary. In my opinion the good thing is that we can choose the food that we want. Every day we are going to do homework.
When I got to Year 6 I thought it was going to be too difficult and that I was never going to get good marks. But now that I am finishing the year I can see that Year 6 is like an ordinary year, apart from having more trips more advantages and a really good teacher (Mrs. Langton really she is nice you just have to stay with her 1 year and she’ll be as nice as your own mum)Mrs. Langton has really taught us a lot as you can see my writing I think has improved. In my opinion 3 cheers for Mrs. Langton. To finish this I’ll give some tips for the Years 5 passing to Year 6: -always talk and give opinions -keep your books neat -finish your homework in time -AND NEVER TALK IN SPANISH IN CLASS!!!!!!!!
Some people have told me that secondary school is very difficult and I’m very scared at leaving the junior school. It is good to go to the senior school because we know more people. I’m scared because they will give us a lot of homework everyday.
This year we’ve been doing very hard work because we are doing the SATS to go to secondary. Miss. Langton has been a brilliant teacher and she has taught us everything we need to know. We are all nervous because we are going to secondary but we hope we enjoy it as much as primary. Year 5 I hope you enjoy Year 6. Good luck!
I hope Year 7 will be as easy as Year 6. When you get to the SATS test you may be a bit scared.
My first day at BSA was when I was in year 2 and I have progressed through to year 6 I have enjoyed all my subjects with Ms Langton and now I’m going up to secondary and that will be very different for me.
This year we’ve been doing very hard work especially the last term because we are having the SAT’s .At the beginning of the year we thought Miss .Langton was very strict but now she is teaching us very well .Nearly all of us are a bit nervous starting in secondary, people say they do lots of tests. The residential trip is going to be a relax after so much hard work, it sounds very interesting we hope it is going to be a very good trip. So year 5 don’t be thinking it’s all hard work you get a chance to play!
Primary Mrs. Swoffer
My first year at the BSA has been hard work but a lot of fun because of the lovely children in the school. I’m sure that all the primary staff will agree that 6S are vibrant and lively class with heaps of personality; we will miss each and everyone one of you. Our corridors will definitely be a lot quieter without them. Don’t forget to come and visit us! Anastassia
I enjoyed my primary school with my teachers and friends. I liked all my subjects. My favorite subjects are Literacy and Numeracy. I look forward to secondary and to new teachers, new subjects and more homework. But I will miss my primary teacher’s.
My life in year 6 had been really wonderful although the SATs were very difficult. Some days have been excellent and wonderful. My teacher called Jo Swoffer is quite strict mostly and she kept reminding us about SATS. My favorite teacher was in year 4 who was called Miss Doherty. The teacher who mostly taught me English was in year 2 and 3, miss Pilkington. I have enjoyed lots of things I have done in this year!!!
My life in year six has been difficult because of the SATS. One of the things I have like is being with my friends. In less than a month we are going on a trip for 5days. We are all nervous about going into secondary and I am a little bit scared about it. I have loved being in year six!
My life in primary has been really funny! My days in year 6 have been really difficult and hard. The SATS, my teacher called Jo Swoffer which is really strict and loads of more things. My favorites teachers are Miss Doherty, Mrs Swoffer Ms Langton and last but not less important……Mrs Pilkington. There were loads of jobs to do in year 6, I was teacher liaison officer.
“Year six has been a very difficult and exciting year” The most ghastly thing was preparing for S.A.T.S. I really want to have my own locker so that I can have my own private things like my diary or even my school diary.
My life in year 6 has been great, I have more friends! My year in year 6 so far has been better then in year 5. My friends are Scott, Pete, Josh Oliver, Chris, Jordy, Mario, Javier Coll and loads more. Unfortunately Josh has left but I still keep in touch with him Pete is in England because his Dad is ill and we all miss him.
My life in year 6 has been exciting, I expected that year 6 was going to be really hard but I realize that it was really funny!!! Also we had a new teacher that was amazing, and really funny!!! This year the only thing I was worried were the SATS …In this year I liked a lot being school councilor because we can choose more things for our class. This year I had make some really good friends like Javier, Eduardo, Tara, Jordy, guillemo,Scott, Oliver, Gerry , Emilio, Roberto , Alex, Mario and lots of more!!!
Javier R
This year it was different, we have lot of exams and I had never had a teacher like Mrs. Swoffer. She educates us more and now Javier coll, edu and the others like me are as good as the rest of the class. This year was one of my best in my life, but I think that year 7 will be more exciting!
My life in year 6 has been really ENJOYABLE!!! . When we did the practice sats I was really nervous but very excited to get results. I and Saskia helped Mrs. Swoffer doing the displays and we had a certificate. Above all I was more excited when Mr. O’Connor chose me to be the house cap-
I have been trying very hard this year for SATs at the end of year, I am looking forward to the residential trip at the end of the year. My favourite aspects of primary are this: My favourite teacher is Miss Doherty My favourite year was year 5
My year six has been better than any other year in the school because we can do jobs that in years 2, 3, 4 or 5 we couldn’t do, like siesta beds or play with the fun little boys in nursery or reception. Now we are the house captains and school councilors so we can make a better school. In year 6 we go to furthest places like to Matalascañas (Huelva) for a great time for 5 days. But not all is fun because next year we are going to have more homework and much more work and we have to move around all the school.
Ok I’ve had a great time in 6s with my friends and my teacher Joanne Rose Mountjoy Swoffer… the best juppy… lovely and quite good…I’m not the best scientist (ufff) or a perfect writer. My best friends PETER, JAVI, JAVI, ROBERTO, MARIO, SCOTT, JOSH, OLIVER, GERRY…Maria, claudy, Tari etc…I think that my best moment in year 6 was the moment when we went to a museum and we saw a lot of paints.
My life in year 6s has been great fun, lots of friends such as Gerry, Scott, Josh, Peter, Chris and lots more. Josh my friend has now left. Also my friend peter has gone back to England but he will be back in year 7.
When I started in year six, I made lots of friends. I thought I wouldn’t make any friends, but I have made loads. The teachers at this school are very nice, my favourite Teacher is Mrs Swoffer. It was a good choice to come to this school .I am looking forward going into year seven but there will be a lot of homework and I am NOT looking forward to that.
I liked the year six because Mrs. Swoffer came. She doesn’t shout as much as others. I got more friends like Javi C, Javi R, Edu and Scott. Peter has gone to England because his dad’s in a English hospital.Josh went to another school called sebat. I think we all miss him.
I liked it a lot in primary. All the time I have understood something with all my fabulous teachers. I would love it to be like it has been in primary but in secondary.
My year six has been all right. We get to do fun stuff like be house captains and get jobs. My friends in year six are great like MARIO,EDU,DAVI DM,DAVID,ROBERTS also known as ROBERTO,JAVI R,GERRY,OLIVER,JOSH,PETER, MARIA, Claudi and lots more. My teacher is quiet good MRS SWOFER she gives us sweets. In year seven I look forward to good lunch, more homework etc etc. Not everything is good JOSH has left and PETER is along time since I see him. At end of year we are going to matalascañas(Huelva)for 1 week. My best classes are P.E Valencian and more so beware 5C!
At the beginning I expected it to be hard in Year 6 but it turned out to be OK. I thought that I would find the new vocabulary in year 6 complicated, but it wasn’t too bad, my mum and dad had told me most of those words during the summer holidays. I thought that the maths would be the most complicated work of all, because in years 4 and 5 I was not that good at math, however now I’m in the highest maths group! Lucky me! I also was elected as House Captain for my team: Water. My teacher Mrs. Joanne Rose Swoffer is very nice and helps us with the work, which we do not understand. I have made many new friends and I sure am looking forward to Year 7.
We did a lot of fun things and bad things the most time good things. We played a lot of football and we scored lot of goals but then the ball goes over the fence and we have to wait until the man comes. In class there were silly boys and good boys. And I have nice friends called Ollie, Gerry, Scott, peter, Chris, Javier coll, Mario and More.
It’s been harder for me in year six because I’m new to this school, but I know my way round now! I’m looking forward to our trip in the summer, but not to SATs. I’ve made lots of new friend’s,our teacher is Mrs Swoffer and she is very kind.
I’ve been in the last class of primary and I was looking forward to do the sats because then I pass to year 7… and im happy and all my family is happy!
I had been trying hard in year six for this moment, SATs one of the hardest test. I have to improve my effort and science! The sport in year 6 had been very competitive so I liked that because I am very good at sport.
Year 7Ls Chat Room When Felix brought a banana to school and forgot that he had it in his bag .He started throwing his bag around and when he took it out of his bag it was all squashed.
In the first term Felix and I were sitting in maths the windows were open and a wasp came in and Felix tried to make the wasp go away and accidentally he through his book out of the window.
Se単ora Lopez sent us out the room .We
We were in English 3.Mrs bowers went out of the class we thought we were in trouble, but she came back with chocolate and crisps.
In la Manga when we were sleeping (Mo-
Last year in la Manga .I was saying bye
thought we were in trouble but at the end she had done an Easter egg hunt.
resche and i)were snoring a lot. We were like a sound track.HA,HA,HA..
to candela when I turned my head around and bumped my head on to a signpost.
In secondary a lot of things change for example
the patios are shorter, the time table, classes are longer, the teachers are great. By: Candela, María and Sandra
Our Teachers Mr. Saunders , is our tutor but he is going in the future. Madame Martin or Madame Wall? How is she really called? Mr.Fisher , teach us maths while he´s dancing in the class. In sociales is Mr. Belda He used to live in Elda. Mr.Esteban and Mrs. López Teach the same subjects Mr.Roberts teaches Biology And he teaches ict Science teacher there´s one Mrs.Taylor is the one
Well, what can I say???? I´m an alien. This year has been an absolute treat; it has been a pleasure to be a form tutor to such great kids. I wish every one all the best in the future and hope they achieve all their goals.
When I grow up I want to be a dentist. My hobbies are playing football and watching Tv.
I have enjoyed secondary school with my friends very much. When I am older I would like to be a clothes designer.
I enjoy school very much and try to work hard so that I can become a Doctor when I am older.
Year 7 was not as hard as I thought it would be, I thought we would get lots of homework. When I am older I would like to become a writer.
I want to be writer or an actor. I thought it would be really hard in secondary but I have managed to get through the year easily.
I have liked a lot of things this year in secondary and when I am older I would like to a scientist.
I enjoy secondary school a lot, when I am older I would like to be clothes designer.
I have enjoyed Secondary school and met very nice teachers.
I would like to be a footballer when I am older.
When I grow up I would like to be one of the following, a writer, actor or a runner. I don’t think I will achieve any of them but I can dream cant I??? Cant I???
I enjoy school as I am with all my friends. When I am older I would like to an architect.
I enjoy secondary school and love all the new teachers.
10 Little Teachers 10 little teachers thinking life is fine Mr. Nutter told off Javi and then there were 9 9 little teachers standing on a crate, Mrs. Taylor slipped, fell off, then there were 8 8 little teachers teaching year 11 Mr. Saunders got bored and then there were 7 7 little teachers playing some tricks Miss epps got in the way and then there were 6 6 little teachers going for a drive Mr. Belda went off a bridge and then there were 5
5 little teachers walking out the door mr fisher fell over then there were 4 4 little teachers In P.S.H.E. Mr Roberts fell out the window Then there were 3 3 little teachers trekking to Kathmandu, Mrs. Goode ran off ahead then there were 2 2 litte teachers having some fun Mr Wall went too far Then there was 1 1 little teacher confiscating a gun The gun backfired Then there was none
Secondary My class….Year 8B by Mrs. Bowers
So there we were first day back after our glorious summer holidays, looking warily at each other and trying to psyche each other out. Yes… there were reservations on both sides, their infamy had preceded them and presumably they’d heard a thing or two about me. We very quickly learned more! So here we are now approaching the end of a year where we have had and overcome many problems (Nicole why do you have to stick you nose upwards using sellotape?? And Anis there may be an I in your name but there is no I in team…).We have had some sad and happy times and the saddest of all (from my point of view) is about to happen, the end of the year and the end of them being my class.
So what were the highlights?
Here is our Alphabet for year 8B…..
Me: The trip to Murcia, it was so interesting and the activities were really well presented by the monitors Them: The holidays Me: The Halloween disco, the costumes were amazing and everyone had a great time Them: The friendly atmosphere Me: The Anti – smoking visit arranged by the Ayuntamiento. This really made us all think about our personal habits and good health. Them: It hasn’t happened Ah well…. Guess that’s just the generation gap! So I’d just like to end by saying,“ It was a really interesting year and I will miss you all”.
A is for Astonishing, B is for Beautiful, C is for Crazy, D is for Disgusting (we know what) E is for Ewww! F is for Fantastic, G is for Great, H is for all those hours and hours, I is for Intelligent, J is for Joe (smiley face), K is for kool (o.k spelling’s not our strong point), L is for looney, M is for Mad, N is for Nutty( watch out Hannah), O is for Ouch!!, P is for Pathetic, Q is for Queasy ( see D), R is for Rock on Hugh!, S is for smelly, T is for Tantrums, U is for us, V is for Valor Mrs B’s favourite choccy, W is for that other lot, X is for X-treme, Y is for rebel yell , Z is for zoo (sometimes we have been described as this).
Funniest moments of the year… Well… there were lots of funny moments this year, but the one of the funniest must be the time Melanie and I had to act out Macbeth for history, but the worst thing was that we had to act out as the two witches!!... Melanie decided to put scarfs on our heads and jumpers just to look a bit older than we are. We also decided to wear Mrs. Bowers glasses, even at the point when we were ready to rehearse, we couldn’t stop giggling. When we both started practising our speeches we put on old woman voices that were the laughing started...but wait there is more! At the end of our play Melanie and I had to chant a spell around a dust bin which was used as our cauldron. At the same time as singing we made weird sound effect while dancing it was hilarious! Most of the time we would trip up… but at the end of the play we both fell to the floor with laughter.
didn’t see the lamppost in front of him, he ran straight into it and he had a huge lump on the side of his head bigger than a tennis ball he went to hospital but he was ok in the end just a bit slower than before.
Lucys Candy Floss Face Lucy laughs nearly all the time. Every single word you say, she giggles to herself. But, when she finds something really funny, her laugh turns in to a cackle and her face turns as pink as candy floss. She hides in her arms so no one can see her and turns bright pink like she has just been stung by a bee. I’ve never seen anything as pink in my life… Lucy’s candy floss face. By Melanie and brogan
Lucy’s Disaster
box of rackets. He tried to kick a ball, missed, hit the box of rackets, which fell on the floor, and Santiago also fell.
One day we were on our way to English class. Matthias was walking out of the door and Lucy tried to trip him up, she missed his leg and got her foot caught in the strap of Matthias’s bag. Matthias didn’t realize and he carried on walking. He dragged her half way down the corridor with Lucy limping on one leg. When she got to the end of the corridor Matthias pulled the bag really hard and she fell to the ground. She fell on her knees and she couldn’t stop laughing.
By Victor
By Natasha Dawkins
1 When we were playing football and Kevin ran into the lampost. 2 When Santiago was playing football, he missed the ball, hit the net and fell on the floor.
3 When Santiago was carrying a
There were many funny moments this year but for me the funniest moment was when Kevin was playing football, I passed it to him over his head he was watching the ball and running as fast as he could to where the ball would land but he
Where I will be in 20 years time Where I want to be in the future In the future I want to play for Hartlepool united because they’re the best team in the world they are the best. By Alex Compton In the future I will be on the motocross world championship tour riding on a KTM 950. Keiron I will be living in a giant Bunsen burner. Because in 2027 there wont be volcanoes, instead of volcanoes there will be Bunsen burners and the rich people will live in them, I will live there because I will be trillionaire. Because when you are the inventor of the first time machine you get to be a very rich person. In the future every body has always a good friend because you can buy them for 90 cent in the friendshop. If you start to get bored with them they change yours for a new one. I’m telling you this because in 20 years time I will create the first time machine, but also I will rent friends. By Ander Barrenechea
Mr. O´Connor 9O are a great form. They are, more often than not! Great to have around as a group of individuals. It is very nice to see more than one person voted nicest person and happiest person. This form have lots of potential and I wish them all individually the very best in the future. I will be here if they ever need any assistance in the future as well. Here´s two quotes for 90 to think about as they enter two decisive years of their lives… ¨We see only what we know¨ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) German poet, dramatist. ¨Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration¨ Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931) U. S. inventor. P.s. 90 are still waiting for Ms. Penpraze to buy us chocolates due to 90´s excellent win over 9P in merits…and of course everything else!
9OAwards! Funniest Person: knock, knock, who´s won...... Marcelo!! (way out ahead with votes! I can´t wait for his next joke) Nicest Person: Manu / Charlotte / Laura (split decision, even tie!) 9O Favourite Teacher: Señor Belda (but special mention to Mr. Saunders who ran him close!). Einstein of the Year: Relativity Jaime (well out ahead!) Happiest Person: Claudia / Alejandra / Miguel Angel (shiny happy people!) Chattiest Person: Claudi(overwhelming winner!). Longlife Duracell batteries have met their match!! Pacman Hall of Fame: Miguel Sancho
9O Comments on the year
Sananah: I wasn’t here at the beginning of the year but when I did come it was great. Year 9 was great. The subjects were good, the teachers were fun and I got to know a lot of people and I made friends, quick! Best time of year was when we all went to France and I made a lot of friends with the
Jaime: Year 9, a long, hard year for what? SAT´s, options?...NO! the really good thing of the year is coming very quickly……HOLIDAYS!!!!!
Manu: The year has passed very fast and the next year must be like this, with a good trip and the same people and the same tutor!
Ivan: I cant wait (until next year) until I don’t have to do any more subjects I don’t like!!
Daniel: The funniest moment on the trip to France was when I nearly fell into the Seine!!
Miguel Sancho: My best moment of this year was when we got to the top of the Eiffel Tower because I have never visited Paris before
Alejandra: The year has gone past very quickly, it´s been a funny year and also a very hard year.
Monolo: The best moment of the year was when ´someone´ farted when we were in ICT class in Geography in front of the teacher!
Miguel Angel: It´s been great. It has passed very fast!
Charlotte and Claudia: Paris…indescribable!! Our wake up calls by Madame Santerre, Ice skating, everything was incredible!
Secondary Miss Penpraze
I think I have had the best behaved, smartest looking, calm, tutor group in Year 9. Particularly Victor who always has his shirt tucked in, cuffs buttoned up and never needs reminding! ......Ok, now lets be honest…What has it been like having 9P every morning for a year? Well, now that I have invested in ear plugs, it has been very relaxing. Nicky has been fantastic helping me to get my classroom prepared for the day and normally playing practical jokes on me, which I have become very wise to! Victor has been the caffeine alternative…definitely having the same effect! Vicente normally looks disheveled in the morning which always amuses me. Alvaro, Ged and Victor often seem to be up to some sort of mischief, normally involving a ball, paper aeroplane or something of the sort, more recently my Cornish Pastie magnet! Marta, Claudia and Maria can always be found madly gossiping about the weekend! 9P have been a fantastic Form group and great Geographers! I will miss the burst of energy every morning! Good luck next year 9P.
Itziar: We had fun in Geography when we had a lesson on France. We ate some French food, wore some French outfits and listened to French music. We also made a big wall display of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.
Maria: When we went to Paris we had a terrific time! The funniest moment was when Marcelo was hiding under the bed and he nearly got caught!
Guillermo: I enjoyed saying the one sentence in the Litter Assembly that Miss Penpraze made us do, “So what can we do about it?”
Carlos: This was my first year at the school and I have had a lot of fun. Everybody has been very friendly.
Claudia: During tutor time, Maria and I did a dance to the song “I´m a Barbie girl”. We wore pink hats and fluffy scarf’s and sang beautifully. Miss Penpraze, Senora Guio and Senora Santerre borrowed the same hats for the X factor show!
9P Memories from the Year Marta: I loved the trip to Paris, but the best part of the year was seeing the teachers humiliate themselves in the X- Factor!
Victor: The funniest part of the year was when Miss Penpraze got stung by a Fishy and was in the Spanish Newspaper!
Vicente: I enjoyed creating a rap on water pollution for Geography. Victor and Alvaro´s rap was entertaining. Very tuneful!
Isabel- I love my Lengua lessons because Senor Esteban makes me laugh!
Alvaro: When we were in Paris we went on a simulator and Ged unfastened the girls seatbelts, they went flying! Real simulation!
Ged: We went to the Coca Cola factory and drank lots of free Cola. Fantastic day!
Nicky: Somebody (I´m not saying who) played a practical joke on Miss Penpraze and took out the lead for the computer in our form room. Miss Penpraze tried almost everything to get the computer to work (apart from re connecting the lead) and ended up calling Mr Lazaro! We were trying to contain our laughter. Another funny moment was when we kicked a year 7 ball during patio time and it hit Mr Belda in the head!
Rafa: I am always on time to tutor time!
Secondary Miss Epps
How time flies! The third year with the same form group…how did you do it Miss Epps? I can hear you asking. Well, is was easy I would reply” Yes, every year my little darlings have grown up and changed in many ways and now in Year 10 they are all becoming young adults (some more than others, “He He”). We have had a busy year as they began their IGCSEs, they soon got into the routine of school, home and then more studying. Some of them have even begun to sit some exams this year and that includes me! They have been busy organizing work experience placements and preparing each other for getting out there in the big wide world. Fun interviews during tutorial time bring back memories of boys dressing up and some excellent role plays! New students have joined the form and have successfully fitted in as if they had been in the school for years. Our more long term members of the form continue to mature with the school. Alongside a few up and down moments this year has been a positive one with many fun memories. The students themselves have the pleasure of telling you all about their memories and fun times. I hope you all enjoy the pages of 10E and the fun memories of my little darlings. Thanks 10E for being there for me as well this year.
France! by Paige Stokes & Lydia Ourahmane The breeze whisks upon my face, Brushing past this open space, Three hundred or more meters high, My throat, my mouth, begins to dry Palace doors open wide, This golden gate within my stride, I take a few steps into the history, Of Paris and it’s surrounding mystery Photographs, memories, of a life before, Swirling, yearning of a breath no more, Disregarded and torn of what once was, No beginning, no end, no simple pause Sitting, soundless all alone, A creep, a creak, a haunting groan, Reverberating through my brain, Intensely cutting through my pain Walking down this silent hall, Each master piece stands so tall, The Mona Lisa in all her glory, We stand, we stare, we leave so sorely These gentle waters flow so gently, Sit and listen so intently, Watch the sky turn grey to black, The journey’s ending no turning back
She held my hand in times of pain An extremely clever young lady Clever Funny Boff! She should get a life! It’s not all about books! Big fat boff! Clever! Very clever! Extremely clever! Omg…. I love this gal for the pure fact that she’s a charmed lover like me!
Fun, hyper and honest!! Ma twinny!! Funny crazy person!! Really funny! Funky, cheeky gal! With a unique sense of style Very nice gal! Very friendly with everyone! Always happy and kind with people! Very friendly! Steph is gorjus!! Hehe!! Very friendly! Gorjus and friendly!
GORJUS!! O N PHO SB4L!!! Loud and funny! My girlfriend Chatter box! Very friendly! Peanut butter and jam samdwiches! Kiddy fiddler! Lv ya! My P.N.E buddy! Come on Preston! Nice friendly person! Funny and kind!
Fantastic musician! Kind and giving! Intelligent! Good worker! Nice person inside! Kind! Brave! Strong person! Kind person!
Jo got more confident! Well ‘ard! SB4L! PHO N O!! She can stick up for her self now as well as being girlie! She’s talkative and loud! Nice friendly person, and a bit dumb at times! Very funny and very nice with everyone! Always smilling! Crazy and loves pink! Funny, sxc gal! Crazy and hilarious! The best English buddy you could ask for! Elmo! The colour patchwork MATHS…TER…PIECE! Best gossip gal!! luv ya! Very good friend, always helps you!.
Is a gorgeous and a cute boy, Crazy and hyper child Completely crazy boy Hilarious, and keeps us in fits of laughter vey funny crazy AND funny He is….funny I love you Joe my boy Funny, Crazy boy Although he is crazy we all love him
Bestest mate in the world Nice friendly person Best geography partner ever! Lol! Funny and friendly! Shes very funny and very clever! Nice girl! She always smiles! She is very funny! Strong opinioned Yorkshire buddy!! Hehe Funny and Clever!!! Funny and friendly! PNE till the end!! Special burgers lol!! English buddy hehe
Nice, friendly person Funny, crazy person Wicked mate, love you Loud honest and boy mad! Sexy girl Very clever! Gorgeous hunni Nice sandwiches!! Where is my ……………… Miss Epps?!?!? Or have you seen my …………. Miss Epps?!?!
MISS EPPS! Kind! Good hugger! Fun! Sort things out! Always works hard to make year 10 closer together! Always there when I need her! Organized! Always willing to help people! A good form tutor!
Things about Lydia!
Funny and creative, very unique and random Funny and kind Creative and alternative – always says good morning to me Gorgeous and unique Original ideas – shes very original Unique Very special and different from other & great ideas Likes to sit next to the teachers Fun, Unique So totally random and never boring, and she manages to always get up sooo early Nice, friendly person Funniest and randomist pal I know Original, unique style Hilarious and random
Friendly and kind nice friendly person Always there for people. Stef loves you, caz is my twin. The hyper selby Funky bird, very friendly and she is always happy. She is always smiling she is very nice with everyone. Gorgeous and funny Ese equipo ese equipo! E!e! lol! Caz you’re a very funny FIRE Una Artista
Sarah Thomsen
Bestest friend ever, ´felicidades´ always remember ´marialusa jeje´ luv you loads you are an awesome mate Good person, better friend Very understanding and always happy, can help you with any problem, GOOD FRIEND Always makes me happy because she is a very nice person that helps me Nice funny person and always there for everyone Funny and caring Friendly Friendly Caring Always helpful and never forgets the register.
Nice friendly person Steph loves you Georgeous and cute Jordan is a spack .. in a good way! Loves himself too much .. no im kidding .. great laugh Hilarious Very funny and friendly
Soft inside! Completely mental I love her hehe Gorgeous and funny I love you too, someone who you can really talk to Funny girl Friendly Always smiling She’s a nice girl Happy
Intelligent person with a very nice humour and always smiling Great since of humour Lovely person Really funny Gorgeous Always talks Talks more than anything Talkative Nice knees Ese equipo! Ese equipo! E! e! So what are we doing Miss Epps?!? Muy Buena amiga que siempre te compriende y siempre esta deprest a ayudante pase lo que pase! Very funny and friendly
Shes buff! I like her bone structure lol, gorgeous Really funny, the greatest geograohy partner ever! Love you elvis! Steph loves you! Very quiet but once you get top know her she great and really funny Love you babe, you’re a great mate! Very nice with me! A friendly girl! I love our valenciano lessos together A very good friend, I love you! Shes a great person
What! Can speak 2 languages Childish sometimes but cool Fun He is nice when he want to be Good at ICT Friendly person
class report 50
,, h a n n a H y b m Poe agan e M Jo & Year 10 is made up of two “special” classes To get out of class we have to use passes At the moment we are studying for our igcses Our predicted grades are c´s, d´s and e´s
Apart from those lucky few who will get A´s Their names are Sam, Brendan Megan and Paige Stacy and Louise the terrible two They are cousins but no one ever knew Lydia´s the one we always praise Because of her style and her weird ways Caz, Christine and Steph are always together Best friends for now and probably for ever Hannah, Jordan, Sophie Emma and the rest All think the north of England´s the best Jo uses stupid quotes because she doesn’t use her head The best one has to be “Is Einstein dead?” Jordan Jack and Anton the sporty ones They say rugby and tennis are so much fun. Sol, Sara Angeles, Claudia and Sarah two Wherever you see one you’ll see the others too. Lewis and James the new one this year Lewis is the tall one and James is never here Mercedes and Cristina the Spanish two And they are the best part of our crew Max and Toni are Microsoft mad Is it for life or is it a fad? Sergio Adan and Eduardo are the Spanish lads All of them are completely mad!!! Chloe and Travis were not meant to be Everyone could tell it was easy to see Natalie and Krisha are best mates But are always having heated debates May is generous and kind When we need help we bear her in mind!
Hannah, Jo and Megan Y10
As I’m leaving the school… I remember when I first came to the school in Y6, when the school had only 300 pupils that the new building, the football pitch, and some more features weren’t here. I’ve been 5 years in this school, but this is the end of my period in this school now that I’m leaving to another school. Through these 5 years, I’ve learned a lot and I thank all the teachers which taught me all I know. I also have to thank all my friends which have always helped me, and that were there in the good and bad times. I have to say that I had a very nice time here in the BSA and that I will never forget any of my friends that I have made here. Anton, Eduardo, Toni, Travis, Jordan, Sarah, Angeles, Cristina, Sara, Mercedes, Christine, Joe, I will never forget you and you will always be in my heart. Bye to everybody, and take care everywhere you go. And I will never forget the 2 school trips we did; Granada and Paris. Thanks a lot to everyone. By Adan Hulst
Memorable Moments I want to be an octopus with three legs. - Jordan Cheeeese. - Louise Quak. – Jordan Scrambled eggs. - Jordan Jump out the window. - Jordan Are you eating pencils? - Jordan Can i have chocorocks….cucumber… I mean coco pops. - Jordan Is Einstein dead? - Jo I want to be a cheese with no holes. – Natalie Go away lion. – Adan Welcome to my planet, would you like to stay for dinner. – Stacy Get away from the bacon sandwich, oh but its pita bread. – Stacy Cheese on toast. – Louise Peanut butter and ice-cream – Jordan I know who the first king of England was… Henry 8th!!! – Chloe The class is full of hobbits – Max Hanyah, Pingpong, pa-ding!!- Louise And Stacy Drinking and driving is more than just alcohol! – Brendan I am the true saviour! – Jesus Pepperoni pure – James Beef stick – James Paige I think he’s being Rashy – Stacy Am I sam? – Sam What’s the capital of England? England – Louise Dwarf discrimination – Stacy Corruption is cool¡ - Sergy
Secondary Miss. Sue Kilner
For the past three years I have had the pleasure of being 11K’s form tutor; I have been greeted by their cheerful smiles, entertained by their lively banter and inspired by their morning conversations. Well, perhaps that may have happened in a parallel universe! Unfortunately I do not know enough about the social politics of my form group – I really have not done enough prying over the year – however, I do know that Year 11 certainly discovered their hormones this year. I have heard rumours of love triangles and Emily spent a fair amount of time sitting on Adrian’s lap whilst Maddie spent most of her time loitering in the corridor and outside the sixth form common room. I never did discover Scott’s true opinion about Royal Navy girls. There were also many interesting PSE conversations during the year when everyone discovered Adrian’s controversial views on sex and responsibility, which stirred many disapproving looks and critical comments from the girls. 11K is made up of some extremely talented students and big personalities. Since the beginning of Year 10, I have often been told by Miss Epps of the fantastic work that Esther has produced in her Art lessons and Mr Slater regularly tells me of Julia’s natural command of the English language. Personally, I have been impressed with Pablo’s debating skills – he could make a fine politician some day – in fact in some ways he reminds me of Margaret Thatcher; I am sure that she withdrew the milk from young children at one point during her years as Prime Minister, albeit not chocolate flavoured. There are many talented artists in the class: Dani Price, Louise, Esther, Stacey, Scott and Dani Fowler who all displayed their work at the Art Exhibition in April. I will most certainly miss my morning registrations with this group of lively individuals and I wish all of them good luck with everything they decide to do in the future. A word of advice Ashley for when you attend your first interview, try and avoid swinging on your chair! I will finish by sending my apologies to everyone in the form for ruining this year’s class photograph, but in my defense, it was a very windy day!
Here are some of Year 11K’s final thoughts, brought to you in acrostic style: I Go Crazy Studying for my Exams By Esther and Julia
Finally, what we’ve been waiting for Ignorant, no more Nothing gets past us Aren’t we great? Living it up in BSA Yearly, we succeed Enough to proceed Adventuring to the next level Retracing our steps to where it all began. Finally, the end is near In school, we decide to have a cheer Now the time has come A time to show ourselves Life is about to begin. Young teenagers strutting their stuff, Emotions are running high As the exams are getting near Results in the month after July! By Stacey, Frankie and Ashley
The end of the year Here we go Everybody, go team go! Final exams Indicate No-one knows About how to educate Lunchtime meals! Cause a fuss, Of course it’s all of us Underachievers No, no, no! Todos juntos Daring to go On different paths We shall walk, and Neverending doors we shall knock! By Louise and Emily
And then there was this masterpiece written by Arturo, Dani and Adri….
Yoyos are Extremely dangerous And Rarely Give Electrical shocks, but they are Lovely, although Expensive and Violent; Eventually they will get you in the Nose! Finally the year Is about to expire N’ we are All very sad, however Love is everywhere Year Eleven Expects some people to go, but others will do… A Level exams at BSA. Last day will be a Remarkable day that we will never forget! By Ambrosio
Monologo desde Vukovar Los cristales crujían y se fragmentaban bajo mis sucias botas. Levante la cámara hasta mi ojo derecho y tome varias fotos, aunque no pude oír el característico “clic” que hacia la cámara al tomar una instantánea, ya que quedo ensordecido por los disparos de la artillería y los tanques. Me encontraba en la ciudad yugoslava de Vukovar, era el 12 de Noviembre de 1991, y en esas fechas Vukovar era el peor lugar del planeta, el Stalingrado Croata, nadie quería estar en Vukovar, excepto algún que otro loco como yo. Camine calle arriba, andando sobre gruesa capa de escombros, ahora comprendía lo que significaba el termino que unos años después daría titulo a la novela de Pérez Reverte y que era usado frecuentemente por los reporteros de guerra para describir lugares como este, “territorio comanche”. También me había quedado claro ahora lo que significaba otro término aun más siniestro si cabe: “limpieza étnica”. La calle estaba llena de cadáveres, Vukovar era una ciudad de muertos. Llegue a un cruce de calles. Me pare a tomar algunas fotos. Mis dedos que torpemente presionaban el disparador de la cámara estaban agarrotados por el frío (el famoso general invierno ya se hacia notar en el frío noviembre de Eslavonia oriental) Escuche unas voces. De una esquina surgieron un par de adolescentes croatas, un chico y una chica, de unos trece o catorce años, corrían cogidos de la mano y miraban hacia atrás asustados. Nada mas salir de la esquina se escucharon unos tiros y cayeron al suelo, aparentemente sin vida. Les tome varias fotos, y pronto surgieron de la esquina los asesinos de los adolescentes, un pequeño grupo de paramilitares serbios, que estaban arrasando la ciudad. Me asuste, estaba cometiendo varias imprudencias al mismo tiempo, estaba solo, mis compañeros (los pocos que quedaban) estaban en sus refugios o se habían ido a lugares mas seguros (¡como me gustaría haberme ido a cubrir la batalla de la ciudad mediterránea de Dubrovnik en vez de este infierno!). Además me encontraba en medio de la calle cuando lo mejor es ir al lado de las paredes; no salen balas de los muros. Rápidamente levante la cámara para indicar que era un reportero extranjero, ya me había encontrado con grupos de guerrilleros como ese y hasta ahora no me habían disparado. Pasaron corriendo al lado de mí, iban hacia el sector controlado por los croatas. Uno de ellos me escupió despectivamente. Mi mirada se cruzo con la de uno de los últimos milicianos, iba armado con un fusil automático; el era muy joven, de unos dieciséis o diecisiete
años, en sus ojos solo vi odio e ignorancia. Ese momento quedo congelado en mi memoria. Entonces aquel serbio cometió una acción que hizo que mi vida diese un giro de 180 grados. Me disparo. Tres balas, creo recordar. Solo dos de ellas me impactaron, en la parte baja del tórax. Sentí como si me empujasen bruscamente al suelo. Luego un insoportable dolor. Lo primero en lo que pensé fue en ir al hospital. El problema era que se encontraba a casi diez manzanas, en la zona croata de la ciudad, estaba abarrotado de heridos croatas en mi situación y había muy pocos médicos. Me arrastre con dificultad hasta una pared, donde me desplome. Hasta ahí fue hasta donde llego mi instinto de supervivencia. Iba a morir. Di unas intermitentes y dolorosas bocanadas de aire, esto me indico que mis pulmones estaban intactos, lo que me daría unos minutos más de vida. Me ahorrare el describir que sentía físicamente ya que no es demasiado agradable. Y ¿Ahora que? ¿Iría al cielo? No, pensar eso solo seria engañarme a mi mismo, soy ateo. Se acabara todo, todo en absoluto ¿verdad? Será como antes de nacer, es decir, nada, ningún sentimiento, nada, todo se acabara, todo, ya no haría nada mas, ni sentiría nada más. Me entro un terrible e indescriptible miedo y empecé a llorar, aquí se acababa mi vida. Voy a morir. Intente consolarme, y pensé en la egoísta frase “siempre hay gente peor que tu”, solo tenia que mirar hacia delante y ver aquellos jóvenes croatas, la chica aun se agonizaba, Y los miles de Croatas que se habían atrincherado en el centro de Vukovar rememorando los gloriosos días de la Ustacha, ellos también estaban igual o peor que yo, dentro de poco morarían casi todos cuando los serbios obtuviesen su victoria pírrica. Pero, ¿porque me mato ese adolescente serbio?, ¿por morbo?, ¿porque si? Claro, solo soy uno entre miles de muertos, mi muerte solo costaba tres balas, ¿o me mato por que podría ser de etnia croata? Te matan sistemáticamente solo por ser croata, aunque supongo que lo más probable es que me mato por vergüenza, mataban a ancianos, quemaban aldeas, violaban a niñas, y yo lo captaba en fotos para que lo viesen millones de personas, yo si fuese aquel serbio sentiría una enorme vergüenza…. El ser humano es idiota, y por culpa de esta idiotez iba a morir. Somos lo suficientemente inteligentes como para fabricar un AK-47 pero lo suficientemente idiotas como para usarlo… ¿Por qué se mataban? ¿Vas a acabar con tu vida, con todo lo que tienes, solo por cambiar los colores de tu bandera, por la gran Serbia, por mover tu frontera unos kilómetros hacia el oeste, o por dejar de vivir bajo el yugo de los serbios?, por dejar de vivir bajo el yugo de los serbios… la gente solo se fija en el “bajo el yugo de los serbios”(o de quien sea) cuando la parte importante es el verbo “vivir”, ¡lo realmente importante es vivir idiota! Que mas da lo que in-
tentes conseguir si te van a matar y no podrás disfrutarlo, y por eso estaba yo así… por meterme en aquel inútil conflicto, aunque ya conocía los riesgos, ¿sabéis algo?, pensé que si moría me hubiese gustado morir sistemáticamente, de un tiro en la cabeza o por que me cayese un obús encima, así no tendría que estar planteándome todo esto, no sabría ni que estaba muerto, el caso es que ahora me tenia que enfrentar durante unos minutos a mi futuro… Iba a morir… Ya me quedaba poco a juzgar por el charco de sangre que había debajo de mí. Yo quiero vivir, aun me queda tanto por hacer, quiero encontrar el amor, quiero tener un hijo, quiero vivir mi vida. Aquellas balas representaban el punto final de mi historia, me dije a mi mismo. Bueno, mi dramático final llegaría tarde o temprano, ya fuese en Vukovar hoy o en el hospital de San Juan dentro de cincuenta años, aquellos disparos solo adelantaban las campanadas de mi reloj biológico, que llegarían tarde o temprano… pero ¿Porque morimos? Nacemos e inmediatamente estamos condenados a morir. Menuda mierda, casi deseaba no haber nacido. No hay dios ni nada de eso, eso se lo han inventado la gente en mi situación, es normal buscar excusas que te consuelen si estas en una situación de confusión y miedo como la mía, seria un alivio creer en la vida de ultratumba, envidiaba a los religiosos.. Intente pensar en otra cosa, levante mi cámara para hacer una foto, me sorprendió la fuerza de mi instinto profesional, pero mis brazos ya no tenían fuerza. El dolor se multiplico. ¿Como será estar muerto?, ¿Qué será de mi? Bueno, físicamente seré consumido por insectos, ratas y perros y probablemente acabare con la pareja de adolescentes croatas descomponiéndome en una fosa común, con suerte me encontraría la cruz roja, otro reportero o los cascos azules (solo si los ignorantes políticos decidían moverse de una puta vez para acabar con esta estúpida guerra) alo mejor me llevaban de vuelta a España y acababa en un ataúd decente. Pero lo que yo me pregunto es como será espiritualmente, o psicológicamente si lo prefieres… aunque lo más probable es que ni siquiera será, perderé todo tipo de consciencia y será así para toda la eternidad, ¿no? Este sentimiento de confusión e incertidumbre me daba un miedo terrible. Poco a poco empiezo a delirar y a perder la consciencia. No quiero irme, que alguien me ayude por favor, ayudadme, no quiero abandonar el mundo, la vida. Mi último recuerdo, además del sonido de los disparos y las explosiones, los gritos, el miedo y el dolor, fue un fuerte sabor salado en mi boca, proveniente de mis lágrimas. Arturo Zoffmann
Secondary Mr. Roberts
For the first 10 minutes of every day I have had the pleasure of spending time with the ragtag bunch that was 11R, my form group. The shadow of exams loomed large over the class but their spirits remained high throughout (even during the extra hours of science lessons). What I will remember most about the class will be Robert’s gross exaggeration of everything, having to kick half of 11k out of my room every morning, the look on Andrea’s face when she realized I could understand her conversation in Spanish, Yasmin, Brittany and Natalie discussing TV as if it were real life and Jess walking in at 9.09am every morning, forcing me to take Tipex to my register. Trying to get the form to take part in just about any non-compulsory
aspect of school life was not easy. The School Council and the Christmas Fair spring to mind, as do the words “blood” and “stone”. That said, the amount of work the class has put in as the IGCSEs have drawn closer has been admirable. Some have even located the library, and rumour has it that as recently as last week, Josh was seen writing something down during a lesson. A more pleasant group of students would be hard to find and I have been constantly impressed by their mature attitude. Wherever they go from here, 11R have made a lasting impression, albeit one that will take years of therapy to remove!
We can’t believe we have finally finished Year 11! We have been inseparable since We9,can’t believe we have finally finished We Lucy haveleft been Year although things haven’t been the Year same11! since us inseparable in Year 10. since Year 9, although things haven’t been the same since Lucy left us in Year 10.
Just like to say a big thank you to ALL our teachers for helping us so much throughout Just like to say a big thank you to ALL our teachers for helping us so much throughout the the year. Especially for Mr. Saunders, who didn’t bore us totally to death during after year. Especially for Mr. Saunders, who didn’t bore us totally to death during after school school class (LOL) and to Mr. Wicks who let us move into his room without charging us class (LOL) and to Mr. Wicks who let us move into his room without charging us rent! rent! We’ll always have good memories!
We’ll always have good memories!
Have a fantastic Summer everyone! We deserve it!!
Have a fantastic Summer everyone! We deserve it!! Loadsa love
Loadsa love
Yaz, Britt and Nat.
xxxBritt and Nat. Yaz, xxx
blah blah
blah blah
Zack caught in a rare moment “con libro” although we can’t yet confirm reports that he was actually reading it.
Eva caught in a rare moment “sin ipod” which we all assumed to be surgically attached to her ear.
blah blah Following the “cash for (maths) questions” scandal, those implicated were understandably media shy.
blah blah
Ana and Andrea (whose wonderful summary of homeostasis adorns my classroom still!)
Navneet: A relative newcomer to the group, but a much welcome addition!
Y12E Recipe for a year 12 “a la Brit Savoy” Ingredients: 1 teacher 1 Alex 2 Amys 1 Callum 1 Julia 1 Kiko 1 Max
Sr. Esteban Y12E Form Tutor
1 1 1 1 1 2 1
Melissa Noura Ornella Pablo Sasha Saras Xuben
Instructions: Take fifteen whole students. Make them just as fresh and in clean uniform as possible. Now cut each month into twenty different parts; but don’t make the whole batch at once. Prepare one day at a time with these ingredients and with care and affection. Let them simmer in September for a while as there are some that need extra time to dissolve/ be part of the new plate. Add a bit of spicy “how to stand on just one chair”. Mix well into each day one part of work, one part of laughter, one part of illusion, and a dash of friendship. Add to each day one part of hope in good As marks, a pinch of emotion, a bunch of passion for life, a pinch of curiosity and a spray of “future”/year 13. Pour all of this into a pot and cook thoroughly over one year. After that they will be ready to be served into y 13, garnished with a smile and a radiant look. I hope you enjoy the dish as much as I have, full of different, exotic and rich flavours.
Where´s Wally?
45 year from now... Sasha Leach
I am 64 years old, I am very rich now, following my sly scheme to steal all of Max’s money, he is now poor and I no longer know him. I am now living the life of luxury in Fiji, and occasionally get a flying visit from Amy and Noura who enjoyed five minutes of fame as pop stars.
Amy Bembridge
I lost 15 stones after my fourth divorce, brought out a yoga video, when I lost my teeth I got them replaced with diamonds. After four husbands I worked up 57 billion and become the world’s richest person. I didn’t need my university degree and have never used it. I never had children and will burn my heritage so no one can have it.
Xuben Xuren
I’m 85, and currently in the mafia inspired by Michael Jackson. I became black through many sessions of blackening. My boss is señor merda, and I aspire deeply to him. I’m also a part time stuntman in spite of my age, as I’m not afraid to die. My many years of being in the mafia have prepared me for my courageous death, probably goignt o occur during one of stunts replacing jet lee.
Ornella Bergonzi
I became a famous model and married a very rich man who owned the most famous hotel company in the World. I spent the days having chocolate baths, massages and riding around in my Ferrari. Later on, he died and I fell in love with another man, he was poor but I found my true love. We now live in the outskirts of Paris. It was a big change but we were able to adapt to it with the help of my seven sons.
Sara Deltell
I am 75 years old, 10 years ago I became a very successful business woman. Now I live in a big mansion in the country side with my husband. Every weekend my sons come to visit us with their families. I’m old but I still have lots of life to live.
Melissa Belak
I’m 82 years old and living in Kazakhstan. I have just signed a contract to play the lead role in the 2nd movie of Eragon. I shall be the dragon slayer called el Patas-Locas. However the one condition of me taking part in the film is to have surgery performed on me to make me look younger. Due to my failed botox and liposuction I look like this now…………………
Kiko Asin
I went to live to kashajsusbelikustan, due to problems with the law. I started a new life as a shepherd, I used to talk to my sheep everyday, RRRRRRR, PA I told them, SOOOOO……..MORLAKA! not years have passed and I m very old really dying, but I will always remember my lovely sheep !!!!! I ♥ SHEEP!!!!!!!!!!
Max Glover
I am 69 years old and flat broke, mainly because I was with a gold digger also known as Sasha Leach. I made all my money because I was the first person to fly to Uranus and that is how I got famous. I also heard a rumour that Alex had a sex change and I also heard that he is currently living with my ex-wife. I currently live in Skegness. Amy Bembridge lives in Argentina, married to Serg, and currently is a grandmother to 74 kids.
Noura Ourahmane
I am now 68. Me and Amy have had a hit single, it was so popular it set me up for life. Both got married. Twice. Have 4 kids, one of which is a tranny. Oh dear! I’m still in touch with Sasha, Max and Amy (who is still romantically attached to Chris) but he is in prison. I haven’t changed, apart from the fact that I’ve put on 15 stones.
Amy Ward
I am now 67. Me and Noura had a hit single that set me up for life. I’m married to Chris, but he’s in prison for fraud. Sasha had a mental break down, left the kids and took all of Max’s money. Alex is living in Fiji with us girlies as our personal trainer / stylist. Noura doesn’t participate she just eats. Amy B is in Argentina married to Argo Sergo, and has 6 kids. She’s still got nice hair, that’s because 3 of her grand kids are hairdressers. We don’t speak to Max anymore, he’s a loser.
Sara García
As of right now I am editor of Vogue magazine. I have five mansions located in the U.S. and I am married to a millionaire whoc is heir to Harrods, and we just won the lottery. Next week I am scheduled ot have plastic surgery with my husband. And later we will buy our own private island where we will spend the resot of our living days.
Julia Villaplana
After having worked the last thirty years as manager for one of the most prestigious soft drinks companies, I’ve now realised that my real ambition is to be a tattoo artist. I have recently formed my own tattoo business which I intend to expand. My daughters, son and husband don’t want me to continue working in this ‘inappropriate job’ as they call it; but I am determined to keep on despite their remarks.
Pablo Campos Giner
After studying in uni, I started working in several businesses. I was promoted so quickly that I decide to create my own company, which became really powerful. But as power corrupts, I ended up 30 years old in alhaurin de la torre for a couple of year. When I came back, I went back to my hometown, had a family and lived happily until I got bored.
Alex Nestor
THE RUMOURS ABOUT THE SEX CHANGE WERE NEVER PROVEN (although it is rumoured some photos exist in my safe) fijis quality! specially robbin maxs wife n his money - I pretend to be attracted to sasha but my true love is one of kikos sheep – is this wrong?
year 13BSA
new leavers
Form Tutor: Mr. Slater Dear Class, Jennally, life since Christmas seems to have Jess flown by with Ashtonishing speed and soon the common room door will Carlose behind you forever. A Nu ria is dawning and BSA life will be little more than a Jackanory or chapter in your past. Many of your memories will be the ‘fun and James’ of exam preparation and me nagging you about how using your free time is Stephinitely the Keonna to success. Despite possible fears of change I’m sure you’ll have a fabulous time pursuing your chosen paths; and, to Ale(j) and raduce your fears further many of you will have far lighter timetables in September with well Pablow the number of classes you’re used to. A rrander where you’ll be in five or ten years’ time - these are Martas for you to think and Charlotte about, but I Dariantee that life does not always turn out as you plan – which is what Is raelly exciting! I wish you all health and happiness. Good luck. Take care.
Celebrity Look-a-likes 1. Charlotte: Jojo 2. Chris: Nicolas Lyndhurst 3. Keonna: Samantha Mumba 4. Carlos: The Fonz 5. Katie : Peggy Patch 6. Jenna: Fergie (BEP) 7. Andrea: Chantelle 8. Steph: Kelly Osbourne 9. Isabel: Sofia Bush 10. Jessica: Penélope Cruz 11. Marta: Famke Janssen 12. James: Liam Gallagher 13. Alejandra: Princesa Leticia 14. Pablo: Jason Biggs 15. Israel: Robbie Coltrane 16. Daria: Stacie Orrico 17. Jack: Frankie Muniz 18. Arran: Arnold Schwarzenegger 19. Ashton: Daniel Radcliff 20. Nuria: Janeane Garofalo
2 3
ps - It Is a belief in yourself that is really important. pps - A stAndriad English version is loKatied below.
Dear Class, Generally, life since Christmas seems to have just flown by with astonishing speed and soon the common room door will close behind you forever. A new era is dawning and BSA life will be little more than a story or chapter in your past. Many of your memories will be the ‘fun and games’ of exam preparation and me nagging you about how using your free time is definitely the key to success. Despite possible fears of change I’m sure you’ll have a fabulous time pursuing your chosen paths; and, to allay and reduce your fears further many of you will have far lighter timetables in September with well below the number of classes you’re used to. I wonder where you’ll be in five or ten years’ time - these are matters for you to think and chat about, but I guarantee that life does not always turn out as you plan – which is what is really exciting! I wish you all health and happiness. Good luck. Take care. Mr Slater ps - It is a belief in yourself that is really important.
10 9
pps - A standard English version is located below.
13 17 59
18 19
I will remember you... Marta:
Every time we listen to Melendi, “caminando por la vida”, we will think about her singing it out loud.
Every time we listen Bob Sinclair, “World hold on” we will think about her for playing it on and on and on….
Laid-back, Quietly confident, Celebrator, Black, Low-cut-crack, Amusing, Mrs. Dickinson, Tight and Caring.
Every time we listen to techno, “big fish, little fish, cardboard box”, we will always remember him dancing with his choreographies.
Bubbly, Northern, Misunderstood, Generous, ´Catdog´, Bimbo, Cunning Fox, Confused, Dippy and Giggly.
Every time we listen to any musical, specially to Annie, “Tomorrow” we will always remember her singing it.
Every time we listen Bon Jovi, “have a nice day”, we will remember him sliding on the floor like a rock star.
Every time we listen to Akon, “smack that” we will remember her dancing on the table.
Class clown, Messy, Sky diver, Flying High, PB and J, an alert noodle, Backdoor brigade, Bang Bang.
Every time we listen to Shakira, “hips don’t lie”, we will remember her with a smile in her face.
Dark-Knight, Mysterious, Arty, ´TJ-O-C-K´, stop-watch, supernatural, religious, eau de jaque, cool, collected on his Diet coke break.
Out-Spoken, Campogirl , South African, musical, Open, Angelina, Lippy, Dirt-track, born-again, A Grand Design.
Sarcastic, quick-witted, long, Irish, Green Giant, moody, Explorer, Lighthouse, Tasty and finger-licking good.
Every time we listen to The Beatles, “Let it be” we will always remember his fascinating interpretation.
Every time we listen Danzel, “pump it up” we will think about her doing aerobic.
Every time we listen to MC Hammer, “can´t touch this”, we will always remember him dancing with his pelvis.
Extracurricular Activities Activities
Here are some snapshots from some Extracurricular Activities:
Campeón Equipo Futbol Sala Pre-Benjamin Juegos Municipales 2006-2007 Daniel Gómez Ribera Guillermo Fernández Bustos Alejandro bordera Solana Arturo Alcaraz Pastor Roberto Harris Benitez Eduardo Vivas Roca de Togores Martín Crespo Ibarra Omar Mora Borbalas Alex de Miñaur Entrenador: Enrique Sirvent Coordinador: Pedro García
sh Spani
Violin 62
Paula Serna Kuhl Miguel Alejandro Hurtado Serrat Marina González Amorós Daniel Tomás Yarysheva Gonzalo Valencia Jorge Antón González Alejandro Tirado Navarro Alejandro Tortajada Blanco Marco Gil Sánchez Roser Guillén Ripio Berta Crespo García Esther Paredes Moreno Carlota Martínez Juan Yago García Zamora Alexander Dominic Slater Samuel Perea Millson Sofía Bermejo Durán Mª Luisa Miñana Bernabeu Marina Fernández Fontán Paula Dionís González Tomás Torres Mula Daniel Ballester Mínguez Francisco Javier Serrano Valencia
Teachers: Mrs. Sue Carmona Mrs. Alicia Rodríguez
Teacher Assistants: Mr. Steuart Currie Mrs. Carethine Reid
Teachers: Mrs. Susan Currie Mrs. Joanna Millson Mrs. Alicia Rodríguez
Rafael Nava Herraiz Hugo Estañ Ruiz Kieren Mcgovern Carla Yue Borrego Mahiques Manuel Ten Gutiérrez Lucía Asensi García Laura Pardo Torrente Javier Anca García Alvaro Galinsoga Patró Nayua Younes Regidor Sofía Gil Sánchez Marta Prieto Rodríguez Carlos Payá Barachina Hannah Fernández Alex Blasco Pastor Inés Fernández Fontán Aarón Mora Borbalás Edward Slater Irene Giménez Kim Gastinel Guern María Gómez Moyano Jimena Pascual Martín Elia Oncina Blanco Alejandro Celdrán Muñoz Pablo Graciá De Diego
Teacher Assistants: Mrs. Julie Port Mrs. Mirian Seoane
Vicente José García Valls Aarón Sarabia Rivera Almudena Fuentes De Anta María Ros Parés Sofía Gil Blau Elena Coves Lozano Lucia Torres Mula Alfredo Sánchez Kobusinski Jaime Ramos Cerón Noelia Chen Sun Esperanza Sanjuán Pérez Gema Fuentes Membrilla Lucy Ann Hoverd Granda Alejandra Pérez De Azpillaga Alejandro Alba Mammeri Alvaro Concepción Corell Kostantin Kazantsev Alvaro Jiménez Planelles Carlos Sigfrido Seguí Segura
Teachers: Mr. Stephen Escott Mrs. Alicia Rodríguez
Teacher Assistants: Mrs. Julie Gale Mrs. Michelle Stoker
Teachers: Mrs. Linda Davidson Mrs. Alicia Rodríguez
Raquel Garrido Morales Virginia Domingo García Antonio Ros Navarro Unzela Ur-rehman Camila De Soto Marina Esteban Jarabo Alejandro López Ortega María Alicia Sanz Maestro Mario Gomero Victor Valero Quintana Alvaro Barroso López Lorena Galván Miguel Raúl Rico Lorenzo Lucia Cristina Malonda Macías Adrien Angel Venot Marco Rene Fernández Martínez Olivia Pedroche Van Derzen
Teacher Assistants: Mrs. Tricia Slater Mrs. Margaret Carberry
Vincent Hoffman Ian Harris Benitez Carlos Meana Pastor Tania Verdú Marco Eloy Santos Fellow Marco Antonio Quereda Moreno Luis Crenes Cerdá Elena Pei Shi Chen Guillermo Arthur Lloret Eva Mª Castillo Roselló José Fernando Alamo Gómez Carla Navarro Del Río Pilar López Marchena Adrián Navarro Amaya Lucia Nieves Galinsoga Rosana Gutiérrez De Paco Alba Mireya De Haan Sánchez Pedro Dureux Martín Adrián Vázquez Castro Daniel Sánchez Muñoz Sara Crespo Ibarra
Teachers: Mrs. Sara Perea Mr. Fernando Bellot
Rainbow Fish
Teacher Assistant: Mrs. Jackie Patterson
Teachers: Mrs. Heather Whittam Mrs. Alicia Rodríguez
María Patricia Slater Félix Castejón Clar Javier Gutierrez Ujeda Adrián Poveda Navarro Marian Galinsoga Mª Carmen Amador Durán Lucía González Blanco Alejandro Martínez Yakoulev Aitana Cirauqui Palmero Alejandro Perea Millson Rodrigo Campos García-Romeu Carmela López Rodríguez Nicolás Nogués Sarmiento Oscar Bou Belda Clara García Mena Victor Martínez Pérez Nadine Zetterbeck Cárdenas Mireia Súarez Valle Malena Gioia Rodríguez Sara Amores Alonso Emma Ruiz Prada Blanca Pérez Domínguez
Teacher Assistant: Mrs. Susie Lovis
Charlie John Collingham Pablo Mira García Luis José Gil Sánchez Mafalda Cardenal Irene Pérez Beltrán Laura García De Diego Hugo Martínez Serrano Andreu Armero Soler Pablo Asensi García Rafael Torrecillas Martínez Patricia Criado Navaro Gines Nicolas Zapata Jonas Elber Javier Patricio Estañ Sara Gómez Moyano Daniel Rodríguez Vicario Alex Agullo Alvareda Sara Espinosa Rastol Alexander Gutiérrez De Paco Ignacio de Lucas y Jara Jacqueline Guillo Calzado Noa Younes Raul González Miralles
Teachers: Mrs. Sarah Anthony Mr. Fernando Bellot
Students Not Pictured: Marco Arias Lezcano Irene García Vicent
Teachers: Mrs. Suzanne Crompton Mr. Fernando Bellot
Hugo Aníbal Baquedano Guillermo Santos Sánchez Germán Pascual Martín Sara Grau Pablo Selene Vanesa Ruiz Loss Uma Ivorra García Sophie Doran Daniel Anca García Santiago Fernández De Jaen Carlos Prieto Rodríguez de Vera Nicolas Claramunt Montagut Clara Fernández Fontan Alejandro Ots Sánchez Jorge Esteban Jarabo Sergio Estañ Ruiz Guadalupe Góme Ribera Marta Rubio Díaz Aitana Moreno Rodríguez Jorge Paya Borrachina Florián Gastinel Patricia Ribes Vivo Carolina De Sotos Gallegos Pablo Avellán González Paula Ten Gutiérrez
Students Not Pictured: Daniel De Minaur Roman Lara Juliet Greiff
Pablo Vives Matasán Tian Shi Chen Alejandro Mesquida Jiménez Andrés Gallego Nieto Antonio Marcos Ortiz Jas-Karan Shyam Bachu Scarlet Heath Alex Andrew Collingham Jack Thomas Luis Miguel Revuelta Potenciano Adrián Santo Fulleda Ivan Buisman Santiago Manuel García Villalba Samuel Millán Norman Angel Sánchez Vicent Sebastián Sierras Gómez David Ricote Sánchez Cesar Amerigo García Villalba Zheng Shuo Shan Juan Carlos Pinera Sánchez Diego Izquierdo Manero Beatriz Amat Maroto
Teachers: Mrs. Karen Tomkins Mr. Maeva Rodríguez
Teacher Assistant: Mrs. Elizabeth Gaffney
Teachers: Mrs. Sarah Muratore Mr. Juan Mora
Inés Tretter Paloma Galinsoga Patró Victor Martínez Espinosa Marta Victoria Borrego Mahiques María García Sotos Julia Arráez Gutiérrez Manuel Menor Torregrosa Marc Malyar Pablo Bermejo Martín Alberto Clemente Soler Armando Sala López Antonio López Ortega Jacobo Jiménez Rodríguez-Losada Paula Canicio Sempere Silvia Hernández Benito Ivonne Fernández Herrero Emma Enríquez Sirvent Loic Buleón Rodríguez Irene Martínez Hierro Rocio Rubio Díaz Quique Celdrán Muñoz Miguel Cardona Polo Teresa Pombo Gil Zay Megías Ruiz Marta Bañón Medina Andrea Borras González
Jaume Bou Belda Carla Valero Quintana Rocio María Piñera Sánchez Rocio Díaz Pallarés Erik Fernández Martínez Jorge Blasco Pastor Sonsoles Arteaga Alenda Manuel Olivares Alonso Javier Almoyna Mataix Martina Mañez Gambín Alvaro Pastor Solana Malena Pardo Torrente Jude Taylor Cristóbal García Fernández Celia Claramunt Montagut Andrea Garrido Moreno-Palancas Agüeda Fernández De Bustos Blanca Lanzarot Facio Miguel Galán López-Celada Daniel Rico Lorenzo Eduardo Puentes Garay María Entero Ruiz Laura Oncina Blanco Miguel Lledó Niñoles-Manzanera Rebeca Kivijärvi Busto Elena Pombo Gil
Teachers: Mrs. Sarah Phillips Mr. Juan Mora
3 J
Teachers: Mrs. Emma Jones Mrs. Maeva Rodríguez Mrs. Mercedes Guió
Priscila Patricia Gomero Polyak Pablo Carrillo Martínez Sofía Martínez López Cristina De la Concepción Laura Avellán Sira Santonja Roberto Harris-Benitez Daniela Blanca Pedroche Yong Le Chen Chen Fernando Conde Macía Andrea Gilabert Sergio Martínez Fernández-Pacheco Quique Moreno Caballero Iria De Haan Paola Zetterbeck Cardenas Adrián Hortelano Sanz Camilla Alessi Lucía Ortiz Martínez María Arthur Lloret Marta Nava Herraiz Daniel Gómez Ribera Hector Martínez Iván Ricote Sánchez
Students Not Pictured: 74 Hector Martínez Martínez Santonja Chiapelo Sira Sofía Danial Ur-Rehman Sherani
Alejandro Bordera Solana Gorka Mancisidor Rodenas Harry Williams Eduardo Vivas Roca De Togores Chloe Blackwell Josh Suraj Bachu Guillermo Fernández De Bustos Sara De Rojas Serrano Alice Crespo Paula García García Alekxandra Kustudic Joaquín Prieto Reig Marina Martín Fernández Arturo Alcaraz Pastor Sergi Fernández Macia Raquel Ballester Minguez Omar Mora Borbalas Adriana Suarez Estevez Hannah Louise Morgan Alba Gutierrez Ujeda Carlos Coll Diez Martín Crespo Ibarra César Beltrán
Teachers: Mrs. Ginny Pilkington Mrs. Maeva Rodríguez Mrs. Mercedes Guió
Students Not Pictured: Alex F. De Minaur Román William Smith
Teachers: Mrs. Kelly Drein Mr. Juan Mora Mrs. Mercedes Guió
Miguel Valera Noguera Laura Gonçalves Scalco Alec Barcenilla Van Der Maesen Hector Chapela Lamas Jesús Valencia Potenciano Alex Barrenechea Linares-Rivas Sarah Ourahmane Isabel Giménez Rodríguez-Losada Caterina Prynn Cuadrado Alejandro E. Ramos Sánchez Mª Carolina Valero Ríos Javier Díaz Sempere Alvaro Bonet Vera Nicole-Chantal Kuiper González Paula Izquierdo Manero Silvia Campello Baeza Gracia Carratala Dols Aitana Ramón Guillena María Bañón Medina Javier Coll Diez Luis Blanco Santamaría Yongmin Cho Park Joby Leach
Students Not Pictured: Mohammad Monis Joanna Traynor
Hugo Alfredo Barcenilla Van Der Maesen Carlos Aníbal Baquedano María Isabel Segura Cascales María Eugenia González Martín Gonzalo Martínez Romero Jaime Lee Dumbarton Carmen Menor Torregrosa José Luís Alberola Riquelme Alejandra Lledó Niñotes-Manzanera Olga Santo Fullera Chiara Alessi Jorge Rubio López Mario Valero Quintana Alex Ruiz Prada Matthew Jenkins Yong Xuan Chen Chen Natalia Galán López-Celada José Luís Martín Burrel Stephanie Anne Islip Ying Zhou Shan Carlos Beduino Senen Iara Pecino Macedo Ana Antón González Eloy Jesús Piñera Sánchez
Teachers: Mr. Paul Fox Manning Mrs. Patricia Sánchez
Student Not Pictured: Iván Moreno Manzaneque
Teachers: Mr. Chris O´Connor Mrs. Puri Gonsalvez Mrs. Patricia Sánchez
Fernando Martínez Bueno Cayetano Jones-Gaspar Luis Prieto Reig Juan Soriano Botella Lydia Aoife Kay Robin Debondt Alfonso Pérez Andreu Victor Lin Hu Kyle Paterson Ornella Guerrero Bianco Lucia Dorán Santamaría Paula Martínez Hierro Thomas Jenkins Carlos Sánchez Vicent Irene Nicolas Zapata Harry James Marshall Mario Beltrán Rodríguez Monique Anjilee Bachu Miguel Francis Saliba John Yañez Dobson Daniel Lledó Romero Alex Hernández Benito Marta Bonmatí Morales Hana Cho Park Ethan Port
Student Not Pictured: Charles Corbin
Carlos Rives Vivo Christopher Ward Marina Campos Castaño Brooke Bowe Sean Thompson Mena Obdulio González Amorós Philip Boecker Lee Alba Espinosa Rastoll Yvette De Soto Gallegos Shannon Mangan Ainoa Sánchez Llorca Jemma Willimas Jorge Solá Sanz Carlos Javier Nuñez Castelo Laura Molina San Jose Jesús Ferrer Torrecillas Amy Lawrence Patricia Zetterbeck Cardenas Ernesto Zoffmann Rodríguez Pablo Lledó Roberto Bergonzi David Agulló Albareda John Noteyoung
Teachers: Mrs. Josephine Langton Mrs. Patricia Sánchez
Students Not Pictured: MaCauley Boshir Benedikte Henriksen Jimena Hernández Navarro Artem Kravchenko
6 S
Teachers: Mrs. Joanne Swoffer Mr. Patricia Sánchez
Rajni Saffron Bachu Emilio Alcaraz Pastor Gerrol Bartley Claudia Esteve Cortes Fiona Eugenia Barcenilla Van Der Maesen Anastasia Souzdaltseva Roberto Reviriego Scott McCusker Oliver Heath Samuel Dennis Escott Alexander Kuiper González Jordy Debondt Eduardo Torres Sunyer David Mullor Tomas Guillermo Ferrer Torrecillas Saskia Blaum Tara Wudhiphan Ana María Cabrera Pastor Natasha Llanos Edwards Javier Coll Javier Rojo Tomas
Students Not Pictured: 80 Peter Ffoulkes Nacho Martínez Gimeno Mollie Frances McAllister Mario Moreno Manzaneque
Moresche Bartley Rebecca Hall Félix Troeschel Marta Signes Espuch Alejandra Esteve Corte Verena Oetzmann Gustavo Guerrero Bianco Iker Parra Aparicio Claudia Pastor Monllor Alvaro Nevares Alvarez Manuel Espinosa Rastoll Sandro Fernández Herrero Juan Antonio Sirvent Benedicto
Form Tutor Mrs. Laura López
7 L
Student Not Pictured: Rebecca Haswell
7 S
Form Tutor Mr. Sebastian Saunders
Javier Nicolás Zapata Candela García Villalba María García Fernández María Molina San José Lita Santos Fellows Irene Moreno Acevedo Damián Mangan Liam Galbraith Alejandra Gutiérrez Ugeda Ana Villaescusa Andrés Ashford Dawkins Toby Saliba Macauley Boshir
Charlie Grinstead Hannah Jane Irving Joe William Bembridge Brooke Jeffrey Anis Kanz Mottahedeh Jennifer Richards Hugh Lawrence Kiefer Port Carmen Solano De Vicente Marie Therese Klรถckner Nicole McCusker Matthias Blaum Jordan Russell
Form Tutor Mrs. Janet Bowers
8 B
Students Not Pictured: Jessica Haywood Santiago Povedano Margarit
Form Tutor Mr. Phil Wall
Kalim Levick Ahmed Kevin Thompson Mena Ewout Buisman Lucy Metcalf Brogan Holt Natasha Dawkins Amy Crowe Ander Barranechea LinaresRivas José Manuel San Román Sirvent Victor Candela Llorens Monet Leach Harriet Wightman Melanie Mollán Moscoso Kieron Fowler Alexander Compton
Ivan Blaus Miguel Angel Balibrea Gómez Manuel García-Serna Cortes Claudia Plaza Alejandra García Charlotte Gregory Sananah Anjana Bachu Laura Naveira Blanco Manuel Alonso Orts Marcelo Del Río Sánchez Jaime Sánchez-Ferragut Ardura Miguel Sancho Peña Daniel León González
Form Tutor Mr. Nail O´Connor
Student Not Pictured: Ana Martínez Quiles
9 P
Form Tutor Miss Lisa Penpraze
Carlos Martínez Romero Guillermo Solano De Vicente Vicente Torres Gerald Thomas Barrow Claudia Fernández Pérez Itziar Nava Herraiz Marta González Bertó Victor Calderón Marco Nicky Stewart Alvaro Almoyna Mataix Rafael Nevares Maria Villaescusa Andrés Isabel Sirvent Benedicto
Paige Stokes Antón Farber Carrielee Jade Holt Lydia Ourahmane Sergio Rojo Tomás Joe Broughton Jordan Glover Jo-Angela Cornelius Natalie Roache Chloe Leach Krisha Gandhi Christine Yañez Dobson Claudia García-Valdecasas Pagola Sarah Ghahremani Thomsen Sol San Román Sirvent May Anisa Mottahedeh Stephanie Buisman Sophie Howard
Form Tutor Miss Margriet Epps
Students Not Pictured: George Ffoulkes
10 T
Form Tutor Mrs. Sheila Taylor
Eduardo Quesada Maxim Salekhov Samuel Gunter Adán Ulises Hulst Sempere Travis Cray Antoni Serrano Sempere Jordan Naylor Sara Del Río Sánchez Louise Novelli Brendan Retter Jack Joseph Bembridge Megan Wood James Fenning Angeles Sánchez Fraile Mercedes Coll Cristina Torres Sunyer Stacy Braden Hannah Marie Hulme Lewis Frankland
Student Not Pictured: Emma Galbraith
Ambrosio Nevares Alvarez Adrián Llopis Arroyo Ashley Kensett Scott Coogan Arturo Zoffmann Rodríguez Daniel Vicente Cazorla Stacey Mckay Frances Long Danielle Fowler Emily Gray Alvaro Delgado Pérez Francisco García Berna Pablo Mas Botella Esther Pastor Monllor Louise McCusker Danielle Price Julia Signes Espuch Madeline Betts
Form Tutor Miss Sue Kilner
11 R
Form Tutor Mr. Matthew Roberts
Richard Pollock Josh Russell Jessica West Charlotte Rodríguez-Fitzhenry Navneet Bachu Natalie Sanderson Anthony Crompton Robert Tricker Eva Torres Yasmin Sian Ahmed Zack Jenkins Cristina García-Serna Cortes Ana López Montes Andrea Martínez Díaz Callum Mosely
Students Not Pictured: María Dolores Lorenzo Navarro Brittany Eleanor Seabrook
Alexander Nestor Xuben Xu Ren Sara García Pérez Sara Deltell Domingo Noura Ouhramane Amy Louise Ward Max Glover Pablo Campos Giner Julia Villaplana García Ornella Bergonzi Sasha Leach Francisco Asín Callum Wightman Amy Jane Bembridge Melissa Belak
Form Tutor Mr. Daniel Esteban
12 E
13 S
Form Tutor Mr. Dominic Slater
Pablo Martínez Bueno Arran Chambers Carlos Crespo Christopher Doherty James Alexander Currie Ashton Garner Nuria López López Marta Mollá González Daria Korkoshko Alejandra Delgado Pérez Jack Tytherleigh Keonna Ball Jessica Naveira Blanco Katie Laytham Jenna Nadine Ray Charlotte Terry Stephanie Ellen Cooper
Students Not Pictured: Israel Limiñana Forner María Isabel Lorenzo Navarro Andrea Thornley
SPONSORS avda. del zodiaco, 28 03006 alicante teléfono 96 592 08 33 fax 96 592 08 34 akra@lobocom.es
Material de Oficina Consumibles de Informática Mobiliario de Oficina Material Didáctico Material Escolar Seguridad Infantil Eurest Colectividades, S.A. Río Segura, 27 03320 Torrellano (Alicante) Tel.: 96 568 20 30 Fax: 96 568 20 14
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