Yearbook 2010

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Irene Rubio Marín • Aitana Berenguer Abad • Adriana Fernández Bernabeu • Laura Buades Caminati • Alessia Franciosi Tomasi • Joaquín Sapena Blanco • Sofía Cabrera Zamora • Álvaro Marcelo Monreal •Sandra Del Pecho Alba •Isabel Botella Soler • Alfredo Chinchilla Coves • Maya Fernández Martínez • Pablo Fernández Manso • Miguel López Prieto • Adrián Valera Noguera • Jaime Guinea Escrivá • Rayan Akkouche Ghadban • Mia Benavente Castro • Emilio Sanjuan Pérez • Nicolás García Fernández • Raul Ots Sánchez •Sara Esther García Mena • Jesús Sánchez Mollá • Yong Rui Chen Chen • Celia Pastor Izquierdo • Zachary Phillips • Ainara Marín Ramirez • Laura Echandi Millán • Hodei Manuel Elmira Domínguez • Andrés Alba Memmeri • Joan Ros Parés • Covadonga De Dios Sánchez • Gorka Martínez Fenoll • Maya Ayela Meléndez • Jimena Carbajo Ruipérez • Javier Quiles Rodríguez • Gema Del Carmen Gómez Mira • Moisés Jiménez Planelles • Joe Sean Hoverd Granda • Guillermo Mesquida Jiménez • Elena Ros Navarro • Julia García Pardo • Lucas Martínez Juan • Alejandro Lobo Sánchez • Oriol Carrió Cortada • Paula Fructuoso Serrano • Jose Ramón García Fernández • Alvaro Fuentes De Anta • Victoria Vera Espinosa • Pau Cerezo García • Hugo Juan García • Malachi Arthur Topp • Olivia Warburton • Natalia Jiménez Adrover • Miguel Ángel Paredes Bustos • Andrea López García • Claudia Cabeza Ortega • Manuel Fernández De Jaén • Pedro José Ibáñez Ortuño • Miguel Tirado Candela • Noe García Sánchez • Eduardo Navarro Del Río • Egone María Larraínzar Gijón • Andrés Alejandro Carbonell Galle • Julia Fernández Marchante • Miguel Ruiz Viciana • Álvaro Pérez Domínguez • Ruben Toledano Molina • Samuel Torrecillas Martínez • Jorge Díaz-Crespo García • Alvaro Iniesta Sanchis • Yolanda Mora Borbalás • Naomi Lin Ruan • Mar Agulló Santana • Alba Juan García • Felipe Méndez Vyugina • Alejandro Payá Barrachina • Gianluca Guerrero Bianco • Joan Sanfrancisco Iníguez • Lucia Cánovas Martín • Lucía Jiménez Gil • Alba Galán Solana • Nicolás Torrecillas Lafuente • Rocio De La Fuente Andrade • Pablo Méndez Alcolea • Ignacio Rubio Nieto • Iván Quesada Díaz • Claudia Belló Pastor • Katherine Megías Freire • Daniel Girona Climent • Victor Manuel Peiro Martínez • Arnau Llorca Martín • Joan Pérez Bertomeu • Ana Jarabo Bernabé • Santos García Valls • Paula Moya Carnero • Paz Casamitjana Ortega • Juan Luis Guevara Bustamante • Lucía Fuentes Membrilla • Rodrigo Amorós Rocamora • Raia Fernanda Inez Williams • Antonio López Marchena • Javier Cirauqui Palmero • Ángel Miguel Orenes Gallego • Anastasia Martínez Yakouleva • Jose Álvaro Verdú Soler • Mireia Carrio Cortada • Izan González Denia • Esther Pérez Martínez • Lidón Morante Álvarez • Eduard Ordóñez Prodan • Álvaro Cano Fernández • Ricardo Domínguez Zúñiga • Lucía Mosquera Macià • Mauro Valls Vidal • Sandra Higginson Amorós • Kevin Soder Villegas • Paula Martínez Poveda • Noa Minjie Pérez Quereda • Blanca Picó Navarro • Alberto Pérez Payá • Joan Van Beek Maciá • María Jarabo Bernabé • Altea Ramón Guillena • Eduardo García Esteban • Aldo García Zamora • Jose Luis López Marchena • Diego Martínez Espinosa • Miguel Ruiz Miravet • Patricia Rojo Tomás • David Nicolás Mañez Gambín • Sofía Martínez Campello • Alejandro Lillo López • Cayetana De Anta Díez • Martina Moreno Rodríguez • Isabel Castaño García • Rubén Flaquer Monllor • Juan Del Pino Calpena • Nicolás Vallino Ruiz • Enrique Jiménez Canales • Alba Lapidge Rodríguez • Marta Emily Parkinson • Zahira Abellán Sogorb • Miguel Del Castillo Olmo • Roberto Tormo Navarro • Sofia Albors Noguera • Soraya Rodríguez Bulaix • Gabriela Fernández-Coppel Erbiti • Mónica Andrés Fullana • Daniel Sevilla Van Der Voorde • Pablo Antón Cáceres • María Pastor Solana • Lucas Avellán González • Carlos Pablo Molina Pérez • Adriana Iranzo Carrillo • Joel Alexander De Haan • Victoria Martínez Yakouleva • Guillermo Bonmatí Morales • Alfonso Sánchez Santacreu • Andrés Torrubia Bustos • Alexander Hita Moya • Asia Berkane Giménez • Pablo De Miguel Ortiz • Yang Jie Lin-Hu • José Victor Castillo Roselló • Celia Galvañ Miguel • Carlos Tirado Candela • Ana Mª Martínez Campello • Nader Kayani Mahmood Kausar • María Teresa Ibáñez Ortuño • Paula Esclapes De Diego • Fernando Lanzarot Facio • Marina Fernandez De Jaen • Pablo Girona García • Daniel Scott Gómez Carrete • Mateo De La Fuente Azcárate • Gonzalo Iniesta Sanchis • Che Guevara • Lucía Vallejos Figueroa • Laura Mitchison • Cristina Sánchez Villalta • Carlos Sánchez Pascual • Jacobo Medrano Hernández • Sara Sirvent Rodríguez • Sandra Parro Fernández • Paula Faus Marín • Roberto Bernabeu García • Alejandro Martín Ortega • María O´Driscoll Giner • Bruna Espirito Santo • Haile Richards • Laura Vidal Joan • Zhen Yang Nemo Lin • Guillermo González Blanco • Alejandro Sala López • Juanjo Pérez De Azpillaga Campoy • Victoria Alejandra Baez Santamaría • Alexis Cantos Sempere • Lidia Fructuoso Serrano • Teresa Miralles Vega • Sarah Siscar Rocher • Cayetana Pérez Serna • Denis Sotomayor Domene • Irene Caballero Alcaraz • Yoel González Denia • Luis Castillo Garrigós • Miguel Javaloyes Rodriguez • Julia Miralles Martínez • Elias Bauch Mira • Fara Santonja Chiapello • Valeria García Moreno • Laura Valverde Noguera • Carmen Candela García • Andrea Del Pecho Alba • Alejandro Borrego Mahiques • Jorge Caldeiro Zurbano • Rafaela Lobraico • Carla Rodriguez Vicario • Martina López Rodríguez • Iván Martínez Pérez • Alejandro Ortiz Martínez • Carmen Bañón Medina • Marina Meana Pastor • Carlos Garrido Moreno-Palancas • Nicolás Gioia • Inés Gómez Rastoll • Eduardo Romero Vivó • Yune Megias Ruiz • Lourdes Oliver Palmón • Lucía Ros Navarro • Sergio Campos Mengíbar • Pablo Grau Martínez • Adel Karim Berkane Giménez • María Alfonso Popova • Virginia Pizarro López • Juan Mª Llopis Flores • Jose Francisco Martínez Pérez • Julio Herranz Ibarra • Violeta Fernandez Cabeza • Elena Fernández Martínez • Aitana Viudes Forrat • Alberto Nahuel Pro Rodrigo • Samuel James Spinks • Rafael Nava Herraiz • Hannah Fernandez Martínez • Carla Yue Borrego Mahiques • Marta Prieto Rodriguez De Vera • Manuel Ten Gutiérrez • Carlos Payá Barachina • Pablo Graciá De Diego • Alvaro Galinsoga Patró • Alex Blasco

King’s College, Alicante


YEARBOOK Pastor • Elia Oncina Blanco • Nayua Younes Regidor • Sofía Gil Sánchez • Edward Slater • Aarón Mora Borbalás • Lucía Asensi García • Irene Giménez Rodriguez-Losada • Jimena Pascualmartín • Inés Fernández Fontán • Hugo Estañ Ruiz • Laura Pardo Torrente • Ismael Gamero Vera • Kim Gastinel Guern • Pablo Barrachina • Silvia Guinea Escrivá • Jonathan Stoen • Cristina Pérez Valles • Marina González Amorós • Samuel Perea Millson • Sofía Bermejo Durán • Jorge Antón González • Marco Gil Sánchez • Alexander Dominic Slater • Tomás Torres Mula • Mª Luisa Miñana Bernabeu • Yago García Zamora • Paula Serna Kuhl • Marina Fernandez Fontan • Francisco Javier Serrano Valencia • Daniel Ballester Mínguez • Nereida Chinchilla Coves • Daniel Tomás Yarysheva • Roser Guillén Ripoll • Gonzalo Valencia Potenciano • Paula Dionís González • Esther Paredes Moreno • Berta Díaz-Crespo García• Alejandro Tortajada Blanco • Carlota Martinez Juan • Aline Akkouche El Ghadban • Paula Vera Espinosa • Molly Amanda Spinks • Ariadna Puentes Garay • Lucia Torres Mula • Gema Fuentes Membrilla • Luis Casamitjana Ortega • Aaron Sarabia Rivera • Alvaro Jiménez Planelles • Gerardo De Dios Sánchez • Diego Larraz Martín • Elena Coves Lozano • Sofía Gil Blau • Carlos Sigfrido Seguí Segura • Esperanza Sanjuán Pérez • Alejandra Pérez De Azpillaga • Vicente José García Valls • Julia Cerezo García • María Ros Parés • Jose Miguel Belda Cortes • Noelia Chen Sun • Alfredo Sánchez Kobusinski • Alejandro Alba Mammeri • Lucy Ann Hoverd Granda • Konstantin Kazantsev • Almudena Fuentes De Anta • Lucía Martínez Espuch • Marcos Bauch Mira • Sofía López Sierra • Samuel Andrews Esteban • Marco Antonio Quereda Moreno • Tania Verdú Marco • Carla Navarro Del Río • Sara Crespo Ibarra • Pilar López Marchena • Eva Mª Castillo Roselló • Carlos Meana Pastor • Lucia Nieves Galinsoga Hernández • Ian Harris Benítez • Alejandro Burg López • Alba Mireya De Haan Sánchez • Rosana Gutiérrez De Paco • Elena Pei Shi Chen • Adrián Vázquez Castro • Daniel Cueto

Martínez • Miguel Orts Miralles • Libertad Sempere Baña • Carla Palmi Alonso • Guillermo O`Driscoll Giner • Pablo Pereda Asencio • Manuela Lobraico • Eva García Parra • Antonio Ros Navarro • Raquel Garrido Morales • Virginia Domingo García • Lorena Galvañ Miguel • Alvaro Barroso López • Rene Fernandez Martínez • Victor Alberto Valero Quintana • Alejandro López Ortega • Mario Gamero Polyak • Adrien Ángel Venot Marco • Maria Alicia Sanz Maestro • Marina Esteban Jarabo • Neus Serrrano Martínez • Victoria Arteaga Alenda • Iván Sánchez Luna • Marie Theres Rundkvist • Elvira Menéndez Lorenzo • Luna Quesada Díaz • Arnau Moncunill Agulló • Mark Leonov • Justina Lipman • Fran Pérez Martínez • Kyla Watkins • Rodrigo Campos García -Romeu • Maria Patricia Slater • Alejandro Martínez Yakoulev • Adrián Poveda Navarro • Lucia Gonzalez Blanco • Nicolás Nogués Sarmiento • Aitana Cirauqui Palmero • Odin Lledo Torrighelli • Sara Amores Alonso • Oscar Bou Belda • Mireia Suarez Valle • Emma Ruiz Prada • Blanca Pérez Dominguez • Malena Gioia Rodríguez • Victor Martínez Pérez • Mªcarmen Amador Durán • Carmela López Rodríguez • Félix Castejón Clar • Javier Gutierrez Ujeda • Alejandro Perea Millson • Clara García Mena • Marian Galinsoga Hernández • Dylan Riley Mcneige • Mariola García-Cañada Candela • Pablo Mira García • Andreu Armero Soler • Rafael Torrecillas Martínez • Sara Espinosa Rastoll • Marco Arias Lezcano • Laura Graciá De Diego • Javier Paricio Estañ • Gines Nicolas Zapata • Luis Jose Gil Sánchez • Irene Pérez Beltran • Daniel Rodriguez Vicario • Alexander Gutierrez De Paco • Mafalda Cardenal • Alex Agulló Albareda • Jonas Elber • Ignacio De Lucas Y Jara • Patricia Criado Navarro • Hugo Martínez Serrano • Irene García Vicent • Noa Younes • Raul Gonzalez Miralles • Pablo Asensi García • Charlie John Collingham • Victoria López Lloret • Guillermo Ramos Sánchez • Hugo Hannibal Baquedano • Guadalupe Gómez Ribera • Sara Grau Pablo • Sergio Estañ Ruiz • Marta Rubio Diaz • Aitana Moreno Rodriguez • Paula Ten Gutierrez • Florian Gastinel • Sophie Doran • Alejandro Ots Sanchez • Uma Ivorra García • Selene Vanessa Ruiz Loss • Clara Fernández Fontán • Jorge Payá Barrachina • Pablo Avellan González • Santiago Fernández De Jaén • German Pascual Martin • Carlos Prieto Rodriguez De Vera • Jorge Esteban Jarabo • Patricia Ribes Vivó • Lara Juliet Greiff • Jorge Menéndez Lorenzo • Paula Damore De Oliveira • Richard Chen • Ethan Parra Aparicio • Diego Izquierdo Manero • Alejandro Mesquida Jiménez • Santiago Manuel García Villalba • César Amérigo García Cabezón • Andrés Gallego Nieto • Luis Miguel Revuelta Potenciano • Antonio Marcos Ortiz • Samuel Millán Norman • Pablo Vives Matasán • Adrián Santo Fulleda • Alex Andrew Collingham • Zheng Shuo Shan • Scarlet Heath •Sebastián Sierras Gómez • Tian Shi Chen • Ángel Sánchez Vicent • David Ricote Sánchez • Lucía Martínez López • Reina Yarwood • Loubna Maldonado Baidal • Yaiza Gancedo Fernández • Tess Van Duijvenbode • Olivia Jane Topp • Jia Li • Zay Megias Ruiz • Ivonne Fernandez Herrero • Irene Carlota Martínez Hierro • Loïc Buleón Rodriguez • Rocio Rubio Díaz • Inés Tretter Ávarez De Arcaya • Silvia Hernandez Benito • Marta Victoria Borrego Mahiques • Antonio Lopez Ortega • Paula Canicio Sempere • Andrea Borras González • Paloma Galinsoga Patró • Emma Enriquez Sirvent • Julia Patricia Arraez Gutièrrez • Pablo José Bermejo Martín • Victor Martinez Espinosa • Manuel Menor Torregros • Teresa Pombo Gil • Maria García Sotos • Armando Sala López • Miguel Cardona Polo • Jacobo Giménez Rodriguez- Losada • Marta Bañón Medina • Emily Hughes • Elena Méndez Ruiz • Mathias René Höbart • Carla Lorena Valero Quintana • Javier Almoyna Mataix • Blanca Lanzarot Facio • Miguel Lledó Niñoles-Manzanera • Rebeca Kivijärvi Busto • Jorge Blasco Pastor • Miguel Galán Lopez-Celada • Alvaro Pastor Solana • Malena Pardo Torrente • Laura Oncina Blanco • Erik Fernandez Martinez • María Entero Ruíz • Agueda Fernandez De Bustos • Cristobal García Fernandez • Martina Mañez Gambin • Elena Pombo Gil • Jaume Bou Belda • Sonsoles Arteaga Alenda • Andrea Garrido Moreno-Palancas • Eduardo Puentes Garay • Africa Rebecca Andrews Esteban • Malcoml Hamish Munro • Álvaro Jiménez Marcos • Paola Ji Chen • Jemel Richards • Lucía Ortiz Martínez • Hector Martínez Martínez • Priscila Patricia Gamero Polyak • Andrea Gilabert Mora • Daniel Gómez Ribera • Marta Nava Herraiz • Pablo Carrillo Martinez • Adrian Hortelano Sanz • Yvana Mercado Novack • Iria Elisabeth De Haan Sánchez • Sofia Martinez López • Yong Le Chen Chen • Sergio Martínez Fernández-Pacheco • Laura Avellán Martín • Roberto HarrisBenitez • Sira Sofia Santonja Chiapello • Fernando Conde Maciá • Iván Ricote Sánchez • Christian Peter Manners • Rory Clear • Sara De Rojas Serrano • Guillermo Jacobo Fernandez De Bustos • Aleksandra Kustudic • Omar Mora Borbalas • Cesar Beltran • Alejandro Bordera Solana • Arturo Alcaraz Pastor • Raquel Ballester Minguez • Carlos Coll Diez • Sergi Fernández Macia • Marina Martín Fernandez • Alba Gutierrez Ujeda • Adriana Suarez Estevez • Gorka Mancisidor Ródenas • Chloe Blackwell • Martín Crespo Ibarra • Harry Williams • William Smith •Leonora Carolina Pihl • Sandra Huete Corrales • Alejandro Bans Burtchaell • Ana Ye • Alex Ruiz Prada • Carlos Hannibal Baquedano • Hugo Alfredo Barcenilla Van Der Maesen • Alejandro Ramos Sanchez • Javier Coll Diez • Alvaro Bonet Vera • Silvia Campello Baeza • Mª Carolina Valero Rios • Mª Eugenia González Martín •Isabel Giménez Rodriguez-Losada • Aitana Ramón Guillena • Gonzalo Martínez Romero • Caterina Prynn Cuadrado • Jamie Lee Dumbarton • Daniel Otero Bernabeu • Berta Pereda Asencio • Tommy Van Duijvenbode • Miguel Valera Noguera • Alec Miguel Barcenilla Van Der Maesen • Iara Pecino Macedo • Alejandra Lledó Niñoles-Manzanera • Jose Luis Martín Burrel • Luis Blasco Santamaria • Carlos Beduino Senén • Olga Santo Fulleda • Mª Isabel Segura Cascales • Yong Xuan Chen Chen • Paula Izquierdo Manero • Sarah Ourahmane • Gracia Carratalá Dols • Takuma Andrew Yarwood • Luisa Morely Serrano • Candela Hernández López •Christopher Stoen • Arturo Eduardo Sirera Fluxia • Natalia Galan López-Celada • Jorge Rubio Lopez • Jose Luis Alberola Riquelme • Ana Anton Gonzalez • Nicole-Chantal Kuiper Gonzalez • Carmen Menor Torregrosa • Javier Diaz Sempere • Yongmin Cho Park • Iván Moreno Manzaneque • Mario Valero Quintana • Laura Gonçalves Scalco • María Bañón Medina • Alex Barrenechea Linares-Rivas • Hector Chapela Lamas • Ying Zhou Shan • Jesús Valencia Potenciano • Irene Gamero Vera • Raquel Griffith-Riquelme • Hana Cho Park • Alejandro Hernandez Benito • Ornella Guerrero Bianco • Paula Cristina Martínez Hierro • Juan Soriano Botella • Victor Yan Zhi Lin Hu • Alfonso Pérez Andreu • Daniel Lledo Romero • Cayetano Jones-Gaspar • Jemma Octavia Williams • Harry Marshall • Scott Ross Laidlaw • Carmen Gómez Del Río Negrín • Moriah Jane Thomas • Elena Iborra Calabuig • Fernando Martínez Bueno • Marta Bonmatí Morales • Mario Beltran Rodriguez • Lucia Doran Santamaría • Ethan Port • Michael Saliba • Irene Nicolas Zapata • Lydia Kay • Carlos Sánchez Vicent • Victoria Pedrajas Arias • Ashley Allen • Charlie Hughes • Juan José Siluan Montes • Elisa Chen Yao • Karl Lipman • Diana Salaeva • Obdulio José González Amorós • Marina Campos Castaño • Philip Boecker Lee • David Agulló Albareda • Ernesto Zoffmann Rodríguez • Laura Molina San Jose • Carlos Ribes Vivó • Jesús Joaquín Ferrer Torrecillas • Amy Lawrence • Pablo Lledo Romero • Jorge Solá Sanz • Alba Espinosa Rastoll • Carlos Javier Nuñez-Castelo López • Artem Kravchenko • Manuel Gómez Del Río Negrín • Rachael Leckey • Guillermo Burillo Varela • Abigail Whitehouse • Adrián López Molina • Ellis Anthony Barlow Nastri •Karyn Butler • Sophie Amy Tranter • David Mullor Tomás • Fiona Eugenia Barcenilla Van Der Maesen • Claudia Esteve Cortés • Eduardo Torres Sunyer• Alexander Kuiper González •Javier Rojo Tomás • Emilio Alcaraz Pastor • Mario Moreno Manzaneque • Guillermo Ferrer Torrecillas • Anastassia Souzdaltseva • Gerrol Bartley • Javier Coll Sempere • Tara Wudhiphan • Roberto Reviriego Almodovar • Oliver Joseph Heath • Samuel Dennis Escott • Laurence Smith • Oscar Ye Cheng • Claudia Rabasco Calderón • Carmen Jiménez Marcos • Luccia-Sarah Haughton • Claudia Pastor Monllor • Juan Antonio Sirvent Benedicto • Felix Troeschel • Verena Oetzmann • Alvaro Nevares Alvarez • Gustavo Guerrero Bianco • Sandro Fernández Herrero • Moresche Bartley • Irene Moreno Acevedo • Manuel Espinosa Rastoll • Rebeccca Hall • Kirstie Nicole Saltiel • Katriona Viviana Munro Castillo • Aaron Brown • Alejandra Esteve Cortés • Maria García Fernandez • Ana Villaescusa Andres • Maria Molina San José • Candela Garcìa Villalba • Marta Signes Espuch • Toby Saliba • Roque Mercado Novack • Alejandra Gutiérrez Ujeda • Javier Nicolas Zapata • Iker Parra Aparicio • Ashford Michael Dawkins • Liam George Galbraith • Craig Paul Laidlaw • Julia Pérez Torre • Victor Damore De Oliveira • Teresa Quesada Renaud • José Manuel San Roman Sirvent • Anis Kanz Mottahedeh • Victor Candela Llorens • Kiefer Port • Harriet Wightman • Hugh Lawrence • Ander Barranechea Linares-Rivas • Kalim Levick Ahmed • Kieron Fowler • Matthias Blaum • Joe William Bembridge • Marie Therese Klockner • Charlie Grinstead • Natasha Lydia Dawkins • Jessica Haywood • Lucy Alicia Metcalf • Jamie Sanderson • Artur Skory • Mia Craig • Aleksi Kajander • Laura Hernando Serrano • María Florencia Machado Martínez-Alzúa • Guillermo Solano De Vicente • Alvaro Almoyna Mataix • Nicky Stewart • Rafael Nevares Alvarez • Claudia Fernández Pérez • Jaime Sanchez-Ferragut Ardura • Charles Baker • Claudia Plaza Rico Del Moral • Alejandra Dolores García Ten • Lara Jurado Aguilar • Lucas Mengual • Marta González Bertó • Itziar Nava Herraiz • Manuel Alonso Orts • Ivan Blaus • Miguel Angel Balibrea Gomez • Marcelo Del Rio Sanchez • Miguel Sancho Peña • María Villaescusa Andres • Victor Calderón Marco • Carlos Martínez Romero • Pablo Jesús Pedrajas Arias • Ana Karín Mengotti Moliner • Soledad Mª Antonia San Roman Sirvent • Sarah Ghahremani Thomsen • Sara Del Rio Sanchez • Eduardo Quesada Zaplana • May Anisa Mottahedeh • Cristina Torres Sunyer • Carrielee Jade Holt • Anton Farber Portnovar • Sergio Rojo Tomás • Jordan Naylor • Antoni Serrano Sempere • Jack Joseph Bembridge • Jo Cornelius • Maxim Salekhov • Mercedes Coll • Krisha Kay Gandhi • Emma Galbraith • Samuel Gunter • Isabel Delgado Laguna

Index 2 Headteacher’s Message

3 Message from the Head of Primary 4 Primary School Council Members 5 Primary House Captains 6 Primary School Council 7 Colour Day Photos 8 Year 3 Marq Museum Visit 9 Year 2 Castle Trip

10 Super Heroes, Super Senses and Castles Day Workshops 11 World Book Day and World Maths Day

12 Carnival Day 13 World Book Day Photos 14 BSA with Haiti 15 Key Stage 1 Animal Show 16 Creative Curriculum in Year 3

17 Fire Station Visit 18 School Performances 19 LAMDA at the BSA 20 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat 21 Early Years Moments 22 Extra Curricular Activities Photos 23 Head Boy and Head Girl, Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl 24 Interview with Dr Roger Fry 25 Art Club and Trip to the Chocolate Factory 26 Halloween Disco 27-28 Trip to the Isle of Wight 29 BSA with Ghana 30 Helping the Environment 31-32 Trip to France 33 Arturo in the News and Degree from JQCV 34 Beijing Gap Year for Jack and Krisha 35 Trip to Canal 9 and University of Valencia 36 Secondary World Book Day 37-38 Sports Day 2010 Photos 39-40 School Sports Results 41 Interview with Julia Signes 42 Trip to Xàtiva

43 Inter School Sports Day 44 Hogueras Museum Trip 45 Drama Club: Teechers & Si eres Original, eres de Libro 46 Graduation Dinner 2010 Photos


Mensaje de la DIRECTORA

Dear Pupils

Estimados alumnos: Este es un Anuario muy especial.

This is a very special Yearbook.

Durante todos estos años se ha establecido como el registro oficial y editado del año escolar.

Over the years it has become established as the official, published record of the school year. The first Yearbook was the brainchild of Mr. Wicks. His idea was to produce an annual publication for all the pupils at the school. A magazine that included either a picture or a piece of writing about everyone who was at the school that year. Since the first edition the BSA yearbook has become a central part of the collective memory of the school. I keep my copy of the first issue and all subsequent issues at home where I can go back and see how things and people have changed. Since the early days school has changed, not only have the buildings and facilities become bigger and better; the academic results have become more and more impressive each year too. Our teachers have become more and more expert and the work they do is more and more inspiring. What hasn't changed is how much the pupils, teachers and support staff all love and care for the school. Of course we all have our bad days but without exception visitors to the school comment on how much fun and energy they find here. I want all of you, every child, without exception to look forward to coming to school every morning. For me this is the mark of a good school. I am lucky to have been part of making it like this and I am lucky that I have had the support of so many wonderful teachers to make the school what it is now. The Yearbook is about you, the children and young people at the BSA. I know that many of you keep the Yearbooks and show them to your friends and family during the summer holidays. I am sure that, like me, they will be impressed with the range of activities you undertake, your ambition and the expertise of your teachers. I hope that when you are older, maybe when you have children of your own you will get this yearbook out and share it with your children or maybe even your grandchildren and show them what it was like when you were at school in 2010. I am sure they will laugh at your old-fashioned haircuts and your traditional school uniform. However, once they have stopped laughing at how much things have changed I hope that you will tell them how much you loved your time at the British School of Alicante. Next year I will be the Head teacher of King's College in Madrid. I have already told Mr. Lazaro that I want him to send me a copy of the 2011 edition. I will be keeping a special eye on how you are all growing up and how much you are learning. I want to read about your victories and your challenges. I want to read about how you are planning to make the world a better place. Most of all I want to make sure you all still love going to school and love learning.

El primer Anuario fue una invención de Mr. Wicks. Su idea fue producir una publicación anual para todos los alumnos del colegio. Una revista que incluyera una fotografía o un párrafo sobre cada uno que estaba en el colegio aquel año. Desde la primera edición del Anuario del BSA ha sido la parte central de la memoria colectiva del colegio. Yo conservo mi copia del primer ejemplar y de todos los siguientes en casa donde puedo volver atrás y ver cómo las cosas y las personas han cambiado. Desde los primeros días el colegio ha cambiado, no solo los edificios y las instalaciones se han hecho más grandes y mejores; también los resultados académicos han llegado a ser más y más impresionantes cada año. Nuestros profesores han llegado a ser más y más expertos y el trabajo que hacen es más y más inspirador. Lo que no ha cambiado es cuanto todos, los alumnos, los profesores y personal de apoyo quieren y cuidan el colegio. Por supuesto todos nosotros tenemos nuestros días malos pero sin excepción los visitantes del colegio comentan cuanta alegría y energía encuentran aquí. Quiero que todos vosotros, cada niño sin excepción espere con ilusión venir al colegio cada mañana. Para mí esta es la marca de un buen colegio. Soy afortunada de haber sido parte de hacer esto como es y soy afortunada de haber tenido el apoyo de tantos maravillosos profesores para hacer el colegio lo que es ahora. El Anuario es sobre ti, los niños y jóvenes del BSA. Sé que muchos de vosotros guardáis el Anuario y lo enseñáis a vuestros amigos y familia durante las vacaciones del verano. Estoy segura que como yo, estarán impresionados con la serie de actividades que hacéis, vuestra ambición y la pericia de vuestros profesores. Espero que cuando seáis más mayores, puede ser que cuando tengáis vuestro propios hijos, encontréis este Anuario y lo compartáis con vuestros hijos o puede que incluso con vuestros nietos y les enseñéis como erais cuando estabais en el colegio en 2010. Estoy segura que se reirán de vuestros cortes de pelo pasados de moda y vuestros tradicionales uniformes. Sin embargo, una vez que hayan parado de reírse de cuanto han cambiado las cosas espero que les digáis cuanto disfrutasteis el tiempo que pasasteis en el BSA El próximo año yo seré la Head teacher del King’s College en Madrid. Ya le he dicho al Sr. Lázaro que quiero que me envíe una copia de la edición del 2011. Observaré especialmente como todos estáis creciendo y cuanto estáis aprendiendo. Quiero leer sobre vuestras victorias y vuestros retos. Quiero leer sobre cómo estáis planeando hacer el mundo un lugar mejor. Y sobre todo quiero estar segura que todavía os encanta ir el colegio y os encanta aprender

Elaine Blaus Head Teacher, British School of Alicante


Message from the HEAD OF PRIMARY Highlighting the successes of the school year is always a challenging task as there have been so many and narrowing them down to a few is very difficult. However, there has been one development this year that has incorporated so many other areas of school life that it stands out. Curriculum changes and developments over the course of the year has meant a more creative approach to learning is now embedded in many year groups and will be extended to others in the coming year. The changes to the Early Years curriculum over the last few years has meant that aspects of this curriculum, with the continuing development of creativity, is now moving in to other year groups. Last September saw the introduction of this creative approach in Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 and September 2010 will see this extended to Years 4 and 5. Creativity is one of the three key requirements in today’s world, which is changing at an unprecedented speed. The amount of information we pass on to pupils in the time they are at school is limited, so as well as teaching content we have to make sure that pupils know how to learn. The teachers have looked for opportunities to link themes, objectives and perhaps most significantly, Personal and Social skills in order to engage and involve children in their learning experience. Examples include our successful “Friendship” Week in the autumn term as well as the development of the school council and its role within the school. Key stage 2 celebration assemblies have been extended to include performances of dance, music and drama and sharing of achievements outside of school. This has enabled us to build a curriculum that is relevant to the children and families served by the school, but also in a world context. The creative curriculum has meant staff can develop a cross-curricular approach with more

investigative work, problem solving, development of creative flair and imagination. Through this curriculum we are stimulating creativity and through active involvement developing the children’s interpersonal skills. This approach has been evident in drama and performances throughout the year. Years 1,2,5, 6 and Early Years all performed at Christmas and at the end of the second term we saw performances from Years 1,3 and 4. Term 3 included the cross phase musical, “Joseph” and the drama group performance of “Teechers”. Anyone who witnessed these performances would agree that our pupils are confident and articulate in English and Spanish and particularly talented. Years 5 and 6 have been involved in LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art) and 58 pupils were entered for examinations in April in speech and communication. Likewise this curriculum has influenced our focus on spoken English. Assessment is another area that has been developed through this creative approach. Our system now allows evidence of learning from a wide range of formats, including elements of peer assessment and self assessment to engage pupils in the process. The impact on transition between key stages seems to have alleviated some of the stress placed on pupils when changing key stage as the curriculum and style of learning is carried through. The drive to improve the number of school trips and the linking of these to the curriculum and topics covered in class is another example of transferring what we learn across different contexts. The list of positive effects of this creativity is endless and I have only been able to mention a few in this report. However, the focus for next year is now firmly set and we can look forward to more questioning and challenging, making connections and seeing relationships and representing our ideas in a variety of ways.

Fiona Thomas Head of Primary



Primary School Council Members


Our elected members for 2009-2010: RORY 6H MARTA 6H ALBA 6L CESAR 6L CRISTOBAL 5M REBECCA 5M PABLO 5F ZAY 5F




2 4

House Captains

________________________________________ The prestigious role of House Captains in Year 6 was decided as class members voted for the best candidates to solve problems and communicate ideas:

Fire: Harry 6L, Lucía 6H Wind: Martin 6L, Sofía 6H Water: Sara 6L, Adrián 6H Earth : Adriana 6L, Fernando 6H





School Council Our School Council continued to flourish this year with 24 members elected from Years 2-6. As part of our PSHCE programme ( Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) the school council enables children to take increasing responsibility, to enhance their self-esteem and confidence and develop independence. The election of the school council members has also involved all pupils in a democratic process giving them a voice in the school. The first meeting took place on 24.10.09 where the members discussed and created “idea shields” on the role of a school Councillor. The children also decided on future meeting agendas: the environment and Science week. The shields along with photographs of our proud members will be on display on the middle floor of Primary. Thank you to Mrs.Crompton who organises and sees to the smooth running of the Council.

School Council Members

Odin Lledó Alejandro Caldeiro Ines Fenández Alejandro López Neus Serrano Marian Galinsoga

Olivia Courtney Sofia Martínez Sergio Martínez Arturo Alcaraz Pastor

Year 2

Year 5

Tian Shi Chen Andrés Gallego Selene Ruíz Guillermo Ramos Rafael Torrecillas Sara Espinosa

Ying Zhou Shan Hugo Barcenilla Paula Izquierdo Manero Joseph Slaymaker

Year 3

Miguel Lledó Paula Canicio Sempere Armando Sala López Blanca Lanzarot Facio

Year 4

Year 6


Color Day Photos




Year 3 Visit


All our Year 3 classes had a wonderful day out at the Marq Museum and Lucentum on 17th October. Here are some of the children’s thoughts on their day: Pablo 3B My best part was Lucentum because I saw the old city walls. Lucia 3B I liked Palmeral because I could play. Loubna 3B I liked Palmeral because we ate our pic nic. Miguel 3B I liked Marq. In the boats there were many amphoras. Diego 3B I learnt that Lucentum was a Roman City. Cezan 3B We made Roman amphoras. Jonas 3P I liked the skull. Irene 3P I enjoyed listening to the guide explain ing about the Romans. Noa 3P In Lucentum I learned some more inter- esting things about the Romans. Raul 3P I enjoyed putting the Roman stamp on the ceramic bowl. Laura 3P I liked the skeletons under the ground. Alex G. 3P I looked at the sand through the micro scope.

Me and my class like going on trips, especially when we go to places that are exciting. Me and my best friend, Aitana, think it is special and very, very interesting. We went to the Marq Museum and Lucentum, it was exciting. Me and my friend liked it when we went on the boat and it was fascinating. Lara and Aitana –Year 3S

Thank You We will tell you more about our DT week in the next newsletter. However, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Miss Whittam (RW) for all her hard work in organising and preparing the week for us which enabled the teachers and pupils to get straight down to planning, making and reviewing their designs. I would also like to thank Mr. Mercado (Year 5 Parent ) for inspiring our Year 5 children to produce fabulous models with plasticine based on Greek myths. It was a wonderful experience for the children to work with an artist and to see his work.

6 8

Castle Tri


Year 2 enjoyed their visit to the Villena and Biar Castles during October.






Super Senses Workshop Day

Year 2 Castle Day Workshop


World Book Day The Primary school celebrated World Book Day on Thursday 7th March. From Nursery to Year 6 pupils were involved in various reading activities, one of which was a set reading time of ten minutes, either in a group or individually. Some classes visited the library to choose their fiction book whilst others completed the task in class.

World Maths Day Wednesday March 6th was World Maths Day and several Primary classes took part in activities to celebrate it. One of the key events was an online maths challenge where our Year 6 children tested their mental maths skills against children from all over the world. Congratulations to Pablo, HĂŠctor, Lucia, Roberto, Rory and Alejandro, Carlos, Chloe, Harry, Leonora and MartĂ­n who competed successfully against children distant countries as Singapore, India, Pakistan, the UK and Thailand.


Marta from 6H, and to from 6L, from such Sweden,




Carnival 2010

As always Carnival proved a BIG event at BSA. All of Primary, from Nursery to Year 6 were involved in the celebrations. This year the theme was “Board Games” and pupils made their own costumes the days leading up to the Parade. Some classes represented the “chess board”, while others were darts, noughts and crosses and ludo. Once again the sun shone for us and we all paraded around the football pitch to see one another’s costumes.


WORLD BOOK DAY! On Thursday 4th March, the school celebrated World Book Day. Many group or individual reading activities took place in the class, the library and the playground. Year 6 pupils came to the library to read books to Reception children. Some groups chose their favorite titles from the library and read them for 10 minutes. As the weather was lovely, many teachers decided to take the pupils to read outside the classrooms. All pupils were given a token for their effort to exchange for an English book in “80 Mundos” bookshop, which we are sure had a pretty busy weekend! We would like to give special thanks to those parents and children who donated so many books for the children in South America. We sent five full boxes to the charity “Interlibro”!







fter the terrible Earthquake in Haiti the Primary School of King’s College, Alicante raised money to help the unfortunate people who were suffering. The whole school was involved in fundraising. Children, their families, staff and teachers all helped by giving donations from different fund raising activities. The biggest and most memorable was making a big map and a Haitian flag out of coins and paper money.

There was also a bring-and-buy cake sale, a very successful non-uniform day and the teachers also sold their old books to each other. Altogether €4,114 was raised. "A magnificent effort by primary to help the plight of the Haiti people", said Fiona Thomas the Head of the Primary School. "I’m very pleased with all of our children and teachers who worked so hard to organize so many exiting activities last month. I’m proud that our school is such a caring community", said Elaine Blaus, Head Teacher. Thanks to the help of this fantastic school, all of the money will be going to the Spanish Red Cross to help the people of Haiti in this terrible time. By Iria, Lillie and Sergio M



As part of our topics Animal Fever in Year 1 and Into the Unknown in Year 2 we had a visit from the Guacamole Pet Shop. They brought all sorts of different animals for us to see including a parrot, a 40kg tortoise, some puppies and a snake. We learned all about how to look after each animal, what they ate and some interesting facts. We were very excited to touch the animals and learned how to treat them with care and respect. It was the perfect way to finish our topic and we would like to thank the pet shop for coming.





YEAR 3 Year 3 have enjoyed following a Creative Curriculum this year. This approach to learning encourages the children to develop and transfer their skills by being imaginative, taking risks, investigating and exploring. This often involves fun, hands on and sometimes messy or sticky activities! Our topics: Castles – clambering the crenulations Food Glorious Food –fantasising about fabulous food Into the Unknown ……Who? Why? Where? When? What? How? Sea Adventure – Land ahoy shipmates!!!


Fire Station Visit Reception and Year1 visited the Fire Station. All had a wonderful time and one group even witnessed a callout during their visit. How exciting!





SCHOOL PERFORMANCES The highlight of March has to be the Year 1 and the Year 3/4 productions at the end of term. The year groups involved performed to packed audiences and gave performances that were confident and well spoken. The singing was superb in both shows and it seems as though we have many budding actors and actresses at BSA. Year 3/4 told the story of “SPLASH” a great musical comedy version of Noah's Ark - told from the animals’ point of view! Preston Parrot was on a mission to save his animal friends from the greatest flood in history. But when no one believed his news, he resorted to a little deception and arranged a luxury cruise on board “The Ark!” Aboard, there was a crew of colourful comic characters, including a band of brutal pirate rats and a love-sick French cat! The journey was overflowing with surprises - a rock and roll party, a kidnap, a storm and a rescue were just some of the twists and turns that made the show an adventure we’ll never forget. Likewise Year 1´s theme was “Animals” linked to this terms topic. They performed some fabulous action songs and even Parents and Grandparents in the audience were joining in. I am sure all were so proud to see such confident and enthusiastic Year 1 pupils.

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A S B e h t L A M D A at Congratulations to our Year 5 and Year 6 Pupils who were recently entered for their LAMDA examinations. The feedback that the teachers received on the day from the visiting examiner was all positive. Mrs. Susie Hague, who took 35 hours to get to Spain because of the flight disruption, spent a whole day in Primary examining 58 of our pupils. Year 5 were examined individually and had to re-tell the story of a chosen book, as well as have 2 prepared topics for discussion. Topics ranged from Real Madrid to Winston Churchill and Mrs. Hague commented at the end of the day that she had learned a great deal about Spanish football. Year 6 were examined as a group and there were 4 separate groups comprising of 6-8 pupils. They had to choose a scene from a book and adapt and devise the drama for performance. They also used sound effects, props and some costume. The Examiner said: “I thoroughly enjoyed meeting the pupils and were impressed by their warmth and confidence�





ACTORS Narrators Amy Lawrence Moriah Thomas Joseph Javier Coll Díez Reuben Lydia Kay Simeon Leonora Pihl Levi Jesús Valencia Potenciano Napthali Chloe Blackwell Issachar Aleksandra Kustudic Asher Alba Gutiérrez Ujeda Dan Marina Martín Fernández Zebulun Carlos Coll Díez Gad Raquel Ballester Mínguez Benjamin Alejandro Bans Burtchaell Judah Cesar Beltrán Jacob Hana Cho Park Pothiphar Yongmin Cho Park Potiphar’s Wife Sarah Ourahmane Pharoah Ellis Nastri ADORING GIRLS/ DANCERS Luisa Morely Serrano Paula Izquierdo Manero Gracia Carratalá Dols Candela Hernández López Mº Eugenia González Martín Isabel Giménez Rodríguez-Iosada Silvia Campello Baeza

This year we put on a production of the musical Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The story is based on the Biblical story of Joseph found in the Book of Genesis and it tells the story of Joseph, the dreamer. The children worked really hard since Christmas to learn all of the music and choreography and had a lot of fun doing it. The show was a big success and all of the children involved were fantastic!

DIRECTED BY Miss Kirsten Archibald

MUSIC Mr. Derek Laidlaw Mrs. Karen Laidlaw


Early Years Moments


Extra Curricular



SECONDARY HEAD GIRL AND HEAD BOY Krisha Gandi and Sam Gunter were the new Head Girl and Head Boy. “We have three main things to focus on this year” Krisha said “Strengthening the house system through more and different inter-house competitions, continuing the great charity fundraising from last year and helping to reduce the impact the school makes on the environment.” Sam adds: “For example, a school badminton cup and a house math challenge could help increase the feeling of belonging to a house as well as helping to develop the feeling of being part of a competitive group.” When asked about the school environement Sam said “Simple things like having more and better recycling bins for plastic bottles and paper will have just a small impact in the school but that message gets taken home and can start to change the way lots of families think about waste”. The Head Girl and Head Boy will be working on their program for 2009-10 with

DEPUTY HEAD GIRL AND DEPUTY HEAD BOY Isabel Delgado and Jack Bembridge were the new Deputy Head Girl and Deputy Head Boy. They came in to talk with the Secondary Newsletter Editor. Editor: Isabel can you tell me about what the Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl actually do? Isabel: As Deputy Head Boy and Deputy Head Girl, we believe our role includes a number of different responsibilities, which involves responsibility for the management of the sixth form common room. We also have to help the KS3 coordinator with various tasks and overall we need to be role models to all younger pupils who will one day be in our place. Jack added: Managing the Sixth Form Common Room cleaning rota is really important. We are very lucky to having a common room and it is vital that everyone in the Sixth Form behaves well in there and keeps it neat and tidy. Ironically I was on the cleaning rota on the one day the room got left in a big mess - so I have to be extra careful in future. Editor: Jack, is it easy to become a role-model for the younger pupils? Jack: Being friendly to younger pupils is easy to do. Showing leadership is more of a challenge. My own role-model is a rugby player called Jason Robinson. He has had a real struggle in his life but I admire the way he plays. It is different. He is not afraid to tackle even the really big rugby players he faces in matches. Like me, he is isn't the tallest or the biggest player but he still tackles srongly and is not easily intimidated. I hope that I can be a bit like Jason Robinson, good for everyone. The committee are a really good set of people. Isabel is a great person to work with she is confident and bubbly and I am strong and determined. We make a great team.



INTERVIEW The Sixth Form committee met Dr Fry when he came to visit Alicante. Their interview covered a range of different topics. Here are the highlights: Dr. Fry, First of all we'd like to say how pleased we are that you have come to visit Alicante today and we would like to thank you for taking time to talk to us. To start off we'd like to know what you have enjoyed most about your visit. Well on a cold and rainy day like today I'd have to say that this cup of tea has been wonderful, but not as wonderful as visiting the early years department and seeing where the school starts to teach the three and four year olds. It is very impressive and the work they do is actually very interesting. The project they are doing on castles, even making castles is outstanding. And the work they are doing on human senses is excellent. The quality of the children's work is a reflection of the quality of the teachers and classroom assistants that are teaching them. King's College in Madrid is much older than the school here. Can you tell us about one moment in the history of the Madrid school that stands out as being particularly satisfying or memorable? Well there have been lots of interesting events and moments. It all goes back a long way. When I first started the school in Madrid in 1969, about 40 years ago, there were two things that caused some problems. It seems very strange now but at that time it was illegal for girls and boys to be taught in the same class. So we had to have two schools. One for girls and one for boys. But we only had one building, so we had one floor dedicated to girls and another floor just for boys. When an inspector came we had to steer them around very carefully because the girls and boys actually had their lessons together. In the first years we were pretending there were two schools but actually running it as one. The other problem we had was that studying in English was not accepted for pupils wanting to go to Spanish universities. Technically any foreign school was illegal. One

of the greatest things that I think I achieved was that I got a dialogue going with the Spanish authorities about British education. The president of Galicia was the Spanish ambassador in London so I went to to talk to him and he thought it would be good for Spain to have a British school and it worked out very well because his brother was the Minister of Education. So in 1974, after lots of discussion, we finally got permission from the Minister of Education to teach a British curriculum. King's College was the first school ever to achieve that in Spain. We were the first British school in Spain that could legally enroll Spanish students and have their qualifications recognised by universities in Spain. The school here in Alicante is getting bigger and bigger. How do you feel about this? I think its very good because once you get three form entry each year, as the children move up through the school you can offer a wider range of subjects at IGCSE and A Level. Larger schools give you a greater choice when the time comes to join the sixth form and a bigger school can afford bigger and better buildings, sports facilities, IT and science labs, Art, music and drama studios. Everyone benefits. What has impressed you most about the school in Alicante? The school here in Alicante is extremely well organised. The students seem to be very studious. The exam results and the school itself improves every year. Don't forget that the school is still very young. We have been in Madrid 40 years, the school here is much younger. To have achieved all that there is to achieve in terms of quality of education in just ten years is an exceptional achievement ...and how does our school compare with the other schools in King's Group? All the schools are different. We have the original school, King's College in Madrid, which was founded forty years ago. It is in an old building, but has many more students and therefore can offer a greater choice of subjects. The two other schools in Madrid, the




infant and prep school are brand new. They are not quite as well consolidated as Alicante is, the new school in Murica is in a very big building with enough room for 700 children, but at the moment it only has 220 pupils. It grew from just 60 pupils in the first year so it is growing very quickly but has a lot to develop. Alicante is probably somewhere in the middle of the oldest one in Marid and youngest one in Murica. The school here has a very solid basis upon which to develop. It is clear that your career in education has been a great success; What have you based this on and do you have any role models that inspired you to do so well? Well, the success of King's Group is the result of lots of hard work, not just mine but the hard work of a whole team of people. When I was at school I was impressed by one of my teachers. He inspired me to build a careerer in education; which I have enjoyed very much. I have been lucky to do so many different things. Other people have created and developed schools and it is very satisfying to see the wonderful results of lots of all this hard work. You don’t get anywhere unless you work hard. It might be difficult but you really need to have the right idea at the right time and then you have to work hard at it. Being consistent and working hard are the keys to success.

What does the future hold for King's College, Alicante? The future? The future here is very bright. The fact that so many people want to send their children to the school very clearly shows us the answer to the question. As you probably know the school had a difficult start, after all sorts of problems with the education authorities in Valencia, problems with building and with the finances. What Mrs Blaus has achieved here is nothing short of miraculous. The problems she had to overcome at the beginning were extremely difficult. Thanks to the help of a number of parents those problems were all solved and the school was put on a firm and settled foundation. In some ways the difficulties faced here in Alicante were similar to the problems I faced in Madrid 40 years ago. The school is in a great position now. It can do a lot of things as it continues to develop and has lots of demands from parents wanting to enroll their children. I am convinced the school will continue to develop; good exam results prove the school is good. The team here, with the support of the team in Madrid, need to make sure that the success continues and is built upon. As I said: the future is very bright.



Year 7 and 8 The art club got well underway with a staggering 31 students turning up to the club. The Year 7 and Year 8 students are creating original textile pieces, by doing this they will learn numerous textile techniques. The first of which is felt making, you can see from the pictures the students had great fun creating the base for their final piece and they now have the cleanest hands in school. The outcomes look very professional; we have found the new Maggie Greys of the textile world.

Year 10 The year 10 art students started their iGCSE course very successfully and produced some amazing pieces of art. This is the first time the students have used charcoal which makes the high quality of the work even more impressive.

We loved the chocolate! On Wednesday 14th October we visited the Valor chocolate factory. We were shown a video which explained the process they use to make chocolates of different shapes and textures. After that we went to see the Valor Museum which had interesting displays about the history of the company and allowed us to see the tools and implements that they used to make chocolate in the past as well as the actual office of Valeriano L贸pez, who founded the company in 1881. Afterwards we went for a walk through the typical Alicante style village streets of Busot and then we went on to the caves at Canelobre. The caves are, without doubt, a really impressive place to visit and thoughly recommended for everyone who hasn't already been. An underground walk takes you back millions of years.




Halloween Disco YEARBOOK


houlies and ghosties and long legged beasties and things that go bump in the night... all these and more will be seen at this year’s disco. It is always exciting to see what new ideas are dreamed up for the costumes worn by the KS3 pupils who attend the annual Halloween Disco, which this year will take place on Wednesday 28th of October. It is always a very difficult task to decide who has the best costume and every year it seems to get harder, as costumes become more exotic and make-up and hair styles and colours more daring!


he Halloween Disco was a great success raising over 160 euros for charity. The Prize winners were : Best Dancer female - Raquel (7P) Best Dancer male - Luis (7G) Best Costume - Juan Jose ( 8W) Ticket Prize - Irene (7P) Thank you

Apart from the prize for best costume there will, as usual, be a prize for the best two dancers, one male and one female. This is one of the most entertaining parts of the disco, where the titles are usually only won following a tight battle between several very good dancers. A new addition this year is a ticket prize, so don’t forget to hold onto that ticket until the draw, which will take place after the dance prizes have been awarded! There will also be some games arranged by the older students and of course lots of tasty snacks and soft drinks provided to help maintain those energy levels! The proceeds from the event will be given to a charity which will be chosen by the BSA Charity Committee, who are assisting in the organization of the event. The evening (5p.m. to 7p.m.) looks set to be one of the highlights of our year, so get stitching those costumes and make sure you are there to enjoy it! Janet Bowers


Trip to the

Isle of Wight Geography Field Trip 2009 Expedition to the Isle of Wight Geography, like most academic subjects, only really comes to life when it is combined with direct, first hand experience and exploration. The IGCSE and A Level exams demand a certain amount of field work to demonstrate understanding of practical environmental investigation. The primary objectives of the field trip to the Isle of Wight were to collect primary data, get some practical geographic field work done and to work on the case studies that are used in exams. We wanted to visit the places that pupils had only previously studied on maps and seen on the internet. The Isle of Wight is a geographically rich area. This makes it the perfect place for a field trip. The southern coast is being eroded by two metres every year, while the northern coast is collecting silt from the rivers that feed the Hamble estuary. This constantly changing environment demands a range of sustainable coastline management techniques that need to be understood for IGCSE and A Level Geography. In particular the demands of beach replenishment and the the need to "rebrand" sea-side resorts like Ventnor. The Isle of Wight has some fascinating rock formations, including the biggest land slip structure in Europe and the strange beauty of the multi-coloured sands in Alum Bay.

Happy memories • • • • •

The Big Breakfasts: traditional English breakfasts - sausages, beans, bacon, toast. And tea. The wind. We got blown about by some of the strongest gales in living memory. Winds over 60km/hour were recorded. Several clip boards got caught by the wind flew up the cliff. Misty (Ms Turton´s dog) thought Toby and Liam wanted her to catch the stones they were throwing into the sea. Misty jumped in to join in the game and almost got drowned. Ms Turton and Rocque got caught by the rising tides (not something that happens on the meditarranian) and tried to run for it. Mrs Turton's home made cakes.

The pupils also had the opportunity to visit Medina High School -Y12 dis some excellent presentations on the Alicante coastline and the Medina pupils told us about the rebranding of Newport. Football also played a part in our trip. On the way home we saw Manchester United beat Portsmough 4-1. Other sporting activities included Verena's down hill mud-skiing, Orienteering and Fussball championships.

Getting there EasyJet sold us a set of super-budget tickets which took us to Gatwick. Then we took the bus to Southampton where we caught a ferry to the Isle of Wight. The field trip allowed y12 pupils to actually see the land use that they had previously studied on a map in the classroom. We stayed in the Medina Valley Centre a purpose build field studies centre, right next to the estuary.






Y12 are in the process of writing up their case studies. Now they can draw on experiences of the real places - not just some vague ideas in their imaginations. Y10 learned techniques that will enable them to do their coursework at the end of the year. Over the next few months they will build a strong theoretical understanding on top of first hand experience from the Isle of Wight.


BSA with

Ghana Year 9 pupils studied the African country Ghana in their Geography lessons. They looked at the way that Ghanaians live their lives and learnt about individual people such as Grace, a young mother who lived near the town of Tamale in northern Ghana. Y9 learnt how debt is holding back Ghana’s development and compared development through large “prestige” projects like the Volta Dam with smaller, more sustainable projects. As a part of this geographic exploration of Ghana BSA pupils made links with Charles Nimoh from the Otua Acheampong School in Kumawu, northern Ghana. Pupils exchanged letters and geographical information about Alicante and Kumawu and exchanged photos of our daily lives. After consulting with Mr. Nimoh, the Head teacher, we decided to help the school improve its library. The Year 9s, led by Samantha , Ana, and Julia, organised a fete to raise money. “My favourite part of the day was making and selling the cakes to primary and secondary pupils at our cake stall” said Ana. The pupils raised over 500 Euros at the fete. Their Geography teacher, Miss Turton, used the money raised to buy books in the UK, then package them up and send them to Ghana. Miss Turton said “I sent the books from Brighstone village w Post Office on the Isle of Wight., Where my parents live and where the Geography field trip was based. There were five enormous parcels of books including dictionaries, atlases, the same Geography books that pupils at BSA use, reading books for all ages (including the entire Harry potter series) and a selection of African novels. It seemed strange that children in Alicante baked and sold cakes that raised money to send books to a school in Africa from a village post office in the UK”.


The books arrived safely in December 2009 and this week Year 9 were pleased when they received photographs of the pupils of the Otua Acheampong School reading the books that we had chosen and sent. The pupils, now in Year 10 were delighted that all their efforts had paid off. “It was good to see our books being used by the Ghanaian children” said Maria. “We have made a real difference to the school lives of these young people,” said Miss Turton. “Hopefully our gift will help to inspire the young readers of Ghana and strengthen links between our two communities.” There are plans to raise more money to send a set of Science books to improve the teaching and learning of Biology, Chemistry and Phisics in the Otua Acheampong School. Year 8 pupils will also be working on a project to exchange weather and climate data based on the Geography books that both schools use.




Establishing links with the local community and helping the environment

Tuesday, 23rd February all year 8 pupils spent the day in Aspe, Alicante taking part in the Reforestation Program offered by the town hall of Aspe. BSA pupils enjoyed a quick midmorning snack in a local park before heading off to ‘La Ofra,’ a favourite picnic spot and nature conservation area to roll up their sleeves and get involved in real planting of typical, native plants and trees. Firstly, pupils listened attentively to Señor Pérez Ballester’s presentation outlining the importance of projects such as this to the local environment to avoid soil erosion, conserve the natural habitat of wildlife and for the enjoyment of the community. There were 6 species of herbs, plants and trees indigenous to the area that pupils had previously studied in the classroom. Pupils had learnt both their names in Spanish and English, their qualities, growth patterns and something about how to plant and maintain them. Now it was their chance to put this knowledge into practice, and in small groups pupils assigned themselves roles to get on with the task in hand. Digging the holes was harder than some had anticipated but eventually everyone had prepared their areas ready for planting and each pupil planted at least one species, some pupils as many as 5 each! By the end of the day, BSA pupils were responsible for the planting of over 70 plants and trees and had hauled many buckets of water up a steep hill to ensure their survival! An excellent effort and a great day out. These green-fingered year 8 pupils continue this study in a unit of work in geography about Ecosystems in the area – and impressed Miss Turton by remembering lots of information about their field trip. Why not visit the area in the spring for a family barbecue and check out the progress of your saplings?

C. Castro 34 30


France My best moment…. my best moment was when we played hide and seek in the hotel and also when we went to Disney and it was snowing . Alejandra E Y10 my best moment was in the French café and we were playing international scrabble and doing magic tricks. We all laughed so much! Mme Maire

We went to France during the second week of February. We all had great fun. The first day, Saturday, we arrived in Paris by plane and went to Arromanches in Normandy. The second day we visited the museum of the Second World War in Arromanches and we also went to the American memorial to the victims in the 2nd world war at Omaha beach. We then headed to Dinan in Brittany and after having settled in our hotel rooms we went to the cinema. The next day we did a coastal walk and in the afternoon we went bowling. At night we went to a French café and played pool, pinball, and board games. Everybody had a go at ordering refreshments in French. On Tuesday we went to a typical French market in Dinard and we had a walk around the historic town of St Malo where we had a delicious meal. In the afternoon we went to le Mont Saint Michel and later took the high speed train (TGV) to Disneyland Paris. We were all very excited! On Wednesday we went to Disneyland Paris and spent the whole day there. It was amazing because it was snowing. At night we had dinner in a Mexican restaurant and the Y13 girls took some rock and roll lessons. On the last day we got up very early to go to Paris and spend the morning there. The Sixth formers had free time on the Champs Elysées while the rest of the group visited the Eiffel Tower. Finally we went to the airport for our flight back to Alicante. We were all very sad to be going back. Overall it was a perfect trip and we all enjoyed it very much. Claudia F and Miguel Ángel Year 12


my best moment on the French trip was when we spent the whole day in Disneyland Paris and I went on the roller coasters like the Hollywood Tower Hotel or Space Mountain. Gustavo Y10 My best moment during the trip to France was on the 4th day when we went to Disneyland. We laughed a lot because my friends and I got stuck in the Nemo Rollercoaster. That same day it began to snow. It was excellent, a great day! Lara Y12 My best moment was in Bretagne. After bowling we went to a French café and played pool. Maria G Y10 During our trip to France we had lots of fun, especially in Paris. The day we went to Disney was the best in my opinion. Although it was freezing cold and I couldn’t feel my feet, it was amazing. The Rock and Roll coaster and Space Mountain were the best 2 rides. As we were going from ride ride to another we got stuck in a snowstorm. I had so much fun! Verena Y10 The trip to France was amazing! We had a lot of fun! We did lots of different activities like coastal walking, going to Disneyland, visiting Omaha Beach, etc. The organization of the trip was perfect (in my opinion) and this boosted our entertainment giving us the chance to live new experiences. My best moment was in Disneyland as we had a very good time although I didn’t find Donald duck. In conclusion, I had a perfect experience and I made lots of friends. Vive la France. Guillermo y12 In my opinion it has been an exceptional trip. We have learnt, we had fun and we shared wonderful moments and experiences with our friends and teachers. Thanks to Mme Maire for all her works during all these months. We’ve spent some wonderful days together. Claudia P Y12





the public education system must improve on this matter.

Arturo in the News A former student of the British School of Alicante has started at Alicante University but is heading for London. He admits that not everybody has the money to pay for the type of education he has received but urges that the public education system improves to make English fundamental to it. VICTORIA BUENO: What have you done to

achieve the award for the Best Grade in the World for A Level History and Spanish in the Cambridge International Exams? They are the results of the English equivalent to Selectividad and I achieved the best result in History and Lengua in the whole world, as well as the best mark for Geography of all the bilingual centres in Spain. The truth is, it’s not bad, I’m very happy but it arrived too late to get Into Oxford. What happened? If I had received the results certificate sooner they would have probably let me in to Oxford University because they pay particular

attention to your results. There is an entrance exam and you are there for a week doing interviews, so it is very frustrating that they didn’t except me. Never mind, the University of London is one of the best in the UK for History. Where are you studying now? In Alicante University but I would prefer to specialise more for my career and in England you can – the Plan Bolonia has in part been inspired by the UK. Here, education is more universal and in London particularly so. I really like History and want to go so I can get better training. Seems that this isn’t enough for you, don’t you think your education is a little elitist? Really, yes. I am fine here and enjoy University but it’s true that not everybody is able to achieve the level of English I have. It’s another option but in Spanish schools the level of English is very bad. Learning everything in English is very important and

Isn’t the British teaching style stricter also? I wouldn’t say so. In Year 12 and 13 I have had more freedom than my friends in other centres. I could structure my day as I liked. Also the classes are smaller, last year there were only two of us in History but when I started there were 17. Everything is more personalized and I am very satisfied with the teaching I received at the British School, and I can see I have more of a future in England. Where did you study before the British School? In Voramar School in San Juan Beach, until I was six years old. We have always lived in Alicante although my parents speak English because they lived in the US for a couple of years. Do you speak English at home? At home, and with my friends, I speak Spanish but I do read and watch movies in English. Was it difficult to be immersed in English at seven years old? The first two years were hard but the teachers are natives and they speak English the whole day and I am now totally bilingual. You obtain a very high level, though my first language is still Spanish. VICTORIA BUENO DIARIO INFORMACION

El Títol Elemental de la JQCV Elemental Degree from the JQCV Després de cinc-sis anys aprenent Valencià, alguns dels alumnes de year 12 i 13 del BSA han aconseguit el títol de nivell Elemental de la Junta Qualificadora de Coneixements de Valencià (JQCV) de la Conselleria de Cultura i Educació. Amb aquesta titulació s’asseguren el mateix nivell de Valencià que en qualsevol altre col•legi de la Comunitat Valenciana.

After five or six years learning Valenciano, some students from years 12 and 13 from BSA have obtained the degree 'Elemental de la Junta Qualificadora de Coneixements de Valencià (JQCV)' from the 'Conselleria de Cultura i Educació'. With this degree, they have obtained the same level of Valenciano than any other school from the Comunitat Valenciana.

Per tota açò i pel vostre esforç: Enhorabona i moltes felicitats a Sol San Román, Claudia Fernández, Manuel Alonso, Miguel Ángel Balibrea, Sarah Ghahremani, Marta González, Sara Del Río, Ivan Blaus, Victor Calderón, María Villaescusa, Miguel Sancho, Marcelo Del Río i Jaime Sánchez-Ferragut.

For all of this and for your effort: Congratulations to Sol San Román, Claudia Fernández, Manuel Alonso, Miguel Ángel Balibrea, Sarah Ghahremani, Marta González, Sara Del Río, Ivan Blaus, Victor Calderón, María Villaescusa, Miguel Sancho, Marcelo Del Río and Jaime Sánchez-Ferragut.


I am very proud of you!

N’estic molt orgullosa, de vosaltres!



Beijing Gap Year By Jack and Krisha Year 13


In August of this year we will both be embarking on a once in a life time journey, to work as teaching assistants at the British School of Beijing.

Little did we know it was just round the corner, although the driver insisted on taking the more ‘aesthetically pleasing route’.

him. Luckily when he returned he had a big smile on his face which partly eased Krisha’s nerves and partly made them worse.

Last month an advertisement was put up on the common room notice board, it read ‘Gap Year Experience Beijing’ and we were both intrigued by the picture of people our age sitting on the Great Wall of China. Whilst reading the advertisement, both of us pictured our new lives in China celebrating their new year and travelling around Asia, until we came to the bottom of the page and read ‘DEADLINE’… We only had two days to complete our first ever CV and covering letter.

Finally at our destination we became very intimidated by the somewhat older competition. Whilst we hadn’t and still have not completed our A-levels most of the other applicants had graduated from university and some even had PGCEs (teaching certificate). After a short wait we were invited into a room where we were given a fascinating presentation on the job entitlements and overall about life in Beijing. Suddenly we wanted it even more. All the applicants were given respective times for their interviews. During the interview we were both given a series of scenarios teaching assistants would have to deal with, along with the presentation we had prepared. Jack went first, although nervous he was surprisingly excited at the opportunity which stood in front of

When Krisha went through the door I could tell she was nervous, but I knew she was going to be fine. Unfortunately when returning all did not seem well, she thought she’d blown it. On returning to Spain Jack again was checking his emails everyday, whilst Krisha dreaded the thought of looking in her inbox. A week passed from the interview still with no news, Jack was growing even more impatient whilst Krisha had given up hope.

With the aid of Mrs Fisher and our excited but slightly worried parents, we spent the next 48 hours hammering away at it. Finally when they were finished we both emailed them over, only to encounter technical problems because the emails bounced back. Mr Wicks, technical guru, came to our assistance, emailing Janet Brock (Head of Sanlitun campus BSB) and informing her of both our applications.

Friday the 19th of March we both received the following… Dear Candidate, I am thrilled to offer you the position of a Teaching Assistant at the British School of Beijing.

The following week was possibly the longest of our lives; we were playing the waiting game checking for a reply every couple of hours. A week on we received the good news… Thank you very much for applying for the position of a Classroom Teaching Assistant at the British School of Beijing. You have been shortlisted... this caused mixed emotions, although we were ecstatic we now had to prepare a presentation for our first ever interview! On the 7th of March 2010 we both flew to Liverpool, England where the interviews were being held. The nerves had now set in, but all we could do was try our best. After Jack had his full English breakfast and Krisha her more continental option of cereal, we ordered a taxi to the interview venue.


Trip to Canal 9 And University of Valencia Visita a Canal 9 i Universitat de València Manolo and Carlos: Canal 9 was great! Afterwards we went to the University of Valencia and to the Maths college, and there were many jokes like this one: '-¿ Tu compilas ? - No. Yo con baterías.'

Manolo i Carlos: Canal 9 ha estat molt bé! Després hem anat a la Universitat de València i a la facultat de Matemàticas i allà hi havia molt acudits escrits d’aques tipus: -¿ Tu compilas ? No. Yo con baterías

Itziar: We went to Canal 9. It was incredible! I was also amazed by the university and the science college.

Itziar: Hem anat a Canal 9. Ha sigut increïble! També m’ha encisat la Universitat amb la Facultat de Ciències. Sergio: L’excursió a Canal 9 ha estat molt bé perquè hem vist com funciona el món de la televisió. Jaime i Ana Karin: Ho hem passat molt bé tant a Canal 9 com a la Universitat de València. Ha sigut una excursió genial! Cal destacar que ens ha agradat molt el plató! Ha sigue fantàstic! Sara i Sol: Aquest viatge ha sigut un dels més meravellosos del món! Ens ha agradat veure “la cabina de control” de Canal 9. Victor i Miguel Ángel: Hem vist Amaia Salamanca als corredors de Canal 9. És molt maca, però és una mica seriosa. Ivan i Marta: Ens ha agradat molt visitar la Facultat de Matemàtiques, però els acudits que hi hem llegit eren molt roïns (Ex. Hi ha un tio que cada dos per tres, sis)

Sergio: The trip to Canal 9 was very good because we saw how the T.V world works.

Claudia i María: La tele ha estat molt bé. I … una pena no haver perdut l’autobús i quedar-nos a València de festa fallera.

Jaime and Ana Karin: We had a great time at Canal 9 and at the University of Valencia. It was a great trip! The thing we most liked was the T.V set! It was fantastic!

Pablo i Miguel S.: Per diverses raons, no hi estudiarem a la Universitat de València. Aquestes raons són un secret!

Sara and Sol: This journey was one of the most marvellous in the world! We liked to see the control cabin in Canal 9. Victor and Miguel Ángel: We saw Amaia Salamanca in the corridors of Canal 9. She's very pretty, but she's a bit serious. Ivan and Marta: We liked to see the maths college, but the jokes were very bad. Eg: 'Habia un tio que cada dos por tres, seis' Claudia and María: The T.V was very good and... it was a pity we haven't lost the bus and stayed in Valencia partying in the 'Fallas'. Pablo and Miguel S.: For various reasons, we will not study at the University of Valencia. These reasons are a secret! Sarah and Isabel: We loved this trip to Valencia. We enjoyed it a lot and above all we want to thank Senyoreta Guio and Sr. Esteban for this last experience as students from the last year of the school.


Sarah i Isabel: Aquest viatge a València ens ha agradat moltíssim. Hem gaudit un muntó i sobretot volem donar les gràcies a la Senyoreta Guio i al Sr. Esteban per aquesta última experiència com a estudiants de l’últim any del col•legi.




World Book Day 11th March 2010

There were many special activities that took part during this special day and during the week in which it fell, in years 7 through to 13. These included dressing as your favourite character from a book, presenting a character profile to the rest of the class, reading aloud from books, a “Big Brother� game with characters from novels, and many other activities. Fun was had by all and lucky students received discount vouchers for a book of their choice for taking part in a marathon reading session. Make a note of the date on your calendar for next year when there will be many more exciting events to take part in! Janet Bowers


Sports Day 2010







Gaudi Columbus

Ana Gonzalez

Aitana Ramon

Y7 : 25m Breaststroke

Y7 : 25m Backstroke



Maria Villaescusa

Moresche Bartley

Y11-13 : 50m Freestyle

Y10-13 : 75m Freestyle




























25m Relay : Y7 Girls

25m Relay : Y8 Girls

25m Relay : Y10-13 Mixed




























19.72 26.16



* no comparative result available at the moment (only held for one year)

Louise McCusker

Maria Villaescusa

Y11-13 : 25m Breaststroke

Y11-13 : 25m Backstroke

Moresche Bartley

Maria Villaescusa

Y10 :50m Backstroke

Orwell Orwell

Moresche Bartley

Moresche Bartley

Y10 :25m Butterfly

Y10 :50m Freestyle

Y11-13 : 25m Freestyle


Moresche Bartley

Y9 : 25m Breaststroke

Darwin Darwin

Diana Salaeva

Rebecca Haswell


Y8 : 50m Freestyle

Y8 : 25m Butterfly


Y9 : 25m Freestyle

Jemma Williams

Y8 : 25m Backstroke


Elisa Chen Yao

Carmen Gomez

Y8 : 25m Breaststroke


Luisa Morely

Elisa Chen Yao

Y7 : 25m Butterfly

Y8 : 25m Freestyle




Caterina Prynn


Y7 : 25m Freestyle






















































House Columbus Darwin

Event 25m Relay : Y7 Boys 25m Relay : Y8 Boys

































* no comparative result available at the moment (only held for one year)

Victor Calderon

Miguel Sancho Victor Calderon

Y11-13 : 50m Freestyle Y11-13 : 50m Breaststroke Y11-13 : 50m Backstroke

Toni Serrano

Guillermo Solano

Y11-13 : 25m Butterfly

Pablo Pedrajas

Jamie Sanderson

Y10-13 : 100m Freestyle Y11-13 : 25m Breaststroke

Toby Saliba

Y10 : 50m Breaststroke

Y11-13 : 25m Backstroke

Javier Zapata Craig Laidlaw

Y10 : 25m Butterfly Y10 : 50m Freestyle

Gerrol Bartley Victor Candela

Y9 : 50m Backstroke Y10 : 25m Breaststroke

Pablo Lledo JesĂşs Ferrer

Y9 : 50m Freestyle Y9 : 50m Breaststroke

Iker Parra JesĂşs Ferrer

Y9 : 25m Backstroke Y9 : 25m Butterfly

Scott Laidlaw Anthony Crowther

Y8 : 25m Butterfly Y9 : 25m Freestyle

Gerrol Bartley Juan Soriano

Y8 : 25m Breaststroke Y8 : 25m Backstroke

Scott Laidlaw Ellis Nastry

Y7 : 25m Butterfly Y8 : 25m Freestyle

Ashley Allen Alejandro Ramos

Y7 : 25m Breaststroke Y7 : 25m Backstroke

Juan Soriano

Y7 : 25m Freestyle



Swimming Gala Results



School Sports



Name and Class



Girls 75m

Filomena Saltiel (Year 8)



Girls 100m

Natasha Dawkins (Year 9)



Girls 200m

Natasha Dawkins (Year 9)



Girls 400m

Alejandra Gutierrez (Year 9)



Girls 800m

Nicole McCusker (Year 9)



Girls 1500m

Emily Jenkins (Year 10)



Boys 75m

Gustavo Guerrero (Year 8



Boys 100m

Miguel Sancho (Year 11)



Boys 200m

Ashford Dawkins (Year 8)



Boys 400m

Ambrosio Nevares (Year 11)



Boys 800m

Craig Laidlaw (Year 9)



Boys 1500m

José San Román (Year 10)




Interview with Julia Signes

Why did you decide to take the Valencian Mitja test? I decided firstly because I had studied Valencian all my life and I thought it would be a shame to finish the classes without an official certificate. Also I didn’t think I would find it that difficult, although I didn’t approach it like an easy exam in order to pass. Finally I was conscious of the fact that, at least in the Valencian Community, the Mitja is highly valued and could be useful in the future. I have to say also that my Valencian teacher worked hard to convince me! Do you think your understanding of Valencian will be useful to you in the near future? It’s very likely, yes. Nowadays we are all aware of the importance of the diverse language of Spain in many aspects of our lives: education, methods of communication, administration…also the title of Mitja de Valenciano is now a prerequisite to be able to get certain jobs. So I am convinved that in the Valencian Community, and probably in Catalunya, it will come in useful for my future profession. Do you acutally use Valencian? Now I live in Catalunya I encounter it more, if not Valencian certainly with Catalan. Although in my University (ESADE) the classes are taught in Castellano, I am surrounded by many locals who prefer to speak Catalan on a day to day basis; I love being able to understand them without having to translate everything they say into Castellano. Did you enjoy the Valencian clases? What do remember about them) Obviously! I always liked the Valencian classes with Sra. Guio; there weren’t many students, in a trusting atmosphere and there were also funny situations when we tried to speak Valencian, especially when she was dictating. Despite that I am glad I no longer have to do exercises on “pronoms febles”!


Per què vas decidir presentar-te a la realització de la prova de Valencià Mitjà de la Junta Qualificadora de Coneixements de Valencià ? Vaig decidir-ho, en primer lloc, perquè portava estudiant valencià tota la vida i era una llàstima deixar les classes sense tindre algun títol que ho certificara. A més a més, no creia que anara a tindre moltes dificultats, bé que no es tracta d’un examen gaire fàcil, per traume-me’l. Finalment, era conscient que, almenys a la Comunitat Valenciana, el Mitjà es un títol molt valorat que podria ser-me útil en un futur. He de dir també que la meua professora de valencià va fer una bona tasca de convicció. Creus que el coneixement del valencià et servirá en un futur pròxim? És molt probable que siga així. Actualment, tots som conscients de la importància que estan cobrant les diverses llengües d’Espanya dins la majoria d’àmbits de les nostres vides: l’educació, els mitjans de comunicació, l’administració… És més, el títol Mitjà de Valencià és ja un requisit imprescindible per a accedir a determinats llocs de treball. Per això estic convençuda que, a la Comunitat Valenciana i probablement també a Catalunya, em serà útil en un futur profesional. Fas us del valencià actualmente? Ara que visc a Catalunya, estic molt més en contacte, sinó amb el valencià, amb la llengua catalana. Encara que a la meua universitat (ESADE-Barcelona) les classes s’imparteixen en castellà, estic envoltada de moltes persones de la zona, que solen utilitzar el català; i m’encisa poder entendre-les sense tindre la necessitat que em traduïsquen al castellà. ’agradaven les clases de valencià? Què en recordes, d’aquestes classes? Clar que sí! Sempre m’han agradat les classes de valencià amb la Senyoreta Guio; erem poca gent, dins un ambient de confiança i sempre es donaven situacions graciosíssimes quan tractàvem de parlar en valencià, especialment quan tocava dictat. No obstant això, ¡m’alegre de no haver de fer més exercisis de pronoms febles!





In olden times this village was called Saiti and Saetabis, it is located in the central part of the Valencian comunity, between the Ibérico and Penibético mountain ranges, and it is the heart and capital of La Costera region. We travelled to Xativa to learn more about this village and discovered many details that Year 9 pupils are going to tell you. MANUEL. Játiva's castle is the most visited in Spain. It has two parts: Castillo Mayor and Castillo Menor.

ERNESTO. Franco’s coffin was made in Játiva. Játiva has the most important coffin factory in Spain.

CARLOS J. The Borgia’s Popes lived in Játiva.

PABLO Y CARLOS R. Anna, our guide, told us that the three bronze canyons in the Castle were used in the Sucession War and previously were located in the Plaza de Armas. MARIO. There is a fun and interesting, interactive museum inside the Castle.

JORGE. In L’Amodí Museum in Játiva you can find a painting of Felipe V upside down because he forbade anyone from speaking Valencian. MARINA. I loved all the fountains in the village and the constant whisper of the water. LAURA. People from Jativa are called “Socarrats” because the village was set on fire by Felipe V (“socarrats” are burnt people in Valencian). ALBA. Font del Lleó is one of the most famous water fountains in the village and many people enjoy drinking its water.

EMILIO. The trip was very interesting and was the best way to find out so many new things. CLAUDIA R. It was a long trip but worth it. We walked through the village streets and visited many fountains. GUILLERMO F. We used a small train to get to the Castle and the scenery was beautiful and green.



Sports Day

Our KS3, KS4 and KS5 pupils took part in an inter-schools Sports Day in April 23rd and 27th between our school and El Limonar International School, Escuela Europea and Instituto Haygon. Here are some pictures of the event.




Year 7

On Tuesday 13th April, all year 7 pupils went on an ´Hogueras´ trip. It was a fun packed day filled with different activities everyone really enjoyed it! Firstly we arrived at the ‘Museo de Hogueras’ in Alicante city centre and pupils created drawings of ‘ninots’ on display and discovered lots about the history of the festival. Next stop was San Vicente. We were very privileged to be allowed into an artist’s workshop to see a TOP SECRET ninot being created for Hogueras 2010. The artist, Fransisco Esplá, gave pupils a talk about the vocation of an Hoguera Artist, where his own inspiration comes from, what these impressive structures are made of and how they are put together. Lucky Maria Bañon in 7P was invited to help the artists with a section of the sculpture and she got very messy!

Hogueras Museum Trip


by all the Hogueras images they had experienced that day. Pupils had a great time on the beach, even though the wind was blowing strong! We had two winning teams, the girls team and the boys team, who both created amazing sand sculptures. As a reward the winning team got to leave their sand sculptures for everyone in Alicante to enjoy, the others had to destroy their work, just like during the tradition of ´La Cremá´. Hopefully the sand sculptures will still be there now, why not pop down to Alicante beach and have a look for a bird and some mermaids!!

After lunch pupils had a chance to put into practice what they had seen and learnt from the morning. In teams they had an hour to create a sand sculpture inspired


TEECHERS May 19th and 20th A most successful couple of days were had by the cast and crew of TEECHERS a play where 6 actors play all the kids and teachers of Whitehaven Comprehensive (not the best school in England)! Some good kids were putting on a production of ´Joseph´ - these weren´t the good kids. Everyone had a thoroughly lovely time and the audience seemed to enjoy it all as well – even the man who got told off for eating crisps. Huge thanks to all who helped and all who turned up to laugh and clap! -What is probably most remarkable is the hard work that the boys put into ´Lord of the Flies´, which was all going well till Piggy left for Scotland and plans had to change! Actors involved: Karl Lipman, Michael Saliba, Ethan Port, Hector Chapela, Ashley Allen and Charlie Hughes. Director: Sophie Welsh

“Si eres original, eres de libro” Students in the Secondary Department participated in a competition called “Si eres original, eres de libro” organized by CEDRO (Centro Español de Derechos Reprográficos), an association that groups more than fourteen thousand five hundred writers, translators, journalists and editors in Spain. The members of the jury are people with recognized prestige in different areas of knowledge (Art, Philosophy, Literature, Music, Science…), such as Juan Cruz Iguerabide, Juan Mollá, Margarita Prado y Fernández, Carme Riera, Javier Sábada and Ramón Tamames.


In groups of minimum two, maximum four, our students

had to do a research project on a topic of their choice. This is the second time that the school has taken part in it. This year there were two teams: “Doble A”(Alejandro Ramos Y7F and Alejandro Hernández Y8C) with their work entitled “History of Maths and tricks”. - “Yingyana” (Ying Zhou Y7P and Ana Antón Y7P) with their work entitled “Sea life”. It was a difficult competition, as there were 526 teams participating. Although none of them won, the team “Doble A” was a finalist. Congratulations to Alejandro Ramos and Alejandro Hernández, and thanks to the four students for their great effort! They all received a diploma.




Graduation Dinner 2010




Mar Agulló Santana Claudia Cabeza Ortega Lucía Cánovas Martín Andres Alejandro Carbonell Galle Jorge Díaz-Crespo García Manuel Fernández de Jaen Julia Fernandez Marchante Noe Garcia Sánchez Gianluca Guerrero Bianco Pedro Ibañez Ortuño Alvaro Iniesta Sanchis Lucía Jiménez Gil Alba Juan García Egone Maria Larrainzar Gijón Naomi Lin Ruan Andrea López García Felipe Méndez Vyugina Yolanda Mora Borbalás Eduardo Navarro del Rio Miguel Paredes Bustos Alejandro Payá Barrachina Alvaro Pérez Dominguez Miguel Ruiz Viciana Joan Sanfrancisco Iñiguez Miguel Tirado Candela Rubén Toledano Molina Samuel Torrecillas Martinez

Teachers: Mrs. Su Carmona Mrs. Gemma Berenguel

Teacher Assistants: Mr. Gary Williams Mrs. Zanna Pastarnakova



Rayan Akkouche Ghadban Mia Benavente Castro Aitana Berenguer Abad Isabel Botella Soler Laura Buades Caminati Sofía Cabrera Zamora Yong Rui Chen Chen Alfredo Chinchilla Coves Sandra Del Pecho Alba Adriana Fernandez Bernabeu Pablo Fernandez Manso Maya Fernández Martínez Alessia Franciosi Tomasi Nicolás García Fernández Sara Esther Garcia Mena Jaime Guinéa Escrivá Miguel López Prieto Alvaro Marcelo Monreal Ainara Marín Ramirez Raul Ots Sánchez Celia Pastor Izquierdo Zachary Phillips Irene Rubio Marín Jesús Sánchez Mollá Emilio Sanjuán Pérez Joaquín Sapena Blanco Adrián Valera Noguera

Teachers: Mrs. Heather Williams Mrs. Gemma Berenguel

Teacher Assistants: Mr. Steuart Currie Mr. Phil Hackney


Stingray Fish

Andrés Alba Mammeri Maya Ayela Melendez Jimena Carbajo Ruiperez Oriol Carrió Cortada Pau Cerezo García Covadonga De Dios Sanchez Laura Echandi Millán Hodei Elmira Dominguez Paula Fructuoso Serrano Alvaro Fuentes de Anta José Ramón García Fernández Julia García Pardo Gema del Carmen Gómez Mira Joe Sean Hoverd Granda Natalia Jimenez Adrover Moises Jimenez Planelles Hugo Juan García Alejandro Lobo Sánchez Gorka Martinez Fenoll Lucas Martínez Juan Guillermo Mesquida Jiménez Javier Quiles Rodriguez Elena Ros Navarro Joan Ros Parés Malachi Arthur Topp Victoria Vera Espinosa Olivia Warburton

Teacher Assistants: Mrs. Julie Port Mrs. Carol Collinghan

Teachers: Mr. Stephen Escott Sra. Gemma Berenguel



Rodrigo Amorós Rocamora Claudia Belló Pastor Mireia Carrio Cortada Paz Casamitjana Ortega Javier Cirauqui Palmero Rocio De La Fuente Andrade Lucía Fuentes Membrilla Alba Galán Solana Santos García Valls Daniel Girona Climent Izán González Denia Juan Luis Guevara Bustamante Ana Jarabo Bernabé Arnau Llorca Martín Antonio López Marchena Anastasia Martínez Yakouleva Katherine Megías Freire Pablo Méndez Alcolea Paula Moya Carnero Ángel Orenes Gallego Victor Peiro Martínez Joan Pérez Bertomeu Esther Pérez Martínez Iván Quesada Díaz Ignacio Rubio Nieto Nicolás Torrecillas Lafuente Jose álvaro Verdú Soler Raia Williams

Teachers: Mrs. Sue Crompton Mrs. Joanna Millson Sra. Alicia Rodríguez

Teacher Assistants: Mrs. Ellie Greenough

Reception Álvaro Cano Fernández Isabel Castaño García Cayetana De Anta Díez Ricardo Domínguez Zúñiga Eduardo García Esteban Aldo García Zamora Sandra Higgins Amorós María Jarabo Bernabé Alejandro Lillo López Jose Luis López Marchena David Mañez Gambín Sofía Martínez Campello Diego Martínez Espinosa Paula Martínez Poveda Lidón Morante Alvarez Martina Moreno Rodríguez Lucía Mosquera Macià Eduard Ordóñez Prodan Alberto Pérez Payá Noa Pérez Quereda Blanca Picó Navarro Altea Ramón Guillena Patricia Rojo Tomás Miguel Ruiz Miravet Kevin Soder Villegas Mauro Valls Vidal Joan Van Beek Maciá


Teachers: Mrs. Sarah Perea Mrs. Gemma Berenguel

Teacher Assistants: Mrs. Karen Button


Puffer Fish

Zahira Abellán Sogorb Sofia Albors Noguera Mónica Andrés Fullana Pablo Antón Cáceres Lucas Avellán González Asia Berkane Giménez Guillermo Bonmatí Morales Joel Alexander De Haan Sánchez Pablo De Miguel Ortiz Miguel Del Castillo Olmo Juan Del Pino Calpena Gabriela Fernández-Coppel Erbiti Rubén Flaquer Monllor Alexander Hita Moya Adriana Iranzo Carrillo Enrique Jiménez Canales Alba Lapidge Rodríguez Victoria Martínez Yakouleva Carlos Molina Pérez Marta Parkinson María Pastor Solana Soraya Rodríguez Bulaix Alfonso Sánchez Santacreu Daniel Sevilla Van Der Voorde Roberto Tormo Navarro Andrés Torrubia Bustos Nicolás Vallino Ruiz

Teachers: Mrs. Hannah Sulston Mrs. Alicia Rodríguez

Teacher Assistants: Srta. Miriam Seoane

Year 1

Puffin Bird

Teachers: Mrs. Linda Davidson Mrs. Gemma Berenguel

María Alfonso Popova Carmen Bañón Medina Adel Berkane Giménez Sergio Campos Mengíbar Violeta Fernández Cabeza Elena Fernández Martínez Carlos Garrido Moreno-Palancas Nicolás Gioia Inés Gómez Rastoll Pablo Grau Martínez Julio Herranz Ibarra Juan Llopis Flores Martina López Rodríguez Iván Martínez Pérez José Martínez Pérez Marina Meana Pastor Yune Megías Ruíz Lourdes Oliver Palmón Alejandro Ortiz Martínez Virginia Pizarro López Alberto Pro Rodrigo Carla Rodríguez Vicario Eduardo Romero Vivó Lucía Ros Navarro Samuel James Spinks Aitana Viudes Forrat

Teacher Assistants: Mrs. Sonia Bernabeu

Year 1


Victoria Baez Santamaría Elias Bauch Mira Alejandro Borrego Mahiques Irene Caballero Alcaraz Jorge Caldeiro Zurbano Carmen Candela García Alexis Cantos Sempere Luis Castillo Garrigós Andrea Del Pecho Alba Lidia Fructuoso Serrano Valeria García Moreno Guillermo González Blanco Yoel González Denia Miguel Javaloyes Rodríguez Zhen Yang Nemo Lin Rafaela Trindade Lobraico Julia Miralles Martínez Teresa Miralles Vega Juanjo Pérez de Azpillaga Campoy Cayetana Pérez Serna Alejandro Sala López Fara Santonja Chiapello Sarah Siscar Rocher Denis Sotomayor Domene Laura Valverde Noguera Laura Vidal Joan

Teachers: Mrs. Michelle Pereira Mrs. Alicia Rodríguez

Teacher Assistants: Srta. Andrea Gil

Year 1


Roberto Bernabeu García José Victor Castillo Roselló Mateo De La Fuente Azcárate Paula Esclapes De Diego Bruna Espírito Santo Paula Faus Marín Marina Fernández De Jaén Celia Galváñ Miguel Pablo Girona García Daniel Scott Gómez Carrete María Teresa Ibañez Ortuño Gonzalo Iniesta Sanchís Fernando Lanzarot Yang Jie Lin-Hu Nader Mahmood Kausar Alejandro Martín Ortega Ana Martínez Campello Jacobo Medrano Hernández Laura Mitchison María O’driscoll Giner Sandra Parro Fernández Haile Richards Carlos Sánchez Pascual Cristina Sánchez Villalta Sara Sirvent Rodríguez Carlos Tirado Candela Lucía Vallejos Figueroa

Teachers: Miss. Jo Robins Mrs. Alicia Rodríguez

Year 2 Alejandro Alba Mammeri Samuel Andrews Esteban Marcos Bauch Mira Jose Miguel Belda Cortes Luis Casamitjana Julia Cerezo García Noelia Chen Sun Elena Coves Lozano Gerardo De Dios Sánchez Almudena Fuentes De Anta Gema Fuentes Membrilla Vicente José García Valls Sofía Gil Blau Lucy Ann Hoverd Granda Alvaro Jiménez Planelles Kostantin Kazantsev Diego Larraz Martín Sofía López Sierra Lucia Martínez Espuch Alejandra Pérez de Azpillaga Campoy Ariadna Puentes Garay María Ros Parés Alfredo Sánchez Kobusinski Esperanza Sanjuán Pérez Aaron Sarabia Rivera Carlos Sigfrido Seguí Segura Lucia Torres Mula

Teachers: Mrs. Sarah Anthony Jane Mrs. Maeva Rodríguez

Teacher Assistants: Srta. Miriam Juan


Year 2 Seals

Lucía Asensi García Pablo Barrachina Antón Alex Blasco Pastor Carla Yue Borrego Mahiques Hugo Estañ Ruiz Inés Fernández Fontán Hannah Fernández Martínez Alvaro Galinsoga Patró Ismael Gamero Vera Kim Gastinel Guern Sofía Gil Sánchez Irene Giménez Rodríguez-Losada Pablo Graciá De Diego Silvia Guinea Escrivá Aarón Mora Borbalás Rafael Nava Herraiz Elia Oncina Blanco Laura Pardo Torrente Jimena Pascual Martín Carlos Payá Barachina Cristina Pérez Valles Marta Prieto Rodriguez Edward Slater Jonathan Stoen Moreno Manuel Ten Gutiérrez Nayua Younes Regidor

Teachers: Mrs. Felicity Bennet Sra. Alicia Rodríguez

Year 2


Aline Akkouche El Ghadban Jorge Antón González Daniel Ballester Mínguez Sofía Bermejo Durán Nereida Chinchilla Coves Berta Díaz-Crespo García Paula Dionís González Marina Fernandez Fontan Yago García Zamora Marco Gil Sánchez Marina González Amorós Roser Guillén Ripoll Carlota Martinez Juan Mª Luisa Miñana Bernabeu Esther Paredes Moreno Samuel Perea Millson Paula Serna Kuhl Francisco Javier Serrano Valencia Alexander Dominic Slater Molly Amanda Spinks Daniel Tomás Yarysheva Tomás Torres Mula Alejandro Tortajada Blanco Gonzalo Valencia Paula Vera Espinosa

Teachers: Mrs. Karen Tomkins Sra. Maeva Rodríguez Sra. Gemma Gerenguel

Year 3

Miss. owens

Maria del Carmen Amador Duran Sara Amores Alonso Oscar Bou Belda Rodrigo Campos García -Romeu Félix Castejón Clar Aitana Cirauqui Palmero Marian Galinsoga Hernández Clara García Mena Mariola Garcia-Cañada Candela Malena Gioia Rodríguez Lucia Gonzalez Blanco Javier Gutierrez Ujeda Odin Lledo Torrighelli Carmela López Rodríguez Victor Martínez Pérez Alejandro Martinez Yakovlev Nicolás Nogués Sarmiento Alejandro Perea Millson Blanca Pérez Dominguez Adrián Poveda Navarro Dylan Riley Mcneige Emma Ruiz Prada Maria Patricia Slater Mireia Suarez Valle

Teachers: Miss Jenni Owens Sr. Juan Mora

Year 3

Mrs. Pilkington

Alejandro Burg López Alejandro Caldeiro Zurbano Eva Mª Castillo Roselló Sara Crespo Ibarra Daniel Cueto Tenorio Alba De Haan Sánchez Inés Fernández Martínez Lucia Nieves Galinsoga Hernández Eva García Parra Rosana Gutiérrez De Paco Ian Harris Benítez Manuela Trindade Lobraico Pilar López Marchena Carlos Meana Pastor Carla Navarro Del Río Guillermo O’driscoll Giner Miguel Orts Miralles Carla Palmi Alonso Pablo Pereda Asencio Marco Antonio Quereda Moreno Libertad Sempere Ba Elena Pei Shi Chen Adrián Vázquez Castro Tania Verdú Marco

Teachers: Mrs. Ginny Pilkington Sr. Juan Mora

Year 3

Mrs. Phillips

Victoria Arteaga Alenda Alvaro Barroso López Virginia Domingo García Marina Esteban Jarabo Rene Fernandez Martínez Lorena Galvañ Miguel Mario Gamero Raquel Garrido Morales Mark Leonov Justina Lipman Alejandro López Ortega Elvira Menéndez Lorenzo Arnau Moncunill Agulló Fran Pérez Martínez Luna Quesada Díaz Antonio Ros Navarro Marie Theres Rundkvist Iván Sánchez Luna María Alicia Sanz Maestro Neus Serrano Martínez Victor Alberto Valero Quintana Adrien Venot Marco Kyla Watkins

Teachers: Mrs. Sarah Phillips Sr. Juan Mora

Year 4

Mrs. Hughes

Alex Andrew Collingham Andrés Gallego Nieto Yaiza Gancedo Fernández César Amérigo García Cabezón Santiago García Villalba Scarlet Heath Diego Izquierdo Manero Jia Li Loubna Maldonado Baidal Antonio Marcos Ortiz Lucía Martínez López Alejandro Mesquida Jiménez Samuel Millán Norman Ethan Parra Aparicio Luis Miguel Revuelta Potenciano David Ricote Sanchez Ángel Sánchez Vicent Adrián Santo Fulleda Zheng Shuo Shan Tian Shi Chen Sebastián Sierras Gómez Olivia Jane Topp Tess Van Duijvenbode Pablo Vives Matasán Reina Yarwood

Teachers: Mrs. Vanessa Hughes Sra. Fátima Martín

Year 4

Mrs. South

Pablo Avellan González Richard Chen Sophie Doran Sergio Estañ Ruiz Jorge Esteban Jarabo Santiago Fernández De Jaén Clara Fernández Fontán Florian Gastinel Guadalupe Gómez Ribera Sara Grau Pablo Lara Juliet Greiff Hugo Hannibal Baquedano Uma Ivorra García Jorge Menéndez Lorenzo Aitana Moreno Rodriguez Paula Oliveira Alejandro Ots Sanchez German Pascual Martin Jorge Payá Barrachina Carlos Prieto Rodriguez De Vera Guillermo Ramos Sánchez Patricia Ribes Vivó Marta Rubio Diaz Selene Vanessa Ruiz Loss Paula Ten Gutierrez

Teachers: Mrs. Lisa South

Year 4

Mrs. Smee

Alex Agulló Albareda Marco Arias Lezcano Andreu Armero Soler Pablo Asensi García Mafalda Cardenal Charlie Collingham Patricia Criado Navaro Ignacio De Lucas Y Jara Jonas Elber Sara Espinosa Rastol Irene García Vicent Luis Jose Gil Sánchez Raul Gonzalez Miralles Laura Graciá De Diego Alexander Gutierrez De Paco Victoria López Lloret Hugo Martinez Serrano Pablo Mira García Gines Nicolas Zapata Javier Paricio Estañ Irene Perez Beltran Daniel Rodriguez Vicario Rafael Torrecillas Martínez Noa Younes

Teachers: Mrs. Vicky Smee Sra. Fátima Martín

Year 5

Mr. Manning Fox

Julia Patricia Arraez Gutièrrez Marta Bañon Medina Pablo José Bermejo Martín Andrea Borras González Marta Victoria Borrego Mahiques Loïc Buleón Rodriguez Paula Canicio Sempere Miguel Cardona Polo Emma Enriquez Sirvent Ivonne Fernández Herrero Paloma Galinsoga Patró Maria García Sotos Jacobo Giménez Rodríguez-Losada Silvia Hernandez Benito Matthias Höbart Emily Hughes Antonio Lopez Ortega Victor Martinez Espinosa Irene Martínez Hierro Zay Megias Ruiz Elena Mendez Ruiz Manuel Menor Torregros Teresa Pombo Gil Rocio Rubio Díaz Armando Sala López Inés Tretter Álvarez De Arcaya

Teachers: Mr. Paul Manning Fox Sr. Fernando Bellot Sra. Fátima Martín

Year 5

Mrs. Manners

Javier Almoyna Mataix Africa Andrews Esteban Sonsoles Arteaga Alenda Jorge Blasco Pastor Jaume Bou Belda María Entero Ruíz Agueda Fernandez De Bustos Erik Fernandez Martinez Miguel Galán Lopez-celada Cristobal García Fernandez Andrea Garrido Moreno-Palancas Paola Ji Chen Álvaro Jiménez Marcos Rebeca Kivijärvi Busto Blanca Lanzarot Facio Miguel Lledó Niñoles-manzanera Martina Mañez Gambin Malcoml Munro Laura Oncina Blanco Malena Pardo Torrente Alvaro Pastor Solana Elena Pombo Gil Eduardo Puentes Garay Jemel Richards Carla Lorena Valero Quintana

Teachers: Mrs. Suzanne Manners Sr. Fernando Bellot

Year 6

Mrs. Swoffer

Cano Fernández, Alvaro Laura Avellán Pablo Carrillo Martinez Yong Le Chen Chen Ruari Clear Fernando Conde Maciá Iria De Haan Sánchez Priscila Gamero Polyak Andrea Gilabert Mora Daniel Gómez Ribera Roberto Harris-Benitez Adrian Hortelano Sanz Christian Manners Sergio Martínez Fernández-Pacheco Sofia Martinez López Hector Martínez Martínez Yvanna Mercado Novack Marta Nava Herraiz Lucía Ortiz Martínez Ivan Ricote Sira Santonja Chiapelo

Teachers: Mrs. Joanne Swoffer Sr. Fernando Bellot Sra. Fátima Martín

Year 6

Mrs. Langton

Arturo Alcaraz Pastor Raquel Ballester Minguez Alejandro Bans Burtchaell Cesar Beltran Chloe Blackwell Alejandro Bordera Solana Carlos Coll Diez Martín Crespo Ibarra Sara De Rojas Serrano Guillermo Fernandez De Bustos Sergi Fernández Macia Alba Gutierrez Ujeda Sandra Huete Corrales Aleksandra Kustudic Gorka Mancisidor Ródenas Marina Martín Fernandez Omar Mora Borbalas Leonora Pihl William Smith Adriana Suarez Estevez Harry Williams Ana Ye

Teachers: Mrs. Josephine Langton Sr. Fernando Bellot Sra. Fátima Martín

Year 7

Sr. Francisco

Hugo Barcenilla Van Der Maesen Alvaro Bonet Vera Silvia Campello Baeza Javier Coll Diez Jamie Lee Dumbarton Isabel Giménez Rodriguez-losada Mª Eugenia González Martín Carlos Hannibal Baquedano Gonzalo Martínez Romero Daniel Otero Bernabeu Berta Pereda Asencio Caterina Prynn Cuadrado Aitana Ramón Guillena Alejandro E. Ramos Sanchez Alex Ruiz Prada Mª Carolina Valero Rios Tommy Van Duijvenbode

Teachers: Sr. Félix Francisco

Year 7

Sra. Guió

Alec M. Barcenilla Van Der Maesen Carlos Beduino Senén Luis Blasco Santamaria Gracia Carratala Dols Yong Xuan Chen Chen Candela Hernandez López Paula Izquierdo Manero Alejandra Lledó Niñoles-manzanera Jose Luis Martín Burrel Luisa Moreley Serrano Sarah Ourahmane Iara Pecino Macedo Olga Santo Fulleda Mª Isabel Segura Cascales Arturo Sirera Fluxia Christopher Stoen Moreno Miguel Valera Noguera Takuma Yarwood

Teachers: Sra. Mercedes Guió

Year 7

Miss Parry

Jose Luis Alberola Riquelme Ana Anton Gonzalez María Bañón Medina Alex Barrenechea Linares-rivas Hector Chapela Lamas Yongmin Cho Park Javier Diaz Sempere Natalia Galan López-celada Irene Gamero Vera Laura Gonçalves Scalco Raquel Griffith Riquelme Nicole-chantal Kuiper Gonzalez Carmen Menor Torregrosa Iván Moreno Manzaneque Jorge Rubio Lopez Jesus Valencia Mario Valero Quintana Ying Zhou Shan

Teachers: Miss Gina Parry

Year 8

Mrs. Castro

Hana Cho Park Carmen Gómez Del Río Negrín Ornella Guerrero Bianco Alejandro Hernandez Benito Elena Iborra Calabuig Cayetano Jones-gaspar Scott Laidlaw Victor Yan Zhi Lin Hu Daniel Lledo Romero Harry Marshall Paula Martínez Hierro Alfonso Perez Andreu Juan Soriano Botella Moriah Thomas Jemma Williams

Teachers: Mrs. Carrie Castro

Year 8

Mr. Wall

Ashley Allen Mario Beltran Rodriguez Marta Bonmatí Morales Elisa Chen Yao Lucia Doran Santamaría Charlie Hughes Lydia Kay Karl Lipman Fernando Martínez Bueno Irene Nicolas Zapata Victoria Pedrajas Arias Ethan Port Dayana Salaeva Michael Saliba Carlos Sanchez Vicent Juan Siluan Montes

Teachers: Mr. Phil Wall

Year 9

Mrs. Bowers

David Agulló Albareda Philip Boecker Lee Guillermo Burillo Varela Karyn Butler Marina Campos Castaño Alba Espinosa Rastoll Jesús Ferrer Torrecillas Manuel Gómez Del Río Negrín Obdulio González Amorós Artem Kravchenko Amy Lawrence Rachael Leckey Pablo Lledo Romero Adrián López Molina Laura Molina San Jose Ellis Nastri Carlos Javier Nuñez-Castelo López Carlos Ribes Vivó Jorge Solá Sanz Sophie Amy Tranter Abigail Whitehouse Ernesto Zoffmann Rodríguez

Teachers: Mrs. Jannet Bowers

Year 9

Mdme Maire

Emilio Alcaraz Pastor Fiona Barcenilla Van Der Maesen Gerrol Bartley Javier Coll Sempere Samuel Escott Claudia Esteve Cortés Guillermo Ferrer Torrecillas Luccia-Sarah Haughton Oliver Joseph Heath Carmen Jiménez Marcos Alexander Kuiper González Mario Moreno Manzaneque David Mullor Tomás Claudia Rabasco Calderón Roberto Reviriego Javier Rojo Tomás Laurence Smith Anastassia Souzdaltseva Eduardo Torres Sunyer Tara Wudhiphan Oscar Ye Cheng

Teachers: Mdme. Virginie Maire

Year 10

Mrs. Collingwood

Ashford Michael Dawkins Alejandra Esteve Cortés Liam George Galbraith Maria Garcia Fernandez Candela Garcìa Villalba Alejandra Gutiérrez Ugeda Craig Laidlaw Roque Mercado Novack Maria Molina San José Javier Nicolas Zapata Victor Oliveira Iker Parra Aparicio Julia Pérez Torres Teresa Quesada Renaud Toby Saliba Marta Signes Espuch Ana Villaescusa Andres

Teachers: Mrs. Sam Collingwood

Year 10

Miss Welsh

Moresche Bartley Aaron Brown Manuel Espinosa Rastoll Sandro Fernández Herrero Gustavo Guerrero Bianco Rebecca Hall Irene Moreno Acevedo Katriona Munro Castillo Alvaro Nevares Verena Oetzmann Claudia Pastor Monllor Kirstie Saltiel Juan Antonio Sirvent Benedicto Felix Troeschel

Teachers: Miss Sophie Welsh

Year 11

Mr. Panter

Kalim Ahmed Ander Barrenechea Linares/rivas Joe Bembridge Matthias Blaum Victor Candela Llorens Mia Craig Natasha Dawkins Kieron Fowler Charlie Grinstead Jessica Haywood Laura Hernando Serrano Aleksi Kajander Marie Klockner Hugh Lawrence María Florencia Machado Lucy Metcalf Anis Mottahedeh Kiefer Port José San Roman Sirvent Jamie Sanderson Artur Skory Harriet Wightman

Teachers: Mr. David Panter

Year 12 Alvaro Almoyna Mataix Manuel Alonso Orts Charlie Baker Miguel Angel Balibrea Gomez Ivan Blaus Victor Calderón Marco Marcelo Del Rio Sanchez Claudia Fernández Pérez Alejandra García Ten Marta González Bertó Lara Jurado Aguilar Carlos Martínez Romero Ana Mengotti Moliner Lucas Mengual Barroso Itziar Nava Herraiz Rafael Nevares Pablo Pedrajas Claudia Plaza Jaime Sanchez/ferragut Ardura Miguel Sancho Peña Guillermo Solano De Vicente Nicky Stewart María Villaescusa Andres

Sr. Esteban & Mr. Smith

Teachers: Sr. Daniel Esteban Mr. Dave Smith Mr. Dominic Slater

Year 13

Mr. Roberts

Jack Bembridge Mercedes Coll Jo Cornelius Sara Del Rio Sanchez Isabel Delgado Laguna Anton Farber Emma Galbraith Krisha Gandhi Sarah Ghahremani Thomsen Sam Gunter Carrielee Holt May Mottahedeh Jordan Naylor Eduardo Quesada Zaplana Sergio Rojo Tomás Maxim Salekhov Soledad San Roman Sirvent Antoni Serrano Sempere Cristina Torres Sunyer

Teachers: Mr. Mathew Roberts Mr. Dominic Slater

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