Yearbook 2012_13

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The British School of Alicante

Yearbook 2012

Honesty • Faith • Courage

Designed by

INDEX Headteacher’s Message 1 Head of Primary Message 2 Head of Secondary Message 3 Director of Studies Message 4 Sixth Form Team Building Event 5-6 Roald Dahl Week 7 Helping Somalia 8 Primary Council Photos 9-10 Swimming Gala 11-12 Enrichment Activities 13-14 Hallowe’en Disco 15-16 Super Heroes Week 17 India Week 18 Celebrating Diwali 19 Space Diorama 20 Visit to the Townhall 21-22 Helping Children in Need 23 Head Boy and Head Girl International Conference 24 Movember in the BSA 24 BSA has Talent 25-26 Save the Children Diploma 27 Draw your Christmas 27 Football Tournament 28 Castle Models 29 Enterprise Competitions 30 French Revolution 31 Charity Record 32 Trip to Orihuela 33 Year 12 Visits Ciudad de la Luz 34 Going Green 35-36 Carnival 37-38 Year 6 Chocolate Topic 39 Trip to Villajoyosa 40 Trip to Barcelona 41-42 Beach Cleaning Project 43-44 Trip to France 45-46 Team Building Day 47 Gardening in Early Years 48 Scuba Certificates 49 Science Trip 49 Drama Workshop 50 Valentine’s Day 50 Year 7 Water Museum 51 Visit to Castalla 52 Visit to Guadalest 53-54 Visit to Tabarca 55-56 Visit to Novelda 57-58 Ski Trip 59-60 Reception Train Trip 61 The Bear Hunt and Nursery Picnic 62 Creating Chocolate Factories 63 World Book Day 64 Sports Day 65-66 Literary Festival 67 Trip to Valencia 68 Art Exhibition 69-70 Trip to Cartagena 71 Making Bread in Nursery 72 Steve Smallman Visit 72 Race Against Hunger 73-74 New Head Girl and Head Boy 75 Double First for Alex and Emma 75 Inter School Competition 76 Beach Day 77 Football Tournament 77 Literature Prize 78 Jubilee Celebrations 78 Year 8 Trip to Granada 79 Year 3 Visits the Traffic Park 80 Hogueras 2012 80 Visit to the Farm 80 International Award 81-82 Year 10 Snorkelling 83 Year 5 Trip to Alborada 83 Year 6 Trip to Benicassim 84 Sir Roger Fry 85 The Lion King Show 85 Year 2 and 6 Graduation 86 Prize Giving Ceremony 87-88 2012 Graduation Dinner 89-90

Head Teacher

DEREK LAIDLAW proud of that. It is a remarkable achievement in such a relatively short space of time and one which should inspire us all towards even greater accolades in the future. We can all, rightly, be proud of our achievements; however, we will not become complacent. We are already planning to build upon our strengths and to offer even more opportunities for future success. You can be assured that as your Head teacher I will be striving for even greater achievements in the coming months and years.

I write this to you, a very proud Head teacher, at the end of another very successful and rewarding school year. Without doubt, the highlight of the year has been the exceptional report the school received from the Independent Schools Inspectorate. After months of preparations, our staff and pupils received the recognition which I have long known we deserved. This school is a very special place and sometimes we need to step back and reflect on just how far we have come as a growing school in the recent months and years. The quality of teaching and learning and the pastoral care our pupils receive is outstanding and exemplary. The achievements of our pupils and staff, not only in examinations, are also excellent and our standing within the global educational world has been raised to new heights by the dedication, cooperation and high expectations of everyone connected with the school. We are now officially rated as one of the top British Schools Oversees and we should all be very

I am delighted that the Inspectors commented on many occasions about the wonderful attitudes and behaviour exhibited by our pupils. They are a credit to the school, to themselves and to their parents. Invariably, in and out of school, visitors and members of the public commend them on their excellent representation of our school. They excel not only in social and leisure pursuits but also academically as was noted in the inspection report. This balance of social, moral and academic development is essential for individual and collective success. The two phrases used in the ISI report which most aptly sum up why our school is so special and why our pupils are so successful in all areas of their lives is ´Respect and trust transcend age groups.´ and ´Relationships are outstanding´. These statements exemplify our school ethos and reflect our own motto - Honesty, Faith & Courage. I am very pleased that our departing Year 13 students have been offered places at Universities of note both here in Spain and the UK. I wish them well on the next part of their learning journey and look forward to hearing of their progress and future successes. They have certainly been given, and have given themselves, an exceptional platform on which to build their future careers. In conclusion, I would like to thank all the members of our very special school community- pupils, staff and parents for playing your parts in making our school so successful and full of optimism and promise for the future.

Derek Laidlaw MA (Oxbr), NPQH (London), Dip T Mus (Dundee) Head Teacher/Director


Head of Primary

FIONA THOMAS I think the first thing that struck me about BSA was the warmth, and I don´t mean the temperature! The staff and pupils readily embraced me and I immediately realised how fortunate I was to work in such a caring and supportive community. That care and support has continued throughout my time here and is something that I will take with me to my new school. This is the same care and support that Inspectors identified when they visited in April, using words and phrases such as, “readily help each other”, “friendly”, “courteous” and many more. Secondly, it was the teaching and the learning taking place throughout the school and the thoughtful planning by staff in order to provide not just the British National Curriculum, but a curriculum adapted and relevant for our second language learners. It is this planning, as well as the delivery, marking and assessment that have raised standards consistently year on year. There are many more impressions and highlights that I could write about, but it is the team and community spirit that I will take with me to my new school. The ability of a large community to all work together in the same direction for the benefit of the pupils, consistently striving to improve. When I think on the year just gone I can´t help but think of my last 4 years at BSA. As I write my last Year Book report before taking up my new position in the UK, I look back on very fond and special memories.

Early Years

Lastly, I would like to thank staff, pupils and parents for their support, hard work and friendship over the last four years, and when I think of BSA in the future I will think of excellence, collaboration and positivity.


Fiona Thomas Head of Primary

We have had another busy and exciting year in Early Years. Some of our highlights have been the Nursery colour days, the Christmas concerts, our activities about Divali and the Chinese New Year, Reception Super Hero day, the Nursery Teddy Bears Picnic, the Race for Hunger, the Queens Diamond Jubilee celebrations and our Farm trip. Some of our new initiatives have been a success this year including the Nursery coffee mornings and the Parenting classes for Early Years. We have been so pleased with the children´s level of English and their motivation to use English as much as they can. We feel the children are very well prepared to start their new classes in September. On behalf of all the Early Years staff we would like to wish all the children lots of luck and good wishes in their new classes. We are very proud of the progress they have all made this year and their hard work. I would like to say a big thank you to all the Early Years team for their constant care and dedication to the children. Thank you also to all the parents for their support this year and for making it such a successful and happy year for all of us.

Joanna Millson Head of Primary 2

Head of Secondary

STEPHEN GREEN I promise you that in opening doors for others, both now and in the future when you will be the leaders in our society, you will discover the true meaning of privilege. This year has had both ‘ups and downs’. On the sporting field we’ve ‘won some and lost some’. Sometimes, no matter how hard you knock, the door won’t open. That’s life. Sometimes the door seems so strong, so secure, so firmly locked that there seems to be no point in trying to open it. Sometimes it’s slammed so forcefully in your face that you hardly dare try the handle again. I urge you now, have a go. Fear of failure is the greatest impediment to opportunity that I know. As a teacher and a father I believe implicitly that we must seek to give young people the confidence to face failure. Think about the pupils you know. How often do we see those for whom success comes too easily, too quickly falling by the wayside, while those who try, try and try again take on the mantle of tomorrow’s winners? Have a go. That door will open in the end.

When leaving my office, many students will often ask ‘Shall, I close the door?’ The answer has always been ‘No, you can leave it open’. With this being my final message to our secondary students, it strikes me that after two years of advising, guiding, nurturing, coaxing, pushing and the occasional yell, that in all that time the door has always been open to you all. You’ve never had to struggle to open it. You’ve never had to go searching for a key. You’ve never had to physically force the thing down (at least not my office door!).

Make no mistake; this College is a special community. I am conscious of the support and goodwill that comes from so many of our extended family both in and beyond the College, and I am grateful beyond expression. If the College is to take advantage of the open door ahead of it, it will not be as a result of my efforts, or the rest of your teachers. This is your College, our College – and only in partnership can we take it forward. I am reminded constantly of this and of the special individuals who grasp this concept with both hands and renewed vigour in the face of adversity. Looking to individual pupils, there are many who have achieved so much. I am reminded of the achievements of our various charitable events and all those who have continued to promote the College as a caring institution which takes responsibility for those less privileged than us very seriously. Through these events we can claim to be making a significant difference in a tangible way.

The end of the year is characterised by examinations, but as I write this, I am reminded that education must never be confused with examination. Our College should not be measured in A or A* grades. Our education should be about drawing the best out of individuals; about the provision of opportunity; the setting of challenges to seize those opportunities; opening those doors that would otherwise remain firmly shut.

However, there are some among us who feel safer with the door firmly closed. Safe in our own little world, we take no risks, run no dangers. No matter how confined, no matter how restricted, our narrow world is preferable to the wide open spaces beyond the bars. It’s a safe, sad world and I hope that you never settle for it. Open the door.

I therefore lay down a challenge to each and every one of the leavers reading this year book. You are talented, fortunate, privileged young people. Determine now to make a difference.

Finally, a word of thanks to you all: the pupils and staff of Kings College. You are the reason that I enjoy coming to work every morning - the reason that I feel proud and privileged to be a teacher of this outstanding College.

Stephen Green Head of Secondary


Director of Studies

SIMON WICKS As a school we have worked hard to raise our standards year on year, whilst at the same time continuing to provide a caring and supportive educational environment, where our pupils are encouraged to exceed their own expectations and aim to be the best they can be. As we grow it is important that we continue to reflect on what we do well, what we can continue to improve but also understand that regardless it is our relationships with each other that are key to our future successes. And this is true in all aspects of our lives.

It has been yet another successful and enjoyable year for us all at King’s College, Alicante and as I think back on just how much we have grown and flourished in the time since I joined the school in September 2003 I am filled with pride at the outstanding ISI report that we have recently received. It is not only the hard work of pupils, parents and teachers that have made us the success we are today but also the excellent relationships that we are lucky enough to share with each other, and which the Inspectors reported on as being one of our major successes.

As a teacher, and particularly in my current role as Director of Studies, it is easy to fixate on academic achievement and examination success. However, our time in school is about so much more than that. If I take a step back and look at our pupils it is very rewarding to see that we are helping to raise a generation of young adults that genuinely care about others. Often in life we forget that the important things are not money, power, cars or other material possessions but simply the people we surround ourselves with. If we are to measure how successful our time in school has been then our examination results will tell us whether or not we have met our academic potential. But if we smile when we think of some of the memories we take away with us, if we think affectionately about a particular member of staff or classmate, or if we can count at least one person we have met here as a good friend, then we have received so much more than a good education. I look forward to welcoming back those of you that are returning to school in September. To those that are leaving us this year, I genuinely hope you stay in touch and remember to cherish those relationships you have made here and enjoy forming new ones wherever you may be going.

Simon Wicks Director of Studies



Te a m B u i l d i n g E v en t

On Friday 9th of September the students from Year 12 and Year 13 went on a trip to improve our friendships. The trip was a success. We left school at 09:15 and one hour later approximately we arrived to our destination (la Nucia and its outskirts). Once there the instructors divided us into two groups. The second group (my group) went first to ride on segways. The segway is a way of transport that works depending on the tilt of your body. If you lean forwards, it accelerates; if you lean backwards it goes backwards. We did races against each other in groups, we enjoyed it a lot. Later, when we had finished lunch, we went to meet the other group. Suddenly, they all appeared wet with wetsuits, harness and helmets (it was a really funny image). The instructors got out some sheets and they put as in pairs so that our pair gave us the equipment. When we finished putting everything on we started to go up the mountain while the other groups left to the segway activity. After going up the mountain we stopped where there was freezing water, but as we had our wetsuits on if wasn´t that cold. There we did cannoning. We jumped into the water from the mountain (3 metres more or 5

s eptemb er less). Then the amazing bit came: rappelling. We went down the mountain hung by the harness and a rope (25 metres height). Some were scared while others seemed quite confident. Once everyone was down we went back to the bus and back to school. It was a memorable and extreme trip that we would all wish to repeat.



se p t e mb e r


he week beginning the 12th September was packed with lots of activities going on in secondary school. Why? On the 13th September, the school celebrated the birthday of one of the most famous children’s authors, Roald Dahl. Not only this but this week was the 50th anniversary of one of his books, James and the giant peach.

Students were involved in a variety of tutor activities, creating ´horrible monsters´, puzzles and teamwork. Some students were lucky enough to attend Roald Dahl readings by Mr Green, Mr Pemberton, Miss Taylor, Ms Bowers and Miss Parry throughout the week. They entered international competitions and to end the week on a fun note, students were invited to a ´peach party´. Where they could try ´revolting recipes´, discuss the week and partake in more fun and games.


o ctob er

Somalia Pupils in Early Years and Key stage 1 classes brought coins to school to cover the letters SOMALIA. Their efforts raised an amazing 400 euros. The children in Years 3-6 held a successful book and toy sale which raised another 380 euros and they went home with some very interesting purchases! Local children in need also benefited as the leftover books and toys will be donated to Asociaci贸n Humanitaria Americana. Thanks to everybody supporting the East Afican Appeal, BSA will be sending a cheque to the Disasters Emergency Commitee Fund. Thank you! Thanks to Mrs Davidson and all the staff and pupils in Primary for organizing this event. Well Done!


Primary Council Photos

Ye a r 2

Ye a r 3


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Ye a r 4

Ye a r 5

Ye a r 6


Swimming Gala 2011


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Gala Results 2011 House Columbus Darwin Orwell Gaudi

Points 121 117 109 99 12




As part of the enrichment programme in Sixth Form, students have been learning to rock climb, scuba dive and kayak. You can see from the photographs that after only a few weeks some students already show a remarkable aptitude for the sports.

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Reception Super Heroes Week The Reception children had a fantastic week celebrating Super Heroes. The children made special masks and costumes and participated in lots of Super Hero activities in the Super Hero Bat Cave.


novemb er

India Week in Early Years


Diwali celebration Diwali, a festival of lights, is a Hindu festival which originated in India, but is now celebrated all over the world. It celebrates the triumph of good over evil and of light over darkness. Many customs and ceremonies are associayed with this joyful time when thousands of little clay lamps, called dipas, burn brightly from every house where the festival is observed. Prior to Diwali people clean their houses and decorate the floors, especially the floors of doorways and courtyards, with special designs called rangoli. Rangoli patterns are often made with colored rice flour, rice or spices. Lights are placed in the doorway to welcome Lakshmi to a house. Families get together for Diwali the way families gether to celebrate Thanksgiving. People exchange gifts of sweets and send Diwali cards to their friends. They also greet each other with their words "Subh Diwali," which means Happy Diwali. They wear new clothes, and those who have quarrelled try to patch up their differences at this time so that they may celebrate Diwali in friendship.


novemb er

S PA C E d i o r a m a s


he Yr 2 pupils have all designed and made Space ´dioramas´ as part of a Design and Techology activity, connected with their Space Topic. They look brilliant, well done everyone!


YEAR 7 PUPILS FROM FIVE SCHOOLS IN ALICANTE, INCLUDING KING´S COLLEGE, THE BRITISH SCHOOL OF ALICANTE WERE INVITED TO TAKE PART IN A PLENARY SESSION IN THE TOWN HALL HOSTED BY THE MAYOR The session was held to commemorate UNICEF, Convention On The Rights of the Child. Politicians were asked for explanations on the initiatives undertaken to ensure compliance with the fundamental rights of children. One student from King´s College asked the Councillor for Education, Antonio Ardid, about the importance of public investment and urged him to give his view on what was most needed: more computers or more teachers. The Councilman gave an overview of the major educational initiatives that are held in his area, but avoided answering the question! The Mayor, Sra Sonia Castedo replied “The important thing is to continue investing in education; we must continue to promote education, but being realistic.” Children from King´s College also raised the possibility of regular exchanges with other schools “to learn how other children learn”; an initiative that the council undertook to study with the directors of other centres.


novemb er

COMMENTS FROM THE PUPILS On Friday 18th November, we went to the Town Hall in Alicante. We walked across a very big room with pictures of all the majors of Alicante. It was a beautiful building! We sat on some red chairs and the major started to talk. Then we started explaining our work about UNICEF and finally it was my turn. I was very nervous but finally I could speak well! We´d got a lot of presents too! Dani 7F I really liked to go to the Town hall! We talked about Children in education. There were a lot of journalists who took photos of us. I would not mind to come back again! Álvaro 7G When we went to the Town hall. We sat in a little parliament where we talked about UNICEF and the rights of the children. When we finished they gave us a certificate and presents. I think this is an interesting way to work and learn! Miguel 7G It was a very exciting experience! When the Local representative said that he liked our questions I felt my heart beating very quickly! Inés 7G

Ye a r 7 P u p i l s r e c e i v i n g their Unicef Diplomas


Children in Need On Friday 18th November, the secondary school students were involved in raising money for Children In Need. The students made cakes, crepes and waffles to sell at break time and we had competitions such as Penalty shoot out, guess how many sweets in the jar and a cake lottery. By 11:50 the students has raised an incredible 300 euros! Congratulations to Ă lvaro (7G) who won the sweets in the jar and to Madame Maire for winning the cake lottery! A great day was had by all and we can now help lots of unfortunate children to have better lives.


novemb er

COBIS : International Conference of Head Boy and Head Girl Our Head Boy, Anis and our Head Girl, Laura attended the inaugural conference of Head Boys and Head Girls in Madrid where they met other representatives from Spain and the UK. With the title “Communicative Leader”, the conference lasted two days and they enjoyed lectures, workshops and social events. Thanks to King’s College, Soto for hosting and organising this event.

Movember2011 The Movember Foundation is an Australian-based, not-for-profit, charitable organisation that implements the Movember event each year across the globe. The Movember event creates awareness around men’s health issues and raises funds for carefully selected beneficiary partners in each country that are also charitable organisations, with a focus on prostate cancer. Movember’s beneficiary partner in the United Kingdom is The Prostate Cancer Charity, which was set up in 1996. In its relatively short life, the Charity has played a key role in raising both public awareness of the disease and political debate about services and support. The Prostate Cancer Charity is the largest and most comprehensive of the charities in the UK focused specifically on prostate cancer. They aim to provide hope for tomorrow through the research that they fund – and practical support for today through their extensive – and growing information services.


18 November 2011

BSA’s Got Talent


novemb er


Save the Children Diploma We would like to thank all pupils, parents and staff in helping to raise 1500 euros from bookmarks to help Save the Children. We are proud to present the diploma the school received for helping this organisation.

“Draw Your Christmas” Contest Clara (Year 5) and Sara (Year 1) were the winners of “Draw Your Christmas” contest by El Corte Inglés. Both proud winners show their fantastic drawings in this photo.


novemb er


t the end of November, Mrs Hughes and Mr Manning Fox took two football teams from Year 5 to The King’s Group School in Murcia to take part in a tournament involving six teams from four schools. Both teams played extremely well, with one team reaching the final before eventually losing in a penalty shootout. Everybody had a good day out in the sun and the teachers were very proud of both teams for their behaviour, sportsmanship and effort. Hopefully next year we will go one better and bring home the cup!


CASTLE MODELS Years 7 and 9 have been creative in History. As part of their studies on the Medieval period Year 7 have made castle models in which they tried to include all the defensive features about which they have been studying.


decemb er


COMPETITION For enterprise week a competition was announced to the students. Their brief was to come up with an idea to improve the school. 2 groups of Year 8 girls entered the competition and this week they presented their ideas to the year 11 ‘dragons’. The girls have worked incredibly hard and done a lot of research into their ideas, the ‘dragons’ asked some hard questions but the girls managed to answer them professionally. The year 11 ‘dragons’ were left with the difficult decision of choosing the winner, after much deliberation they thought that both ideas were equally as constructive and positive for the school. They suggested that the groups should combine their great ideas to create one super idea! Who knows, in the future the girls´ ideas could come to life and there might be an addition to the school?


Year 9 have studied the French Revolution and the period known as the Terror. They have studied the numbers of people executed during this time. They have made guilotines which were first used during the Revolution as a humane method of execution! Some of them have even been cutting the heads off Barbie dolls with horrible results. All of the students put a great deal of effort into their models. Well done!


decemb er

CHARITY RECORD Thank you to all parents, pupils and staff for a record breaking amount of presents collected this year for our annual Christmas Charity Asociación Humanitaria Americana de Alicante. The amount of children’s toys, presents and clothes collected far exceeds any of our four previous years and I am delighted that our school community has shown such generosity at this time of the year. I know that the Asociación is extremely grateful for our donations as they are often the only presents some of the children receive.

UNITOUR: UNIVERSITY FAIR On Wednesday 18th of January, Year 12 and 13 pupils visited UNITOUR, a University Fair in Meliá Hotel. Pupils were informed about universities, degrees and careers they can take in Spanish universities. 32

CULTURAL TRIP TO ORIHUELA On 18th of January I came to school with all the enthusiasm of the world; we were going on a trip! My friends and I were talking for half an hour until the bell rang to go to class, then we went to class for the register and to wait for the bus. When all was ready we set off. It took forty minutes to arrive and when we got off the bus we met our guide, Enrique. After a short walk we arrived at Santo Domingo School. Enrique explained to us that there was a church inside the school and the best students carved their names on the front wall with the blood of a bull. Then we entered the church. At first glance, the church was spectacular. It had a lot of decoration, amazing domes, balconies and television! We sat in the front row and the explanation began. They told us that the church was Baroque. It had many hidden details and you could not fix on one thing. The church had been restored 10 years ago. They told us many details about the shields, the décor and balconies. They told us how the dome was made of wood so that the church would not collapse because of its weight, it looked like the sky and above all was the sun. After the explanation, we walked around to explore and then we left. When we left, we had some time for lunch, then we proceeded to visit the home of Miguel Hernandez. The house was quite small but it wasn’t where he was born, that was three or four streets below. His father bought it because it was near the school, but he left the school when he was fourteen to become a monk. Then we visited the inside of the house. The main hall had several pictures and was separated into three rooms. On the right, was the bedroom of his sister. On the left, there was a book for making comments and the parents’ bedroom. In the centre was a small kitchen, and beyond that the garden where we read some poems of Miguel Hernández such as the “Nana de la cebolla”. We climbed the stairs to the barn and finally into the garden where there were fig , lemon trees and cactus, down the mountain behind the house where the poet used to go to write and to graze the animals. Then we walked a little more and arrived at the cloister of the cathedral that was the most important in the Valencian Community. The next street was the street where Miguel Hernandez was arrested. The tower had been a former jail. There we said goodbye to Enrique and another guide took his place. 33

j a nuar y

Year 12 Takes Audiovisual Classes We have been fortunate to attend audiovisual classes in “La Ciudad de La Luz”. Something that, without doubts, will enrich our education. But sincerely, those classes have started to become some of our personal interests; it’s not just a simple title to add to our CV, now it is something more similar to an activity we could not go without. The base of this course is to learn everything related with the audio-visual reporter. We began studying the news and different aspects of television, we’ve learned how the cameras work and we have put it into practice, recording some small news; in the following weeks, we will record news that afterwards we will produce in the production studios. Also, we’ve been able to witness the recording of a short, and we had the chance to try out the experience of a radio from the inside.This course delights us as it’s a very different theme from the ones we study at school. All of us are learning a lot and our knowledge from television is really different from what we used to have. They’ve showed us to understand that audio-visual language communicates through shots, instead of using words. The fact of having to walk up and down every Thursday morning from the studios refreshes our mind and stimulates our brains; this way, we wake up and start classes with more energy. All aspects from this course give us several benefits, on a personal and accademic level; and that’s the reason why we enjoy to the maximum each class. We love audio-visuals.

Maria and Claudia (Year 12)


Going Green, Lean and Clean! BSA’s School Council members have been busy beavering away over the last few weeks, working in three sub-groups: Health & Safety, Healthy Me and Eco School.

The Health and Safety sub-group has focussed on making the playground areas safer and more attractive. They have highlighted litter as one of the major factors in spoiling the appearance of the playground, and, more importantly, presenting a danger in terms of people slipping on spilt food and drink. They have found that some pupils eat and drink on the Astroturf, and, accordingly, all teachers on duty have been asked to be vigilant about this. The group decided to make posters: one indicating what you should not do, and one indicating what you should do, to be placed around the playground. They also suggested a “Picking up Litter Rota” for the Juniors, to be monitored daily by the School Council representatives. With these initiatives in place it is hoped that the playground areas will become a better place in which to spend time.


j a nuar y The Healthy Me group have been designing posters for display in and around the school dining room, reminding all children to wash their hands before eating and that a balanced diet which includes fruit is good for them! Early years classes have received hand-washing posters with jingles on them for the children to sing as they learn about hand washing and hygiene. The group has plans for a Healthy snack week which will run next term along with 2 planned sports and fitness events involving Reception classes along with Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 pupils. Lots of topic work is also being taught in classes, at present, about the body, exercise and healthy eating.

Thank you to the school council pupils and the class teachers who remind them about all meetings! Big thanks to all teachers and pupils involved in the school council work... it is certain that all this effort is going to result in a healthier, safer and eco friendlier environment.

The Eco School sub group has been keen to see how all classes in primary can become more eco friendly. It identified that often teachers and children leave their classrooms without turning off lights; without switching off projectors; sometimes taps may be left running and the heat is escaping through open windows and doors. The group decided to create a check list for classes which would be placed inside the classroom and near the door. Before leaving the class, children would ensure that lights and projectors are off, taps closed and doors shut behind them. Regularly, Eco-warriors, members of the sub group, will patrol classrooms to check which class is eco friendly and which one is not. Classrooms not following the check list rules will be named and shamed and those being eco friendly will be praised and rewarded with an eco friendly certificate. The sub group aim to launch their proactive scheme in the first week of March. 36 36



februar y


YEAR 6 CHOCOLATE TOPIC This term, Year 6 has been looking at the topic of Chocolate. As part of this topic children have been looking at the history of chocolate and the origins of the cacao bean; The process of making chocolate and in relation to this they recently visited two chocolate factories in Villajoyosa: Valor and Clavile帽o. The children have also become experts at using chocolate to make and bake their own chocolate cakes, biscuits and other delicious goodies. On Tuesday 14th February all Year 6 children brought in chocolate delights that they had made at home; and to prove they had made it, they had to bring photos of them cooking throughout the process and they also had to bring in their recipe and method. Once they had brought the items into school, Mr Laidlaw, the Head Teacher and Mrs


Thomas, Head of Primary, judged the chocolate goodies and awarded a certificate and English chocolate bar to a winner from each class. Children also came into school that day in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory costumes and the best dressed character from each class was also awarded a prize. All the items that the children had made were then sold in school to children and staff, raising a phenomenal 470 Euros. This money has been donated to the Nazaret Fundaci贸n which is a youth and family programme based in Alicante which is aimed at improving the quality of life of disaffected children and families in the local area. Nazaret has been in existence since 1957. On Wednesday 22nd February, Nazaret came into school to do a presentation about their work to Years 5 and 6.

februar y For the rest of the term, Year 6 will be experimenting with chocolate and also creating their own virtual chocolate shop and learning how become our future business men and women! They will be creating chocolate related art work too. This has been a really exciting topic which children have really enjoyed.

Photos from the Chocolate Baking Sale

YEAR 6 TRIP TO THE CHOCOLATE FACTORIES The first chocolate factory we went to was VALOR. And we had lots of fun! When we entered the factory we were amazed. We visited the chocolate museum and saw the chocolate in its different forms. After that we saw the different machines it had. It was an amazing experience. Finally we went to buy chocolate in the VALOR factory. It was delicious!!! Furthermore we went to the chocolate factory of CLAVILEÑO and we had lots of fun too. We received an interesting booklet with the process of chocolate making! When we went into the factory they showed us how they did the chocolate in the old times.

The 14th of February was the Year 6 chocolate cake sale. The Year 6´s are studying chocolate this term, and our project was to bake a dessert that was composed of chocolate and other ingredients. At the start of the day, Mr Laidlaw and Mrs Thomas visited the Year 6 classes to judge who had made the best cakes and come dressed in the best costumes. The winners from Y6H were Irene and Noa, the 6G winners were Richard and Santiago and the 6F winners were Tess and Ethan. After the judgement, the Y6s took their desserts to sell them. The desserts were yummy yummy and popular amongst the pupils.

When we got to school, we told our friends about our fantastic experience!

In assembly on the 22nd of February, all the money raised was given to “La Sonrisa de Nazaret”, a charity placed in Alicante.

We hope that we can go again!



THE YEAR 12 GEOGRAPHERS TACKLE BARCELONA! On a beautifully sunny Monday morning the year 12 Geographers navigated their way to Alicante station to start their intrepid journey to Barcelona for a week of Geography related field work. Heeding the advice of their teacher and the various weather reports, all students arrived with cases brimming with warm layers, hats, gloves and scarves; in some cases enough to clothe most of the other passengers on the train.

After five hours of IPods, eating, drinking, chatter and sleep the train pulled into Barcelona Sants station. It was then a short hop on a local train before we arrived at our home for the week, a hotel by the sea, just outside the city. Thankfully we were greeted by friendly staff who ushered us straight into the dining room for a hearty dinner to refuel after our long journey. We were given a brief introduction as to the format of the week and then there was free time to unpack and prepare for the following day.


I think both students and I would have to say we were not expecting to be working quite as hard as we did the whole week. Day one saw us being led by a well travelled and very knowledgeable Dutch man around the El Raval area of Barcelona. Here students carried out various field work techniques to examine the rebranding that has taken place in this area in order to assess whether or not it has been successful. Even for those of us who had visited before, we were introduced to the Barcelona that you do not necessarily see in the tourist brochures, exploring areas ´off the beaten track´ and hidden away down small side streets. We were fascinated by the alternative side to Barcelona, that of arts students, musicians and activists, an intriguing hidden world.

februar y The following days were equally as interesting and equally as hard work! The students worked very hard to complete their work quickly and efficiently and this meant they were then able to have more time to explore their new surroundings in their own way before returning to the classroom each night for a follow up to the day’s findings. The evening sessions were held by a member of staff from the Barcelona Field Studies Centre who specialise in taking school groups out for field work. Staff with a particular interest in each destination would join us in the evening for some time in the class room. This usually involved collating data, learning new statistical formulas and analysing patterns, facts and figures in order to formulate conclusions. Every day saw a new adventure in a new setting involving new techniques; the students did themselves proud by adapting to their surroundings each day, moving from a bustling city on day one, to the quiet villages of the Priorat region in day two to the beautiful coastal resort of Sitges for day three.

The work that took place during the week was an incredibly valuable learning experience for the students and something which could not have been replicated in the class room environment. The skills they acquired will prepare them for their exams later this year and for subsequent exams the following year. Geography is one of the few subjects that requires field work outside the usual class settings.

This is such an important experience for all students to have, not just in terms of the Geographical skills and learning but also to their development as an individual. The freedom to explore new surroundings, mix with new people and enjoy some independence in their world they are growing up in cannot be undervalued, they are our future. Thank you to my Year 12 Geographers, you made my week a happy and successful one... now back to work!


KING’S COLLEGE ALICANTE’S FIRST BEACH CLEAN On Wednesday 22nd February 2012 King’s College, The British School of Alicante, in conjunction with Dive Academy Santa Pola and Project Aware, took part in the school’s first ever beach clean of a local community beach in Alicante.

The team, armed with rubber gloves and bin bags, worked tirelessly for over an hour picking up the detritus left behind by the beach’s users. In total they cleared 32 bags worth of rubbish and collected several larger items including a car bumper, cash register, various doors, chairs and suitcases. Prizes, donated by Dive Academy, were also awarded to Julia (Y12) and Karl (Y11) for finding the most original piece of trash and collecting the biggest volume of trash respectively.

25 students from Years 11, 12 and 13, along with Stephen Green (Head of Secondary), Simon Wicks (Director of Studies) and Sam Cook (Science Teacher) joined Damon Rose (owner of Dive Academy) on San Gabriel beach to participate in an international initiative to rid our world’s beaches of trash and debris. Simon Wicks, Director of Studies at King’s College, commented, “We are delighted to be able to assist the local community keep the beaches of Alicante clean. We encourage all our senior pupils to undertake some form of community service as part of our enriched curriculum in Years 12 and 13. I have been extremely proud of the way in which our students have wholeheartedly thrown themselves


februar y into this activity in order to help protect the beaches and marine life of the Costa Blanca. It has been a great opportunity to contribute to this global initiative and we hope this will become a regular event on our school calendar.� The local community also came out to show their support and passers-by offered messages of encouragement. As the BSA pupils left the beach it was great to see some other beach users arrive with bags in tow to continue the work the group had started. Head Girl, Laura, commented, “We have had the opportunity to help the environment by cleaning the beach while at the same time having a great time together. I would definitely encourage other schools and young people to do their bit.�


TRIP TO FRANCE 2012 TRIP AGENDA Friday 17/02: Flight to Paris and visit of Paris (Boat trip on the Seine, visit of Montmartre and SacrĂŠ Coeur, night time visit of the Eiffel Tower...) Saturday 18/02: Visit of Versailles Palace in the morning and Mont Saint Michel (with a treasure hunt) in the afternoon. Bowling in the evening Sunday 19/02: Visit of Dinan, lunch in a creperie and coastal walk. Evening in French cafĂŠ. Monday 20/02: Visit of Saint Malo, French hypermarket, night time visit of Paris Tuesday 21/02: Disneyland Paris




Wednesday 22/02: Return to Alicante


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MY BEST MOMENTS: Iara: my best moment was in Disneyland Paris when I went on the Space Mountain ride. This moment will remain in my memory forever because I was terrified before riding on it. Luisa: my best moment was with my friends Alex, Natalia, Javi, Maria and Alejandro. We were queuing in Disneyland and Alex and Alejandro made us laugh during the whole 2 hours. We couldn´t stop laughing at all. My second best moment was sharing a room with my friends. It was one of the best moments I´ve ever had with my friends. Having a shared room was hilarious, it was fantastic. Carlos B: My best moment was when Arturo, Takuma, Miguel and I were in the Rock and Roller Coaster. When the carriage was just about to go, there was a screen that said, 3,2,1....Boom. And the carriage went from 0km/h to 120km/h in 3 seconds. It was my first scary rollercoaster and it was amazing. Arturo. My best moment was when we did the 1,5 hour walk from the Castle to the Lighthouse. The scenery was beautiful along the coast. I also had a lot of fun in the Rock and Roller Coaster and on the plane. Candela P: My best moment was on the boat in Paris and we saw all the sights. We were saying “bonjour” and waving to all the people we saw on the street. But really, I liked EVERYTHING!!! Maria: My best moment was in the Mont Saint Michel when we did the treasure hunt. Javi and I wanted to win the prize so we were running very fast to answer all the questions. It was the best trip ever!!! Natalia: I really enjoyed Paris and if I could, I would have stayed another week!!! Jesús: My best moment was in Disneyland, it was amazing and incredible. The rides were scary but really good. The main street zone and the castle were beautiful in the night with all the lights. Nouran: For me everything was magical. From the moment I was in France, I was excited. We did a lot of amazing things and no words can describe how fantastic it was. But still, there is a moment that will stick in my memory and I will always talk about: Disneyland. It was our last day in France so I tried to enjoy it as much as I could. 46

TEAM BUILDING DAY We kicked off Trips Week with a bang in Secondary when Y11-13 participated in a teambuilding day on Monday 20th June. After an ice-breaker involving students, blindfolds, animal noises and lots of laughter, everyone knew whose team they were in and worked together for rest of the day on different tasks. All the pupils eagerly participated in the activities, all of which were designed to get them to think about how they can work together and what skills they bring to a team. It was unanimously agreed that the day was great fun and many people made new friendships or learnt new things about themselves.


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GARDENING WITH EARLY YEARS Several Sixth Form and Year 11 students helped Reception children to create a new planted area where the Early Years pupils will be able to watch a variety of plants, bulbs, seeds and flowers grow over the coming months. Everybody got involved and was elbow-deep in soil and water but a great time was had by all and the Reception patio looks a lot more attractive now!


SCUBA DIVING CERTIFICATES Congratulations to several of our Sixth Form students who received their official PADI licences and certificates at an assembly on February 7th, 2012.Students have been following an accredited course of Scuba Diving with Santa Pola Dive Academy as part of our Sixth Form enrichment programme. Three students received their advanced Open Water Certificate and a further 9 received their dive certificates.

SCIENCE TRIP TO ALICANTE UNIVERSITY The AS and A level students were invited to attend the University on the 2nd February and observe lectures. The students were divided in three groups; Biology, Chemistry and Physics. The students in the Physics group were lead to the Physics department where they spent the first part of the morning learning the theory behind electron energy levels and the effect these have on emission and absorption spectra. We then proceeded to measure the wavelength of red light using a spectrometer. The students were actively involved in the practical and where given the opportunity to use the University equipment,


thus getting a full picture of what and how Science is taught at University level. We were also shown absorption spectra of various gases, then discussed waves and resonance and were shown Barton´s pendulums and a vibration generator producing standing waves on a piece of string. The students thoroughly enjoyed their time at the University and left feeling proud to have accomplished and tackled higher level Physics.

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DRAMA WORKSHOPS THANKS TO JOHN MADEJSKI ACADEMY We were honoured to be paid a visit by students and staff from the John Madejski Academy (Reading). Whilst with us they delivered excellent Drama workshops to our Year 10 and Year 9 students. They finished the day with a dramatic version of the Shakespeare play Macbeth as well as some humorous Shakespearean shorts. The staff were glowing in their appraisal of the students and we hope that this is just the start of many more exchanges between the schools.


Love and friendship flourish among our King’s College Alicante students, thanks to our sixth formers. On February 14, Laura, Anis and Marta were in charge of distributing “sanvalentines” cards and roses among their classmates. A week earlier, the students who so wished, deposited in a box romantically decorated cards and messages to their peers. The letters contained romantic messages, loving, funny, and so on. In addition, there was the possibility to deliver a red rose with the card. And so, on February 14, Saint Valentine arrived at our school. 50

Y7 VISITS ALICANTE AND WATER MUSEUM Wednesday 22nd of February pupils from Year 7F and 7G visited all relevant monuments of Alicante city. First we went to the Castillo of Santa Bárbara, where we enjoyed the beautiful views of the city. After we went to the Water Museum located in Pozos de Garrigós and we learnt about some interesting water myths and facts. Once the visit finished we went to visit the main three fountains in the old area of Alicante. Finally we visited the Basílica de Santa María, the Concatedral of San Nicolas, the Townhall, the Explanada, Casa Carbonell and the sea port.


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VISIT TO CASTALLA & XORRET DEL CATI It was a beautiful, crisp and sunny winter’s morning when Year 8 arrived in the mountains of Castalla to learn about the local ecology. The tranquillity of the location definitely came as a shock to our citydwelling students, along with the bite of the cold, mountain air. The day was spent exploring the area around Xorret de Catí, a small mountain stream. The knowledgeable guides introduced us to many of the local species and taught the students about how species interact within an ecosystem, along with the threats that many species, such as the Arruí (a type of mountain goat), face from human activities.


VISIT TO GUADALEST & FUENTES DEL ALGAR In spite of the bitterly cold day on Monday 21st February 2012, Year 7 students accompanied by their teachers Sra. Guio, Sra. Castro and Mrs. Bowers “thawed out” the locals in Guadalest and Callosa d’en Sarrià with their warm smiles and sunny personalities. An excellent time was enjoyed by all as we visited The Castle in Guadalest and admired the views down to the lake and beyond. We then climbed back on the bus to travel very winding, steep roads until we arrived at the Algar Waterfalls, which are situated just outside Callosa. Samples of the water were taken for analysis and various measurements together with a variety of information, so students could complete a Geography enquiry.


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TABARCA Following 3 days packed with activity, Year 12 and 13 deserved a bit more of a relaxing day out. The trip to Tabarca was the perfect opportunity. The visit began with a pleasant boat journey to the island; the fresh air really lifting everyone’s spirits for the day ahead.

The trip featured a visit to the Tabarca museum which taught the students a lot about the local marine life and the history of the island. We then took a walk through the town and around the island, taking in the fantastic views and local features of interest. Lunch was taken on the beach before the return journey to Alicante, during which the students were tested with a house competition to see what they had learnt about the island. Everyone learnt something new, even the teachers!

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februar y Comments about the trip: Moreshe (Year 12): "I though learning about the History of the island was interesting" Mia (Year 13): "I really enjoyed touring around the island seeing the land marks" Laura (Year 13): " It was fun learning about Tabarca's Biodiversity and the artificial reef the built"


EXPERIENCIA MODERNISTA EN NOVELDA Visits 1. Casa Museo Modernista 2. Centro Cultural 3. Santuario 4. Castillo de la Mola 5. Parque del Aete

We learnt about modernism in depth. The casa museo modernista had exquisite arquitecture and detail throughout, you could see this in the staircase and patio. On the whole it was a fun day out. Catalina and Mia (Year 12) We really enjoyed ourselves because of all the different furniture we were able to see. We had a lovely day!. Karyn, Sophie, Karl, Rosa, Gerry. (Year 11)


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La Casa Museo Modernista was an excellent example of Modernism and its architectural style. We loved the ballroom with the piano. Pablo, Emilio, Nacho (Year 11) We liked the Casa Museo Modernista the most, due to its art nouveau and modernist decoration. We also liked the church; however the inside was not as impressive as the exterior. Ana, Marta, Raquel, Elisa, Isabel (Year 13)


TRIP TO THE SNOW The skiers met on a cold and dark Sunday morning outside the school gates, the sun peering over the sea offering the promise of warmth later in the day, at 7.30am however that was of little comfort. The skiers appeared one by one at first, then at 5 minutes to 8am the trickle turned into a flood and all were present and correct for the agreed leaving time, a punctuality that was to be seen throughout the trip.

did not complain and got on with organising themselves, another trait that was to last the trip.

The first few hours travel north to Valencia were quiet ones, the ensuing tiredness of an early weekend morning outweighing the excitement of a first school ski trip for the students It was as if some of them had not been to bed the night before. But as the road carried us through the countryside and into Aragón the mood lifted and conversation of what the week might bring was in full swing as we gained altitude towards the mountains with the newest addition to our team, Señor Educo, or Dani to his friends, our monitor for the week.

Food was good and in plentiful supply at the hostel that night, with the added surprise of only one of our 10 vegetarians taking the option of the alternative meal which confused the kitchen staff, and all went to bed on a full stomach. Bed time was (nearly) adhered to, with the teachers and Dani on hand to make sure the skiers were safely asleep in their beds, and making sure the primary school children down the corridor were keeping the noise down as they played games so as not to wake our tired travellers.

Our arrival in Panticosa and our first look at our residence for the coming days was impressive. A large warm building with rooms that slept 8 were handed to us, space enough for our 4 to a room policy. Unfortunately, the single bathroom for all the floor to use was not as spacious, but the team 59

The organised chaos that was “Ski Hire” passed uneventfully, those new to skiing learning that it is possible to get your foot into something too small for your hand, saving us time the following morning when we hit the slopes, or so we thought.

Now I understand that no-one enjoys being waken up at 7am by someone pounding at their door and shouting in an excited manner, least of all when you are a teenager, even less so when that person is your teacher. Luckily the students did not mind this one bit as the promise of sun and snow met them as they opened their curtains and

februar y after a brisk breakfast we were on our way. When we arrived at the slopes we saw that other schools had also had ski fit the night before and so retrieving our skis and boots was not easy and took so long that Mr Butcher decided that keeping our equipment with us would save time in the future, a good idea at the time everyone agreed. On the mountain, groups were selected on ability and the first morning of lessons gave us all a look at the slopes. Beginners learnt to plough, Intermediates had a go at paralleling and the advanced group learnt some questionable phrases from their instructor Jesús to keep in mind as they tried to ski in a way people don´t really ski that much, on one ski, only turning one way and without poles. Method was found in the madness however as better technique was sought and found in each of the skiers. Afternoons were free ski, for the students to go where they wanted and ski how they wanted. Though this initially gave great cause for concern for the teachers, the charm and size of Panticosa meant this was not a problem. Equally, the attitude of the students to ski to their ability in a safe and sensible manner showed the teachers that concern was unfounded. The surprise at seeing beginners with one morning of lessons under their belt overtake me on a main blue piste was tempered by the help they were giving each other when they eventually fell. Still, I was sure that someone would hurt themselves…. someone always does, though for the time being there was not so much as a tight ski boot to complain about from the skiers. Day 2 brought more sun and more lessons with a few transfers between groups for those making good progress. The idea to keep the ski boots with us and save time in the morning backfired as the students forgot to take them off the bus and the cold night had frozen the boots making them smaller than normal. With minimum of fuss and maximum of pushing, the skiers

finally got them on and headed to the slopes. The advanced group were now the largest group and Jesús had his hands full making sure all were being challenged. Eduardo had laid siege to the top skier status, though those just behind were pushing hard, with Manuel, Jesús and Mario all striving to impress. Alina´s knees, Anastassia skiing backwards and Guillermo´s bravery were all commented on, and even Fiona was persuaded to ski without poles and get on a button lift, something that is just not done in Switzerland apparently. That evening the skiers were treated to a local festival in the town of Soller, an enchanting place of chalets and streams that impressed us all. Unfortunately we were not able to enjoy the full festival though the students were impressed with what they did see and i´m sure they will be stopping by again if they ever find themselves in the area. Day 3 was as sunny as the first 2, though the decision from Mr Esteban to abandon the sun cream was to prove incorrect, apparently 2 days is not enough for a proper base layer. The skiers had covered the Panticosa slopes numerous times, had found their favourites pistes and had identified the most challenging one, a red run known as “The Wall”. This challenging run claimed many victims, students and staff. Those who attempted it once fell. Those who attempted it twice did not return. Those who did return broke their finger. And so it came to pass, the rule that someone always hurts themselves on a school ski trip was proved. Admittedly it is normally a student, but as Miss Miller was driven away on the blood wagon, the fear of coming weeks wearing a bandaged hand was softened by the knowledge that at least it wasn´t one of her students.


Reception Train Trip During March the Reception children had a great morning out in Torrellano. They all had a trip on a miniature steam train and visited the train museum. They saw lots of old train artifacts including the rail road, flags, clocks, toy trains and even a model of the station master. We also saw a program about Thomas the Tank Engine. We all learnt a lot and had a fantastic trip.


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The Bear Hunt and Nursery Picnic The Nursery children have really enjoyed their topic of Teddy Bears. All the children brought their teddy bear to school for a special teddy bears picnic, where they ate lots of teddy bear cakes and biscuits and sang lots of songs. The children have also been reading the story “The Bear Hunt� and had lots of fun acting out the story in the siesta hall. The teaching assistants worked really hard preparing it and there was even a real bear, or was it really one of the teaching assistants? ! We would like to thank them all for their great efforts.


CREATING OUR OWN CHOCOLATE FACTORIES In March Year 6 had an amazing homework project which was to make their own chocolate factories. The children were encouraged to use recycled materials and think about the chocolate making process that they have learnt about. Additionally the children needed to be imaginative and creative with their work.





“It was incredible seeing the amount of creativity and imagination used by the children,” Mrs Thomas, Head of Primary, commented, “I can see that the children have spent a lot of time and effort producing some amazing Chocolate factories... Well done Year 6!” In addition to this being a homework project, it was a competition with two factories being picked from each class as winners and runners-up. The winners and runners up are: • • •

Class 6H Winner and runner up Alex Class 6G Winner Anastazie and runner up Paula Class 6F Winner Luis Miguel and Runner Up Alejandro

Well done to everyone!



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World Book Day World Book Day is a celebration! It’s a celebration of authors, illustrators, books and (most importantly) it’s a celebration of reading. In fact, it’s the biggest celebration of its kind, designated by UNESCO as a worldwide celebration of books and reading, and marked in over 100 countries all over the world.






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RECORDS ACHIEVED 2012 Track Year group 11‐13. 11‐13. 9‐10. 9‐10. 9‐10.

Distance 800m 800m 200m 400m 400m

Student Craig Laidlaw Elena Iborra Alejandra Lledo Gracia Carratala Takuma Yawood

Old record 2.30.53 4.14.85 31.09 1.24.81 1.05.00

New Record 2.26.00 3.28.00 29.62 1.23.00 1.01.00

New year group record New year group record New school record New year group record New school record

New Record 28.4 5.50 9.88

New school record New year group record New year group record

Field Year group 11‐13. 9‐10. 7‐8.

Event Javelin Long Jump Shot putt

Student Ellis Nastry Mario Valero Rory Clear

Old record 26.49 5.00 7.90



“Bringing Books Alive”


n Tuesday 13th and Wednesday 14th March, The British School of Alicante hosted our first Literary Festival. This presented a wonderful opportunity for students in Year 6 , KS3 and KS4 to experience a range of literature in creative, inspiring and fun activities.

The theme for the festival was ´Bringing Books Alive´ and students explored particular aspects of stories, poetry and art. In Year 7 the students explored comic book heroes; the Year 8 had a scary look at frightening stories and in Year Nine the students read, wrote and performed poetry and songs. Year 10 and 11 analysed and composed their own songs.


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In Year 12 / 13 part of the Spanish for Foreigners course at A Level consists of a regional study about the Valencian community; it’s geography, contemporary history, demography, culture, traditions, religion, language and issues that the citizens of this community face. Taking advantage of the opportunity to visit the community’s capital Valencia in March as the whole city is complete with tradition, festival and FALLAS! Here, some photos of the day we spent on the 16th of March in this city of flowers, light and love… Many thanks to María Vicente, the Director and all at ALOS Language Academy, Valencia for having given us such a warm welcome when we visited on the morning of the 16th to do a language exchange. We spoke in Castilian Spanish to these Valencian students of English (Cambridge FCE students) about Fallas. Our BSA pupils had the task of preparing and giving a talk about a cultural tradition of their own country. The most popular proved to be that of Shrove Tuesday, as Moresche explained, a tradition whereby we make, toss in the air and eat pancakes (with nearly everything and anything you can put on one!).





Congratulations to all pupils and staff who contributed to our wonderful exhibition of GCSE and A level Art on Friday 20th of April. Thanks also to Anis and Ana for their splendid musical performances. Thank you to the many parents and pupils who attended the exhibition and a special thanks to Miss Parry and Mrs Castro for all their preparation and work.


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Year 9 Historians have been on a visit to Cartagena as part of their work in History and Sociales. This city has a wealth of history and gives students an overview from the Romanic period to the era of the Civil War. Firstly we visited the Roman Theatre to learn how the theatre was for everyone and even food and drink were free. We were also taught that every time there was a new Emperor they simply changed the head on the Emperor´s statue. The girls also gave an interesting dance performance on the stage. We then headed to the castle to get an aerial view of Cartagena and to learn about its development. Finally we vistited the Civil War air raid shelter to learn about life during this period. We were told an interesting recipe for a tortilla involving orange pith and water, due to potato and egg shortages. Back in the classroom we will be following this up with oral history projects and further work on Cartagena. The students were excellent and did an amazing job of noting down the huge amount of information the guide gave us.


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Making Bread in Nursery E The children in Nursery E learnt the process of making break. They all loved to play with the flour and knead the dough. It was a fantastic activity that teach us how to use different ingredients to produce a product that we enjoy every day. Well done!

STEVE SMALLMAN VISIT The children enjoyed the visit from Steve Smallman, the visiting author. He came to school to read his books and the children listened really carefully to his interesting stories. He is also an artist and drew some excellent pictures for the children, which we will frame and put up around the school.


RACE AGAINST HUNGER On May 2nd , KS2 pupils received a talk from members of the group “Acción Contra del Hambre”. They spoke about malnutrition and hunger which affects millions of children every year throughout the world. We aided this charity by holding 2 days of fun runs during May.

Primary and Secondary pupils took part in our 2nd day of Race against Hunger. Thank you to all pupils and staff who took part and to parents and staff who supported this worthwhile event, particularly Mr Roberts and Miss Parry. Congratulations to Takuma and Miss Wood who completed 21 and 18 circuits respectively.


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HEAD GIRL & HEAD BOY Congratulations to Verena Oetzmann and Craig Laidlaw who have been elected to the posts of Head Girl and Head Boy for session 2012 - 2013. The election process involved all secondary staff and Year 12 pupils voting for their nominations, followed by an interview for the 4 girls and 4 boys who received most votes. Mr Green, Mr Wicks and Sr Esteban conducted the interviews and made the appointments including the following 6th Form Committee posts : Claudia Pastor (Deputy Head Girl), Juan Sirvent (Deputy Head Boy) , Maria Molina, Marta Signes and Victor DÁmore. We will be inviting further nominations for the remaining Committee posts in September. I would like to thank all the students who put their name forward for posts of responsibility and look forward to working with them to develop their leadership skills and their contributions to school life. These posts play an important role in the personal development of students towards Further Education and life after school and also afford the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the school community as role models. I wish them well in their new posts.

DOUBLE FIRST FOR ALEX AND EMMA On Saturday May 19th, brother and sister Alex(Y9) and Emma (Y5) played in the final of the Tennis Table “Juegos Escolares Municipales”. This competition, which takes place over 10 Saturdays from November to May, involves children from all schools in Alicante. Alex finished first in his category (“Infantil” 13-14 years old) and Emma also finished first in her Category(“Girls”). We are delighted for both Alex and Emma and congratulate them on their wonderful achievements. 75

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COMPETITION During May, we sent almost 60 pupils to our sister school in Murcia to play a series of football matches against them. Girls and boys, primary and secondary teams all competed well and as we await confirmation of results it looks like we won more than we lost! Thank you to Mr Dexter, Mrs Rose and Mr Green for helping with the teams.


BEACH DAY KS3 and some of KS4 top merit winners enjoyed a rewards trip to the beach on June 21st .

FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT Congratulations to “England” who beat “Spain” in a penalty shoot out of the final of the BSA Euro Championships held on June 21st between Y4, Y5 and Y6.


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LITERATURE PRIZE Luisa from Year 9 won a prize in the Cocacola Literature Competition in Valencia.




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ADVENTUROUS JOURNEY REPORT Participants: Moresche Bartley ,Kiefer Port ,Catalina Clifton, Jingkai Liu, Victor D’Amore, Alejandra Esteve, Liam Galbraith, Candela García, Alejandra Gutiérrez, Craig Laidlaw, Sheng Jue Li, Verena Otzmann, Toby Saliba, and Laura Hernando.

INTRODUCTION Our adventurous journey took place on two occasions 4th-5th and 8th-9th of June. Our first outing was a general test run to get used to navigating and campsite life however during the second, skills that we had been taught by our teachers such as map reading skills were put to the test. We enjoyed each outing as much as the other in fact a couple of the individuals from our group even looked forward to the second round of the expedition. Our campsite called Camping Puig Campana, located beneath a mountain called Puig Campana climbs a height of 1.406 metres above sea level. To locate ourselves on the map we looked for key points such as buildings and we also used contour lines to estimate if we should be walking up hill or downhill. As a result we hardly made any mistakes on navigating ourselves around the mountain. These are some comments from several participants:

MORESCHE I thoroughly enjoyed the experience of depending on my map skills in able to navigate myself around unfamiliar terrain. Cooking was also a weak asset that I have been able to enhance during my excursion leaving me a lot more confident and dependent as an individual. As a group I believe that our communication skills were excellent especially when we planned our final route the previous day. We decided on a time to start the next morning taking into consideration the duration of the hike and breaks, we had a discussion about the volume of water each individual in our group should have and the amount of food. However I think that our choice of clothing for the hike could have been a bit more suitable because for my own experience I returned back to that campsite with scratched legs on several occasions. Always keen on learning new skills I’m looking forward to achieving my silver award and repeating the experience of camping.


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KIEFER I learnt how to read a map and using this was able to coordinate the distance and timing of my routes. Furthermore, I learnt how to cook over a gas fire stove and thus this achievement can be carried on to other projects and camping trips. All together, I learnt how to manage myself and my resources when out on a hiking or camping trip.I could improve my map reading, so that next time I will be able to layout the right course to take. Furthermore, I could develop my water conservation, so I will not run out on the hiking routes that I take. Overall, I could improve the organization of my water and my orienteering. What I enjoyed was the camaraderie of the experience; sharing meals, sharing burdens, sharing the same struggles, sharing the experience. Furthermore, I enjoyed the fact that I had fun on the trip and given the chance I’m sure I would do it again. In general, I enjoyed spending time with my friends.

CATALINA The International Bronze award was an unforgettable experience. I expanded my skill range. I pushed myself and my team to keep on moving. Because the more you stop the harder it is to carry on. My team worked very well together. We were very organised and dedicated to reach the finish line. We all participated in deciding which route to take, calculating how long it would take and planning for an escape route in case of any emergencies and of course using the compass. I became closer with friends and I learned that I would like to carry on to the silver award and eventually the gold award. I believe I have matured because of this experience.

JINGKAI LIU Our teachers taught us how to set up our tents, read maps, how to plan out our route and everything thing else which is required to go camping. Both trips were very exhausting but during the second trip we improved our map reading skills and made our route much clearer. Personally I think that I need to improve my stamina with walking. This could be due to the fact that next time I should change my choice in footwear to something a bit softer, as I found myself with a lot of blisters on the soles of the feet. Walking for long periods of time was tiring however I had a great time at the campsite, cooking and swimming .I decided to cook noodles and sausages for myself and friends. At the end of the day I felt proud because as a team we arrived to our destination and back within our timed schedule. 82

SNORKELLING Reward Trip of Year 10 pupils snorkelling in Tabarca



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FOUNDER OF KING’S COLLEGE RECEIVES A KNIGHTHOOD FOR SERVICES TO EDUCATION AND BRITISH-SPANISH CULTURAL RELATIONS Dr Roger Fry CBE DLitt, Founder and Chairman of King’s Group, President of the Council of British International Schools (COBIS) and Founder of the British-Hispanic Foundation. Has been made a Knight Bachelor by Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II for services to British education internationally and for services to UKSpain cultural relations. In 1981, Sir Roger founded the British Hispanic Foundation which promotes cultural understanding between British people and Spanish people particularly in education and arts. For 15 years until 2011 he was Chairman of the Council of British International Schools (COBIS), which was founded in 1981 to promote and support British schools around the world. He was a Director of the Independent Schools Council in England from 2008 to 2011 and a member of the House of Laity of the General Synod of the Church of England for 10 years. He has been National President of the British Chamber of Commerce in Spain. Sir Roger was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in 1993, a Commander of the Order of Civil Merit of Spain in 1994 and a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) in 2003. He is an Honorary Fellow of Trinity College Oxford.




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Nursery C


Andrea Alonso Ibañez Lorena Bermejo Pastor Valentina Canicio Sempere Alicia Elisabeth Carbonell Galle Juan Castejón Clar Magüi Druet Seth-Smith Pablo García Martínez Emma García Sánchez Mireia García Verdú Ivo García Zamora Andrés Gómez García del Pozo Jimena Hellín Fernández Carlos Iniesta Sanchís Adriel Lozano Anthony Pau Martínez Bernal Carlota Mendez Vyugina Rayan Ouaddi Zerrouk Gaia Phillips Marta Picó Navarro Jorge Quiles Rodríguez Carmen Rodríguez Cuadrado Irene Ruiz Viciana Pablo Sandford Raquel Sanfrancisco Iñiguez Hugo Sanz Bescós Inés Taberner Vela

Teachers: Mrs Su Carmona, Sra. Srta Mabel Moll Teacher Assistants: Mr Steuart Currie, Mr Phillip Hackneys

Nursery E


Celia Barja Martín Nicolás Boix Rioja Juan Carlos Muñoz Delia Conejero Gil Pilar De Abbad-Bordiu Signes Nuño de Miguel Ortiz Inés Esteban Jarabo Sara Fernández Valero Julia Fuentes Membrilla Isabela Gallar Correa Maria del Carmen García Valls Amanda Girona Climent Alejandro Llorca Martín Mar Martínez Espinós Valeria Masian Hidalgo Víctor Miralles Martínez Manuela Isabel Noland Miralles Mateo Pascual Martín Claudia Pastor Mosqueira Javier Solesio Gascó Vera Tavolzhanskaya Jimena Torrecillas Lafuente Ana Valverde Noguera Rodrigo Viudes Forrat Hui Zhang Hu

Teachers: Mr Stephen Escott, Srta Mabel Moll Teacher Assistants: Mrs Carole Colliingham, Mr Gary Williams, Srta Miriam Juan

Nursery W


Yohana Abellán Sogorb Nicoletta Ayela Meléndez Diego Boix Rioja Sergio Casado Payá Cristina Castejón Pino Anahí Samai Chavarría Rodríguez Carmen De Ros Wallace Flores Myriam De Vicente Riera Valentina Fernández Bernabeu Olivia Fernández Cabeza Ana Isabel Fornés Porta Matteo Franciosi Tomasi Carlos García Rodríguez Jorge Gonzaga Ortíz Francisco Mauro Herranz Ibarra Nicolás Herrero Ruiz Pedro Jiménez Canales Adrián López Airihenbuwa Alejandra Mazón Llorens Joseph Gabriel Nseke Souccar Victoria Pastor Izquierdo Amaya Peiró Gadea Paula Quesada Beneyto Luis Román González Pablo Trujillo de Teresa Sara Wall Martín

Teachers: Mrs Heather Williams, Srta Mabel Moll Teacher Assistants: Mrs Julie Port, Mrs Susie Lovis, Ms Cathy Plant

Reception H


Miguel Ángel Cuadrado Alamán Carolina Cuervo-Arango Filizola Guido De la Fuente Azcárate Patricia Díaz Sánchez Luis Carlos Druet Seth-Smith Carlos Esclapés de Diego Claudia Ariadna García Cabezón Blanca Gonzalez de Pablos Clara Jiménez Gil Sami-Kayani Mahmood Kausar Nahuél León Menchén Jaimovitch Irene Migueltorena Ríos Adam Moreno Marushova Iker Perea Morago Irene Sánchez Arjona Paula Sánchez García Elisa Serna Kuhl Jimena Serrano Valencia Marta Sierras Gómez Olivia Soder Villegas Germán Torregrosa Vizcaíno Joaquín Valero Ruiz Chenjun Zhao

Teachers: Mrs Deborah Henry, Mrs. Joanna Millson, Srta Mabel Moll

Reception P

Rainbow Fish

Paula Albeza Sarrió Pedro Belló Navarro Inés Beslier Pérez Valeria Dangla Natsvina Candela Del Castillo Olmo Mª Teresa Del Pino Calpena José María Fayos Mauricio Alfie John Ferguson Julia Fernández Oliver Enzo Gadeo Santamaría Pablo Garrido González Victoria Gil Blau Mar Grau Oliván Diego López Manresa Claudia Marcos Belmonte Alain Nogueira Gascón Jacobo Pascual Martín Maria Periañez Leonova Álvaro Prieto Valor Inés Ramos Orts Sofía Sanchís Díaz Sophi Vartanova Pablo Vidal Frechina

Teachers: Mrs Nadine Davalloo, Sra Alicia Rodríguez Teacher Assistant: Mrs Julie Gale, Mrs Karen Escott

Reception T

Puffer Fish

Claudia Antón Cáceres Daniel Aracil Cervetto Fernán Bermejo Durán Celia Beslier Pérez Kenia Camacho Esteban Ivan Mijail Cortés Korobeyshchikov Rafael Cueto Fernández-Delgado Natalia Curt Vergara Paola Díaz Sánchez Esperanza Fornés Porta Adrián García Fernández Carmen Gil de Bernabé Valero Claudio Eduardo Gioia Rodriguez Isabel Herrero Ruiz Angela Jiménez Molina Irene Lloret García Pedro Lloret Hernández José Ortíz Lledó Samuel Adam Stafford Binns Raquel Tormo Navarro María Elena Yurenko

Teachers: Ms Chloe Pyner, Sra Alicia Rodríguez Teacher Assistant: Srta Miriam Seoane

Year 1F


Andrés Alba Mammeri Maya Ayela Meléndez María Bonet Vera Jimena Carbajo Ruipérez Oriol Carrió Cortada Pau Cerezo García Covadonga De Dios Sánchez Alicia De La Torre Ortega Laura Echandi Millán Hodei Elmira Domínguez Paula Fructuoso Serrano Álvaro Fuentes de Anta José Ramón García Fernández Julia García Pardo Joe Sean Hoverd Granda Natalia Jiménez Adrover Moisés Jiménez Planelles Hugo Juan García Georgy Kazantsev Alejandro Lobo Sánchez Gorka Martínez Fenoll Lucas Martínez Juan Guillermo Mesquida Jiménez Javier Quiles Rodríguez Elena Ros Navarro Rafael Segura Ramos Victoria Vera Espinosa

Teachers: Mrs Hannah Manning Fox, Sra Maeva Rodríguez

Year 1S


Rayan Akkouche Ghadban Inés Bañuls Requena Mia Benavente Castro Aitana Berenguer Abad Isabel Botella Soler Laura Buades Caminati Sofía Cabrera Zamora Yong Rui Chen Chen Alfredo Chinchilla Coves Sandra Del Pecho Alba Adriana Fernández Bernabeu Pablo Fernández Manso Alessia Franciosi Tomasi Nicolás García Fernández Sara Esther García Mena Jaime Guinéa Escrivá Miguel López Prieto Álvaro Marcelo Monreal Ainara Marín Ramírez Eduard Ordóñez Prodan Raul Ots Sánchez Celia Pastor Izquierdo Zachary Phillips Jesús Sánchez Mollá Emilio Sanjuán Pérez Joaquín Sapena Blanco Adrián Valera Noguera

Teachers: Ms Michelle Stoker, Sra Alicia Rodríguez Teacher Assistant: Ms Eugenia Piastrouskaya

Year 1T


Mar Agulló Santana Claudia Cabeza Ortega Lucía Cánovas Martín Andrés Alejandro Carbonell Galle Jorge Díaz-Crespo García Manuel Fernández de Jaen Julia Fernandez Marchante Noe García Sánchez Aoife Green Gianluca Guerrero Bianco Pedro Ibañez Ortuño Álvaro Iniesta Sanchís Lucía Jiménez Gil Alba Juan García Egone María Larrainzar Gijón Naomi Lin Ruan Andrea López García Felipe Méndez Vyugina Yolanda Mora Borbalás Eduardo Navarro del Río Miguel Paredes Bustos Alejandro Payá Barrachina Irene Eyerusalem Pérez Valles Miguel Ruiz Viciana Joan Sanfrancisco Iñiguez Miguel Tirado Candela Rubén Toledano Molina Samuel Torrecillas Martínez

Teachers: (Mrs Karen Tomkins), Sra Alicia Rodríguez Teacher Assistant: Srta Gema Ramos

Year 2A


Zahira Abellán Sogorb Sofía Albors Noguera Pablo Antón Cáceres Lucas Avellán González Asia Berkane Giménez Guillermo Bonmatí Morales Sara Campos Bonete Joel Alexander De Haan Sánchez Pablo De Miguel Ortíz Miguel Del Castillo Olmo Juan Del Pino Calpena Rubén Flaquer Monllor Ana Grau Olivan Alexander Hita Moya Adriana Iranzo Carrillo Enrique Jiménez Canales Alba Lapidge Rodríguez Victoria Martínez Yakovleva Carlos Molina Pérez María Pastor Solana Aitana Ramos Orts Soraya Rodríguez Bulaix Alfonso Sánchez Santacreu Daniel Sevilla Van Der Voorde Roberto Tormo Navarro Andrés Torrubia Bustos Nicolás Vallino Ruiz

Teachers: Mrs Sarah Jane Anthony, Sra Maeva Rodríguez Teacher Assistant: Srta Sonia Juan

Year 2B


Marcos Barja Martín Álvaro Cano Fernández Isabel Castaño García Teresa Cuervo-Arango Filizola Cayetana De Anta Díaz Ricardo Domínguez Zúñiga Violeta Fernández Cabeza Eduardo García Esteban Aldo García Zamora Sandra Higginson Amorós María Jarabo Bernabé Alejandro Lillo López Jose Luis López Marchena David Máñez Gambín Sofía Martínez Campello Diego Martínez Espinosa Paula Martínez Poveda Lidón Morante Álvarez Martina Moreno Rodríguez Alberto Pérez Payá Blanca Picó Navarro Altea Ramón Guillena Patricia Rojo Tomás Kevin Soder Villegas Mauro Valls Vidal Joan Van Beek Maciá

Teachers: Ms Felicity Bennett, Sra Maeva Rodríguez Teacher Assistant: Srta Sonia Juan

Year 2D


Rodrigo Amorós Rocamora Claudia Belló Pastor Mireia Carrio Cortada Paz Casamitjana Ortega Javier Cirauqui Palmero Rocio De La Fuente Andrade Lucía Fuentes Membrilla Alba Galán Solana Santos García Valls Daniel Girona Climent Izán González Denia Ana Jarabo Bernabé Arnau Llorca Martín Antonio López Marchena Anastasia Martínez Yakovleva Katherine Megías Freire Pablo Méndez Alcolea Paula Moya Carnero Victor Peiro Martínez Joan Pérez Bertomeu Esther Pérez Martínez Iván Quesada Díaz Ignacio Rubio Nieto Nicolás Torrecillas Lafuente Jose Álvaro Verdú Soler Raia Williams

Teachers: Mrs Linda Davidson, Sra Alicia Rodríguez Teacher Assistant: Srta Sonia Juan

Year 3C María Alfonso Popova Carmen Bañón Medina Adel Berkane Giménez Sergio Campos Mengíbar Oriol Chazarra Pitarque Carlos Garrido Moreno-Palancas Nicolás Gioia Rodríguez Inés Gómez Rastoll Pablo Grau Martínez Julio Herranz Ibarra Juan Llopis Flores Martina López Rodríguez Iván Martínez Pérez José Martínez Pérez Marina Meana Pastor Yune Megías Ruiz Lourdes Oliver Palmón Alejandro Ortiz Martínez Virginia Pizarro López Alberto Pro Rodrigo Carla Rodríguez Vicario Eduardo Romero Vivó Lucía Ros Navarro Marta Sirvent Mantínez Samuel James Spinks Aitana Viudes Forrat

Teachers: Mrs Suzanne Crompton, Sr Juan Mora

Year 3P José Víctor Castillo Roselló Mateo De La Fuente Azcárate Paula Esclapes De Diego Bruna Espírito Santo Paula Faus Marín Marina Fernández De Jaén Celia Galváñ Miguel Ana García Rodríguez Pablo Girona García Daniel Scott Gómez Carrete María Teresa Ibañez Ortuño Gonzalo Iniesta Sanchís Fernando Lanzarot Yang Jie Lin-Hu Nader Mahmood Kausar Alejandro Martín Ortega Ana Martínez Campello Jacobo Medrano Hernández Laura Mitchison María O’Driscoll Giner Sandra Parro Fernández Haile Richards Carlos Sánchez Pascual Cristina Sánchez Villalta Sara Sirvent Rodríguez Carlos Tirado Candela Lucía Vallejos Figueroa

Teachers: Mrs Virginia Pilkington, Sr Juan Mora

Year 3S Santiago Arro Victoria Baez Santamaría Elias Bauch Mira Alejandro Borrego Mahiques Irene Caballero Alcaraz Jorge Caldeiro Zurbano Carmen Candela García Alexis Cantos Sempere Luis Castillo Garrigós Andrea Del Pecho Alba Lidia Fructuoso Serrano Valeria García Moreno Guillermo González Blanco Yoel González Denia Miguel Javaloyes Rodríguez Zhen Yang Nemo Lin Rafaela Trindade Lobraico Julia Miralles Martínez Teresa Miralles Vega Juanjo Pérez de Azpillaga Campoy Cayetana Pérez Serna Pavel Petrov Alejandro Sala López Denis Sotomayor Domene Laura Valverde Noguera Laura Vidal Joan

Teachers: Ms Victoria Snook, Sr Juan Mora

Year 4C Lucía Asensi García Pablo Barrachina Antón Alex Blasco Pastor Carla Yue Borrego Mahiques Hugo Estañ Ruiz Inés Fernández Fontán Hannah Fernández Martínez Álvaro Galinsoga Patró Ismael Gamero Vera Kim Gastinel Guern Sofía Gil Sánchez Irene Giménez Rodríguez-Losada Pablo Graciá De Diego Silvia Guinea Escrivá Aarón Mora Borbalás Rafael Nava Herráiz Elia Oncina Blanco Laura Pardo Torrente Jimena Pascual Martín Carlos Payá Barachina Cristina Pérez Valles Marta Prieto Rodriguez de Vera Jonathan Stoen Moreno Manuel Ten Gutiérrez Nayua Younes Regidor

Teachers: Mr Gerald Compton, Srta Tania Gómez

Year 4J Aline Akkouche El Ghadban Jorge Antón González Daniel Ballester Mínguez Daniel Bañuls Requena Sofía Bermejo Durán Nereida Chinchilla Coves Berta Díaz-Crespo García Paula Dionís González Marina Fernández Fontán Yago García Zamora Nefeli Giannelou Marco Gil Sánchez Marina González Amorós Roser Guillén Ripoll Carlota Marcos Belmonte Carlota Martínez Juan Mª Luisa Miñana Bernabeu Esther Paredes Moreno Samuel Perea Millson Lucy Rose Paula Serna Kuhl Francisco Javier Serrano Valencia Molly Amanda Spinks Alejandro Tortajada Blanco Gonzalo Valencia Paula Vera Espinosa

Teachers: Ms Hannah Jones, Srta Tania Gómez

Year 4P Alejandro Alba Mammeri Marcos Bauch Mira José Miguel Belda Cortés Luis Casamitjana Julia Cerezo García Noelia Chen Sun Elena Coves Lozano Gerardo De Dios Sánchez Irene De La Torre Ortega Almudena Fuentes De Anta Gema Fuentes Membrilla Vicente José García Valls Sofía Gil Blau Owain Green Lucy Ann Hoverd Granda Álvaro Jiménez Planelles Kostantin Kazantsev Diego Larraz Martín Liang Liu Sofía López Sierra Alejandra Pérez de Azpillaga Campoy Ariadna Puentes Garay Alfredo Sánchez Kobusinski Esperanza Sanjuán Pérez Aaron Sarabia Rivera Carlos Sigfrido Seguí Segura

Teachers: Mrs Sarah Phillips, Sr Juan Mora, Srta Tania Gómez

Year 5M Alejandro Burg López Alejandro Caldeiro Zurbano Eva Mª Castillo Roselló Daniel Cueto Tenorio Alba De Haan Sánchez Eva García Parra Ian Harris Benítez Manuela Trindade Lobraico Pilar López Marchena Carlos Meana Pastor Carla Navarro Del Río Guillermo O’Driscoll Giner Stefanía Ordoyan Miguel Orts Miralles Carla Palmi Alonso Pablo Pereda Asencio Marco Antonio Quereda Moreno Libertad Sempere Baña Elena Pei Shi Chen Gleb Tsarev Tania Verdú Marco

Teachers: Mrs Suzanne Manners, Sr Fernando Bellot

Year 5R Victoria Arteaga Alenda Álvaro Barroso López Virginia Domingo García Marina Esteban Jarabo Rene Fernández Martínez Lorena Galvañ Miguel Raquel Garrido Morales Mark Leonov Justina Lipman Alejandro López Ortega Elvira Menéndez Lorenzo Arnau Moncunill Agulló Jacobo Pérez Manero Fran Pérez Martínez Luna Quesada Díaz Antonio Ros Navarro Marie Theres Rundkvist María Alicia Sanz Maestro Neus Serrano Martínez Adrien Venot Marco Kyla Watkins

Teachers: Mrs Georgia Rose, Sr Fernando Bellot

Year 5S María del Carmen Amador Durán Sara Amores Alonso Oscar Bou Belda Rodrigo Campos García-Romeu Félix Castejón Clar Aitana Cirauqui Palmero Clara García Mena Mariola García-Cañada Candela Malena Gioia Rodríguez Lucia González Blanco Javier Gutiérrez Ujeda Odin Lledo Torrighelli Carmela López Rodríguez Yurena Maciá Padilla Víctor Martínez Pérez Alejandro Martínez Yakovlev Qian Lu (Sonia) Pan Alejandro Perea Millson Adrián Poveda Navarro Emma Ruiz Prada Mireia Suarez Valle

Teachers: Mrs Lisa South, Sr Fernando Bellot

Year 6F Alexandra Boykova Alex Andrew Collingham Abdelkarim El Najjar Bouasria Andrés Gallego Nieto Yaiza Gancedo Fernández César Amérigo García Cabezón Elena García Sirvent Santiago García Villalba Diego Izquierdo Manero Jia Li Antonio Marcos Ortiz Lucía Martínez López Alejandro Mesquida Jiménez Samuel Millán Norman Ethan Parra Aparicio Luis Miguel Revuelta Potenciano David Ricote Sánchez Adrián Santo Fulleda Zheng Shuo Shan Tian Shi Chen Sebastián Sierras Gómez Tess Van Duijvenbode Pablo Vives Matasán Reina Yarwood

Teachers: Mr Paul Manning Fox, Sr Fernando Bellot

Year 6G Pablo Avellán González Richard Chen Paula D’Amore de Oliveira Sophie Doran Sergio Estañ Ruiz Jorge Esteban Jarabo Santiago Fernández De Jaén Clara Fernández Fontán Florian Gastinel Guadalupe Gómez Ribera Sara Grau Pablo Hugo Hannibal Baquedano Uma Ivorra García Jorge Menéndez Lorenzo Aitana Moreno Rodríguez Alejandro Ots Sánchez Germán Pascual Martín Jorge Payá Barrachina Carlos Prieto Rodríguez De Vera Guillermo Ramos Sánchez Anastázie Reindlová Patricia Ribes Vivó Marta Rubio Díaz Selene Vanessa Ruiz Loss Paula Ten Gutiérrez

Teachers: Mrs Sharmila Gandhi, Sr Juan Mora, Sr Fernando Bellot

Year 6H Alex Agulló Albareda Marco Arias Lezcano Andreu Armero Soler Pablo Asensi García Mafalda Cardenal Charlie Collingham Patricia Criado Navarro Ignacio De Lucas Y Jara Jonas Elber Sara Espinosa Rastoll Irene García Vicent Luis Jose Gil Sánchez Raul González Miralles Laura Graciá De Diego Victoria López Lloret Pablo Mira García Ginés Nicolás Zapata Javier Paricio Estañ Irene Pérez Beltrán Daniel Rodríguez Vicario Rafael Torrecillas Martínez Noa Younes

Teachers: Mrs Vanessa Hughes, Sr Fernando Bellot

Year 7F Javier Almoyna Mataix Julia Patricia Arráez Gutiérrez Sonsoles Arteaga Alenda Pablo José Bermejo Martín Jorge Blasco Pastor Marta Victoria Borrego Mahiques Loïc Buleón Rodríguez Paula Canicio Sempere Chang Chuan Cheng Ivonne Fernández Herrero Erik Fernández Martínez Miguel Galán López-Celada Cristobal García Fernández Silvia Hernández Benito Emily Hughes Paola Ji Chen Blanca Lanzarot Facio Antonio López Ortega Zay Megías Ruiz Laura Oncina Blanco Kristina Ordoyan Álvaro Pastor Solana Elena Pombo Gil Rocio Rubio Díaz Armando Sala López

Tutor: Sr Félix Francisco

Year 7G Marta Bañón Medina Jaume Bou Belda Miguel Cardona Polo Emma Enríquez Sirvent María Entero Ruiz Paloma Galinsoga Patró Maria García Sotos Andrea Garrido Moreno-Palancas Jacobo Giménez Rodríguez-Losada Matthias Höbart Álvaro Jiménez Marcos Miguel Lledó Niñoles-Manzanera Isabella Anne Lommano Martina Máñez Gambín Víctor Martínez Espinosa Irene Martínez Hierro Manuel Menor Torregrosa Malcoml Munro Malena Pardo Torrente Álvaro Pérez Manero Teresa Pombo Gil Eduardo Puentes Garay Jemel Richards Inés Tretter Álvarez De Arcaya

Tutor: Srta Mercedes Guio

Year 8C Laura Avellán César Beltrán Alejandro Bordera Solana Pablo Carrillo Martínez Ruari Clear Fernando Conde Maciá Iria De Haan Sánchez Sara De Rojas Serrano Daniel Gómez Ribera Alba Gutiérrez Ujeda Liridona Krasniqi Marina Martín Fernández Sergio Martínez Fernández-Pacheco Sofía Martínez López Omar Mora Borbalás Oliver Ovensen Iván Ricote Adriana Suárez Estévez Sergey Vartanov George Rickard Wallin Niemi

Tutor: Mrs Janet Bowers

Year 8W Arturo Alcaraz Pastor Raquel Ballester Mínguez Vasilisa Belokon Chloe Blackwell Yong Le Chen Chen Tarek El Najjar Bouasria Charlotte Escott Sergi Fernández Maciá Andrea Gilabert Mora Roberto Harris-Benítez Adrián Hortelano Sanz Sandra Huete Corrales Aleksandra Kustudic Christian Manners Hector Martínez Martínez Ademi Muratbek Marta Nava Herráiz Lucía Ortiz Martínez Mikkel Ovensen Lillie Papworth Cherish Richards Ana Ye

Tutor: Mr Phil Wall, Mr Stephen Green

Year 9M Alec Miguel Barcenilla Van Der Maesen Carlos Beduino Senén Luis Blasco Santamaría Gracia Carratalá Dols Yong Xuan Chen Chen Candela Hernández López Paula Izquierdo Manero Alejandra Lledó Niñoles-Manzanera José Luis Martín Burrel Luisa Morely Serrano Iara Pecino Macedo Olga Santo Fulleda Mª Isabel Segura Cascales Arturo Sirera Fluxiá Christopher Stoen Moreno Miguel Valera Noguera Takuma Yarwood

Tutor: Ms Donna McGuinness

Year 9T José Luis Alberola Riquelme Ana Antón González María Bañón Medina Alex Barrenechea Linares-Rivas Hector Chapela Lamas Yongmin Cho Park Javier Díaz Sempere Nouran El Najjar Bouasria Natalia Galan López-celada Irene Gamero Vera Laura Gonçalves Scalco Nicole-chantal Kuiper González Carmen Menor Torregrosa Iván Moreno Manzaneque Candela Pérez Manero Tiegan Louise Rogers Jorge Rubio López Jesús Valencia Mario Valero Quintana Ying Zhou Shan

Tutor: Ms Maria Tsikkinis

Year 9W Hugo Barcenilla Van Der Maesen Álvaro Bonet Vera Jamie Lee Dumbarton Mª Eugenia González Martín Carlos Hannibal Baquedano Gonzalo Martínez Romero Daniel Otero Bernabeu Berta Pereda Asencio Caterina Prynn Cuadrado Aitana Ramón Guillena Alejandro E. Ramos Sánchez Alex Ruiz Prada Olga Sharipo Mª Carolina Valero Ríos Tommy Van Duijvenbode

Tutor: Ms Kerry Wood

Year 10H Ashley Allen Mario Beltrán Rodríguez Marta Bonmatí Morales Elisa Chen Yao Lucía Dorán Santamaría Charlie Hughes Lydia Kay Karl Lipman Fernando Martínez Bueno Ismael Martínez Sáiz Irene Nicolás Zapata Victoria Pedrajas Árias Ethan Port Darion Richards Michael Saliba Juan Siluan Montes

Tutor: Mr John Thomas

Year 10T Hana Cho Park Isabel Deppe Paula García Sirvent Carmen Gómez Del Río Negrín Ornella Guerrero Bianco Alejandro Hernández Benito Daria Iakovleva Elena Iborra Calabuig Scott Laidlaw Victor Yan Zhi Lin-Hu Daniel Lledó Romero Paula Martínez Hierro Kyle Paterson Alfonso Pérez Andreu Juan Soriano Botella Moriah Thomas

Tutor: Ms Katy Taylor

Year 11B David Agulló Albareda Philip Boecker Lee Guillermo Burillo Varela Marina Campos Castaño Yueyang Cheng Alba Espinosa Rastoll Jesús Ferrer Torrecillas Manuel Gómez Del Río Negrín Obdulio González Amorós Artem Kravchenko Rachael Leckey Pablo Lledó Romero Adrián López Molina Ignacio Martínez Gimeno Rosa Miralles Gil Laura Molina San José Ellis Nastri Carlos Javier Nuñez-Castelo López Carlos Ribes Vivó Sophie Amy Tranter Karl Daniel Wilson Ernesto Zoffmann Rodríguez

Tutor: Mr Danny Butcher

Year 11M Emilio Alcaraz Pastor Fiona Barcenilla Van Der Maesen Gerrol Bartley Javier Coll Sempere Magnus Deppe Samuel Escott Claudia Esteve Cortés Guillermo Ferrer Torrecillas Luccia-Sarah Haughton Carmen Jiménez Marcos Alexander Kuiper González Mario Moreno Manzaneque David Mullor Tomás Alexandra Petrova Claudia Rabasco Calderón Roberto Reviriego Almodóvar Javier Rojo Tomás Anastasia Suzdaltzeva Eduardo Torres Sunyer Tara Wudhiphan

Tutor: Ms Katy Miller

Year 12 & 13

Tutors: Mrs Liz Messent, Mrs Sian Davies, Ms Sam Cook, Mrs Geraldine Fisher, Mr Graham Pemberton, Mr Matthew Roberts

Victor D'Amore de Oliveira Alejandra Esteve Cortés Liam George Galbraith María García Fernández Candela García Villalba Alejandra Gutiérrez Ujeda Craig Laidlaw María Molina San José Javier Nicolás Zapata Julia Pérez Torres Teresa Quesada Renaud Toby Saliba Marta Signes Espuch Ana Villaescusa Andrés Moresche Bartley Catalina Paloma Clifton Manuel Espinosa Rastoll Sandro Fernández Herrero Gustavo Guerrero Bianco Julia López Martínez José Ramón Martín Fernández Katriona Munro Castillo Álvaro Nevares Verena Oetzmann Claudia Pastor Monllor Mia Rogers Juan Antonio Sirvent Benedicto Alina Sorokina Felix Troeschel Ander Barrenechea Linares/rivas Joe Bembridge Víctor Candela Llorens Mia Craig Ana Garrido Serrano Laura Hernando Serrano Marie Klockner Sheng Jue Li Jingkai Liu Anis Mottahedeh Isabel Muñoz Sempere Elisa Ortuño Ayuso Marta Pérez-Coca Roselló Kiefer Port Raquel Román García Artur Skory

Years 12 & 13

Tutors: Mrs Liz Messent, Mrs Sian Davies, Ms Sam Cook, Mrs Geraldine Fisher, Mr Graham Pemberton, Mr Matthew Roberts

Teachers and Assis Mr Phil Hackney Ms Maria Tsikkinis Sra María José Sánchez Mrs. Suzanne Manners Ms Cathy Plant Mrs Carole Collingham Mr Gary Williams Mr Andrew Nutter Srta Tania Gómez Srta Patricia Sánchez Sr Félix Francisco Srta Miriam Seoane Ms Chloe Pyner Ms Katy Miller Mrs Suzanne Crompton Ms Katy Taylor Ms Victoria Snook Sr Jose Daniel Esteban Mrs Lisa South Mrs Vanessa Hughes Mr Steuart Currie Sra Maeva Rodríguez Mr Paul Manning Fox Mr Graham Pemberton Mrs Susie Lovis Mrs Zanna Pastarnakova Mrs Sarah Phillips Srta Irene Cutillas Ms Gina Parry Sra Isabel Vila Sr Fernando Bellot Mrs Janet Bowers Ms Sam Cook Mrs Gaynor Graves Mr Danny Butcher Ms Kerry Wook Mr Stephen Escott Mr Matthew Roberts Mr John Thomas Mrs Sian Davies Mrs Geraldine Fisher Mrs Liz Messent Ms Nadine Davalloo Mrs Sharmila Gandhi Mrs Hannah Manning Fox Sra Alicia Rodríguez Mrs Linda Davidson Sra Elisa Pascual Mdme Virginie Maire Mrs Heather Williams Srta Mercedes Guio Mrs Sarah Jane Anthony Mrs Virginia Pilkington Sr Juan Mora Mrs Fiona Thomas Mr Derek Laidlaw Mrs Joanna Millson Mr Stephen Green Mr Simon Wicks Mrs Karen Laidlaw Mrs Julie Gale Mrs Julie Port Mrs Felicity Bennet

stants 2012

Yohana Abellán Sogorb • Andrea Alonso Ibañez • Nicoletta Ayela Meléndez • Celia Barja Martín • Lorena Bermejo Pastor • Diego Boix Rioja • Nicolás Boix Rioja • Valentina Canicio Sempere • Alicia Elisabeth Carbonell Galle • Juan Carlos Muñoz • Sergio Casado Payá • Juan Castejón Clar • Cristina Castejón Pino • Anahí Samai Chavarría Rodríguez • Delia Conejero Gil • Pilar De Abbad-Bordiu Signes • Nuño de Miguel Ortiz • Carmen De Ros Wallace Flores • Myriam De Vicente Riera • Magüi Druet Seth-Smith • Inés Esteban Jarabo • Valentina Fernández Bernabeu • Olivia Fernández Cabeza • Sara Fernández Valero • Ana Isabel Fornés Porta • Matteo Franciosi Tomasi • Julia Fuentes Membrilla • Isabela Gallar Correa • Pablo García Martínez • Carlos García Rodríguez • Emma García Sánchez • Maria del Carmen García Valls • Mireia García Verdú • Ivo García Zamora • Amanda Girona Climent • Andrés Gómez García del Pozo • Jorge Gonzaga Ortíz • Jimena Hellín Fernández • Francisco Mauro Herranz Ibarra • Nicolás Herrero Ruiz • Carlos Iniesta Sanchís • Pedro Jiménez Canales • Alejandro Llorca Martín • Adrián López Airihenbuwa • Adriel Lozano Anthony • Pau Martínez Bernal • Mar Martínez Espinós • Valeria Masian Hidalgo • Alejandra Mazón Llorens Carlota Mendez Vyugina • Víctor Miralles Martínez • Manuela Isabel Noland Miralles • Joseph Gabriel Nseke Souccar • Rayan Ouaddi Zerrouk • Mateo Pascual Martín • Claudia Pastor Mosqueira • Victoria Pastor Izquierdo • Amaya Peiró Gadea • Gaia Phillips • Marta Picó Navarro • Paula Quesada Beneyto • Jorge Quiles Rodríguez • Carmen Rodríguez Cuadrado • Luis Román González • Irene Ruiz Viciana • Pablo Sandford Raquel Sanfrancisco Iñiguez • Hugo Sanz Bescós • Javier Solesio Gascó • Inés Taberner Vela • Vera Tavolzhanskaya • Jimena Torrecillas Lafuente • Pablo Trujillo de Teresa • Ana Valverde Noguera • Rodrigo Viudes Forrat • Sara Wall Martín • Hui Zhang Hu • Paula Albeza Sarrió • Claudia Antón Cáceres • Daniel Aracil Cervetto • Pedro Belló Navarro • Fernán Bermejo Durán • Celia Beslier Pérez • Inés Beslier Pérez Kenia Camacho Esteban • Ivan Mijail Cortés Korobeyshchikov • Miguel Ángel Cuadrado Alamán • Carolina Cuervo-Arango Filizola • Rafael Cueto Fernández-Delgado • Natalia Curt Vergara • Valeria Dangla Natsvina Guido De la Fuente Azcárate • Candela Del Castillo Olmo • Mª Teresa Del Pino Calpena • Paola Díaz Sánchez • Patricia Díaz Sánchez • Luis Carlos Druet Seth-Smith • Carlos Esclapés de Diego • José María Fayos Mauricio • Alfie John Ferguson • Julia Fernández Oliver • Esperanza Fornés Porta • Enzo Gadeo Santamaría • Claudia Ariadna García Cabezón • Adrián García Fernández • Pablo Garrido González • Victoria Gil Blau • Carmen Gil de Bernabé Valero • Claudio Eduardo Gioia Rodriguez • Blanca Gonzalez de Pablos • Mar Grau Oliván • Isabel Herrero Ruiz • Clara Jiménez Gil • Angela Jiménez Molina • Irene Lloret García • Pedro Lloret Hernández • Diego López Manresa • Sami-Kayani Mahmood Kausar • Claudia Marcos Belmonte • Nahuél León Menchén Jaimovitch • Irene Migueltorena Ríos • Adam Moreno Marushova • Alain Nogueira Gascón • José Ortíz Lledó • Jacobo Pascual Martín • Iker Perea Morago • Maria Periañez Leonova • Álvaro Prieto Valor • Inés Ramos Orts • Irene Sánchez Arjona • Paula Sánchez García • Sofía Sanchís Díaz • Elisa Serna Kuhl • Jimena Serrano Valencia • Marta Sierras Gómez • Olivia Soder Villegas • Samuel Adam Stafford Binns • Raquel Tormo Navarro • Germán Torregrosa Vizcaíno • Joaquín Valero Ruiz • Sophi Vartanova • Pablo Vidal Frechina • María Elena Yurenko • Chenjun Zhao • Mar Agulló Santana • Rayan Akkouche Ghadban • Andrés Alba Mammeri • Maya Ayela Meléndez • Inés Bañuls Requena • Mia Benavente Castro • Aitana Berenguer Abad • María Bonet Vera • Isabel Botella Soler • Laura Buades Caminati • Claudia Cabeza Ortega • Sofía Cabrera Zamora • Lucía Cánovas Martín • Jimena Carbajo Ruipérez • Andrés Alejandro Carbonell Galle • Oriol Carrió Cortada • Pau Cerezo García • Yong Rui Chen Chen • Alfredo Chinchilla Coves • Covadonga De Dios Sánchez • Alicia De La Torre Ortega • Sandra Del Pecho Alba • Jorge Díaz-Crespo García • Laura Echandi Millán • Hodei Elmira Domínguez • Adriana Fernández Bernabeu • Manuel Fernández de Jaen • Pablo Fernández Manso • Julia Fernandez Marchante • Alessia Franciosi Tomasi Paula Fructuoso Serrano • Álvaro Fuentes de Anta • José Ramón García Fernández • Nicolás García Fernández • Sara Esther García Mena • Julia García Pardo • Noe García Sánchez • Aoife Green • Gianluca Guerrero Bianco • Jaime Guinéa Escrivá • Joe Sean Hoverd Granda • Pedro Ibañez Ortuño • Álvaro Iniesta Sanchís • Natalia Jiménez Adrover • Lucía Jiménez Gil • Moisés Jiménez Planelles • Alba Juan García Hugo Juan García • Georgy Kazantsev • Egone María Larrainzar Gijón • Naomi Lin Ruan • Alejandro Lobo Sánchez • Andrea López García • Miguel López Prieto • Álvaro Marcelo Monreal • Ainara Marín Ramírez Gorka Martínez Fenoll • Lucas Martínez Juan • Felipe Méndez Vyugina • Guillermo Mesquida Jiménez • Yolanda Mora Borbalás • Eduardo Navarro del Río • Eduard Ordóñez Prodan • Raul Ots Sánchez • Miguel Paredes Bustos • Celia Pastor Izquierdo • Alejandro Payá Barrachina • Irene Eyerusalem Pérez Valles • Zachary Phillips • Javier Quiles Rodríguez • Elena Ros Navarro • Miguel Ruiz Viciana • Jesús Sánchez Mollá Joan Sanfrancisco Iñiguez • Emilio Sanjuán Pérez • Joaquín Sapena Blanco • Rafael Segura Ramos • Miguel Tirado Candela • Rubén Toledano Molina • Samuel Torrecillas Martínez • Adrián Valera Noguera • Victoria Vera Espinosa • Zahira Abellán Sogorb • Sofía Albors Noguera • Rodrigo Amorós Rocamora • Pablo Antón Cáceres • Lucas Avellán González • Marcos Barja Martín • Claudia Belló Pastor • Asia Berkane Giménez Guillermo Bonmatí Morales • Sara Campos Bonete • Álvaro Cano Fernández • Mireia Carrio Cortada • Paz Casamitjana Ortega • Isabel Castaño García • Javier Cirauqui Palmero • Teresa Cuervo-Arango Filizola Cayetana De Anta Díaz • Joel Alexander De Haan Sánchez • Rocio De La Fuente Andrade • Pablo De Miguel Ortíz • Miguel Del Castillo Olmo • Juan Del Pino Calpena • Ricardo Domínguez Zúñiga • Violeta Fernández Cabeza • Rubén Flaquer Monllor • Lucía Fuentes Membrilla • Alba Galán Solana • Eduardo García Esteban • Santos García Valls • Aldo García Zamora • Daniel Girona Climent • Izán González Denia Ana Grau Olivan • Sandra Higginson Amorós • Alexander Hita Moya • Adriana Iranzo Carrillo • Ana Jarabo Bernabé • María Jarabo Bernabé • Enrique Jiménez Canales • Alba Lapidge Rodríguez • Alejandro Lillo López • Arnau Llorca Martín • Antonio López Marchena • Jose Luis López Marchena • David Máñez Gambín • Sofía Martínez Campello • Diego Martínez Espinosa • Paula Martínez Poveda • Anastasia Martínez Yakovleva • Victoria Martínez Yakovleva • Katherine Megías Freire • Pablo Méndez Alcolea • Carlos Molina Pérez • Lidón Morante Álvarez • Martina Moreno Rodríguez • Paula Moya Carnero • María Pastor Solana Victor Peiro Martínez • Joan Pérez Bertomeu • Esther Pérez Martínez • Alberto Pérez Payá • Blanca Picó Navarro • Iván Quesada Díaz • Altea Ramón Guillena • Aitana Ramos Orts • Soraya Rodríguez Bulaix Patricia Rojo Tomás • Ignacio Rubio Nieto • Alfonso Sánchez Santacreu • Daniel Sevilla Van Der Voorde • Kevin Soder Villegas • Roberto Tormo Navarro • Nicolás Torrecillas Lafuente • Andrés Torrubia Bustos Nicolás Vallino Ruiz • Mauro Valls Vidal • Joan Van Beek Maciá • Jose Álvaro Verdú Soler • Raia Williams • María Alfonso Popova • Santiago Arro • Victoria Baez Santamaría • Carmen Bañón Medina • Elias Bauch Mira • Adel Berkane Giménez • Alejandro Borrego Mahiques • Irene Caballero Alcaraz • Jorge Caldeiro Zurbano • Sergio Campos Mengíbar • Carmen Candela García • Alexis Cantos Sempere • Luis Castillo Garrigós • José Víctor Castillo Roselló • Oriol Chazarra Pitarque • Mateo De La Fuente Azcárate • Andrea Del Pecho Alba • Paula Esclapes De Diego • Bruna Espírito Santo • Paula Faus Marín • Marina Fernández De Jaén • Lidia Fructuoso Serrano • Celia Galváñ Miguel • Valeria García Moreno • Ana García Rodríguez • Carlos Garrido Moreno-Palancas • Nicolás Gioia Rodríguez • Pablo Girona García • Daniel Scott Gómez Carrete • Inés Gómez Rastoll • Guillermo González Blanco • Yoel González Denia • Pablo Grau Martínez • Julio Herranz Ibarra • María Teresa Ibañez Ortuño • Gonzalo Iniesta Sanchís • Miguel Javaloyes Rodríguez • Fernando Lanzarot • Zhen Yang Nemo Lin • Yang Jie Lin-Hu • Juan Llopis Flores • Rafaela Trindade Lobraico • Martina López Rodríguez • Nader Mahmood Kausar • Alejandro Martín Ortega • Ana Martínez Campello • Iván Martínez Pérez • José Martínez Pérez • Marina Meana Pastor • Jacobo Medrano Hernández • Yune Megías Ruiz • Julia Miralles Martínez • Teresa Miralles Vega • Laura Mitchison • María O'Driscoll Giner • Lourdes Oliver Palmón • Alejandro Ortiz Martínez • Sandra Parro Fernández • Juanjo Pérez de Azpillaga Campoy • Cayetana Pérez Serna • Pavel Petrov • Virginia Pizarro López • Alberto Pro Rodrigo • Haile Richards • Carla Rodríguez Vicario • Eduardo Romero Vivó • Lucía Ros Navarro • Alejandro Sala López • Carlos Sánchez Pascual • Cristina Sánchez Villalta • Marta Sirvent Mantínez • Sara Sirvent Rodríguez • Denis Sotomayor Domene • Samuel James Spinks • Carlos Tirado Candela • Lucía Vallejos Figueroa • Laura Valverde Noguera • Laura Vidal Joan • Aitana Viudes Forrat • Aline Akkouche El Ghadban • Alejandro Alba Mammeri • Jorge Antón González • Lucía Asensi García • Daniel Ballester Mínguez • Daniel Bañuls Requena • Pablo Barrachina Antón • Marcos Bauch Mira • José Miguel Belda Cortés • Sofía Bermejo Durán • Alex Blasco Pastor • Carla Yue Borrego Mahiques • Luis Casamitjana • Julia Cerezo García • Noelia Chen Sun • Nereida Chinchilla Coves • Elena Coves Lozano • Gerardo De Dios Sánchez • Irene De La Torre Ortega Berta Díaz-Crespo García • Paula Dionís González • Hugo Estañ Ruiz • Inés Fernández Fontán • Marina Fernández Fontán • Hannah Fernández Martínez • Almudena Fuentes De Anta • Gema Fuentes Membrilla Álvaro Galinsoga Patró • Ismael Gamero Vera • Vicente José García Valls • Yago García Zamora • Kim Gastinel Guern • Nefeli Giannelou • Sofía Gil Blau • Marco Gil Sánchez • Sofía Gil Sánchez • Irene Giménez Rodríguez-Losada • Marina González Amorós • Pablo Graciá De Diego • Owain Green • Roser Guillén Ripoll • Silvia Guinea Escrivá • Lucy Ann Hoverd Granda • Álvaro Jiménez Planelles • Kostantin Kazantsev Diego Larraz Martín • Liang Liu • Sofía López Sierra • Carlota Marcos Belmonte • Carlota Martínez Juan • Mª Luisa Miñana Bernabeu • Aarón Mora Borbalás • Rafael Nava Herráiz • Elia Oncina Blanco • Laura Pardo Torrente • Esther Paredes Moreno • Jimena Pascual Martín • Carlos Payá Barachina • Samuel Perea Millson • Alejandra Pérez de Azpillaga Campoy • Cristina Pérez Valles • Marta Prieto Rodriguez de Vera • Ariadna Puentes Garay • Lucy Rose • Alfredo Sánchez Kobusinski • Esperanza Sanjuán Pérez • Aaron Sarabia Rivera • Carlos Sigfrido Seguí Segura • Paula Serna Kuhl • Francisco Javier Serrano Valencia • Molly Amanda Spinks • Jonathan Stoen Moreno • Manuel Ten Gutiérrez • Alejandro Tortajada Blanco • Gonzalo Valencia • Paula Vera Espinosa • Nayua Younes Regidor • María del Carmen Amador Durán • Sara Amores Alonso Victoria Arteaga Alenda • Álvaro Barroso López • Oscar Bou Belda • Alejandro Burg López • Alejandro Caldeiro Zurbano • Rodrigo Campos García -Romeu • Félix Castejón Clar • Eva Mª Castillo Roselló • Aitana Cirauqui Palmero • Daniel Cueto Tenorio • Alba De Haan Sánchez • Virginia Domingo García • Marina Esteban Jarabo • Rene Fernández Martínez • Lorena Galvañ Miguel • Clara García Mena • Eva García Parra Mariola García-Cañada Candela • Raquel Garrido Morales • Malena Gioia Rodríguez • Lucia González Blanco • Javier Gutiérrez Ujeda • Ian Harris Benítez • Mark Leonov • Justina Lipman • Odin Lledo Torrighelli Manuela Trindade Lobraico • Pilar López Marchena • Alejandro López Ortega • Carmela López Rodríguez • Yurena Maciá Padilla • Víctor Martínez Pérez • Alejandro Martínez Yakovlev • Carlos Meana Pastor • Elvira Menéndez Lorenzo • Arnau Moncunill Agulló • Carla Navarro Del Río • Guillermo O'Driscoll Giner • Stefanía Ordoyan • Miguel Orts Miralles • Carla Palmi Alonso • Qian Lu (Sonia) Pan • Alejandro Perea Millson • Pablo Pereda Asencio • Jacobo Pérez Manero • Fran Pérez Martínez • Adrián Poveda Navarro • Marco Antonio Quereda Moreno • Luna Quesada Díaz • Antonio Ros Navarro • Emma Ruiz Prada • Marie Theres Rundkvist • María Alicia Sanz Maestro • Libertad Sempere Baña • Neus Serrano Martínez • Elena Pei Shi Chen • Mireia Suarez Valle • Gleb Tsarev • Adrien Venot Marco • Tania Verdú Marco • Kyla Watkins • Alex Agulló Albareda • Marco Arias Lezcano • Andreu Armero Soler • Pablo Asensi García • Pablo Avellan González • Alexandra Boykova • Mafalda Cardenal • Richard Chen • Alex Andrew Collingham • Charlie Collingham Patricia Criado Navarro • Paula D'Amore de Oliveira • Ignacio De Lucas Y Jara • Sophie Doran • Abdelkarim El Najjar Bouasria • Jonas Elber • Sara Espinosa Rastoll • Sergio Estañ Ruiz • Jorge Esteban Jarabo Santiago Fernández De Jaén • Clara Fernández Fontán • Andrés Gallego Nieto • Yaiza Gancedo Fernández • César Amérigo García Cabezón • Elena García Sirvent • Irene García Vicent • Santiago García Villalba Florian Gastinel • Luis Jose Gil Sánchez • Guadalupe Gómez Ribera • Raul González Miralles • Laura Graciá De Diego • Sara Grau Pablo • Hugo Hannibal Baquedano • Uma Ivorra García • Diego Izquierdo Manero Jia Li • Victoria López Lloret • Antonio Marcos Ortiz • Lucía Martínez López • Jorge Menéndez Lorenzo • Alejandro Mesquida Jiménez • Samuel Millán Norman • Pablo Mira García • Aitana Moreno Rodríguez • Ginés Nicolás Zapata • Alejandro Ots Sánchez • Javier Paricio Estañ • Ethan Parra Aparicio • Germán Pascual Martín • Jorge Payá Barrachina • Irene Pérez Beltrán • Carlos Prieto Rodríguez De Vera • Guillermo Ramos Sánchez • Anastázie Reindlová • Luis Miguel Revuelta Potenciano • Patricia Ribes Vivó • David Ricote Sánchez • Daniel Rodríguez Vicario • Marta Rubio Díaz • Selene Vanessa Ruiz Loss • Adrián Santo Fulleda • Zheng Shuo Shan • Tian Shi Chen • Sebastián Sierras Gómez • Paula Ten Gutiérrez • Rafael Torrecillas Martínez • Tess Van Duijvenbode • Pablo Vives Matasán • Reina Yarwood • Noa Younes • Javier Almoyna Mataix • Julia Patricia Arráez Gutiérrez • Sonsoles Arteaga Alenda • Marta Bañón Medina • Pablo José Bermejo Martín • Jorge Blasco Pastor • Marta Victoria Borrego Mahiques • Jaume Bou Belda • Loïc Buleón Rodríguez • Paula Canicio Sempere • Miguel Cardona Polo • Chang Chuan Cheng • Emma Enríquez Sirvent • María Entero Ruiz • Ivonne Fernández Herrero • Erik Fernández Martínez • Miguel Galán López-Celada • Paloma Galinsoga Patró • Cristobal García Fernández • Maria García Sotos • Andrea Garrido Moreno-Palancas • Jacobo Giménez Rodríguez-Losada • Silvia Hernández Benito • Matthias Höbart • Emily Hughes • Paola Ji Chen • Álvaro Jiménez Marcos • Blanca Lanzarot Facio • Miguel Lledó Niñoles-Manzanera • Isabella Anne Lommano • Antonio López Ortega • Martina Máñez Gambín • Víctor Martínez Espinosa • Irene Martínez Hierro • Zay Megías Ruiz • Manuel Menor Torregrosa • Malcoml Munro • Laura Oncina Blanco • Kristina Ordoyan • Malena Pardo Torrente • Álvaro Pastor Solana • Álvaro Pérez Manero • Elena Pombo Gil • Teresa Pombo Gil • Eduardo Puentes Garay • Jemel Richards • Rocio Rubio Díaz • Armando Sala López • Inés Tretter Álvarez De Arcaya • Arturo Alcaraz Pastor • Laura Avellán • Raquel Ballester Mínguez • Vasilisa Belokon • César Beltrán • Chloe Blackwell • Alejandro Bordera Solana • Pablo Carrillo Martínez • Yong Le Chen Chen • Ruari Clear • Fernando Conde Maciá • Iria De Haan Sánchez • Sara De Rojas Serrano • Tarek El Najjar Bouasria • Charlotte Escott • Sergi Fernández Maciá • Andrea Gilabert Mora • Daniel Gómez Ribera • Alba Gutiérrez Ujeda • Roberto Harris-Benítez Adrián Hortelano Sanz • Sandra Huete Corrales • Liridona Krasniqi • Aleksandra Kustudic • Christian Manners • Marina Martín Fernández • Sergio Martínez Fernández-Pacheco • Sofía Martínez López • Hector Martínez Martínez • Omar Mora Borbalás • Ademi Muratbek • Marta Nava Herráiz • Lucía Ortiz Martínez • Mikkel Ovensen • Oliver Ovensen Lillie Papworth • Cherish Richards • Iván Ricote • Adriana Suárez Estévez • Sergey Vartanov • George Rickard Wallin Niemi • Ana Ye • José Luis Alberola Riquelme • Ana Antón González • María Bañón Medina • Alec Miguel Barcenilla Van Der Maesen • Hugo Barcenilla Van Der Maesen • Alex Barrenechea Linares-Rivas • Carlos Beduino Senén • Luis Blasco Santamaría • Álvaro Bonet Vera • Gracia Carratalá Dols • Hector Chapela Lamas • Yong Xuan Chen Chen Yongmin Cho Park • Javier Díaz Sempere • Jamie Lee Dumbarton • Nouran El Najjar Bouasria • Natalia Galan López-celada • Irene Gamero Vera • Laura Gonçalves Scalco • Mª Eugenia González Martín • Carlos Hannibal Baquedano Candela Hernández López • Paula Izquierdo Manero • Nicole-chantal Kuiper González • Alejandra Lledó NiñolesManzanera • José Luis Martín Burrel • Gonzalo Martínez Romero • Carmen Menor Torregrosa • Luisa Morely Serrano Iván Moreno Manzaneque • Daniel Otero Bernabeu • Iara Pecino Macedo • Berta Pereda Asencio • Candela Pérez anero • Caterina Prynn Cuadrado • Aitana Ramón Guillena • Alejandro E. Ramos Sánchez • Tiegan Louise Rogers Jorge Rubio López • Alex Ruiz Prada • Olga Santo Fulleda • Mª Isabel Segura Cascales • Olga Sharipo • Arturo Sirera Fluxiá Christopher Stoen Moreno • Jesús Valencia • Miguel Valera Noguera • Mario Valero Quintana • Mª Carolina Valero Ríos Tommy Van Duijvenbode • Takuma Yarwood • Ying Zhou Shan • Ashley Allen • Mario Beltrán Rodríguez • Marta Bonmatí Morales • Elisa Chen Yao • Hana Cho Park • Isabel Deppe • Lucía Dorán Santamaría • Paula García Sirvent Carmen Gómez Del Río Negrín • Ornella Guerrero Bianco • Alejandro Hernández Benito • Charlie Hughes • Daria Iakovleva • Elena Iborra Calabuig • Lydia Kay • Scott Laidlaw • Victor Yan Zhi Lin-Hu • Karl Lipman • Daniel Lledó Romero Fernando Martínez Bueno • Paula Martínez Hierro • Ismael Martínez Sáiz • Irene Nicolás Zapata • Kyle Paterson • Victoria Pedrajas Árias • Alfonso Pérez Andreu • Ethan Port • Darion Richards • Michael Saliba • Juan Siluan Montes • Juan Soriano Botella • Moriah Thomas • David Agulló Albareda • Emilio Alcaraz Pastor • Fiona Barcenilla Van Der Maesen • Gerrol Bartley • Philip Boecker Lee • Guillermo Burillo Varela • Marina Campos Castaño • Yueyang Cheng Javier Coll Sempere • Magnus Deppe • Samuel Escott • Alba Espinosa Rastoll • Claudia Esteve Cortés • Guillermo Ferrer Torrecillas • Jesús Ferrer Torrecillas • Manuel Gómez Del Río Negrín • Obdulio González Amorós • Luccia-Sarah Haughton • Carmen Jiménez Marcos • Artem Kravchenko • Alexander Kuiper González • Rachael Leckey • Pablo Lledó Romero • Adrián López Molina • Ignacio Martínez Gimeno • Rosa Miralles Gil • Laura Molina San José • Mario Moreno Manzaneque • David Mullor Tomás • Ellis Nastri • Carlos Javier Nuñez-Castelo López • Alexandra Petrova • Claudia Rabasco Calderón • Roberto Reviriego Almodóvar • Carlos Ribes Vivó • Javier Rojo Tomás • Anastasia Suzdaltzeva • Eduardo Torres Sunyer • Sophie Amy Tranter • Karl Daniel Wilson • Tara Wudhiphan • Ernesto Zoffmann Rodríguez • Moresche Bartley Catalina Paloma Clifton • Victor D'Amore de Oliveira • Manuel Espinosa Rastoll • Alejandra Esteve Cortés • Sandro Fernández Herrero • Liam George Galbraith • María García Fernández • Candela García Villalba Gustavo Guerrero Bianco • Alejandra Gutiérrez Ujeda • Craig Laidlaw • Sheng Jue Li • Jingkai Liu • Julia López Martínez • José Ramón Martín Fernández • María Molina San José • Katriona Munro Castillo • Álvaro Nevares • Javier Nicolás Zapata • Verena Oetzmann • Claudia Pastor Monllor • Julia Pérez Torres • Teresa Quesada Renaud • Mia Rogers • Toby Saliba • Marta Signes Espuch • Juan Antonio Sirvent Benedicto • Alina Sorokina • Felix Troeschel • Ana Villaescusa Andrés • Ander Barrenechea Linares/rivas • Joe Bembridge • Víctor Candela Llorens • Mia Craig • Ana Garrido Serrano • Laura Hernando Serrano • Marie Klockner Anis Mottahedeh • Isabel Muñoz Sempere • Elisa Ortuño Ayuso • Marta Pérez-Coca Roselló • Kiefer Port • Raquel Román García • Artur Skory

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