November 25th, 2019
President: Emil Patalano
Minutes for November 25th! Last meeting of the semester! Call to Order: 8:00pm Introduction:
Thank you all for continuing to come to our weekly meetings! We appreciate any and all the time you put into our club.
Past Events: • Blaze Fundraiser o We made $15 Upcoming Events: Want to do any of the upcoming events? Sign up in our emails! Not getting the emails? Talk to an e-board member or email circlek@binghamtonsa.org!
Letters to Santa-thon o Monday, December 2nd from 12pm - 6pm in the Mandela Room & Old Union Hall o Wishmakers on Campus and PIKE will be hosting their sixth annual Letters to Santa-thon at which we will be writing "letters to Santa" at our table. Wishmakers will then deliver the letters to Macy's, which will donate $2 for each letter to the Make-A-Wish Foundation. There will be holiday music, free hot chocolate and cookies, as well as a capella group performances and raffles! Sign up in email!
Closing Business: •
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Be sure to log your personal hours! Here is what counts: o Service administration: planning for a service project (including marketing and advertising), contacting organizations, gathering supplies (only up to 100 hours/member) o Advocacy: participating in a protest, etc. o Fundraising: typical fundraising duties, baking for a bake sale, etc. Upcoming in meetings we have o Visit from the Fleishman Center o District project : Break the Stigma Continuation of last year’s “Mind your Mind” Focuses on mental health, sexual violence, depression, etc. Service project that pertains to this initiative next semester Service Initiatives Committee created a list of relevant organizations we can support: Mental Health America, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, The Trevor Project, etc. o Governor's Project: Empowerment Through Education Created by NY CKI District Governor, Peony Tse One of the core ideas behind this project is that education isn't just what you learn in school, it's any "enlightening experience" that helps you learn something new Service project that pertains to this initiative next semester- making education kits for children, organizing a book drive, reading to children at libraries, volunteering at libraries, and more Service with Mary o Online project
Meeting Adjourned: 9:00pm