February 10th, 2019
President: Emil Patalano
Minutes for February 10th! Introduction:
Thanks for coming to Circle K!
Upcoming Events: Want to do any of the upcoming events? Sign up in our emails! Not getting the emails? Talk to an e-board member or email circlek@binghamtonsa.org!
District Convention (DCON): The Magic of Service o Deadline to express interest: February 17th o When: March 6th - March 8th o Where: The Desmond Hotel in Albany o Registration: $140 o Hotel: $125 + TAX (14%) per room per night o Join Circle K'ers from across NY at the last district event of the service year! DCON is dedicated to the tenet of leadership. There will be a variety of workshops, networking with Kiwanians, participating in District elections, and engaging in fellowship activities (e.g Club Lip Sync Battle). o Registration deadline: 2/21 Vines Garden Bowling o Saturday, February 22nd from 1:30pm - 5:30pm at 137 Laurel Avenue o Support VINES Farm Share at their 2nd annual Garden Bowl! Guests will bowl on a team of 3-4 people and raise money for the VINES Farm Share program. Volunteers will help sell raffle tickets, manage the food tables, and assist with any needs that arise. Form in email! Southern Tier Divisional o When: Saturday, February 29th o Time: 6-8 PM o Where: Here on campus! UU215 o Divisionals are a great way to meet Circle K’ers from across the Southern Tier! Brendon will be hosting the February Divisonal here at Bing! There will be a taco bar, elections for Lt. Governor, Family Feud, a service product, raffles, and more! RSVP through the form in email! Interested in running for higher office at DCON? o Questions? Contact LTG Brendon: brendon.nguyen@nycirclek.org
Closing Business: •
Be sure to log your personal hours! Here is what counts: o Service administration: planning for a service project (including marketing and advertising), contacting organizations, gathering supplies (only up to 100 hours/member) o Advocacy: participating in a protest, etc. o Fundraising: typical fundraising duties, baking for a bake sale, etc. CKI Scholarships: o Don Forsyth Scholarship (Due Feb 28th) Amount awarded: $5,000, runner-up receives $1,000 Any dues-paid member in good standing of Circle K International can apply DCON Awards Application (Due Feb 5th) o At DCON, there is an awards ceremony in which Circle K'ers from across NY are recognized and awarded for their hard work throughout the service year. You can nominate yourself or a friend for a DCON award!! Form in email. In Upcoming meetings look forward to: o K-Family Pasta & Trivia night o Bake Sales o Health Fair in March o Out of the Darkness Walk in April o Fleishman center visit o Thirst Project Dues o Guarantees you a t-shirt, insurance at Circle K events, and official membership status of CKI o You need to pay dues to run for E-board o See Prachi or Emily to pay by March 6th Service with Mary o Puffy-paint socks for a nursing home!
Meeting Adjourned: 9:00 pm