K-Minute: Vol 2 Issue II

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K-Minute Issue II

Binghamton Circle K ● Thursday, April 16, 2015 ● Location: UU207 ● Time: 7:00 PM Chair: President John Tirino

I. Opening Business 1 Follow us on Instagram and Twitter @BingCircleK. Find us on Facebook. 2 Add us on B-Engaged 3 Add Jerry on Snapchat at jerber8 (Honestly, you don’t have to. But add me at ksingh80!! ) II. Old Business 1 Committee Chair Applications A. Applications were due last night. We will be deciding on the positions at our E-board meeting. 2 Kiwanis One Day A. All branches of Kiwanis came together to do a day of service. B. If you volunteered over spring break, email Karandeep at ksingh15@binghamton.edu, so your hours can be recorded. 3 BC Library Event A. It was a lot of fun and the library asked us to come back again for an event in the fall! III. New Business 1 Snapchat Slideshow A. Email your snaps to John at circlek@binghamtonsa.org. B. Each snap is $0.50 IV. Upcoming Events 1 Late Nite Karaoke (Saturday, April 18th at 9 pm) A. Setting up between 8:30-8:45 B. Come through and support Circle K and have lots of fun! 2 Binghamton Zoo Cleanup (Saturday, April 18th at 10 am) A. We will be helping the zoo clean up and get ready for the summer 3 Out of the Darkness Walk (April 18th at 10 am) A. The walk is to help spread suicide awareness B. We need volunteers to help out. So if you would like to sign up, the link is in the weekly. 4 7:09pm- This is when Tina decided to show up late to the meeting #smh 5 Trivia Krack (April 22nd, 8-11 pm in LH 12) A. We will be tabling on April 17th and 20th B. Its $3 per person at tabling and $4 at the door C. The money raised will go to the Binghamton Humane Society 6 Relay for Life (April 24th, 5pm to 5 am)

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A. We are currently 2nd place! Help us get to first place by donating and getting others to donate. 1st place wins a pizza party at Relay. So keep donating!!! B. We will also have a booth to raise money at the event. C. Send John any dedication information 7 End of the Year Social (April 25th at 8PM in C4 Multipurpose room) A. We will have awards and the snap chat slideshow and Ice-cream! Oh and speeches by John, Jerry and Walaa. B. RSVP asap if you haven’t done so already so we know how much icecream to get 8 April-May Bake Sale (May 1st, 12-4pm in the Tillman Lobby) A. It will be Oreo themed B. Baking April 30th C. Rather than getting together and baking for it at one place, everyone will be baking something at their own place and bringing it to the bake sale. D. Email John at circlek@binghamtonsa.org if you would like to bake something E. Walaa is making fried oreos! 9 Boys and Girls Club Carnival (May 1st, 2:30-6:30 pm) A. It will be downtown Binghamton on 90 Clinton St. B. We will be doing the Dunk tank booth. John will be in the tank C. We are taking a bus downtown V. Closing Business 1 Committee Chairs will be announced later tonight through email. A. If you didn’t get a position, don’t be discouraged. You can join a committee and work closely with the committee chair. Also ask John about how you can get more involved! :) 2 We only have 2 more meetings left :( A. Last meeting will be on the 30th of April 3 Jerry has things to say A. Brides Against Breast Cancer (May 9th at Johnson City YMCA) B. Geo-Cash for Charity (April 26th to May 2nd) 1. CCA is hosting an event where teams of 2 to 5 choose a charity of their choice and find sponsors. The more geocache they find, the more money their sponsors will donate to their charity. 2. Jenna and Jerry are in charge of reaching out to sponsors a. Money raised will go to March of Dimes C. Kiwanis Club of Endicott is doing the Backpack Program on April 29 th D. Stress Balls at the next meeting 1. Using flour/rice and balloons 2. Kora and Paty are in charge 3. “Circle K get an A”- Slogan by Tim E. Walaa will be driving up to Kamp Kiwanis on May 16 th. If anyone would like to join Walaa and help out at the Camp, let John know. 4 Adjournment- 7:32 PM

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