Lessons from Lower School Lower School was abuzz with activity! Kindergarten had a special visit from Skippy the Skip Counting Alien who helped them perfect their skip counting by 2s, 5s, & 10s. The students created their very own Skippy and showed off their mastery of skip counting. Meanwhile, Second Graders learned about copy editing. Dr. R taught the students about shorthand editing techniques as well as the quality of work that goes into a final printed copy. Hint: take your time and make sure to work in pencil! 1st Graders have been working on writing fairy tales and started work on their cover pages. We look forward to reading such magical tales of "The Missing Wand," "Sam and the Twirling Ghost," "The Talking Bobby," and many more. All of them are sure to be instant classics!
Musica Maestro! "Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and life to everything." - Plato Mr. Cox had his hands full this winter! With the colder weather and COVID restrictions prohibiting singing indoors, Mr. Cox had to get creative! From signing songs and learning percussion-based instrumental instruction to units on composers and various musical genres, Mr. Cox filled the students with knowledge and melodies. Now that the warmer weather has returned, Mr. Cox has moved many of his classes outdoors. This week alone 1st Grade could be heard singing on the grass lawn and 3rd Grade was heard echoing their recorder tunes amongst the trees. It's truly joyous to hear BFS come alive with the musical melodies of the children again!