Martial Arts Magazine Budo International 313 June 1 fortnight 2016

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The Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak is a system based on both weapons and empty hands at the same time. It incorporates many of the new-generation weapons, swords, knives, circular kerambits, bars, batons of different lengths and other more particular weapons. Even in our empty hand training methods we face an opponent who attacks us with weapons in both hands, as well as several opponents at once. This type of training makes us more aware of everything that happens during an altercation and what do and not do when facing one or more armed aggressors. In this second DVD, Maha Guru Horacio Rodrigues, heir to the lineage of Pendekar Pak Victor De Thouars, of Pukulan Pencak Silat Serak, addresses its particular way to train and use the different weapons, laying the foundations for more advanced future plans of study and the application of technique. This video includes the principles of work, angulation, Sambuts, Jurus and drills with the short sword "Pedang", short knife "Pissau", short stick "Tonkat Matjan", Sarong, and applications of selfdefense with empty hands.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Transgression and compassion

Beyond feeling, beyond thought

Thank goodness transgression exists! Without it, we would be like the snake, biting our own tail forever! As the old Spanish saying goes, "there is no evil that lasts a hundred years" ... (" there is no body that resists it."). Effort versus suffering ... True! But classics also teach us that "there's no short cut without work", in other words, short cuts don't help in the long run, and every transgression requires us to get rid of parts that, falsely identified like ourselves, are reluctant to dissociate themselves from what we settle as our identity; traces of past times that when they finally do it, we look at them surprised telling ourselves: "To think I believed it was so important...! To think I believed it was ME...!" They are so many times in the life that, when we close cycles, we stick pathetically to the remains of the shipwreck, instead of swimming to the beach... What is really important you can't wear it on or carry it with you; what transcends all these stages, what resists, what stays, does so because it's a part of the essential. The rest are suckers, parasites and old skins that must be changed, even directly; dry and empty cocoons of an indispensable metamorphosis. But of course, "Once seen ... everybody is clever..." While in the cocoon, not being still a butterfly, there's nobody who doesn't feel enclosed and imprisoned. That is the time of great changes, but outside it seems that nothing moves ... What a paradox! What will the butterfly think seeing its cocoon? Compassion, like charity, begins at home.

If, like classics say, it's true that what is inferior feeds what is superior, so that then the latter controls it, and feelings are what animate the mind, and given that they transit in different worlds, it's never easy to discover how one thing leads to another, except when the experience so dictates. Over the years, we get to know ourselves better, because we are routine and repetitive beings, and with luck and a reflective effort through experience, we manage to restrain the worst of us, leaving room for the best. The virtue of temperance is then the unequivocal expression of that finding. However, we have to give room for error in our lives... living. Without error there is no change, no experience. Otherwise, stagnation leads to the rotting of the water circulating through those flood-gates that connect the worlds of feeling and thought. Their key point, the secret crimp of both is "FEELING", in capital letters; that is what leads us to the serene certainty which allows us to be like a log floating... in a sea of doubts, wet and surrounded, yet... floating! Feeling drags, the mind tricks, but also, feeling pushes and the mind directs; horse and rider cast in one like a centaur; when they work in conjunction and harmony they are unstoppable.

“What is really important you can't wear it on or carry it with you; what transcends all these stages, what resists, what stays, does so because it's a part of the essential.”

“Over the years, we get to know ourselves better, because we are routine and repetitive beings, and with luck and a reflective effort through experience, we manage to restrain the worst of us, leaving room for the best.”


Author: Sergio Hernรกndez Beltrรกn Director of the Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iaido Renmei Spanish Branch

Master Hataya is 9th Dan Hanshi of the Iai-Do Toyama-Ryu, and Kaichoo (President) of the Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iaido Renmei, in addition to being 8th Dan Kyoshi in Kodachi-Goshindo Renmei. He is also a senior practitioner of the Jiki Shinkage-Ryu Naginata style and Takeda-Ryu Yabusame (Archery on horseback). "While you fight under the edge of the sword, you will feel that you are in hell." Yagyu Sekisyusai, of the Yagyu Shinkage-Ryu styole.



“Samurai warriors used Iai (unsheathing and cutting in a single movement) to win their combats. They trained themselves in Tameshigiri to have a good body position and a good alignment of the sword, without which it's impossible to carry out a good cut.�

Toyama Ryu Iaido, the last loyal ones Machida city (町田市 Machida-shi) is located in the Tokyo Prefecture, Honshu, Japan, at 18 miles southwest of the bustling Grand Tokyo, and 13 miles from Yokohama. It belongs to the group of cities that make up the area known as Western Tokyo that hosts the homes of many workers in Tokyo. It borders Kanagawa Prefecture. It's an industrial and commercial city which is mainly engaged in the sale of materials for the manufacturing of machines, as well as other technologies. Getting to Machida bus station from Haneda International Airport by bus takes about an hour and twenty minutes. From there, in ten more minutes through narrow medieval streets, you can be transported to the past, the dream of many serious practitioners of the Japanese sword. On the ground floor, at street level of a threestory building, it can be found the shop / workshop in which Yoshitoki Hataya Sensei exercises his trade of "Togishi" (polisher). Stepping into it is a journey into the past of feudal Japan. Hundreds of swords, some of them of a centenarian life, historical and modern practice swords mix with other ancient weapons. It is a gathering point for collectors, modern practitioners of the Samurai arts and pupils of the Toyama-Ryu style. In the same building, climbing a narrow exterior staircase up to the third floor, you get to the Honbu Dojo of the Zen Nihon ToyamaRyu Iaido Renmei. When we get to this place, we are surprised by its small size, there's no wardrobes or reception, that is, you enter directly from the street to a small training room of not more than 40 square meters, what on the other hand, is the a very common thing in most of the private traditional dojos of Japan. This dojo is the headquarters of the style Toyama-Ryu and the place where the pupils of the school keep alive the honor of perpetuating faithfully the arts of the Japanese sword, inheritors of the Japanese Imperial Army officers of the Twentieth Century.

Bottom right: 3-14-14 Haramachida, Machida, Tokyo. The ground floor of the building lodges the Token Hataya Shop; the Honbu Dojo of the Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iaido Renmei is located on the third floor. Bottom left: Gateway to Honbu Dojo of the Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iaido Renmei. The sign reads Toyama-Ryu Honbu Dojo. Top left: Yoshitoki Hataya Sensei as Togishi and responsible of the Token Hataya Shop. Top on this page: inner part of the Honbu Dojo. Note the Shinto altar and next to it a picture of Emperor Meiji (Meiji Tenno).


In the 12th year of the Heisei Period (year 2000), Yoshitoki Hataya Sensei was elected by his peers and became president of the ZNTIR. Currently, at 67 years of age, Hataya Sensei is devoted body and soul to spread the legacy of the style. "I deeply believe that the Japanese soul is tied to the sword" - says Hataya Sensei - "The origin of our culture is to be found in the Bujutsu. This is what we teach and of which we feel proud." Dojo members meet three times a week, after their working hours. About 20:00 pm there can be seen people reaching by the street, wearing a keikogi or a traditional kimono, who carry long bandoliers across their chest that contain their sharp steels. The ritual in the dojo begins: after changing clothes in a corner, or in a small warehouse on the 2nd floor, all of them are ready to work Taisho (scheduled gymnastics). Then ritual greetings to the Kamiza, where a beautiful, large Kamidana Shinto stands out. After checking the static safety of the weapons and in so little physical space, students perform Happo-giri (eight basic




“The Edo Period Samurai warriors used the Iai forms as a method to beat their opponents in combat.�

Iaido cuts), with ten repetitions. Accuracy and safety must prevail at all times, as the swords are real. "The sword is used assuming that there is an enemy in front of us Hataya Sensei often says -. With this in mind, I prefer to move away from concepts such as "beauty" or "ostentation", and see it as a real combat. The purpose of Toyama Ryu is the real combat Kata." That fact is reflected in the next phase of the class. All students make up a human chain from the roof of the building to the dojo and pass from hand to hand the white "goza" scrolls (tatami of plaited rice straw), that have been kept submerged in drums with water (at least during 48 hours), to acquire a consistency similar to that of the human body. Once stacked and placed the wooden supports to hold the goals, everybody sits around and, on a rotating shift, each one of them, whatever his level and experience, performs his coded cuts. Veterans correct the younger ones. Attention and dynamic security are always kept to the maximum, to prevent the occurrence of accidents with the subtly sharpened Katana blades. Long wooden planks protect the Shinto altar, as well as the windows and walls of the Dojo, to avoid any possible breaking by projection. The atmosphere is enthusiastic and solemn at the same time. "The Edo Period Samurai warriors used the Iai forms as a method to beat their opponents in combat - explains Hataya Sensei -. This responded to the study of the methodology of the sword. From that point, they practiced Tameshigiri and methods for aligning the blade. The blade cuts if it hits straight but it will not cut anything if it's not properly aligned, so, the important thing in Tameshigiri is the method of aligning the sheet. This is something that cannot be learned without practicing Tameshigiri". About 22.30, the stacked tatami have disappeared. The students of lower levels must clean the Dojo with brooms and wet wipes. Meanwhile, veterans take a green tea and chat gaily in a relaxed way. Once the polished parquet flooring appears again impeccable, everyone sits with bales of tatami, which they should roll up and tie in order to be soaked and used once more at the next cutting practice session. "Practice should be a pleasure - insists Hataya Sensei -. Friendly relations are essential, among us as well as with people who want to discover the Japanese culture and history. We have a duty to show what our ancestors built and transmit it to the next generation." Around 23:00, veteran practitioners return home. However, Sensei Hataya is


always ready for combat, which is a great example. Youth with renewed energy and gallant practitioners keep arriving to the Dojo. They come to practice Gekken. Gekken is a combat practice with padded swords. It's not a sport or anything created for children. Padded swords are rigid and thus they can be used to block properly. This can cause a Gekken combat to be pretty hard. With a more advanced level, heavy armors and blunt steel swords are used in the finals of Gekken tournaments in Japan. Mitsuo Hataya Sensei describes Gekken as the study of the truth and falsehood in fencing. In Toyama-Ryu three elements are practiced: Kata, Gekken (combat) and Tameshigiri. Samurai warriors used Iai (unsheathing and cutting in a single movement) to win their combats. They trained themselves in Tameshigiri to have a good body position and a good alignment of the sword, without which it's impossible to carry out a good cut. Finally, they served themselves of the Kenjutsu to learn the reality of combat. The three of them make up one. The Toyama-Ryu Iaido is based on the "Gunto Soho", the sword teaching method of the Army Toyama Academy.

THE RIKUGUN TOYAMA-GAKKO The 6th year of the Meiji Period (明治 時代 - 1873), in the village ruins of the Owari clan, in the current Toyama Park in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo, was established the "Toyama Army Academy" (Rikugun Toyama Gakko - 陸軍 戸 山 学校), until in 1937, when it was moved 40km down south-west, near the city of Zama (座 間). At the end of World War II, Toyama Academy was renamed Camp Zama, (キ ャ ン プ 座 間) and became a detachment of the United States Army during the occupation of Japan. The Academy trained Army officers and NCO's in shooting practice, physical training, hand to hand combat and swordplay. It also dealt with the training of musicians for military bands. Since its inception in 1873, the purpose of the Toyama Army Academy was that the Japanese Imperial Army

reached as soon as possible the same level as Western armies. To achieve this goal, the Academy invited French army officers who were commissioned to provide the necessary unified military training to the Japanese army officers that were to form the basis of each regiment, and who, in turn, would spread the acquired knowledge, since the aim was that the updating and unified criteria reached the whole army.

THE TOYAMA ACADEMY FENCING STYLE Most of the physical education techniques for the war practiced by the Imperial Japanese Army officers were created in the physical training department of the Toyama Army Academy. In the beginning, the hand to hand combat techniques they taught were based on the methodology of French origin. In the case of fencing, the sword fighter used a western type saber that was commonly handled with only one hand. But during the First Sino-Japanese War (18941895) and the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), the reliability of the Japanese sword, the Katana, was revalued again, and its spiritual side, along with the ancestral psychological attraction it exerted over the Japanese people, was also taken into account. As the victor in these wars, the Japanese Imperial Army evolved quickly to catch up with the other world powers. During this period, the style of wielding the sword changed from one hand to two hands. In this context, during the 4th year of the Taisho Period (1915), the Toyama Army Academy, began a research work for a more traditional type of Japanese fencing, while developing a fully Japanese military sword that was to be introduced in the Army. For this purpose, they invited Masters from various traditional schools of Iaijutsu (居 合 術) / Kenjutsu (剣 術), mainly from the Omori Ryu and Eishin Ryu traditions. Between the 8th and 9th year of the Taisho Period, 大 正 (1919-1920), the Academy began research to improve the fighting ability in close combat and the teaching of handling the short sword or Tankenjutsu (短 剣 術) (the bayonet removed from the rifle).

“In Toyama-Ryu three elements are practiced: Kata, Gekken (combat) and Tameshigiri.”

Photograph of three officers of the time. They all stand out on account of their youth. They are dressed in the uniform model delivered in 1930. They wear cavalry pants and riding boots with spurs. They carry a model 98 Gunto.

Entrance arch to the Toyama Army School (Rikugun Toyama Gakko). 陸軍戸山学校)


Top left: Photograph of Tameshigiri (試し斬り) on a straw target with Gunto, by a soldier with combat gear and steel helmet of the model 90 (Tetsukabuto). The characteristic of this picture is that the soldier is executing Migi KesaGiri, a cut that falls at the right. Top Center: About 1944, the issue of the Shin Budo magazine contains a photograph of a soldier in fatigues and a steel helmet model 90 (Tetsukabuto). He is cutting a Makiwara (巻 藁) (rice straw target), with an army sword. The caption reads: "Combat cuts at the Toyama Army Academy". Top right: Photograph of an officer in full combat uniform and a steel helmet model 90 (Tetsukabuto), executing Hidari Kesa Giri with his Gunto. Left book page: Excerpted from the Gunto no Soho manual, where appears a cadet in white uniform and armed with a Gunto model 98. In this case, executing the kata Ippon-me. Below: Japanese Imperial Army officers practicing Gunto no Soho.


In Taisho 14th (1925), Morinaga Kiyoshi, who was First Lieutenant and director of the Kenjutsu Kenkyu Kai (剣 術 研究 会) - Toyama Academy's Research Committee of sword technique - was commissioned to help create a practical system, Hakuei (白 兵 戦), in the modern use of the Japanese sword in the battlefield, in order to incorporate it as a subject of study at the academy. On behalf of the Japanese army, he came into contact with Master Zenya Kunii (国 井 善 弥), of the Kashimashinryu tradition (鹿島 神 流), and Nakayama Hakudo (中山 博 道), an important master of the Iaido style Muso Jikiden Eishin Ryu (無双 直 伝 英 信 流) and the founder of Muso Shinden Ryu (夢想 神 伝 流). So he asked them their help in compiling a system of sword techniques that could be used on the battlefield The result of the work of the Kenjutsu Kenkyu Kai and Nakayama Sensei was a codified system which was originally called Gunto no Soho (軍刀 の 操法) and consisted of five Kata (型) in tachi-waza, i.e., in sequences of movements for modern warfare, from an upright position, going forward, to the right, to the left and backward, designed similarly to those of modern Iai-do (居合道) created by Master Nakayama himself and the work of Tameshigiri (試し斬り - cutting test). "Makiwara" (巻 藁), that is, rolls of rice straw which were sunken in water until they were solid and humid as the human body, were used for this purpose. In Showa 15th (1940), Seiji Mochida and Goro Saimura, commissioned Kendo Masters (剣 道) of the Academy, conducted reviews of excellent techniques from classical schools, which were selected and combined to create and add two new Kata, increasing the number to a total of seven. This was accomplished by deleting the 1925 version of the form number five and replacing it for a new one, along with other two forms, six and seven, adopting officially seven katas. These kata were included in a manual published by the Kaiko-sha (a social organization of army officers), which was entitled "Manual November 1940, Techniques and Tameshigiri with Gunto". The manuals were distributed to all army officers, thus making that the Gunto no Soho, developed at the Toyama Army Academy, was known by the whole Japanese Imperial Army. In January 1942 (Showa 17th), Hisakazu Tanaka responsible for the Academy, created and published a compendium entitled "Manual of Intensive Training with Gunto - Killing with only one blow" (Tanki sokusei kyoiku gunto kunren - ichigeki hissatsu, 一撃必殺). The main goal of this intensive education was to teach the managing of the Gunto to persons without knowledge of "Kenjutsu". In the same year, forms of attacks with sword were incorporated.

RYKUGUN TOYAMA GAKKO – GUNTO SOHO – (7) KATA Ipponme - Shomen No Teki Nihonme - Uhou No Teki Sanbonme - Sahou No Teki Yonhonme - Kouhou No Teki Gohonme - Zenmen Fukusuu No Teki Ropponme - Zengo No Teki Nanahonme - Sannin No Teki

AFTER WORLD WAR II: THE TOYAMA-RYU STYLE After Japan's defeat in World War II, Allied forces occupied the country and all forms of Martial Arts were banned. The Toyama Academy also ceased to exist and instruction in the techniques of military sword, as a form of military training, seemed to disappear. However, when the Peace Treaty was signed in 1952 (Showa 27th), there was a great demand on the part of many people, for the resurgence of Martial Arts, in such a way that they started to reappear as Japan was again enjoying its independence. The Toyama Ryu was created after the war by former instructors at the Toyama Army Academy, such as Naonobu Uzawa, Yuki Yamaguchi, Morinaga Kiyoshi Nakamura and Taizaburo, therefore there is no a specific Soke (founder) of the style to which we can refer. In Showa 51th (1976), the "Toyama-Ryu Shinko-kai" (戸山流振興会) was founded. It was established by Tokutomi Tasaburo (徳富 太三郎) and Nakamura Taizaburo (中 村 泰 三郎), who had taught the Gunto Soho at the Academy. The first president of the "Toyama-Ryu Shinko-kai" was Masuda Hideo, Hanshi of Kendo and Iai-do by the All Japan Kendo Federation (Zen Nihon Kendo Renmei) and also former instructor of Toyama Academy. Taizaburo Nakamura Sensei, who started teaching Toyama Ryu right after the end of the war, abolished the military style of stepping forward with the left foot, returning to the old style of advancing with the right foot, as performed in the styles of Iaido, checking details such as the Zanshin and action Chiburi (get rid of the blood from the blade) and began to promote the new "Toyama Ryu". Nakamura Sensei also modified the original number of seven forms of the army and added one more





“Most of the physical education techniques for the war practiced by the Imperial Japanese Army officers were created in the physical training department of the Toyama Army Academy.”

Japan (itto ryodan) to reach eight. This last form is actually a tameshigiri technique (cutting test). Its Japanese name means "cut in two with a blow." Nakamura also included six sequences - Kumitachi - of preset combat (similar to those of Kendo, known as Kendo no Kata). Over time, the "Toyama-Ryu Shinko-kai" was renamed Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iai-Do Renmei (全日本戸山流居合道連盟) and another organization, the Zen Nihon Batto-Do Renmei (ZNBR) (全日本抜 刀道連盟), was established, in order to include other schools of Batto-Do (抜刀道); both federations worked in a parallel and interconnected way for a long time. Since 2001, the Zen Nihon Batto-Do Renmei and the Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iai-Do Renmei decided to work completely independently, because while the first one is an organization that includes several styles of Iai-Do, the Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iai-Do Renmei is an organization focusing solely in the Toyama-Ryu style and ensures its heritage.


“The Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iaido Renmei (全日本戸山流居合道連盟) is currently engaged in activities to widely promote Martial Arts and Japanese culture, through the teaching and training of the Toyama-Ryu Iai-Do style (戸山流居合道), not only in Japan but also abroad.”

Monument to the Rukugun Toyama Gakko, in the current Toyama Park, where the Army Toyama School was located.

THE ZEN NIHON TOYAMA-RYU IAIDO RENMEI, TODAY The Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iaido Renmei (全日本戸 山流居合道連盟) is currently engaged in activities to widely promote Martial Arts and Japanese culture, through learning and training the Toyama-Ryu Iai-Do style (戸山流居合道), not only in Japan but also abroad. Along with the activities of the organization, it includes international exchanges with students of Martial Arts of Japanese origin, of countries such as United States of America, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan,

Spain, Venezuela and Andorra, where there are representatives of the ZNTIR. It is customary that, throughout the year, practitioners of the school receive in their own countries delegations of Japanese instructors, and / or they themselves travel to Machida's Honbu Dojo, to receive instruction and improve their technical quality. Structurally, in August 2015, and because of disloyalty and attempt of destabilization by a small members' faction - who were summarily admonished, relieved of their duties and posts, and deprived of their membership - an Extraordinary General Meeting

Iaido of the Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iaido Renmei, was convened, where decision was taken to stop being a NPO (Non Profit Association/Federation, under the Japanese government) to form an organization, where decisionmaking is done by the vote of its members.

The idea of equality among the members is totally against the pyramidal structure of traditional Japanese schools, where members are not partners but students. The world of Budo is totally irreconcilable with the modern concept of linear organizations.

Japan Therefore, it has now become a private organization and structurally doesn't depend on external factors any longer. The essence of the style is not to do proselytism, like most Japanese Koryu, but preserve faithfully its secular heritage. Finally, in a statement of the current senior manager and Kaisho, Hataya Sensei, every student of the Toyama-Ryu is

enjoined to learn the true spirit of Budo and maintain a sincere relationship between students and teachers. In this communiquĂŠ is clearly expressed the fervent wish that we members of the school, must practice together, with a smile. Web of Zen Nihon Iaido Renmei Toyama-Ryu



Toyama-Ryu Iaido. Yoshitoki Hataya Sensei: The study of reality. This DVD is the result promoted by the Spanish subsidiary of the Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iaido Renmei (ZNTIR Spain Branch), to publicize the technical content of the Toyama-Ryu style as practiced in the ZNTIR Honbu Dojo in Machida, Tokyo, unchanged, with no alterations. The loyalty of the program is such that is its president and maximum technical manager, Yoshitoki Hataya Sensei, who, accompanied by some members, executes personally the entire compendium of the current style program. In him you can find the basic structure of the methodology that is applied, from the coded exercises of warming up and preparation and through the cutting exercises; the guards; the school Katas, including those corresponding to the Toyama Army Academy, the Gunto Soho and its explanation; work in pairs, both in Kumitachi and Gekken Kumitachi, and the cornerstone on which the Toyama-Ryu is based, i.e., Tameshigiri or cutting exercises on a real target. Zen Nihon Toyama-Ryu Iai-Do Renmei (ZNTIR) is the body that currently - once reviewed and adapted the concepts and methodology of a school that comes from a method of actual combat - intends to maintain alive this tradition and the original forms through a system that unifies body, mind and spirit in a realistic and effective way. Thanks to the commitment of a few graduates of the Toyama Army Academy (Rikugun Toyama Gakko), who continued secretly keeping alive the art until the lifting of the bans and the return of sovereignty to the Japanese people, today can learn a fencing style framed among the current schools of Iai-Do. This is a meticulous DVD in different languages, which proves to be a valuable source for researchers and practitioners of Japanese sword, and for martial artists in general or interested in the history of Japan and its last world war. It's a real stroke of luck being able to observe the techniques it contains, and at least for serious researchers, is well worth having it in your video library. We practitioners of the style want to share loyally the knowledge of our Japanese fencing school, in the hope that at the same time, the own internal values of those armed men impregnate the new generations and allow to glimpse a revulsive, in a traditionally way very different from the current approach to combat disciplines of Japanese origin.

What happens when two people practice Chi-Sao, what is the meaning of their practice and what the objectives? In this 3rd DVD, "Chi Sao from the base to an advanced level," Sifu Salvador SĂĄnchez addresses perhaps the most important aspect of Wing Chun: ChiSao, the soul of the system itself, which provides the practitioner with some special characteristics which are completely different from others, and gives him great virtues. This role deals with some aspects quite basic in principle, but as you delve into them, they'll be surprising to you. It is a very clear feature traditional Chinese culture; what it's very obvious at first glance, it nevertheless contains a second or third reading, which will surely change your approach, practice and understanding. We will discuss how to practice Chi Sao through our working drills and how to apply those drills, that ability in a sparring, linking certain concepts, perhaps not so much tied to traditional Kung Fu, such as biomechanics, structures, knowledge of physics, etc., in order to obtain better results in our practice.

REF.: • DVD/TAOWS3 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


There is an old text from ancient China titled the Bubishi. Several translations have been marketed lately and some are better than others for clarity as it is not an easy task translating the ancient languages and mental attitudes in these modern times. But the intent and content are unmistakable in that it documents the weaker anatomical structures of the body, as does this series of columns on Kyusho/Dim Mak as well as healing methods. The text is broken down into 4 main sections comprised of: history and philosophy, herbal remedies, Vital Points and fighting techniques! Written by an unknown Mar tial Artist, but perpetuated and passed down by histories more prominent Karate Masters: Sakugawa, Matsumura, Gokenki, Higashionna, Motubu (Shorin), Miyagi (Go Ju), Shimabukuro (Isshin Ryu), Mabuni (Shito Ryu), Funakoshi (Shotokan), Uechi (Uechi Ryu- Pwang Gai Noon) and so many others. All of these Martial Arts legends revered to, studied and assimilated the information within this text. But it was the transmission that was not proliferated or passed on in the main stream of the styles or students. So coveted was this information, that these instructors only passed the information on to a family member or especially selected student. And although very hard to understand, it has stood the test of time and with inherent value it is worthy of serious study.

Kyusho Jitsu “These forbidden points are where nerves, vascular tissue, or organs could be easily punctured or damaged with needling and consequently attacked with weapons or certain hand positions (also depicted in the Bubishi).�

he title can be translated to mean a book of military training and is indeed a manual regarding many aspects of this methodology. Although filled with inspirational philosophical outlooks as well as herbal healing processes we will focus primarily on the implications of the Vital Points. This is not to overshadow the importance or necessity of these other aspects, but just as a focus on this intriguing aspect.


Vital Points The Vital Points depicted in the text are areas forbidden in acupuncture due to the fatal possibilities and implications. Originally this information was accredited to Zhang San Feng, an acupuncturist in the thirteenth century BC, an acupuncturist that did extensive hands-on research on the adverse or reverse possibilities of this healing science. These forbidden points are where nerves, vascular tissue, or organs could be easily punctured or damaged with needling and consequently attacked with weapons or certain hand positions (also depicted in the Bubishi). These attacks reportedly would cause paralysis, dysfunction, unconsciousness or even death. The original targets number 36 (according to one translation) and were broken down into 4 categories; nine deadly, nine conscious-altering, nine paralyzing and nine pain inducing. This number as well as other numeric combinations were also designated as names for the ancient Martial sequences known as Kata. Names like Sanseiru (meaning 36 quite coincidentally the number of the original 36 vital points) emerged and were passed down in secrecy to only the most prized student or family member. LetĂ­s take an example of the many targets and focus a bit to see how a specific target could induce deadly consequences... The spleen is an organ responsible for filtering out infection and other unnecessary bodies in the blood. It is also an integral part of the bodyĂ­s lymphatic system responsible for cleansing impurities from the bloodstream. Now because of its easily accessible location under the left rib structure, attacking this correctly can damage or rupture this organ. This would cause massive internal bleeding and the ensuing bacterial infection would be life threatening, only emergency medical treatment such as removal and surgical reconstruction or repair will remedy this deadly situation. But this was not even possible during the time of the BubishiĂ­s writing and death would surely have overcome the injured person. When the spleen is attacked and damaged, a sensation of pain begins to spread from the left upper abdomen downward with occasional pain over the left shoulder (caused by blood under the diaphragm). Lightheadedness or unconsciousness may also occur, as blood is lost from the internal bleeding. Yet it may take up to a couple of hours before the classical "peritoneal signs" of rigid abdomen and sensitivity to motion develop. The more acutely the spleen is attacked so to would the consequences be more acute and quick to emerge. So in conflict this would be a very desirable target with a weapon or very conditioned hands to get under the ribs and directly attack the organ.

Kyusho Jitsu

Interestingly enough, also included in this ancient text is a depiction of 6 hand postures know as the 6 Ji Hands. One of these hands in particular is called the Blood Pool Hand. Is this a coincidence? Most likely not. LetĂ­s look at how this very specific hand position could best accomplish this task on the particular organ, for our example here, the spleen. Again it would require some hand conditioning and strengthening to deliver extremely damaging effects but quite possible even without. By reaching your fingers of the cupped hand up under the ribs and pulling the rib structure outward, you remove the protective bone and cartilage to advance a strike with the rolling hand ending in the first knuckles striking up into the organ and forming the Blood Pool Hand position. This will cause severe pain and with enough force possible rupture and internal bleeding. So then it follows that this hand position has a correlation

to attacking the blood gates or organs that the blood pools in for whatever purpose. These organs are the spleen, as mentioned, the liver, kidneys, heart and to some extent the intestines as well. Also directly under the opposite rib lay the liver, which is crucial to your survival; without a functioning liver you cannot survive due to the incredible amount of life

Kyusho Jitsu sustaining functions this organ is responsible for. It is tucked in behind your lower ribs on the right side of your abdomen and is the largest organ inside our bodies. An amazing thirty percent of the blood pumped through the heart in a minute of time passes through this complex organ, in fact the only part of the body which receives more blood than the liv er is t he brain. It filt ers and cleanses the blood and processes nutritional molecules, which are distributed throughout the body tissues. It also receives bright red blood from the lungs, filled with vital oxygen to be delivered to the heart. Being much more pliable than the spleen, it's not as easily ruptured, but it is substantially larger, so that a severe blow to the right lower anterior chest can still cause a tear. The internal bleeding usually isn't as heavy as a ruptured spleen, but just like it in that pain will spread down from the right upper abdomen and over into the pit of the stomach. Any blood that makes its way to the top of the liver can cause pain over the right shoulder or shoulder blade. Lightheadedness and unconsciousness again may

occur as bleeding continues due to blood loss. These are two of several Blood Pool targets that can be affected by the namesake hand position. Dangerous enough, but add now the simultaneous attack on the nervous and meridian systems that these techniques and this text impart. Just at the section of ribs that you will place your fingers is a point designated Spleen 16, it is an intercostal nerve that can be pinched against the rib itself. These will relax or paralyze the abdominal muscles so that the tightening of them that would protect the organs is also diminished or completely dysfunctional. It will also facilitate a nerve reaction that will converge to the central nervous system and brain as well as diverge to the muscles and internal organs to weaken them even further. This weakened state will leave no natural protection and thus allow for much more damaging potential. Let s focus even further on the preoccupation of the Bubishi text with the timing of the attack and the twelve 2-hour periods in a day the Chinese named Shichen. Observation of the human body had the spleen (for our

example) in it is most active when the flow was high, and subsequently the vulnerable time period between 9:00 AM 11:00 AM, to which they gave the name of the snake after the twelve animal designation of the Chinese Zodiac. So, learning the times when specific targets were more vulnerable gave the knowledgeable Martial Artist a more decisive edge in a combative situation. Combine this with specialized weapons, proper conditioning to yield greater penetration and induce much more devastating results just what an unarmed warrior would need. Although this is something we do not advise or readily teach, since with the potential also comes the liability, we do know, understand and practice these ancient methods depicted in this incredible text. Dim Mak/Kyusho have many facets, many sources, many opinions, but it always boils down to one single concept: the targeting of the body is weaker anatomical structures. Thus, with this knowledge, the skilled Martial Artist is much more capable, has more potency and capability well beyond their younger, more athletic years.

Excerpt from the book "Kyusho Jitsu: Vital points on the human body in Martial Arts", now available in digital format for only 8.90 euros.

In this DVD, Master Marco Morabito, with exclusive rights for Budo International, presents a preview of the Israeli Krav Maga Survival System. In this colossal work, the basic method and techniques of this discipline are illustrated in a clear and transparent manner. That is, no secrets, but in an extraordinary job that will take you to the very core of self-defense. The techniques are illustrated so that they are easily understood by all. A truly unique opportunity to approach selfdefense or improve your knowledge on the subject. The author is one of today’s top self-defense exponents worldwide and has to his credit an extensive experience both in the military field and in security companies; awarded several times in various countries and acclaimed by his courses and seminars around the world, he has become an international spokesperson for different combat and self-defense systems, little known but highly effective. He has learned and studied all over the world, from Japan to the US, via Poland, Spain, Cape Verde, Germany, Israel, France and Russia, a continued research in remote areas of the world, such as Siberia or the desert of Texas, without stopping at any point in his tireless search for new knowledge without ever stop asking questions. The Israeli Krav Maga Survival System is not a discipline or a set of rigid rules, but a method, a process of continuous and constant evolution. This makes it adaptable to any situation and circumstance and permeable to any changes, and then be able to take stock of its mistakes and use the experience as an opportunity to improve.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


WT Universe

1) Article: Movement for the harmonious development of man and „Comprehension� In a practitioner, who fully gives himself to the process of harmonization, the healing of diremption will take place; in him is where the work is done. Development is a necessity. Still, this development is neither based on the desire for it, nor made possible by it alone at all. A practitioner can not approach this learning-situation with arrogance. Such arrogance shows itself in the demand for immediate, direct results, for straight away understanding of methods, techniques, time laps, and outer shape, which are used in the working-situation of a community or group. As if comprehension were a pill of aspirin!

WT Universe Men and women first have to ask themselves, whether their imprinting and experience until now, allows them to understand, to build a bridge between these measures and their own observation. The addiction, the demand to understand everything straightaway - intellectually or emotionally - is men and women's greatest obstacle on their path to doing so.

In the end, the ability to understand can be compared to a muscle, developing only through constant exercise, practice, training. An idle muscle has only the potential of a function. Like everything that simply takes practice, the understanding of your own body requires endurance, observation and patience. If anybody would understand a learningsituation, and even his own life-situation as well, it would prove, his having developed a higher perceptive or cognitive organ. For someone like this, understanding or not understanding, would never be the point.

WT Universe 2) „The Science of Consciousness" Once upon a time there was a wise man, who had a great number of students. Every now and then they asked him where he had gotten his knowledge, and every time he pointed to a golden chest, standing in the corner of his room. The day the man died his selfappointed successors opened the chest and found a book bound in leather. Only a single

WT Universe page in it was written on, and the more they tried, to understand it, the angrier and more disappointed they became: "When you see the difference between the container and the content, you are on the path to wisdom." The Golden Chest – Quote from the "TRADITION" Basically we, the WTU, try to improve the qualities of the three human centers: • The Center of Motion, • the Center of Emotion and the

WT Universe • Center of Thinking and raise the intensity of mutual connection being only possible on the basis of a fundamental understanding of the tree centers. The Center of Motion: It is not directly evident which form of intelligence the Center of Motion can take. Our difficulties in imagining the intelligence of the Center of Motion has it' s origin in our assuming that it in any way resembles the Center of Mind's form of intelligence. In fact they do not resemble each other at all. The Center of Mind's intelligence is linked to the past and the future, which is no part of the Center of Motion's experience. However the only thing it is engaged with is the immediate present. It is not interested in achieving something that lies in

the future or correcting something of the past. Thing' s are on the other hand not registered in form of memories in the Center of Motion, like known in the Center of Mind. For former the things, events are either active or latent. For this reason, we in the WTU sumarise the areas and the inputs that act as food to the Center of Motion (GUILD, FIGHT, HEALTH, DRILL) as the so called "School of the Instant". The Center of Emotion: One can basically say, that in our modern world the intelligence of the Center of Emotion is the worst developed function. Our feelings are unstable and unreliable. We can do nothing unbiased in the end, not even think as we please, since we are not in control of our emotions. Most of the

WT Universe time we are occupied and full with automated emotions like affection and aversion and spend a large part of our existence in emotional states, that are not constructive, like anger, doubt and fear. This lets us realize, how far we are from how human beings should be – or let' s say think they should. We have been trained to live through such states entirely through our environment, their eligibility first and foremost coming from the emotional equivalent to the instinctive reaction to pain and physical discomfort. Our feelings are practically in a stage of slavery. The actual function of a feeling, is to perceive things as they really are. This does not happen by seeing,

hearing or knowing, but by participation (meaning the getting involved with something). When we are ready to in this way participate, a connection is created, based on awareness and not knowledge. Only then we start to be, what we truly are. For this reason everything related with community and creative activity has got to do with the Center of Emotion. For this reason we in the WTU sumarise the areas and the inputs that act as food to the Center of Emotion as

"Art and Martial Art" and "WTU-Tantra". The general term in the WTU is "The Path of the Heart". The Center of Thinking: About the Center of Thinking we, in our culture, think to know the most about. It is what separates us from the animal. Man has another relation towards time and space, being able to meditate on the past and the future, and with an imagination, functioning independent of any sensory stimulus. That enables us to gain knowledge an animal could never acquire. By abstract thinking we can visualize the world. Still – as long as we are not forced to do so by outer difficulties, we spend our life in a sort of dreamy state, while automatically forming images in our head. This process is mainly influenced by our physical awareness: By what we see, hear, touch, taste, smell but also by the overall state of our body, meaning we have different thoughts when we are feeling sick than when healthy. 3) Wing Tsun Universe - WTU Wing Tsun The WTU Wing Tsun we see in the center of motion as the confluence of the Asian shaping this art and another line in the circumstances of the present circumstances and the contemporary society of the 21st century at the beginning of an integral / holistic world description.

WT Universe Furthermore, the WTU Wing Tsun see the thinking center as the confluence of three great TRADITIONS, one of which is the TAOISM. In the center of feeling, we see the Wing Tsun Universe as a community of people who have recognized the need that man can grow only in interaction with other people. Our motto expresses this probably best: “To generate effectiveness requires three basic conditions: Right People Right Time - Right Place.�


OPEN FOR EVERYONE! What: 5 days of training, sweating, enjoying, meeting, conducted by GM Andreas Hoffmann in his home and World Weng Chun HQ in Bamberg Germany. The Camps will focus on Weng Chun Kung Fu for all levels and is open for everyone. During the camps we have also optional sessions on Vietnam Weng Chun,Sanda,BJJ, and Shaolin Qigong/Philosophy. You can also join just one or two days. The cost of the camp is just 250€ (member)/300€ (regular) for 5 days, 1 day 60€ (member)/70€(regular). When: WENG CHUN SUMMERCAMP 1: Wednesday 3rd - Sunday 7th August 2016, Wednesday 2pm - 7pm, Thursday/Friday/Saturday 10am-12:30pm, 2:30pm-4:30pm, Sunday 10am-2pm optional sessions extra at evening - this camp is designed for all levels with the focus on the basic and middle level of weng chun WENG CHUN SUMMERCAMP 2: Wednesday 10th - Sunday 14th August 2016, Wednesday 2pm - 7pm, Thursday/Friday/Saturday 10am-12:30pm, 2:30pm-4:30pm, Sunday 10am-2pm optional sessions extra - this camp is designed for all levels with the focus on the middle and advanced levels of weng chun Where: Weng Chun Kung Fu HQ, Memmelsdorferstrasse 82 R, 96052 Bamberg, Germany. 5 minutes walk to the trainstation and 40 minutes by car or train from Nürnberg/Nuremberg airport. If you are interested or you like to enlist email

Andreas Hoffmann International WengChunÂŽ Association HQ Weng Chun Kung Fu, Selbstverteidigung, Fitness durch Kampfkunst, Kinder Kung Fu, Sanda, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Ginastica Naturale Shaolin Qigong, Shaolin Chan, Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua, TCM email: website: address: Memmelsdorferstrasse 82 R, 96052 Bamberg 095137379 Konto IBAN DE02 7705 0000 0578 7215 32 Swift Bic BYLADEM1SKB

Hung Gar

Authentic Hung Gar Kung Fu - An “ext

ternal� system? In the world of traditional martial arts one broadly distinguishes external and internal styles. Thus, especially the original Hung Gar Kung Fu of our family is often considered to belong to the external styles, because people primarily have big, forceful arm techniques on their minds when they think of our style. As a matter of fact, things are quite different‌

Hung Gar


ccording to the inter national (World Kuoshu definition Federation) external styles are recognisable by exerting high force of the body extremities and internal styles by exerting force with the body, that is for example with the torso. At tournaments, by the way, internal styles are granted a higher time limit for forms, because they are performed at a slower pace. This is not really fair, I find and neither does my sifu, Dr. Chiu Chi Ling. To use his exact words: “Hung Gar has always had a soft and hard side to it. There is not only the tiger, but also the crane. The training

programme clearly starts with the harder side of our style (depending on the age of the student). All in all, however, we know everything. There is a lot of “Tai Chi” in our Hung Gar Kung Fu. Unfortunately, only few people reach that level, which is why the majority of people think that Hung Gar is solely a hard, external style. If tournaments were categorised from scratch our Kung Fu would be allowed to start in the internal and external categories.” However, it wouldn’t make much sense to change the world of traditional martial arts from one day to the next. My intention though is the same as the one of my sifu, i.e. to show how complete our system is and that it does not only contain the hard side. The way to the goal leads through training and promoting eager students who go beyond the level of “pure hardness” and get to know “the crane”. Thus, I would like to prove what my teacher has been claiming for a long time; apart from the internal work in the sense of Qi Gong, which is also an important part of the training, but more on that later.First of all, the question is: How did this “hard, external” style of our style come about in the first place? If one deals with the

Hung Gar

““Hung Gar has always had a soft and hard side to it. There is not only the tiger, but also the crane.”

history of the traditional martial arts, one notices that at the time of the famous Shaolin monastery in Northern China the training went “from internal to external”. That means that they particularly worked with the inner attitude, character and especially with physical techniques. The result was that after many years of training, at some point, “all of a sudden”, the student was able to fight very well with the acquired techniques he hadn’t previously known what to do with (apart from a healthy mind and body). Political changes, a need for resistance fighters and the basic wish to be able to efficiently defend oneself as quickly as possible led the monks and Kung Fu masters to think that the training had to lead more quickly to efficient fighting ability. The training, back then already at the Southern Shaolin monastery, was “reversed” and physically hard training and techniques, which could be quickly learned, were given priority and built the legendary reputation of the invincibility of the monks. Many styles that are popular because of their effectiveness in fighting originate directly or indirectly from this tradition of the Southern Shaolin monastery. Students of my schools know that it is still like that today. The “mental, soft” part hasn’t been lost at all. On the contrary, it is more important than ever. In the training programme, however, it has been shifted to the back, where it is taught at a later point. I would like to emphasise though that we are talking about the first stages of the education (white, yellow, orange, green belt). After that the student already realises that not only rigid, hard techniques lead to the result. With the completion of the basic school (black belt, 1st Dan) at the latest, the student more and more deals with the skilful change of both sides. Hard and Soft. It goes without saying that the part of the character and the training of the mind are omnipresent. Some students ask me just

Hung Gar

what is meant by “Qi Gong” and whether it wouldn’t make our style an “internal style”. One has to be cautious with such relations. What I have mentioned in the beginning was a reference to the definition of the World KuoShu. Or let us say, to what the eye can recognise from the outside. When I teach my instructors and when I talk about activating the “inner power” or about how the student should concentrate on the “inner work”, then, it is not about the movement of the torso or the hips, but about the focus, the concentration, the mind. Everyone knows that, generally, whenever we concentrate on something and when we also invest mental energy, it often turns out better. It may be a sporting performance or the writing of a test etc. The old Kung Fu masters understood this long ago and incorporated it into the martial arts where this part of the Hung Gar Kung Fu, until today, has one objective in particular, i.e. to make the techniques even more efficient and destructive. Here we are talking about the five internal aspects of our system: Qi (energy), Ging (strength), San (mind), Daam (courage) and Sik (knowledge). - Qi (also “Chi” or “Hei”) means the power of the thoughts, the focus, which can contribute to the promotion of health but also to the mobilisation of additional force in fighting situations. - Ging means the developed, honed power of the practitioner. By means of repetition of exercises and control of the Qi, one can create Ging, which in turn means very close, efficient power.

- San means (clear) mind, which is visible in the eyes, the voice and the overall quality of life of the practitioner. Daam means courage, or better still, “the absence of fear”, which helps the practitioner to cope with dangerous situations and to believe in his or her success. - Sik means knowledge and the circumstances. It’s about knowing oneself and the opponent(s) better. Knowledge means security and the ability to apply lear ned information in order to reach a goal. To sum up, the original Hung Gar Kung Fu of our family, according to the definition, is neither an external nor an internal style. It is both and offers one of the most complex and most complete, if not the most complete, system - in the mental area as well. When we talk about inner work in our Mo Gwoon (“war room”, classroom) we particularly mean the aspect, which cannot be seen by the unpracticed eye, i.e. the five inner aspects. With the growth of my school and the coming Dan holders among my students, more and more people are going to see what real Hung Gar looks like and that hard and soft, inner and outer, in accordance with the philosophy of Yin and Yang, go hand in hand and are inseparable if we are talking about the real, traditional Hung Gar of the KUNG FU SCHOOL MARTIN SEWER.

We are pleased to present the second work of the KMRED group. This video bearing the name "Concept and Education" aims to make you discover a part of the concept Krav Maga Research, Evolution and Development, as well as the pedagogy developed within our group. The different exercises that you will discover here are not intended to "feast your eyes" or demonstrate our combative attitudes, because our priority here is that of explaining how we prepare our students so that they become "warriors", capable of "adapting" to the different evolutions of street fighting.

REF.: • DVD/KMRED-2 All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.



OPEN FOR EVERYONE! What: 5 days of training, sweating, enjoying, meeting, conducted by GM Andreas Hoffmann in his home and World Weng Chun HQ in Bamberg Germany. The Camps will focus on Weng Chun Kung Fu for all levels and is open for everyone. During the camps we have also optional sessions on Vietnam Weng Chun,Sanda,BJJ, and Shaolin Qigong/Philosophy. You can also join just one or two days. The cost of the camp is just 250€ (member)/300€ (regular) for 5 days, 1 day 60€ (member)/70€(regular). When: WENG CHUN SUMMERCAMP 1: Wednesday 3rd - Sunday 7th August 2016, Wednesday 2pm - 7pm, Thursday/Friday/Saturday 10am-12:30pm, 2:30pm-4:30pm, Sunday 10am-2pm optional sessions extra at evening - this camp is designed for all levels with the focus on the basic and middle level of weng chun WENG CHUN SUMMERCAMP 2: Wednesday 10th - Sunday 14th August 2016, Wednesday 2pm - 7pm, Thursday/Friday/Saturday 10am-12:30pm, 2:30pm-4:30pm, Sunday 10am-2pm optional sessions extra - this camp is designed for all levels with the focus on the middle and advanced levels of weng chun Where: Weng Chun Kung Fu HQ, Memmelsdorferstrasse 82 R, 96052 Bamberg, Germany. 5 minutes walk to the trainstation and 40 minutes by car or train from Nürnberg/Nuremberg airport. If you are interested or you like to enlist email

Andreas Hoffmann International WengChun® Association HQ Weng Chun Kung Fu, Selbstverteidigung, Fitness durch Kampfkunst, Kinder Kung Fu, Sanda, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA, Ginastica Naturale Shaolin Qigong, Shaolin Chan, Tai Chi Chuan, Ba Gua, TCM email: website: address: Memmelsdorferstrasse 82 R, 96052 Bamberg 095137379 Konto IBAN DE02 7705 0000 0578 7215 32 Swift Bic BYLADEM1SKB

Jeet Kune Do Killer Instinct F o r t u n a t e l y, i n m o d e r n l i f e , s o f t a n d comfortable, there are very few situations of extreme danger in which you are constrained to fight to defend your physical integrity, much less your life. In ancient societies it was completely different; fighting arts r e p r e s e n t e d a v i t a l n e c e s s i t y, a n d therefore it was logical to devote them much time. Now, having reduced this primary motivation, what is the use of practicing Mar tial Ar ts in a moder n technological society like ours? Why do so many people practice? What ar e the reasons that lead us to this choice? Many do it for fun, prefer to throw kicks and punches in a gym than doing it in a football field; Others seek to do a healthy physical activity that at the same time may be useful for defense; and even others for the most disparate reasons. Still, there is also a cross section of people who devote themselves to the practice of Martial Arts for much deeper reasons, the contours of which turn out to be often difficultly determinable, that go beyond the trivial needs of leisure, health or even the defense of the own integrity in a hypothetical street fight. he 21st Century man lives in an absurd existential situation: on the one hand, the modern technologies have made him feel powerful as a mythological hero (he can fly in the space, communicate with the whole world comfortably sat in an office, sink into the ocean depths, etc.). In contrast, these advances have exhausted completely his aptitude to manage consciously his mental and emotional states, becoming alien to his own inner universe. This enormous gap between the "external


power" and the "internal impotence� creates a strong existential discomfort that, even if everything comes out well, it makes us feel uncomfortable in our own skin. Martial Arts, appropriately and cleverly used, can help us to close such gap permitting us to rediscover the enormous human potential. They are the perfect tool to consciously recover those aspects of our personality that have been emasculated by modern society. Masters, therefore, should be able to use the huge potential of an intelligent and creative way, and don't do as did the French

Instinctive combat and bodily management through the inner energy

Jeet Kune Do engineers who, at the beginning of the industrial revolution, not understanding the vast resources that offered the first steam engines, used them for fun of the nobility, creating water games, as great as useless, for the beautiful fountains of their mansions. Meanwhile, across the Channel, their British colleagues, with a more intelligent use of the same machines, were consolidating the economic power of the British Empire. The practice of symbolic imitation of animal movements and the forces of nature are the passkey to transcend the physical limitations imposed by normal states of consciousness, and to free ourselves from our conditioning. This conscious imitation, by liberating those hidden and instinctive energies that dwell in the depths of our being, activates a type of mental decontamination, and so, our mental and corporal system, on having stopped being conditioned, is capable of deploying to the maximum all its potential capacities. As proof of this we can do a simple exercise: unite the thumb and index finger and imagine that it is a steel ring until the image is firmly engraved in your mind; It won't be easy for anyone to achieve to separate your fingers. Other examples of the exceptional faculties of the mind are the facts performed under hypnosis, in extreme situations of danger, or even the tremendous power that people can develop in a conniption. This can happen because there are certain "induced states", in which the mind, under special circumstances, such as illness, hallucinatory states or danger, and detached of normal "rational" parameters, acts without any sense of limitation, releasing unexpected sources of energy. These "induced states", in addition to "suffered", using our own imaginative capacity and with proper training, can be recreated consciously. These old methods, one day personal and exclusive teachings that were jealously guarded by the various Chinese traditional schools, today, thanks to the teachings of the old masters, are a heritage to our school of Jeet Kune Do, the Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do Academy, which is responsible for the outreach and teaching programs. These methods are still valid, because they were created in a time when the discrepancy between theory and practice did not mean winning or losing a medal, but life. They are the essence of practice for the development of Martial Arts. All of them were born from a natural and instinctive use of the body, and the ancient practitioners, accustomed to the art of war, and / or the work in the fields, applied them in a spontaneous way. Movement coordination and the strengthening of specific body parts were the result of everyday life; not for the modern man, who has to be re-educated to a natural use of the body. This requires that everything is harmonized, from consciousness to imagination, from the rational to the instinctive, from the willpower to physical force. A normal gym workout hardly can offer all that. There's a difference between lifting weights and using our body in a natural way. Just try to get a strong weightlifter digging a ditch or mowing a field and soon you'll see that he is not able to do even a third of the work that an old farmer can perform in the same time. His body lacks harmony in the right way to act; his power is unidirectional; his muscles,

Jeet Kune Do

Jeet Kune Do too short and powerful, are like those of the oxen: adapted to push; they lack the elasticity and smoothness that, nevertheless, becomes strength in the final attack, which show, for example, large predators. The old peasant, conversely, intelligently trained by Mother Nature, is perfectly capable of taking any action with a balanced and economic dynamism; his movements are perfectly suited to the target; without waste of force or unnecessary tensions, they are complete; the whole body participates in the action; they have a precise rhythm that fits harmoniously the physiological rhythms (breathing, circulation, etc.). This return to the primal instinct, this rediscovery of instinctive forces, can be compared to a re-education program, like those used with wild animals bred in captivity, to let them recover natural instincts before putting them back into their natural habitat. It is said that a true martial artist should have the same qualities of a tiger chasing his prey, who, in order to remain undetected, belies his strength and intentions keeping them hidden deep in his body, while remaining calm, light and ready. His instinct, alive and active, is not like that of the tiger in a zoo, that doesn't need to hunt for surviving. It is completely silent and light, but not weak; he hides his strength, but doesn't reduce it; rather, he accumulates it in his spine to direct it to the rear and front claws at the time of the attack. Chinese masters of the past developed many techniques by copying the features of wild animals, that later poured into the Martial Arts. In this way were created the Shaolin, Tai Chi, Xing Yi Quan, Ba Gua and others systems. So the practitioner, imitating wild animals, can learn to be soft and stay light and quiet while accumulating and deeply retaining his strength. In this way, he learns to use his body in a more effective, invisible and powerful way, while keeping the freedom to instantly change his movements. There are many practitioners who, despite being physically very strong, they lack the freedom to change. Predators, however, still very powerful, are able to change quickly in any direction to suit the movements of the prey, without haste or anxiety. This kind of instinctive techniques is the most powerful thing man has ever developed, in what regards fighting techniques. From my own experience, on the subject of development of the instinctive ability to fight, I quote: "Despite the long years of practice, study and training are necessary to reach a point in which you forget about technique and let the natural instinct act." The conscious awareness of the right and wrong moves serves as wood to stoke the fire, but in a situation of extreme danger, it eventually ceases to exist, while the reality of the flames take over. These flames originate not in the spring of knowledge conscious, but in the secret source of the will that is the Dan Tian, where everything merges and "technique, like the Zen archer's arrow, finds the target by itself." Both phases must coexist; heart and brain, the conscious and the unconscious, are the two sides of the same coin, and none of them is really capable of operating efficiently without its counterparty. The conscious aspect is familiar to all of us, for some it's even the only reality. Therefore, we must develop and train "the action of the heart" to transcend technique and let action sprout instinctively. The instinctive combat training lacks preconceived ideas and standardized movements. We must learn to feel the energy of the adversary and respond according to his movement, "reasoning" is not necessary; this is the only way you can perform different techniques one after another in a quick and fast way. The

Jeet Kune Do guide of the instinct is faster, more subtle, more absolute, and it's in direct relation to reality, more than what the conscious mind could be. And later, JKD, which is based on the instinctive fight not with the goal of winning a tournament or in the ring, has one goal: the effectiveness and efficiency in actual combat, not only in the one against one, but also in situations involving weapons, several opponents and situations which, being precisely real, are not encrypted. But developing such responsiveness in a codified manner, following a specific Martial Art (Kung Fu, Karate, Aikido) or a particular style of some of these arts, is an arduous task that may require several decades of study and training to end up reaching nothing specific. This consideration stems from a simple observation: individual attack techniques of each Martial Art are countless, as countless are also the possible situations; It follows that the possible attack combinations are almost infinite and, therefore, the possible answers are also endless. So, could it be developed an effective combat strategy within a reasonable time? Would it be possible to establish a successful training program? Of course! How? Operating a level change, passing to what in the Neuro-Linguistic Programming is called a meta-level, i.e., a rescheduling of the own combat strategies at a higher level. This is defined as the mental strategies level: in this plane, attacks and possible combinations of attack are reduced to a few effective techniques, and therefore, the possible responses are proportionately reduced just the same. Becoming an "instinctive fighter" also means finding oneself in the totality of being, as a man and as a warrior at the same time, an expert in the art of war, practical and essential in gestures and techniques. The instinctive fighter reaches the maximum level when he is able to convert any gesture in a martial gesture, and when without having any structure or shape, becomes like water that flows and adapts and adjusts to each situation. "If you try to remember, you will lose. Empty your mind; be formless, shapeless… like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. If you put water in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Water can flow or creep, it can leak or it can crash. Be water, my friend! " I Like Water...

“If you try to remember, you will lose. Empty your mind; be formless, shapeless… like water.”

The Philippines has a long history of life and death combat. From ancient times to the modern day, the fighting arts of the Filipino archipelago have proven themselves time and again to be efficient, effective and extremely deadly forms of fighting. There are countless systems of Filipino martial arts spread throughout the thousands of islands in this region. Many are family arts and no “outsider� will likely ever learn them. Fortunately, many have also been made available to the rest of the world. From the Kyusho perspective the study begins with learning revival and restorations, but then develops mobile arm targeting as its Martial foundation. When you dissect an attack, besides a kicking action, all other attacks start with the arms, but the challenge is that the arms are the fastest moving parts of the body with the greatest range of motion and directional attack capability. So it is a very challenging section of training that should be integrated into every session, in so many variations. There are other ways to make this level a bit easier and one is in the skill of Arm Trapping. Kali Master Raffi Derderian and Kyusho Practitioner Evan Pantazi - a collaborative film


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Como hemos documentado en los últimos 6 años, el Kyusho se traduce como “Punto Vital" y es el estudio de la condición humana y de su fragilidad. Aunque es similar en apariencia a la antigua Acupuntura y a los métodos de masaje sobre puntos de presión, el método Kyusho también puede tratar los problemas inmediatos y hacer desaparecer las dolencias comunes del cuerpo. En segundos podemos empezar a aliviar las molestias asociadas al dolor de cabeza, de espalda, los tirones musculares e internos, el hipo, el asma, las náuseas, la congestión nasal y otras muchas enfermedades comunes, tanto por causas naturales como provocadas. Estos efectos se consiguen rápidamente y de manera eficaz, sin necesidad de recurrir a pastillas o medicamentos que puedan tardar 20 minutos o más en hacer efecto y que pueden provocar graves efectos secundarios en otros órganos o funciones corporales. Las ramificaciones son muy amplias y creemos que merece la pena seguir investigando y logrando beneficios para la sociedad. Este tipo de enfoque holístico ha resultado eficaz durante muchos miles de años en diferentes culturas de todo el mundo y ahora hemos querido hacerlo posible para ti. Una vez que aprendas estos métodos simples de Kyusho Primeros Auxilios, tu también podrás ayudar a tu familia y amigos con muchas de estas dolencias comunes que todos sufrimos. Esto te servirá para tener un breve resumen histórico de cómo se desarrollaron estos métodos y otras posibilidades de salud que se necesitan en el día a día. Sin embargo y como cabría esperar, aquí no está el programa completo, pues los conceptos más profundos y complejos sólo pueden alcanzarse con las manos, aplicándolos y practicando bajo la atenta mirada de un instructor. La práctica regular de estos métodos no sólo aumentará tus habilidades para aplicar las fórmulas aprendidas, sino que te enseñará la aplicación intuitiva de muchas otras técnicas de salud. No deberían considerarse fórmulas aisladas, sino caminos para corregir ciertos problemas en el cuerpo humano, basados en los conceptos presentados. En los siguientes capítulos de Kyusho Primeros Auxilios veremos primero el origen inmediato o la necesidad de curar muchos problemas diarios. ¡Qué disfrutes del viaje!

Come abbiamo documentato negli ultimi 6 anni, il Kyusho si traduce come “Punto Vitale” ed è lo studio della condizione umana e della sua fragilità. Benché sia simile in apparenza all'antica Agopuntura e ai metodi di massaggio sui punti di pressione, il metodo Kyusho può t rat tare anche i problemi immediat i e far spar i re le problematiche comuni del corpo. In pochi secondi possiamo alleviare i disturbi associati al mal di testa, di schiena, gli stiramenti muscolari e interni, il singhiozzo, l'asma, la nausea, la congestione nasale e molte altre malattie comuni, sia per cause naturali che provocate. Questi effetti si ottengono rapidamente e in maniera efficace, senza la necessità di ricorrere a pastiglie o medicine che possono richiedere 20 minuti o più prima di fare effetto e che possono provocare gravi effetti indesiderati in altri organi o funzioni corporali. Le ramificazioni sono molto ampie e crediamo che valga la pena continuare a investigare ottenendo benefici diretti per la società. Questo tipo di impostazione olistica è risultata efficace per molte migliaia di anni in differenti culture di tutto il mondo ed ora abbiamo voluto fare il possibile per te. Quando impari questi metodi semplici di Kyusho Primo Soccorso, anche tu potrai aiutare la tua famiglia e i tuoi amici con molte di queste patologie comuni cui tutti sono affetti. Questo ti servirà per avere un breve riassunto storico di come si svilupparono questi metodi e altre possibilità di cura che sono necessarie nel quotidiano. Tuttavia, ovviamente, qui non c'è il programma completo, perché i concetti più profondi e complessi si riescono a capire solo con le mani, applicandoli e praticando sotto l'attento sguardo di un istruttore. La pratica regolare di questi metodi non aumenterà solo le tue abilità nell'applicare le formule imparate, ma ti insegnerà l'applicazione intuitiva di molte altre tecniche di salute. Non si dovrebbero considerare formule isolate, bensì vie per correggere determinati problemi del corpo umano, basate sui concetti presentati. Nei seguenti articoli sul Kyusho Primo Soccorso vedremo in primo luogo l 'or igine immediata o la necessi tà di curare mol t i problemi quot idiani . Godetevi questo viaggio!

Comme nous l'avons vu ces six dernières années, le Kyusho se traduit par « point vital » et est l'étude de la condition humaine et de sa fragilité. Bien que similaire en apparence à l'ancienne acupuncture et aux méthodes de massage sur les points de pression, la méthode Kyusho peut également traiter les problèmes immédiats et faire disparaître les douleurs physiques communes. En quelques secondes, nous pouvons commencer à soulager les troubles associés aux maux de tête, de dos, les crampes musculaires et internes, le hoquet, l'asthme, les nausées, la congestion nasale et de nombreux autres troubles communs, surgissant aussi bien pour des raisons naturelles que provoquées. Ces effets sont obtenus rapidement et efficacement, sans avoir besoin de faire appel à des médicaments qui peuvent prendre vingt minutes ou plus à faire de l'effet et peuvent provoquer de graves effets secondaires sur d'autres organes ou fonctions corporelles. Les ramifications sont très vastes et nous croyons que ça vaut la peine de continuer la recherche afin d'obtenir des bénéfices pour la société. Ce type de point de vue holistique a été efficace pendant de nombreux milliers d'années dans différentes cultures du monde entier et nous avons maintenant voulu le rendre possible pour vous. Une fois que vous aurez appris ces méthodes simples de Kyusho de Premiers Secours, vous pourrez également aider votre famille et vos amis et soulager beaucoup de ces maux communs dont nous souffrons tous.Cela vous permettra d'avoir un bref résumé historique de la manière dont ces méthodes se développèrent et d'autres possibilités de santé dont nous avons besoin au jour le jour.Cependant, comme on pouvait s'y attendre, le programme ici n'est pas complet car les concepts les plus profonds et complexes ne peuvent être atteint qu'avec les mains, en les appliquant et en pratiquant sous le regard attentif d'un instructeur. La pratique régulière de ces méthodes augmentera votre habileté à appliquer les formules apprises, mais encore vous enseignera à appliquer intuitivement beaucoup d'autres techniques de santé. Elles ne devraient pas être considérées comme des formules isolées, mais comme des voies pour corriger, certains problèmes affectant le corps humain, en se basant sur les concepts présentés. Dans les prochains chapitres de Kyusho Premiers Secours, nous verrons d'abord l'origine immédiate de la nécessité de guérir de nombreux problèmes quotidiens. Prenez plaisir à ce voyage !

As we have documented over the past 6 years, Kyusho translates as "Vital Point" and is a study of the human condition and it's frailties. Although similar in appearance to the ancient acupuncture and pressure point massage methods, the Kyusho method can also deal with immediacy for certain trauma as well as easily rid the body of common ailments. Within seconds we canm begin to relax and ease the pain associated with headaches, backaches, muscle and internal cramps, hiccups, asthma, nausea, sinus congestion and so many more common maladies both of natural causes as well as trauma inflicted. This is all performed quickly and efficiently without expensive pills or drugs that can take 20 minutes or more to work or have serious side effects on other organs or body functions. The ramifications are enormous and we believe to be of such worth for continued research and societal benefit. This type of holistic approach has been effective for many thousands of years in cultures throughout the world and we have added even more possibility and purpose to it for you. Once you learn these simple methods of Kyusho First Aide, you too can help your family and friends with many of these common ailments we each suffer through. Let this serve as an historical record of how these methods developed and the other health possibilities they hold for day-to-day living. However it is not the full curriculum, as one would expect, the depth and intricacies can only be conveyed with hands on application and practice under the watchful eye of an instructor. The consistent practice of these methods will not only increase your abilities to relieve the practiced formulas, but also instruct you in the intuitive application of many other health issues. They should not be considered standalone formulas, but rather ways to correct certain problems within the human body based on the foundation presented.

Wie wir in den letzten 6 Jahren dokumentiert haben, übersetzt sich Kyusho als „Vitalpunkt“, es ist das Studium der menschlichen Beschaffenheit und ihre Zerbrechlichkeit. Auch wenn es dem Anschein nach der alten Akupunktur und den Massagemethoden auf Druckpunkte ähnelt, so kann die Kyusho-Methode doch auch sofort Probleme behandeln und die normalen Leiden des Körpers verschwinden lassen. Innerhalb von Sekunden können wir anfangen, die Beschwerden im Zusammenhang mit Kopfweh, Schmerzen der Schulter, Muskel- und innere Zerrungen, Schluckauf, Asthma, Übelkeiten, Verstopfung der Nase und vielen anderen normalen Krankheiten lindern, egal ob sie natürlicher Ursache haben oder hervorgerufen sind. Diese Effekte werden schnell und effizient erreicht, ohne auf Pillen oder Medikamente zurückgreifen zu müssen, die 20 Minuten oder länger brauchen, um Wirkung zu zeigen, und die starke Nebenwirkungen in anderen Organen oder Körperfunktionen haben können. Die Verzweigungen sind sehr breit gefächert und wir glauben, dass es der Mühe wert ist, weiter zu forschen und so Nutzen für die Gemeinschaft zu erzielen. Dieser Typ der holistischen Zielsetzung war über viele tausend Jahre hinweg und in verschiedenen Kulturen auf der ganzen Welt wirkungsvoll, aber jetzt wollen wir es zugänglich machen. Wenn Du einmal diese einfachen Kyusho-Methoden der ersten Hilfe gelernt hast, kannst auch Du Deiner Familie und Deinen Freunden bei vielen der gewöhnlichen Leiden helfen, unter denen wir alle leiden. Es wird Dir dabei helfen, eine kurze historische Übersicht darüber zu erlangen, wie diese Methoden und andere Möglichkeiten der Gesundheit, die man Tag für Tag braucht, entstanden sind. Aber wie erwartet liegt darin nicht das komplette Programm, denn die tiefsten und komplexesten Konzepte können nur über die Hände erzielt werden, indem man sie unter dem aufmerksamen Bl ick eines Ausbi lders anwendet und übt . Das regelmäßige Ausüben dieser Methoden wird nicht nur Deine Fähigkeiten wachsenlassen, die gelernten Formeln anzuwenden, es wird Dir darüber hinaus auch die intuitive Anwendung vieler anderer Techniken der Gesundheit lehren. Sie sollten nicht als allein stehende Formeln betrachtet werden, sondern als Wege, um gewisse Probleme im menschlichen Körper zu korrigieren, auf der Basis der vorgestellten Konzepte. In den folgenden Kapiteln von „Kyusho - Erste Hilfe“ werden wir zuerst den unmittelbaren Ursprung der Notwendigkeit sehen, viele tägliche Probleme zu heilen. Genießt die Reise!

“Another Part of KAPAP – Israeli Krav Maga, is survival. We include survival skills as yet another component of our modern Martial Arts package.”

“We teach subject matter that includes SERE school components, which used in the Army teaches Psychology, mental preparedness and mindset skills, and also teaches hand-to-hand (CBQB), medic skills, navigation and more.”

“Failing To Prepare Is Preparing To Fail “ One of KAPAP's fundamental modern Martial Arts goals is to enhance it's traditional Martial Arts roots by assimilating hand-to-hand and combative skill-sets but also CPR and emergency medical components that can save lives. We also add skills such as Rope Adventures that work on team building and rescue operations through the use of ropes including how to even make ropes from toilet paper! Knots can play an unexpected important roll in making fire, or can be utilized for rescue, but ropes can also come into play in self-defense. Someone having a heart attack needs CPR.

Avi Nardia Someone choking on food may also need that skill applied on them. We also incorporate nutrition and fitness education, and as I've said in the past when some have asked me how to disarm a knife - I try to teach people how to disarm a fork first! More people die from over -eating and being over -weight and more yet will likely die from living the wrong lifestyle. This is why Kapap is more about teaching people how to live a quality lifestyle and not to live fearing people. ll of the "Don't be a victim" slogans are generated for those that are most likely to be become a victim through their own hands and by living a dangerous lifestyle. Fear cuts deeper than swords and this is why we teach people not to fear others, but to approach them with love and peace and friendship. Another Part of KAPAP – Israeli Krav Maga, is survival. We include survival skills as yet another component of our modern Martial Arts package. We teach subject matter that includes SERE school components, which used in the Army teaches Psychology, mental preparedness and mindset skills, and also teaches hand-to-hand (CBQB), medic skills, navigation and more. In the U.K., SERE is an acronym for Survive, Evade, Resist and Extract. SERE also provides U.S. military personnel, U.S. Department of Defense civilians, and private military contractors with training in evading capture, survival skills. We do not go so deep in training these skills as our military models do, but we do try to teach the mental aspects that you'd need to deal with a bad situation that you might face and how to keep calm and not panic. We teach escape, hand-cuffing and escape from kidnapping situations in part to prepare our students to know how to deal with a 'bad day.' We add urban survival techniques to prepare our students how to deal with situations that can happen within inner-city neighborhoods in bad times and during crisis incidents that come about due to terrorist events, mobs, protests or any other urban unrest due to any number of unseen events, including storms, floods and other natural causes.


Avi Nardia We teach parts of what is professionally called 'TradecCraft.' These skills can include cleaning runs, surveillance, counter-surveillance and third-party protection. We also teach basic security training - how to secure your own home, and also how to build your own security program. Kapap is a progressive and dynamic Martial Arts program, but also much more than to be simply labeled as a Martial Arts discipline - we are progressive in that we always strive to expand our educational program, to always include new technologies, new ideas, but we also strive to learn from what has already been examined, and to re-examine and improve on that, to revise, and expand on what came before us. We are not a 'normal' Martial Arts training program, because we provide more tools for our students including training in tactical driving, swimming and free-diving and cold weather survival - all components that make Kapap a Modern Martial art. "Genuine wilderness exploration is as dangerous as warfare" Theodore Roosevelt wrote after nearly dying on an Amazon river tributary in 1914. Survival skills are an important component in what Kapap offers, and for good reason. You may be more likely to need those skills than fighting skills! I can add the words of my friend and trainer from Thailand "in our jungles everything is designed to kill you." After experiencing it first-hand, I thought: so true. If you study how to survive and survive, you also get a great bonus: mental training and mental stamina! We are starting to build a seminar we call 'Warrior by Nature.' We'll have you start your day meditating somewhere deep in a jungle, where all of the insects and creatures of that habitat will be bothering you and this is where and how you will learn to keep your mind calm and relaxed. Kapap can also teach you to understand how much your own ego will not help you here, and show you that you'll need your integrity – and here we can say that using your integrity is doing the right thing because no one will see what you do here. There is no Facebook, or Twitter, you'll have no access to mist modern electronics devices or personal media. You won't be able to post your very own 'hero' pictures as many do from their own comfortable surroundings while pretending to be warriors. This is where we will introduce you to our unique program that we call 'Only Knife.' Survival teachers will tell you that people who try to be heroes quickly die. They may have stamina but they lack the proper attitude. A Martial Arts teacher will say the same thing same as self-defense starts and ends with proper attitude, and there are no heroes in self-defense. This is why in Kapap – Israeli Krav Maga we always avoid slogans like "touch me and your first lesson is free." When your ego is driving the bus, it's not about self-defense.

The 'Only Knife' seminar concept came about as an idea to demonstrate that most knife teachers and systems only demonstrate the evil aspects of using this simple tool. They teach you how they can kill with knives, but we should all know that any fool kill someone with something as simple as a stone. As an example of one of the problems within the knife culture, and the recent love of

the Karambit knife specifically, we feel it was designed for only one purpose - to kill, like the gun. A lot of this comes from the movie culture, and our own gullible nature - we get sucked into the newest fad and buy into it without ever questioning it. Think of the Karambit as a tool - and wouldn't you really be better off having a survival knife due it's multiple use nature and it's multiple functions, than

having only a one-trick pony like the Karambit in your survival kit? A knife is a tool first and can also be used as a weapon if necessary. But, keep in mind that you can kill someone with almost any other item used as a weapon too. You will be much better prepared and for more possibilities if you learn how to use a knife for survival. We will come out with a new DVD soon, produced by Budo International Magazine, that will introduce you to why survival skills are important skills that we need to add into our Martial Arts programs. We hope that our friends, instructors and students all enjoy this latest production hosted by our Survivalist Trainer Toby Cowern and gain knowledge and skills through viewing it. This DVD is not to teach survival skills but more to explain the connection between Martial Arts and survival. To truly study survival you must take the training. It's not something you will learn simply by watching a DVD or by being a YouTube Sensei!

In this DVD, G.M. Larry Tatum (10th Dan) develops techniques of the Kenpo program at the highest level. Particularly, some of his “favorites” like Flashing Mace, Parting Wings, Entwined Lance… Masterfully executed and based on the experience of the movement, G.M. Tatum incorporates his innovative teachings in these techniques that will help you add and complement your training in the Kenpo system. Besides, they provide the individual with the best choice for selfdefense, based on the logical and practical thinking, and place him in the path of understanding the art of Kenpo. These are the self-defense and fighting systems of the modern times we live in. They are designed so that the practitioner gets all the benefits that training these techniques can provide. This DVD has the support of Master Adolfo Luelmo (9th Dan), who goes on with a series of techniques performed in a smooth and strong way, for situations of extreme aggression, in which can be appreciated different states of the movement, in a logical and effective way. As a conclusion, Master Camacho Assisi (8th Dan), displays a technique that combines the strength of the arms and his expertise with legs.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Hwa Rang Do

Studying Hwa Rang Do® far from your Master: part 2 (MISSION STATEMENT OF THE WORLD HWA RANG DO® ASSOCIATION) HWA RANG DO®: A legacy of Loyalty, Relentlessly seeking Truth, Empowering Lives, Serving Humanity Hwa Rang Do® Instructor Flavio Sciaccaluga – Luxembourg: interview. Part 2 In 2013 you were practicing Hwa Rang Do® alone. Today, there is an official Club of the World Hwa Rang Do® Association in Luxembourg, recognized by the local government. Why did you open that club there? Yes, I was the only Hwa Rang Do® student in Luxembourg during 2013 but I was not alone. The World Hwa Rang Do® Association and mainly the Italian Hwa Rang Do® Clubs has supported me all the time, making me grow as a student and instructor.

Hwa Rang Do I have chosen to open a Club in Luxembourg because I believe that Hwa Rang Do® is an added value for the local community and also because I think that the integration of Hwa Rang Do® into the local identity is a very important thing (we don’t teach just physical techniques). Luxembourg is a fantastic place: I’m lucky because I can teach people from all over the world there: Luxembourg, France, Belgium, UK, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, etc. Every person from every nationality is a great contribution for the Hwa Rang Do® Luxembourg identity. Our Club has been very active part of all the main EU Hwa Rang Do® events and also part of the World Hwa Rang Do® championships. Flavio, would you like to tell us something about what happened starting from 2013 until now in Luxembourg related to Hwa Rang Do®? It has been an awesome adventure. The first year I started to select strong and motivated students. We trained outside the dojang: snow, rain, cold weather,… great! The second year I have focused my work on spreading Hwa Rang Do® in the community increasing the identity of the art. We got a bigger dojang and the recognition of the local authorities.

“If you work hard to learn you’re going to learn for sure” Do Joo Nim Dr. Joo Bang Lee

“I have chosen to open a Club in Luxembourg because I believe that Hwa Rang Do® is an added value for the local community and also because I think that the integration of Hwa Rang Do® into the local identity is a very important thing (we don’t teach just physical techniques).”

Instructor Flavio Sciaccaluga

The third year we have worked a lot in the international Hwa Rang DO® meetings inviting people from abroad to train here. Today, we’re growing a lot, full of new ideas and enthusiasm. It’s important for me to underline that during the past years I made many mistakes, and I also had many doubts about my possibilities to succeed but I did it. Because of that I would like to tell you below some fundamental sentences I used like drivers in my path: “If you work hard to learn you’re going to learn for sure” Do Joo Nim - Dr. Joo Bang Lee

“Don’t follow a path if you don’t want to reach the end of it” Kuk Sa Nim – Taejoon Lee “Yes, I’m a hwarang knight. What did I do as a hwarang for Hwa Rang Do®?” Susuk Sa Bum Nim - Marco Mattiucci “Everybody falls down. The real difference is time we spend standup again.” Sa Bum Nim – Giuseppe Catania

“Yes, I’m a hwarang knight. What did I do as a hwarang for Hwa Rang Do®?” Susuk Sa Bum Nim Marco Mattiucci

Hwa Rang Do

Thank you Flavio for your sharing with us your experience. Would you like to say anything else? Yes, please let me say that the experience I’m living is really hard but so positive in the same time. When I decided to live in Luxembourg and going on with Hwa Rang Do® practice I knew that it was like climbing a huge mountains. I’m still climbing it today but I can say that it can be done and it’s great! Thank you so much and Hwarang!

“Don’t follow a path if you don’t want to reach the end of it” Kuk Sa Nim – Taejoon Lee

Hwa Rang Do

About the author: Hwa Rang Do® Head Instructor, Lieutenant Colonel of the Italian Military Police Force (Carabinieri) and Engineer, Marco Mattiucci is the Chief of the EU Branches of the World Hwa Rang Do® Association and one of the main followers of Grandmaster Taejoon Lee.

"What beautifies the desert is that it hides a well of water somewhere." Antoine de Saint-Exupery "What we know is a water drop; what we ignore is the ocean.� Isaac Newton Flow doesn't mean being sloppy; definitely, water is not so, for it doesn't leave any corner uncovered... it reaches everywhere! As asturian people say, "water has a very fine snout". Unhurried, coupling to the circumstances, water is a metaphor for the persistence and extreme adaptability. It's the paradigm of changing in the form without transforming the essence. Water catalyzes life; without water, the land dries and gets barren; and the fire, without a controller, spreads everywhere and the air, turned into a sandstorm, cannot carry the fertility of the clouds, or the force of the changes. Even iron is wrought by the use of fire in the forges! Water is the cradle of all life, the primary livelihood of both inanimate and animate beings, all of them "bags" of hotter and hotter waters, according to their degree of evolution, and adapted to a change that we accompany, of which we are part, and not guilty, as some would have us believe. The "terminal sin" is the JudeoChristian guilt of environmentalism. Water comforts us, cleanses us, and blesses us. Wet in the rivers of the moment, we swim, fight, wreck... Flowing, adapting to the barriers, going down, not opposing anything, water is the perfect analogy of humility, adaptation and not conflict. The water wins aimlessly; following its nature, it surrounds any obstacle and teaches us how to overcome, but with wisdom, free from wear and tear, without losing sight of the goal. What is a rock on the road, a mountain‌? Even trapped in between cliffs and narrow passages, water filters, or evaporates if such a thing is not possible; nothing stops its destination. It's been the river of life that has left in my shores these texts, which today I share in book format. And I say "it left" because all authorship is at least confusing, since we are all debtors of those before us, those who inspired and keep inspiring us, of the floating clouds of the collective unconscious, and even, who knows!, of the spirits and the consciousness around us. I can't teach anything because I don't know anything, but for those who wish to hear my poems, here I leave my sincere and truly felt thoughts, every time more felt and less thought, because mind is a deceptive device that sees what it wants to see and I’ve learned to be suspicious about it.

V i n c e n t Ly n i s n o t o n l y a n internationally renowned actor, heir to an ancient dynasty of the Chinese Martial Art of his own family, called Lyn Gar, but also, as demonstrated in his latest works and instructional videos, he is a great Master and a real expert in Martial Arts and self-defense. Sifu Lyn is preparing a book about his style and its applications to self-defense to be published in English in the near future, but in the meantime he has left us his latest production, which today he presents to us in this article about one of the issues of greatest concern to experts in self-defense: How to confront the cold metal of a knife! Exceptional! It can't be missed!

What would you do if you were confronted at knife point?




t close quarters the knife is the most deadly weapon. FBI statistics show that 35% of all violent crimes committed are with knives. Violent crime constitutes aggravated assault, robbery, forcible rape and murder. In the USA violent crime has been on the upswing 2.5% each year since 2004 and doesn’t seem to be slowing down. Indeed, crime is down spectacularly in NYC since the nineties. A more realistic way of putting that might be: the city is no longer plagued by historically epic amounts of violence and tragedy. So while the streets aren’t quite as mean as they used to be, they’re not strangers to the consequences of anger, desperation, and greed. Ever since 1963 when NYC started keeping crime records and statistics, the homicide rate has decreased considerably since 1990 when NYC had the highest incidence of homicides ever, a total of 2,245. Every year since, the murder rate has decreased with only 494 homicides in 2007. But great as this is certain other violent crimes have increased quite dramatically. Trends in crime nationwide tend to change due to


socio-economic levels, more or less police recruiting and presence and, increased citywide security measures. With this all said there were still approximately 55,000 violent crimes committed in NYC in 2007 and that’s the ones that were reported. Remember crimes like forcible rape are never reported because of the embarrassment associated with it and having to deal with being put on the stand if and when it goes to trial. Violent crime has become such a part of our culture that when a heinous crime is reported and strewn across our TV sets we are no longer fazed by it anymore. Those who commit robbery, rape and assault their fellowman often favor the use of the knife to impose their will on a helpless victim. The knife has several distinct advantages for this. It’s silent, it’s deadly and it leaves no telltale barrel marks or bullet slug by which it can be traced. In self-defense, many Americans have taken to wearing fold up knives as a means of protecting themselves. Be on the lookout for a small leather pouch with a snap top attached to the belt, or a metal clip that attaches to the inside of pants

Knife pockets, and if you haven’t caught on to what’s happening in the street, you’ll be surprised to see how many men are wearing this unobtrusive weapon. While knives are indeed weapons, they pose a problem in terms of weapon control laws. In our society, the knife is still considered a tool, and there are many justifiable reasons for carrying one, especially among bluecollar workers. Much has been made of the rapid increase in handgun sales especially since post 9-11, but little mention is made of the fact that knife makers have never enjoyed a better business. What should you do if you come face to face with a knife-wielding assailant? For the average citizen, the answer is simple: Run as fast as you can if the circumstances permit a hasty exit. Even if your attacker has never used a knife before in a lifethreatening situation, the untrained have no business going up against cold steel. They’ll just end up on the short end of things. The only

time I’d advise you to make a stand is when you are armed with a gun. Of course if that fact is apparent, your would-be attacker probably won’t even make a move to challenge you with his blade. As the saying goes “never bring a knife to a gun fight”. Now we’ve covered the niceties of the situation and expressed my opinion. We also recognize that many people do carry knives for self-protection, and that others may feel that a knife merits their consideration. We also accept the fact that the occasion may arise when only a knife is available for self-defense, and that it may be necessary to fight ruthlessly to save your own life. In such situations, it’s only fair that you have some idea of what you’re up against. If you’re squeamish, you might want to skip the rest of this chapter, as it’s likely to seem repulsive and vicious to those with faint hearts. The double-edged straight blade design is best for a self-


Self-defense defense knife. The straight blade permits thrusting motions between the ribs or into the eye, ear or throat of an assailant. The double edge permits you to move the knife in a slashing motion to either direction with equal effect. Blade lengths vary and should be chosen according to intended use and ease of concealment. That’s right: to be effective, you must keep a would-be attacker from realizing that you are armed. A three inch blade is useful for slashing the wrist, throat, leg or face, but for thrusting motions to the groin, lung or kidney areas, the longer blades are necessary to reach the vital organs. There are three major types of knives available: the boot knife, the belt buckle variety and the folding knife which is the most widely carried. The one downfall about folding knives is that they are slower to get into action, a factor that can make the difference in who survives the encounter. So like anything getting one into play requires both practice and sufficient warning of your attacker’s intent. Time is of the essence when you’re facing a lifethreatening situation involving a knife. This means that the knife you choose must be quick and easy to bring into play, and that your potential attacker must be unaware that you are armed. If he realizes that you are his equal in terms of the weapon you possess, he’ll bypass the intimidation phase of a knife attack (such assailants seem to enjoy this phase) and go for


broke immediately. You have to take such assailants seriously – only a fool threatens another with a knife if he has no intention of using it. As you do with any other self-defense weapon, you should check with your local police to determine what (if any) local or state laws are involved and then balance that information against your need to carry a knife for self-defense. In most states the possession of a double edged knife is against the law and will get you arrested. It is considered a tactical weapon that has only one purpose. In the Tri-State of Connecticut, New York and New Jersey a folding knife is allowed to be carried on your person as along as the blade length is four inches or less. But that does not mean you can carry a fixed blade of the same length. For example in the United Kingdom it is illegal to carry any knife on your person no matter what the circumstances. So it is extremely important you check your local statutes. While I’m not advocating you break any law or laws, I realize that if you are killed in an encounter, you’re dead forever. On the other hand if you survive an attack, you can hire a lawyer to handle the legal aspects – as long as you didn’t cut your opponent into 1-inch squares. Justice can be just as perverse when you defend yourself with a knife as when you do it with a gun. Suppose you are jumped late at night by someone intent on bashing in your head to get your wallet. If you can pull your knife and defend yourself successfully, don’t call the authorities. If you do, you may find yourself on the wrong end of a lawsuit (there are also lawyers who’ll take his case) and wind up serving time as well as paying his hospital bills – all as result of defending yourself. If you keep a knife at home for self-defense against a housebreaker, cement one strip of Velcro material to the handle and the other above the front doorjamb. You might also want one above the back doorjamb. Make sure it’s out of the reach of small children in the house. Another knife should be kept in the bedroom, within easy reach. In your car,

Self-defense the best place for a knife is under the front seat. Depending upon your situation, you might find other locations where the availability of a knife should be considered. The fact that you have a knife handy and within easy reach are of little value unless you know how to use it after you have brought it into play. How you hold a knife is important in its use, as well as the psychological impact it makes on your attacker. If you use the proper grip and give the appearance of being an expert in its use, you may actually avoid a nasty situation. He’s not as likely to engage someone who might best him in a fight to the finish. For this reason, an air of confidence (no matter how hard it is to muster) can go a long way toward ending the confrontation without further ado. Again, I’m not advocating that you try to bluff your way out of a bad situation – if you draw a knife, you’d better be prepared to use it in anyway necessary to protect yourself. There’s no such thing as putting it away with a weak grin and mumbling that you were kidding. Two common grips allow you considerable leeway in using a knife. One is the foil grip in which the thumb is positioned along the side of the handle. The other is the saber grip. In this instance, your thumb should be behind the guard to protect it from any slashing motions your opponent might make. A third is the hatchet or ice pick grip, with which most women instinctively hold a knife. It’s great for up or down thrusts, but leaves you wide open for an attack. How you stand will determine how effective you are, as well as telling your attacker a good deal about your skill, or lack of it. If you face him with a full frontal stance, you’re limited in the number and type of offen-sive/defensive movements you can make. You also present him with a nice big target for slashing, and an opportunity to throw you off-balan-ce easily. The skilled knife fighter will place one foot forward with the other one behind, allowing his opponent access to only one side of the body. The forward foot can then be used as a pivot point, allowing you to swivel or move forward/backward as necessary. If you are right handed as most people are you will have the right


“When it comes to knife fighting there is no such thing as a fair fight. Use every dirty trick that comes to mind. Do your best to unbalance, unsettle and otherwise distract your opponent.�

Self-defense foot back. This is named the Apache stance which has been adopted by the US Marine Corps, Israel Defense Force and Elite fighting units throughout the world. At this point, let’s stop and assess the situation. For whatever reason, you are now in a life-threatening encounter. You’re there because there was no way to avoid it. Your opponent is armed with a knife and so are you. I’ve given you tips on holding your weapon and facing your attacker. When it comes to knife fighting there is no such thing as a fair fight. Use every dirty trick that comes to mind. Do your best to unbalance, unsettle and otherwise distract your opponent. Let out a vicious scream. Drop into a crouching position; pick up dirt, tely with a quick body slash. Reach into your pocket with your free hand and throw coins at him. Grab a heavy stick if one is available and use it to deflect his thrust or to strike his wrist. The quicker you can disable him, the better. In short, turn into a vicious snarling animal before he does. The psychological effect on you will bring on the needed surge of adrenalin; in this case, it’s likely to throw him momentarily off guard. Here’s how most experts would assess your situation. Your assailant undoubtedly picked you as a helpless victim. Suddenly you’ve reversed his picture of you. The majority of knife-wielding attackers will break off the encounter at this point. The ones who do not are sadistic, stupid or on drugs. This type will probably press the attack for the fun of it because he doesn’t know any better. If he does, it’s important that you draw first blood – and quickly. Whenever a person is cut, it produces a peculiar form of psychological shock, especially if the cut starts to bleed profusely. This is why you should use a slashing motion and move quickly to make the attacker bleed. The person who is cut and starts to bleed may faint, draw back, or even lose his confidence and break off the encounter. If your attacker is not sufficiently upset to take off and

reconsider his actions, you can be sure that you’re in for real fight. At this point, you will probably have to either maim him or kill him to end the encounter. As you can see from the situation I’ve put you into, using a knife for self-defense purposes can bring you to the point where you will have to shuck all vestiges of what I call civilized behavior and fight for your life. This is something that not every individual can do that easily. And it’s another good reason why I suggest you bypass the knife as a defensive weapon – unless you are certain that you can cope with a savage encounter without hesitation. He who hesitates in a knife fight is almost certain to end up the loser – and I don’t think anyone should take foolhardy chances if he or she is not capable of dealing with them. In a knife survival seminar I taught a student told me he was moving into NYC with his girl friend and wondered if he should start carrying a knife for protection. I had one question for him, and that was if the situation arose could he thrust the knife into an assailant’s eye through his brain without any hesitation. He paused for a moment and before he answered I said not to carry a knife on him. He then said honestly I don’t think I could do it. Therefore he answered his own question. In such a situation the assailant most likely would disarm him and probably maim or even kill him. In spite of this, if you do decide to carry a knife with you for self-defen-se, I have one last word for you. Hindsight is clearer than foresight, but you should think ahead and stay away from areas where a knife attack is likely to occur. If you see a situation building to the point where such an encounter is likely remember that discretion is often the better part of valor and get out of the area as fast as you can. Even though you are armed, you should do everything in your power to avoid getting entangled in a nasty situation. The one comforting thought, however is that if everything fails, you should have a fighting chance.

“Time is of the essence when you’re facing a life-threatening situation involving a knife. This means that the knife you choose must be quick and easy to bring into play, and that your potential attacker must be unaware that you are armed.”

In this comprehensive instructional video, Andreas Weitzel, founder and head instructor of the SYSTEMA Academy Weitzel (Augsburg, Germany) and one of the leading SYSTEMA Instructors in Europe explains the most important fighting fundamentals. First he vividly elucidates how to walk naturally focusing on the correct execution of steps. He then shows how to use this work in combat applications. A variety of different topics are explained in this movie including: How to unbalance an attacker; How to strike and kick correctly; How to defend against, grabs, throws, strikes and kicks. The explanations in this video are simple but clear with the aim for easy comprehension and lear ning for everyone. During his explanation Andreas always includes and focuses on the most important principles and fundamentals of SYSTEMA by showing how different topics are tightly linked to each other. Furthermore free and spontaneous work against different attacks including weapons is shown under realistic conditions and full speed. In this video Andreas is assisted and supported by Michael Hazenbeller (Rastatt) and Thomas Gößler (Augsburg), two experienced Systema Instructors.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Comprehensive or Integral Vovinam is simply going back to the Founder's true Vovinam. The goal of the founder was clearly and openly declared: "Harvesting effective techniques, assimilate their essence and transform them into Vovinam techniques", and indeed this concept still remains in force and is mandatory for all Vovinam Masters in the world. Vovinam is then a research concept to achieve a super effective style. However, today 90% of Vovinam teachers forget it and bend to a program too loaded, too fixed, too aesthetic and sometimes completely ineffective in numerous techniques. Comprehensive Vovinam is simply rediscovering the original essence of Master Nguyen Loc's art. For that, we have the principles, the basic techniques, and we just have to go back to work out the effective way of every technique and apply the founding principle. In this DVD, by the hand of Master Patrick Levet, we will study the basis of Integral Vovinam, threats and knife attacks, integral counterattacks, and defense against Dam Thang (direct fist) Dam Moc (hook punch), Dam Lao (javelin punch) as well as basic leg levers.


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


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