Martial Arts Magazine Budo International 297 October 1 fortnight 2015

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"Let each one follow his or her tendency, since tendencies are usually lines or paths traced by a superior finger, and no one, however much he may know, knows more than Destiny." Benito Pérez Galdós


s a child I never liked mathematics. I guess we like things that we can master more easily, those that can empower us as children, but especially those in which we feel more comfortable. They say that everything has to do with the fact of having more active one or another side of the brain, male versus female, left in front of right... however, over the years, I could not help admiring the strength of its ability to define the structural connections and schemes of the Universe. Universal patterns are mathematical, because fixed patterns are necessary for the organization of all kinds. Mathematics and calculations are the secret language that man has discovered, while he was inventing them, in his effort to unravel the mystery of the Universal Order. Mathematics arises in this process in a direct reunion with astronomy, the mathematics of the spheres. The astronomical times established the essential guidelines in the anthropology of thought of all cultures, because men are not like the rest of the species… we are alien to our environment. A day is always preceded by a night, a spring by a winter, opposites follow one after the other, opposing and corresponding in an order; the basis of all logic stems from that finding. Astronomy, the younger daughter of astrology, emerges from the observations of the sky and all predictions exist to the extent that repetitive patterns are de facto observed. Predictability remains attached to the unquestionable fact that there is a way, an order. In this way, mathematics and astronomy are the basis of all modern science and the ultimate support of the modern thought of humanity. We men need strong points to lean on, because the experience of life itself is unstable and this situation becomes often overwhelming. We can predict the circadian cycle, but we don’t know if we will continue being alive the very next day. Astrology and numerology have tried to save this blank space with uneven success, to bring the universal to the field of the personal throughout human history. For years I've had great experiences, stunning findings in both cases, but in all of them, the interpretive factor, the human factor, has been capital, which, incidentally, in no way detracts from the value of this knowledge, but from those who have known or not known how to use it. The objective guidelines, however, occurred in such a way that suggesting they are banal would be ignorance. The existence of universal guidelines has led man to the eternal struggle between those who provided support to the idea of the force of destiny over free will, and those who'd put this latter factor before any other. Both are right, because great truths are always paradoxical, but of course, this statement doesn’t actually solve the modus operandi of these forces and the very fact of not doing so is just one more door to reflection. There are fixed forces, which man likes to refer to in different ways: destiny, fate, fortune, providence… as well as there are and mutable forces. Free will acts as one of the

"Even in death of a little sparrow an overwhelming Providence intervenes."William Shakespeare

dividing lines on the combination of this process, but is not the only one. The sum of decisions at every crossroad in life is always exclusive. If we choose a particular direction, we are excluding 359 degrees of any other option, and if we see it in a spherical form rather than linear... well, just multiply! Each door leads us into a room and this takes us to a new scenario, which in turn has one or more doors, and so on. In this way, we create our destiny, but at the same time, it is written, because there are fixed factors (if you're born blond haired, of course you can always dye your hair, but you still will be blonde). So, there are higher supervening factors which are definite and defining; reasons which, by their own nature, impose and define limits and directions; we could justly call them fate. There are, however, forces that are similar to the destiny, but whose nature is not completely unbreakable. Ancient shamans in various cultures already faced them and defined them as combinations of natural and supernatural forces of well-defined frequencies. Although in most cases they generate preset events, ancient people discovered that, given their nature, it was possible to interact with them. We are speaking here about alchemical and consciential superior processes that are not available to everyone. But the wisest ones among those sages of the past recognized also the existence of a determining force acting behind all this, a "major" force that would act according to fixed laws and whose violation was possible too, but only according to variables beyond the control of the human and whose size was ineffable. Us humans have been pushing the boundaries of what is possible in our game to understand and grow as a species and as individuals. It's undeniable that a mere appendicitis was almost certain death only a couple of centuries ago. Today, the problem is solved most of times with the appropriate means. Spiritually is no different. What for some is impossible, for those who know it's just an intervention. Facing the mystery of being and existence is the oldest of the proposals of the awakening of consciousness. The most adventurous and restless among humans have never resisted trespassing the threshold of what is accepted, and go beyond the visible, the apparent, the consensus... Mystery lies behind everything, showing itself for the one who knows how to look, because it's impulse is that of walking in the light and being disclosed; only human ignorance and arrogance prevent us from seeing and participating in its power. Higher consciousness is always an essential factor for a greater freedom, and it's paradoxical that, once arrived to the sources, what is individual melts away and all is left is the common. NB: Martial arts are traditional formulae of increasing personal energy, but if we don't know what to do with that energy and how to give it the right direction, it can become a source of annoyances and serious trouble, that's why the oldest joined their teaching with factors of moral and spiritual order to avoid negative consequences. Today, removed these safeguards, many have been exposed as ships adrift

Alfredo Tucci is Managing Director to BUDO INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. e-mail:

Israeli Survival System

“An effective weapon constantly adapted to new realities.�

Krav Maga

Three new DVDs will soon see the light, recorded with this magnificent example of professional self-defense who is the Italian Master Marco Morabito. In his eclectic journey in the field of defense, Master Morabito has already left us live samples of his good performance, first with his foray in the Russian system, and now with the Israeli Krav Maga which, under his personal understanding, becomes an effective weapon constantly adapted to new realities. Anyone interested in self-defense will find in this work a source of inspiration, reflection and thorough learning standards. Alfredo Tucci

Israeli Survival System (Israeli Survival System): The new frontier of Krav Maga We are at a time in which the issue on security has become more topical than ever, and the insecurity feeling that it generates makes us feel vulnerable and hopeless in front of the small and large dangers that haunt us everywhere. We can only rely on ourselves, in our abilities and in our own strength to defend ourselves and improve our responsiveness to external stimuli. The Israeli Krav Maga Survival System tries to give us a concrete response to our desire to feel safe with an innovative and evolutionary program that never ceases to improve and learn from mistakes.

Krav Maga phrase that the Master Morabito likes to quote is: "Whatever the decision you have taken, you are authorized, even advised, I'd say, to subject it to a continuous review and change it if it stops responding to your wishes." That quotation of the noted Doctor and Nobel Prize for Medicine, Rita Levi Montalcini, clearly expresses the idea of progress that underlies the basis of the Israeli Krav Maga Survival System: ISS Krav Maga is not a discipline or a set of rigid rules but a method, a process of continuous and constant evolution. This makes it adaptable to any situation and circumstance, permeable to any change and, therefore, capable of learning from its mistakes using the experience as an opportunity to improve. History teaches us that the world is constantly changing, so, what is considered valid at any given time may not be so in another moment. Just think of how the September 11, 2001 changed the overall vision of security. So a threat that had never before been really taken into account became overnight the main danger, marking the end of


the supposed impenetrability of the borders of the world's Superpower. By radically changing the rules governing air security, public safety became the main value, a fundamental priority right, on the basis of the trend to compression of the guarantees of individual rights in the United States. September 11 is just one example of the momentous changes that have occurred in the field of security and helps us to fully understand what a good defense system should be: current, real and mutable. The Israeli Krav Maga Survival System has all these qualities and stands as a bulwark of modernity in terms of close combat for the civilian population, and operational techniques for military and security personnel. What more could we ask for? So let's go ahead and explore this system step by step with Master Marco Morabito, who exposes us the values and logic at the base of this method. The key element is the student. Without students you can't really experiment and grow, because it's they who, through their questions, doubts and curiosities, stimulate the instructor to keep

Krav Maga looking for new solutions. Often a simple question can bring about new perspectives and reach unexpected conclusions. Student, with their personal background of experience, bring a transcendental contribution that help to enrich, complement and update techniques that have been already studied. Master Morabito is president of the I.K.M.O. - INTERNATIONAL KRAV MAGA ORGANIZATION, which has its headquarters in Genoa, Italy. Numerous courses and seminars are organized each year around the world: Krav Maga ISS instructor courses, Kapap, Russian Martial Arts System and Morabito System. Most of these courses take place in Italy, at the national headquarters, and many others are held on request in different countries. To organize a course or seminar with Master Morabito you can send an email to, specifying the dates and type of course in which you are interested. Master Morabito pioneered the spreading of Krav Maga in Italy in 2004 he already taught and spread this method with great passion and dedication. In that year, when nobody in Italy had heard about Krav Maga, Master Morabito registered the brand I.K.M.O. - INTERNATIONAL KRAV MAGA ORGANIZATION. He was the first to register the name of Krav Maga in Italy, soon to be known and practiced in many schools. The method had been invented by Grandmaster Imi Lichtenfeld, a man of progressive views and opposition, who conceived "the martial art of the twentieth century." Before long, the Krav Maga method acquired a great general approval and was the subject of an extraordinary disclosure, something perhaps unexpected for Imi, who died in 1998, probably without knowing the viral effect that his creation would have in the next century. Morabito, who since childhood has been practicing traditional martial arts and combat sports with excellent outcome, but without "falling in love" with any particular discipline, found in the Krav Maga the answers he was looking for: a quick system, dynamic and in line

Krav Maga

“September 11 is just one example of the momentous changes that have occurred in the field of security and helps us to fully understand what a good defense system should be: current, real and mutable.�

Israeli Survival System

Krav Maga with the new times. And there and then sprang that great love that led him to get fully involved in the study of Krav Maga and made him become one of its greatest spokesmen worldwide. After years of practice and teaching experience in both civil and military areas, Morabito understood that traditional Krav Maga differs from his style by its techniques and the teaching method, and decides to found the Israeli Krav Maga Survival System, combining the experience gained in the military field and in the private security companies, in Combat indoors in tactical shooting and other fighting systems that favor the three-dimensionality of the action and a thorough study (often overlooked) of biomechanics applied to the body and the laws of physics. All this makes an explosive combination of strength and mind, essential characteristics both in combat and in the street. Krav Maga ISS remains linked to Israel as a modus operandi, because in the past century, this country demonstrated an excellent capacity for

innovation and planning, so it's an inspiration model for Morabito. The spearhead is the aspect linked to survival, that is, the ability to cope with emergency situations in a hostile environment and protect yourself and others, therefore, the ability to learn to face any situation anywhere using both technical and practical knowledge. Finally, the psychological introspection, which is essential to better understand ourselves and helps us to better focus on our aspirations and our goals. Israeli Krav Maga Survival System also includes a program of strengthening and physical conditioning so that we have no difficulty of facing an unexpected encounter. Undoubtedly, we have to be technically prepared, but we also need to be physically trained. Technique is the base, but it must be always accompanied by physical exercise. In fact, classes include aerobic exercises to increase strength, and in this respect, functional training is preferred, without resorting to

Israeli Survival System complicated fitness equipment, and using only your own body to strengthen our muscles and help us in the actions we take daily. Physical activity is calibrated according to sex and age and taking into account any disability. That is, the training program is tailored to the person who we have in front, and to his or her physical condition. Even in large classes, it should be calibrated each person's training program: let's not forget that, in the civil area, this method is for everyone, including women, children, disabled and elderly. Our goal is not the sports competition, but to help our students develop the skills they need to eliminate the danger. You can't never have the reassurance that you will win in a fight on the street, and so what we teach is not to become the "champion", but to train for oneself and not for others. We are not interested in displaying and showing trophies and medals. The street is not the ring. Krav Maga is not a sport. The street is unpredictable and there are no rules. So the goal is not to learn the technique to perfection, but to understand the mechanism. In Krav Maga ISS doesn't exist that of learning A to defend yourself from B. The technique is only the starting point to get to the essence of the method, which means that for every attack there are

countless techniques, infinite possibilities of defense. If we train with regularity and continuity we can learn to make instinctive (not automatic!) the reaction processes. Moreover, not only we must take into account the threat of a single attacker but also the possibility of a multiple aggression. There can be one or several attackers, and we must always be alert and ready to face any eventuality that may arise. A fight in the street is normally a series of unexpected events that need to be sorted out quickly to avoid getting caught in situations that we cannot effectively deal with. In the reality of the street, there's no such thing like the "one against one combat", and is necessary to prevent the emergence of new threats. Therefore, you should never focus exclusively on the main threat, but open your eyes and carefully assess the environment and our surroundings, because the lethal danger may not appear visible due to a hasty analysis. We must always be aware of what surrounds us: Is there only one threat? Are there many? Why? Where does the action take place? Can I stumble or fall? Which are the p o s s i b l e e s c a p e routes? Are there objects

Krav Maga

Israeli Survival System

Krav Maga

“Our method tries to get as close as possible to reality, taking as example specific cases in order to assess both the positive and negative aspects and acquire knowledge "on the spot" of people who have been attacked and have managed to defend themselves.�

Krav Maga around that I can use to defend or may be used by the attacker to attack me? Our method tries to get as close as possible to reality, taking as example specific cases in order to assess both the positive and negative aspects and acquire knowledge "on the spot" of people who have been attacked and have managed to defend themselves, and others, who instead, didn't manage to do it. We do not claim to have a true and absolute value: no system is "perfect"; however, the continued and eternal quest to improve is what distinguishes us. We try to establish the most common types of threat depending on the type of individual. The simplest example is women who, no doubt, are more exposed to certain types of threats (robbery, sexual violence, threats and harassment) and therefore we must make a careful analysis of these generic hazards in order to foster the necessary skills in the students so that they can defend themselves. But we go further: we must also evaluate if the woman in question is subject to specific r i s k s ,

depending on her job, family situation, and the environments she frequents. Therefore, parting from a general training, we shall determine the specific aspects of the treated subject. Now let's explore another important sector of Krav Maga ISS, in order to understand the vastness of the topic at hand: training of law enforcement, military and security services. Often with little time due to the work schedules that require a continuous service coverage, the problematic situation that departments or sections of operational nature must face, is quite different from those of a civilian and therefore, they require a specific instruction focused on the use of the tools they have at their disposal to carry out their work (handcuffs, pistols, rifles, machine guns, etc.), in the handcuffing and arrest techniques, self-defense, hand to hand combat, f i r e a r m disarming methods,

Israeli Survival System knives disarming methods, defenses against grip and chokes both standing and on the ground, control of an altered individual under the influence of drugs, use of the telescopic tonfa, blocking techniques, falling techniques both in motion or standing still, tactical shooting and defense techniques in various means of locomotion. In addition, they also need to be able to cope with stressful situations, which often affect our sensory capacity so that the answers are ineffective or lead to take actions without a clear intention. Therefore, stress should be controlled in order to prevent that our ability to judge can be damaged: we shouldn't avoid it, but through the physical and psychological preparation, and strengthening the cohesion and leadership, we must learn to face it and control it. Of course, stress is also an important issue for the civilian population, but for those working in the security field it becomes vital, because stress not controlled can cause erroneous or dangerous behaviors that interfere with the mission fulfillment. Stress is not negative in itself, as understood in the ordinary sense, but it means the set of mental and physiological processes that enable people to cope with new situations. In the scientific sense, it indicates the process of adaptation of an individual to the environmental or psychological changes. Morabito Master's program presents different techniques to manage stress, depending on the type of mission, the technology used and the type of work, individually or in teams. The objectives are: 1. Keep stress within acceptable limits, in order to achieve optimal performance. 2. Put it back within tolerable bounds in case it has reached an excessive level at a given moment.

3. Gradually increase stress tolerance to withstand and operate in conditions of extreme stress, which sometimes are inevitable in fighting. Attention is always focused on the laws and regulations of the various military bodies, departments, units or companies. To provide a complete training to the military and law enforcement personnel, Master Morabito has studied and worked with some of the greatest exponents of the Delta Force, SAS Spetsnaz, and becoming instructor and the benchmark for European Security Academy, based in Wroclaw, and he is the owner of the Protection Security Training enterprise. He also studied Criminology and Victimology, in which he works with the best professionals. Therefore, the Israeli Krav Maga Survival System is a method for everyone: women, children, disabled, elderly or those who are subject to special requirements as are precisely Law Enforcement officers. Krav Maga ISS is an evolving method and suitable for those who want to learn to defend themselves in a quick and effective way, because, leaving aside the vagaries of external form, it focuses only on what is really useful "on the street". We present in scoop the fruit of the work of the Master Morabito: the Israeli Krav Maga Survival System DVD, bor n after the success of the DVD and book on the Morabito System In this colossal work, are illustrated the techniques and basic method of this discipline in a clear and transparent manner. That is, no secrets, but in an extraordinary job that will take you to the heart of self-defense. The

Krav Maga techniques are illustrated so that they are easily understood by all. A truly unique opportunity to approach self-defense or to improve your knowledge on the subject. The author of this work is one of the best self-defense examples worldwide and has to his credit an extensive experience in the military field and in security companies; awarded several times in various countries, acclaimed by his courses and seminars around the world, he has become an international spokesperson for different of combat and self-

defense systems, little known but very effective. He studied from Japan to the US, via Poland, Spain, Cape Verde, Germany, Israel, France and Russia. A continued research in remote areas of the world, such as Siberia or the desert of Texas, without stopping at any point in his tireless search for new knowledge without ever stop asking questions. For information on courses and seminars:

Israeli Survival System

“Whatever the decision you have taken, you are authorized, even advised, I'd say, to subject it to a continuous review and change it if it stops responding to your wishes.�

Krav Maga

The work with this film is a primer in the difference between Kyusho and Dim Mak, as they are not based on the same targets. It is a continuation of the 6-Ji Hands and Iron Shirt study and films available through Budo International. The 6 Ji Hands that are prevalent throughout an art called PangaiNoon or Uechi Ryu. It is one of the very few styles that contain and focus on these specific hand positions to get to the Deeper Tissue of the body. This film shows the use of hands not as bludgeons, but rather daggers with the transitional torqueing type power utilized in the 6 Ji Hands* to properly use Kyusho‌ this is a missing facet in most Kyusho practitioners skill sets. 8 KO's (including compression and blood KO's). In this DVD set, works the seemingly simple Sanchin Kata through 8 stages of fighting skill (a complete Martial System in one Kata with Iron Shirt methods as well). DVD Vol.1: Basics, Arm Targets, Head Targets, Body Targets, DVD Vol.2: Leg Targets, Kyusho Grappling, Tuite, Kyusho Knife Defense


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Defensive Stick: Jacques Levinet Learning to defend oneself constitutes, nowadays, one of the main concerns for many citizens worldwide. Pursuing this objective, specialists of self-defense and Martial Arts experts, don't stop presenting, with more or less success, lots of methods, at times quite similar, with more or less realistic techniques derived from their respective practices. Without going into details, we must admit that the two pillars, which are the knowledge and the transmission of self-defense, are not always present, but there has to be for everyone. So you can't make a real idea of what belongs to us. Photos: Edith Levinet

Defensive Stick


econciliation and dialogue have their limits in some of the aggressions that unfortunately threat today the entire population, young or old, women or children, sportsmen or not, regardless of the size of the victim or the aggressor. Thus it was born a vital necessity in the 21st century man, the need to defend himself. Parting from these elements of reflection and my triple experience as a police captain, an expert in martial arts and a coach of law enforcement units, I conceived the idea of developing a formidable method of selfdefense for everyone, the defense stick, and always respecting our democratic laws. That discipline was successful from the start. In order to identify this method, the BDJL brand (Baton Defense Jacques Levinet / Defense Stick Jacques Levinet) was registered in the National Institute of Industrial Property in order to protect both the methodology and the training materials. The step of naming our creation with the abbreviation BDJL, was a way to defend ourselves against imitations that use and abuse rather than inspire. So the expert will know how to distinguish the original from the copy.

Origins of the BDJL In the directions for use, the purpose of the techniques and the configuration of the training material, this method has nothing to do with those already existing in combat sports (such as French boxing / Savate) or in Martial Arts such as Kali. It stems from the ROS (Real Operational System) method that I created for the law enforcement forces. The BDJL techniques resemble those of BO (Baton opĂŠrationel / Operational stick). The civil purpose was, preserving the operational effectiveness, that of removing any professional connotation bundled to the telescopic stick. The simple stick became the BDJL, an amazing accessory of effectiveness, simple in all types of physical aggression, while respecting democratic legal rules. To make the method easily adaptable to everyone, regardless of age, physical strength and experienced or not in combat sports, it was necessary that its learning didn't require any individual predisposition. It may be the

Auto Defensa

Defensive Stick

Self Defense

Defensive Stick

strength of this new prescription what supports, at the level of the instruction manual, on the five key points of the method SPK (Self Pro Krav). The basic idea is that no method of defense is achievable without the survival instinct, the conditioned reflex, the operational technique, selfdefense and evolution, which have become obligatory paths in the effectiveness of BDJL. The bet was to create, with a similar efficiency, a professional method in sports disciplines for everybody. The first step was to think of a different configuration and material so that our stick wasn't considered a weapon. The second was to launch a training program with courses and teaching evaluations.

The Originality of the BDJL Its originality is in the material configuration and its use in self-defense. The simple stick metamorphosed into BDJL, thanks to its lightness and the flexibility of the cane to block and absorb any type of blow, but also to replicate and spank with the speed the of light. The diameter of the stick body was designed to facilitate manipulation and grips. The configuration was not enough by itself to transform the BDJL into a formidable means of defense. It was still necessary to find an antiassault way of using it, violent and legal at the same time. A method of teaching was launched with a technical progression linked to the different situations of

aggression. Security was privileged with protection devices, mobile shields, BDJL gloves specially designed to prevent overheating hands during manipulations. To identify BDJL practitioners, special training equipment has been created. Basic and higher technical evaluations have been established for each discipline, obtaining technical degrees and teaching diplomas at the Jacques Levinet Academy. To be

closer to the reality of the street, we have taken into account in our instruction, all forms of assault with or without weapons, against one or more individuals. The questioning of our techniques is ongoing to monitor the evolution of the aggression methods. An adapted pedagogy and a precise code of ethics have finished shaping the BDJL, to turn it into one of the revolutionary methods of the 21st century available to everyone.

Self Defense

BDJL training It is marked by four indivisible parameters that are: security, realism, pleasure and language. Security is constantly favored to train without limiting oneself or fearing danger. Therefore, the limbs (specific areas for response) are always protected to avoid getting gripped during simulations of attacks. The reality of the threats or attacks is essential to check the reaction of practitioners

facing a dangerous situation. Specific protecting positions as the swing, anticipated or unexpected defenses, reinforced supports, are many technical points which, with the multiplied force of the response allow checking in a real way the effectiveness of our methods during our training sessions, some of which are practiced outdoors, in real conditions. Instead, the playful aspect of the exercises proposed during our

classes indoor, adds a dynamic pleasure. So it's possible to train yourself seriously while having fun. Counterattacking on a training shield with the deafening noise of the BDJL impact, or touching a mobile protection of an armed hand, are other examples of this work of sports game. Finally, the using of the appropriate language during classes to simulate the reaction of the student in case of aggression, it is an essential

Defensive Stick

element on which we insist. Familiarizing the practitioner with his role of victim accustoms him to the future reality of the aggression.

The BDJL principles They all are summarized around the words code of ethics and selfdefense. An ethics highlights in our courses, it is strictly prohibited to use the term "hit", which is replaced with "response". It is not a matter of language, but rather a state of mind, where the basics are in the law. When an assaulted person speaks about his or her defense actions in terms of response, is because he or she has been subject to an attack, something that is not necessarily so when using the aggressive word "hit". But the term response alone is not enough by itself to speak about the BDJL ethics. Traumatic zones are banned, tolerated or favored accordingly. Defenses are concentrated on the upper or lower limbs with the prohibition to touch the head or spine. Moreover, the BDJL practice, which is not a weapon by nature, excludes any professional purpose, unlike the telescopic stick, catalogued by its nature as a weapon prohibited carrying or transporting except for the police. This principle of separation of genders also comes to self-defense, an essential foundation in which we insist in order to know what can and what cannot be done with the BDJL.

Courses and representation of the BDJL The Jacques Levinet Academy is demanding. The certificate of BDJL instructor must reflect a high technical and pedagogical level. Its founder personally supervises it because he signs every training attestation, which is never acquired and must be always renewed each year after a compulsory recycling. The BDJL implantation is well underway with a number of 20 representatives of the academy in France and in some foreign countries. Regular training courses are scheduled within the academy or on request throughout France and abroad. The BDJL practice represents an excellent compromise among combat sports, martial arts and self-defense. Tel: 00.33.467.075.044

Self Defense

Real Kyusho

Real Kyusho Vital Call! Coaches, Instructors and Ringside Medics Mixed Martial Arts, The Martial Arts and Boxing (and all professional contact sports, or sports where contact occurs frequently), cannot ignore it any longer.... Kyusho happens in the ring, on the mat, in the Dojo and on the street, all the time, we can no longer ignore the need for Kyusho First Aid methods.

Real Kyusho

s Trainers, Coaches and Judges, we need a greater and more protective education for those who place their trust and well-being in our hands. We train so much to learn the rules of engagement and the recognition when a fighter cannot continue, but we do not train (yet) to help the victim as we are the first responder and responsible for their well-being. The longer a man is down and out, the further the ramifications advance. We go to Martial Arts Tournaments, we attend MMA bouts or watch them on TV (Mostly for the KO's), we attend or watch Boxing, we even see street clips on YouTube where someone gets KO'd. Unfortunately (especially in Amateur and Professional matches), we see minimal help from the coaches, ringside medics or even Instructors in the schools, know what to do to help restore and minimize the affects of the unconsciousness or physical dysfunction. This is not to say that the Medical attention they receive is not of value, but there is more that can be done, that is the vital point.


The 5 Vital Steps: Recognition - First all personnel should be trained to see, understand and recognize when the Vital Targets are struck so they are better able to assess the problem as it occurs. This is not only based on seeing what structure of the body received the trauma, but also in how the body reacted to that blow. Was the body jerky or sporadic in actions with stiffening or collapse (indicating the nerve system was accessed)? Or did the body slowly fade or feint away which indicate the blood systems and or organs were also impacted? Comprehension - The ring referee or coach as well as medics should be familiar with the various effects of nerve, blood, heavy trauma or organ functionality to aid in both the assessment process and the restorative measures. Does the coach know what was affected and to what degree, is there a chance that physical damage has occured, this can often times be observed in the reactions of the victim. Assessment - the assessment must include; the body reaction as it falls, the impact on the ground, the breath, pulse, eyes and response to touch or inaction, prior to moving the victim. Are they breathing, are they conscious, is there a pulse, can they see or hear and what state is the body in, is it flat and limp or is it cramping into a fetal position. These assessments will determine the correct revival and restorative measures that should be employed. Revival - (specific for condition), specific revival methods to awaken, restart the breathing, control the muscle spasm and more must be known and practiced well so that the affects and further issues can be mitigated. Unconsciousness and cessation of breath are the two most frequent dysfunctions that are experienced so at the minimum, coaches and medics have a responsibility to be able to restart these processes... before further fear, discomfort and or side affects manifest. Restoration - Monitoring and balancing the bodies normal functionality to reduce further affects after the Revival for further affects or incapacitation, followed by medical intervention and care. After reviving the victim after an episode, many side affects can occur such as passing out again, pain, nausea, physical impairment, continued weakness, headache, shortness of breath and many other possibilities. With an understanding of the proper actions and methods to re-balance the victims stasis, the coach can help that individual back to a normal state faster, this must be a main priority.

Real Kyusho

Why it is necessary I have been to tournaments where they left the victim of a KO to sit it out on the sidelines after just looking at the eyes and ears. This is insufficient and a real danger to the participants. They deserve more respect, greater level of care and better educated caregivers to minimize possible suffering and or damage to the victim. But it does not need to be a Knockout, we have all seen plenty of people get the wind knocked out of them, as well as many feinting situations under heavy training or recieving a blow that cause a rapid change in the victims blood pressure. Or what about the body knockouts where they are downed, but not really out,just paralyzed with pain and physical dysfunction. In professional fights Like Boxing, K-1 and MMA, there are many medical assessments and methods used before, during and after .... they do a great job of protecting the fighters... but could there be more they could do or work with in the case of impairment or KO? And if there is more to learn and be ableto increase the aid and relief to these victims, is it not the main responsibility for that coach, ref or medic? In amateur fights or especially typical Karate, TKD, Kickboxing type venues, there is a huge gap in the care of the participants and here is where the real danger and need is. Examples Below are two of the many films you can find where better First aid was needed but lacking... they did not know what to do, this can be avoided. This first Video we see a classic KO at a Karate Tournament, the length of time from assessment to assistance is far too long. Click Image video

Real Kyusho

We can see the nerves of the jaw being struck by the kick and the contracting action of the body as it collapses, indicating nerve impairment, after the assessment for neck damage, the revival methods of the Kyusho practitioner would have awaken this individual and begun the healing process as opposed to allowing further manifestation. This second video they did not know what to do and the victim could not breathe, listen to the sound of the gasps. Again the length of time from assessment to assistance is far too long. Click Image video This man couldn't breathe due to the sideways shock to his neck at C-3 and C-4 where the phrenic nerve initiates. It serves to control diaphragm and allow the normal contraction and extension of the muscle to allow the lungs to properly breath. This is a simple revival that would have saved this competitor much pain, fear and loss of oxygenation throughout the body. People deserve better safety We should demand more involved coaches and refs further educate themselves to the revival and first aid processes of Kyusho... what do you think? Š Evan Pantazi 2015 At:

Dai Duk Lan - Food market and Kung Fu cultural heritage site Gathering place of the Kung Fu Grandmasters in Hong Kong Dai Duk Lan is a historical and still operating Hong Kong food market founded in 1913. It is a landmarked stone building with pre-WWII signboards, surrounded by skyscrapers. After the second world war, many Kung Fu masters there were afraid of China taking over Hong Kong and searching for them, as it was happening at that time in mainland China. Therefore, many schools went underground and continued to exist as covered organizations, such as Dai Duk Lan. Under the guise of the bustling activity of a food market, Dai Duk Lan gradually developed into one of the most famous gathering places for all Kung Fu styles. This applies particularly to the Weng Chun family, since the owner of Dai Duk Lan was an enthusiast and Grandmaster of Weng Chun Kung Fu (“Eternal Spring Fist�), which comprises the Southern Shaolin knowledge of combat, healing and philosophy. Text: Andreas Hoffmann, Christoph Fuss International Association Weng Chun Kung Fu- Dai Duk Lan protector association Grandmaster Andreas Hoffmann

Weng Chun


t was Grandmaster Wai Yan who invited all remaining grandmasters of Weng Chun to cooperate with him, with the intention to preserve Weng Chun for the future and to thoroughly research this ancient art. In this endeavor he was supported by Grandmaster Tang Yick, Grandmaster Tam Kong, Grandmaster Lo Chiu Woon, and particularly by his friend and sworn brother, Grandmaster Chu Chung Man from Macao. According to his own words, Grandmaster Wai Yan researched and trained together with Grandmaster Chu Chung Man over a period of about twenty years. They also invited Grandmasters from other styles and inspired them with their research and knowledge. Among these was Grandmaster Ip Man, who was also engaged in an exchange of experience with the Weng Chun family, and received support with his training as well as with the construction of his wooden dummies. It is said that the previously mentioned Weng Chun Grandmaster Chu Chung Man was a close friend of Grandmaster Ip Man since they met in Fatshan, and that both have influenced each other. Furthermore, when Chiu

Chuk Kai, Grandmaster of Tai Chi Praying Mantis created his own wooden dummy form, he was also supported by his friends from Dai Duk Lan. This open-mindedness and lively exchange was extraordinary back then, especially given the circumstances of that time in Hong Kong, and it still is inherent for the Kung Fu culture in Hong Kong nowadays. Even today, if you ask leading masters of any Kung Fu style in Hong Kong, you will find that they still know about Dai Duk Lan and its importance to the whole Kung Fu community.

Grandmaster Wai Yan?s struggle against Kung Fu extremism The driving spirit behind Dai Duk Lan was Grandmaster Wai Yan. However, not many people really understand his revolutionary ideas for the Kung Fu community. He denounced the extremism which has prevailed the Kung Fu community to this day. For example, it is quite common among the families of Kung Fu to assert that their path is the right one, and that the others are wrong. They purport to possess secret knowledge of arcane techniques, which of course they refuse to exhibit publicly, for example in tournaments, stating that they would be far too dangerous and lethal to be unveiled. There have been many fights between members of different Kung Fu styles, and even within one given style, in order to underpin their claim to be the best. Furthermore, many masters tend to speak badly about the Kung Fu of other masters.

It was the vision of Grandmaster Wai Yan to put an end to this outdated and stubborn way of thinking within Kung Fu culture. He intended to gather together all grandmasters of Kung Fu, to foster active and fruitful exchange of experiences, thus ultimately raising Kung Fu as a whole to a new dimension. Within Weng Chun Kung Fu he laid the foundation for the creation of a curriculum which is meant to be applicable for all Weng Chun families. Furthermore, he used to invite everybody for free fights with him and Grandmaster Chu Chung Man so they could watch and learn, and ultimately help to further develop Kung Fu as martial art. Another sign of Kung Fu extremism were the quarrels about lineage. Many an old-fashioned Fung Fu master

claimed to be the best since his position stands higher within the family tree of Kung Fu. This family tree fighting became so common and assumed such proportions that some masters would position themselves in more advantageous positions within the tree, or fabricate outright fantasy genealogies. Grandmaster Wai Yan?s message was simple and clear: Only those masters who train hard and keep evolving would be acknowledged by Dai Duk Lan and himself. The position within some family tree is of no help in Kung Fu. There is no other way than to attain skill through hard training – which is the literal meaning of the term “Kung Fu”. This is how things went in Dai Duk Lan for a period of over twenty years. However, Grandmaster Wai Yan had to face many hostilities on the part of narrow-minded and old-fashioned Kung Fu masters. In view of this, the achievement of Grandmaster Wai Yan appears all the more incredible: Based on his profound experience, he developed Weng Chun Kung Fu to a very high level, and Dai Duk Lan helped many Kung Fu styles and representatives to evolve and improve themselves, and, not least, to get more open-minded. It was Grandmaster Wai Yan?s last and most incredible example of such an open-minded action to teach a foreigner, thus putting aside one of the strict rules - not to teach foreigners. Grandmaster Wai Yan accepted Andreas Hoffmann from Germany as his last student, and trained him personally at Dai Duk Lan in the time between 1986 and 1991. After Dai Duk Lan was closed down as a Kung Fu school in 1991, Grandmaster Wai Yan continued to teach Andreas Hoffmann privately at his home.

Weng Chun Protector of Dai Duk Lan Today Andreas Hoffmann is protecting Dai Duk Lan and the mission of Grandmaster Wai Yan. After the death of Grandmaster Wai Yan, some people continued to badmouth his mission as well as Dai Duk Lan - they are still trapped in their Kung Fu extremism. But in doing so, they have to face Andreas Hoffmann and his master students around the world, who are teaching worldwide and who keep on the Dai Duk Lan research and the open-mind Kung Fu culture.

Weng Chun


Ed Parker’s Kenpo

“I am a practitioner of Kenpo, which doesn’t mean that I don’t like other Arts and I encourage everyone to continue on any road they find in life that they like.”

L a r r y Ta t u m i s u n d o u b t e d l y o n e o f t h e m o s t d i s t i n g u i s h e d personalities in Kenpo of our times. His organization works better every day and in more countries as he has been able to capitalize on his unquestionable charisma along with a closeness and attention to the students interested in learning instead of politicking. His vision of Martial Arts is wide and modern while at the same time profound. He doesn’t limit himself to the technical aspects, in which he is a recognized expert, but he is evermore interested in the aspects involving the personal growth of his students and of himself. This is an aspect that does not go unperceived in the composition of this magazine, which has always held the position favoring the idea of Martial Arts as a path that transcends a more limited, technical focus. We spoke with him for a long time about matters that we consider of interest for any reader, be they a practitioner of Kenpo or not, but we haven’t left out the chance to go deeper into some technical questions that are part of the peculiar and unique flavour of Kenpo Karate and that make up a substantial contribution of new things to the students of any style to the extent that they are concerned with some of the elements that we might consider universal in all of our practices. Larry Tatum, a grand Master who has a lot to say, once again comes to our pages. We are sure you will enjoy it just as we have. Alfredo Tucci


Ed Parker’s Kenpo

Budo Inter national: In these times, your Kenpo organization has grown a lot. What are your ideas, plans, and feelings about the future of Kenpo? Larry Tatum: My opinion is that the organization is going to continue growing for the coming years given that practically every month we offer new courses and new study material in 12 different countries. Currently, on the professional level, I dedicate a lot of time to each school that joins our organization in order to know their students well and give seminars so that they begin to train under the different structures from which we have available. I never make long-term plans, I simply leave my things in the hands of God, he establishes the guidelines. In Martial Arts or in anything that you do in life, it is necessary to take the time to listen to God, he takes you where you want to go. If Kenpo continues in the same line as it has until now, the logical thing is that people continue its progression. It’s easy to learn and adapt oneself developing the body and individual skills. When I began in Kenpo, it was a vocation; later it became a dedication… Now I am at that point. When I travel throughout the whole world to give my seminars, I meet many people, I discover other sides to this Art since each country has its personality and its own way of seeing things…. That is what allows me to continue enjoying this Art! It is very exciting and besides that, it motivates me to continue training. When people ask me if I am tired of teaching, I simply respond, “Physically, yes, but emotionally I am still involved and I am very motivated.” And it’s just that I love to see people learning, attending to their evolution and seeing how they acquire confidence in this Art. It’s a challenge that has no end. Budo Int.: We are witnessing the birth of a current in Martial Arts of new styles based on Self-defense, in real life,

“If you can’t compare, how are you going to choose what is most interesting for you? To the children, we speak from the beginning about making decisions, but later during their ordinary education.”


Ed Parker’s Kenpo

in what they call street fighting. What relationship exists between Kenpo and the other Martial Arts? What is your opinion about this current in which they tend to mix the different Arts? L.T.: In Kenpo, we are also involved in these changes. Time brings new things to you. Some Arts have improved a lot, becoming something very valuable, while others, the complete opposite has happened. There are people who choose styles that are not focused necessarily on “the street” because they are simply looking to reinforce the students’ self-confidence. Others adopt Martial Arts as a way to educate their children, just like reading, writing and mathematics… because Martial Arts form a part of universal culture. In fact, some martial artists began their training at 3 years of age. Any age is good to make contact with oneself, one’s feelings or sensations. On the other hand, any person has the instinct for self-defense when he is growing and when proving that he can defend himself alone, his confidence increases. Kenpo helps them in that new direction by being an eminently practical system. I am a practitioner of Kenpo, which doesn’t mean that I don’t like other Arts and I encourage everyone to continue on any road they find in life that they like. In fact, I take in practitioners of very different styles; some decide to change because they like what I do, but others don’t because they don’t need it and I take them in anyway. When someone is developing his values, you have to let them be free. I’m not the kind of Master who says to people that they have to do what I do. To anyone who enters my organization, I always say that it is very important to respect and appreciate other styles. Respect is essential in Martial Arts.

interview Budo Int.: Then you believe that the educational part is more important than any other in Martial Arts? L.T.: Yes, that’s right. It isn’t difficult to teach someone to fight, you can do it in a few weeks. However, to continue in the Arts, other motivations are required that point more toward emotional elements and that is really what our work consists of. Teaching a little child to coordinate his body is easy; to someone who is forty or fifty years old, you have to teach them other things. On one occasion, a 62-year old woman wrote me an e-mail after seeing my videos. She told me that it was a pity to not have seen them before since she would have learned the techniques much better if she were 40 years younger. I answered that everything from forty years ago is the past, and what’s really important is what you can do now. Budo Int.: Is she trained? L.T.: That’s right, and furthermore, she wants to found a school.

Technical aspects of Kenpo Budo Int.: Now, if it’s OK with you, we’re going to speak about some technical terms from Kenpo. What is a “Master Key” move? L.T.: In Kenpo there are various moves of this kind. A Master Key move is a basic, universal movement that can be used in any technique. For example, a break, you can break an arm by simply pressing the elbow or striking it, the important thing is the concept, although there are different methods to get it. When a student learns a Master Key move and uses it with an opponent filling the empty space, then he assimilates it, making it his own at striking, blocking, etc., turning it into a universal move. Budo Int.: Tell us about angles, alignment, fighting, deflection… L.T.: Kenpo has its own terminology with which we communicate specifically and agilely. What we try to do is to give our students the necessity of being precise. If they ask you a question and you are

Ed Parker’s Kenpo

interview precise in your response, it means that the techniques will unfold in your head in the same way as when you fight with someone. If you speak with another about a “cancellation angle”, a “riding check”, a “grafting technique”, or a “collapsing deflection”, you are agilely describing what you are referring to. For example: if I strike someone and then I stick an elbow in, I am applying a “collapsing deflection”. The term “cancellation angle” refers to the application of a strike that cancels out any possibility of reaction on the part of

Ed Parker’s Kenpo

Ed Parker’s Kenpo

our opponent, preventing him from coming back to fight and returning his strikes. Our terminology is very wide. Budo Int.: There are some concepts that appear to be essential in Kenpo: body alignment, body momentum… Can you explain to our readers something to that respect? L.T.: Body alignment makes reference to aligning oneself and aligning with the opponent. In Kenpo there are methods to increase power: the turning movement, the joining with gravity, and body alignment. If these three concepts are not in harmony, it is impossible to increase your abilities. Body alignment will allow me to strike my objective with efficiency; my body will be correctly aligned and the leverage effect will be greater, so that the angle of attack will allow me to develop the greatest possible power. In the same way, if at striking, I sink my body to achieve the union with gravity, I will reach the maximum power and if, at the same time, I turn my body, I am reaching my objective. When one controls these three methods, one achieves maximum ability. The rest of the elements such as speed, weapons fighting, the leverage or twisting effect, are a mere consequence of these first three. In fact, if you don’t dominate them, the rest will never work properly. Budo Int.: Can you explain to us the difference between the solid, liquid, and gaseous states in Kenpo? L.T.: The solid state makes reference to a hard style, rigid, where all the movements are rigid and firm, that is, one works especially on straight lines. The liquid state refers to the use of circular and fluid movements, combining them with straight lines, so it is the best fighting method. It is usually utilized in a fight against various adversaries, facing a massive attack. However, there is a higher and more sophisticated state of fighting, the gaseous state, in which at moving, I can strike in various directions and at the same time do a sweep to another opponent with the leg. This state affects more objectives, reaches more areas of the opponent, using abundant weaponry in a one-on-one. Despite being the most sophisticated method, it isn’t exactly the most practical.


Ed Parker’s Kenpo

In Kenpo we say that when a straight line ends, a circle begins. This means that when I give a straight hit, at making contact, I can round off the angle and employ the elbow to strike. A straight line converts to a circle; in this way we accelerate our action. The most important objective in Kenpo is to do a prolongation of circles, which one achieves by rounding off an angle, instead of striking and bringing the arm back, you simply round the angle so that the flow of movement continues. I hope that this will give you an idea. Budo Int.: Do you observe any relationship between the five elements in the Chinese tradition—water, wood, fire, earth, metal— and these three elements of energy? L.T.: Yes, inside your body, these elements are what you are. Budo Int.: But do you believe one can apply this terminology to Kenpo? L.T.: Absolutely, yes, one can do it perfectly well. Budo Int.: Kenpo has a wide range of its own terminology, as we are seeing. What is the reason for this? L.T.: Kenpo is like life itself given that it is a balance between circles and straight lines, and although you can go to each extreme, the greater part of your life unfolds in the center; in fact, you are only in life to adapt it to yourself. When you begin to learn Kenpo, you begin on a primary level, mechanically, like a child; later you go on learning until reaching a level in which you act spontaneously. It is the same road as nature and of life itself. The Kenpo learning program is designed in such a way that each technique is given a generic name that makes reference to a concrete attack. All the fundamentals of Martial Arts are classified in Kenpo. Priority is given to each fundamental according to its level of difficulty. One begins with a specific movement and a time is established in which to learn it. For example, an elbow strike is a basic movement that acts as a letter, in a way that if I add another one, it will form a syllable. If I incorporate another one, I make a word… When you begin to learn syllables of movement and you fluidly develop these words, you begin to construct phrases of movement…once you build these phrases of movement well and you begin to fight with other partners you are making a conversation and when you are able to fight against various adversaries, you are doing a thesis. This process follows a methodology based on logic, like the learning process of a child. In Kenpo, many belts are given out that are thought of in order to offer goals in the short term and they don’t guarantee anything. The meaning of the belt doesn’t mean beating another student of an inferior category, rather it is a demonstration of where you have been, where you are, and where you want to arrive.


“I’m not the kind of Master who says to people that they have to do what I do”

Ed Parker’s Kenpo

Budo Int.: Tell us about what is known as “focus” in Kenpo. L.T.: There are two kinds of focus: focus on the white point and focus on the black point. The first means that the image of your objective is a white point, on which one focuses all of one’s power, each part of your body is centered on that objective, while around that white point one creates a black space that represents the unconscious. The focus on the black point is used especially for more than one objective and deals with visualizing the objective as a black point while all around is white, which supposes that in my movement toward that objective I can see everything that happens around it, as for example, other attackers.

On the learning process and students… Budo Int.: Today we have a lot of information; young people have options in many new styles. What do you think about this situation? L.T.: If you can’t compare, how are you going to choose what is most interesting for you? To the children, we speak from the beginning about making decisions, but later during their ordinary education, they are told only what they have to learn and they are made to memorize it. In Kenpo, we are all individual entities, which means that the individual can make comparisons, choices. I no longer believe in trying to dominate Martial Arts; I’ve learned to compare, to make choices. Comparing makes life easier for me… change leads you to perfection, the perfection supposes evolving and for that you have to choose and make decisions. When a new Martial Art is born, it is necessary for it to evolve, decisions have to be made because on the contrary, you are only a statue that sees things pass by you, without getting involved. Budo Int.: Many people who learn Kenpo in foreign countries do it through videos, according to your experience. Do you believe that people who are using the videos are growing in their practice of Kenpo? L.T.: I have recorded around 60 videos and DVD’s, apart from the two that we recorded with Budo International… There are a lot. I have a big video library… The students buy the video and do the course at home, then after they send me their own video so that I can analyze their progress in function of which I raise or don’t raise their level. The funny thing is that when I began these “home” courses, I wasn’t sure if it would work out well and they have demonstrated to me that I was wrong, since many times people who do this kind of course are better than those who go to the schools and I’ll tell you why… Because they train more and with more enthusiasm! Sometimes I’m surprised at how good they can come to be. Budo Int.: Tell us, in your opinion, what distinguishes a good student. L.T.: Many people say that a student must be like a tea cup and adapt his mind to what they are teaching him… But the truth is that a student is not a tea cup, but a human being! Someone with a capacity to retain what he as learned before meeting me… I don’t want them to forget what they have learned before. What I try to do is to establish a nexus with what they already know. What makes a good student is his will to attend the seminars or the schools and listen, afterward, if what you teach him makes sense and is logical, they will practice it. In the world there are


“Many people say that a student must be like a tea cup and adapt his mind to what they are teaching him… But the truth is that a student is not a tea cup, but a human being! Someone with a capacity to retain what he as learned before meeting me… I don’t want them to forget what they have learned before.”

Ed Parker’s Kenpo

many, many martial artists, but not all of them are good students; to be a good student you have to be a good Master, and visa versa. One can’t exist without the other. Budo Int.: What do you tell a person who wants to train with you? L.T.: Call me, I’m very easy to find (laugher). Budo Int.: We know that you are very accessible, for that we want you to tell people how to contact you. L.T.: It’s very easy, they only have to enter my webpage and send me an e-mail; I’ll be delighted to teach anyone that wants to learn, people of heart. Budo Int.: It has been a pleasure to see you again, you and your wife, and of course, to receive your knowledge in this chat and in the video. That superior Kata that you have done is a marvel! I believe Kenpo lovers are going to be left with their mouths open. L.T.: The pleasure has been ours. I’m sure we’ll see each other soon… Budo Int.: Mr. Tatum… This is your house! Thank you.

Sifu Chris Collins in Wing Tsun Kuen in its purest state! During my visit to Hong Kong earlier this year in May of 2015, I had the opportunity to visit and interview a good amount of W ing Chun Kuen Masters. Having the opportunity to hear firsthand the opinion and ideas concer ning this mar tial ar t from the lips of the most important Masters of W ing Chun was an overwhelming experience. Despite the differences of opinions and viewpoints that arise between different practitioners or linages, in my opinion, the wealth of this style is that it is an Art with a THOUSAND FACES! While many people are threatened that there are people that practice different styles and have different ideas, I think that diversity is actually one of the great strengths of Wing Chun Kuen. Sifu Chris Collins is one of the best known and reputed master of WingTsun Kuen. A must attend visit which we could not fail. When we planned this expedition towards Hong Kong, I must admit that many people had many good things to say about Sifu Chris. As if it wasn’t enough, he also comes from the same linage as I do so it doubled my interest to hear the opinion of someone like him that has trained directly under the tutelage of Grand Master Leung Ting.

Wing Tsun Column


ifu Chris does not fit the stereotype of a Wing Tsun teacher many expect. He s an open minded person, focused on seeking effectiveness and efficiency in the Martial Arts. Sifu Chris is a practitioner of Kali/Escrima, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and boxing. He displays a

genuine passion for practice of martial arts. I contacted him and only found opened doors to make this visit and interview. Upon completion of the interview, I must admit that my opinion about him is even better than what it already was prior to meeting him in person. Clearly there are teachers

that one may have more or less affinity. Although Sifu Chris and I have a lot in common when it comes to the focus of the practice, his interview surprised me in a pleasant way from time to time. I believe that talking about the technical level or ability of Sifu Chris is, or may be, something not much of an interest: all you have to do is look at his work to realize his EXTRAORDINARY level of the style. Yet, far from those considerations, I like teachers, likewise people, who are able to express their values and inner spirit. Those that are capable from that point of humbleness that he shows to have nothing to demonstrate, being able to chat naturally about any Martial Arts subject without the need to badmouth anyone or trying to seem important. Sifu Chris in an HONEST man. A Martial Arts Teacher that in spite of his youth, I have no doubt that he will be (although he already is) a great worldwide reference in Wing Tsun Kuen. A true gentleman whom I enjoyed visiting and meeting in person. One such person that radiates charisma and very positive energy. A clear example of that with

an open mind, with love for what he does and painstaking work, the WingTsun will take the place it deserves. I thank Sifu Collins for generously sharing his time and thoughts with us. ALL my RESPECT¡¡ Without a doubt a special person: Sifu Chris Collins! Budo International: When did you start practicing Wing Tsun? Sifu Chris Collins: Well… Officially in 1996. Yet I believe that I have always been practicing Martial Arts. Different things (boxing, grappling, etc…) I remember having a book that talked about Martial Arts. All sorts of Martial Arts. It made reference to Wing Chun. I had no idea what it was but it “sounded good”. Its philosophy interested me, the fighting concepts based on physics or geometry and things of that nature. It was something that simply stayed in my head. Every weekend I would go training in the National Park in California (where I lived at the moment). I remember seeing from afar an older man practicing. He always repeated the same type of punches and techniques so I

approached him to ask: -“… Excuse me, Sir, what would you call that thing that you do?” The elder man told me he was practicing Chinese Kung Fu. A style called Wing Chun! It was then that the Wing Chun that I once saw in that book came to mind. He invited me to put it to the test. I tried to punch his chest with my fists. That small sized elder man, with his straight punches, his structure and his incredible flow, was able to neutralize and beat me. So I thought: I have to do this! So I decided, leaving behind many other things, I went forth and did it. Afterwards I traveled to Hong Kong and I remember visiting all the Wing Chun schools that were in the city. I must admit I ended up a bit depressed from what I found. I searched

and searched in many places because what I had in mind was different. Maybe my thoughts were on Bruce Lee or on that elder man that I met in California. The matter of the fact is that I didn’t find what I was looking for! I am not talking about whether it was good or bad, I am saying that what I saw there was NOT for ME. So, quite disappointed and right before I was getting ready to leave Hong Kong to return home walking through Nathan Road I saw a shiny sign from Leung Ting Gymnasium. I didn’t know who Leung Ting was but something pushed me to go upstairs and knock on the door. A small man, who now a days is my best friend, attended the door. He asked me what I wanted… so I told him I wanted to learn Wing Tsun. He invited

Wing Tsun Column me to sit and observe a class and, yes, this was it. It was the first time that I saw a movement and a way of doing it that attracted me. The flexible moves, flowing, etc… Besides, I was surprised at the way of training. They didn’t try to go fast or hard, the searched another type of movement much more simple and fluid. When they tried to touch G.M. Leung Ting, he responded them with a soft movement and a pat on their head. So I said… THIS is it! This is what I wanted to do. Since then I started learning from him in his main academy in Nathan Road. Budo International: My second question is; Why Wing Tsun? Although you pretty much answered it already in the first question (laughs). Sifu Chris Collins: Due to the story that I have previously shared and also because it adapts perfectly to me and my work. I was in the military and I saw other combat styles with a more “sport” focus that wasn’t useful to me. I used to be dressed in uniform, a huge backpack over my shoulders, helmet, firearms, assault rifle, etc… and when I saw all of those styles I felt they were worthless to me. Yet, Wing Tsun was perfect due to its own structure. That flow in the arms and proper position were perfect. Due to all of this I decided for Wing Tsun. All of that defined my decision. Budo International: I see that you practice other systems such as Kali/Escrima, Grappling, BJJ and even Boxing. What are your thoughts? Is it better to practice different disciplines or just Wing Tsun? What would your suggestion be? S.C.C.: Well… it is a very complicated question. The thing is, an Instructor must focus the practice in one direction. That is not always easy. I mean, there are students that learn from what they hear. Others that do so from what they see. Others that can simply learn if they practice it directly. Different types of people understand and learn in different ways. If you do it all together you risk ending up with something similar to “Jeet Kun Do”, and personally that isn’t what I want to do. I mean, I am capable of putting all my concentration and energy in Grappling when I train Grappling. Likewise when I train Boxing or Wing Tsun… I am capable of completely separating and focus in what I am doing. It isn’t always as easy for every student. That is the reason I rather do it completely separate one from another. Budo International: Perfect! At the end of the day there are disciplines with similarities when it comes to principles or

“When you reach a certain age you can’t continue practicing at a certain level. However, WingTsun allows you to go on and on so the margin for improvement is really great.”

“The thing is, an Instructor must focus the practice in one direction. That is not always easy. I mean, there are students that learn from what they hear. Others that do so from what they see.”

“Wing Tsun is based on the principles of physics and geometry. An intelligent person will be able to transfer these ideas in combat.”

Wing Tsun Column strategies. For example: Wing Tsun and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu can have certain similarities concer ning strategies or techniques. On the other hand, Kali and Boxing? Doesn’t that seem totally different one from another? S.C.C.: Not at all! Personally for me all of them are the same. Why? It’s easy. When I practice each and every one of them I try to see beyond the style. What I mean is, I look at the movement, the concepts in t h e m f ro m a p h y s i c s a n d g e o m e t r i c p o i n t o f v i e w. These principles are the ones that never really change. This is what shows me that in the end for me almost anything re l a t e d t o c o m b a t i s v e r y similar. Definitely a teacher uses a program of a style to make students understand these principles that I talk about to later apply to the fight. That is why for me everything is elated. Budo International: In your opinion, What are the strengths of Wing Tsun as a system? S.C.C.: Well, Wing Tsun is a system that allows any type of person practice it. Let me explain this… Wing Tsun is based on the principles of physics and geometry. An intelligent person will be able to transfer these ideas in combat with practice. If you are able to comprehend these principles and convert it into abilities for combat. It doesn’t matter who you are, Wing Tsun can give you an opportunity to fight. To defend yourself. I am not saying others disciplines can’t give you that opportunity, but it’s different. For example Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is a great

fighting system. Yet if you are not capable of grappeling, throw yourself on the ground and fight (it’s already rough when you train BJJ) a lot of people wouldn’t be able to handle that type of studies and training. On the contrary, the form of training Wing Tsun allows almost anyone to train for a long period of time and the system gives you your own opportunities. Other combat systems also have a short window of opportunity for training. When you reach a certain age you can’t continue practicing at a certain level. However, WingTsun allows you to go on and on so the margin for improvement is really great. Budo Inter national: It’s weaknesses? Many practitioners talk about how good Wing Tsun is but very few like to talk about its weaknesses. In your opinion, what is the main weakness that Wing Tsun has? S.C.C..: The main weakness of Wing Tsun is Wing Tsun itself. What happens is that many teachers or practitioners with a very good level can do it without a problem within their own schools. Yet never outside of their own school. In reality, many of them have never tried any of it outside of their group of students or schools. They feel good doing their drills or exercises with their students but they have never really tested themselves outside their environment. When someone dares to do it and do something "different", shortly others start saying things like “… NO… that is not Wing Tsun…” and things like that. Actually they don’t realize that the real problem is theirs! What I mean is… when I teach any of

my students I tell them that if I commit an error practicing to strike me. If any of my students can hit me it isn’t his problem. The real problem is mine… What happens is that many practitioners spend too much time thinking whether if this is the “authentic Wing Tsun”, or “Traditional Wing Chun” or “Effective Wing Chun” and all sorts of labels and ratings. At the end of the day we all have the same problem because we spend too much time with that type of stuff and we tend to forget the important thing: become better practitioners. In my opinion, the main problem is whit those who teach Wing Tsun, but have never fought. There is nothing wrong with that, but maybe it should be called something like “Martial Art’s Corporal Movements”. It would be much more exact. If we are talking about Martial Arts… When a student comes to your school to practice Martial Arts what he really want to learn is to fight. That is what we should be teaching him. Budo International: In your opinion, is Wing Tsun evolving or devolving nowadays? S.C.C.: Well… it is a bit of both. There are teachers and schools that are evolving and others that aren’t. Ultimately to evolve we must always return to the basics of the system. But on the other hand there are now many groups of practitioners or schools that have concentrated on the creation of programs or drills which are done separately and without connection. In another words, they practice a program and once completed it gets marked as achieved and move

on to another. In the end it is somewhat inconsistent. Actually, the intelligent thing if we want to achieve a logical evolution is to do it all through the shortest route. Get the starting point, look towards the final destination and travel through a straight road to the end. A person, in four to five years should be able to learn the whole system. There’s isn’t mucho more to it. I’m heartbroken when I see some of my students in Europe with over fifteen years of practice and they haven’t completed the system and they talk to me about this program and that program… No! Please! These are people with the same passion as me and it saddens me. On the other hand there are others that are doing their work to evolve the system. For me it is one of my objectives, to be honest with the practitioners that come to my courses and classes. To teach them the best that I can and the fastest that I can and share this passion together. Definitely some people are evolving but on the other hand their planning and training are focused on other aspects rather than the practice of the style. Budo International: How would you explain the enormous difference between the Wing Tsun schools? Wing Tsun schools in Hong Kong are different but, between Hong Kong and Europe,

are there a huge difference? I’d say day by day. What are your thoughts concerning this? S.C.C.: Well, actually this subject is related to the previous one. But also state that the way of conceiving things is different. The European needs to have everything well organized in some sort of “box” in his head. So when it is time to train a teacher tells the student to do the exercise without doing anything out of the exercise. Than to another or other programs always related with the monthly fee or with business. In China everything is much more different. Everything is much more sensory. Everything flows and within that flow everything is different. Maybe this explains a lot of things. The differences lie mainly in the minds of people. It just feels and thinks differently. BudoInternational - Any advice for fans in Europe? S.C.C.: Well… I personally do not like to give many advices how Wing Tsun should be done. It’s my life philosophy. If someone asks me to show them my point of view, I will do so gratefully but I don’t like to tell someone you should do this or do that. Nevertheless I would like to emphasize the importance of understanding the basics and principles of the system. If you do so, even though

“Wing Tsun is a system that allows any type of person practice it.”

“What happens is that many teachers or practitioners with a very good level can do it without a problem within their own schools. Yet never outside of their own school.�

WingTsun sometimes it may seem that you are wasting some time, you aren’t. From that comprehension of the basics, the improvement and progress of the practitioner will never cease. Budo International: I want to thank you for you time and the interview. How you welcomed us with kindness and openness. Above all thank you for receiving us in your school with all of your students. It has been a great pleasure and an honor to meet you in person, Sifu Chris Collins. THANK YOU! If you want to meet Sifu Chris Collins you can visit him in his school in Hong Kong. He also teaches seminar worldwide. You can follow his activities through his website: Become a Truly EFFECTIVE and DEVASTATING Fighter

The main emphasis of this DVD is edged weapon. Knowing and understanding all the dangers associated with any edge weapon. The main theme in this DVD is establishing the priority. The main emphasis of training with an edged weapon is knowing and understanding all the dangers associated with this type of weapon. All the “What if’s”, and “Yeah buts”, are all great for trial and error, and assuming predictability. The serious danger of edge weapons is real, and should be treated as such. This means where you should establish your training priority to be a survival tool, in the event this situation happens to you. Let’s face it, you are the one having to survive, not your trainer, helps you train your goals, not your objective. The training priorities I use in LatosaEscrima are as follows: reality, technique and drills. Reality: This is the understanding of exactly what could happen and the dangers when using or going against an edged weapon. Techniques: These movements are trying to give you a generalization of possibilities, and probabilities of what may happen. Drills: Most drills are used to develop and enhance body movement skills used in the technique application.

REF.: • LAT-3

All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


Success with structure “In the past everything was better�. I think we all have heard this sentence before. As it oftentimes goes with these things, there is definitely a grain of truth about this statement. And yet, today I know that like with everything, there are two sides to it.


ur art and the education as it is practiced in my schools today had many different names and labels many 100 years ago. Up to this day, the content of this art has remained identical. The only thing that played a different role in the past was the factor of time. Yes, supposedly one day consisted of only 24 hours

already back then. But the way one went about these hours was different. The idea of training “all day long� today sounds tremendous to us. And at the beginning it certainly is for some people with an office job. However, it is precisely those students taking part in our autumn camp in Hong Kong or in similar events who know that it is at those times that they really make progress. At these events

they experience the way our art was practiced in the past. This was also the way I learnt from my master and the way I am still learning today. But something that those days of training and instruction did not have earlier was structure. What for? Without video games and the internet one had innumerable hours a day at one’s disposal for the training and thus for many educational lessons. So it was

Hung Gar Kung Fu totally sufficient to learn more of this or more of that. On the whole one still lear nt a complete system. May I briefly illustrate this once more? In the past: countless hours of training each day vs. today, depending on your schedule: two to four times a week for about 1.5 hours. Do you notice anything? Shall we in our education with such little time to invest just go for it and trust the teacher that we

learn all the important things in the end? In the past this worked very well. One had a lot of time. Today, this does not work anymore. So what did I do in order to still educate students so successfully? Structure, structure, and again structure. Especially in the Wester n world structure is indispensable for our way of life. Of course to a certain extent stress is artificially produced. But it is obvious

that the life we live today would not be imaginable without a leading order. Here our schedules come into play, in which we meticulously write when we do what. They show that on average we could train two to four evenings a week. You see, I say “could�. And of course I am talking about 1.5 hours each time. What does this development mean for us instructors? It means that we have to impart our

knowledge in the most efficient way possible in order to optimally use the time available. Yes, each new student comes with her very own character traits, with her very own strengths and weaknesses to the lessons. But our art and the afore-mentioned structuring enable the student to get the maximum out of her in the shortest possible time. Plus, concerning the training and the education, they both make it possible for the student to become independent, one could almost say mature. I have hinted at the fact that I learnt in the “old” way. Some teachers of my generation would even say that I learnt in a “better” or “harder” way. In the past, everything used to be just better, they say. Is that really so? For someone like me who grew up in the Western world, these old art forms from Shaolin (and especially under the aegis of such a traditional master) were oftentimes just confusing and chaotic. Besides, despite the fact that I could spend the whole day having lessons with my teacher, due to financial reasons I could only spend five to six weeks a year at a time at my teacher’s place. At that time he lived in Hong Kong and I, just like today, in Switzerland. Of course back in Switzerland during the breaks, it was good to process what I learnt and to research confusing traditions. But already back then I had to structure and summarise everything I learnt in order to be really able to understand it. Today I am the style successor of my master and my recipe for success is that I have always cared for the core of the matter and have introduced a certain structure into our art; regardless of whether the education of my students or my own was concerned. My senior team of instructors and I have defined the complete education in our art in black and white. We have not only set up goals and interim objectives for the student, but also structured innumerable sequences without altering the core of our art from Shaolin. On the

contrary; as our successes show, we have managed to make it possible for the student to learn our art more efficiently and more quickly. My team of instructors, who partly already make a living teaching full-time, prove this, as well as numerous national and international awards, which were granted to my students who successfully performed at tournaments. But to conclude, let’s go back to the beginning: Has the main focus of our daily lives moved away from the fight of life and death? It certainly has. Is the extravagant education in the traditional arts, even if it is taught in a much more efficient and structured way than in the past still of any use today? Of course it is! Apart from the fact that physical attacks are still happening today and that the health benefits of the training bring about a better life, during the education at our school, ultimately, one also learns about what it is based on, i.e. structure: Something, as you and I have found out today, that is a big part in the foundation of our lives and that helps us, combined with the old knowledge from Shaolin, to improve the quality of our daily lives and to reach our goals faster. Day after day. Lesson after lesson. At the KUNG FU SCHOOL MARTIN SEWER.


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THE VALUE OF OUR STUMBLES BUDO INTERNATIONAL: WHAT DO YOU EXPECT FROM AN INSTRUCTOR? Justo Dieguez: A Keysi Instructor must believe in himself, it's a part of his personal growth; if he doesn't see his own values, how could he possibly see the values ??in his students? I feel very fortunate to be surrounded by a great team, highly professional in the teaching of the art and human in the transmission thereof. Unlike a psychologist, who analyzes people who don't know where they go and keep running without knowing why, I prefer to study people who are happy, enthusiastic, that transmit and release life and that, just being by their side, they motivate you; to feel their passion, to see they are aware; I am grateful and proud of these people! These are the kind of persons with whom I want to share Keysi, without half-truths, full of positive energy. It is very important to surround ourselves with positive influence, with positive people, because in the end, we end up being like the people with whom we spend our time. Only by being positive we can fearlessly ask what is the meaning of life, for what reason we would die… because fear is not in dying, it would be terrifying not to have the slightest sense of who we are. Antonio Machado said: “My truth? No! Your truth? No! Just the Truth. And together we are going to seek it; keep yours for yourself.”

“Experience is not what happens to us, experience is what we do with what happens to us.”

Keysi by keysiworld SL

Tel 0034-605-831-905


B.I.: THIS INVOLVES QUESTIONS. Justo Dieguez: True, when I started asking myself questions like where I was and where I was going, I found a lot of answers and I thought I could find them all. Now, after three decades, I know that we must find the answers within ourselves; the only problem is that these answers bring about more questions, so I looked for a means of communication, Body Mechanics, and this is interpreted with the nuclei. These nuclei or techniques are a means of communication, there is no doubt, and then there is the way that each person interprets this communication. B.I.: KEYSI IS A LANGUAGE INTERPRETED WITH BODY MECHANICS. Justo Dieguez: Body Mechanics makes possible a communication that transcends the rational side of the mind, and it's way of carrying that out is through technical execution, not only Physical, but also Mental and Emotional. We human beings have an incredible capability of expression when we are able to understand that these three principles are one. If we look for an answer to how we understand this, my answer might be music; here we see that is not a rational thought process, since the interpretive response is emotional and immediate. B.I.: BODY MECHANICS GIVES VERBAL RESPONSES. Justo Dieguez: A fascinating aspect of Body Mechanics of which I am convinced, is that there is an interrelation of energy that is emitted from inside out and from outside in. When you understand that these three principles are one, you feel that there is a conjunction eventually becoming mass, and the energy of that moment is reflected in the expression, feeling then that we are witnessing the change that is happening within us. B.I.: WHAT IS THE BASIS OF THE BODY MECHANICS? Justo Dieguez: All its movements are based on the principles of geometry. These principles are fundamental and reflect the

Antonio Machado said: “My truth? No! Your truth? No! Just the Truth. And together we are going to seek it; keep yours for yourself.�

Keysi by keysiworld SL

Tel 0034-605-831-905


three-dimensional and not only in the distance and height, they also interact with space and time, action / reaction, rhythm, the central axis or center of gravity, the mass and a long etcetera. If you observe carefully its development, you can see circles - triangles - squares, in a formless form. Now if you can deepen, you will see that these hieroglyphics form different patterns in a star shape that superimpose one another, and if you are even more observant, you'll see that within each one of them there are endless forms in the physical, mental and emotional expression. Having the ability to see this is very important because the geometry itself is visual and what is encoded within that geometry is "Energy". Energy transforms you and manifests itself in every movement. B.I.: BODY MECHANICS IS A COMMUNICATOR. Justo Dieguez: When you start to recognize for the first time your body mechanics, that communication with our mind starts to happen, you feel an emotional alteration in the expression, is an irresistible attraction to communicate with the body what can't be expressed in words, and this is because it begins to affect the subconscious of the irrational mind, you begin to feel the flow of your inner self; we are scratching the surface of this incredible and coarse map which is our body, it's a progressive recognition from the outside to the depths of our inside, one progressive reading that leads us to reverse the process to communicate from inside out. B.I.: THE KEYS ON KEYSI? Justo Dieguez: Humility and perseverance. As Machado said "Traveler, there is no path, the path is made by walking", take my hand and let's get out of the sleep from time to time. Let's enjoy being both outside and inside of it: outside like a game; inside seeking the truth and discovering our souls... With the difference that this is not poetry.

Keysi by keysiworld SL

Tel 0034-605-831-905


The "Kyusho Tactical Control Program" (KTCP), was designed for Subject control escalation with Legal, Medical and Tactical Deployment research, field-testing and coordination. The scope of this program is for use by but not limited to, Law Enforcement, Security, Emergency Medical or Response, Coast Guard, Military, Governmental Agencies, Body Guards and Personal Security. This Basic Module is comprised of one set of 12 primary targets and integrated into 4 modules of escalating force restraint continuums. There are several weak structures in the human body that can be utilized by an Agent to simply gain control of a perpetrator more efficiently than conventional use of force methods. This would be in the protocol should a situation escalate past the verbal command stage. These Kyusho (Vital) points are where the Agent can make use of internal systems of physical control such as, Nerves, Tendon Structure and natural Nerve Reflexes of the body. Not requiring heavy force Fine or complex motor control or even sight… all of which is subject to failure and loss in high adrenaline states. This information is dedicated to the Brave and Resilient Members of these Agencies around the world… Thank you for what you do!


All DVDs, wichi is produced by Budo International, si provided and alone in the formats DVD-5 or MPEG-2, in VCD, DivX or the like is however neves offered with a special holograma sticker. Besides our DVD is characteristed coverings by the hig quality in pressure and material. If this DVD and/or the DVD covering do not corespond to the requirements specified above, it concerns illegal pirat copy.


We are a team! The KMRED team! OUR MOTTO: "Between being and appearing, we have chosen: student one day, student forever."

We have our OWN TECHNICAL IDENTITY and it belongs to us. "We don't plagiarize anyone."

We assemble concepts of work to evolve toward an interest in the content and especially the interest of those who will use our bases and principles to defend themselves. For us, KRAV MAGA RED is not a business; it's a passion, a way of life. We are not a new federation or any other entity that seeks surfing on the wave "Krav Maga and self-defense" only thinking of the profit that it could generate.

Our step is authentic and we share it with all those who have a real openness of spirit. Our values: "Respect-Humility-Courage-Questioning".

The group KRAV MAGA RED, which is in full development, will continue building up along the years, constantly questioning through constructive exchanges with all those who act in the sense of practitioners, far from the "ego" wars and organizations that reject opening.

Our strength resides in the lifelong learning of combat disciplines, ancient or modern. Lethwei Burmese Boxing, English Boxing, Muay Thai, French Boxing,Kick Boxing or K1 are some of the basic disciplines that practice and / or teach all instructors and future instructors of the KMRED group (Kravmaga Recherche Evolution et Developpement / Kravmaga Research Evolution and Development).

ikido is a non-competitive Martial Art so it would be more than logical that you could meet Kyusho as part of the training of art itself! Currently the Aikido is treated as a very gentle way to harmonize energies, very soft, with no stress and very circular. Well the goal of those who practice like that is to be well both with himself and with everything around him/her. For this evolution it is most likely that after the second world war when many old Japanese Instructors began teaching more openly, they formed a pact among these leading instructors, creating a shell of knowledge the students without the inner core. The original martial forms, the effectiveness without physical strength is the most important aspect, therefore the use of Kyusho in the techniques is critical for all students of Ueshiba, O-Sensei. Very few instructors were shown the original version with the true understanding about Kyusho. Those that stand out are; Gozo Shioda, Koichi Tohei, Shoji Nishio and Nobuyoshi Tamura.


“Aikido is a non-competitive Martial Art so it would be more than logical that you could meet Kyusho as part of the training of art itself!�

It has been a great urgency and passion to study this deeply, in the Kyusho International, to try to find some missing links in order to be better able to understand every technical aspect. Each time there are more details of what was left in the papers/movies presented by the masters, that continue to forward this depth of study with Kyusho to understand and interpret how it in manifest in each technique martially. As the Kyusho is by itself, Aikido is also one infinite art study of the human body, a complete therapy body-mindspirit and all about it. However, much more can and should be studied for a full understanding and done in a way that it would be more in line with the original. This study is even more special if you train in the way of Irimi and Atemi. The examples shown note is much more a kind of application of Atemi in nerve areas than a simple technical fluidity. The essence of this study is trying to understand exactly how the technique could have originally been.

Fighting and Fears (MISSION STATEMENT OF THE WORLD HWA RANG DO速 ASSOCIATION) HWA RANG DO速: A legacy of Loyalty, Relentlessly seeking Truth, Empowering Lives, Serving Humanity.


o Sa Nim Tae Joon Lee, Hwa Rang Do® 8th dan (President of the World Hwa Rang Do® Association and my Grand Master) says: “Hwa Rang Do is not about fighting, if you're able to manage your fears you don't need to fight. When you fight, you don't really fight against another person but against your fears. The enemy is inside yourself, not outside. So, we learn how to manage our internal enemy before engaging in real fights.” When you really understand these words you can be quite, calm and give love to everybody. When you face your fears and weaknesses you're aware of who and what you are so you don't need to lie to yourself. Because of that you're not afraid of loving and embracing the world. The concept is easy to understand and simple in itself but very hard to follow. Making this idea as the principle that leads our life is the best thing we could do but also the most difficult change we might ask to ourselves. About the author: Hwa Rang Do® Head Instructor, Lieutenant Colonel of the Italian Military Police Force (Carabinieri) and Engineer, Marco Mattiucci is the Chief of the EU Branches of the World Hwa Rang Do® Association and one of the main followers of Grandmaster Taejoon Lee.

“Hwa Rang Do is not about fighting, if you're able to manage your fears you don't need to fight. When you fight, you don't really fight against another person but against your fears. The enemy is inside yourself, not outside. So, we learn how to manage our internal enemy before engaging in real fights.�

Text: Shifu Bruno Tombolato Shi Xing Jing, 32nd Generation of the Songshan Shaolin Temple. Photography: Victor Casado

The Bai shi ceremony - Discipleship in Shaolin As every year in late July, I began my training once again in Shaolin, China. This time it wouldn't be just another training season, but the most important in my career in the world of Chinese Martial Arts and, more precisely, of Shaolin disciplines. As I have written in other articles and interviews, I met Master Shi De Yang in 2010, while walking through the Shaolin Temple and taking shots of the Monastery, accompanied by another master. From that moment I knew that fate had brought me there, to that very day and moment in which our lives crossed and that today is more than confirmed. It just had to be that way. Five years later I had the honor of becoming his disciple, receiving the secular name of Shi Xing Jing (释 čĄŒ 净), and I officially became part of the 32nd generation of the most traditional lineage of the Shaolin Temple.

nd I say this because, without a doubt, Shaolin kung fu has undergone a huge transformation over the last 30 years that has taken it to the spectacular rather than its true roots. A famous saying goes "Fists like flowers, and kicks like embroidery", and it’s but clear that what is externally attractive sells more than what is rough and strong. Master Shi De Yang belongs to the Nanyuan lineage, or the gate of the Southern Shaolin Monastery; it's worth mentioning that once, Shaolin Monastery was divided into four families, each serving different functions within the temple. The south gate (of which today remains only a wall and a pagoda) always characterized by the development of gong fu, medicine and Buddhism, better known as the Three Treasures of Shaolin; here, its importance and the important thing is to belong to this lineage.


In order to understand the genealogy and tradition of the patriarchal clans of Shaolin Temple, I'll make mention of its history and emergence.

The Shaolin Heritage The legacy of Shaolin Kung Fu is done strictly through the Master - Disciple direct transmission. This relationship is the most important sample of the traditional patriarchal clan system of Shaolin Temple. Such system was established in the thirteenth century when Master Fuyu, Caodong sect leader, led the Temple; it was Master Fuyu himself who established and constituted the patriarchal clan system. The adoption of the system had a powerful impact in the Shaolin Temple. Master Fuyu established the nomenclature system for 70 generations. The list is as follows: Fu, Hui, Zhi, Zi, Jue,

Liao, Ben, Yuan, Ke, Wu, Zhou, Hong, Pu, Guang, Zong, Dao, Qing, Tong Xuan, Zu, Qing, Jing, Zhen Ru, Hai, Zhan, Ji, Chun, Zhen, Do, De, Xing, Yong, Yan, Heng, Miao, Ti, Chang Jian, Gu, Xin, Lang, Zhao, Tú, Shen, Xing, Ming, Jian, Chong, Zuo, Zhong, Zheng-Shan Xi, Chan, Jin, Que, Yuan, Ji, Du, Xue, Ting, Wei, Dao, Shi, Yin, Ru, Gui, Xuan, and Lu. The name system, which is a "70-words verse" in Chinese, has made a big family out of the Shaolin Temple. Today, the Shaolin Temple monks still follow the appointment system of Master Fuyu of the thirteenth century. For nearly 800 years, there have already been more than 30 generations. The representatives of present generations have the character of "Su", "De", "Xing", "Yong", "Yan" and "Heng".

The Baishi ceremony In the Chinese Martial Arts tradition, the Baishi ceremony, which means to honor and revere the Master, is of utmost significance because it represents a mutual commitment between Master and disciple. To become accepted as a disciple, you must travel a long way and demonstrate a commitment to the art that you practice and to your Master. Formerly, when the disciple was accepted as such, he had to live with the Master and help him in his daily tasks; in this way was formalized the relationship father - son / Master - disciple. In return the Master educated, clothed and fed the disciple. Today this tradition can only be seen in some parts of China. The Baishi ceremony, through which a link between Master and disciple is established for life, is part of the tradition of the Shaolin Temple and Chinese Martial Arts. The disciple is ethically and morally committed to continue the legacy of his Master and comply with the fundamental principles of wude (Martial Arts morals). Also, the disciple must take (in the case of Shaolin) the Three Buddhist Shelters which are: refuge in Buddha, Sangha and Dharma, and the 5 precepts or vows, which are: not to lie, not to steal, not to kill, not to consume substances altering consciousness and not to commit adultery. This whole process is needed to become a súji dìz 俗家 弟子 or secular disciple of the Shaolin Temple. On August 14, 2015 was the first day of the month of the Chinese lunar calendar, therefore an auspicious day for the Bashi ceremony. In the preliminary days, along with his nephew and one of the closest disciples and coach head of Grand Master Shi De Yang's school, Shi Xing Pei, we organized everything for the ceremony. The first thing we did was buying fruits, six kilos of six different types of fruit, and then we also bought six kilos of some typical Chinese bread. Number 6 is one of the important numbers in the Chinese tradition since it represents fluidity, no stumbling. After the purchase of fruits we ordered the flowers with a Chinese legend that made reference to the master - disciple relationship lasting for a lifetime, this legend had my name written in Chinese. There was plenty of expectation that day, not only from me, obviously, but also from Master Shi De Yang's pupils and disciples, as well as mine. Instead I remained calm and expectant, one of my dreams would come true in a matter of hours. When the ceremony started, I positioned myself in the center, facing the altar, and Grand Master Shi De Yang sat to one side. All students and disciples were formed in two rows on the sides with hands folded across their chest; this is part of the Shaolin tradition. The first thing my Master asked me was how many years we had known each other, so I answered that we had met

five years ago, in 2010, in the main courtyard of the Shaolin Temple. Master Shi De Yang then said: "It's been a long time and I am very happy that we are meeting here today", and so the ceremony began. Then it could be said that the ceremony was divided into two parts: the first as a disciple of Shaolin and the second as a disciple of Buddha. In the first part I undertook to follow the Shaolin code of conduct, based on the wude, Martial Arts morality, and in the second stage I accepted my new path as a disciple of Buddha. This requires taking the three refuges or Triple Gem and the 5 basic precepts; without these no one could be considered as officially Buddhist. Each time Master Shi De Yang mentioned one of the precepts I must answer if I agreed, with the new name that I had been given; this symbolizes the renunciation of my old

name and the birth as a disciple of Buddha and Shaolin.

The name is divided into 3 parts: Shi: refers to Buddha's lineage; all the monks in Shaolin have this character. Xing: Refers to the generation, in this case the 32nd. Grand Master Shi De Yang is 31st generation. Jing: is the name that you receive from your master after years of knowing you. Jing means pure / clean. A new stage has begun, more commitments and obligations to my Master and Shaolin; and to myself. Today I have the responsibility of being a disciple, the responsibility of representing a generation and the responsibility of faithfully transmiting the legacy of my Master wherever I go.

Always with the Ochikara, "The Great Strength" (called e-bunto in the Shizen vernacular tongue) or secret wisdom of the ancient Miryoku Japanese shamans, as a backdrop, the author takes us into a world of genuine reflections that are capable to move at once both the reader's heart and head, thus placing him continuously in front of the abyss of the invisible, as the true final frontier of personal and collective consciousness. The spiritual taken not as religion, but as the study of the invisible, was the way of the ancient Miryoku sages to approach the mystery in the framework of a culture as rich as unknown, to which the author has wholeheartedly devoted. Alfredo Tucci, Manager Director to Budo International Publishing Co. and author in the past 30 years of a large number of titles about the Warrior's Way, offers us a set of extraordinary and profound reflections, which can be read individually in no particular order. Each one of them opens up a window to us through which we can take a look at the most varied subjects from an unexpected angle, now dotted with humor now with forcefulness and grandiosity, placing us in front of eternal matters with the view of the one who has just arrived and doesn't agree with the common places in which everyone coincides. We can affirm with conviction that no reader will be indifferent to this book; such is the strength and intensity of its contents. Saying this is saying a lot in a world crowded with collective mangers, interested and behavioral ideologies, manipulators and, in short, spurious interests and mediocrity. It is therefore a text for big souls and intelligent people who are ready to look at life and mystery with the freedom of the most restless and scrutinizing minds, without dogmas, without transient morals, without subterfuges...

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