based average annual earnings in 2018 compared with 3.1 times in 2008. Workplace-based earnings are not available at parish level but as the average 2018 house price in Glenfield continues to rise it is presumed the affordability gap also continues to widen. The latest available Office for National Statistics House Price Statistics for Small Areas reveals the cost of an entry-level property on average across England and Wales has increased by almost 20% in the ten-year period to June 2016 to £140,000. For new properties, the price was nearly £180,000. The data also shows that home-ownership prospects vary across the country. In the Glenfield Parish area in 2016 a low to mid-priced property cost on average £168,500 which was higher than the national average. Assuming a 15% deposit, those entering the property market in the area would require a household income of £31,828 (£26,444 E&W average) and savings of £28,145 which is a challenge for many households. With the average cost of an entry-level home in the area being £168,500 prospective buyers would require an estimated £2,000 for legal and moving costs, £870 stamp duty and £25,275 for a 15% deposit, coming to £28,145 in total. Home ownership is dominant in Glenfield and affordable rental properties may be difficult to access for people on low incomes. An assessment of Affordable Housing is contained in Appendix 3. POLICY H4: AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROVISION – Where Affordable Housing is required on major development sites of 10 or more dwellings: a) The mix of affordable housing shall be in line with up-to-date evidence of housing need in Glenfield; b) Developments should be ‘tenure blind’, where affordable housing is indistinguishable from market dwellings and is spread throughout the development; c) If it is not possible to provide affordable housing on site, in exceptional circumstances it will be acceptable to provide funding in lieu of affordable housing on-site if this leads to the provision of additional affordable housing in the Parish. If this is not possible within the timeframe for spending commuted sums it can be used across the District; d) Development proposals that contribute to the provision of affordable homes that are suited to the needs of older people and those with disabilities will be supported as will First Homes; e) The provision of affordable housing for those with a ‘local connection’ to the parish will be prioritised amongst those with similar levels of need. If there are no suitable households with a Glenfield connection, the properties will be made available to others on the Council’s waiting list.
Design The Parish of Glenfield has a long and interesting history, resulting in a wide array of heritage assets, attractive landscapes and a distinctive local character. The biggest challenge facing the future of the 23