Building Products Digest - April 2012

Page 1

MicroProa fulicronizcd'[echnologlt

for Pressure Treatecl Vood

. 'fhe 0srnose \licroPro tcchrtologv is the filst tleated wood process to be celtified Lrnder Scientific Ccrtification Slstems Iiuliron rnentalll l'ref'erable Product (llPP) pLogram based ou I.ife-(,rcle lssessttretrt.


I'he Osmose \licroPro proccss ltas also eartu:d Green lppnx'ed Prodttct certification fbr rvood prescrvldivr techuologies frorn the \ational {ssociatiott of H<tnte Iluilders (NAHI]) Iteseurrclt (lertter under the National (ireen Building Standald'" program.

. GRUIINGt ARD Chiklren & Sclrrxrls," Certification. GRllli\Gt,ARI) Children & Schools Certification progrant ccrlifies products for ltxv volatile orgartic chenical (\'0C) emissions tltat art'used in

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Building Products lligest

Special Features ln Every

9 Mnncrlr Bullorns

CoNNrcroR MnNurncrunrns TRp lNro MRor rN Avenrcn MoveuENr

10 Pnooucr Sponrcnr

Tur RrrunN or Copprn NRprurNRrt

1 2 Frnrunr Srony

THr OrHrn TnrRrEo Wooo: Moro-lNHlsrrrNc SunrRcr TnEnlvrNrs

14 Mnncrlr Bunorns

PnNrrrzeo Roor Svsmvs rHr Tops ron Cotut,vEnctnr CoNsrnucrtoN

16 Pnooucr Sporlrcnr

Cnoss LnnrrNnreo TrNreen Bncxs Hucr CoNoo Pnotrcr

1 B lNousrny TnrNos Pnrcr PnrssuRr Foncrs CoNrn,qcrons ro CHnNcr THrrn BuvtNc H,qarrs

6 Tornlly Rnnoopr



April 2012 t votume 31 r Number2
20 Co,r,rprnnvr lrrullrcENcE
22 OrrN oN Sllrs
GnrrN Rrrnrunc
Fn,r,ulY BusrNrss
Movrns & SHnxrns
nrw Pnooucrs 42 Assocrlron Upoerr 43 Ir.r Mrmonrnpr 44 CLnssrrrrD Mlnxrrpucr 45 Dnrr Boox 46 lom Frrr 46 Aovrnrrsrns lruorx
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How many businesses are putting the custo-mer first?

f ,rv rncneAsrNcl-y sHocKED at how bad customer service has become. If only Isome owners and bosses understood what is happening on their front lines, they would surely cringe.

On Friday night, we drove 5O-plus miles over two traffic-snarled hours to arrive at a restaurant to celebrate a family birthday and the visit of a nephew from Australia. By the time we arrived, I was ready to eat and drink. My wife and I were the first to arrive at 6: l0 p.m.-an early hour when the restaurant was only a third full. Our table was set up and waiting, but when I asked to be seated, I was told in a haughty manner, "No, you must wait until your entire party is here." At 6:15, I asked again. I tried to argue nicely that the restaurant was all but empty. I was told, "No, you MUST wait," with a stare that made me think I was about to be tasered. I can say that the staff's attitude messed up my evening and guaranteed that I will never return. At long last, we were seated-at a makeshift table in the middle of the aisle to the kitchens and bathrooms, where I could not hear a word from someone seated 3 feet away. I suspect our placement was deliberate.

A month before Christmas, I succumbed to all the advertising by AT&T for their U-verse cable system. First I was told that it would take about a month before it could be installed-not until December 30 between 8 and ll a.m. I agreed, even confirming with my local store a few days before. Come December 30,I waited and waited, made three calls to re-confirm they were still coming that totaled about one and a half hours. About 2 p.m., I finally learned that our order had been put on hold by the warehouse. Nobody could tell me why. On January 20, while I was traveling in another state, a message was left on my voicemail that the installers were on their way. Of course, I wouldn't be home to let them in for another week. Par for the course, here we are in March and not a peep out of them. Guess who is not going to get my business?

How many times do you walk into a store, like I did to return something at Costco last week, only to watch three of the five help desks close in front of you, and then have to watch the clerks standing around laughing and giggling as the return line grew longer and tempers shorter.

Or when you want to get help in a store and have to listen while the clerks plan their weekends on their cell phones and give you a dirty look because you are intemrpting their day? Inevitably, you'll overhear them say, begrudgingly, that they have to get off the phone because some customer keeps looking at them.

A couple of weeks back, two contractors submitted quotes for re-sealing our floors. One gave us his promised quote the following day. The other needed two promptings before he finally turned in his bid on day seven. Guess who sot the work?

When I make calls in this industry, I cannot tell you how many times I am appalled by the ineptitude of some of those who pick up the phone. Many do not even know how to transfer a call. Others leave you on hold for five minutes or more, making you doubt if you are still on hold or not. Yikes!

You would think that in all these instances. your competitor must have found a way to infiltrate your company with these employees to sabotage your business. Sadly they did not. You hired them. Can you think of any better way to drive customers away? Or is it just me?

BPII Building Pruilucts lligest

www. bu ld i n g-products. com

A publication of Cutler Publishing 4500 Campus Dr., Ste.480, Newport Beach, CA 92660

Publisher Alan 0akes

Publisher Emeritus David Cutler

Director of Editorial & Production David Koenig

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How to Advertise

Chuck Casey

Phone (949) 852-1 990 Fax 949-852-0231 ccasey@build n

Alan Oakes

Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231 ajoakes@aol,com.


David Koenig

Phone (949) 852-1990 Fax 949-852-0231

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BUILDING PRODUCTS DIGEST is oublished monthly at 4500 Campus Dr., Ste. 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660-1872, (949) 852-1990, Fax 949-852-0231,, by Cutler Publishing, Inc. (a California Corporation). lt is an independently owned publication for building products retailers and wholesale distributors in 37 states East of the Rockies. Copyright@2012 by Cutler Publishing, Inc. Cover and entire contents are fully protected and must not be reproduced in any manner without written permission. All Rights Reserved. BPD reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial or advertising matter, and assumes no liability for materials furnished to it.

By Alan Oakes
6 r &rilding hoducb Diged r Agil 2Of2

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Made in America boosts connector business

henlnns AND DrsrRrBurons looking Lf to support the Made in America movement-and boost the national economy-need look no farther than domestic nail and fastener producers.

"We're one of the last makers of nails in this country," says Roelif Loveland, president and general manager of Maze Nails, Peru, I1. The family-owned company has been in the business since 1848, making galvanized stainless steel nails protected by a corrosion-resistant zinc coating.

Maze has supplied nails for two high-profile projects: restoration of Philadelphia's Independence Hall and the "All-American Home" built by Anders Lewendal in Bozeman, Mt.

Lewendal, who earned a degree in economics before going into construction, believes that if builders directed just 5% of their construction spending to American-made products, it would add $14 billion to the U.S. economy. As proof, he built a 2,200-sq. ft. home with American-made products.

"We don't need every builder to build every single home with allAmerican products," he says. "That's not practical and that's not necessary. The point is that little things add up."

Lewendal claims American-made nails cost about $5 more per box but save $10 in labor costs because they jam nail guns less often than cheaper Chinese brands. "What we're looking for is the best value," he says. "If a guy has to get down three times a day to clear the gun, that's time wasted."

Lewendal and his crews also used True Spec collated nails from Halsteel. Ontario. Ca. Because each nail in the line is identified with a combination of color and number codes, it's easy for both builders and inspectors to verify the right nail and correct nailing pattern have been used.

"The concept is to provide a quality nailing system that builds confidence with all levels of the building community," says Alan Brown, national sales manager for True Spec. "We believe that our American-made product reinforces our commitment to building a strong economy."

Simpson Strong-Tie, Pleasanton,

Ca., supplied a variety of connectors for Montana's All-American Home. The family-owned, 56-year-old company is proud that its core product line-which includes structural connectors, prefabricated shear walls, and steel moment frames-is made in the U.S. at its plants in Stockton and Riverside, Ca., McKinney, Tx., and Columbus, Oh. SST also produces stainless steel bulk nails in the U.S., at its plant in Gallatin, Tn.

"There are many advantages to having production in the U.S.," says Jacinta Pister, senior v.p. of manufacturing. "First, it ensures availability of our products so they get to dealer locations and jobsites when they are needed. Second, it allows us to develop products for specif,rc markets and create innovative solutions that address customer needs. It makes good business sense and adds to our commitment to customer service."

6 z q) N G * s I o
TRUE SPEC nails manufactured bv Halsteel are identified with a combination of'color and number codes, for easy indentification. BuiHinghodudson SIMPSON STRONG-TIE is oroud that its core oroduct line is manufactured in the U.S. at its plants in California, Texas and Ohio.
lreflml2 r &rildinghoducbDipst r 9

Copper Naphthenate

The return of copper napthenate

[tHnNxs ro rHE efforts of Nisus

I. Corp.. Rockford. Tn., copper naphthenate is once again available as a wood preservative for pressure treated railroad ties, telephone poles, bridge timbers, and other industrial wood products.

"If the industry lost this product, it

would immediately increase the use of non-wood alternatives and have a long-term detrimental effect on our industry and the environment," says Dr. Jeff Lloyd, vice president of research and development at the 22year-old company.

"We really don't have a replace-

ment for copper naphthenate, " says president Kevin Kirkland. "It's one of the safest and most effective treatment solutions available for ground contact wood preservation."

Nisus' quest to save copper naphthenate began early last year, when Merichem Co., Houston, Tx., declined to re-register the chemical with the EPA and discontinued production of its CuNap-8. At the time, most plants and customers were expected to switch to pentachlorophenol-even though copper naphthenate is a general use preservative and pentachlorophenol is registered for restricted use.

Once Nisus decided that copper naphthenate would be a natural addition to its wood preservation division, Lloyd and Kirkland met with EPA officials who agreed to expedite Nisus' registration application, which was approved in August 2011.

"Normally, the registration process takes a minimum of six months. but in this case, the EPA got it done in just six weeks without lowering any standards," says Kirkland. "You always hear stories about inefficient government or government that gets in the way of business, but in our small corner of the world, EPA got it done!"

One month after receiving EPA approval , Nisus produced its first batch of copper naphthenate-with the brand name of QNap-in a leased facility located in Dalton, Ga. By the following month, construction had started on a new 10,000-sq. ft. production plant in Rockford, Tn., which is scheduled to begin operations this

10 r &rilding hodud D'q€st r Apdl 2012 Building-hoducb.cun
KEVIN KIRKLAND, president of Nisus Corp., inside the new 10,000-sq. ft. plant, which sits next to its existing 42,000-sq. ft. manufacturing facility in Rockford, Tn.


Wheeler Lumber's treated wood division uses copper naphtenate to service all its markets-cvcn fcncc posts and landscape timbers. Afier a 2003 fire destroyed its wood-treating facility in Whitewood, S.D., the company rebuilt and switched from three different chemicals to just one: CuNap-8 from Merichem.

"lt's a very clean product-no odor. not photo-toxic." says vice president Jeff Parrett. "It's the only nonrcstricted. oil-based preservative on the milrket. s() customers are getting the benefits of an oil-based treatment that helps lubricate the wood cells and prevent swelling and checking."

After Merichem stopped producing CuNap-8, Wheeler looked to Nisus. "We were very upsct that the product was going away," says Parrett. "We had just enough to fill orders until Nisus shipped ncw product, so we didn't have to return to other chemicals and possibly lose some of our customers."



NEW LOGO for copper naphthenate treatments supplied by Nisus Corp.

A number of other treaters have also signed with Nisus, including Boatright Companies, Montcvallo. Al.; Cahaba Timber. Brierfield, A1., and Mellott Wood Preservinc. Needmore. Pa.

Nisus offbrs the fbllowing copper naphthenate products to wood treaters: oil-based QNapl and QNapS and water-based QNap5W. It also offers a water-based, tintable formulation-QNaplW RTU-to sub-registrants who support the remedial, endcut, and retail markets. The company also encourages use of a dual-treatment process using copper naphthenate and borate, which is especially useful for railroad ties traditionally preserved with creosote.

"Copper naphlhenate is a great wood preservative that we have used for many years," says Elaina Jackson, Pacific Wood Preserving, Bakersfield, Ca. "Now that Nisus is producing and marketing copper naphthenate, their customers will receive a high quality product delivered professionally and personally."

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The other treated wood Dealer demand growing for surface treatments that inhibit mold

they pick through and expect the lumber to be free of mold and dirt. Their demands are tough to meet with normal lumber."

Anti-mold solutions have existed for several decades and, when applied properly, have shown that they can postpone the onset of mold and discoloration resulting from mold. Different conditions require different concentrations of mold inhibitor. These conditions include local climate, species of mold fungi present, application for the wood, construction techniques used, and length of time for which mold protection is desired.

"We have used anti-sapstain products for years," says Chris Swanson, v.p. of sales & marketing for Swanson Group, Glendale, Or. "Dealers and their customers want clean-looking wood. Last fall, our Glendale sawmill made the change to a different brand of coating, which allows our wood to yard longer without discoloring. Since then, we have seen a significant improvement in the appearance of our wood and less downfall in our inventory."

\Zou've PRoBABLY seeN advertisements for "the other |. white meat" or watched movies about "the other woman." Sawmills are facing greater demand from lumber dealers for "the other treated wood."

Some major building supply outlets, including a big box retailer, have grown tired of consumer reaction to mold on Iumber and are beginning to require material that has been surface-coated with mold-resistant sprays.

For decades, lumber dealers have bought and sold pressure treated wood. It is produced to resist damage from termite attack and fungal decay, and thus last longer in outdoor applications. Of more recent concem is wood sprayed with mold-inhibiting solutions to prevent, or at least delay, the appearance of mold. Moldy wood is hard to sell to consumers who expect clean lumber.

"Homeowners have taken a greater interest in the lumber in their homes," says Geoff Webb, business manager, specialty chemicals at Arch Wood Protection. "Not just for wall paneling and decking, but even for framing and sill plate. They want all of their wood to look good, even wood that will be hidden within walls. It used to be that homeowners and contractors might pick through lumber bins looking for wood that was straight and wane-free. Now

Neal Shunk, marketing manager for Weyerhaeuser, Federal Way, Wa., is proud of his company's leadership in the use of mold-resistant coatings for wood products and noted what the coatings can do for customers. "These solu-

DeVenzio, Arch Wood Protection
MOLD can cause darkened color or blotches that make wood hard to sell. When mills apply anti-mold surface treatment, lumber may remain clean-looking throughout the chain of commerce and even longer.
12 r BuildingPndudDiFsr I Milml2
MOST COMMONLY, anti-mold solutions are sprayed on softwood lumber, although they may be applied by dipping lumber bundles into tanks of mold inhibitor.

tions significantly reduce the occurrence of mold throughout the supply chain. especially when paired with good inventory practices in the yard and on the job site."

Prior to 2001{. mold was a pressing issue and fear of mold liability caused anxiety amon-g dealers and contractclrs. Concern over mold seemed to subside with the collapse of ner.l, home con\tructi()n. The issue is rising trgain. however, and dealers are taking steps to avoid rnoldy wood.

For wood prcssure-treateil with preservative. a dcalcr can rely on the standards of the American Wood Protcction Association or the requirements of building codes when specifying the product. However, for surface treatments, there is no established organization setting standards for proper coating and there are not thirdparty inspeetion agencies to Inonit()r application. The requirements are determined by the desires and preferences of individual buyers. The mills are expected to providc material that meets those requirements.

Once a dealer has specified the

Buyers' preferences only

Depends on chemical, concentration, application, exposure

Framing, interior lumber

Pressure impregnation at wood Spray coating at sawmill or preservation facrlity component manufacturing site

degrce of protection wanted fbr particular circumstances. a mill can work with l chemie ul supplicr in crcating a treatment adequate to meet thc specifications.

Since no standards or monitoring services exist, a dealer must rely on choosing lumber fiom reputable mills using brand-name products that can bc trusted. Respected con'rpanies have a reputation to protect and are more likely to provide products and services that will meet consistently the needs of the dealer.

Incidentally. anti-mold treatments do not increase chemical risks to lumberyard workers or homeowners living

Exacting Standards

. Produced exclusively

in houses with trcated framing. MSDSs fbr wood sprayed with molcl inhibitor are typically the same as MSDSs for untreated wood; the chemicals do not raise hazards.

For deirlers who sometimes cxperience mold problems, it is worth considering the other treated wood.

- Huck is munager of nturketing contntunications at Arclt Wood Protettiott, I rtr'., rnrutttfacturer of tvood treutirtg chemicnls, including AntiBlu ,surface protection prodLtcts, arul licensor of the Wolntani:.etl brantl of preserved wrxtd. He cluims he resentbles some picked-over Itrmbcr-straig,ht but ttot aln'uys clean. Reach hirn at

.iiii, i,: i"rl i: t I r ii | | * :l! ; I I i.- li1 r': I :l {..,,, | ) turj i i t'j r .-,.
g! ff*{Jr# *rl*f{ Target Termites, fungaldecay Primary Effect I Greater durability Cleaner appearance
Standards Longevity Main Uses Application Method AWPA, building codes
Very long term--decades
I : plate
Decks, exterior projects, sill
for the professional installer Dont Settle For Less Tubafor 1OOYa, Coastal . Demand Western Red Cedar fencingr No lrnitations No Inland, No Incense,less callbacks, more No lrnpciit cedar profit :a, .-:r 'I'a=.
Building-Product com NflmlP r Building Producb Digesil r 13
blue stain from mold

Panelized roof systems make sense for commercial buildings

fllHene IS HoPE on the horizon for I low-rise commercial construction. McGraw-Hill Construction forecasts an average 8% growth for commercial building this year, with warehouses and hotels seeing the largest percentage increases. This is good news for building material dealers who position themselves to provide materials for panelized wood roof systems.

Cost-effective materials, faster installation, and improved worker safety make panelized wood roof systems a good choice for commercial building projects, particularly lowslope roof structures such as warehouses. Panelizing, the process of assembling wood or hybrid roof sections on the ground and then lifting them into place, allows contractors to

reduce labor and material costs.

Typical savings in markets along the West Coast-where panelized roofs are most popular-range from $1.25 to $1.50 per sq. ft. over conventional steel joist metal deck systems. While low-slope panelized wood roof systems are certainly appropriate for eastern markets, design and construction professionals there tend to be less familiar with their benefits. However, with conservative estimated savings of 25Q to 5O(, per sq. ft. over conventional steel roof systems, the opportunity for growth in this market exists.

Panelized Basics

There are two basic types of panelized wood roof systems. An all-wood system consists of glued laminated beam girders with wood purlins (glulam, I-joists or open web wood trusses), wood sub-purlins, and a wood structural panel deck. Commonly seen in buildings with spans of less than 40 ft., the all-wood system is particularly well suited for applications where conveyor equipment is hung from the roof structure or in food-processing facilities that need to minimize dust from overhead joists.

The hybrid system uses steel purlin and girder trusses together with wood sub-purlins and a wood structural panel deck. The long span capability of steel framing makes this system particularly economical when spans range from 32 to 60 ft., but much larger spans can be accommodated. Wood decking allows better economy, both in terms of material and installation cost. This is usually the system of choice for large warehouse and industrial structures requiring long spans.

MARGIN Builders
ALL WOOD PANELIZED R00F on a 41,000-sq. ft. shopping center in Honolulu, Hi., was the most cost-effective choice.
14 r BuiHiryProducbDigest r ,|fniilmn Building:Prcdudsom
Photo bv Michael O'Hara

While market share fluctuates with commodity steel and wood prices, about 707o of new low-slope, commercial roof projects in California are currently built with hybrid systems, l}Vo are all-wood, and the remaining 2OVo are built using all steel.

Assembly & Installation

Much of the assembly is completed on the ground, which improves safety and speeds construction. In one method, the crew nails the wood structural sheathing to the sub-purlins, sometimes called stiffeners, which are typically spaced 24 inches on center. Using a fabrication table or jig, crews then fasten the panel/sub-purlin assembly to the purlins with joist hangers. In the other method, workers attach the sub-purlins to the purlin and then nail the sheathing into place over the top. The roof erector then lifts the pre-fabricated panel into place and connects it to the joists and girders to form the roof structure.

A typical 50 ft. panel takes just five to 10 minutes to assemble on the ground. Panels are then lifted into place by forklifts and reach machines. Two or three people work on the roof deck to land the panels, weld them into place (for hybrid systems), and then nail them, strategically working their way across the structure. An accomplished roof erector with one crew can erect more than 100O00 sq. ft. of roof per week.

CoshEffective Materials, Cost-Effective Roof

Designers have a great deal of flexibility in choosing components. Wood structural panels can be OSB or plywood, in 4x8 or 4xl0 sheets, even 8x8 jumbo panels. Framers attach these panels to 2x4,2x6,3x4, or 3x6 wood sub-purlins.

Common purlins for an all-wood system include I-joists and open-web trusses. or 2" glulam in some cases. Hybrid systems use K-Series openweb steel joists for short-span steel purlins (less than 48 ft.) and LH-Series long-span steel purlins for applications with spans greater than 48 ft. G-Series steel girders can span up to 120 ft., but are more commonly used for 50-to 60ft. spacing.

With cost savings of up to $1.50 per sq. ft., contractors, developers and owners are increasingly turning to panelized wood roof systems. A typical hybrid panelized system in California for a large project under

normal loading runs about $3.25 per sq. ft.

If insulation is needed, inexpensive batt insulation can be installed below the deck of a panelized wood roof system, saving 50@ to 75Q per sq. ft. over the cost of rigid insulation. Rigid insulation may be required in regions with cold exterior temperature or in applications with high indoor humidity.

OSB radiant barrier panels offer another option. They cost about 50 to lOp per sq. ft. more than regular OSB, but their reflective backing blocks up to 9l7o of radiant heat and offers an advantage in cooling costs.

Market opportunity for building materials dealers is promising. A 1.8million-sq. ft. distribution center for Skechers in Moreno Valley, Ca., used an enormous amount of materials: more than 53,750 sheets of OSB, 45 miles of steel trusses and girders (240 truckloads), 1.63 million bd. ft. of

lumber (20 rail car loads), and 14 million nails (four truckloads). Up the coast, a distribution center for Subaru in Portland, Or., used nearly 420000 sq. ft. of OSB. Both projects were built in 201l

The commercial building industry is finally beginning to show positive momentum. As demand for low-rise commercial structures grows, market potential for LBM dealers will also grow. Panelized wood roof systems offer numerous benefits to your customers. By familiarizing yourself with the advantages of panelized wood roof construction, you can take full advantage of the opportunities.

- Lisa Podesto, PE, is senior technical director-building systems for WoodWorks (www.woodworks.or g), a nonprofit providing free project support, education and resources for non-residential and multifamily wood design. For answers or technical support, email lisa@
45 miles of steel trusses and girders. Photo by J.D. Herron
Nflmlz r &rildinghodudsD(pst r 15
HYBRID PANELIZED R00F SYSTEM was ideal for this large, 1.8 million sq. ft. distribution center in Moreno Valley, Ca., which used more than 53,750 sheets of 0SB, 1.63 million bd. ft. of lumber, and

Gross laminated timber backs huge condo install

\loHurc' Err;rrrrnnlr Woclu

I \ rcccntlv sLrpplied its Nolclic XLanr cross Ianrinatcd tirnbcrs to crcate reportcclly the first condominiunrs in North Anrcrica con\tfLrctcd cntilclr of the nrassivc panels.

A crcu of five riurking l0 hours a da1' rcquirccl just 22 clavs to crcct tltc lour-st()t\ lJ-rrnit \tIuctt.t r'!. in Chibougunrau. P.Q.,'\ccordins to Nordic's Nicolas Anulcys. that's roLrghly' tu'icc thc spcctl ot'traclitional \'r )rl( t'etc rrtttl slccl c()n\l lll\'l i()n.

"The wintcr. conditions in nolthcrrr QLrcbcc cncounrsed the builclcr to usc nlrssilc 'ur oocl panels to fcduce construction tinrc ancl climinirtc the neecl to hcat the strlrcturc dr:r'ing cre-ction."

{-rli!i5 I enrina{r:et -l irrrhr.'r T :T Laljit,: l,lirlt.r: ru:_' t'l' T f !pri I { I r t I I Int ,Il i!: ITI i[tr i!! ill I I T T I ri \\'as
16 I Building Products Digest I April 2012 Building- Products. com
USING mass ve CLT oanels, rnstallers were ab e to erect a fo"r-story. 32.400-sq. rt. condo complex in just over three weeks-a necess,ty in the harsh winter of northern Quebec


Each member of Great Southern Wood's family of quality building products has a job to do - and each one does it well. Folks count on our wide range of products when building their homes, decks, fences and more. So, if you want to build it to last, keep it in the family.



YellaWood@ Brand Pressure Treated Pine

The treated product consumers ask for by name. They know that for the best protection against rot, fungal decay and termite aftack all they need to look for is the little "yella tag."

MasterDeck" Brand Pressure Treated Pine

MasterDecKis the ultimate decking material. Hand-selected from #1 & BTR or C & BTR grade lumber, these 2xG boards are available in a variety of profiles and options including water repellent and KDAT.

N-Durz@ Brand Borate Treated Lumber

The brand of choice for pressure treated protection in ftaming applications. This borate treated' "'l,:',ii ft Jf;[n5:;:

RainWood@Brand Pressure Treated Pine

Protects against fungal decay and termite attack, with the added protection of a buift-in water repellent.

KDAT Products

Dried under controlled circumstances, our kiln dried lumber products are manufactured to minimize shrinking, cupping and warping.

FlameFreez@ Brand Fire Retardant Lumber

When exposed to flame, FlameFreez@ brand products form a "char barrie/'to insulate the wood and slow the fire's spread.


Engineered for structural integrity with a beautiful appeamnce, the best columns are easy to spot.


Willnu,eFREEz. Ibllalilood.
wooDPFesemflncr * Ibllalllood' coliiim,'

Gontractors change their buying habits

[ronrHE sEcoND vERn in a row, .l-' L.E.K. Consultins surveved more than 500 contractors across the U.S. While most are cautiously looking toward the future, they are changing how and where they shop in order to remain price-competitive.

"For the first time since the recession, contractors are planning for

growth," says Chris Kenney, an L.E.K. vice president and head of the international firm's North American basic industries practice. "There's an opportunity to capitalize on growth by promoting trusted brands, introducing product features that will command a premium, and reevaluating how to reach customers across traditional and

Contractor Responses to Price Pressure

online channels."

Other key findings for LBM dealers. distributors. and manufacturers include:

Pricing pressure continues despite market optimism. A third of respondents said they lost bids last year due to price-double the percentage in 2006. Contractors responded by looking for their preferred products at competitive prices.

Brand loyalty remains higher than channel loyalty. Contractors are loyal to trusted building product brands, not the channels through which they buy. Contractors are twice as likely to channel shop rather than trade down and purchase less expensive alternatives. This indicates that strong brands have significant pricing power and should examine distinct pricing strategies for different channels.

Loyalty to big boxes declines. When respondents were asked about their loyalty to sales channels, big boxes remained at the bottom for the second consecutive year. Contractors said that big boxes under-perform on the three most important channel selection criteria, other than price: delivery speed, stock on-hand for immediate purchase, and contractor services. Contractors' loyalty to twosteppers increased the most from 2010 to 2Oll.

It's time to re-focus on the pro channel. Manufacturers typically surrender significant profit margins in exchange for large sales volumes generated via big boxes. It might be better to sell new and premium products

INDUSTRY Trends Changing Pro Buying Habits
Purchasing same brands at less expensive retailers and distributors | 53o/o 48o/o Working on those fewer jobs which are priced more appropriately Taking lower margins on jobs Performing extra services on each job Purchasing less expensive brands Purchasing same brands but lower-grade products No response categorized as important 'l4o/o 160/o 20 40 60 80 Percent of Respondents Rating Response as lmportant I zott survey I 2ol2survey Soufce: L.E.K.l Contractor Behavior Suruey 45o/o 47o/o
lt t Bullding Produ<b Digied r Ap1il 20f2 &rilding.hodudsom

through pro channels, where profits are traditionally higher and differentiation of products is sustainable. For this strategy to work, manufacturers must have clear pricing strategies among channels and establish programs to support distribution partners.

Online purchasing continues to grow. Nearly 507o of contractors said they have used the Internet for price comparisons, and 40Vo expect to conduct more purchasing online during the next three years.

Social media affects purchasing. Along with the Internet, social media plays a growing role in contractors' decision-making processes and purchasing decisions. Almost a third of those surveyed said they are using social media more than they were a year ago to follow suppliers and brands, and 357o expect to be more active on social media this year.

Product selection criteria are changing. Energy efficient and sustainable products are becoming increasingly important factors in product selection. More than half of contractors indicated a willingness to pay a 107o or higher premium on both product types.

However, the importance of these two features varies significantly between residential and commercial contractors. Residential contractors are willing to pay a premium for energy-efficient products and consider it the second most important purchasing criterion behind price. But they are generally unwilling to pay more for sustainable products. In contrast, commercial contractor purchasing decisions are equally influenced by both energy efficiency and sustainability.

According to L.E.K., contractors will have more flexi-

ested for Strength a

bility to return to their preferred purchasing habits as the construction market slowly begins to expand. However, the firm believes that the winners in the industry five years from now will those that pursue new strategies now.

"Companies have an opporlunity right now to get ahead of the growth curve," said Robert Rourke, vice president and head of L.E.K.'s North American building and construction practice. "Their actions today will largely dictate tomorrow's winners."

,uf Dor{ '14 ./ ./, t'; Loyalty to Channel - Percent Price Premium Contractors are Willing to Pay to Shop at a Channel (2O11) p o o 5.0 4.5 4.0 l.) 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0
Big Box OneStepper Two-Stepper I zoro I zott
sour(e: L.E.K.'s Contractor Behavior Surury 3E) Building- April 2012 r Building hoducb D'rged r 19

Ninety years young

ago. Bob follows up with another guiding maxim: "From adversity comes opportunity," he says. Then goes on to prove it.

Adversity started growling in the late '70s, when the first big box-a Handy Andy-threatened to chew up the business that Bob's grandfather had nurtured. Originally a buggy and wagon maker in the Old Country, he came upon an opportunity to buy a building in Wicker Park-back then, a neighborhood where blue-collar workers parked their sedans at a tavern. Today, thanks-or not-to gentrification, those corner hangouts have become sushi bars and the Chevies have been replaced by BMWs-a transition we'll pick up on later (as did Bob).

Grandpa stocked the place with hardware and the merchandise of a general store, then installed his wife and three kids in the rear. Long before his demise in the late '70s, he'd added lumber, recalls Bob, who grew up in the neighborhood and supplemented his school days with stints filling shelves, loading trucks, and gleaning from gramps, his wisest mentor. "Even in his late 90s, we had to chase him out at night. I leamed the business little by little," Bob recalls. "I knew it was my future."

But along came Handy Andy. "Nearby 9OVo of our business was walk-in-small contractors and d-i-yers-and they weren't walking in anymore. I knew we had to change. So I started making cold calls on the other 107o of our business-the commercial accounts: the in-house shops of institutions, factories and hotels. I changed our inventory and stated stocking the materials they needed. They didn't like the grade of wood the yard carried, so I upgraded, and I added hardware and plumbing. Now we were a one-stop shop, and," outsmarting adversity, "our business flipped to 9O7o commercial.

"When we were losing to the home centers, I was still calling on a few small factories, so I decided, 'Let's see who else?"'Bob soon picked up accounts at the likes of Morton Salt and Oscar Meyer, among others.

"I found a hunger for the type of service I was promoting. Here I was, trying to get guys to spend their company's money! They valued service over price, which was just the opposite of the d-i-yers down the block. So with good service and material, price wasn't so important to the contractors I was dealing with. I didn't have to make bids; instead, I developed relationships, had fun! I went after niche markets, such as the entertainment industry, which began using our Styrofoam insulation for making scenery. It helped us weather a lot of situations."

Adaptability again.

fr's rr-l ABour adaptability. That's the mantra of Bob IMargolin, whose grandfather launched L. Miller & Son Lumber Co. in a dense Chicago neighborhood 90 years
20 r Bullding hoducb Diged r Apdt2Ol2
Hf P CHECK: President Tracy Merchant (left) has helped to invigorate Bob Margolin's 90-year-old Chicago yard, L. Miller & Son Lumber.

"I went after lO}Vo of their orders; I never said no. I just figured out ways to be of service. I'd say, 'Just give me your order and go back to work.' Plus, we offered free, same-day delivery. It was a unique concept then, and it enabled us to develop relationships that have continued 25, 30 years. Now their sons come in.

"Our market is based on repeat business. We don't have to bid for an order; we're allowed an honest mark-up, and they don't kill you over price. You spoil your customerswhich you should," Bob instructs. "Once they place an order with us, there was no going backward after they'd experienced timely delivery, courtesy, and dry wood.

"It's all about service," Bob underscores his message, adding, "Basically, I'm an expeditor-a glorified go-fer. When I started calling on prospects, I'd say, 'I know you buy from ABC. Do they meet all your needs?' I'd take away the hardest items"-the thankless stuff-"and pretty soon, picked up the rest. Business grew by word of mouth, no advertising."

Adaptability showed up another day 10 years ago in the unlikely disguise of one Tracy Merchant. The classy young lady operated her own construction business, for which she utilized her talents as an interior decorator for developers of upscale condos. She walked into Miller looking for special moulding and walked out with a job offer.

After her "You've got to be kidding!" reaction, the idea of making good money by working part-time on commission sounded intriguing. Bob, in turn, was impressed by the 20-something-year-old's "strong sense of self. She was smart, pretty, well-educated, well-traveled, and was doing little contracting jobs for friends." (It didn't hurt that Bob himself had a young daughter with her future ahead of her.)

And, talk about adaptable: "Tracy would call on clients with her Gucci purse and then change into jeans to do measurements. And they'd tell her, 'You're the only one I've gone to who really understands what I'm looking for.' She was received very well: good rapport with customers and driven by a good business model."

Tracy worked part-time from 2002 to 2OO7 , taking off, oh, about 15 minutes in 2006 to have a baby. A week after her Cesarean section, with her infant son in a carrier, she

was back on the job-greeted by her customers not with congratulations, but rather, "Where's my doors?"

"I'm probably the first one in lumberyard history to be sitting at a desk, nursing her baby under a Pashmina shawl," laughs the company's president.

That's right: Tracy now holds that prestigious title. She oversees accounting and manages cash flow for the company as a fourth-generation "family" member, says Bob with evident enjoyment. "We finish each other's sentences and eat Thanksgiving dinner together," he declares.

Tracy oversees the operation of three trucks, three drivers, and three outside sales reps, who also serve the showroom that serves as an extension of their contractors' businesses. All three reps are women, and that's no accident. "We've had bad luck with guys," Bob claims-plus, as he's observed, "Times have changed over the past 10 years," crumbling the walls of the Good Old Boys fortress. "Nowadays, many vendors' reps are female, too," he notes.

Fine with Tracy. "I've always been interested in buildings and interiors, and I call on some pretty unique accounts," including the Playboy and Broadway in Chicago entertainment operations. Despite the current downturn, "There's still some building going on in Wicker Park-custom homes and remodeling," says Tracy.

In fact, Bob adds, "There's more business than we can handle," acknowledging that the operation is undercapitalized. "We're operating as if there were a governor on our car," he regrets. To overcome that, "We're looking for a partner.

"Chicago is losing its independent dealers," he mourns. "There are only four left. Several closed down within the past six months, so we need to get out and pick up their business. Why not? There'll always be a place for us-thinss we do better than the boxesl"

Cedar Creek Engineered Wood Products for America complete line of: I-Joists - LVL - Glulam Beams - LSL Open web trimmable end floor truss - EWP connectors LoursrA,NA Pectrtc ANTTqENY FOrrgSr PNc:DUtrTEi SIvPSclN SiTRc:Nci.TIE Tulsa Little Rock Dallas Oklahoma Ci(v Statesville 8AA-222-1414 Monroe 800-256-4165 r-2611 800-299-9870 866-760-5344 866-323-5117 800-375-602s Nashville San Antonio Houston Birmingham Harlingen Springfield 800-372-3887 800-284-0488 800-580-8662 866-,181-4036 800-580-671 I 800-375-7891 &riHiqrRodudrom Mf 2012 r &rilding Produtb Digest t 2l

What kind of relationship?

II/Her e rp,nxl Almost everyY Y where I go, people warn me about John (or Susan or...). "Yeah he sells a lot, but what a jerk! He's always blah, blah, blah about an order he got that shipped late or. "

What I find is John is the guy who holds the whole company to a higher standard than anyone else in the organization. If invoicing is not done correctly or efficiently, John gets on invoicing. If the truck ships one day late, John is on the shipping department. "Why can't we ship one day early?" John asks incessantly. If John thinks you should get on the phone and quit complaining, he says so. If John thinks management is making a(nother) mistake, he marches into the big man's office and tells him.

If John is such a bad guy, why do his customers love him?

I do field work with salespeople. We will drive by a place of business, they will say, "We don't want to go in there, that guy's a jerk." "Pull over!" I say. When we meet the customer, he is usually no-nonsense and has a very clear idea of what he wants. And he runs a company that is doing great business. Who is selling these guys anyway? The Johns and Susans of the world, that's who. Definitions are funny, huh?

Only the top lOVo are demanding excellence. They do stand out. Dealing with them is exacting, which can be demanding, but in the end they are just asking that it-the sale, the shipment, the invoice, the product, the commitment-be done the way it is supposed to be done, more if possible. The top llVo prefers an edge, but never less! Remember, the top l07o stands out on the sales side, too. Game recognizes game.

Poor Relationship Strategy

Sellers who underachieve have the following strategy:

"I will be as nice as possible, so my customers will like me best, and then they will buy from me." These sellers insult their customers, their competition, and themselves, and suffer for it.

Who marries the yes-man or yes-woman? No one (except my wife). Why? Because "I don't know, whatever you want to do" is boring. Standing up for ourselves (being disagreeable) is part of being likeable, for crying out loud! We must understand the difference between likeable and agreeable. Everyone likes someone with spunk.

Master sellers hold themselves to the standard of being direct-asking for the business in everything they say and

do, being assumptive ("Mr. customer, we are going to do business together") with every customer, on every call, and doing it in a nice way.

It does take skill to negotiate, haggle, cajole and demand things from customers in a way that leaves the relationship intact. That is the master seller skill set.

Contrary to what struggling sellers have convinced themselves, we can be nice, ask for, and get what we want.

Early Relationship Moment

How master sellers and struggling sellers handle obfuscation from customers determines their relationship fate with all customers, for life.


Us: "How much of that product do you use per month?'

Customer: "A fair amount."

The master seller repeats the question, while the struggling seller lets it go. (See underachievement strategy).

The master seller sends the message "When I ask a question, I expect an answer." The delivery of the message can be subtle:

Us: "Well... (Silence, pondering) I know you can't tell me exactly, but... (respectful waiting) could you give me a ball-park idea?"

This kind of response, delivered in a nice way, with a smile, conveys that we are a serious person. Customers will respect us,like us, and will not side-step us at closing.

When we let customers wriggle away from any of our questions, we become accomplices in our own demise. We impair closing and the relationship in general.

We are in charge of the kinds of # relationships we build with customers. We must be conscious of t the little things we do every day on every call that build the kind of relationships that work for us.

(Note to John and Susan: try some salesmanship on the inside also. It works.)

By fames Olsen
22 r Building Pnducb Dlest r Apdl 2or2
\t I Building,hodudsom

When you build with EcoliferM Stabilized WeatherResistant Wood, you'll experience more satisfied customers and fewer callbacks. That means you can reel in more time to fish for more business or spend a day at the lake, And what better way to take back your weekends than winning a2012 Trackero Pro TeamrM 175 TF boat, motor, and trailer? Just enter your Viance Ecolife (EL2) Decks into the "Fish-More Deck Challenge",


Use Ecolife Stabilized Weather-Resistant Wood for your deck prolects, and build great-looking decks!

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i, 1.ii ',, $ i' .,' f i,$ i ', '$ , li' ':''1 :li,.: ',, i Wffi .-:ff; ryffi$ !tm [!$Tffi ,\' ffi,i retll En[ffi$ ** pf,(f(** C$.{ALLENGg
t&t\In Y$['!R$rLF A TRAGKUfi"BA$S NOAT ffiTH&[LEH! TRACKER" PRO TEAM" 175TF APPROXlMATE RTTAIL UALUE OF S I 5.OOO 1 2 3..TON 1 BUILIIER/H(IME(IIilI'IEB TEAM ERA]{[) PBIZE: finfiil[ Pg! BUTLDEB ulrNs 20r2 TRAcKEB@ pno TEAM'' r?sTF H0MEoWNER WltiS s2500 E ..'NNO Sl()()(} EVERY M()NTH 11Tlfin tryli TEri sb00 BUTLoER l,tottTHlv pntzEs At{o TEI{ SSO() H()MEOI|II{ER OIY M(]NTHLY PRIZES
ffiqffi Stabrlized Vleather Resistant Waod

Green bricks & blocks

clay brick.

Fly ash bricks are an innovation that could very well capture the imagination of architects, specifiers and builders, and begin to gain significant market share at the expense of traditional red bricks. They fit well with mainstream attitudes and represent a safe way forward.

For some dealers, there are niche opportunities to push the envelope a little further. Recycled paper offers one of the more unusual building materials currently testing the boundaries of what's possible. A new company in Texas, MasonGreenStar (, is testing the market with GreenStar Blox, bricks made from recycled paper, cement, and proprietary additives. The bricks weigh only about a third of comparably sized adobe or compressed earth blocks (CEB). This technology is not ready for prime time just yet, but it may represent an important alternative building material in the future.

f)unnnrlny IS oNE of those green building attributes that I-ldoesn't get enough attention. Things that last a long time don't need to be replaced as often, which saves money, material, and energy. Durable items that are reusable and recyclable are even better. And ones made from abundant, recycled, or easily renewable material right from the get-go are, theoretically, the best.

So, why doesn't the ubiquitous and overlooked "brick" get more attention from green pundits and sustainability gurus? It's durable, reusable and made from abundant materials: clay and slate. Where red bricks fall down is high carbon footprint. Bricks require high-temperature kilns, which consume lots of energy, and that's a deal killer for most green architects.

But there's more than one way to make a brick. Innovations in recent years, as well as shifting attitudes about older brick-making technologies, are combining to make the category much more interesting. Are we close to a renaissance in building with brick? Who knows? But for building materials dealers looking to refresh an ancient category, there are innovative new solutions worth evaluating.

Let's start with the basic red brick. Red brick has a specific aesthetic that may represent an important aspect of a region's building vernacular, or may simply be appealing to individual customers. If it has to be red brick, there is a green alternative. Bricks made with fly ash, such as those from CalStar Products (, can capture that same look and feel, but with a fraction of the carbon footprint. They're made with an industrial waste product, fly ash, and are steam cured rather than kiln fired, and at comparable price and performance to the traditional

ln a return to the past, natural building projects are often focused on using materials like adobe and CEB, which can be sourced on the building site. While many dealers are stuck in a "stock and ship" paradigm, on-site material sourcing and production presents a different kind opportunity for the enterprising green dealer.

Renting compressed earth brick-making equipment and hosting training courses could be business opportunities for dealers currently supporting natural builders, or those inspired to evangelize natural materials. Earth Tek ( is one manufacturer of brick presses and blenders worth a look.

But if you're interested in building your own, you can do that, too. Open Source Ecology (www.opensourceeco-, is developing open-source plans for what it calls the Global Village Construction Set, machines that could be built by almost anyone that would be necessary to deliver the industrial needs of a small town, including a CEB press. For some, this kind of brick making might provide new sources or revenue as durable as the bricks themselves.

GREEN Rekilin
24 I BuildinghodudsDigedr Nflml2

Best practices for lamily businesses

ll rfosr ARTTcLES eNl books written to LVladvise family businesses have focused on the various thorny problems and emotional entanglements that come from working with family members. Less focus has been placed on the unique business challenges that stem from the fact that most family businesses are relatively small and do not always have the best possible operating practices in place.

In fact, most of the operating practices a typical family business uses come from inherited wisdom, the school of hard knocks, and from textbook business principles that do not always take small business realities into account. Most of the challenges family business owners and managers face stem from the fact that ownership is highly concentrated,

and usually in the hands of the people who are running the business. These leaders tend to operate in relative isolation and do not often receive independent input.

However, if family business leaders could step back from the day-to-day of running the business and look behind the scenes, they would see problematic business areas that need to be addressed with a set of best practices. Family businesses that employ best practices are often the ones that survive and thrive.

Here are three best practices for problem areas unique to small family businesses.

1. Creating a debt management system. This important best practice relates to a family's attitude toward debt. Most accepted principles about debt come from the people who are trying to sell money, and they may not have the business's best interests in mind. These princinles focus mostly on securitization and not as ruih on ability to repay. But debt is one of the few things that can kill a business, and this fact needs to be acknowledged.

Bottom line: A system must be set in place to ensure debt is managed effectively.

2. Managing cash. In a small business, the manner in which cash is used is a potential lightning rod of conflict. That's because most financial reporting systems are not formatted to highlight what happens to cash in the course of operating the business. It is fairly common for family business owners to reach the end of the year and have substantial earnings but no cash, having lost track of the cumula-

tive effect of decisions made about cash throughout the year.

Also, some owners are insufficiently educated on the differences between expenses, cash outlays, accruals, balance sheet changes, capital expenditures, principal payments, and other aspects of accounting.

Bottom line: Famlly business leaders should place a high priority on cash management and ensure a positive cash flow after all obligations are met. They should take any larger-than-usual distributions out of the company after all the cash needs of the business and tax obligations have been satisfied. No one should ever borrow money to pay distributions to family members.

3. Long-term planning. Having a smart business plan provides great benefit to the family in terms of communicating direction and establishing expectations. It is also good for the business to align resources and provide a foundation for delegating authority and responsibility. The business plan does not have to be as elaborate as one might find in larger enterprises. It should spell out long- and short-term strategy. It should contain a multiyear financial forecast, including a balance sheet, a profit-and-loss statement, a capital-expenditure plan, and a cash-flow forecast.

If possible, the financial forecast should break down the overall business into its various lines and establish a netbefore-tax number for each. This puts a spotlight on aspects ofthe business that are doing well vs. those that are not.

Bottom line: Once developed, the plan should be communicated to everyone and reviewed monthly. It should clearly answer: Where are we going? What's expected of me? How does my contribution fit into the overall strategy?

As noted earlier, most family business owners operate in relative isolation and employ practices that are often based upon information that may be irrelevant. Adapting these operating practices into best practices will contribute significantly to a business's long-term business success.

By fames Olan Hutcheson
Reprinted with
of ReGeneration Partners. No portion of this article may be reproducetl witfuut its permission. &rilding-hoductscom
- James Olan Hutcheson is managing partner and founder of ReGeneration Partners, a family business consulting firm headquartered in Dallas, Tx. He can be reached at (800) 406-l I I2 or www
.re B e ner at ion- par tne rs.c om.
26 t Buildmo hlducDiged r Apdt2ol2

Homeowners like wood, qnd no lumber motches lhe ^ feotures of Wolmonized@ wood.

The Wolmonized residentiql brqnds ore bocked by the respected Good Housekeeping Seol ond its lwo-yeor consumer promise.

Furthermore, they hove been listed os o Green Approved product by fhe NAHB Reseorch Center ond con contribute points towqrds q home's Nofionql Green Building Certificotion.

The widely known Wolmqnized nome hqs signified effectively preserved wood for mqny decodes. The brond hos led the industry on both technologicol ond mqrketing fronts.

Tqlk to q licensed Wolmonized@ wood producer for more informqlion on Wolmqnized@ wood.

Goldsboro Builders Supply, Gotdsboro, N.C., has purchased the assets ot Moreheail Builders Supply, Morehead City, N.C. Established in1947, Morehead becomes Goldsboro's Sth location.

^.VNS_ Qg"rp.,-Vidatia, Ga., is opening its 7th Choo Choo BuildJt Mart in Jacksonvitte, Ft., ind is reopening its Richmond Hill, Ga., lumberyard as a roofing DC.

Pugh Hardware, Grand Saline, Tx., has been acquired from Matt Pugh by Matt Means, owner of Grand Saline Lumber, Grind datine.

Means has renamed the hardware store Means Home Center and is expanding and remodeling it to accommodate lumber and building materials.

Central Network Retail Group now operates 35 locations in six Southeastern states after acquiring 8-unit Town & Country Hardware, ChapetHiil, N.C.

ln addition, Town & Country president Craig Ward has joined the CNRG board of directors.

ProBuild held a March 14 grand opening at its new 35,000-sq. ft. lumberyard in Morgantown, W.V. (Brian Massie, generalmgr.).

Marvin's Building Materials & Home Centers opened store #28 in late February in Fayetteville, Tn.-its first in the state.

Hawkeye Lumber Co., Oskatoosa, ta., has sotd its property and is liquidating after 111 years.

President John W. Porter attributed the decision to his age-62-and the recent loss of his son, Charles, to cancer.

Builders FirstSource has added a 40,000-sq. ft. DC on 8.2 acres in Jarrell, Tx., to serve the Austin market.

Eldredge Lumber & Hardware, york, Me., suffered $60,000 in damage March 1B when a paint-mixing machine caught fire.

Nickerson Sells Cape Cod Chain

Jan Nickerson has agreed to sell century-old Nickerson Lumber, which operates seven Mid-Cape Home Centers throughout Massachusetts, to entrepreneur Jeff Plank.

Established by Nickerson's grandfather in 1895, the business includes home centers in Wellfleet, Orleans, South Dennis, Martha's Vineyard, and Middleboro; design showrooms in Hyannis and Plymouth, and a distribution facility in South Yarmouth.

He said he was the last Nickerson in a line of succession, and he considered selling the business to be the most effective way to continuing providing jobs to his employees and service to the Cape Cod community.

"When you represent the third generation, and there is no heir, it is important to plan for succession," Nickerson said. "As I told the employees and managers, it would have been easier not to plan, but then my estate would have liquidated the business and sold the assets. This alternative was unconscionable for me, because the employees would have been displaced and that would have a devastating effect on Cape Cod. This option was the best for the continuity of the business, the health and welfare of the employees, and for me, personally."

The deal was set to close March 28.

Tornado Downs Indiana Yards

Two lumber companies in New Pekin, In., are struggling to recover after a deadly tornado tore through the town March 2.

Worley Lumber Co. owner Rick Lanham has vowed to reopen once he can rebuild his shattered structures and repair his damaged equipment.

"I think I've got enough insurance," Lanham said.

The damage was even more severe at nearby Saroyan Hardwoods, which has been forced to lay off 17 of its 20 workers. It will take six months to restore its warehouses and dry kilns, and perhaps a year before operations retum to normal.

In the town of 800, the tornado killed five residentsWorley Lumber employee Joseph Babcock, his girlfriend, and their three children-and damased more than 200 homes.

28 I BuiHing Prcduds Diged r Apfl 20f2 &tildlng-Produdsorn

Cedar Creek, Oklahoma City, Ok. has reiocated its Milan, Tn., DC to a new facility in Smyrna, Tn.

Miller Hardwoods, Milroy ln., suffered heavy damage from a March 4 fire of undetermined origin.

Sunbelt Forest Products Bartow, Fl., is now producing privatelabel Sunrise Decking line, #1 premium grade, radius edged 2x6 products treated with Viance's Ecolife non-metallic wood preservative/stabil izer.

Roseburg's composite panel plants, including Taylorville, Ms., and Simsboro, La., obtained Eco-Certified Composite certification from the Composite Panels Association.

Forest Products Supply Co, Kansas City Mo is now distributing Rosboro glulams, including the Rosboro X-Beam, Treated Glulam, and Custom Glulam.

Northern Crossarm, chippewa Falls, Wi is converting its coating operations to Eco Building Products' Eco Blue Shield technology.

Koppers Holdings will shutter its pole treating plant in Grenada, Ms., by July 31.

Gaiennie Lumber, opelousas, La,, now distributes AzEK products in Ar. La.. Ms.. and Tn.

American Lumber watden, N.Y. is distributing Terminal Forest Products' new Cascadra select knotty western red cedar decking.

Chicago Suburban, Forest Park, ll., is now distributing Pin Foundations' Diamond Pier.

Dairyman's Supply Co.'s DCs in Mayfield, Ky, and Gadsden, Al , will continue distributing all other Georgia-Pacific engineered wood products, following the dissolution of GP's Broadspan EWP line.

Holden Humphrey Co.. Easthampton, Ma.. now stocks IKO roofing

Rugby Architectural Buildinq Products' Atlanta, Ga., DC is noi, dirtribrtino AkzoNobel's Chemcraft wood coatings.

It's elegant. It's affordable. And it's energy smart. It's also an easy-install post cap that transforms into a mood light with the flip of a switch. All around, it's a great addition to Terratec's solar post cap line.The Zapper comes with a solar rechargeable battery, two blue LED bug bulbs and one white LED mood bulb. For a brochure featuring our full line ofpost caps, including our new solar stair and fence lights, visit us at

build an outside worth living in

Apdf 2012 r Building Producb Digest t 29
manufactured by lt McFarland Coscode"

Bart Swan, ex-Simpson Strong Tie, has joined Team MAX at PrimeSource Building Products, Aberdeen, Md.

Robert Prewitt is now an account mgr. at Dixie Plywood & Lumber, Garland, Tx.

Curt Stevens has been appointed c.e.o. of Louisiana-Pacific Corp., Nashville, Tn., effective May 4. He succeeds Rick Frost, who is retiring after seven years as c.e.o.

Matt Rock, ex-Bluelinx, has been named commodities buyer/traderstructural panels for Great Southern Wood Preserving, Abbeville, Al.

Kevin Measel has been appointed senior v.p.-store operations for Lowe's West division, replacing Jim Frasso, who is retiring after 17 years with the company. Senior v.p. Brent Kirby now heads the North division.

Marley Freesemann has joined the outside sales team at Woodford Lumber & Home, Clear Lake,Ia.

Matthew Boldt has been named lumberyard mgr. at Steele's Ace Home Center. Lowville. N.Y.

D. Wayne Trousdale has been promoted to chief operating officer of Cedar Creek, Oklahoma City, Ok. He was also appointed to the board of directors, along with Clark Wiens and Dave Bond.

Don Phillips has been promoted to v.p.-operations for House-Hasson Hardware, supervising the wholesaler's Knoxville. Tn.. and Prichard. W.V.. warehouses.

Rick Brinton has been promoted to general mgr. for the fence, rail and decking business at CertainTeed Corp., Valley Forge, Pa.

Bob Simpson, ex-Engineered Wood Systems, has joined Bluelinx, as engineered products market mgr. for the Carolinas. Craig Denniston. ex-Norandex. is new to outside sales in the Kansas City, Mo., area.

Charlie Simmons, ex-Hycourt Supply, is new to inside sales at Apex Building Supply, East Syracuse, N.Y.

Bill Campoll, ex-Coastal Lumber, was named chief financial officer at WT Hardwoods Group, Lebanon, Pa.

Vern Tigges, ex-5th Avenue Lumber, is now in outside sales at Carter Lumber, Plain City, Oh.

Kirk Mills, ex-84 Lumber, is now managing director at Compass Supply, Atlanta, Ga.

William Harris, ex-Fullerton-The Builder's Choice, has joined the outside sales team at Scherer Bros. Lumber Co., Hopkins, Mn.

R. Scott Pomeroy, ex-Brockway Smith, is new to inside sales at Reeb Millwork, Hadley, Ma.

Tim Damron, ex-Chelsea Lumber, has been named St. Louis, Mo., regional sales mgr. for Jeld-Wen.

Kaitlin Callahan has been promoted to sales at Kamco Supply, Syosset, N.Y.

Jesse Josselyn has joined the sales force at Botello Lumber, Mashpee, Ma.

Cory Rougeaux, ex-84 Lumber, is a new contractor sales rep at CBS Builders Supply, Clermont, Fl.

Ty Babb, ex-Pella, is new to window & door sales at Buck Lumber, Charleston, S.C.

Steve Stallard has joined ECi Software Solutions. Fort Worth. Tx., overseeing business development for the LBM market.

And No More: c letmites c Wood Decay - Rat c Powder Post Beetles o Carpenter Ants w w,& grH alt*U,bgrata. etM 3690 Orange Place Suite 495 Cleveland, OH 44122 USA Toll-Free 866-BORATES (866-267-2837) Fax 216-464-8619 Ounuw BORATE' BoraSol WP' 30 r Building Produds Digest r Aplml2 BniHinghodudsom
Plre**cf tllaod From ffi&K,,

Jim Cavanaugh, ex-ProBuild, was named president of Mill Creek Lumber & Supply Co., Tulsa, Ok. Steve Slater, ex-ProBuild, is now regional mgr. for Oklahoma City.

Josh Severson, ex-Lamperts, rejoined Fullerton-The Builder's Choice, Watertown, Mn., as assistant mgr.

Paul Morrisroe has been named senior v.p., chief financial officer, and secretary for Associated Materials, Cuyahoga Falls, Oh., replacing c.f.o. Stephen Graham.

Thomas Finucan has joined the sales team at Allied Building Products, Summerville, S.C.

Tim Ramsey has been promoted to plant mgr. at Osborne Wood Products, Toccoa, Ga.

Jeff Harper, ex-American Woodmark, is now continuous imProvement mgr. at HB&G Building Products, Troy, Al.

Gary Furst has been named v.P. of human resources, general counsel, and corporate assistant secretary of Do it Best Corp., Fort Wayne,In.

Matt Means, owner, Grand Saline, Tx., was named Man of the Year bY the local Chamber of Commerce.

Gary and Faye Wilson, owners of Wilson Lumber Co., Milton, Fl., recently celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary.

Kent C. Strait is visually grading boards at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., report Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.

Duralife Decking Revived

Former CorrectDeck executives have formed Integrity Composites LLC to acquire the Duralife composite decking line and Biddeford, Me., production facility from GAF Building Materials, Wayne, N.J.

GAF acquired the bankruPt Correct Building Products plant and other assets in 2009. but decided to discontinue them late last year.

Integrity will again manufacture decking, railing, porch and dock products at the 100000-sq. ft. plant.

"We are extemely pleased to be manufacturing and shipping stateof-the-art decking products to our customers and to have the oppodunity to work with key personnel, some of whom have been emPloYed at the facility since its inception," said general manager Jeff True. True had been c.o.o./v.p. of Correct. Integrity chairman Matt Bevin was president and chairman of Correct.

Two Coat Exterior Prime

0ur two-coat process starts with an atkyd sealer to block tannin migration, fotLowed by a high-performance acrytic primer. The resutt: RESERVE qual.ity, inside and out.

Superior Wood

Made of quatity, cLear, finger-jointed Western Red Cedar or Redwood, these products are naturatty designed for exterior use-both species are ideaI for enduring extreme weather.

Surfacing + Sizes + Lengths

RESERVE products come an a wide range of sizes, [engths and finishes. Whether the project catts for 51S2E or S4S, we offer [engths ranging from 16'to 20'. Pattern stock is atso avaitabte.

Lx4 - 1.x12


2x4 - 2x12

The Finest Stock, The Best Coating

Our Siskiyou Forest Products RESERVE line is specially manufactured and treated to create the highest quality product avai lable. Using state-of-the-art application and curing equipment, our premium Western Red Cedar and Redwood stock is made to last for many generations. We are proud to offer a beautiful, durable product that is ready for installation and final painting the moment it reaches the craftsmen'

S I s ruyOU - FORE ST' PRODUCTS www. s isk iyouforestprod 8OO.427.8253 6275 Hwy 273' Anderson, CA 96007 Aptil 2012 I &rildiuProducbDiged 131

Finnforest Renamed Metsd Wood

Finnforest, with U.S. operations based in port Huron, Mi., has been renamed Metsii Wood, as part of a global rebranding by its Finnish parent company to unify its divisions.

Parent Metsiiliitto Group is now Metsei Group. Its fiber division, Metsd-Botnia, becomes Metsii Fibre, and M-real Corp. is expected to be renamed Metsii Board Corp. The wood supply operations will be known as Metsdliitto Puunhankinta in Finland and as Metsd Forest elsewhere. Metsd Tissue remains unchanged.

"Our restructuring initiated in 2005 is now finalized and we are well positioned for the future. This is the right time to strengthen our operations as a unified group. Competitiveness requires closer collaboration and lower boundaries between businesses. It also requires sharing best practices and making use of them," said Metsii Group presidenUc.e.o. Kari Jordan.

The group's new logo depicts a moose head nobly carrying a forest in its antlers and the word Metsii. a Finnish word for forest.

Indiana Yard Chilled by Fire Bombs

Authorities are investigating homemade fire bombs that were discovered early March 7 at a Columbus,In., lumberyard that lost its main building to a suspicious blaze six years ago.

The undetonated "Molotov cocktails" were found in Brands Inc.'s fenced back yard, where it houses a fuel tank and stores its building materials.

3" to 48"

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ACE HARDWARE presented Vendor of the Year Awards durino its recent spring convenlion in Atlanta, Ga. Accepting lhe awards werip4 Greg Costello, First Alert; Terry McConnell, Cargiii; Brad Corbin, Varico; Lindsey Honick, Flanders; Chris East, Camco; Jbanne Fillius, procter & Gamble, and Bruce Fischer, Werner Ladders.
For the Best Quality and Service Call WEB SITE: A= phone 60L-264-2SS| 6#iIS**, ,l\ Eav An1)eA-LiLn \U,,,*,.,,,* kl"OS,.,R 32 r BuiHinghoducbDlesr. Nflmtz &riHing-hodndson


Werner True Value Lumber, Pine Grove, Pa., hopes to relocate to a nearby 16,000-sq. ft. facility in late 2012 or early 2013, then convert its current 7,500-sq. ft. building into a warehouse.

Kelly-Fradet Lumber, Enfield, Ct., avoided serious damage after 70 firefighters doused a Feb. 27 blaze inside its sawdust storage building.

lnvestigators are searching for the cause of an explosion inside the concrete structure.

Mid-Gape Home Centers is remodeling and adding a new entrance to its South Dennis, Ma., location. The project began Feb. 6 and will be complete in mid to late summer.

Westborough Paint & Decorating owner Doug Curving anticipates 6pening 8,30r5-sq. tt. Village Hardware & Supply Co., westborough, Ma., June 1 at the former site of Village Lumber, which closed a year ago.

Menards this spring is opening its first location in Kentucky-a 200,000+sq.-ft. unit in Owensboro.

A rebuilt True Value Hardw?IO, Sharon Township, Oh., opened March 1, 10 months after a devastating blaze.

HD Supolv ooened a White Cap Conbiriction Supply in Conroe, Tx.

Frattallone's Ace Hardware added a 23,000-sq. ft. unit in Burnsville. Mn.

H&S Ace Hardware, Edgewood, Ky., closed Feb. 10 after nearly 60 years.

Evans Ace Hardware, Medina, N.Y., received planning board approval to redevelop a nearby property into a 10,300-sq. ft. replacement store with 11,400-sq. ft. drive-thru lumber warehouse.

Habitat for Humanity reopened its ReStore discount LBM outlet in Sarasota, Fl., Feb. 17 after expanding the facility by 5,000 sq. ft.

Lyle Lee hos been building custom homes for over 20 yeors. Here is whot he hos to soy obouf Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products.

"When building a quolity home, il's importont for oll the froming moferiols to motch. ln other words come together os specified in fhe design plons. lf the froming is off by even o t/t of on inch, it con cosl me thousonds of dollors in time ond moteriols.

I find Roseburg's RFPI@-Joist ond Rigidlom@ LVL to be very consisfenl in width ond depth. When I use Roseburg's RFPI@-Joist, my floors ore more level, stifier ond truer, moking my iob much eosier. fhis home is 6,000sguore feetso I used lJoistond [V[ from severol different unils ond the monufocturing consistency wos exocfly lhe some. lf you wont to moximize your profit, I would recommend using Roseburgt Engineered Wood Products".

i.l ROS
[6t IFSCI l. lgsraJ ..&EHRG.w
L. Lee Buildi
ng Compony
800-245-r i l5
Mll7fllz I BuildingProdudsDig€st r 33
Engineered Wood Products I Reol Wood Siding I Softwood Plpvood I Lumber RFPlo, RigidLom!, RigidRimo ond Quolity Engineered Wood Producls for todoy's buildero ore regislered trodemorks of Roseburg Foresl Products, Roseburg, Oregon

SHORT & PAULK Supply Co , Tifton, Ga., opened its fourth retail location March 10 in Dawson, Ga., after a three-week remodel of the former Laing Hardware (see March. p.24).

According to manager Betsy Cosby Hodges, a grand opening celebration is set for May 4.

"Customers will see an updated interior featur-

SRS Combines Midwest Units

SRS Acquisition Corp. has consolidatcd its fivc Wilson Wholesalc and Ccnturv IlLrilding Ploducts bratrchcs in Illin<lis and Minncsota into a ncw division. Mid*'cst Roofin.l Supp11,.

Future Iocations opcned or acquircd in Illinois. Mir.rneapolis, Iowa and Wisconsin arc cxpcctcd to also use this nc',1' regional nanre.

ing a full-service hardware and building products center. We also have a full line lumberyard, along with a millwork showroom displaying a variety of windows. ooors. mourdings an0 hardware available fo. special order. saio Jay Short, president/c.e.o,

"The legacy opcrating nunres o1'our rarious rrnits havc and will continuc to bc lery inrportant to oLrr cornl)an\,'s success ancl growth" said SRS c.c.o. Ron Ross. "We havc workcd cliliecntly to glow thc vari<tlrs brands and to add to thcm with ncw locations. lt is vcrv irlportant. how,cr,cr. u,hcn uc have too rnanv blands c4rcratin-u uith, in thc sanrc or cor.rtiguons ntarkets. or

if thc brand rro longcr adcquatch, portrays oLrr operations. thlt wc tr nil'r, blanclinr:."

Bascd in McKinncv. Tr.. SRS operatcs 64 locations in 26 stltcs Lrnclcr the l4 dil'l'ercnt business niultcs.

Mills Find Chaplains a Blessing

As thc luntbcr inclustr'1'ancl or,cnrll ccononr\r cont inue to strugtlc t() rcbound. scvcr-al harclu'oocl cor.nlran ics have hilccl on-site chaplains to Ircllr guidc their crnplovccs ancl funrily nrenrbcrs through thc strcss.

Markctplace Chaplains. Dallls. Tx.. said contpanics f ind its serviccs arr exccllcnt lnanlgcntcltt resourcc itncl a benel'iciul tool to their bottont lincs. Nine lculs ago. RoyOMartin. Alexandria. I-a., "entbarkecl on ir vision to bc thc enrployer ol'choice in Ccntral Louisiana. ancl Markctplacc Cl'riiplains uas a huge part o1'that." said c.c.o. Jonuthan Maltin. "Peolrlc arc bluvn,n away when thev scc u,,c have a stlfl'cd chaplain's officc. ln cvc11, facility. the chaltlains intcract il ilh cvcry one of our 1 .200 cntplov ces on a lveekly busis. OLrr chapllins lrrrr e lrcld nuntcrous Prlr)cr sc:siorrs. u'ecldings and I'unerals."

Othcl contpanie s that have l.rilccl onsitc chaplains incluclc Flank Miller Lurrbcr. [Jnion City. In.: Ballic Lunrbcr. Harnburg. N.Y.. and Wcabcr' Inc.. Lebanon. Pa.

Martha Mathias. chairntan of Frank Miller Lumber. notccl that the chaplains werc particulallv helplirl when a crisis arosc.

"Havirtr: tr third plrrll ir) ()ur')pititual cxccuti.n'e r'.p. has becn a godsend in kccping us as a tarnill' enterprise that is well respected in cvcry comn'runity we operatc in." Martin saicl.

China Top Softwood lmporter

Dcspitc a rnilcl slowdown in thc lirurth qLrarter. total softwood itnports to China hit a lccolcl high in 20 I I nraking the country thc world's largcst irrrporter ol logs iind lurnber. rcp()rts Wottd RcsottrL'e QuurltrIt.

Sol-twood imports to China havc risen continuously over tl.rc past l-5 )'cars. Total intport valuc approachcd $ll billion last ycar-a 57% increasc fronr 20 10. Annual growth has bccn alrnost 307 over the past fivc vclrs and as high as 36% over the piist l-5 yclrs, back when softwood imports wcre valucd at.just lli70 rnillion.

Over the past l'ew vears. luntbcr iml)orts havc incrcascd faster than log irnpolts. eilthough lo-ls still constitLlte a

34 r Building Products Digest r ApflZOl2 Building-

greater share of the total import value of softwood products. After having increased for seven consecutive quarters, softwood imports fell for the first time in fourth quarter 20 11, due to reduced domestic demand and high inventories at many of the country's ports. Despite the l4%o drop from the third quarter, total import value was still higher than fourth quarter 2010.

By volume, softwood imports to China fell l0%. Importation of logs and lumber from Russia decreased the most, while lumber from New Zealand and logs from Canada was up slightly.

Much of the higher demand for softwood log imports continues to be driven by China's fast expansion in home construction and the country's lack of domestic forest resources.

RoyoMartin's plywood plant in Chopin, La., is adding a new six-deck Goe 1et dryer-the third Coe dryer it's installed over the last five years.

Premier SIPS by Insulfoam, Tacoma. Wa., has secured manufacturing capacity in Ohio, to produce struc' tural insulated panels for the Midwest and East.

Decnn Roofing Systems is moving manufacturing operations to a larger facility in Grand Prairie, Tx.

CertainTeed's vinyl fencing plant in Buffalo, N.Y., achieved ISO 14001 certification.

ProVia, Sugarcreek, oh., was named a 2012 Energy Star Partner of the Year by the EPA.

Great Southern Wood's treating plant in Glenwood, Ar., was certified by OSHA's Safety Health Achievement Recognition Program.

Hancock Lumber, Casco, Me., was named Exporter of the Year by the Maine International Trade Center.

National Nail Gorp., Grand Rapids, Mi., launched a new promote its Stinger cap systems.

Anniversaries: K.l Building Materials, Louisville, Ky., 80th Manasquan Premium Fasten. ers, Brick, N.J., 25th.

I Treated with Cop-GuardrM or Cop-8TM

I High strenglh (2400Fb-1.8E)

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t0undati0ns I
1lx-tea#r W&t rt4L W*rt' W P0. Box 1877 I El Dorado, AR 71731 800-221 -2326 l www.anth0nyl0rest.c0m Direct lmporters of Hardwood Decking, Lumber, & Flooring "ffi '1 ',{1 \" Btazilian Hardwood Specialists Your direct source for lpe, Tigerwood, Garapa, and Cumaru decking Many OPtions To Choose From: 1) Shipping from ow Brazilian Mil/s direct to your job site or lumberyar " i\ C*n. Millingavilable from our U.S. Facilities .;r\ab\g 3) Btindshippingisalsoavailable a"{\I Wholesale Division Tel ephone: (9 4 1) -388 -929 9 www.Advantagelumb er. com/wholes ale Apdl 20f2 r BuiHing hoducb Digest r 35
I Longer spans, lewer columns I Dimensionally stable I Environmentally safe and easy to work with I Perfecttor deck beams and
columns, raised l00r c0nstruction, coastal construction using pilingi c0lumn 0r pier and beam
Backed by a 25
Warranty as strong as our Products

Recycled Plastic Decking

Lumberock decking is manufactured with at least 75Vo post-consumer recycled plastic and a mineral additive.

Available in nine colors, the boards are warranted against cracking, rotting, peeling, and fading.


(80u 480-2327

Goated Deck Screws

Deckfast epoxy-coated screws by Starborn Industries are now available with a star recess in additional colors: gray, green, red, and tan.

The epoxy-based polymer resin coating over zinc plate provides corrosion resistance in many types of decking, including ACQ-treated lumber.


(800\ 596-7747

Fire-Resistant Joists

Weyerhaeuser's TrusJoist Iine now includes Flak Jacket, which has a specialty coating that enhances fire resistance.

The coating allows one-hour floor/ceiling assemblies that meet 2012 fire protection requirements for both single- and multi-family projects. Builders can cut and drill the joists as usual and assemble with standard hangers.

T wooDBYwY.CoM

(888) 453-8358

Gombination Housewrap

HydroGap drainable housewrap from Benjamin Obdyke combines a water-resistant barrier and drainage system into a single application.

The product has a tri-laminate substrate, with the moisture barrier protected between two non-woven layers. A spacer on the surface creates a lmm gap between sheathing and cladding materials to promote faster drainage.


(800) 346-7655

t NEW Producfs
36 r BuifdinghoducbD[esr. Nflzfltz &rllding-hodudsorn

Gordless Nailer

The Paslode CF325Li nailer is cordless for easier installation of drywall.

Its lithium-ion battery drives up to 6,000 nails per charge, while a depth-of-drive function allows easy adjustments.

Included are a rugged carrying case, charger and safety glasses.



Gurvy Golumn Gover

Fulcrum Composites' curved column covers are a durable, lightweight way to cover poles. The covers can be installed like conventional drywall, with depth-set screws, taping, and mudding. Each half has tapered edges to hide the taped joint. Standard lengths are 8' and l0', with 12",15", and 20" diameters -plus custom sizes.


/98q) 636-ro2s

Metal Railings

Railing Dynamics has rolled out a new product line, Metal Works Excalibur railing.

The pre-assembled, steel-component system has a durable, triple-coated finish.

Factory-welded panels are available in 6'. 8'. and l0' level sections and 8'x8' stair sections, in 36" and 42" heights.


(871) 42O-724s

End-Gut Protection

Golorful Fiber Gement Panels

Zippy Door Govering

Made with 4-mil plastic sheeting, heavy-duty, glued-in zippers, and double-sided tape, ZipWall quickly covers door openings to create a complete dust barrier.

Fire retardant, it fits doors up to 4'x8'.


(800) 718-22s5

TimberTech has developed a latex-based paint to cover endcuts of its decking boards.

Each 8-oz. can covers approximately 250 end cuts when applied with foam or bristle brushes. Colors include cedar, grey, rosewood, teak and walnut.


(800) 307-7780

Illumination Series fiber cement panels from Nichiha are now available in an array of custom colors, rather than just five stock colors.

Using its new Color Expressions system, the company can match any paint manufacturer's standard colors in a satin finish.


(866) 424-442r

BulHingihodudsom Apd 2Of2 I BuiHing Ptoduds Digpd t 37

Gellular PVG Decking

Trailways cellular PVC decking from Gossen Corp. is available in five colors: siena walnut, summit grey, acorn brown, alpine grey, and shoreline sand.

Made in America with recycled vinyl, the dualextruded boards are protected against swelling, cracking. warping. and splintering.


(800) ss8-8984

Engineered Wood Flooring

Prolength Plankfloor is pre-jointed and ready to install.

Made by Owens Flooring, a division of Quanex Building Products, the engineered wood planks combine a composite base with a solid wood wear-layer. Seven species are available in six stains.


(713) 961-4600

Easy-to-Ghoose Exterior Finishes

The new Storm System line of exterior finishes from California Paints reportedly makes choosing the right product easier than ever before.

The finishes are organized in five easy-to-understand categories that utilize familiar color-coded weather symbols and conditions. Category I "Clear" transparent finishes (natural oil finish, wood life extender, waterproofer) provide basic moisture protection. Cat 2 "Light" toned and semi-transparents (oil finishes, pentrating oil finish, latex stain) offer moisture and light UV protection.

Cat 3 "Moderate" semi-solids (alkyd linseed oil finish) supply moisture and moderate UV protection. Cat 4 "Heavy" solid-color finishes (alkyd linseed oil) provide moisture and heavy UV protection. And, Cat 5 "Extreme" primers (acrylic latex, quick-dry oil) are formulated for extreme conditions.


(80u 225-ll4l

Glubby Decking & Railing

Clubhouse decking and railing from Deceuninck North America is formulated to be up to 257o lighter than most wood and composites.

Constructed of l007o PVC, the products feature a natural wood appearance with deep grain embossing. SunShield protective capstock resists fading, cracking, brittleness, and surface degradation.

The Hardwood line offers four variegated grains, while EarthTone offers four solid colors.

Also offered are Clubhouse Elite and Clubhouse Plus vinyl railing products.


(81'7\ 563-4251


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Laminated asphalt shingles from Tnuro offer the look of wood shakes.

Heritage Woodgate is designed with a wider cut, a unique blend of color, and enhanced shadow line.

Double layers of fiberglass mat impart strength. while a ceramic mineral topping provides weather protection.


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Adjustable Headers

Adjustable header kits from Focal Point promise to simplify finishing of windows and doors.

Each kit contains two crosshead halves that can be cut to exact size needed, a keystone to cover the cut, and easy installation instructions.

Made of lightweight polyurethane, the headers are resistant to water, rot, mildew and insects.


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Eco Attic Doors

A pull-down door kit from Battic provides energy-efficient access to attics.

Each pre-finished door fits between joists, with a reflective shield to hold insulation and triple gaskets for an airtight seal.

Sizes include 22"x54", 25"x 54", and 30"x54". Locking sizes for kneewall and multi-family uses are also available.


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Lumberments Association of Texas will present its Lifetime Achievement and Texas Associate Member of the Year awards to Al Cron, longtime Boise Cascade manager, during its upcoming convention and buying show April 12-14 at La Torretta Resort & Spa, Montgomery, Tx.

Louisiana Associate Member of the Year Award will go to Richard Gaiennie, Gaiennie Lumber Co., Opelousas; Louisiana Ned Ball Lumber Dealer of the Year Award to Mike Diecidue, Dash Lumber & Supply, New Orleans, and Texas Lumberman of the Year Award to Michael Montalbano, Montalbano Lumber Co., Houston.

Ohio Construction Suppliers Association will host an executive roundtable Aprll26-27 at Requarth Lumber, Dayton.

Northeastern Retail Lumber Association's Young Lumber Execs will host an April 25-26 spring leadership conference at Turning Stone Resort & Casino, Verona, N.Y.

Keynote speaker will be Dan Harris, Consultative Sales & Framing Intelligence, Parker, Co. Social events will include golf, a cocktail reception and group dinner, and an evening at the Comedy Club.

Golf outings are planned by the Lumber Dealers Association of

Connecticut for June 6 at Tunxis Plantation Country Club, Farmington, Ct., and the Long Island Lumber Association June 2l at Timber Point Golf Course, Great River, N.Y.

Mid-America Lumbermens Association has named Bob Brown, Beyers Lumber, St. Louis, Mo., chairman of its Missouri Lumber Dealers Activity Committee.

Upcoming activities include MLA's annual Swing into Spring event May 3-4 atLake of the Ozarks, with golf at Bear Creek Valley Golf Course, Osage, Mo., and its annual Kansas Sunflower Shootout June 8 at Highlands Golf Club, Hutchinson, Ks.

Eastern Buitding Material Dealers Association and New Jersey Building Material Dealers Association are backing the Mid-Atlantic Trade Show May 15 at Valley Forge Casino, King of Prussia, Pa.

Construction Suppliers Association has pushed back its next Insight Meeting to April 24 at Hllton Garden Inn, Savannah, Ga.

Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Association has set its annual meeting for May 5-8 at Westin Resort, Hilton Head, S.C.

Speakers will include Mike Snow, executive director of the American Hardwood Export Council; Brendan

CHEMONITE COUNCIL gathered for its annual meeting Feb.22in Portland, Or., with attendees including Rich & Joanne Hufnagle, Page & Hill Forest Products, Big Falls, Mn.

Owens, U.S. Green Building Council; Shannon Rogers, marketing director, J.Gibson Mcllvain, and David Crowe, chief economist and senior vice president, National Association of Home Builders.

Also scheduled is a tournament at Port Royal Golf Club, Hilton Head, and a deep sea fishing tournament leaving from South Beach Marina.

Composite Panel Association will converge on Fontainebleau Hotel, Miami Beach. Fl.. June 3-5 for its spring meeting.

The annual event will begin with a golf tournament. Other events will include a networking breakfast, luncheon and keynote speech, and a chairman's reception and dinner.

Southern Forest Products Association facilitated a task group of industry leaders representing key customer groups to develop answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding Southern Pine Inspection Bureau's new design values for visually graded southern pine lumber. The questions and answers have been posted at

Answers address transition issues, how to obtain similar load-carrying capabilities, and why only some grades and sizes are affected at this time.

"The effective date of June I allows for an orderly transition to the new design values," says Cathy Kaake, SFPA's senior director of engineered and framing markets. "These answers address the most common questions raised since the ALSC's decision."

SFPA will continue updating the site as the June I chanseover nears.

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John Harvey Graves Jr.r46,vice president of Empire Wholesale, Akron, Oh., died Feb.24 in Akron.

Mr. Graves earned a B.A. in business administration from Northwood University, then spent 24 years in the lumber industry.

Robert Walter "Bob" Kirkham, 81, former president of Seaboard International Lumber & Plywood, Jericho. N.Y.. died Feb. 20 in New Lebanon, Pa.

He founded Kirkham Lumber, Mt. Lebanon, in the 1960s. The company was acquired by Triangle Pacific in 1969, and he became a vice president. ln 1973, he joined Seaboard and became president, retiring in 1997

Richard Ruff "Dick" Stanfield, 77, founder and president of Edrich Lumber, Baltimore, Md., died Feb. 15 in Randallstown, Md.

After graduating from the University of Maryland in 1952, he began working as treasurer of Edrich Farms in Windsor Mill, Md. Ten years later, he founded Edrich Lumber.

Anthony Michael Corsello, 89, former principal of Nash Lumber Merchandising, Bay Shore, N.Y., died Jan. l0 in Mclean, Va.

During World War II, he served in the Army Air Corps as a navigator on B-24 bombers and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross. After the war, he earned a degree in economics at Brooklyn College.

He started his LBM career in 1947. retiring in 2010.

Dennis Blair Crisp, 61, longtime Texas lumber salesman, died Feb.2'7 in Farmers Branch, Tx.

He began his lumber career at the family business, Crisp Wholesale Lumber, Dallas, Tx., and most recently worked at Architectural Carpentry Materials. Dallas. Tx.

Benjamin Harris "Ben" Knight Sr., 79, former Kimberly Clark executive, died March I in Vandiver, Al.

A U.S. Navy veteran of the Korean War, he received his B.S. degree in forestry from the University of Georgia in 1962. He worked at Container Corporation of America, Fernandina Beach, Fl., before joining Kimberly Clark in 1966. He worked in

Washington, Ga.; Aiken, S.C., and Waynesboro, Ga., until becoming field operations manager of the Coosa Pines Mill in 1980. He became chief forester in 1987, v.p. of forest products in 1990, and president of U.S. pulp and newsprint in 1991.

He served on the advisory board of Auburn University's School of Forestry Resources and was named 1995 Water Conservationist of the Year by the Alabama Wildlife Federation.

Donald Weiss, 94, owner and founder of Weiss Do it Best Lumber, Perryville, Ar., died March l6 in Perryville.

He was a U.S. Navy veteran and survivor of the attack on Pearl Harbor.

William M. Mardis Jr.,79, retired employee of Wickes Lumber, Port Washington, Oh., died March 1 in Newcomerstown, Oh.

He worked at Wickes for 36 years, as an inventory manager and head salesperson.

William R. Hoyt, 94, retired manager at Alexander Lumber, Barry, Il., died Feb. 28 in Barry.

Mr. Hoyt served as a sergeant with the Army Air Corps during World War IL He started working for Alexander in 1952, retiring in 1980.

Michael S. Henley, 4J , former salesman for Strober Building Supply, Farmingdale, N.Y., died Feb. 28 in Westbury, N.Y., of complications of early-onset Alzheimer's.

He started his career at Channel Lumber, New Hyde Park, N.Y., in l 985.

James M. Briggs,67, former manager of K.L. Boley Lumber Co., Addison, Mi., died Feb.29 in Jackson, Mi.

After Boley, he worked for Lalay Builders, Addison, then as a yard man for 84 Lumber Co., Adrian, before retiring in 2008.

George Allen Krulik, 56, former manager of Carter Lumber, Verona, Va.. died of cancer Feb.23 in Fort Defiance, Va.

Robert 66Bob" Cronk. 83. former owner of Cronk's Ace Hardware, Newaygo, Mi., died March 3 in Newaygo.

After workingfor 17 years at O&A Electric, Newaygo, he purchased the local hardware store in 1967. He sold the business to his son, Jeff, in 1990.

Jack Ray Misel, 57, former manager of Ace Hardware, Beverly, Oh., died March 4 in Beverly.
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Llslrngs are often submitted months in advance. Always verify dates and locations wrlh sponsor before making plans to aftend.

Structural Insulated Panel Association -April 10-12, annual meeting & conference, Embassy Suites, San Antonio, Tx.; (253) 858-7 47 2.;

National Wood Flooring Association - April 10-13, conference & wood flooring expo, Gaylord Palms Resort & Convention Center, Orlando, Fl. ; (800) 422-4556; www.woodfl

International Wood Gomposites Symposium - April 11-13, Red Lion, Seattle, Wa. ; (509) 335-2262; woodsymposiu

Lumbermen's Association of Texas & Louisiana - April 12-14, annual convention, La Torretta Resort & Spa, Montgomery, Tx.; (800) 7a9-5862;

Peak Auctioneering - April 14, LBM auctions, Prince William County Fairgrounds, Manassas, Va.; April 21, Cuyahoga County Fairgrounds, Berea, Oh.; (800) 245-9690;

Northeast Retail Lumber Association - April '18, roundtable, Nantucket, Ma.; (518) 286-1010;

Kentucky Building Materials Association - April 18-20, convention & expo, Griffin Gate Maniott, Lexington, Ky.; (800) 844-1774;

Transload Distribution Association - April 23-25, conference, Doubletree, Memphis, Tn.; (503) 656-4282;

Construction Suppliers Association - April 24, insight meeting, Savannah, Ga. ; (678) 674-1 860;

National Kitchen & Bath Association - April 24-26, annual show, McCormick Place, Chicago, ll.; (800) 843-6522:

Northeast Young Lumber Execs - April 26, spring conference, Verona, N.Y.; (51 8) 286-1010;

North American Wholesale Lumber Association - April 26, regional meeting, Seaport Hotel, Boston, Ma.; (800) 527-8258;

Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association - April 26-27, annual convention, Seaport Hotel, Boston, Ma.; (207) 829-6901;

Hoo-Hoo International - April 26-29, annual convention, Sanctuary Resort, Bunbury, Australia; (800) 979-9950;

Peak Auctioneering - April 28, LBM auction, Marion County Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, In.; (800) 245-9690;

National Assn. of Home Builders - April 29-May 1, green building conference, Nashville, Tn.; (800) 368-5242;

North American Wholesale Lumber Association - April 29-May 1, leadership conference, Broadmoor, Colorado Springs, Co.; (800) 527-8258;

American Wood Protection Association - April 29-May 2, annual meeting, Hilton Downtown, Nashville, Tn.; (205) 733-4077: www.awpa.c0m.

Forest Products Society - May 1-3, conference, Little America Hotel, Flagstaff , Az. ; (608) 231 -1 361 ;

National Hardware Show - May 1-3, Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (888) 425-9377;

North American Retail Hardware Association - May 1-3, convention, Bellagio Hotel, Las Vegas, Nv,; (800) 772-4424;

Wood Machinery Manufacturers of America - May 2-4, woodworking conference, Delray Beach Marriott, Delray Beach, Fl.; (323) 838-9443;

Mid-America Lumbermens Association - May 3-4, Missouri Swing-into-Spring, Lake of the Ozarks, Mo.; (800) 747-6529;

Peak Auctioneering - May 5, LBM auction, Gibralter Trade Center North, Detroit, Mi. ; (800) 245-9690;


Material Handling Equipment Distributors Association - Uay S9, annual convention, Loews Miami Beach Hotel, Miami Beach, Fl. ; (847) 680-3500;

Hardwood Plywood & Veneer Association - May 6-8, conference, Westin Resort, Hilton Head, S.C.; (703)435-2900;

National Retail Federation - May 6-8, global supply chain summit, Hyatt Regency, Atlanta, Ga.; (800) 6734692;

American Coatings Show - May 7-10, lndiana Convention Center, lndianapolis, In.; (202) 462-6272:

Construction Suppliers Association - May 9, insight meeting, Perry, Ga.; (678) 674-1 860;

New Hampshire Retail Lumber Association - May 10, board meeting, Huttig Building Products, Hooksett, N.H.; (518) 2861010;

Northeastern Loggers Association -llay 11-12, equipment expo, Champlain Valley Exposition, Essex Junction, Vt.; (800) 3187561 ;

Peak Auctioneering - May 12-13, LBM auction, Howard County Fairgrounds, Baltimore, Md.; (800) 245-9690;

Eastern Building illaterial Dealers Association - May 15, MidAtlantic Trade Show, Valley Forge Convention Center, King of Prussia, Pa.; (800) 296-3278:

Wallace Hardware - May 15-17, spring market, Gatlinburg Convention Center, Gatlinburg, Tn.; (800) 776-0976;

Retail Lumber Dealers Association of Maine - May 17, board & area meeting, Portland, Me.; (51 8) 286-1 01 0;

Peak Auctioneering - May 19, LBM auction, Metrolina Tradeshow Expo, Charlotte, N.C. ; (800) 245-9690;

Do it Best Corp, - May 19-21, spring market, Indiana Convention Center, lndianapolis, In.; (260) 748-5300;

Fulton, Mississippi (662) 852-2125 Fax 662-862-4900

Your Southern Pine Specia ltg Remanufacturer What Do You Need? Superior Service at Competitive Rates Made the Wag You Want It True 2&Btr. with # 1 Stamped Lumber Protected against Sapstain, Mold, Fungiwith AntiBlu Treatments o Wolmanized CA-C Good Housekeeping Seal SCS Certified Environmentallg Preferable NAHB Research Center Green Approved . ccA SUSTAINABLE SOUTCCdfTOM f$TFfl$[ SFI Certified Forests Ml20r2 r tuiHiry Producb Dised r 4li

"What'S the best way to keep shoppers from straying?" is a question being asked in small towns across America. The owner of a hardware store in Uhrichsville, Oh.-population 5,500-believes one answer is an active merchant group that boosts local business.

"There's very little that you can't find in Uhrichsville," says Bob Baker, who started working at Twin City Hardware in 1914 and became owner in 2004. "Mako's (a supermarket and pharmacy) is our anchor and why Uhrichsville has such a nice downtown."

Baker says about 40 mom-and-pop businesses operate in the four-block downtown area. Outside of this area are another 30. Baker admits that the idea of starting a merchant's group has been discussed for years, but little came of it. Finally, he says, "I just got tired of talking; I want to try something."

With the help of a nearby copy store, he had flyers printed to advertise the first meeting of the merchant's group and then handed them out personally. "Better than a phone call or mailing," he believes. "Harder to ignore."

A few days later, about 16 business owners attended the meeting. Over coffee and cookies, they discussed ways to make residents more aware of what businesses in the city can offer. One concem is that "people have gotten so used to going north for shopping and entertainment that they instinctively do that," says Baker. "We want to draw

people in and let them know what we have."

The group's first coordinated event will be a sidewalk sale the r''1i"..",'..'..,..,-i'i:r;'' first weekend of May. Future events could include a "Midnight Madness" sale, a scavenger hunt, a parade, and a tree-lighting ceremony in December-similar to the one organized by Baker last year, which attracted about 200 people.

"We had only talked about doing that for about a month in advance, but it turned out very well," he says. "When we do these events, we're promoting the city, not just the merchants."



Anthony Forest Products []............35

Arch Wood Protection []...........27

Atlas Roofing [].....................................3

Bluelinx []..... ......,.....5

Boise Cascade [www. bcewp. com] .................,.,............ Cover ll

Cedar Creek Wholesale []......... ...........42

Crawford Creek Lumber []...........25

Crumpler Plastic Pipe [] ..........................32

Eastern Engineered Wood Products [] ........1 9

Great Southern Wood Preserving [].....17

Hood lndustries [] .........................32

Hoover Treated Wood Products []........Cover lV

J.H, Baxter []...............,..............................40

Master Mark Plastics [].,...................4

Maze Nails [] .................................Cover lll

McFarland Cascade [www,] .............29

Nordic En gineered Wood Products [] ...7

Osmose [].............. ....Cover I

Pennsylvania Lumbermens Mutual Insurance []...11

Quality Borate Co. [].........................30

Roseburg [] ..........33

RoyOMartin [] ................8

Simpson Strong-Tie [] ....,........................25

Siskiyou Forest Products [] .....31

Snider Industries [] .....................28

Sunbelt [] ...................43

Tank Fab []

....34 .41

TM I Forest Prod ucts [www.tu bafor. com] 1 3

Tri-State Lumber Co. [] ..............45

Viance []..............,...,...........................23

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