YOUR ONE STOP SOURCE Western Woods has been supplying premium quality lumber for decking, fencing, siding and trim since l-971, but did you know Western Woods offers pre-staining?
Pre-staining lumber with Superdeck@ exterior wood stain allows for instant installation and the best value. Superdeck's durable and long lasting oil finish protects exterior wood and stands up to extreme climates. Customers love the famous Superdeck look and contractors love no call backs. Ghoose your wood, choose your stain color, success!

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Doweled Lodgepolepine posts and rails. 1 1l2" to 12" Diameter in Stock.
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Spring forward, fall back... or is it the other way around?
f, s we Nrnn the end of spring, I have been reasonably positive about the industry -la,results so far and the prospects for all of 20 13. But. there are several lingering questions regarding the economy as a whole that give me pause and hopefully don't trigger a reset button. Then again, I just read an article advising me to "stop apologizing," so even if I'm wrong, I will probably shut up and hope nobody remembers a few months down the turnpike. Isn't that what all economists do when they are wrong?
By all accounts, the housing numbers look good and every economist I see and hear predicts much the same: just under I million starts this year and l.l+ million next year. To me, about l.l to 1.2 million starts is where I see the market at a sustainable level, although forecasts for 2015 shows upwards of 1.4 million.
The interesting stat-and perhaps the disconcerting one-is that growth is greater in multi-family vs. single-family. Reports suggest that homeownership in the U.S. is at its lowest since 1995, reflecting rising demand for rentals and investors buying single-family homes to rent. Homeownership is at 657o,while rental vacancies fell from 8.8Vo to 8.67o. A year ago, I expressed concern that as the younger generation become more mobile, especially in a tight job market, the allure of owning a home as a long-term investment may not be quite so prevalent (also reflecting that many children do not leave the nest until their late 20s and even 30s).
Equally troubling, I heard a leading bank official say that there is no reason why home prices should be rising, with all the potential inventory of homes out there. Indeed, in some areas, prices have started to recede again.
Talking with industry friends over the last couple of weeks, I also hear mixed signals, although mostly optimistic. Yet even those who sound positive still have doubts.
In the overall economy, the new job creation engine stalled in March at 88,000, although a few weeks later, the government realized its couldn't count and revised the figure up to 138,000. April came in at 165O00-a better number, but still suggesting a slowing. Indeed, many of the new jobs are lower-paying jobs in restaurants and bars (go figure). Unemployment fell to 7.5Vo,but the rate remains questionable, as more and more leave the work force.
All of the above creates what I heard described as an economy hamster wheel, where we are trapped and cannot find our way out. As you listen to the daily financial reports there does appear to be a spring slowdown, with retail sales and manufacturing output down. It appears that after a good first quarter, the spring doldrums is becoming an annual event, like in 201l. and2012.
The Sequester and this year's higher taxes-including stealth ones that many are just realizing have kicked in-are likely responsible. You take money out of pockets and it cannot be spent in the economy. After 2%o growth in the first quarter, it is expected to fall to 1 .5Vo in the second quarter. On the bright side, growth could be 2.4Vo+ for the rest of the year. This may follow the pattern we saw in 2012, with a stronger second half.
As opposed to the events outside of our control, such as the euro crisis, we have understood much of this was going to happen. It is no surprise. It won't cause shock waves that might stall the entire economy. With the good housing numbers, strong auto sales, lower energy prices, and some easing on consumer credit, the negatives are outweighed by the positives. So, althoueh we are immediatelv feelins the tax increases and spending cuts, I expect around 4Eo growth in lhe economv next vear.
So back to the "don't apologize" article I was reading. The whole point was that if you have a habit of apologizing too much for every little thing, it begins to have no value and becomes ever easier to say. Oftentimes, no one but you recognized your mistake and you should only make apologize when you make a big one. Unfortunately, I have too much of a public forum for my mistakes, so keep watching this space!
Have a sreat summer.
Alan Oakes, Publisher ajoakes@aol.com
www. bu i ld n g-prod ucts. com
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Sid i ng sales st rateg ies
f, s rne New housing and remodeling markets continue .fil,to improve, demand for siding will certainly grow as well. In fact, the Freedonia Group expects demand for siding to expand 8.4Vo per year through 2016. To make the most of the opportunity, and to ensure those dollars stay at your yard, consider these sales strategies:
Educate Yourself
We're more likely to promote and sell what we feel comfortable with. One of the best ways to sell more siding is to know your products-and those of your competitorsliterally inside and out. Understand the differences between materials, the features and benefits of each, and even maintenance and installation best practices.
The more confident you are in the subject matter, the easier it will be to educate customers who may be considering competing products that you don't sell. This includes being well-versed in products' warranties and what they mean. For example, James Hardie's fiber-cement siding carries a 30-year non-prorated warranty. At first glance, that seems less than a competitor's 50-year wananty, but the fine print reveals that the longer warranty is prorated.
Soak up information using every resource at your disposal, from reading any and all available literature and the manufacturer's website to taking advantage of product knowledge sessions from your distributor rep and your manufacturer rep.
Product knowledge sessions should also be held for trade customers at the yard or on the jobsite to supplement face-to-face meetings. If needed, pair the session with a barbeque or a golf outing for higher-volume customers.
Along with basic product knowledge, read trade publications to keep up on exterior trends, to help you provide the most well-rounded advice on materials, styles and colors.
Understand Upgrades
The first thing on most buyers' minds is cost, which is why upgrades don't sell themselves. Understand the benefits of higher-quality lines and be well-versed in the value proposition. Over its lifetime, prefinished siding will cost the same or even less than unfinished products due to reduced maintenance costs.
Look Professional
Keep your siding display as informative and up-to-date as possible. If there's room, highlight color/pattern samples as well ad mock-up walls of popular looks, including trim and other accessories. Highlight unique features and benefits of premium products. And be sure to keep product literature current and stocked.
Beyond these tactics, consider upgrading your displays a
bit further with technology. For example, an interactive touchscreen showcasing project images and explaining product benefits can keep homeowners engaged and inspired. Similarly, expand your informational giveaways with resourceful handouts-branded with your logo-discussing installation techniques and trends.
Don't Forget the Trim
Trim is often an afterthought for builders, and therefore one in which cheap products may get slapped up only to require replacement in a few years. Make sure you not only carry trim products from the same lines as your siding offerings, but that you educate buyers on the long-term value brought by a small upgrade to higher-quality trim. Coordinating soffits also should be considered.
Stock Smarter
Having diverse and plentiful stock on hand is an important element to making the sale-but not always simple with hundreds of SKUs and not much space. One key is understanding your market and current demand by studying sales trends and conversing with customers. For example, what are the most popular colors and styles in your area? What is the demand forecast for your market?
With all of these steps, preparation and planning play a central role in higher-volume and higher-profit siding sales. Boosting your knowledge and plotting a strong inventory strategy can give you a leg up on competitors as the industry continues to rebound.

Vendorst PK seminars I equip your sales team with selling power

If fnv sHouLD DEALERS take advanV Y tage of manufacturer training programs? Mainly because training programs are often one of the best ways to empower your salespeople and increase your bottom line. In our experience, training need not
be one long exhaustive lecture - it can be engaging and fun. Spicing up the training sessions with a series of different activities, including hands-on building projects, your sales reps gain insider knowledge and get involved with the product. By the time the
power tools are revved up, your salespeople are well on their way to being revved up. too. In addition to increasing sales, training can also greatly reduce callbacks, create expert brand ambassadors within your organization, and help build solid relationships at all levels.
Product training also helps to keep communication in sync along the entire supply channel, whether it's finding everyday solutions for customers or supporting a new product launch. It can be the playbook that ensures manufacturers and distributors are on the same page with your sales team. Add in some social events and competitions, and the experience can be even more enjoyable. And, yeah, it can get loud as everyone gets psyched up to build the best project.
As we all know, dealer sales are often relationship-based. That means that making sure your sales team has hands-on experience with the product is essential in communicating the benefits to a customer. Contractors welcome the insights that your salespeople have about new products-and trust them to help make their businesses stand out among the competition. The more knowledgeable your salespeople are about a manufacturer's products, the more comfortable they will feel about selling them. And, if they are given a chance to actually work with a product, you can rely on them to not only explain it well, but perhaps even demonstrate how a product works-letting their actions speak
far louder than words.
For example, if a contractor comes in to buy materials for a porch job, your salespeople may be able to simply rattle off a few products they could buy. However, if they have been properly trained on different ways to enhance a front porch to make it lowmaintenance, they may be able to multiply the value of that sale. A wellschooled sales rep could recommend an assortment of solutions that the contractor may not have even thought about, such as cellular PVC for the porch planks, beadboard ceiling and column wrap. Knowing how and why the numerous alternatives on the market compare to traditional materials will allow your sales rep to be a resource for the contractor, while increasing your sales. And, in the future, that contractor will likely rely on your people being knowledgeable and able to decipher the sea of new products on the market.
So, what should you expect a learning session to cover? Topics can vary widely but will typically include product performance and composition. Material Safety Data info, code listings, warranties, marketing and merchandising tools, features and benefits, installation tips, and differences from competitors. Plant tours are also beneficial in showing the ingredients, quality and testing processes that go into making a product. A combination of these training topics and facility tours combine to provide an overall view of the company and its products. Attendees should expect to come away with first-hand knowledge of what the brand stands for and the resources available to support it.
Training can be conducted either at your location or at a facility created by the manufacturer. As an example, we have AZEK University at our headquarters, with a workshop "hands on" room, presentation rooms, and a showroom where anyone from distributors to dealers and even contractors can learn. The workshop is equipped with many of the power tools and equipment that contractors use in the field. Everyone attending these types of events learn much more than they expected and leave more enthusiastic than ever. As a recent dealer sales rep proclaimed after leaving a training session, "You just planted a lot of seeds for sales for the future." That is really what this is all about-empowering your team to increase sales.
Depending on how many product
lines are covered, the length of a training program can range from a few hours to a few days. For the multi-day events, components typically include hands-on workshops, demonstrations and product use sessions, Q&A sessions with R&D, marketing and product management personnel, training manuals, videos, PowerPoint presentations and takeaways. The demos and hands-on product experience are extremely important because they give dealers a real feel for the product. They can touch, feel and work with the materials and even do a mini installation.
If it isn't possible to spend a few days away, having a manufacture provide a mini-training session at your location is still better than no training. To supplement in-person training, you should also ask a manufacturer if any online training options are available. For example, an important online training resource for AZEK to share new product information and provide on-going refresher training is a dedicated online training platform called Brainshark. Designed to highlight new products in quick, 12-minute learning modules. Brainshark uses cloud-based software to create, share and track
online and mobile video presentations. It provides on-demand training, allowing distributors, dealers, contractors and architects to access AZEK's new product training on their own schedules.
Overall, when performed consistently and effectively. training programs can greatly enhance your sales team's relationship with your distributors and manufacturers. At the end of the training session, your salespeople should have a direct point of contact at the manufacturer in order to facilitate continuous communication throughout the year to help support sales.
Seizing the opportunity to have your employees attend manufacturers' training programs, gives you the ability to experience first-hand the best, margin boosting way to better serve your customers. Training will help move products out of your yard and into your customers' trucks or onto jobsites-and that is a great reason to say "yes" to training.
- Carey Walley is v.p. of marketing for AZEK Building Products and TimberTech, both wholly owned divisions of CPG International, Scranton, Pa. Reach her at (800) 307 -77 80 or cwalley@ timberte ch.com.

Factory-fi n ish i ng adds another layer to the sale

[ncronv-TINISHED lumber creates an additional service |-' that lumberyards can offer builders, creating an opportunity for profit for both parties, while offering the homeowner an exceptional product with maximum durability
and minimum maintenance.
Factory application allows prefinishing of siding, decking, fencing and panels in a wide variety of wood species and surface types. This gives the homeowner a larger selection of materials that can be used on projects. The prefinished siding can be packaged and delivered when the builder and homeowner are ready for the materials, fitting their scheduling requirements.
Coatings application and drying in a factory-controlled environment allows for maximum performance of both the coatings and substrates. Back-priming helps reduce moisture penetration of boards.
Factory finishing adds value by eliminating shrink lines and providing immediate protection for your siding investment. It's a better way to finish compared to field application, due to reduced labor costs and installation time, and no weather delays. Customers get instant curb appeal and unmatched color uniformity for their home investments.
As construction costs continue to rise, factory finishing is the less expensive option on a square-foot basis than onsite application of finishes. There is less chance of on-site waste and loss. It eliminates weather delays and subcontractor scheduling. With the option of all sides of the boards being finished, the substrate is better protected from weathering than when coatings are applied in the field. The results of prefinished boards are numerous and create a win-win for contractors and homeowners.
'Western Woods Inc., Chico, Ca., has operated a prime line for years and recently entered into the value-added category of prefinished siding, fencing and decking. In a partnership with Duckback Products architectural coatings, Western Woods provides another solution for builders trying to maximize their profitability and build year-round with beautifully stained, high-value product.
"As the market downturn hit bottom, pre-finishers were affected like the rest of the industry. Many scaled back or closed altogether leaving a void in the market" said Duckback's Joe Albert. "The value quotient is as strong as ever with existing home sales driving values down, builders need to be more competitive than ever. Pre-finishing offers that opportunity to provide superior quality at a better price. We are thrilled to see Western Woods entering what will surely be a growth category as we emerge from these lean times."
usKU FrRrslocrrn@ rs A LEADER rN rGNrTr0N

more than iust a colOr,
fr rt,f )|t{)\ I'rlrcirrl ll)('ln(}\l l)ol)U. -alrrl sitlrrrg irr tlrc L .S.. r irtr I .itlirr.: i. r cril'iublv grccn. I rlon't nrcun the color ol'thc plocluct lrlthough that carr bc nratlc green. too- I nrcan. accor-rling t() u recent str,rdt'. "Toclar's
Viny'l Siding: \'crifilblr Glccn" br thc Virrvl Sicling Institutc (\'Sl) lncl Sustainable Solutions C'orp.. r'in1'I sicling is rnore crrr ironnrcntullr lricndlv ancl srrstainlblc than ulnrost crcrv othcr c\terior claclcling on thc ulrrkct

l\{rLn,r honrcou'ncls. brrilclcrs. r-cnrotlclcrs iLncl distribLrtols nun be cluick to assunrc that u lrcn a pr-otlr-re t is clcseribccl as glccn or sustainablc. it's onlr r-cl'crrins to thc post-instullution encrgv eff icicncr pcllirt'triLnec. This tl ('\'tl \ ct'i I i.'lrl ion lttker illl() il( \'(rLllll e\cf\ step in un crtcr-ior clirrlcling's lilc. conrplling r inr I sitling. insr-rlatctl sitling. bIick. fibcI ccmcnt. stLlcco. crtcrior irrsLrlatccl l'irrishins systcnls ([lFS) untl ecclar ritling. I]rick. lor' crunrplc. r'ci1r-rircs r1-rproxirttatclr' f ir c tinrcs nrrrlc cncfq\ to nlunufaclilfc tlurn r inr I sicling. lncl l'ibcr cenrcnt. lrlnrost tu'icc as nruch cncrs\
Thc nrlrtcrill conpat'isou ol thc VSI rcpor-t rras buscrl on lrrtlin-us ltrrnr thc Nutional Institutc ol Stunclarrls rrnrl Tcchnoloqr'' s stlrrttlarcl bu i lclir-rg cvul ultion cr.itcril. cllletl Ijrrilcling lor
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its life cycle, is low in vinyl siding compared to other materials, due to relatively low energy used for material extraction and manufacturing. In fact, vinyl's two building blocks are common salt, from which chlorine is extracted, and natural gas, from which ethylene is made. Common salt is one of earth's most common compounds, while natural gas is readily available in the U.S. and has far less environmental impact than imported fossil fuels used to produce other materials.
On top of efficient raw material extraction, any scrap material from manufacturing vinyl can be reused to make pipes or other vinyl product, resulting in virtually no manufacturing waste. According to the report, vinyl siding does not contribute to the creation of CO' or other pollutants commonly affiliated with global warming potential, and its potential of releasing harmful chemicals is lower than even natural wood shakes.
The low maintenance characteristics that make vinyl a favorite of homeowners also make it a favorite of those looking to reduce their carbon footprint. Additional chemicals are not needed throughout the product's life because vinyl siding never needs to be painted, stained or caulked, it can be cleaned with simple soap and water, and it is wind and water resistant.
From a practical standpoint, vinyl siding weighs less than most materials and scrap rates are less than 1.97o of all construction waste. For distributors and lumberyards, this means less energy is required to physically transport vinyl siding to the job site than its heavier counterparts, saving on fossil fuels. Cleaning up scrap siding is also simple and efficient.
With a greater emphasis than ever on green products, vinyl siding's green verification is a great selling point, not only to builders and contractors who specialize in green and sustainable building, but to those who are just looking to help their customers save time and money with an efficient, low-maintenance, low waste product. In short, green home products are what customers want.
Vinyl siding even contributes points for certification in the LEED for New Construction and LEED for Homes Rating Systems, as well as the National Green Building Standard. Due to the effective energy performance of insulated vinyl siding, the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), which serves as the major regulatory tool for energy efficient construction, has recognized insulated siding as a building material that can be used as continuous insulation outside of the framing. Energy Star has also included insulated siding in the checklist of products that help homes qualify to earn the Energy Star Qualified Homes label.
As vinyl siding becomes more versatile-both aesthetically, with a wider range of textures and colors, and sustainably, as we have seen from VSI's report-it will have even more impact on the future of home design. Expect to see builders, remodelers, architects, designers, contractors and homeowners create the next generation of great-looking, green homes with vinyl siding.
To view the full report, visit www.vinylsiding.org.
- Jerry Blais is v.p.-marketing of the Ply Gem siding group, a leading manufacturer of exterior building products. Blais leads product management, brand communication, and channel development for the company's siding and accessories brands, including Mastic Home Exteriors, Variform and NAPCO. Reach him via www.plygem.com.

LBM companies redesign websites for mobile users

fe n rew wEBSITE is in your compalny's future-or you're planning to upgrade an existing one-you'll want to consider "responsive design."
Responsive websites automatically adjust for optimal viewing on any device: smartphones, tablets, laptops, and desktops. This concept has been around a couple years, but adoption has picked up lately, as the number of different mobile devices has increased.
"The LBM industry is traditionally slow to respond to technological enhancements," says Blake Cooper, marketing manager at RoyOMartin, Alexandria, La. "To improve our customer service, we implemented responsive web design to provide more meaningful and useful product information. even on mobile devices."
Compared to responsive websites, traditional websiteswhich are designed for larger screens-are harder to navigate on mobile devices, a source of frustration for users. Offering a mobile app helps, but
involves additional costsand updates can be time-consuming.
"Your customers expect your website to be presented in a format that looks good on smartphones, tablets and computers without any effort on their end-without an app," says Steve Lubahn, vice president of client marketing strategy at Vision Design Group, Winona, Wi. "Downloading an app should provide information or content that can't easily be provided via a web browser."
All of this is important because 45Vo of Americans own a smartphone and 3l7o own a tablet computer-and they're using them to access the Internet. And if users become frustrated, they're not likely to return for a second look or recommend your website to others.
"Surveys show that mobile traffic to all websites has increased significantly every year, and will continue to grow," says Rachelle Shendow, marketing manager at AZEK Building
Products, Scranton, Pa. "Recognizing this trend, we developed a responsive website in order to improve the user experience-for consumers at their home computers or contractors using smartphones or tablets on a jobsite."
Although a responsive website can cost slightly more upfront, it is less expensive than maintaining separate desktop, tablet, and smartphone sites. It's also cheaper and easier to manage content on a single, responsive website, rather than on multiple sites and apps.
Updates are also significantly cheaper on a single, responsive website than for mobile apps-and don't require any action by users. Just update content once and every format is updated.
Another way to keep costs down is to partner with someone with experience in responsive website design. "Select someone who is skilled at this type of website design, to get the most from your investment," advises


Tracking visitor response is also easier with responsive websites, because all inbound traffic is routed to the same address-instead of being routed to different versions of the site. Tech experts say this ensures higher ranking on search engines.
At Carter Lumber, Kent, Oh., the goal was to convert website visitors into Carter customers.
"Through best website design and conversion optimization practices. Carter Lumber instantly grew both traffic and leads when the new website launched," says designer Justin Smith, OuterBox Solutions, Akron, Oh.
from the Apple App Store.
The California Redwood Co., Eureka, Ca., chose responsive design as the best way to reach its customers and sing the praises of natural redwood.
"We had lots of information to communicate, so it was time to refresh our website," notes marketing manager Kelly Lusa. "People are using a variety of devices to access the Internet, so we wanted to make sure we are properly represented on all of them."
GETTING THE WORD out on natural redwood was the goal for The California Redwood Co.'s new resoonsive website.
Carter chose responsive design to bring a fresh look to its website and implement interactive tools such as a store locator, real-time estimators, and a product-quoting system. "My Store" locations are stored for future visits. Once a quote is completed, it is emailed to the customer. then saved and forwarded to the nearest store.
When it was time to combine two separate websites into a single corporate site, Select Trusses & Lumber and Precision Steel Trusses, West Salem, Wi., chose responsive design, on the advice of Vision Design Group. On the new responsive website, no download is required for Select's own top chord calculator. Another tool, MiTek's truss design software, can be downloaded for iPhones and iPads

Epicor has big plans for BisTrack, LumberTrack

Merchantz What is going to happen to PSI's dealerfocused BisTrack line?
Graham Rigby, product manager, BisTrack: BisTrack is our primary go-forward lumber and building material system. BisTrack was built from the ground up, which makes it very different from other platforms in the market. Other platforms could not take true advantage of
the latest technologies available. The BisTrack platform is not constrained by a legacy technology, and that allows us to go where technology is moving-in any direction. Mobile. web. cloud are all possible because of the platform's strong and flexible technology infrastructure.
f nsr venn, when one of the lumber and building materiI-lal industry's most unique software providers, Progressive Solutions, was acquired by a global conglomerate, fears were that new owner Epicor Software Corp., Dublin, Ca., would either radically change PSI's popular BisTrack and LumberTrack products or discard them completely.
Now that the dust has settled, The Merchanl takes a closer look at the acquisition-what it means to Epicor and PSI customers and potential customers, and what the industry should expect from Epicor moving forward.
Merchant: What does the deal mean for PSI customers?
Steve Bieszczat, senior v.p., marketing: PSI customers should know that Epicor is fully committed to the growth and success of BisTrack and LumberTrack. The company plans to continue to sell, develop and support these two successful products. This means that BisTrack and LumberTrack customers will enjoy the benefits of being with a large, market-leading company. These benefits include long-term stability, growth and access to Epicor companion products, such as EDI, hardware and payment services.
Merchuntz What is going to happen to LumberTrack?
Rigby: LumberTrack is our primary go-forward business software solution for lumber and wood products manufacturers and wholesale distributors. We recently announced an update to this product (Version l0) and plan to continue developing, marketing, selling and supporting this popular product. This recent update gives customers advanced customization tools to create role-based user experiences, simplify screens, streamline data entry, extend data accessibility, and support multiple languages.
Adding LumberTrack to our catalog of products extends our LBM market coverage. From hardware stores to pro yards to wholesalers to lumber mills, Epicor now covers the entire supply chain. We understand the nuances of each section in the LBM supply chain, and have products that are specific to the needs ofeach.
Merchqnt: What about for Epicor customers?
Bieszczat: Epicor customers who are looking to change their technology platform have a new compelling choice with their current technology partner. However, customers who are happy with their Epicor solution should know that Epicor will continue to provide them the service and support they rely on.
Merchant: So they needn't worry that their old, legacy platform is going to become obsolete?
Bieszczat: Correct. We appreciate all of our LBM customers and we realize that not everyone needs to have the latest technology. We've been serving the LBM market for over 30 years. Some of our products have been in place for decades and continue to serve their users well. We are going to continue to provide service and support for those customers to the best of our ability.
While BisTrack is our lead LBM product for new customers, our Catalyst/Falcon and ECS Pro customers are a vibrant, important customer base. These products will continue to be sold as extensions of current installations. Epicor will continue to support and keep development resources behind these products and our older legacy systems. We are not actively marketing and selling these products to new customers, but will continue to support those who rely on these products to run their businesses.
Merchant: How committed is Epicor to the LBM market, considering the hardship the industry has endured of late?
Bieszczat: Our acquisition of PSI underscores our commitment. The last few years have been rough on the LBM industry. Because Epicor serves a diverse group of industries, we have been able to weather the storm. Like many dealers and builders, we have had to tighten our belts, streamline our operations, and focus resources on growing business segments. However, we never wavered in our commitment to the market and our customers. We are glad we stayed, because we see that the LBM market is improving and dealers are starting to spend more money on new technologies.
Our lumber operations have been revitalized by the PSI acquisition. There has been a great influx of new talent and energy. We feel we have a compelling solution with the best LBM business management technology, backed by the best and largest corporation in the industry.

Merchant: What else is Epicor doing in LBM?
Rigby: Epicor spent the last year bringing PSI employees into the fold. We are pleased that all developers and support personnel have remained with the company. Our investment has not stopped there. We recently added headcount on our services and support team, and we will soon add to the development team.
Lyle Lee hos been building custom homes for over 20 yeors. Here is whqt he hqs lo soy obout Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products.
"When building o quolity home, it's importont for oll the froming moleriols to motch. ln other words come fogelher os specified in the design plons. lf the froming is of{ by even o l/t of on inch, it con cosf me lhousonds of dollors in time ond moferiols.
I find Roseburg's RFPI@-Joisl ond Rigidlom@ LVL to be very consisfenl in width ond depth. When I use Roseburg's RFPI@-Joist, my floors ore more level, stiffer and truer, making my fob much eosier.
Thi s home i s 6,000 squore feel so I used I Joisf ond LVL from several dif{erent units ond the manufocturing consisfency wos exoctly lhe some. lf you wont to moximize your profit, I would recommend using Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products".
Lyle Lee L. Lee Building ComponyShrink to fit

fD,qcr rN rHE ony, Fullerton .l-ll-umber-launched in 1882 in Mitchell, S.D.-owned over 130 lumberyards in the Upper Midwest, mostly small-town operations located by the railroad tracks that sold everything from coal to chicken feed.
But as the company rolled into its third generation, Robert Fullerton II, more of a businessman than the preceding sticks-and-plywood guyswas of the mindset that less equates to more. In line with modern times, he started divesting the smaller yards and concentrating on consolidation, the better to be armed apainst the
onslaught of the big boxes and in tune with customers' changing demands.
The current economic downturn hastened the regrouping. Outstate yards were sold in order to buy down debt and navigate the storm. The bucks to be had were no longer to be found in tiny operations in the likes of Yankton, Ia. Those days were over. Fullerton sharpened its focus by concentrating on a strong core of four stores in the l2-county area rimming the Twin Cities' urban center: two locations to the east in Osceola and Ellsworth. Wi.. and two to the west in Watertown and Glencoe, Mn. (plus
headquarters in Plymouth, a suburb of Minneapolis).
The days of d-i-y are over, too: Today, Fullerton has upped its revenue by focusing strictly on its pros: builders, developers, remodelers. And it's paying off.
Sales manager Mike Simon also realigned the outposts' outlook. No longer does each general manager run his own location as an independent kingdom sans working with his colleagues. Used to be, says Simon, one store's driver would speed past another Fullerton store enroute to a delivery. Now, the items are rolled out of the closest operation, while the originating store's salesman still retains credit for the sale.
And there's no need for showrooms anymore, either. They've been replaced-updated-by iPads, one to a store, to carry to the customer ("He doesn't need to come to us anymore") to display all available products with the mere touch of the screen. Similarly, smartphones and GPS devices also allow instant tracking, which thrills builders waiting at the jobsite. Soon, even drivers and forklift operators will be equipped with these bells and whistles, too. "Our industry is slow to embrace (that kind of) technology" says Simon, " but you've got to think: What's important to our customers? They need information quickly in order to be better at their own business."
Speaking of showrooms-or lack thereof-another new "showroom" is the Volvo station wagon of a salesper-
son working, say, on a kitchen remodel. She simply loads choices of cabinets, or whatever, into her car and drives them to the customer who's mulling over a project, explaining all the options and walking her through the steps right in her own home.
Staff training has undergone a massive change of direction, too. The typical product-knowledge sessions are just table stakes. What Fullerton provides is actual training in sales skills, such as communicating, attitude, and negotiating.
"When times were good, you just took their order," Simon says. "Now, you need to prospect and to network. As the industry changes, clients expect more from you, like problem-solving, better service-not just the best price. Sure, the salesmen had to struggle to change, but they've learned how to better reach their customers; they're going to trade shows, joining builders' organizations, getting leads via Keystone, pulled permits, going to the jobsite. By visiting the Parade of Homes venues, they discover who's building what, and where. Then they investigate those potential customers, do research, asking 'Tell me what you need!' They're forming ties, not only with realtors, but also folks that do insulation, concrete, framers-a whole platform of avenues. And we've formed new relationships with our vending partners, such as Boise Cascade and Marvin, so our salespeople can visit their plants. lt keeps us on the cutting edge."
And are these salespeople committed? You bet. Once they reach a certain sales level, they're rewarded with a free pick-up truck (and l3 ofthe present 16 already are driving that carrot.)
Negotiating discounts for quantity buying for all four locations is a bonus, agrees president Dave Walock. But that doesn't mean each facility blindly follows in lock-step. "Certain customers want specific products, so you defer to what your customer is looking for," he says. "One custom builder wants only the best, wainfree lumber, premium quality, while another is a market strategist doing a subdivision where price is an issue. You've got to look for the sweet spot. And you've got to look for the whole package: If you're not selling him cabinets, why not? All of a sudden, we become extensions of them. And that's why we'll

make ten deliveries to a single site if we have to, if the builder needs it."
Customers are completely different, store-to-store and day-to-day, from the ag guy building a pole barn to someone putting up a small office building or an airplane hangar. There's the firsttime homeowner, the remodeler, the builder of upscale custom homes, those working on multi-family buildings or assisted living projects. Says Walock, "lt's everyone from an ag customer in overalls to the builder-as-businessman in a suit and Range Rover. So our challenge is to coach salespeople with the skills to talk to all that, from the higher-volume, business-minded fellow to the small remodeler, one-on-one.
"The biggest piece of our pie," he reports, "is new homes for the firsttime buyer. We did 65 last year and probably 75 this year. Most are in the $500,000 to $750,000 range, but many are in the $350,000 to $450,000 market, too. Lots of activity for single homes, and for multi-family homes, too. We just did a 12O-unit building in Plymouth and have three more onboard. However, it's the remodeler who remains a challenge. You've got to understand the cost of doing business-maybe a delivery of a single item: Can you make money on that?"
Well, one certain way to make money go further is to require, as Fullerton now does, that all managers wear multiple hats. "The day of the general office help are over," Walock testifies. "Everyone has cross-training. And all do some part of the buying-lumber, OSB, shingles, insulation, exterior doors."
With Fullerton now ensconced on stronger footing, Walock takes a break to look at the larger economy. "House sizes are trending smaller," he says, "due to the cost of land as well as mindset. People are buying both in the exurbs and inner-city infill. When the economy was at its worst, builders shed spec homes and land to save money. Now, in 2013, they've nothing to show. But banks are willing to lend again, with very attractive interest rates, so builders are starting to step up. People are gaining confidence, and home values are starting to appreciate. Are their margins better? Yeah, a little. But land will be the spoiler, so we have to wait to grow our own [margins]. Are we there yet? No, but we're gaining good mileage!
"And we've got staying power. The Fullerton family has owned the company for over 130 years, and they have attained a balance between being community partners and being a business. It's not all about the numbers and the dollars, but a balance, and a very clear sense of a family business-how we operate, our culture."
And, yes, that's matriarch
Marna Fullerton, age 79, still at her desk at the front of the store. Talk about commitment!
Carla Waldemar cwaldemar@comcast.net BOX VAN transports windows, doors and more to the jobsite.Manage or lead?

cAN oNLY manage a team to the Y Y reach of their individual conflicting goals and desires. With a shared goal , a clear vision, and the human touch, we can lead our team beyond our collective imagination.
Of course, we have a shared goal: sell more! This is the message of most managers, sell more! This is "management by pounding the table," but it is not leadership. What do sales leaders do to create extraordinary (read: not ordinary) results?
Leader or Hostage?
Managers who fail to grow the strength of the entire team beyond a small percentage of top producers will be held hostage by this group.
People are hyper-aware of "fairness." Our team expects us to promote and protect it. The best salespeople make the most money. They get more accolades and attention. That's the way it should be. But, because they sell more does not make them higher quality humans. We want to incent the best to give their best, but not at the price of fairness. If we lose this delicate battle, we will lose our group.
Are You With Me?
If we want our team to follow us into a burning house, we must lead them into that burning house. Telling salespeople what to do creates zero results (beyond what would have happened without our "leadership") or negative results from those who resent our behind the desk management style.
When we sell side by side with our team, they will follow our leadership. They will give us that extra that makes all the difference in life, business and sales. Our team will accept our coaching after we have gone on a tough call with them. Getting treated poorly together on a sales call is a bonding experience that cannot be produced in the office.
Our number one goal on all sales calls is to make our salesperson look good. Too many sales managers try to show the salesperson "how it's done." This undermines the salesperson. We will not be calling on the account next week, so unless we want to do our salesperson's job, we let them lead the call. Pre-plan the call so we know who is going to talk about what. If the salesperson needs us, they can say, "Why don't you take this one, John?"
Immediately after the call, we debrief with our salesperson, pointing out good things and areas for improvement. If all we do is talk about the things our salesperson did wrong, we are wasting our breath. Basketball coaching great Larry
Brown says we need to say five positives to every constructive criticism. That's five-to-one. (Larry Brown is the only coach who has an NCAA and an NBA championship.)
Culture of Prospecting
The dirty little secret of the sales world is that only 10Vo of salespeople are looking for new business. "We have all the accounts we need, we just need to sell more to the accounts we do have." Hogwash! I have heard a variation of this statement hundreds of times. It iust isn't so.
Sales leaders create an environment where looking for new business rs an all-the-time thing. Most companies look for new business when it is too late, when they are slow. The best time to look for new business is when we are busy.
More importantly, our account base is actively under siege from the lOVo mentioned above-who also happen to be the best salespeople.
We must lead and incent our sales team to go out and call on brand-new, never-done-business-with-us-before customers-this is where real, extraordinary (read: not ordinary), organic growth comes from. Managers who go into the field with their team and call on new accounts will earn loyalty, respect and increased sales-guaranteed.
Lunch & Leadership
Salespeople need attention. Not just business review attention either. Sales leaders understand that sales is an emotional career and that their team needs emotional support. We have 20 lunches a monthuse them. Take your salespeople to lunch and listen to them. Talk about what they want to talk about. Treat them like we want them to treat our company's best customers.
Breaking bread breaks baniers. Show your team you care about them as humans and they will give you superhuman results. That's sales leadership.
25-year limited warranty
Reversible, smooth/textured surface
Contains eco-friendly recycled materials
Complements any siding and architecture
Fiber cement for lasting performance

Smooth, square edges for finished appearance
Primed on six sides
Termite and weather resistant
No specialized tools needed at jobsite
ISO 14001 and OHSAS 1800't certified
that complements any siding and architecture
from long-lasting fiber cement workabfrlity that comoares to wood
Chain Reopens Ex-Barr Yard
Builders Supply held an April 18 board-cutting ceremony at its newest location-the former Barr Lumber yard in Yucca Valley, Ca.
Jeff Twaddle is store manager of the yard, which becomes the third location for the California division of Parker Lumber, Beaumont, Tx.
Hardwood Decking Supplier Expands to California
Advantage Trim & Lumber Co. has opened a 50,000-sq. ft. manufacturing and distribution facility in Santa Fe Springs, Ca., to supply hardwood decking to West Coast contractors, designers and homeowners.
Operating as Wood Decking Inc., the new facility has installed new CNC molders and milling equipment, to produce pregrooved, tongue-andgroove, and siding from sustainably harvested species such as ip6, cumaru and tigerwood.
"With multiple containers of wood arriving every week, we will be able to offer a full-year-round supply of sustainable deck materials," said general manager Rick Nevarez. "And with decking stores closing from San
Jose and San Francisco to Los Angeles and San Diego, we see a great opportunity to bring high-end, sustainable decking materials to the market at affordable pricing."
Advantage also operates warehouses in Buffalo, N.Y., and Grover, N.C.; a sales office in Lakewood Ranch, Fl., and the online seller AdvantageLumber.com. Several additional production and warehouse facilities are in the works, with the company currently negotiating the purchase of another 70,000-sq. ft. distribution/ milling plant.
Friedman's Returns to Roots
Friedman's Home Improvement broke ground May 2 on a new 78,000sq. ft. location in Petaluma, Ca., to open early next year.
The chain got its start in Petaluma 66 years ago, but-due to its aging facility-moved out tn 1916, always with the intention to one day return.
"Leaving Petaluma was the hardest family decision we ever made," said president Bill Friedman. "I remember as a little kid seeing the sign posted on the store: 'Closed, but we will be back."'
Alliance Lumber, Phoenix, Az., has acquired Central Arizona Truss, Phoenix.

Orchard Supply Hardware is closing its store in Fountain Valley, Ca., and held a June 8 grand reopening to show off its newly remodeled store in Van Nuys, Ca.
Ace Hardware Saddle Rock, Aurora, Co., is being opened this month by Rick Weed (www.acesaddlerock.com).
Ace Hardware has closed in Santa Cruz, Ca., due to high rent, but owners Manuel and Carlos Rodrigues will reopen this month in Watsonville, wCI.
Mclendon Hardware added a 44,000-sq. ft. store in N. Tacoma, Wa. The former Pay 'n PaHErnst tocation is Mclendon's 7th (Sandy Simmons, store mgr.).
Almaden Ace Hardware, Almaden, Ca., has reopened following a three-month remodel that included addition of a Craftsman Tool Center.
Ace Hardware Argonne, Spokane Valley, Wa., has been opened by Bruce Barany.
One Stop Home lmprovement Center, Riverside, Ca., launched a new website at www.oshic.com.
ABG Supply was honored with the Gallup Great Workplace Award for the seventh consecutive year.
Habitat for Humanity neto a grand reopening last month at its newly relocated ReStore discount LBM out let in Goleta, Ca.
Ganahl Lumber, Laguna Beach, Ca., lost $8,000 in tools and other merchandise in a midnight "smash and grab" burglary May 23.
Anniversaries: Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau, Federal Way, Wa.. 11Oth Buffelen Woodworking, Tacoma, Wa., 100th Franklin Building Supply, Pocatello. ld.. 1Oth

Arizona Store Swaps Go-op
HomCo Ace Hardware, Flagstaff, Az., is leaving the Ace Hardware coop after 23 years to join True Value and change its name to HomCo Lumber & Hardware.
HomCo locations in Phoenix and Tempe, Az., will remain with Ace.
Ghain Buys Colorado Ace
Mr. D's Home Center, Sterling, Co., has acquired Brush Ace Hardware. Brush, Co., as its third Northeastern Colorado location.
The store's interior will be extensively remodeled in the fall.
Coos Bay Rail Line ComPlete
Coos Bay Rail Link has resumed rail service between Eugene, Or., and Roseburg Forest Products' plywood mill in Coquille, Or., completing full restoration of the Coos Bay line that shut down over five years ago.
The Port of Coos Bay purchased the 134-mile route in 2009 and has spent $3 I million on rePairs.
"Moving product by rail directlY out of Coquille can eliminate up to 18 truckloads per day of material being shipped to another mill, where it then is loaded on a rail car," said
Roseburg's director of transportation, Jeff Brandt. "This will not only allow us to be more competitive by reducing our costs. but it will benefit the community and environment by reducing highway traffic and emissions."
Worker Discovered Buried at Arizona Roofing Plant
OSHA is investigating the death of a 30-year-old employee at Eagle Roofing Products, Phoenix, Az., who had become trapped under several tons of sand and aggregate used to manufacture concrete roof tiles.
Jantu Medrano-who had worked at the plant for less than three weeks-was reported missing on April 12, after failing to show up for his 3:30 a.m. shift. His previous shift had ended at 2 p .m. the day before.
"There's one large hopper that divided into three hoppers going into conveyor belts," said Fire Captain Tony Muir. "Crews rappelled down into the hopper to bring up Medrano's body."
Company officials and fellow workers said he wasn't supposed to be where his body was found. Homicide investigators questioned employees, but did not suspect foul play.
r SUPPHER Briefs
Utah Wood Preserving, Woods Cross, Ut., has switched its FRTW from Dricon to Pyro-Guard.
Interfor temporarily idled its Beaver, Wa., sawmill starting May 25, due to market conditions.
Pacific Abrasive Supply Co. (PASCO), Buena Park, Ca., has been icquired 6v CGW.Camel Grind' ing Wheels, Niles, ll.
Herbert Lumber Co., nioote, 0r., sustained a minor fire May 21 after an electrical panel blew off the wall.
Simpson Strong-Tie, Pleasanton, Ca., was recognized as Preferred Supplier Partner of the Year by tool/fastener co-op Sphere 1 for the second straight year.
James Hardie Building
Products, Mission Viejo, Ca., earned the Good Housekeeping Seal for its James Hardie fiber-cement siding.

Natron Wood Products/ Jasper Wood Products, Jasper, Or., will invest $10 million opening a 265,000-sq. ft. MDF and HDO plywood facility in Louisville, Ms.
Thermory USA nas earned a Class B Fire Rating for its thermally modified hardwood decking, with a Flame Spread Index of 35.
The CAMO hidden deck fastening system from National Nail CorP., Grand Rapids, Mi., is now listed as compatible with TAMKO's EverGrain and Envision composite decking.
Allweather Wood is now keating with Chemonite brand ACZA at its White City, Or., facility.

MOVERS & Shakers
Dan Semsak has been promoted to v.p.-sales & marketing and RandY Schillinger to v.p.-operations for Pacific Woodtech Corp., Burlington, Wa. Jonathan "J.D." Dombek, ex-Engineered Wood Solutions, is new as sales mgr.
Bob Maurer, ex-Swanson GrouP, is a new field buyer with Universal Forest Products, Thornton, Ca.
James D. ttJim" Boyer has been Promoted to president of Parr Lumber Co., Hillsboro, Or., and its subsidiaries. David Hamill will remain c.e.o. through 20 I 3 to assist in the transition and develop business strategies.
Dave Cox, ex-Lumber Yard SuPPlY, has joined All-Coast Forest Products, Englewood, Co., as outside sales territory mgr. Chris Kimmett, ex-Minot Builders Supply, and Richard StyPinski are now in inside sales.
Reid Schooler, ex-Hampton Lumber Sales, is a new lumber trader at Buckeye Pacific, Portland, Or.
Darrell Chrapko is now engineered wood products mgr. at Boise Cascade. Denver. Co.
Kevin Daugherty, ex-Swanson Group, has joined Olympic Panel Products, Shelton, Wa., as Product line mgr.-commodity panels.
Rob Rodriguez, ex-Western Woods, has joined Boral TruExterior Trim as sales mgr. for the Northern California territory. He is based in Sacramento, Ca.
Darren McKowan is now handling all sales and shipping at Columbia Vista Corp., Vancouver, Wa., succeeding Scott Olsen, who has left after 25 years to become Purchasing and sales mgr. for Dis-Tran Wood Products, Pineville, La.
Robert Pineda, ex-Wholesale Lumber & Plywood, is a new senior trader at Neiman Reed Lumber Co., Van Nuys, Ca.
Jon Nagle, ex-Intermountain Orient, has joined Matheus Lumber Co., selling for the Phoenix, Az., office from Upland, Ca.
Bryan Elliston, ex-ProBuild, is now operations mgr. at Sterling Lumber & Investment Co., Westminster, Co.
David King is a new EWP designer at Capital Lumber, Woodburn, Or.
Scot Savary, ex-BMC West, has been named general mgr. of ProBuild, Spanaway, Wa. Amber ThurmanTruax, ex-Window Solutions, is a new millwork specialist at Dixieline Lumber/ProBuild, Solano Beach, Ca.
James Blair, ex-Plastpro, has joined El & El Wood Products, Elk Grove, Ca., as sales mgr. for Northern California.
Christy Lambeth is new to millwork sales at American Building Supply, Sacramento, Ca.
Mike Looper, ex-Atrium Windows & Doors, has joined the sales force at Orepac Building Products, Spokane, Wa.
James McMillan, ex-Economy Lumber Co., is new to door & window sales at Exclusively Doors, Richmond, Ca.

Ron Barrette has been named general mgr. of Valley Lumber & Truss, Henderson, Nv.
Greg J. Griffin, ex-Cal-Wood Flooring Supply, is now territory mgr. for the San Francisco Bay Area at Heppner Hardwoods, Azusa, Ca.
Blake Anderson is new to lumber sales at Alpine Lumber Co., Frederick, Co.
. Made from American Hardwood
. Class I Durability25+ years (lab tested)
ProprietaryT&G end joint, reduces waste and makes installation fast and easY
. Class B Fire Rating
. Visually Stunning Appearance
. In stock for immediate shipment
Marguerita Chavarria, ex-Superior Engineering Products, has joined the inside sales team at Huttig Building Products, Rancho Cucamonga, Ca.
Brenda Hunsinger, ex-Silverado Building Materials, is new to architectural sales at Peninsula Building Materials, Livermore, Ca.
Carol Fouts has been appointed district sales mgr. for Simonton Windows, Vacaville, Ca.
Craig Loop is store mgr. of the new Orchard Supply Hardware in Tigard, Or.
Bud Barr, ex-White Cap, is new to outside sales at Border Construction Supplies, San Diego, Ca.
David Penewell is now handling Northwest sales for Zometek composite decking from Aboeda/ Bamboo Hardwoods. Seattle. Wa.

Steve Bailey is a new truss designer at Holderness Supplies, Tucson, Az.
Joseph Sandoval is now in territory sales at L&P Building Supply, Albuquerque, N.M.
Allen Smith. ex-Golden State Flooring, has been named western regional mgr. for Pin n ac I e Hardwood Floors, Carrollton, Tx.
Julie Gengo has been appointed marketing specialist for the Environmental Certification Services division of SCS Global Services, Emeryville, Ca.
Dave Golling, Royal Plywood Co., Cerritos, Ca., has been elected to the board of the Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers, Anaheim, Ca.
George R. Judd has resigned as president, c.e.o.. and a director of Bluelinx Holdings, Atlanta, Ga.
Howard S. Cohen will serve as executive chairman while the board searches for a successor.
Corbin Prows has joined Do it Best Corp., Fort Wayne, In., as a retail program mgr.
Gary Maulin has been named western states territory mgr. at Starborn Industries, Edison, N.J.
Steve Killgore, Roseburg Forest Products, Roseburg, Or., was elected to Engineered Wood Technology Association's advisory committee, replacing Barry Nelson, who resigned. Dale Leeper, Momentive Specialty Chemicals, succeeded Alan Weaver, who retired.
Armand A. Legg is now director of pricing at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., according to co-owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.
John Harmer, 85, co-owner and president of Southland Lumber & Supply,Inglewood, Ca., died May 15.
He started the business with his sister. Leah, in 1946 and remained active until his passing. The company continues under his daughter, Susan Harmer, and Leah's son, Johnny Crowell.
Eunice Lulu Wisdom. 86, former owner of Wray Lumber, Wray, Co., died May 6.
She and her husband, Dale, Purchased the company in 1964. She initially handled secretarial and book-
keeping duties, but oversaw the entire business after her spouse died. She sold the company and retired in 1996.
Larry Leon McGuire, 80, retired president of McGuire Lumber Yard, Yakima, Wa., died May 22.
He joined his family's newly founded company at age 17 and also helped lead sister business Rahier Trucking, Yakima. He retired in 1993.
Wilbur Fullaway, 88, founder of Calaveras Lumber, Angels Camp, Ca., died May 5 in Angels Camp.
He attended Oregon State University before joining the Navy in 1943.
He served in Europe, including as a relief soldier at Normandy Beach.
After the war, he worked at American Forest Products. Stockton. Ca., for 27 years.In 1916, he used his retirement savings to buy a small yard that became Calaveras Lumber.
Alvin Joseph Ficco, 80, former coowner of Rice Lumber, Ouray, Co., died April 27 in Ouray
After serving with the U.S. Army, he co-owned Rice Lumber from 1956 to 1969 with his brother, Tom Fellin, and sister-in-law, Sally Fellin with his brother, Tom Fellin. From 1969 to 1994, he operated Box Canon Construction with his best friend, Norm Fedel.
Christopher Thomas Peepe, 64, former manager of McNamara & Peepe Builders Supply, Crescent City, Ca., died May l5 in Crescent City.
He served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War, earning a Bronze Star. In 1976, he graduated from Humboldt State University with a degree in business.
He began working for his father at McNamara & Peepe Lumber Co., Crescent City, at age 15 and moved over to the builders supply when the sawmill closed in the early 1980s. When it shut down in the 1990s, he partnered with Jim Rawlings to launch Crescent Cabinets. He retired in 201 l.
Daniel Clayton Bidwell,'7 5, for' mer partner in Wheatwell Lumber, Stacey, Mt., died May 16.
After working at ranches and Ashland Sawmill, Ashland, Mt., he formed Wheatwell Lumber in 1973 with his brother-in-law, Walt Wheaton.
Luther Iverson ttl-uket'Love, 83, Northern California sawmill veteran, died May 23 in Taylorsville, Ca.
He entered the lumber industry at age 16, quickly rising to sawyer with Plumas Lumber, Genesee, Ca., and then at Louisiana-Pacific, Crescent Mills, Ca., before owning and operating his own sawmill for several years. He retired from Siskiyou/Plumas Lumber in 1993.
Marie Barr Langley,90, who supported her late husband Cordes Langley's businesses, Redwood Coast Lumber and Coast Wood Preserving, Ukiah, Ca., died May 4. She graduated from University of Califbrnia-Berkeley in 1981.

"l'll give you three reasons why we buy CollinsWood for our pattern and fascia stock. One: they are the absolute leaders in FSCU-certified softwood. Period. Two: there is a sense of loyalty, of confidence. They know us. We know them. We trust each other. Finally, our businesses are in close proximity which mrnimizes our carbon footprint. All in all, that's why we choose FSclcertified Collins Softwoodl' Chris Richter, Western Woods, Chico, CA

Vaagen Hits Full Production at New Arizona
Vaagen Brothers Lumber, Colville, Wa., has started up its new Four Corners Forest Products sawmill in Eagar, Az.

Utilizing logs from wildfire salvage and fuels reduction projects in northeast Arizona and northwest New Mexico, the facility's mobile HewSaw has a capacity of 100,000 bd. ft. of lumber per shift.
Green Demand to Double
Worldwide demand for green construction materials is expected to grow from $116 billion in 2013 to more than $254 billion in 2O2O,
according to a new forecast by Navigant Research.
Future market growth for green materials will be driven by a combination of policies and regulations that prioritize energy efficiency and green design, the expansion of voluntary certification programs for green buildings. cost reductions for green materials, consumer demand, and growing evidence that green buildings confer quantifiable market advantages.
"Green building materials range from traditional materials that are being revalued for their minimal impacts to advanced technologies that are enabling better passive and active building performance," said Navigant
senior research analyst Eric Bloom. "Incremental improvements in materials science, production efficiency within mature product classes, and changes in design and construction practices are all helping to reduce the impacts from the buildings and materials sectors."
The use of product standards and environmental assessments, along with product and company reporting, will be significant in shaping the green materials market. Though it can be argued that the current green product labeling landscape is overpopulated, a more select class of standards and tools is emerging, making environmental performance more measurable and more transparent, according to the report.
EPA Pushes to Widen Regs on Composite Panels
The EPA has proposed making national the California Air Resources Board's emissions standards on composite wood products.
The mandate would limit the amount of formaldehyde that may be emitted from hardwood plywood, medium-density fiberboard, particleboard and finished goods sold, made or imported in the U.S.
EPA estimates that a national regulation, when fully implemented, could reduce formaldehye levels in new or remodeled homes by up to 25Vo.
The agency also proposed forming a third-party framework to certify that manufacturers meet the new rules.
The New Crosshead Pediment - just one of the many AZEK Building Products inspired by you. lt's three moulding pieces in one - saving you the time and labor of cutting and installing three separate pieces. To learn more about the Crosshead Pediment, as well as our new Cove Crown, Eight-lnch Crown, and Fluted/Reeded Casing, visit AZEK.com

ldaho Timber Buys Hood Mill
Idaho Timber, Boise, Id., has purchased Hood Industries' idled sawmill in Coushatta, Al., and plans to restart the facility by third quarter 2013.
The 60-acre site includes four main buildings, including a 79,000-sq. ft. sawmill, which dates back more than five decades to the original business, Bobcat Lumber. It closed in 2008 due to the recession.
Idaho Timber expects to invest $3.5 million refurbishing the plant, which will employ 90, producing
radius-edge decking, dimension lumber, and other products from southern yellow pine.
Sure Drive Acquires Ty-Lan
Sure Drive USA, Hayward, Ca., has acquired the patents and manufacturing rights from Ty-Lan Enterprises for its complete line of hidden deck fasteners, including ShadoeTrack, The Hidden Link, and Mantis Clip. Ty-Lan was an original innovator in the hidden deck fastener market with its introduction of ShadoeTrack

in 1995. Brian Orchard, president of Ty-Lan, will continue to be active in sales and product development with Sure Drive.
Sure Drive manufactures Copperguard, Rustguard, Cap-Sure, and Seamaster deck screws. A division of Pan American Screw, it is part of Marmon/Berkshire-Hathaway' s Construction Fastener Group, along with sister firms Deerwood Fasteners International, Co-Op Screw, Atlas Bolt & Screw. and Robertson Inc.
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Price: Free
Platforms: iPad, iPhone
A new app lets homeowners and professionals "build" and preview windows and doors with all of Marvin's stain, clear-coat, or painted interior finish ootions.
Marvin offers six stain optionshoney, wheat, hazelnut, cabernet, espresso and leather-that can be applied to any of Marvin's six wood species-pine, white oak, cherry, Douglas fir, mahogany and vertical grain Douglas fir.
TDownload from iTunes App Store
Boral TruExterior'Ti'im Like no other...
Pioneering the poly-ash category of the exterior trim market, Boral TruExterior* Trim is like no other trim product on the market today. lt offers an optimal solution for a wide variety of non-structural applications including fascia boards, soffits, frieze boards, rake boards, garage door casings, window and door surrounds, and others
Uniquely, Boral TruExterior* Tilm provides both workability and durability that your customers desire without the limitations facino other exterior trim oroducts.

a a a a a
r See Boral TruEl:teriof Trim Warranty and Product Data Sheel for proprietary test results at wrywv.BoralTruExteriorcom
Proudly Distributed by:
Maintaining dimensional stabilityl
No need to glue joints
No need to prime ends or field cuts
Easily accepts paint of any color
Suitable for ground contact
Easy Roof Repairs
Kemperol Roofpatch kits from Kemper System are ideal for small roof repairs.
The ready-to-use patches stop leaks and cover cracks and damaged areas in bitumen sheets, PVC roofing sheets, concrete, wood and metal. Each patch is rainfast in 60 minutes and can be walked on after 12 hours.
(800) 541-5455
EWP Design Software

Georgia-Pacific Wood Products has partnered with Calculated Structured Designs to offer updated design software for engineered wood roof and floor systems.
Using CSD's iStruct platform, GP's updated FasrSuite software
Tough Trimboard
Boral TruExterior beadboard closely resembles wood, but resists rotting, splitting and termites. A blend of proprietary polymers and fly ash create a product that is both sustainable and durable.
Available are an edge-andbead and a V-groove profile. An interlocking tongue-and-groove system eliminates the need for visible fasteners.
(888\ 926-12s9
Extra-Thick PVG Sheets
Reportedly the first l-112" thick, single-extruded cellular PVC sheet is new from Versatex. A full l/4" thicker than previous products, Versatex Max is available in nominal 48" widths and four standard lengths: 8', 12', 16' and 18'. The sheets are designed to eliminate or reduce lamination steps during fabrication of custom mouldings, rails, pergolas, corbels, etc.
(724). 857-rrrr
consists of F,q.srPlan design layout, F.q,srBeam beam-sizing, and FnsrOpt material-optimization software. Programs use intuitive drawing and simple input methods to create faster designs.
(800) 406-6235
Specializing in Flatbed E Van Freight for over 1O years
Damp-Area Flooring
SelecTech's Place N' Go interlocking flooring can be used over subflooring in damp locations, such as basements, bathrooms and kitchens.
Made with a resilient, moisture-resistant plastic, the tiles can be installed without adhesives. underlayment or padding, so changes are simple.
(508) 583-3260
Smarter Locks
Kwikset's 2nd Generation SmartCode deadlocks connect with existing home security and automation syslems. so homeowners can receive security updates via their mobile devices.
Twenty different styles and finishes are availabale. Features include one-touch programming. easy re-keying of the lock, and a backlit push-button keypad.
(800\ 422-4218
Insulation for Siding
LineBacker siding insulation from Progressive Foam Technologies provides a thermal break and improves the appearance of any plank-style siding, including fiber cement and composite.
The insulation combats thermal bridging. makes existing cavity insulation more effective, and levels the wall under the siding. Guide lines ease installation, by providing a ledge for each plank to stop against for nailing.
(800) 860-3626
Roseburg Engineered Wood Products in the Southem Colifornis market. Huff Lumber offers the complete line of Roseburg EWP coupled wilh full technicol copobilities including ioke-off, conversion, plocemenf drowings ond engineering services. IWP moteriols ore ovoiloble in mill direct bulk shipments, locol units ond cut piece iob pockoges.

The Roseburg Froming System@ consisfs of: RFPI@ Joisls used in floor ond roof construction; Rigidlom@ LVL which is used for heoders, beoms, studs ond columns; ond RigidRimo Rimboord. All of lhe components ore engineered to the indusfry's highesi stondords to help controctors build solid, duroble, ond better performing froming syslems compored to ordinorv dimension lumber.
Rigidlom@ LVI
RigidLom@ [Vl Sluds
Rigid[om@ LVI Columns
RigidRim@ Rimboord
Stapling Buddy
Paslode's CapStapler system simplifies installation of housewrap, plastic sheathing, and roof underlayment.
The system includes the pneumatic CapStapler, FasCap button cap reels, and 18-guage, 3/8" crown button cap staples in l" and 1-112" lengths.
Other features include an adjustable exhaust cap, adjustable belt hook, and a switchable cap feed that can be used as a na(Tow crown stapler.

(800\ 222-6990
Flat-Mount Lighting
Flatlight Luminaires from PIXI-Lighting can be flush-mounted against any flat surface. The LED lights use up to SOVo less energy than incandescent lights, with less heat and no mercury or lead.
Commercial-grade panels come in two sizes: 2'x2' and I'x4'. Residential panels are available in I'xl', I'x2',and2'x2'. All are I12" thick.
(7rq 22t-9830
lmproved PVG Trim
TrexTrim now offers two new PVC moulding products, plus a new matte finish that more closely matches its boards, sheets and builder profiles.

The garage door stop is designed to seal the gap between garage doors and doorjambs.
A new 18' brick mould profile can be used to trim windows, entry doors, and garages.
(800) 289-8739
Water-Saving Toilet
Certified by WaterSense, the Brianne high-efficiency toilet from Gerber Plumbing Fixtures uses just 1.28 gallons per flush.
The toilet also has a compact configuration, a FluidMaster 400A fill valve, a 3" flush valve for quick bowl cleaning, dual-fed siphon jets, and a 2" glazed trapway. It comes in white and biscuit colors, in round or elongated bowl designs.
(866) 538-5536
o Customized buying process for multi-stote customers
. Multiple keotmenl options: PACBOR@ borote treoment, ACQ Preserve@, Dricon@ fire retordont, CCA for ogriculturol ond industriol products, heot treotment
o Ample invenlory or we'll treol your lumber
o Roil spurs ot oll of our plonts ond eosy occess lo moior highwoys meons quick turnoround
o Third porty inspection
o Meets AWPA
o Proud sponsors of LACN

At n""r Lumber Servlce, we supply domestlc and foreign trardwoods. Our products and servlces lnclude:

Hardwood Lumber & Plne
Hardwood Plyrood & Veneers
Melanlne Plywood
. Hardwood ttlouldrng (alder, cherr5r, mahogany, MDF, maple, red oak, palnt grade, pecan hickory, whlte oak, walnut, beech)
. Milllng (moulding profiIes, S2S, SLRIE, SLR2E, & resawn lumber)
llloodworking Accessorles (appllques, ornaments, butcher blocks, corbels, etc.)
. Woodworking Suppltes (deft flnishes, color putty, adhesives, etc.)
Ou" products are widely used in
interlor finlsh carpentry, furnlture, cabinetry and hundreds of lndustrlal and manufacturing applicatlons. trre stock a complete llne of complementary products to eomplete vlrtually any woodworklng or mlllwork proJect.
NAWLA conference (continued from previous two pages). [1] Daniel Schaffer, Mary O'Meara Moynihan, Mark Hefley, Rosalie Leone, Scott Ken. [2] Suzanne Hearn, Mark Erickson. [3] Carl Tobey, Bethany West, Sam Sanregret. [4] Barb & Doug O'Rourke. [5] Sandy & Chris Fischer. [6] Vicki & Carl Lamb. [7] Roger Champagne, Ann & Jim Robbins. [8] Linda & Barry Schneider. [9] Cindy & Bill Anderson, Shelley Kohlmeier. [10] Bill & Kathy Price, Cindy & Jim McGinnis lll. [11] Russ & Linda Hobbs. [12] Andy Goodman, Rick Elstein.

f4Iqq!4I!oN update
West Coast Lumber ct liuilding Material Association hlrs cnlistctl sales traincl Rick Dar is to hcrrtllinc its lnd Gro* tlr SLrnrnre r Conlclcnec .lulr Ili-19 at ILlnclro [-ls Palnlrs Rcsort. Rancho NIirlgc. ('1.
During tl inncr thc I'irst cr cnirrs. Dln is lr'ill spcak orr "Thc Wonrlcr.lirl .loy of Glitchcs." I:ollori inq brcukll:t thc ncrt clar'. hc uill tliscLtss hou ttr ''Crll't Winnins Slrlcs Pellor'ntrncc lnrl Sulcspcoplc rn ('hlngirrs Tinrcs."
\\'estcrn Building N{aterial
,\ssocialion w'ill hold its I I lth annual convcntiotr in Fcbr.rurlr' lO l-1 ut thc Tulllil'r l{csort. N'litlr sr illc. \\il.
Nlountain States Lumllcr & Building Nlaterial Dealcrs hirs u pair of goll clcnts sct tbr thc sunlrcr'.
.luly l(r lill t'catLrrc thc rLrtnrrlrl Colorado \\'OOI) CoLrrtcil's goll torrr'nanrcnt lr ntl rl irrnc'r at 'l lrc Illr ne h (lountn ('lLrtr. \\'cstnrinstcr. C'o.
Thcn on ,\Lrg. 2-1. it's thc Wcstcr-n Slopc goll tounlullcnt and cookorrt lrt Ril-lc Clcck (ioll'C'ourse Ril'lc. ('o.
North i\rncricarr lluilcling \latcrial Distribution Association Irls l'i nirlize-cl tl-tc spcukcrs lix its annrrlrl conr cr.rtion thi: lull rn ('liicago. ll. [)r'csentels inclLrtlc ccononrist Blilrn llclulicu. Instilutc l'or. llcllth &
llLrrrrrn I)otcntial's [3rll l]cn.jlnrin. lirr. nrcr baskctball ltlo \\'lltcl lloncl. salc: ltttcl nlrrketinS c\Pcr-1 Slrnr Ilichtcr. rlrstlrlrLrlion inclurtlr r ctcr-lrn Scott TlronlLs. lLncl Cierclunrl Rcscrrrch Co. co-lourttlcr' 1\1at'k IIcr.bck. rrrklrcssing trorcis irr tlrc bLrilcling prxlucl sLrltltlr clltrn.
Tlre N,'r . I I l-+ ;1r111.'111i1r11 i. .qrsponsolcrl lr) \orth ,\ rne rican Associalion of Flour Cor e ring Distrillutors.
\\'estcrlr \\'oocl I)reservers lrrstitutc continrrcs its scrics ol ricbintu-s tlrrrir-tg thc sunrnrcr'. ''L nclcrstiln(l iltg N[']SC CroLrrtlinr ILcclLtrrerttcrtts lor' lrlcctrrc Distr-ibrrtron S;\ \te lls" ri ill bc eorcrecl .l unc l7 lr nd "SlLlcn & ( )r crloiLcl I-aclo|s" on .lLrlr l-5.
Club enjoyed a May 10 tour of
n.^^^^ n^ ^^l i+^ -^^r^

CAPITAL LUMBER, Chino, Ca., recentlv held an ooen house to celebrate the installation of equipment ourchased from All-Coast Forest Products and to thank customers and suppliers for their patience during the transition. [1] John Gaskin, Grant Pearsall, Pete Meichtry, Sam Sanregret. [2] George Garcia, Dan O'Hara, Tim Kennedy. [3] Bill Sullivan. [4] David Abbott, Sal Camarda, Jim Giehl.
Rates: $1.20 per word (25 word minimum). Phone number counts as 1 word, address as 6. Centered copy or headline, $9 per line. Border, $9. Private box, $15. Column inch rate: $55 if art furnished "cameraready" (advertiser sets the type), $65 if we set type. Send ad to Fax 949-852-0231 or dkoenig@ building-products.com.
AFor more info, call (949) 852-1990. Make checks payable to Cutler Publishing.

Deadline: 18th of orevious month.
To reply to ads with private box numbers, send correspondence to box number shown, c/o The Merchant. Names of advertisers using a box number cannot be released.
CAI,IFORNIA CASCADE INDUSTRIES iS currently hiring quality, seasoned salespeople. Opportunities are for both inside and outside sales. Send resume to ckaufenbers@ califomiacascade.com.
Ju$ $22 o yeol "'III:RGHAilT,,--
Storl your own subrcdption wifi oul uery nexf issue by colling Heother ot (9491 852-1990 Hl(elly@ building.product on
Llstlngs are often submitted nonths in advance. Always verify dates and locations wrth sponsor before making plans to attend.
Western Forestry & Conservation Association - June 10-14, basics of forestland & timber appraisal seminar, Corvallis, Or.; www.westernforestry.org.
National Lawn & Garden Show -June 11-13, Crowne Plaza O'Hare, Rosemont, ll.; (888) 316-0226; www.nlgshow.com.
National Retail Federation - June 12.14, loss prevention conference & expo, San Diego Convention Center, San Diego, Ca.; (800) 6i3a692; www.nrf.com.
Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club - June 13, meeting, Moreno's Restaurant, Orange, Ca.; (626) 445-8556; www.lahlc.net.
West Goast Lumber & Building Material Association - June 13, associatesidealers golf tournament, Rancho Solano Golf Club, Fairfi eld, Ca.; (800) 2664344;www.lumberassociation.org.
Southern California Hoo-Hoo Club - June 19, meeting, Anaheim Hills Golf Course, Anaheim, Ca.; (760) 324-0842; www.hoohool 17.org.
Washington Hardwoods Commission - June 19, meeting, Castle Rock, Wa. ; (360) 835-1 700; wahardwoodscomm.com.
Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau - June 21, annual meeting, Kelowna, B.C.; (253) 835-3344; www.plib.org.
Western Wood Preservers Institute - June 23.25, summer meet ing, Ritz-Carlton Lake Tahoe, Truckee, Ca.; (360) 693-9958; www.wwpinstitute.org.
Northwest Natural Resource Group - June24-26, small-scale logging workshops, Oakville, Wa.; (360) 316-9317; nnrg.org.
Council on Forest Engineering - July 7.10, annual meeting, Missoula, Mt.; (5a1 ) 754-7558; www.cofe.org.
Western Forestry & Conservation Association - July 8-11, advanced insect & disease field session, Hood River, Or.; www.westernforestry.org.
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Associa. tion - July 16, Colorado WOOD Council golf tournament, The Ranch Country Club, Westminster, Co.; (800) 365-0919; www.mslbmda.org.
Interforst 2014 - July 16-20, annual forestry & forest technology fair, Messe Munchen, Munich, Germany; www.interforst.de/en.
West Coast Lumber & Building Material Association - July 1819, 2nd Growth summer conference, Rancho Las Palmas Resort & Spa, Rancho Mirage, Ca; (800) 2664344; www.lumberassociation.org.

Association of Woodworking & Furnishings Suppliers - July 2427, woodworking fair, Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nv.; (800) 946-2937 ; www.awfsfair.org.
Southern Oregon Lumbermans Association - July 25-26, golf tournament & BBQ, Rogue Valley Country Club, Medford, Or.; (541)779-5121.
Oceania Plantation, Forest & Wood Products Trade Confer. ence - Aug. 8-9, Bayview on the Park Hotel, Melbourne, Australia: www. orcc,com,au.
Willamefte Valley Hoo-Hoo Club - Aug. 14 , trap shoot, Eugene Gun Club, Eugene, Or.; (541) 393-3309.
Orgilf - Aug. 22-24, fall dealer market, Boston Convention Exhibition Center, Boston, Ma.; www.orgill.com.
Mountain States Lumber & Building Material Dealers Associa. tion - Aug. 23, Western Slope golf tournament, Rifle Creek Golf Course, Rifle, Co.; (800) 365-091 9; www.mdbmda.org.
National Association of Women in Construction - Aug, 28.31, annual convention, Hyatt Regency, Bellevue, Wa,; (800) 5523506; www.nawic.org.
Hi-boro brand treated wood is a borate treated desimed for interior house framing in Ha trealed wood resists attack bv Fofrnosan nean termites and numerous hbusehold in
brand interior fire retrrdant is the conslruction induffis newest and mostadvanced fue Dmt€ction s$t€m for wuid. The unique Fir€Pro chemisw is a nalent x.irdins formuldion tha coriains no phosphoroubbased comlnundsl'
r IDEA Fi,fe
Dealer Holds lts Own Home Show
A100-year-old lumber dealer in New York has found a good way to bring in customers and connect with the community: an annual home show with vendor exhibits. entertainment for children. food and door prizes.
For more information on advertisers, call them directly or visit their websites [in brackets].
Advantage Trim & Lumber [www.advantagelumber.coml..........34

Allweather Wood [www,allweatherwood.com] ,,,...,....................,27
Austin Hardwoods & Hardware....
White's Lumber-which has locations rn Watertown, Gouveneur, Pulaski, and Clayton, N.Y.has hosted the show every spring for the past 25 years. This year, the two-day event drew more than 500 attendees.
"Now is just the start of the season for families planning projects," says James P. Finnerty, who manages the Watertown location. "Along with local companies, national vendors and suppliers are well-represented at the show."
With 46 vendors and other industry experts, attendees got information and advice on anything related to construction and remodeling-including roofing, siding, decking, railing, flooring, painting and kitchen design.
No one went hungry at the event, with the Lions Club selling an array of "carnival" refreshments: hamburgers, hot dogs, popcorn, chips and soda.
Children who attended were treated to face painting, a story time, a show by a local magician, and a visit from Clifford the Big Red Dog. Girl Scouts volunteered to help host the children's events, so everything went smoothly.
Adults enjoyed a range of door prizes, including hats and T-shirts. The grand prize was a swing set donated by White's Lumber.
Bodyguard Wood Products [www.bodyguard.com] .....................3
Boral [www.boraltrueexterior.com] .....................,,.......................35
Gabot [www.cabotfactoryfi nish.com]
Cal Coast Wholesale Lumber
California Timberline [www.caltimberline.com]
C&E Lumber Co. [www,lodgepolepine.com] .,,...,,,.,.,.,.......,,,,,...,..4
Gapitaf [www.capital-lumber.com] ........................24,26
Collins Companies [www,collinswood.com]
DeckWise [www.deckwise,com] .............
El & El Wood Products [www.elandelwoodproducts.com] ..,.......3
Fontana Wholesale Lumber ffontanawholesalelumber.coml.....43
Huff Lumber Go. .............,.... ..................................37
Humbofdt Redwood [www,getredwood.com]..............................27
ldaho Forest Group [www.idahoforestgroup.com],..............,,....,.5
Jaaco Corp. [wwwjaaco.com].......................................................32
Keller Lumber Co.....,,.,.,.,,...... ......................,.,.....,32
Kemper System [www.kemperol.roofpatch.coml .......................30
Manke Lumber Co. [www.mankelumber.com]......,.....,.....,,,.......,38
Norman Distribution lnc. [www.normandist.com],......................1 1
PPG Machine Applied Coatings [www.ppgpro.com] ........Gover lll
Pacific Wood Preserving Cos. [www.pacificwood.com].............39
Plycem USA [www.plycemhim.com] .........,.....,,,....,.,.,.................23
Railing Dynamics Inc. [www,rdirail.com]
Redwood Empire [www,redw0odemp.com].,..,,.....,.,................,....8
Reel Lumber Service [www,reellumber.com] ...,..........................41
Regal Custom Millwork,,.,,..... ,..............................41
Roseburg Forest Products [www.rfpco.com] 19
Royal Pacific Industries ^
Simpson Strong-Tie [www.strongtie.com]..........................Cover ll
Straightline Transport [www.shaight-line-transport.com]
PPG introduces o new semiJronsporent system thot combines the protection of o solid color finish with the oppeoronce of o semi-tronsporent stoin.
. IOO% ocrylic lotex
. Mochine opplicotion formulo for better overoll consistency versus field opplicotion
o Formuloted with high durobility pigments for moximum UV performonce
o Voried bosecoot colors offer q wide ronge of color options
r Excellent color retention

Your Market Demands...
Swanson Responds.
A customer approached us with a problem...he needed a radiant barrier panel.. but the job spec called for veneer plywood and not OSB. Atter consulting with mill management and our overlay supplier - sales had an ; answer. Yes, we can do this.
The result is TruBlock, a radiant barrier veneer panel that reduces attic temperatures and saves on energy costs. lt also has the superior strength, stiffness and performance of Douglas-fir plywood. Our customers ask - and Swanson responds.

Swanson Group Sales is now producing 2x4 and 2xO Premium at their Glendale OR sawmill. The grade follows the light to no wane spec that is favored by discriminating buyers everywhere. When appearance is critical try Swanson Group's 2x4 and 2xG Premium.
When the market calls for a better product...
Swanson delivers.