1 minute read
GRM systems bolster LBM sales
fr vou eRs unfamiliar with the term cRM, it stands for vicetomarketingmanagement. If youstartbyaskingyourlCustomer Relationship Management. e""orJlrrg to self what information you have to waste time chasing' Wikipedia, it's a "model fb, llrurruging a company's iiter- requires time-consuming consolidation' or is managed on actions with current and future customers. It involves using spreadsheets, that will reveal a basket of areas where CRM technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, can help' marketing, customer service, and technical support'"
Today, cRM plattbrms have evolved una.tung"a to Q: w1yarecompaniesinterestedintoolslikecRM? meet the needs of modern businesses, which includes
A: It trur a lot to do with competitive envicloud-based systems, seamless integration ronments and tighter resources. In the past, withmobiledevices,integrationwith.c.wouldsimply..throwpeople social media (such as Linkedln), built- tu^ ""ilotlltiln:n ir came to an issue or an in ESNs (internal collaboration net-
9- io be proactive towards revenue and opportunity. Today, companies need works for business), connections