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for 2013 llAWll Troders tllorkd at The tiroge - Eyenl Center A & B' los Uegos' llv.
Santiago, Chile
Produces solid wood products, sawn wood, remanufactured products, plywood, lumber, wood chips, and pulp from timberlands in Chile and Argentina.
C.M. Tucker Lumber Cos. 5!f Pageland, S.C.
Southem yellow pine sawmill and pressure treater.
Coastal Plvwood Co. ?25 Box 1128. Havana, Fl. 32333; (800) 359-6432: (S50) 539-6432; Fax 850-5396799; dforbes@coastalplywood.com; www.coastalplywood.com.
Coastal Plywood Co. is committed to providing the best value in southern pine plywood products. Its manufacturing plants implement the latest quality control improvement programs, so products will excel in appearance and performance. Its sales staff is responsive to customer needs throughout the purchasing process, from inquiry through deliverY.
Coastal offers an extensive product line that includes Performance Rated Sheathing' AC, BC, BB O&ES Plyform, Sturd-I-Floor underlayment, classic beaded interior siding, and SolarPly radiant barrier roof sheathing.
Collins 715.717 l618 SW lst Ave., Ste. 500, Portland, Or.9'72O1; (800) 329-1219; (503) 4712295; www.collinswood.com. Booth con- tacts: Josh Dean, Kevin Dodds, AIY Kingsley, Joe La Berge, Wade MosbY, Kevin Paldino, Grant PhilliPs, Eric Schooler.
Founded in I 855, Collins has a long history as a family-owned forest products company with more than 310.000 acres o[ FSC-certified forests in Ca., Or., W.V., and Pa., where it is one of the largest private landowners in the state.
Products include softwoods, hardwoods, NAF pine particleboard, engineered wood sidine. and trim.
Columbia Cedar 828' 830 Kettle Falls, Wa.
Western red cedar decking, siding, fencing' paneling.
Conifex Timber
Fort St. James, B.C.
Timber harvesting, reforestation, forest management, sawmilling logs into lumber and wood chips. and lumber finishing.
Contechemlnc. 903
St. Johns, Or.
Providers of Britewood sapstain-control oroducts. Brite-Seal clear wax end-seal' and Sol-Brite iron stain control.

Dakeryn Industries Ltd. @.
N. Vancouver, B.C.
Owner of Mountain View Specialties, Abbotsford, B.C., manufacturer of premium specialties including solid and fingerjoint fascia, trim and decking.