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gweyour brush arest!
Diacon Technologies Ltd. 7A 11960 Hammersmith WaY, Ste. 135' Richmond. B.C. V7A 5C9; (604) 271-8855; F ax 6O4-2'1 | -4266; cservice @diacon.com; www.diacon.com.
Diacon delivers the most complete mold prevention program in the North American lumber industry. Its client base includes the world's most sophisticated, environmentally responsible lumber manufacturers. From applied research in its leading R&D center to its unparalleled Diacon Service program. it helps make customers' lumber more attractive and retain its fresh-cut look.
Digger Specialties, Inc. 810 3446 U.S. 6. Bremen, In. 46506; (574) 546-5999 ; www.diggerspecialties'com. Booth contacts: Scott Jarrett, Larry Boyts. Maintenance-free polyvinyl fence systems, polyrail railing, and poly decking.
DMSi 615 17002 Marcy St., Omaha, Ne.68ll8; (402) 330-6620; dmsi@dmsi.com: www. dmsi.com.
DMSi's flagship software, Agility' is built with inherent lumber industry functionality, including tallies, tags, reman, integrated viewers, dispatch, drop ships, mill sytem integration, freight/fuel accounting, accurate costing, and inventory control.
Dorris Lumber & Moulding Sacramento, Ca.
Producer of solid lineal mouldings'
Duckback Products 1nChico, Ca.
Premium quality acrylic-based coatings and Superdeck oil-based wood stalns.
Dunkley Lumber Ltd. 504 Prince George, B.C. SPF producer.
Durgin & Crowell Lumber Co. 416 New London, N.H.
KD eastern white pine manufacturer.
Sawmills and reman facilitY.
Eagle Plywood Specialties Hanisburg, Oh.
APA-certified panels and plywood.
804 315
8E Montreal, P.Q.
Eco Chemical 309 6600 Ursula Place S., Seattle, Wa. 98 108; (800) 671 -'793O mark@ecochemical.com: www.ecochemical.com. Booth contact: Mark Cheirrett.
Eco Chemical creates water-based, lowVOC stains for pressure treated lumber, machine-stained material, and other exterior wood products that can be improved with staining (fencing, posts, decks, railings, siding). Eco Hybrid Stain combines the best of water-based and oil-based stain technology in one product, providing rich, deep color thal will not fade. deeper penetration. superior film adhesion, faster dry time, flexibility and exceptional weatherability.