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leanuuoolf Protection Produots
G Ogainst Mold And Sapstain
' cleanwood. wood Protection Produ cts provide the forest industrywith fungicidesthot prevent sopstain and mold.
Broad-spectrum fungicide for wood protection
Controls sapstain and mold on freshly sawn softwood lumber, logs, poles, posts I and timbers
I l,Applied by spray application i. Helps preserve the appearance and value of freshly sawn lumber products i Synergistic combination of propiconazole and quaternary amine active ingredients a Controls fungi and iron tannate stain controls sapstain and mold on freshly sawn softwood lumber, logs, poles, posts and timbers
Applied by dip application
Helps preserve the appearance and value of freshly sawn lumber products pusperse 2g3* combination of MBT and TCMTB fungicide active ingredients f Use in combination with Busan 1.009 to help maintain o cleon, bright oppearonce on lumber products. ] ""- ,' r Lv' , 'v" ,v.tv, , vy,., t uurlrt t , vvz LlJ , rctlJ t t tuu tLutI I u Ltyul I, ur rgr ll uppgululrce on Iumogr proquc$, I psmoseo Cleanwood. Wood Protection Products provide the forest products industry with fungicides that prevent sapstain and mold. lvithout treatment, harmful insects, decay fungi, and marine borers can damage wood. In addition, infection fV funOi can cause sapstain and mold. This can result in unsightly appearance and increased permeability lhat can lead to decay. Left to the elements, most wood possesses little decay resistance. lsmose Cleanwood products are engineered to help treat and sustain the natural color, appeorance, and lrightness of softwood timber logs, poles, posts, agricultural, landscape, ond construction lumber. llnduris 706
McMinnville, Or.
Distributor of lumber and plywood.
Empire Lumber Co.
Kamiah,Id. Westem softwood mill.
'716'7 Old Kings Rd. No.l Jacksonville, Fl.32219; (888) 329-7428: Fax 877-1'783366; info@endecking.com; endeck.com.
Extrudes and distributes a complete line of vinyl profiles for the fence, deck and railing industry to a network of fabricators, and has been manufacturing high quality PVC fence, deck and rail products since 1998.
Epicor Software
Dublin, Ca.