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LumberTrack business management software for manufacturers and wholesalers.

Euler Hermes North America 90E Baltimore. Md.

World's leading provider of trade-related insurance solutions.

Fiberweb. PLC

Old Hickorv. Tn. Producer of Typar housewraP.

Florida East Coast Railway 3U

St. Augustine, Fl.

Regional freight railroad from Jacksonville to Miami.

Forest Products Distributors 803

Rapid City, S.D.

Pine dimension, boards and timbers, with reman, priming and treating plants.

FoTesTeVNAWLA Telelink 509 l-orest2Market 1P

Portland, Or.

Voice. data. broadband, Intemet services.

14045 Ballantyne Corporate Pl., Ste. 150. Charlotte, N.C. 28277; (704) 5401440; Fax 704-540-6301 ; www.forest2market. com; blog.forest2market.com.

Provides transaction-based pricing data to the southern pine lumber market. Its Mill2Market includes a Weekly Lumber Market Snapshot (a market price and trend report) and a Quarterly Lumber Price Benchmark (a performance benchmark that compares facility/employee performance to the market). Forest2Market is committed to delivering the most accurate, credible and quantitative market insight to our lumber industry customers. Results are reported confidentiallv onlv to subscribers.

Fraser Specialty Products 9f0 Edmundston, N.B.

Factory-finished wood products, including Fraser Wood Siding and Nextrim.

Fraserview Cedar Products 811 Surrey, B.C.

Prefabricated fence and lattice panels.

Freres Lumber Co. 832 Lyons, Or.

Producer of quality veneer for the manufacture of plywood and engineered wood products.

Gilbert Smith Forest Products 609 Barriere, B.C.

Manufacturer of westem red cedar lumber.

Gorman Bros. Lumher Ltd. 714 Westbank, B.C.

Whitewood and appearance spruce and lodgepole pine boards.


Naturally rich, warm, and beauti[u,,'eal western red cedar creates a look and feel that no other building materiat can match. In fact, Real Cedar is the preferred product for outdoor appIications where design and appearance are a pnorlty.

Its naturat durab;Lity and resistance io the etements make it the unsurpassed choice of builders and designers. What's more, RealCedar is easier to instalt and maintain, and costs less than most other ptast;c' vinyl and composite producls.

Naturatty renewable, sustainabLe, and unbeatabte versatitity and beauty make Real Cedar the reaI choice that no other product can match.

Haida Forest Products Ltd. 101 8818 Greenall Ave., BumabY, B.C. V5J 3M7; (866) 553-9663; (6O4) 437 -3434:' Fax 60 4 - 437 -"/ 222; info @ haidaforest.com ; www.haidaforest.com.

Established in 1951, Haida is a specialist in western red cedar, with over 60 years experience manufacturing and distributing premium cedar sidings, paneling and lumber products for North American, European and Asian markets. Haida specializes in wavy edge bevel siding, straight edge bevel siding, tongue & groove paneling, channel siding, log cabin siding, clear S4S and SIS2E finish, as well as decking, posts and timbers in Architectural Knotty and Clear grades. All of its premium grade products are sold under our Haida brand, including Haida Skirl wavy edge siding.

Hampton Lumber Sales 472 mProducts offered to North American and global customers include 2"-8" and larger commodity lumber sizes in Douglas fir (green and KD), hem-fir, and SPF in grades ranging from Econ through MSR.

Portland, Or.

Hancock Lumber Co. 601 Casco, Me.

Largest producer of eastern white pine in the U.S. and one of the nation's largest manufacturers of pattem stock.

Hardel Mutual Plywood

Chehalis, Wa.

Corp. U

Full line of sanded panels,303 plywood sidings, marine grade, and sheathing panels.

Hoover Treated Wood Products 974 Thomson. Ga.

Pyro-Guard interior fire retardant treated wood. Exterior Fire-X exterior FTW, CCA, Dura-Guard, Cop-8, Cop-Guard, copper azole' and Micro-Guard.

hoforestgroup .com bd. ft. of lumber a month, including ponderosa pine, DF, white fir, spruce, SYP and cedar.

Independent Dispatch Inc. 7il. Portland, Or.

Intermodal and trucking services.

Indiana Rail Road Co, ru Indianapolis, In.

917 Blaine, Wa.

Hy Mark Wood Mfg.

WRC boards, siding and specialties.

Idaho Forest Group 605

687 Canfield Ave., Ste.100, Coeur d'Alene, Id. 83815; (208) 762-663O:. Fax 208-'7 62-663 1 ; sales @ idfg.com; www.ida-

Idaho Forest Group's five Idaho production sites have a combined capacity of 1 billion bd. ft. Species are Doug fir, larch, hemfir, white fir, cedar, white pine, ponderosa pine, and SPF. Products include dimension framing lumber, studs, boards, lam stock, metric, mat stock, decking, home center, and premium. It offers private labeling, bar coding, end branding, custom sizes, custom profiles and patterns, custom grading and specifications, specified tallies, proprietary grades, mixed loading, half packs, destination pricing, and inventory management. Certifications include FSC, SFI and PEFC.

Idaho Timber Corp. 501 Fort Worth, Tx.

Manufacturing plants produce 70 million

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