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For over 100 years, our experts have been providing property and casualty insurance products and services to the lumber, woodworking and building material industries.
fohn K. Smith, CPCU President and Chief Executive Officer
433 remanufactures wood
Sefkirk Specialty Wood Zts
Revelstoke, B.C.
Specializes in manufacture of a wide ranse of kiln dried and green westem red cedar pro-ducts in Clear and Knorty grades. including 7/8" boards, KD decking, patterns and fingerjoint.
Seneca Sawmill Co.
Eugene, Or.
Over 350 million ft. of dimension. lumber and studs a year.
Serpentine Cedarltd.
Fort Langley, B.C.
Expect quality and value from your insurance provider. Contact us direct;: or have your broker or nt call us at
Manufacturing and distributing cedar shakes for more than 30 years.
Shasta Green Inc.
35586-,{ Hwy. 2998, Burney, Ca. 96013; (530) 335-4924; Fax 530-335-4949; www.shastagreen.com.
Located in the heart of Northern California's commercial timber countrv. Shasta Green's goal is to become the fineit small log sawmill in the region. Its primary product line includes ponderosa pine, white fir, and Douglas fir 2x4 through 2xl2 dimension lumber. Secondary products include ponderosa pine 6/4 Commons and Industrials, and air-dried incense cedar 2x4 through 2x12 Rough. Specialty cedar lumber is also available.
Shuqualak Lumber Co.
Shuqualak, Ms.
One of the Southeast's largest privately owned independent producers of SYP.
Sierra Forest Products
Tena Bella, Ca.
Sawmill since 1968.
Sierra Pacific Industries
Redding, Ca.
Sawmills, millwork plants, reman, wtn dow/door plant, timberlands.
SilvaStar Forest Products
Bellingham, Wa.
Fascia and trim.
Silver Creek Premium Products
Misson, B.C.
Premium WRC roofing Products
Simpson Lumber Co.
Tacoma. Wa.
Douglas fir, hemlock and SYP dimension
Sinclar Enterprises Ltd. 425
Prince George, B.C.
Remanufacturer and sales agents for B.C. stud mills.
Skana Forest Products Ltd. 6!5
Richmond, B.C.
Manufacturer of dimension lumber.
Snavely International Forest Products 11! Pittsburgh, Pa.
Manufacturer and importer of softwood lumber and specialties.
Softwood Export Council 3E

Tigard, Or.
Council of U.S. softwood grading agencies, associal ions. and export development agencies.
Softwood Forest Products Buyer 1000 Memphis, Tn.
Southern Cross Forest Products A2
Mosgiel, N.Z.
Snider Industries
92O Box 668. Marshall, Tx.75671; (903) 938-91 21 : www.sniderindustries.com.
Snider manufactures approximately 50 million ft. of southern yellow pine l-inch lumber annually. The product is available in varying patterns, all #2 and D&Btr.
Second-largest processor and remanufacturer of clearwood pine products in New Zealand.
Spruceland Millworks 3!4
Suney, B .C.
SPF fingerjointed studs, dimension, components and fencing.
Starborn lndustries $f Avenel, N.J.
HeadCote stainless steel screws with colorcoated heads and Smart-Bit pre-drilling and countersinking tool.
Stimson Lumber Co. 72J Portland. Or.
DF and hem-fir studs, lumber, studs, plywood, hardboard, Duratemp hardboard siding, and StimPro inland red cedar products.
Stoltze Land & Lumber Co.. FJI. 7U. Columbia Falls, Mt.
DF & larch, SPF & SFP-S, cedar, Idaho white pine, ponderosa Pine.
Sunbelt RacV
CT Darnell Construction 30i 2255 Justin Trail, AlPharetta, Ga. 30004; (770) 569-2244l- (800) 353-0892; F ax'7 7 0 -569 -9944; clint@sunbeltracks. com; ct-damell.com.
Sunbelt Rack has changed its name to CT Darnell construction to better reflect the broad spectrum of services it offers to the LBM industry. ln addition to the premier line of building material storage systems' CT Darnell is a nationally licensed general contractor that has designed and built complex, comprehensive solutions for lumberyards and wholesalers for over 25 years. The company can coordinate projects as basic as a simple rack storage system, to a pre-engineered warehouse building or yard shed, to the design and construction of a brand new, greenfield-site lumberyard.
Sunset Moulding Co' 4M
Yuba City, Ca.
Produces moulding and millwork in wood and Suntrim MDF.
Swanson Group Sales Co.
Glendale, Or.
Manufacturing Douglas fir dimension 1umber, plywood, veneer and studs since 1951.
Taupo Wood Solutions
Grand Rapids, Mi.
Importer of radiata pine mouldings from New Zealand.
Teal-.Iones Group. The 600 Suney, B .C. WRC shingles,lumber, paneling and siding.
Terminal Forest Products J!2 12180 Mitchell Rd., Richmond, B.C V6V 1M8; (r04) 717-l2OOl' Fax 604'321'
4223; www.terminalforest.com. Booth contacts: Ted Dergousoff, Michael Mclnnes, Terry Caines. Graham Picard.
Terminal Forest Products has four divisions and specializes in the manufacture of cedar lumber products. The Terminal mill in Richmond is a cedar mill. The Mainland sawmill in Vancouver is a multi-soecies custom cut mill. Langdale in Gibsons. 8.c.. is a dry land log sort mill. The SELCO reman plant in Everson, Wa., is among the finest cedar remanufacturing facilities in North America. Terminal Forest offers clear finish, clear bevel siding, and paneling products, clear fingerjointed, edge-glued products, as well as green appearance grade boards, timbers and fencing products.
Teton West Lumber fl7 Cheyenne, Wy.
Five sawmills, renran facility, and reloads.
Thompson River Lumber of Montana N4 Thompson Falls, Mt. Wood Droducts mill.
Tiger Deck/Black Talon 6Jl
P.O. Box 830, Wilsonville, Or. 97070: (503) 625 - 1'7 47 ; bob @ tigerdeck.com; www.tigerdeck.com.
Tiger Deck (tigerwood) is an exotic hardwood known for its natural durability, decay resistance, and long lifespan. When constructed with the Black Talon Universal hidden fastening system, Tiger Deck is a beautiful, hardwood deck that is free from unsightly surface penetrations, is easy to install, and requires minimal maintenance.
The Black Talon Universal deck fastening system works in any grooved deck board and provides strong holding power, easy access, and consistent gapping.
Tolko Marketing & Sales Ltd. 522 Vemon, B.C.
Studs, MSR, dimension, veneer, plywood and OSB.
Manufacturer of hardwood mouldings, S4S boards, veneered jambs, and stair parts.
UFPPurchasing 4X)
Union City, Ga.
Division of Universal Forest Products
Union Pacific Railroad 4D. Omaha, Ne.
Largest railroad in North America, operating in the western two-thirds of the U.S.
Vaagen Brothers Lumber 428 565 W. 5th, Colville, Wa. 991l4; (509) 684-507 I ; www.vaagenbros.com. Booth contacts: John Branstetter, Mick Vaagen, Chris Schofer.
Family-owned sawmill specializing in small log production, focusing on machine stress rated lumber. With its state-of-the-art equipment, Vaagen makes better lumber out of small loss.
Versatex Trimboard &$ 400 Steel St., Aliquippa, Pa. 15001; (724) 851-l I I l; Fax 724-851-l17 l; www.versatex.com.
Versatex makes trim smarter. Whether for trim, fascia, soffit or a decorative exterior moulding piece, the cellular PVC manufacturing process produces a product featuring the look and craftsmanship of premium lumber without the moisture problems of wood. Products include trimboards, sheet, cornerboards, vented soffit system, column wrap, T&G beaded profiles, and mouldings.
Its Stealth Trim System features cornerboards and window surrounds that install faster and more beautifully. Versatex's skirtboard helps meeting codes requiring 6" ground or deck clearance for siding.
Interfor is one of the world's largest lumber producers. With annual capacity of more than two billion board feet, that means more choice, more supply and all backed by our promise to build value for our customers every step of the way. Find out more at Interfor.com

Waldun Grouo
Maple Ridge, B.C.
WRC roofing, siding,lumber and decking.
Watkins Sawmills Ltd.
Maple Ridge, B.C.
Producer of WRC shakes and shingles.
Weaber Lumbcr
1231 Mt. Wilson Rd., Lebanon, Pa. 17042; (800) 7 45-9663; Fax 7 17 -867 - I'7 | | : www.weaberlumber.com.
Weaber Lumber, one of the nation's leading hardwood lumber manufacturers, is introducing its new Finish Coat. This advanced, one-of-a-kind priming and painr ing line is applied to its high quality hardwood poplar substrate. The state-of-the-art finishing line evenly coats poplar mouldings and S4S boards, providing a factory finish that is UV protected and ready to go.
Because Weaber starts in the forest with its highly qualified foresters, it selects only the best Appalachian timber to be processed through its sawmill and kiln operation. By controlling the entire process from forest to finished products, Weaber can guarantee the best quality in the industry, in S4S boards, mouldings and unfinished hardwood flooring. A11 hardwood products are SFI-certified.
West Bay Forest Products & Mfg.
New Westminster. B.C.
Sawmills, reman and specialty plants.
Weston Forest Products
Mississauga, Ont.
Industrial remanufacturer.
Weston Wood Solutions Mississauga, Ont. Door and window frames.
Western Forest Products 703
P.O. Box 10032, Vancouver, B.C. V7Y lAl; (604) 648-4500; Fax 604-681-9584; lumbersales@westernforest.comi www. westemforest.com.
Western Forest Products is a leading producer of quality appearance and structural wood products from sustainably managed forests on the coast of British Columbia. Encompassing eight sawmills and three reman plants, WFP produces western red cedar, hemlock, Douglas fir, yellow cedar, and Sitka spruce product lines.
West Fraser Mills Ltd, 401 Quesnel, B.C.
Producing lumber, wood chips, LVL, MDF, plywood and pulp.
Western Wood Products Association 427 Portland, Or.
Represents softwood lumber manufacturers in l2 westem states includins Alaska.
Westervelt Lumber 424
P.O. Box 4899, Tuscaloosa, 41.354O4; (205) 562-5896; Fax 205-562-5814; www.westerveltlumber.com.
Westervelt is a southern yellow pine sawmill located in Moundville, Al., producing l" boards, dimension lumber, 5/4x6 RED, and timbers. Annual production capacity is 215 million bd. ft. Also runs l" and 2" oatterns.
Westshore Specialties 400 Delta, B.C.
WRC and Alaskan yellow cedar products.
P.O. Box 9777 , Federal Way, Wa. 98063; (888) 453-8358; wood@weyerhaeuser.com: woodbywy.com.
Relied upon by dealers and distributors for I I 3 years as a quality supplier of Trus Joist EWP, lumber and OSB, Weyerhaeuser brings exceptional service and support to its LBM customers. It provides products and solutions to support the entire process of building. offering customers access to software, engineering support, and field assistance from a team of technical and product experts to assist customers with planning, specification, problem solving, and training.
WoodPro Software Inc. ru Richmond, B.C.
Financial management software system.
Woodtone Building Products EllZ Chilliwack, B.C.
Producer of coated exterior wood products.
WTG Logistics 1004 Exeter, N.H.
Intermodal marketing company.
Wynndel Lumber Sales 5A
Wynndel, B.C.
Advanced finish line for ESLP boards.
Zip-O-Log Mills 611 Eugene, Or.
DF posts, beams, timbers, ties and clears.