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Exterior Products By Terminal Fortst Prcducts
Cedar is an enyironmentstty friendly product. lt leaves a much smaller carbon footprint than cement, PVC, or metal-based products. Job trim ends and sawdust naturauy decompose {as a tree wouldl minimizing any imPact on the Earth.
Properly instatted cedar products a.e lovrmaintenance, and wi[l provide decades of problem-free seruice. Evergreen exterior products are manufactured by TerminaI Forest Products {TFPI, a name trusted in the building industry for decades.
TFP is so confident in the performance of Evergreen that a 50yearwarranty is provided on every purchase. Evergreen products are made in the USAand are readity availabte in a[[ standard sizes and profiles from your supplier.
lheet rhe Exhibiror
Beniomin Obdyke
Benjamin Obdyke, manufacturer of roof and wall products, will showcase HydroFlash self-adhered flashing as a new part of its HydroGap drainable housewrap system at the 2013 NAWLA Traders Market.

HydroFlash delivers superior adhesion and temperature application and effectively meets the needs of installers. Launched in January, Benjamin Obdyke now offers a 15year product and labor limited warranty for the HydroGap system. The new warranty, which extends beyond the standard 1O-year, product-only limited warranty, supports the combined use of HydroFlash with HydroGap drainable housewrap.
HydroFlash was designed with flexibility and ease-ofinstallation in mind. Using a new adhesive technology, HydroFlash can be installed in cold weather-down to 0'F-and applied wet. Made of a synthetic adhesive and featuring a split release liner, HydroFlash self-seals around nails and delivers stronger adhesion and cold weather application to substrates than self-adhered flashings made of butyl or asphalt. No primer is needed for application. Additionally, for greater longevity and performance, the flashing is UV stable for six months and exhibits less than 1Vo degradation over 10 years.
Available in 4", 6" and 9" with a 7-mil thickness, HydroFlash is compatible with a wide range of building materials, including OSB, CDX sheathing, vinyl and other
tleet rhe Exhibiror
Benneft lumber
Bennett Lumber Products is a family-owned company located in Princeton, Id., with approximately 60000 acres of forestland in northern Idaho and eastern Washington. Its two mills-in Princeton. Id.. and Clarkston, Wa.-are designed for efficiency, safety and production. The company takes pride in providing high-quality lumber products while practicing sustainable forestry and land management principles.
Bennett Lumber's production of quality dimension lumber- Douglas fir, white fir, Engelmann spruce, lodgepole pine, Idaho white pine, inland red cedar, and ponderosa pine-reaches 150 MMBF annually.
The lumber is shipped by truck and Bennett also has rail transportation capabilities. In addition, units may be wrapped at the customer's request, to ensure safe, clean delivery.
Bennett Lumber's sustainable forestry goal is to meet present needs without compromising the building wraps of similar material. ability of future generations to meet their needs, by adopting land stewardship ethics that assure forests remain healthy and continue to provide wood products, wildlife habitat, biological diversity, clean water, and recreational opportunities. Its commitment to sound environmental practices is an everyday effort.
Using HydroFlash in conjunction with HydroGap housewrap will help achieve greater adhesion. Supporting this product pairing is the company's newly extended product and labor limited warranty, which warrants that the product will be free from defect for 15 years if the full drainable housewrap product line is utilized, in addition to cap fasteners. The company also offers a l0-year product limited warranty ifusing a stand-alone approved product.
When it comes time to remove trees, Bennett foresters manage with a light touch, removing unhealthy trees and planning for the needs of future forests. All harvest prescriptions favor leaving healthy native tree species. Foresters use a variety of silvicultural prescriptions to assure biologic diversity, protect water quality, maintain wildlife habitat, and preserve visual quality.
illeet the lxhibitor (obol [octory Finish
Since 1877, Cabot has been the leader in wood care products. Cabot's Factory Finish division continues to be innovative and provide the factory applicator unique coatings for the lumber and building products finishing industry.
Cabot's Factory Finish Products have been providing customers with unlimited color choices and industry leading products for application to wood siding, shingles and trim products in North America for decades.
"Cabot continues to imProve the product offering available to finishers," says Matt Pedrone, division manager for Cabot. "The Cabot
lUleet the Exhibitor BW Creqlive Ruilings
group continues to market coatings specially formulated for the industrial applicators with the right product for the type of building materials being used. We have developed new products and improved our existing lines to meet the demanding needs of our customers".
ln 2O13, Cabot introduced a new Clear Wood Protector, an oil-modified decking stain, and expanded the consumer product line available in Canada. These changes improved the product offering, availability and overall services to customers.
Cabot's Factory Finish solid acrylic product lines were enhanced with superior resin technology, including improved formulations now available in C3 product lines as well as Factory Finish. These products offer the factory finisher the products they need for today's marketplace.
In 2014, Cabot will continue its "That's PRO" marketing campaign promoting the Cabot brand of Premium wood protection products.
Cabot, part of the Valspar CorP., is based in Minneapolis, Mn.
BW Creative Railing Systems is one of the world's leading manufacturers of railing systems, components and accessories. Since 1974, the company has continued to grow and innovate to meet the needs ofbusiness partners.
One of three divisions of BWC, BW Creative Railings manufactures both interior and exterior railing systems for the residential housing market. With one of the broadest product ranges in the market, BW Creative Railings offerings include interior wood, exterior wood, interior hybrid do-it-yourself, exterior hybrid do-it-yourself, aluminum do-it-yourself, and glass do-it-yourself.
A second division, BW Vista Railings, focuses on the commercial, multi-unit market, with professionally installed, manufactured-per-project, aluminum railing. This design-engineered railing incorporates the latest technology in aluminum alloys, the finest exterior powder-coatings, and 25 years of aluminum manufacturing experience into every project.
The third division, BW Creative Wood, manufactures a broad selection of remanufactured wood products, including cut stock, door jambs, and S4S boards in hemlock and Douglas fir, with other options in western red cedar and SPF.
Over the past four decades, BWC has built a solid reputation based on its core values of trust, integrity, respect and fairness. The outstanding success of its products is based on a four-decade long commitment to quality, innovation and continuous improvement.