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C&D lumber

C&D's roots reach to 1890, when Alford Johnson built his first sawmill in Southern Oregon. In 1943, the Johnson family built a mill near the Coos and Douglas County lines. With a nod to its geography, the operation became C&D Lumber Co. Its mottoGreat People, Great Products, Great Customers-is the driving force behind its success.

The company is proud of what it's been able to achieve during its 100plus years in business. For C&D, the key to success has always been our people, products, and customers. Additionally, it embraces innovative thinking and ideas to continue to enhance its business. Manufacturing improvements are common practice.

Today, its facility produces high quality lumber products in more than 100 different product lines and sizes. C&D Lumber maintains the reputation of offering quality lumber products, craftsmanship, and service in Douglas fir, incense cedar, and Port Orford cedar.

In Douglas fir, it offers a full line of surfaced lumber that includes 2" dimension lumber and 4" and 6" timbers. Plus, its top-of-the-line Premium Exposed rough-sawn timbers and 2" lumber have become the preferred products for open-beamed construction.

In cedar, it offers lines of premium and classic decking products. It also offers a line of rustic patterns. and a variety of cedar lumbir dimensional products ideal for many types of remanufacturing.

Mutually beneficial relationships with its customers are the drivins force behind the company', ,.r"""rrl Its sales follow-up and shipping are possibly the best in the industry.

C&D values providing beneficial marketing to its customers. using tools like its comprehensive company website (www.cdlumber.com) and monthly eNewsletter, MillWrite. lt also works hand-and-hand with its customers to provide customized marketing tools to support their sales efforts.

C&D is focused on finding ways it can continue its long and storied history of being an employer people are proud to work for and a manufacturer of high quality lumber products.

The company believes its future is bright because of the dedication and commitment of its employees, the demand for quality lumber products, its close proximity to efficient shipping routes, and its location right in the middle of a rich source for raw material.

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