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Meet the Exhibitor 'fffuw (mf;*fmr*x s $-lr'Sw
The California Redwood Company is one of the largest redwood manufacturers in the country. It distributes high-quality redwood products for use in a variety of applications, including decking, fencing, siding, paneling, playground equipment, garden products, furniture and industrial uses.
Its log supply is suPPorted bY parent company Green Diamond Resource Co., which owns roughlY 400000 acres of timberlands in redwood's natural growing region of Northern California. The long history of environmental stewardship and a reputation for some of the more progressive and innovative voluntary forest and wildlife management programs in the industry has earned Green Diamond certifications to both the Forest Stewardship Council and Sustainable Forestry Initiative standards.
The combined benefit of manufacturing capabilities and timberland ownership allows The California Redwood Company to be the toP supplier of choice to the wholesale and industrial marketplace.
Why choose redwood? Redwood is durable and long lasting. Redwood is resistant to shrinking, warping and checking. Its natural strength provides structural integrity. Redwood is easY to maintain and its heaftwood is naturally resistant to insects and decay. Redwood staYs cool under foot when subiected to