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Six Ways to 'easa Profits
Your customers rely on you to supply them with quality building products. Their reputations and profitability depend on providing quality products to their customers. So, look to the products that professionals use' summer temperatures. It meets California's strict fire codes. Redwood is the environmental product of choice when comPared to plastic-composite decking.
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Choosing a product from The California Redwood ComPanY means you're not just buYing a beautiful and durable wood product, you're buying something that's sustainable and renewable from a wellmanaged forest. Choose redwood. It's beautiful, strong and sustainable.
Widely known for lumber and building material rack systems, Sunbelt Rack has changed its name to CT Darnell Construction. Along with providing best-in-class storage systems, the firm is a general contractor licensed through_ out North America. It offers full-service planning ancl construction of wholesale and retail LBM facilities.
"Our new nante better reflects the full array of scrvices we've offered for more than 25 years," says Travis Darnell, president of the Alpharetta, Ga.-based operation. "We are the only ones out there who can do the entirc job. From start to finish, our customers get to work with just onc company that understands thcir business and their facility operations."
CT Darnell Construction's taglinc-"We build solutions"-underscores its expertise and commitment to sell only what best serves its customers. Thc firm works closely with owners and operators of LBM facilities, includin-e wholesarlers, to ascer-tain their business needs. Facilities are designed for maximurn operating efficiency. Since the company has built more lumberyards in North America than anyone else, customers can be surc they are working with true experts in the field.
Founded in 1987 by the Darnell family, the firm origi_ nally ottbred racking and storage solutions to luntberyards and burgeoning big-box stores. It soon grew into a full-service commercial general contractor. Darnell's reach extends across the U.S. and into Canada and the Caribbean. Capabilities include design and construction for stores, warehouses, bulk-storage sheds, rack-supported drive-thru buildin_gs, T-sheds, and, of course, racking systems.
The firm prides itself on deliverin-u results on time and within budget. As vice president Clint Darnell says, ..you won't find another nationally licensed contractor with our in-depth understanding of both the lumbcr and construction industries."