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Meet the Exhibitor Diston
Diacon delivers the most complete mold prevention Program in the North American lumber industry today. Its client base includes the most sophisticated and environmentally responsible lumber manufacturers in the world.
In addition to selling Mycostat, the leading mold inhibition chemistry in North America, Diacon also provides, from start to finish, the industry's only turnkeY Program. Both seasoned users of anti-stain chemicals and those just starting can utilize Diacon programs to enhance the look of their lumber, more safely and more cost-effectivelY.
The company starts bY listening to customers' key needs and fitting the right Diaplex spraY equiPment, Mycostat antistain chemistrY, and Diacon anti-sapstain control service program to meet their requirements. Diacon designs, procures, builds, installs and maintains its industry- leading programs. Its goal is to help make customers' lumber more attractive and retain that fresh-cut look with such programs as:
. Diaplex Spray SYstems - lineal or transverse, robust, made onlY of high quality stainless steel
Smart Flow - computer measurement and control systems
Mycostat - treats over 5 billion