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Ico Chemitul
Eco Chemical is a specialtY coatings company engaged in the formulation and manufacture of exclusively water-based paints, stains and other coatings for their customers' unique needs.
Eco Chemical wood stains are formulated to meet the needs of highcapacity staining operations. For over 18 years, Eco Chemical has suPPlied stain for most of the pressure treated lumber companies in the western U.S. and Canada. These products stand up to the rigors of the pressure treating process, while providing a high quality, environmentally sound product to the manufacturer. All Eco stains meet or exceed California air and water regulations.
Customers routinely call on Eco Chemical to provide coatings solutions to tough environmental problems. Eco's R&D lab answers these challenges by creating products that typically out-perform more costly, less effective, and less sustainable alternatives.
llleet the Erhibiror ForestilMorket
Eco Chemical works with each customer to build the coating that best suits its market and manufacturing processes and delivers durability, workability, quality appearance, and consistency in large volume. All Eco products are water-based, low-VOC, concentrated formulas, built with the best available pigments and resins, ensuring a top-grade product and optimal packaging choice with low environmental cost.
Eco Stains are manufactured in highly concentrated form and shipped in 275-gallon totes. For over l5 years, its West Coast tote recycling program has dramatically reduced shipping costs and removed thousands of 55gallon barrels per year from the landfill.
Eco Chemical's products are also backed by unlimited service and support. Eco customers enjoy the confidence that their choice of coating was formulated for the utmost in user safety, then manufactured and Packaged using the most environmentally sensi- tive and sustainable choice of raw materials and processes. Eco Chemical believes that only by providing environmentally sensitive solutions that work and work well the first time, can it produce value with less waste and environmental risk to its neighbors and communities.
Forest2Market provides transaction-based pricing data to the southern pine lumber market. Its Mill2Market product line is an aspirin for the headache caused by inaccurate, survey-based "price reports."
Features include Weekly Lumber Market Snapshot, a market price and trend report, and Quarterly Lumber Price Benchmark, a performance benchmark that compares facility/employee performance to the market.
Weekly Lumber Market Snapshot helps strengthen trading relationships, negotiate price, and prevent unexplainable changes in inventory value with volume weighted average prices. The report includes more than 1,500 lumber market metrics: volume weighted average prices by grade and length for dimension lumber, decking and timbers price and volume changes market price variation
. mid-week price and volume trends long-term trend graphs
Quarterly Lumber Price & Performance Benchmark helps improve performance and measure the effects of decisions against a constant yardstick. Gauge the reliability of your information sources against actual market performance. Use the benchmark to evaluate results compared to the market at large: overall performance volumes bought or sold, by product
. price bought or sold at, by product product mix-by both volume and price
Manufacturers, for instance, can evaluate their overall sales and production mix; choose the most profitable grades and dimensions to produce given log quality, grade and dimension yields, and accurately assess the value of mill inventory.
Forest2Market is committed to delivering the most accurate, credible and quantitative market insight to its lumber industry customers. All subscribers submit 1007o of their transaction data-invoices and orders-and all data is quality checked to ensure accuracy. Results are reported confidentially only to subscribers.
Enduris has been rnainufacturing and clistributi n-r prol'cssictnal qualitl, PVC f'ence. cleck ancl railing products sincc l 99lJ. Enduris products are strong and clLrrable. engineered to lllCel ()l CXeeetl C()(lr' leqUitCmenl\. and arc backed by somc of thc stron-gcs( warranties in the industry.
Endcck cappcd cellular PVC dcckin-u captures thc classic look and f'eel of real wood. 'l'hc decpll, entbossed u'oodglain on both sidcs of Itndeck ccllular l)VC clcck boarcls mirric the look ancl l'ce I ol' r'cal uoorl. Six color choices are available to co[nplcntcnt any architcctural style.
Bndr-rris nou ol'fers tw,o typcs clf fencing products: PVC |cncin-e and Endwoocl capped cellular PVC ftncin-e. Enduris PVCi vinyl I'cncing is easy to wolk with ancl installs quickll' with routecl posts that allrtrv snap-in corrr e rticrre .'. Crllor'r. size . tcxturcs. designs, ancl caps cornbinc to cLrstomize any applicution. Endwoocl capped cellular PVC t'cncing crnploys our exclusive HardCovcr Capstock. a higher perfitrntancc outer surfacc delivering unmatched durability with ultra-low maintenancc, possessing a 3O-year fade and stain warrantr'.

Enrail codc-approvcd railing off'crs rnany clesign options. The distinctive styles of PVC vinyl railing fronr E,nrail are ntorc than just durable, sturdy and sal'c. Availablc in two hcights. with twc'r colors and rrvo diff'crent mountinl styles, Enrail is thc perf'ect complenrent to the architcctural style of any home.
"Our products speak for thcmselves," says Rick Wearne. E,nduris sales and markctin-t ntiinagcr. "but we 'r'e gc.lne above and bcyond to cnsure the satisfactictn of our customers. installcrs. distributors and partners thou-eh continual pr'oduct llnprove ment and innor.'artion. Our salcs team is knou'ledgcable they'vc becn therc, behind the scenes, hclpin-r to design a better f'ence. cleck ancl rail. with feedback frorn our cust()rners and the nrarket. They havc years of experience in our industry. And our customer service is top-nolcl'r."
After a decade of strategic growth, Interfor has taken its place among the largest lumber producers in North America-with an annual capacity of more than 2.2 blllion bd. ft. and one of the most diverse product lines anywhere.
And as demand for qualitY wood from North America grows in manY international markets, lnterfor is ideally positioned to meet these needs. The company offers structural, industrial and appearance lumber in a wide variety of species. Its mission is straightforward: to build value in everything it does, every day.
Over the past decade, Interfor has expanded from being solelY a B.C. Coast company, to include operations in the Interior of British Columbia, the U.S. Pacific Norlhwest, and, earlier this year, the U.S. Southeast. Today, it serves customers in nearly 30 countries from l3 mills across North America.
Its strategic acquisitions and mill upgrades have not only raised annual production capacity, they have also