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Idaho Forest Group, Coeur d'Alene, Id., continues to expand its products, services and customer base, says Erol Deren, v.P. of sales and marketing.

"There is a relentless drive to improve at all levels," Deren says. "Heading into 2014, we continue to focus on high quality in our milling, packaging, and service, as well as diversifying speciesp products and allowed Intcrfor to offer even more choice with a reliable supply of quality fiber. The purchase of four mills in Georgia this year added southern yellow pine to its growing list of species. Interfor continues to be innovative. It will soon launch its new Reserve Pine board, panel and decking linepremium products made from the finest tight-knot pine to deliver unpar- applications." alleled beauty and performance.

Deren notes that customers respond to the fact that IFG grew stronger, not weaker, during the economic downturn. He credits the company's people and ongoing reinvestment in technology.

"We've been through not just a recession, but a depression in the housing market," he says. "The conditions pushed us beyond what we would have attempted in normal circumstances. This has resulted in a substantially more diversified product and customer base. Since 2010, we have added over 170 customers and 970 new products."

Interfor is ready to embark on a bold new vision and capitalize on the many opportunities ahead. But one thing that will never change is its commitment to product and service excellence. It will always stand firmly behind its promise to build value for customers by delivering quality products "on spec, on time, every time."


IFG owns five high-tech Production facilities in northern and central Idaho, with capacity for manufacturing more than I billion bd. ft. Per year. These economies of scale, combined with the unique logistic and production capabilities of each operation, offer advantages in product options, pricing, shiPPing and name brand recognition, Deren says.

"We continue to invest sienifi- cantly in the latest technologY to provide the most production flexibility, highest quality control, and lowest conversion costs," he says. "This is not an option if you want to thrive in today's environment."

Species offered include Doug fir, larch, hem-fir, white fir, cedar, white pine, ponderosa pine, and SPF, all grown in the Intermountain West region, which provides fiber with tight grain, small knots, and visual appeal.

Idaho Forest Group offers Private labeling, bar coding, end branding, custom sizes, custom profiles and patterns, custom grading and specifications, specified tallies, proprietary grades, mixed loading, half Packs, destination pricing, and inventory management. Certifications include FSC, SFI and PEFC.

"The combination of high-quality fiber, high-tech sawmills, talented people, and extensive products and services provides the ideal opportunity for strong, long-range strategic partnerships," Deren says.

Hoido Forest Products

Haida Forest Products became a separate and distinct operating company during a planned restructuring in September 1989. Previous to that date, the company had operated as the remanufacturing division of Mill & Timber Products Ltd.. which started in 1951.

Its manufacturing operation is located on five acres of land in Burnaby, B.C. The plant is 20 minutes from Vancouver International Airport and 25 minutes from downtown Vancouver. The site contains offices, warehouses, dry kilns, manufacturing equipment, and storage.

For 6l years, the company has operated from the same location, specializing in "Haida" brand western red cedar sidings, panellings, and specialty products.

Haida Forest Products has made significant contributions to the development and demand for western red cedar over the years, and also to its subsequent increased value.

It was one of the first comoanies to kiln-dry knotty grades of cedar siding and to develop hormelt glue technology to permi-fuse knotty grades. The company has continuously upgraded its equipment and facilities, and today employs the latest in moulding technology.

The firm produces more than 100 specialty and architectural products. It also produces decking, outdoor products, and specialty timbers-as well as Haida Skirl wavy edge siding.

Haida is committed to producing the highest quality western red cedar products. Critical to this goal are the peopfe who work at Haida. Over 507o of its manufacturing crew have 25 years or more with the company. Over 807o of its salaried staff have more than 30 years of seniority.

One-hundred percent of Haida's employees have a total commitment to producing the finest products available in the cedar industrv.

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