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lUleet the Exhibitor
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Since being featured on Diane Sawyer's ABC TV series Made in America, customers and proud Americans from every part of the country have called and emailed in strong support of Maze Nails' commitment to making quality nails in the U.S. Maze is one of just a few remaining nail manufacturers in this country. According to company president Roelif Loveland, "People are delighted to hear they can still buy nails that are made in the U.S.A.-and we're delighted to make them!"
The Made in America series focused on keeping jobs in America, encouraging the rebuilding of America with American products. If builders, contractors, and remodelers simply purchased 5Vo more U.S.-made building products, 220,000 jobs would be created right here ar home. If every lumberyard across the U.S. ordered two more boxes (100-lbs.) of Maze nails this year, the company could hire another 20 workers at its modem plant in Peru.Il.
Maze is the largest maker of specialty nails in the U.S., producing truckloads of double hot-dipped galvanized and stainless steel nails for a variety of applications. It manufactures quality nails for asphalt and fiberglass shingle roofing, post frame construction, fiber cement siding, cedar and redwood siding, cedar shakes and shingles, pVC trim products, decking, fencing, and log home and timber frame construction. Maze also manufactures a complete line of stainless steel nails for marine and coastal applications.
Maze STORMGUARD nails are double hot-dipped galvanized steel with a thick coating of zinc for maximum corrosion-resistance, meeting and exceeding the ASTM A153 specification for hot-dip galvanizing.
Maze Nails are manufactured within all OSHA and EPA guidelines. The company uses high carbon steel to produce nails that are stronger than import nails-eliminating breaks and bends. Its nails are made from recycled, remelted steel (unlike import nails, which use a significant amount of mined ore in the production of nails) and are certified environmentally friendly and qualify for LEED points and certification.
Meet the Exhibitor
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Mid Valley Lumber Specialties' head office is located in Aldergrove, B.C. Most of its lumber is processed at a cedar remanuf'acturing facility in Maple Ridge, B.C.
The sales team includes Omar Derkach, Bryan Lundstrom, and president Al Fortune. Keeping the whole operation running smoothly is comptroller Wendy George. These veterans of the lumber industry know the importance of treating the customers as he or she would like to be treated. Their experience and knowledge of local products and grades ensure that their customers are stocking only those items that are unique to their geographical area.
"We've all been in the industry long enough to know that to be successful, for the long run, you have to supply the right product, on time, at a mutually beneficial price," says Fortune.
Mid Valley Lumber has come a long way from its humble beginnings 20 years ago as an office wholesaler selling production from local mills to being a significant
Meet the Exhibitor
Established in 1934. Osmose Inc. is recognized as a world premier supplier of lumber preservative technologies. The company has a long history of successful development and diversification into specialized areas of wood preservation.
Osmose has long been a leader in the research and development of new products and services in all areas of manufacturer/distributor of its own line of quality western red cedar products. Fortune says, "We're running approximately 22 million bd. ft. a year, with a large portion of the finished production shipping by rail car. We're on track to do 120 cars this year alone." lumber preservation technology. It provides innovative wood preservative products, advanced engineering services, and customized marketing services.

Products are shipped throughout Canada and the U.S., as well as many overseas destinations.
If you are looking for a company that is producing a quality western red cedar product and committed to working closely with their customers toward a common' profitable goal, give Mid Valley a call.
Osmose Cleanwood Wood Protection Products provide thc forest products industry with fungicides that prevent sap stain and mold. Without treatment, harmful insects, decay sustainable versatility fungi, and marine borers can damage wood. In addition, infection by fungi can cause sapstain and mold. This can result in unsightly appearance and increased permeability that can lead to decay. Left to the elements, most wood possesses little decay resistance.
Prosan l8 is a broad-sPectrum fungicide for wood Protection. Applied by spray application, it controls sapstain and mold on freshlY sawn softwood lumber, logs, Polcs, posts and timbers. It features a synergistic combination of propiconazole and quaternary amine active ingredients.
Building with Eastern White Pine is charaeter building.
It is a reflection of who you are, Lrow you choose to live and your commitment to authenticity. To learn rnore about building with eastern white pine visit wwweasternwhitepine.org
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Busan 1009, applied by diP aPPlication, controls fungi, iron tannate stain, sapstain and mold on freshlY sawn softwood lumber, logs, Poles, posts and timbers. It f'eatures a combination of MBT and TCMTB fungicide active ingredients.
For many businesses, "going green" often means sacrificing quality for the sake of the environment. For the factory finish business on tanninproducing woods, moving to an all acrylic system using PPG Seal Grip MC primer can actually improve production and efficiency, with product performance no different than the traditional alkyds you're used to.
PPG's dedicated research and development team spent years devel- oping and testing Seal Grip MC, which utilizes a specially formulated acrylic latex that blocks and seals tannin stains as well as traditional alkyds. It has excellent adhesion and, when used in conjunction with PPG Machinepure primer, offers good block resistance so it can be machine coated.
Combined with faster dry times and the ability to force cure, gone are the days of leaving boards on racks in the warehouse to dry overnight. This gives users an opportunity to provide faster turn-around times and increase production, all while eliminating solvents and minimizing odor and waste.
"Our primary requirement when formulating this product was its ability to successfully block and seal tannin stains. We've tested it against numerous products and Seal Grip MC blocks and seals these stains as well as any product we've seen," states Beth Kirol, PPG technical manager.
Vern Glover, owner of Northern Priming and Pre-Stain, Kersey, Co., adds, "We're really pleased with how well Seal Grip MC blocks and seals tannins. We machine apply, brush, and spray, and it performs as promised. It really made moving to a water-based system easy."
PPG is a pioneering force in the machine applied coatings industry, with more than 80 years of experience and commitment to research and development. It constantly strives to earn the title of the most trusted name in the industry.
The lieoted Glulom thot doesn't look Treoted!
Treated X-BeamIM: Full liaming-width Treatcd X-Beam is an architectural appearancc glulam that is protccted with Hi-Clear II - a clear industrial wood prcservativc that leaves the beam an attractive honey-color. The treatment protects against dccay, mold, bacteria, and insccts, including the Formosan termite. Backed with our 25-year. waranty, Rosboro Douglas Fir Treated X-Beam products are an excellent choice fbr above ground applications where appearance is critical.
Available in Common Sizes:
. Widths: 3-1/2" and5-112"
. Depths: 9-112", 1l-718",14", t6" and 18"
Rosboro teated X-Beam available in Architectural Appearance is the perfect choice when you need a beam with strength, durability and beauty.