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Meet the Exhibitor
This month marrks the 90th anniversary of RoyOMartin, a group of family-owned, professionally managed wood products and forestland-management companies based in Alexandria. La.
Founded in 1923, the companv operatcs a plyr.rood plant in Chopin. La; an OSB plant in Oakdale, La., and a lumber-and-timbers mill in Mexia, Al. RoyOMartin also owns -570,000 acres of FSC-certified timberland in Louisiana, making it one ol' the largest private llrndoincrs in the state.
RoyOMartin's $270-million OSB rnill, completed in 2007, is one of the largest of its kind in North America. Capable of producing 750 million sq. ft. (3/t3" basis) of OSB products annually, its brands include Eclipse radiant barrier panels. Eclipse Energy Guurd OSB housewrap system. StructWall structuralone rated panels, Wind-Brace panels for hurricane-prone areas, and TufTStrand panels. All products are APA rated and available in lencths ereater thun 8 fr.. allowing builders to save time and money.
Synonymous with quality is RoyOMartin's southern yellow pine plywood. Known best in the marketplace as SmartCore, a variety of panels are available to suit both residential and nonresidential applications, including exterior siding, beaded, underlayment. industrialgrade, and structural-one rated Dane I s. GreenCore Ply form untl SmartPour MDO are ideal fbr concrete fbrming. Panels are APA rated. In May, RoyOMaltin-Plywood lnnounced u $20-million investment to up-erade its drying equipment and add a lumber-production line.
Complementing the company's OSB and plywood production capabilities is the RoyOMartin-Rocky Creek Lumber pine sawmill.
Purchased in 2006. the mill recentlv underwent an expansion to add two wood-drying kilns. Rocky Creek manufactures dimension lumber. heavy studs, squares, timbers and barn timbers for treating rtr immediate use in structural applications.
All RoyOMartin products are available FSC certified. And. both Eclipse and Eclipse Energy Guard OSB products have earned thirdparty verification from RIMA-I.