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Ghicago buzz
f lusr RETURNED from the NAWLA Traders Market in Chicago. If you ever wanted to lbe motivated about the turnaround, then those that could attend this event and did not, missed out. The noise was loud, energetic, and downright upbeat for 2013. The election result from the night before, called seemingly 20 minutes after the polls closed, had no bearing.
Good to see the best attendance for a number of years. Long may it reign! Yes, we know it has ways to go, but no one disputes this year was a heck of a lot better than last, and2013 will continue that trend, barring no unforeseen events. Government: Getthe fiscal cliff sorted ASAPI
As a great proponent of attending industry events, while I know it has not beeneasy these past few years, it is time to get out again and hear and see what is going on. I attend many, many eventsand there is never one I do not learn something from. And how could you not? There were over 1,300 industry attendees at Traders Market-manufacturers, service companies, mills and wholesalers-and hearing what's going on from your peers can only help you in your business. It really does not take much to more than pay for your dues and travel many times over. Many associations have multiple programs that can help you at all levels of your company and protect your and the industry issues. They are the glue to this industry and they need your support as much as you need theirs.
On the question of leaming, I have been helped over many years by many people. I have received common-sense advice over the years from mentors and managers. From them I have leamed how I want to be and, sadly in some cases, how I do not want tobe.
I was taught long ago that if your company does not instill the best quality into all that it does, you will not succeed. The customer is always right. A quality company needs quality people-hire the bestl That has guided my business principles for many years. There is no short cut to success. While sometimes you can just be lucky to be in the right place at the right time, you mostly create your own luck by doing the right things. I have learned that if you help people through their issues without the thought of return, it comes back to you many times over.
Listen to your customers and your employees-you do not know everything. Anyone you need to talk with is worth listening to! Leam from your peers-do not beso insular. Take advice!
I once worked directly for one of the richest people in the world who always told me: worry about the top line and the bottom line will take care of itself. Believe in the value of what you offer and stand by your pricing principles. When everyone else is giving it away, stand firml Over these last four years especially, you could not always control what was happening around you, but you can control how you respond with the actions you take. Whenever the going gets tough, the tough get going. Yes, everyone uses that, but I learned when I was in the automotive business that when the economy gets tough, people keep their cars longer and needto repair them. When you cannot buy a new home you remodel the one you have. The moral: there is always business to find even in the worst of times. When everyone else goes into hiding, increase your trade visibility. When they cut, get aggressive!
Be punctual in all that you do and keep your promises. Turn up prepared for a result.
And, last but not least, work with the highest inregrity. Treat people with respect and in a manner that you yourself want to $e treated. I am happy that I have never had to betray m$ principles and whenever I wasasked to, I moved on to something else. And I continue to learn from those around me! It should never eet old.
As we come to the end of 2O12, as always I want to thank you, our loyal readers and advertisers, for all your support. Our advertisers allow us again to continue as the ONLY publication in the sector to publish 12 monthly issuesand to enjoy more advertisers in our industry than any other publication. Thank you. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you all, and may 2013 be the year we have been waiting for.

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Your Market Demands... Swanson Responds.

A customer approached us with a problem... he needed a radiant barrier panel... but the job spec called for veneer plywoodand not OSB. After consulting with mill management and ouroverlay supplier - sales had an answer. Yes, we can do this.
The result is TruBlock,a radiant barrier veneer panel that reduces attic temperatures and saves on energy costs. lt also hasthe superior strength, stiffness and performance of Douglas-fir plywood. Our customers ask - and Swanson responds.
Swanson Group Sales is now producing 2x4and 2x6 Premium at their Glendale OR sawmill, The grade follows the light to no wane spec that is favored by discriminating buyers everywhere. When appearance is criticaltry Swanson Group's 2x4 and 2x6Premium.
When the market calls for a better product... Swanson delivers.
New software si m pl ifies design of engineered wood trusses and panels

l\Tt* soFrwARE nnovr Simpson Strong-Tie, Pleasanton, I\ Ca., allows efficient design and manufacture of roof and floor trusses and wall panels. Going forward, the company will work closely with users to expand functionality of the software on an ongoing basis.
Within the new software, which is named Component Solutions, designers can model structures in an intuitive 3Denvironment, create and optimizetruss and panel designs, send truss design information to Simpson StrongTie for engineering seals-and more.
"Simpson Strong-Tie has been involved in the structural building component industry for decades," says Mike Bugbee, senior vice president of truss and component systems. "This experience has provided invaluable insights into the needs of the component manufacturer and resulted in this latest addition to the Simpson Strong-Tie product line for light-frame construction."
Other new additions include three new truss hangers: HTHMQ is a versatile, high-capacity truss hanger designed
to carry two or three trusses to enable a greater range of hip-jack configurations, including various angles, member sizes, and number of plies. HHSUQ is a high load, face mount, truss-to-truss and structural composite lumber hanger designed to accommodate severe skews.
Available Jan. 1, HTHGQ is a high-capacity girder that carries multi-ply trusses (up to five-plies) or structural composite lumber. Previously, such extreme loads required a bolted connection.
Another important offering is truss connector plates manufactured by Automatic Stamping, which was acquired by Simpson Strong-Tie last December.
"This facility was established about four years ago by Bill Black Jr., a leader in the truss industry," says Bugbee. "It produces top-quality truss connector plates with some of the highest loads in the industry."
Simpson Strong-Tie also produces a full range of products for component systems, including proprietary shear walls and moment frames, plus related fasteners, adhesives, and concrete anchors.
"Our range of innovative connections enable longer spans and more complex designs, while addressing increasing loading required to meet evolving code requirements," says Bugbee.
Bamboo stalks I engineered wood m arkets
[tHnNrs ro rHE EFFoRrs of Lamboo I Inc.. Springfield. Il.. laminated veneer bamboo (LVB) can now be specified as a fiber material in engineered wood products covered by ASTM International standards.
"Now, architects and engineers will be able to specify possibly the most ecologically friendly material to ever be integrated into the most respected international standard," says president Luke Schuette, who has more than 32 years experience in the research and development of engineered wood products.
"It has taken over three years of effort and multiple ballots to develop the necessary revisions to permit the evaluation of a bamboo species used in structural composite lumber (SCL) manufacture," says Bruce Craig, product development director at Lamboo. "These revisions will permit an LVB product to be used as an alternative to other structural wood products."

LVB is a composite of bamboo strand elements, edge-bonded to form veneer sheets that are then face-bonded to form finished products. Schuette says that the product's inclusion in ASTM International standards represents the first bio-based structural material addition in about 30 years. As he notes, "sustainability is becoming more and more of a focus in construction."
Lamboo's partnership with The Forest Trust ensures that its raw material is sourced from sustainably managed plantations in Vietnam, China, Africa, Central and South America. The fiber is then processed in nearby manufacturing facilities and shipped
to custom fabricators around the world.
Naturally resistant to fungus and bacteria, bamboo also contains silica fibers that deter insects and wood-eating pests such as termites. Only lowVOC adhesives are used during the manufacturing process, so there is no off-gas during sanding, profiling, and handling. On the job, no special tools are required and LVB mills, sands, and finishes like most hardwoods.
Depending on the application, LVB can cost up to l07o to 207o more than engineered wood products made of southern yellow pine or Douglas fir. Even so. Matt Paul. director of architectural product development, believes this is a small price to pay for "the substantially higher structural performance of bamboo. due to proprietary adhesives and additional engineering."
The Lamboo Structure line is made up of high-performance engineered bamboo components for an array of applications: beams and glulams, exposed trusses and members, and hybrid cold-formed steel joists. All are
custom-fabricated inbyLamboo's manufacturing partners in the U.S.: Western Structures, Eugene, Or., and Walsh Industries, Portland, Or.
Lamboo Elements consists of exterior-grade, laminated bamboo components that can be used in panels, awnings, and stair treads. "lt's 30Vo more stable in moisture and temperature changes than traditional hardwoods," notes Paul. "And, these materials remain stable in harsh environments, through years of use."

The company also offers WeaveCore, an alternative to traditional plywood and OSB, for use in roof, wall, and floor deck panels. Panels measure 4'x8',with other sizes available for volume orders, in thicknesses of 7mm, l3mm, l6mm, and l9mm.
"Lamboo recognizes the growing demand for superior products that deliver outstanding performance," says Schuette. "Our products are not only a superior option in terms of quality and performance, but are a sustainable option as well."
ELEMENTS BRAND exterior-grade components, such as panels, awnings, and stair treads,are 30% more stable than hardwoods in harsh exterior conditions.ooN'r BELTEVE there is a definitive answer for what type Iof racking works best for what product. The truth is there are too many variables. In the end, what type of racking works best depends on the customer's budget, equipment, and footprint.
I have multi-location customers who have to handle the same products differently because of the way their operations are laid out. Hopefully, if we as solution providers ask the right questions ahead of time, we can provide the
best options for maximizing our customer's efficiency and protecting their products.
That being said, here are a few examples of things we are doing that seem to be working well for our customers.
Gantilever Racks
If laid out carefully and correctly, and designed for the proper loads, customers can't go wrong with cantilever racking because of its versatility. EWP, dimensional lumber, metal studs, and sheet goods can all be stored effectively in cantilever racks.
With the use of specialty steel pallets designed specifically for loading vinyl siding and composite decking, those items can also be stored in cantilever rack without fear of the product sagging.
StackingMillwork Racks
Millwork racks provide for the safe shipping and storage of fragile and often expensive millwork items. With the use of optional carts, they can be utilized throughout the manufacturing process, shipped, stored and ultimately delivered to the jobsite. Millwork racks can be stacked up to three racks high, maximizing the use of available floor space.
A large distributor in the Chicago area now works in concert with their window manufacturer by utilizing our millwork racks. They send empty racks to the manufacturer when placing their orders for windows and glass doors. Those products never leave the millwork rack until the builder is installing them. The fewer times these products

have to be handled, the less likely these products are to be damaged.
Pallet Racks
Pallet rack can be used in various configurations and is easily changeable, making it an excellent storage option for numerous products. Shingles can be stored safely and densely in pallet rack. It is not uncommon to see pallet upon pallet of roofing materials taking up valuable space in a customer's yard or parking lot. By utilizing pallet racking adapted for metal siding and roofing, the materials can be stored vertically at the edge of the customer's property. This limits the space they occupy and reduces damage to product from stacking.
Pallet racking can also be equipped with material divider bars and used to store items vertically. Long lengths of moulding, pipes and tubing can be stored neatly inpalletrack, and it makes for easy loading and unloading by both customers and employees.
In areas where space is limited, or the user needs to store a large number of SKUs in smaller quantities, much denser storage can be accomplished by incorporating pallet racking into a pigeon-hole system. In this configuration, items are stored horizontally, one on top of the other. In many cases, the top of the racking can then be covered and used as additional storage space.
The possibilities are endless when it comes to storing building materials. There are all types of racking systems that can be used efficiently. But the bottom line is this: Effective storage solutions have to be designed around a customer's available useable space, their products, and their existing equipment.
- Sean Denison is president and owner of Timberline Rack & Storage, Granger, In. Reach him at (888) 293-1 I 16 or sdenis o n@ timbe r li nerack.c om.
LBM Rack Specialists
In addition to the dozens of general racking providers, the following specialize in equipping lumberyards:
Krauter Auto-Stak
Timberline Rack & Storage

LyleLee hos been building custom homes for over 20 yeors. Here is whothehos to soy oboul Roseburg's Engineered Wood Producls.
"When building o quolity home, it's importont for oll the froming moferio/s to mofch. ln other words come togefher os specified in the design plons. lf the froming is off by even o l/a of on inch, it con cosf me lhousonds of dollors in time ond moterio/s.
I find Roseburg's RFPI@-Joist ond Rigidlom@ LVL to be very consisfenf in width ond depfh. When I use Roseburg's RFPI@-Joisf, my floors ore more level, stiffer ond truer, moking my iob much eosier.
fhis home is 6,000 sguore feetso / used lJoistond IVL from severol different units ond the monufocturing consislency wos exoctly the some. lf you wont to moximize your profit, I would recommend using Roseburg's Engineered Wood Products".
Lyle Lee L. Lee Building ComponyROSEBURG
TF 800-245-t I l5
How to choose the right lift truck for your business

I-' and wholesalers, the lift truck is an essential tool, instrumental in loading and transporting lumber, concrete, shingles, and much more. With so many different types of lift trucks available, matching the right lift truck
to the application is critical. Choosing the best forklift for a business-a decision that includes many factors, such as electric versus intemal combustion, new versus used, lease versus buy, among others-will reduce costs and increase efficiencies.
All forklifts need to be replaced at some point, which leads to two key questions: When should customers consider purchasing a new lift truck, and how can they ensure they're buying the right one? The answers will vary, depending on the specific busi-
ness and its utilization needs. A lumber company that runs two forklifts an hour a day will not have the same needs as a mid-size dealer with a six lift truck fleet.
The simple rule is whenever annual maintenance costs outweigh the cost of the lift truck lease-payment, it may be the right timeto consider financing or leasing a new forklift. Most lift trucks have an economic life of approximately five years or 10,000 to 12,000 miles, although as technology advances economic life continues to increase.
A business that plans to use a forklift one to two hours a day, or only intermittently, may consider buying a used model. However. a growing lumber company that anticipates constant use and requires high dependability and uptime may find that a new lift truck is a better option and costs less in the long run.
When purchasing a new lift truck, dealer support is part of the decision. Customers without an existing dealer, or those looking for a new one, should ask other regional businesses for recommendations. Always check the dealer's references against local references within the industry. The customer's relationship with the dealer should be a true partnership. A good dealer has the expertise to evaluate the customer's application and recommend a lift truck that matches their exact material handling requirements.
Even if a customer has purchased the same forkliftfor years, a material handling professional should visit the facility to see if anything has changed or if a new technology or attachment can help improve efficiency. In addition, customers should ask the dealer what sort of "value-added" programs they offer. including maintenance programs and specialized fleet management systems designed to measure truck utilization and operating costs.
After establishing a relationship with a dealer, the customer should collaborate with the dealer to choose a lift truck brand that meets the customer's needs. Thanks to significant advances in AC technology over the last decade, electric lift trucks are now more powerful, and in some cases can match the performance and capacity of internal combustion (IC) trucks. While electric forklifts have a higher initial purchase price, they produce no emissions, require less maintenance, and operate at a lower costper-hour than IC trucks. A building
materials supply operation that runs primarily in a warehouse with minimal outdoor exposure may consider purchasing electric pneumatic tire lift trucks, especially if they're keen on green products.
However, for the majority of building material dealers, wholesalers, and lumber companies with operations that run outdoors, IC lift trucks with pneumatic-shaped tires are still the most efficient and capable option. These types offorklifts are ideal for lumberyards because they traverse uneven terrain with ease, can be used in inclement weather, and are available in heavier capacity ranges than electric forklifts.
IC trucks run on gasoline, diesel or liquid propane. Because other equipment on site utilizes diesel fuel, many building materials companies find it easiest to purchase a lift truck that also runs on diesel.
Customers who haven't purchased IC trucks in several years may be surprised by how intelligent they've become. Lift truck manufacturers are increasingly developing smarter lift trucks that are able to control performance, enhance safety and detect
their surroundings.
Be sure to choose a lift truck brand that offers a strong warranty. A standard "entire truck" warranty may be 12 months or 2900 hours. A standard powertrain warranty may cover 24 months or 4,000 hours.
The question of whether to buy or lease will depend on the size of the business, and will be dictated by its financial constraints. There are advantages to both types of financing-customers should check with their financial consultant to determine which scenario would be best for their busiNESS.
A growing lumber or building supply company may consider leasing rather than buying because it allows the company to utilize the lift truck during its economic life, when it is most productive. A smaller operation that plans to use the lift truck for more than five years may consider financing the purchase, with intent to own the lift truck once it is paid off.

Boom time for North Dakota lumberyard

l\ficKeuzre Burlorr,rc CsNrsn, founded in 1934 in IVlWatford Citv. N.D.. for untold vears snoozed alons on the windswept-Dakota prairie as the decades rolled b! unnoticed. Why bother to change things up? There was no competition... and also not much in the way of business in the tiny town.
That all changed overnight. Oil was discovered on those very North Dakota plains (it's called the Bakken Field). Three years ago, the town grew from1,200 to 8000 virtually overnight. "There was only one car dealership, one caf6-not even a McDonalds, no Walmart," recalls Andy Jensen of Sterling Cooper, the public relations arm for McKenzie. And... only that one lumberyard.
Rather than reboot to face the surge in demand for services, its owner decided to retire. Enter an investment firm that saw opportunity looming and purchased the place with plans to bring it into the 2lst century, and then some. (The company is looking at several other yards in the Upper Midwest with the same idea, hoping to gain power in numbers: better buying terms, sharing of best practices, fewer overlaps in personnel, and other savings.)
The new owners kept on most of the former employees but wisely hired two new outside salespeople plus-even more vital-seasoned industry officers from nearby Minnesota and Wisconsin yards who had suffered from stiff economic challenges and were excited to begin anew in Watford City.
What they found was-a mess. Says Andy, "There were no systems in place. Nobody knew what deliveries had been made, and ifthose deliveries were even correct and up to spec, nor what was lying around ininventory'Sheetrock? Yeah, I think we got some somewhere...'what SKUs were selling (and which weren't), and who'd paid what and when (or maybe not). So, first thing on the to-do list: a modern computer system, thanks to Spruce.
The company then bought a boom truck-the first in the
BOOM TRUCK has been a key component of serving local builders,
area-to aid its many stressed and busy contractor customers. It added new lines-plumbing, electrical-and joined a new buying group, Hardware Hank, to in-fill items and purchase stock at a better price. It fired some past vendors, hired new ones with better terms ("cash flow is everything") and more favorable delivery practices. And delivery is no small deal here in the middle of nowhere. Trucks arrive fully loaded but leave empty, which is hardly cosr effective. (The only item to leave here is, ahem, oil, and plenty of it.)
Those pro customers provided over 707o of McKenzie's business, but that's changing, too. The goal is a 50/50 split between pros and retail trade-which meant hiring and training new personnel to handle this different, walk-in, breed of cat. Homeowners represented a big slice of business that had been overlooked, and who wants to turn away trade? "Homeowners had nowhere to go for hundred of miles for things like carpeting and flooring, either, so we added those lines," says Andy. Plus appliances, paint, fencing, cabinets, you name it. And there's a vibrant, 2,500-sq.ft. showroom acting as kitchen-and-bath center with free design aid to guide them.
Want it installed? No problem. McKenzie has instituted a network of trusted subs (a.k.a. their own contractor customers-a practice that's proved win-win) to work "in a network for us, like Sears does" as installers, too. And it listened to its pros and added lots of items they said they needed, like power tools. It converted its yard to a covered space that stores lumber sans warping and rot. Free delivery 24/7 also-including into neighboring Montana ("We deliver anywhere" boasts the website.). There's also a brand-new commercial customer center to specifically help
builders, developers and oil-field contractors: the whole nine yards. In other words, the operation now offers onestop-shopping.
For consumers and pros alike, simple awareness was a major hurdle. "The store still looked like it did in the Seventies," Andy moans, "with the same dusty sign outside that has had the wrong phone number for 20 years." So he and his crew launched a major publicity campaign, with print and TV ads and promotions that sound almost too good to be true, such as a drawing not only for mega-TVs, but a complete mobile home (in high demand in this city with more No Vacancy signs than dandelions).
Speaking of mobile homes, McKenzie has restructured its lot and set up a subsidiary company, Watford City Homes Inc., to offer them for sale-and, going one step further, to add manufactured homes as well-shipped in in modules, ready to be set up. The Park Model, says Andy, rings in at 900 sq. ft.-"a beautiful little home that has the same features of a standard home," with this exception: It's instant. Andthat's what the hordes of new-in-town oil workers desperately need. Yes, they've been buying or renting mobile homes (what we used to calls trailers back in the day, but far nicer), but the city is cracking down on parking them in other folks' driveways, for which those homeowners charge their tenants $1,500 (l) a month.
Workers in these Park Models are clustered in man camps, as Andy calls them-just like in the good old Gold Rush days-living there together weekdays, or for weeks at a stretch, then driving back home for a quick visit with their families before returning to life on the frontier.
Contractors are working around the clock, too, building new perrnanent homes as fast as they can, so families can join their breadwinners-but again the city is imposing new, stricter zoning rules as to, say, lot size (think five acres). Those coveted lots have zoomed in price, Andy says, from $500 to $15000-a significant part of the asking price of a new house. The nation's large tract builders are moving in, too, and have no other yard within miles and miles to serve them. Thus, McKenzie's business rose 307o last year and is up another 4OVo to 507o so far in2Ol2.
The company is aiding contractors in other immediate ways, such as initiating a new company credit card with up to $l million available to qualified applicants-acting, in fact, like their banker when that kind of loan isfar from easy to come by via standard lending institutions. It's also launched contractor breakfast sessions, to roll out new products and act as a networking op for participants-and in time will start offering classes in such vital business skills as financial management and computer training.
Sure, there's no competition...yet. Butthat doesn't mean there won't be, so McKenzie's new owners are conscious not to rest on its status as the only act in town. "We've got to be good, or somebody will step up," they realize. (Andy mentions Amazon, of all vehicles, talking about delivering building products.) So the company is determined to keep on improving, z listening to customers, and adding what they say they need. Sounds like a pretty darn good business lesson for anyone to heed.
Carla Waldemar cwaldemar@comcast.net
Selling Ships
If fs ARE ALL ar different levels with our customers. Y Y Where do we want to be? What is our ultimate relationship goal?
The Serviceship level starts with our first contact with the account. They do not know us, trust us, and in some cases have a pre-disposed negative attitude that we will have to overcome.
This is the Missouri "Show Me" stage. We must be hyper-vigilant about details. When a potential customer gives us an opening, we must take advantage and make sure all details are checked and doubled-checked. Field reps should coordinate with trucking to arrive with their first shipment, for example. Inside sellers can (virtually) do the same by following up with a phone call at deliver time.
In addition to excellent detail work, we must call these customers on a regular basis. I am flabbergasted by the number of salespeople I work with who prospect an account, qualify them as a good fiVpotential customer, and then don't call them on a regular basis.
Once we take an account into our rotation-we have decided they deserve our time-we work them just as we would an existing account. We will not become our potential customer's main supplier if we are not persistent and consistent with our contact from the outset. If we work them like a secondary account, they will treat us like a secondary supplier.
Many salespeople make the mistake of staying in Serviceship mode with customers. Alas, we cannot service our way to the top of a sales business. On to Friendship!
The Friendship level happens after we have earned our customer's trust through our business delivery and consistent personal contact. (This does not always mean friendly. Some people will never be friendly, but they will trust usThe Friendship level.)
Because of this trust, doing business is easier. While there are still negotiations, they are more transparent and more win-win oriented. Mistakes are forgiven or fixed quickly. Volume increases.
This is a happy stage in the relationship with a customer, and many salespeople confuse happiness with winning. (A touchdown makes me happy, but does not win the game. A date makes me happy, but does not a lifetime partnership make.)
Two mistakes are made at this stage of the relationship. The first is taking advantage of the friendship and trust we have built. We start to slack off on the detail work. (Who in
sales loves detail work?) We don't hustlefor thebusiness as diligently as we did at the beginning of the relationship. This is how accounts are lost and stolen. How difficult is it to un-seat an incumbent? Darn tough. To lose an account whose trust we have earned, we have to make some lazy mistakes-but it happens all the time. Ouch.
The second mistake is more serious and is the hallmark of the plateaued, mid-level salesperson in all organizations. The Friendship level is not the end-game. Many sellers believe that having a friendly relationship with the customer means that they are getting the lion's share of the business. Not so.
I ask Friendship sellers, "How much of your customer's business are you getting?" They say, "I don't know" or "All of it." I ask, "How do you know?" They say, "Because the customer told me." (Ha!) Many Friendship sellers are reluctant to thoroughly and consistently question customers on total purchases. Customers can be cryptic about volume. But we must push through these obfuscations. On to Leadership!
Using thorough questioning, the Leadership seller understands their customer's business as if they were working side-by-side. In the B-2-B world, this mainly involves the logistics of turning inventory. The Leadership seller knows why, when, how and how much their customer is buy inge xac t lyoften better than their customer.

On a macro level, the master seller knows their industry and the changes that are happening in it and, most importantly, how they affect their customer's business.
Many sellers fear leaving friendship behind when we move to the Leadership level.We don't leave friendship with our customer behind any more than we leave our high school learnins behind when we go to college-we build on it.
TheLeadership seller is respectful but not subservient. The Leadership seller moves to the ultimate level of the master seller-Partnership.
City Mill Co. opened store #9 Nov. 16 in Ewa Beach (Honolulu), Hi. The unit's 40,000 sq. ft. includes a 5,000-sq. ft. LBM/garden center.
BigHornMaterials, Silverthorne, Co., has closed after 28 years.
At its peak five years ago, the company operated six stores.
MyersGroup, Clinton, Wa., will add a 7.500-so. ft. Ace Hardware store in downtown Seattle, Wa., during first ouarter 2013.
Billings Hardware, Bittings, Mt., is considering adding a second, smaller location three miles away.
Ace Hardware Corp. presented Coolest Hardware Store awards to Ace Mountain Hardware & Sports, Truckee, Ca. for successfully combining multiple retail concepts under one roof, and to Hillcrest Ace Hardware, San Diego. Ca.. for selling niche products such as appliances, gift items, pet products, and the work of local artists.
Habitat for Humanity is retocating its Marysville, Ca., ReStore to a 67,000-sq. ft. former Mervyn's building-four times its current size. The discount LBM outlet is set to reopen Jan.9.
McFarland Cascade Selling Out to Stella-Jones
McFarland Cascade. Tacoma. Wa., has agreed to sell ailofits shares to utility pole and railway tie producer Stella-Jones Inc., Montreal. P.Q., for $230 million.
The deal , which was expectcd to close in November. will expand Stella-Jones into producing treated lumber fbr residcntial uses. as well as distributing composite deckine. railings. rrnd relu(cd t.lcek rreeessories.
Founded in 1916. McFarland is onc of thc largest pressurc trcaters in the Wcst, operating four plants in Washington, Oregon. British Columhia. und Mississippi.
Corry and Gre_e McFarland. coc.e.o.s and third-generation family managers, will retire from ongoing operations following the close of the acquisition.
"We are pleased with the acquisition and believe Stella-Jones will be a
great heir to the McFarland Ctiscade lcgacy, brand and organization." said Corry McFarland.
Greg McFarland added. "We have had a partncrship with Stella-Jones in British Columbia. ancl the sale o1' thc busincsscs to them will be a natural progrcssion of that partnership oi'cr the past dccatlc. It is tinre firr Corry ancl tnc to pursuc othcr thin-gs rvith our fanrily now."
Stclla Jotrcs opcrates l9 u,oocl trcating plitnts across l0 U.S. statcs and five Canadian provinccs.
Reeb Pulls Out of West
Reeb Millwork, Bethlehem, Pa., closed its distribution center and prehiingin-u facility in Kcnt, Wa., Nov. 23. after selling its door business to OrcPlc Building Pnrducts. Wilsonville. Or.
With thc Oct. I purchase. (JrcPac can now fablicatc. prcl'inish, and dis lributc Thclma-l'ru ckrors in thc Pr.rgct Sound lcgion.
Rcch etlrrlirrue\ [o (]l)cftllc ils wirr dou' business frorn l'ivc DCs on thc East Coast.
o premier distribulor of wholesole building products; hos leomed with Roseburg Engineered Wood Products in the Southern Colifornio morkel. Huff Lumber offers the complele line of Roseburg EWP coupled wilh full technicol copobilities i ncluding toke-off, conversion, plocemenl drowings ond engineering services. EWP moteriols ore ovoiloble in mill direct bulk shipments, locol units ond cut piece iob pockoges.

The Roseburg Froming Systema consists o{: RFPI@ Joists used in floor ond roof construction; Rigidlom@ LVL which isused for heoders, beoms, sfuds qnd columns; ond RigidRimo' Rimboord. All of the componenls ore engineered to ihe induslry's highest stondords io help controctors build solid, duroble, ond befier performing froming sysiems compored lo ordinory dimension lumber.
Rigidlom@ LVL
RigidLom@ [VI Sfuds
Rigidlom@ LVI Columns
RigidRim@ Rimboord
Capital Grows in West, Exits Texas
While expanding operations in the Pacific Northwest, Capital Lumber Co., Phoenix, Az., agreed to sell its DCs in Dallas and Houston, Tx., to Cedar Creek, Oklahoma City, Ok. The deal was expected to close by Nov. 30.
"We will use this as an opportunity to focus our resources where we've proven to be the strongest-the western United States," said Sam Sanregret, president of Capital, which continues to operate eight other distribution centers outside of Texas.
Capital's Portland, Or., branch is in the final stages of negotiating an additional 75,000 sq. ft. of space on its site. Geoff Richter will be overseeing the activity for Oregon.
In addition, Capital's Tacoma, Wa., DC-which operates as Cascade Capital-has added three acres adjacent to its current property. Mark Mclain, most recently with Boise Cascade, will oversee the activity in Washington.
Cedar Creek currently operates 13 DCs serving 20 states in the mid-South, Midwest and Southeast.
OSH Expanding Beyond California
Orchard Supply Hardware Stores, San Jose, Ca., has begun construction of its first stores outside of Californiain Portland and Tigard, Or., which should be completed in the first half of 2013.
"We have wanted to bring Orchard to Oregon for a long time, and we're thrilled to finally be entering the market," said Mark Baker, president and c.e.o. of the 89-unit chain. "Oregon's community values, pride in ownership, and strong do-it-yourself mentality are ideals we've lived as a company for more than 80 years."
OSH is also evaluatine additional locations in Oreson.
Hoff Cos., Meridian, ld., has purchased the assets of Allied Lumber Dealers, Denver, Co., to merge into its Trimco Millwork division.
Buse Timber & Sales, Everett, Wa., temporarily laid off its second shift due to a log shortage.
Seattle-Snohomish Mill, Snohomish, wa., restarted Nov. 5 afteran eight-month closure.
Gapital Lumber Co.'s Portland, or., and Tacoma, Wa., branches are now distributing Roseburg's engineered wood products.

Boise Cascade, Riverside, Ca., is now exclusive distributor for SilvaStar inSouthern California.
Huttig Building Produqts, Phoenix, Az., is now exclusive distributor of MaxiTile fiber cement siding in Arizona.
OrePac Building Products' branches in Denver, Co., and Salt Lake City, Ut., are now distributing AZEI< exterior products inCo., Wy., N.M.,Ut., Nv., and ld.
Gorman Brothers Lumber, Westbank, B.C., bought the forest products assets of Federated Co-operatives Ltd., including its plywood milland sawmill inCanoe, B.C.
Weyerhaeuser is now producing Edge Gold floor panels at its 0SB plant in Arcadia, La.
Woodgrain Millwork, Fruitland, ld., will build a new facility inLenoir, N.C., adding 170 jobs.
Scientific Gertification Systems, Emeryville, Ca., has been renamed SCS Global Services.
Osmose's MicroPro preservative technology earned Environmental Claim Validation from UL Environment. confirming itslow VOC content.
Eco Building Products, Vista, Ca., has converted to Simpson Stroilg-Tie's Component Soiutions software to design and manufacture trusses.
JEC America's inaugural composites show was so successful, exhibitor booking has begun for returns to Boston Oct. 2-4,2013, and Oct. 28-30, 2014.

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ArcataLumberyard Upgrades
Arcata Do it Best Lumber is expanding and remodeling its historic location in Arcata, Ca.
Once a contemporary new building is complete and existing buildings are remodeled, "it will look like a brand new piece of property," said general manager Dean Kruschke.

The store has remained open during construction, which began in August and is expected to be complete in late December. A grand opening is scheduled for April 2013.
The environmentally friendly new building will more than triple retail space, yet exceed the stringent 2008 California Energy Building Code by 43Vo. Yearly energy costs are expected to drop almost $12,000, due to solar hot water and heat recovery systems, radiant floor heating, and automatically controlled skylights and LED light fixtures.
The current building will be refurbished and remodeled to serve as a design center with displays of windows, doors, countertops and more. "People can come in and have a nice environment to get ideas and shop," said Kruschke.
An old barn on the southeast comer of the property will be repaired, re-sided, and re-roofed, then used as a dedicated contractor sales office. Other planned improvements include seismically stable lumber racks.
"It's rewarding to be able to add jobs to the community, rejuvenate such a historic block in Arcata, and increase the energy efficiency of a retail store while creating more than three times the floor space of the existing facility," he said.
Owners Brendan, Kevin and Neal McKenny also operate Myrtletown Lumber & Supply, Eureka, Ca.
CLTs Earn Code Approval
The International Code Council (ICC) has approved the American Wood Council's proposed code change to expand the use of cross laminated timber (CLT) in non-residential buildings.
"Having worked closely with ICC code and fire officials, AWC was able toquickly answer questions raised about the proposal," said Kenneth Bland, v.p.-codes and regulations at AWC. "The strong support for the proposal shown by ICC members is validation of the ICC process when all stakeholders work together to maintain state-ofthe-art codes."
The now-approved code will be published in late 2Ol4 and will be available for jurisdictions to adopt in 2015.
ARCATA LUMBER'S environmentally friendly new building will more than triple retail space and cut yearly energy costs by nearly $12,000.Scott Watson, ex-J.E. Higgins, is a new account mgr. at Capitol Plywood, Sacramento, Ca.
Frank Forward, ex-Commco, is new to sales at Blasen & Blasen Lumber Corp., Portland, Or.
Jason Simms, ex-Allied Building Products, has joined HPM Building Supply, Keaau, Hi., as sales mgr. of roofing & accessories for all branches.
Kay Lanham-Sholseth, ex-Milgard Manufacturing, is new to business development & sales at Honsador Lumber. Kapolei, Hi.
Jim Baskett has joined the sales force at General Builders Supply, Tukwila,Wa.
Kathy Corbin, ex-Modern Millwork, is now in inside sales at Alexandria Moulding, Yakima, Wa.
Christy Long, ex-Astoria Builders Supply, is now managing the new custom cabinet and closet department at Brothers Door & Trim, Gearhart, Or.
Samantha Osselaer has been named v.p. of marketing at Orchard Supply Hardware, San Jose, Ca.
Craig Warnimont, ex-Lowe's, has joinedthe outside sales team at Rocky Mountain Bluwood/Northern Crossarm, Denver, Co.
Steve Hanson has been promoted to president of Hanson Truss Components, Olivehurst, Ca.
Chris Brink has been named production mgr. at Moulding &Millwork, Ferndale, Wa.
Brannan Olsen, ex-Reeb Millwork, is now with Marvin Windows& Doors, as territory mgr. for Idaho and eastern Washington. He is based in Liberty Lake, Wa.
Susan Haws, ex-BigHorn Materials, has been appointed assistant mgr. at Idaho Springs Lumber & Hardware, Idaho Springs, Co.

Steve Pham has joined ProBuild Holdings, Denver, Co., as program director.
Mary Rhinehart has been promoted to c.e.o. of Johns Manville, Denver, Co., succeeding Todd Raba.
Lonny Low, ex-Lowe's, is new to sales at Mountain View Window & Door. Denver. Co.
Vickie Rapphas been named California assistant controller at Green Diamond Resource Co., Eureka, Ca.
Steve Taylor, ex-Stock Building Supply, has been appointed national sales mgr. for Knight Wall Systems, Deer Park, Wa.
Tina Wright, ex-Spec Building Materials, is new to outside sales at Atlas Roofing Corp., Denver, Co., covering Co. and N.M.
Jeffrey Anderson, ABC Supply, Monrovia, Ca., has been promoted to a managing partner, along with fellow branch mgrs. Jason McKinley, Mesa, Az., and T.J. Neil. Denver. Co.
Lynn Michaelis, ex-Weyerhaeuser, is nowwith Forest Economic Advisors. Westford. Ma.
Mike Post has been promoted to merchandise mgr.-home decor for Do it Best Corp., Fort Wayne, In. Witl B. Watching is head of security at Mungus-Fungus Forest Products, Climax, Nv., according to co-owners Hugh Mungus and Freddy Fungus.
Holiduy Greetings from
|esus Aldrete
Raul Aldrete
Antonio Avina
Paul Blevins
Norm Boucher
Edward Butz
Jose Chicas
Rosario Chicas
Karen Currie
Nick Ferguson
Vince Galloway
Ricardo Garcia
Fidenceo Gomez
Henry Herrera
Leticia Herrera
Chris Hexberg
Jerry Long
foe McCarron
Bert McKee
Luis Moreno
Brad Mortensen
Rafael Pantoja
Timoteo Paredes
Michael Parrella
Peter Parrella
Kurt Peterson
Eduardo Pierre
Janet Pimentel
Nestor Pimentel
Yolanda Rodriguez
Alex Romero
Bill Sharp
Angela Sorensen
Lois Tavenner
Melinda Taylor
Peter Ulloa
Enrique Vargas
Oscar Villegas
Robert Williams
Pamela Winters
Terry Yarbrough
DonDye. 65, sales manager at Mary's River Lumber Co., Corvallis, Or.. died Nov. l4 while on a business trip in British Columbia.
James Henry "Jimtt Murray, 84, retired general sales manager at Fiberboard Wood Products, Sonora, Ca.. died Oct.22 in Sonora.
He began his 43-year lumber career at Pickering Lumber, Standard, Ca., after graduatin-{ from St. Mary's College, Moraga, Ca., in 19,5 I In 1995, he retired from Fiberboard.
Robert S. Ashenberner, 87, fbrmer owner of Ashenberner Moulding Co., Medford, Or.,dicd Nov. 7 in Medford.
His participation in the Battle of the Bulge during World War II brought him a number of awards, including thc Purple Heart and the Victory Medal.
He started Ashenberncr Moulding in 1960, later changing the name to Ashenberner Lumber and ultimately Southern Oregon Lumber. He retired in 2006, after the firm was liquidated.
William Ward "Bill" Wells, 86, fbrmer v.p. of timbcrlands and manufacturing for Champion International, died Nov. 2 in Sumpter. Or.
Aftcr serving as a corporal in the U.S. Arrny Air Corps during World War I I, he graduated from the University of Oregon. In l9-59, he joined BearCreek Logging Co., Anderson, Ca., and stayed on after it merged into U.S. Plywood Corp. USP was acquired by Champion in 1970.
Sharon Asako Shigemoto, 69, retired purchasing agent for City Mill Co., Honolulu, Hi., died Nov. 1 I in Ewa Beach, Hi.
Christian Miller "Chris" Snavely Jr., 88, chairman emeritus of Snavely Forest Products, Pittsburgh, Pa., died Oct.24 in Pittsburgh.
ln 1942, while in the Army, he was captured during the Battle of the Bulge and spent three years as a POW, He also served in the Korean War.
He joined Germain Lumber, Pittsbur-ch, in 1954 and purchased the company four years later. The name was changed to Snavely Forest Products in 1971.
He was a former chairman of NAWLA, which honored him with its Mulrooney Award in 1999.
Solid. Resilient. Enduring.
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For over lOO years, our experts have been providing quality claims and risk management services to the lumber, woodworking andbuilding material industries. Remember, "you get whatyou pay for." We understand wood. We know your business... because it's our business too. Wood is all we do.
lf you'relookingfor quality and value from your insurance provider, please contact us at 8AO.752.1895 or log onto www. plm i ns.com/adlM M.

Grow knowing you're covered.
Recruiting in the new sales environment
fltHgnn's A sI-ow. suBrLE shift underway in how building I materials companies are recruiting salespeople. In my recent conversations with distributors, I found it interesting to learn just how surprised they were by this major change, since it goes against years of conventional wisdom.

After three decades of selling to and for LBM distributors and retailers, and training hundreds of sales staff, I am excited about finally being able to help companies navigate through these trying times.
Why are these changes occurring? Selling has undergone a massive shift in the past l0 years. If your salespeople are still selling transactionally-presenting features and benefits-or they are selling only on the strength of their great long-term relationships, then they are having difficulty generating business from new accounts, as well as growing their existing accounts.
Customers are more educated and, in some cases, they know more than the typical salesperson of l0 years ago. Back then, the salesperson educated the customer, who often welcomed the information. Today, customers usually know what they want and are looking for the best value or-worse-the best price. Salespeople are learning that the relationship is not enough to overcome resistance and objections.
Today, a consultative approach that uncovers problems and opportunities and leads to discussions about issues that your customers hadn't considered works best to differentiate your company and move your salespeople away from commodities and prices. They must develop the ability to ask a lot of good, tough, timely questions while using an effective sales process.
Customers must notice your salespeople. They need to
Y ffi
recognize that you are different. Your salespeople must get their undivided attention above all the noise of competing people and products. That's your point of differentiation. When you call, they take the call,not because they like you, but because they rely on you!
And that brings us to the shift we are seeing in how sales staffs are recruited today. If you agree that there are vast differences in selling-skill requirements today, then where do you find the talent to meet the challenge? One distributor recently hired someone away from a call center in an unrelated industry. He said, "This guy comes inwith no call reluctance whatsoever. He's just used to it. He knows how to sell and he's making inroads where we hadn't performed well in the past."
None of this implies that there isn't tremendous value in industry knowledge. The question is, can veterans in our
industry make the shift to a new way of selling and maximize growth? If not, can you grow your company more effectively by bringing in talented selling superstars, regardless of their industry background?
Has your company returned to double-digit annual growth? If not, why? Are your people saying, "We can't do this, because...?" You can't use the economy as an excuse. You need to be thinking very hard about two things:
Canmy existing salespeople make the required changes in order to return us to double-digit growth?
Can we succeed by hiring the same kinds of salespeople that we have always hired?
The shift from traditional industry professionals toward salespeople with consultative selling skills is an important and timely change. Are you ready to make this change?
- Dennis Connelly is an experienced lumber industry executive who also served on the Joint Coatings Forest Products Committee. He is now v.p. of business development at international sales consultingfirm Kurlan & Associates. Reach him at (508) 3 20 - 4900 or dconne lly @ kurlanas so c iat e s.c om.

THE ELITE ATHLETES of the Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club converged on Anaheim Tennis Center, Anaheim, Ca., Nov. 4 for theclub's annual tennis mixer.Despite the atvoical90" fall weather, thethree-hour event w6s well attended. Tournament host, Chapman University Hall of Fame member and
LAHLC president Dan Bohannon, organized the mixer. /L-r) David Church, MattPorter, Randy Porter, Ellie Mendiaz, MikeWalters, Teresa Hallock, Grace Wright, Julie Southwell, Dan Bohannon, Kit Rohm, StephenOndich, Vivian& Eric Bloom, Leon Richman.
Western BuildingMaterial Association will host its l09th annual convention Jan. 30-Feb. 1at the DoubleTree Lloyd Center, Portland, Or.
Presentations include an economic outlook by John Mitchell, LBM industry update by Craig Webb, leadership and team building program by Ken Wilbanks, and strategic marketing talk by Scott Ericson and Jennifer Swick, Wheelhouse 20120.

Los Angeles Hardwood Lumberman's Club will host its first meeting of the year at Heroes Restaurant, Fullerton. Ca.. on Jan. 10.
Feb. 7 is the annual pool tournament at Danny K's, Orange, Ca.
WesternPallet Association will gather Jan. 18-22 for its annual meeting at Rancho Las Palmas Resort, Rancho Mirage, Ca.
California Forestry Association has scheduled its annual meeting for Jan. 29-Feb. 1 at Silverado Resort, Napa, Ca.
American Wood Council elected Fritz Mason, Georgia Pacific, as its new chairman during the association's annual meeting in Chicago, Il.
Other newofficersare I st vicechair Rob Taylor, Weyerhaeuser; 2nd vice-chair George Emmerson, Sierra Pacific, and immediate past chairman Brian Luoma, Louisiana Pacific.
New directors are Andrew Miller, Stimson Lumber; Marc Brinkmeyer, Idaho Forest Group; Tom Corrick, Boise Cascade; Danny White, T.R. Miller Mill; Aubra Anthony, Anthony Forest Products; Ray Dillon, Deltic Timber; Michael Giroux, Canadian Wood Council; Pat Patranella, Temple-Inland; Jim Rabe, Masonite, and Joe Patton, Westervelt Co.
National Lumber & Building Material Dealers Association will present a webinar on "Understanding the New Federal Trade Commission Green Guides" Dec. 18.
FTC recently revised and expanded its Green Guides, which are designed to help marketers ensure that the claims they make about the environmental attributes of their products are truthful and non-deceptive.
Hards6lHybrid Stain
A hybrid stain concentrate from Eco Chemical promises high quality at lower cost.
Available in 5-gallon pails, Eco 3-to-l can be mixed to produce 20 gallons of semi-transparent stain. Lower dilution ratios will result in a solid stain.
The product combines the beauty of an oil-based stain with the eco-friendly characteristics of a waterborne stain, in both interior and exterior applications.
(800) 6'71-1930
Nautical Accents
The Beachfront collection by Themed Millwork includes l8 hand-carved keystones, onlays, and rosettes.

Depicting ocean creatures and nautical designs, they can be used as accents for furniture, mirrors, chalkboards, and mirrors.
(866) 35s-631 I
Breathable Wraps
NovaWrap breathable, weather-resistant barrier for both residential and commercial applications is new from IPG.
Made of non-woven polypropylene, the wrap is coated on one side for durability and resistance to water and tears. Compatible with nearly every type of sheathing, it installs easily under brick, stone, fiber cement board, wood, vinyl, metal, and composites.
(800\ 414-8273
Toolboxes on the Go
Contractor toolboxes from Buyers Products Co. are available in aluminum, steel and polymer in a variety of sizes and configurations.
Cross-boxes suspend from truck side rails, with Jhook mounting hardware that does notrequire drilling, to provide easy access to contents from either side.
Lo-side and pork-chop boxes have low profiles for space efficiency. Topside boxes, available in dimensions up to 96" wide, provide easy access through continuous-hinge doors.
(440) 974-8888
1321 N. Kraemer Blvd. (Box 879), Anaheim, Ca. 928O6
Fax 714-63O-3190
(7141fl,3,2-L988 (8OO) 675-REEL
3518 Chicago Ave., Riverside, Ca.92507 (909)781-0564

Majestic Flooring
SouthMountain's Palazzo hardwood flooring offers the strength and durability of Asian teak. Four colors are available in solid hardwood, three in an engineered, wire-cut option. Both are protected with six coats of UV-cured Treffert aluminum oxide.
(516) 487-3510
Ultra-Smooth Rolling
Purdy's Ultra Finish roller cover deliver an ultrasmooth finish for all interior painting projects. Its microfiber covers resist paint buildup to provide an even release of paint, whether satin, semi-gloss, or gloss. It comes 9" long in varying nap thicknesses.
(800) 547-0780
Look of River Rock
Mediterranea's River Rock tile collection offer the look of stone in four natural colors.
Sizes include 12"x24", l8xl8, 12x12, and 6x6, along with 2x2 mosaic pieces and 3x12 bullnose.
(305) 718-5091
On Your Marks
Matthews Marking Systems offers the HP-2600 high resolution, thermal inkjet printer for the LBM industry.
The printer can control up to four cartridge modules, enabling four different print locations or combining them to create up to 2" high messages. A variety of different inks allow both porous (case coding, fiberboard, gypsum, lumber) and non-porous (PVC, PET) applications.
Message options include graphics, barcodes, date/time, counters, and text fields.
G12\ 66s-253r
Direct lmporters of Hardwood
Decking, lumber, & Flooring
PVG Skirtboard
Restoration Millwork cellular PVC skirtboardfrom CertainTeed offers a seamless look for fiber cement siding projects that can be used as a transition panel between siding styles.
The l2'-long, 6"- or S"-wide boards meet code requirements for ground clearance.
Options include a paintable white finish, smooth or woodgrain texture.
(800) 233-8990
Btazilial Hardwood Specialisrc
Your direct source for lpe, Tigerwood, Garapa, and Cumaru decking

Many Options To Choose kom:
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2) Cusnm Milling available from our U.S. Facilities
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Telephone : (9 4l) -388 -9299
www.Adyantagelumb er. co m/whol es ale

2012 TRADERS MARKET (continued from previous pageJ was back at Chicaqo's Hyatt Regency. [1] John Walcott, JohnBianstetier, Chrrs Schofer, James Lambert. [2] Bob Goral, Rick Wearne. [3] Raymond Iuther, Larry Petree. [4] Kip Anderson, Stuart Ralston, Stev6 Anderson. l5l Leo Paradis, Keith Lolley. [6]Jeff Ruble, ToddWright. [7] Chartey Brittdin; Douq Heryford. [8]WadeMosby,Ericschooler, Josh Dean, AlysonKingsley, KevinPaldino. [9] Cat Byers. tievon Li;dqList. [10] peter R;ih;i, Buildir4-hodudscom
Derek Demeo. [11] Michael Booth, Mike Pidlisecky,Matt Yates. [12] lra Feingold, Drew Homan,James Gibson. [13] Sheldon Howell, Alicia Beltran. [14] Dltton Forbes, Mike Theberge, Jim Olson, Bill Price. [15] Ron Cluster, Terry Baker. [16] Doug Chia-sson, Susan Coulohrbe. t17i Chuck Gaede, AIei Darrah, B. Manning. [18] Tom & Dianne Franklin. Danny Osboine, Ron LieOett. [19] Jeff Fanlozzi, Frank Stewart. [20]Gary Converse. (More photos on next 3 pages)

MORE NAWLA (continued from previous pageg): [1] .Jegn-Ma1c Dubois, Tony Saad,Archie Lahdreman, Albert Renaud. [2] Pam Mitchell, Kris Owen, Sara Bond. [3] Jim Enright,Tim Lewis, John Murphy Jr' {41 Jessica Navascues, Kevin Keirn, Tom Tiylor. [5] Jim Griswold, Amy Vitek. [6] ]im Wolf' Mike Hoag' ChrisHedlund. [7] J'ason Friend,David Bisaiilon, Mark-Carter, John Cooper, JoeAlbert. [8] Bob Dewald, GregHaupt, Matt Weaber.[9]-Jordan Hollis, Bob Loew, John Dawick. [10] Keith Abbott, Eric Wischmann, Bart Bender, Chris Wischmann.[11] Jim ilaygreen,Tunstall Inge- Bucky Adams,-GaryBurch [12] Tom Rice, don Aett.1i51CfrucX Casey, Darrell Hungerford. ['14]David Battaqlia.JackBowen.kevin Hvnes, Kevin Murphy, MattDuprey, Dan Paige. 1151 6lini Darnell. J16l Kim Pdhl, Kvle Loveland. [17] Josh Goodman, Jim Futter. t18l Mike Geistdnberger, Bob Hafner. (More photos on next 2 pages)

TRADERS MARKET convened in Chicago (continued): [1] Steve Killgore, Mark Mclean, Gary PittmaLr, Mickey Brown. [2]Leah Heneghan, BarryHaugh, PeggieBolan,TimHiller. [3] Michael Kirkelie, David Smith, Jim Walsh, Mark Denner. [4] ReedRediger, Jim Hassenstab, Anthony Muck. [5] Mike Flynn, DerekDryden,It/arcMendenhall, Bob Mai, DonGraver. [6] Lowell Crossley, Bill Anderson, Stephen Fowler. [7] Jefi Cook, Chris Boyd, Peter Fograschei, JasonMann, ToddShipp, Dave Cochenour. [8] Jim Hand,BradSchneider, Barry Schneider. [9] Tony &Darlene Wiens, Pat Thorp. [10] Terry Neal,Renee Vachon, Jacquie Hess. [11] Brad Johansen, MikeThelen,[12]B.L.Johnson, Racy Florence, David Cox, Calvin Biddix. [13] Patrick Taleghani, Ward Mintzler. [14] AlanOakes, Courtney Watkins. [15] Tony Fleischman, Josh Fleischman. [16] Bob Jahns, Jim Vandegrift. (More photos on nextpage)

EVENMORE TRADERS MARKET (continued from previous 4 pages)'. [1] Mark Swinth, Brett Slaughter, RickYonke, Dave Billingsley.[2] Larry & Kathy Boyts, Janel & Scott Janett. [3] Jim Robbins, Alden Robbins, Roger Champagne. [4] Lee Greene Jr., Leslie Southwick. [5] Craig Sichling, Shawn Enoch, Joe Hanas. [6] MiltFarvour, Mark Musgrove, Laurie Creech, Mike Davis. [7] Jeff Morlock, Chris Johnson. [8] Jim McCluskey, Jeff Norman. [9] Bill Jones, Phil Schumock, Chris
Mvers. [10] Rick Palmiter, MasonAnderson, nnren S-pitt<-er. [11] Konrad Tittler,Rob Breda. [12] BernieNugent, WinSmith. [13] Mark & Peggy Cheinett. [14] Leonard Testa, David Jeffers.[15]DougReid, Adam Gangemi. [16] DonnaAllen, Joe Brown,Christopher Webb. [17] Jeff Easterling. [18] Leyland Klassen, Brian Boyd, Kathy Klassen. [19] Lawrence Newton, Carl McKenzie.[20] Mike Lermer, Bill Griffith. [21] Joel Cone.

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NEIMAN REED LUMBER CO., a San Fernando Valley-based wholesalelumber and plywood distributor, is looking fortwoquality and seasoned salespersons. The first candidate will manage and run our plywood operation with sales and buying responsibilities. Miil contacts and customer following are essential. The second candidate will be a softwood/hardwood trader with loyal following. Weoffer the most comprehensive inventory with a full spectrum of grades. a competitive compensation program, earned bonuses, 401K, travel and expense accounts, and full-health insurance benefits. This is an excellent opportunity to be a key part of a premier wholesale lumber company. Please send resumes in confidence to Ed Langley: elangley@neimanreed.com.
Downfall, excess or salvage lumber, panels, roofing, etc.,purchased for export. Contact CarlHanson 103@aol.com, (619) 954-9955.
Green Building Growing
Despite the economic downturn, green building continues to accelerate around the world, according to a new construction study from McGrawHill.
"This research confirms that green building advances environmental stewardship while providing value to the market," said Geraud Darnis, president and c.e.o. of United Technologies Climate, Controls & Security, which helped prepare the study. "It also confirms that we now see more pull than push for green buildings."
The study indicates that the global construction market views green building as a business opportunity rather than a niche market. Respondents reported that their top
1990. Makechecks payable toCutler Publishing. Deadline: 18th of previous month.
To reply to ads with private box numbers, send correspondence toboxnumber shown, c/o The Merchant. Names ofadvertisers using a box numbercannot be released.
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reasons todo green work are client demand (35%) and market demand (33%\.
Other reasons included lower operating costs (30%) andbranding advantage (30%). Greater health and wellbeing was cited (55%) as the top social reason for building green, as was encouraging sustainable business practice. Energy-use reduction topped the environmental reasons for green building; 72o/o said it is the important environmental reason to engage in green building. Water-use reduction was cited by 25% of respondents, up from 4o/o in 2008. Improved indoor air quality is also more important today; lToA cited this as a topreason to engage in green building, up from only 3o/o in 2008.
In contrast, the top reasons cited in
2008 were doing the rightthing(42%) and market transformation (35%), followed by client and market demand.
"It is notable that over the next three years, firms working in countries around the world have green work planned across all building types, incorporating both new construction and renovation," said Harvey M. Bernstein, vice president of industry insights and alliances for McGraw-Hill Construction. "It is clear that green is becoming an important part of the future landscape of the global construction marketplace, and firms will need to be prepared for that transition."
Green building is also expected to garner business benefits for building owners. For new green building projects, firms report median operating
cost savings of 80% over one year and 15olo over five years, as well as increased building values of 7Yo (according to design and construction firms) and higher asset valuation of 5% (according to building owners).
"We've been on the ground watching the markets shift to green around the world," said Jane Henley, president of the World Green Building Council. "Today, there are green building councils in 92 countries around the world-more than double what it was when we first looked at the green building market globally in 2008."
The study also revealed that approximately 48% percent of the work by U.S. respondents was green-and that share is expected to increase to 58% by 2015.

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Cash for the Holidays
What with ttre
free food, door prizes, and gifts,there's a lot to like for builder-customers and prospects attending the annual holiday bash of Croft Lumber, Sayre, Pa.

The party starts with dinner and continues with demos and exhibits from 30 to 40 vendors. Then it's on to door prizes and the big event of the evening: l%o rebate checks for customers who've spent more than $12,000 at the store and have active accounts.
"When our dad died in 1998,I was looking for new ways to connect with local builders and expand the business," says Warren Croft, who co-owns the business with his brother, Michael. "That first year, we handed out cash rebates,just like our dad had."
The event also got a little bigger each year, moving to larger and larger venues. When a local casino opened five years ago-largely builtwith materials from Croft Lumber-the party was moved there. The rebates had gotten so large, they had to be handed out in check form instead of cash.
"We don't give store credit," says Warren. "We want to make it feel like a real gift for our customers, who often come in the following day and buy new tools or other needed goodies."
Not surprisingly, customers often take the stage to express thanks for Croft and its helpful employees. "They appreciate that we're investing in them," says Warren. "It helps create a team feeling, a sense of family, with our customers. And that's a great thing, especially at the holidays."
Feature your BusinessCard in Tbe Mercbant Say H, and beli Hoppy lr{ew Year tli Ai-risk students
Use this low-cost opportunity to send New Year's wishes to customers, friends and suppliers-and help the Freedom Writers Foundation, which provides college scholarships for low-income, first-generation high school graduates and powerful training for educators.

Your business card-reprinted in nlor and reduced slightly-willappear in a specialsection in our January issue. The cost for each ad is just $100, $25 of which is tax deductible and will be matched by us-for a total donation of $50 to Freedom Writers Foundation.
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safe environment, every teacher needs to be highly trained and supported, and every school needs outstanding leadership.
Doing Your Part ls Easy:
Just send us your business card(s) by DeC, 21, along with a check for $100 per card (or $200 per card to appear in both lhe Merchant Magazine and its eastern counterpart, Building Products Drgest)to Cutler Publishing, 4500 Campus Dr., Suite 480, Newport Beach, Ca. 92660.
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