2 minute read
S. F. Hoo Hoo Club Entertains ,/ 175 Children
One hundred and seventy-five children, some of whom rvere from the McKinley Orphanage, the St. Francis Day Home, and the-Holy Name Day Home, and some selected by the Parent Teachers'Association from needy families in the city, rvere entertained by San Francisco Hoo Hoo Club No. 9 at their annual Christmas party, held at the Elks Club, San Francisco at noon, Tuesday, December 23.
A large attendance of club members and guests representative of all branches of the lumber industry was on hand, and the party was a great success.
Through the courtesy of the Shell Oil Company the entertainment was provided by "Captain Dobbsie," Hugh Barrett Dobbs, whose Shell Happy-time program over station KPO is familiar to all radio listeners.
The entertainment program started off with the Harriette French orchestra, which played throughout the luncheon and whose playing drew many appre,ciative remarks from those present. The members of the orchestra are Harriette Ft9":lt, violin; Vernal Deane, cello; Gertrude Bussey, bass, and Mildred Bailey, piano.
After luncheon Dobbsie gave a short talk to the children and introduced Rita Gould, R.K.O. star, rvho talked and sang'.
Sam'bo. Ed and Nlandy followed, and the kiddies got a Iot of fun out of their act, in which they played different instruments and coaxed music out of bottles. balloons and other objects.
President Jim Farley presided, and at the con.clusion of the entertainment thanked Captain Dobbs and his stafi for their splendid contribution to the success of the party. He thanked also the firms that contributed funds. and all who assisted in the arrangements.
Al. Nolan, of The Pacific Lumber Company, acted as Santa Claus, and every 'child received a suitable present. Past president Eddie Peggs, of W. R. Chamberlin & Co., helped Santa in the distribution of the gifts.
Frank O'Connor was.chairman of the finance committee. C. C. Stibich was chairman of the entertainment committee. Floyd Elliot and Howard Gunton made the arrangements for getting the children, and Mrs. Floyd Elliot assisted in obtaining the children through the P. T. A. The Shell Oil Co. supplied a bag of candy and a balloon for each of the children.
Vicegerent Snark Bert Bryan, of the Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, attended and was introduced by the president.
President Jim Farley and Secretary Edw. Tietjen deserve special mention for the manner in rvhich they rvorked to make the party a su,ccess.
,/ Hold Annual Christmas Dinner
The California Panel & Veneer Company, Los Angeles, held their annual Christmas turkey dinner at the compiny's plant, Wednesday noon, December 24. Twenty-eight attended the dinner which included the employes and their families. Harry V. Hanson, Secretary of the company, acted as Santa Claus and everybody .r,vas remembered with a present.-
Fire Sweeps Plywood Plant
Fire-caused a loss of $50,000 in the plant of the Consolidated Plywood & Lumber Company it Aberdeen, Wash., December 17.
'The Western"
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The Tiitle River
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PORTLAND-I2IO Ycor Bld3. SEATTtE{rd rYhitc B-Ift.