3 minute read
Community Christmas Tree at Westwood
Westwood, Calif., Dec. 26.-Santa Claus made his annual visit to "The Home of Paul BLlnyan", and was able to state upon his departure that there 'ivas not a child in the town who had not received at least one present and a box of candy.
Under the direct supervision of H.A. Smith funds rvere raised and the community Christmas tree was set up in the lobby of the Westwood Theater. A free show of the latest talking comedies and cartoons filled every one of the 1100 seats with excited children and their adult guardians.
After the show as the children filed out each one was given a box of candy and a toy. Dolls and dishes for the girls, mechanical toys and guns for the boys. Over 90C) children r,vere taken care of at the theater and the surplus toys and ,candy later distributed wherever the committee could find a child who had not been able to attend.
In addition to the children's Christmas, 85 "Cheer Baskets" containing Christmas dinners lor 456 persons were distributed.
The funds were raised by contributions from various lodges and community bodies with The Red River Lumber Company furnishing all purchases at half price.
Weyerhaeuser Sales Co. Hold Annual Stockholders and Trustees Meeting
Spokane, Wash-The Weyerhaeuser Sales Company had its annual stockholders' meeting and annual trustees' meeting in Spokane, Washington, December 17. George R. Little of Winona, Minn., was elected as the new trustee to replace George S. Long of Tacoma, who died August 2. With this exception, all of the trustees were re-elected and all of the officers re-elected.
I. N. Tate of Spokane, general manager of the sales company, reported that the 1930 ,cut was 1,250,000,000 feet, which was 10 per cent less than in 1929. Partly due to the small stocks which are now in the hands of retailers, Mr. Tate predicts a gradual improvement in the lumber world beginning with the first of the year.
Officers re-elected were: President, F. K. Weyerhaeuser, Spokane; vice-president, Ff H. Irvine, St. Paul; secretary, A. W. Laird, Potlatch, Idaho; treasurer, J. P. Weyerhaeuser, Jr., Lewiston, Idaho; and general manager, I. N. Tate, Spokane.
Trustees are R.M. Weyerhaeuser, Cloquet, Minn.; H. H. Irvine, F. K. Weyerhaeuser, I. N. Tate, J. P. Weyerhaeuser, Jr., F. R. Titcomb, Tacoma; W. H. Peabody, Everett; E. H. O'Neill, Snoqualmie Falls; A. L. Raught, Jr., Longview; C. A. Barton, Boise; A. W. Laird, H. C. Hornby, Cloquet, Minn.; G. F. Jewett, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho; G. R. Little, Winona, Minn., and H. J. McCoy, Sandpoint.
The executive committee for 1931 will include President Weyerhaeuser, Vice-President Irvine, General Manager Tate and Mr. Little.
y'rc. Wood Lumber Co. Will r Open Yard at Long Beach
The E. K. Wood Lumber Co., who recently purchased a piece of property at 3754 East Anaheim, Long Beach, is erecting a new modern lumber yard that will be open for business shortly after the first of the year. Howard Curran, who has been connected with the company's Los Angeles office, will be in chilge of the new yard.
Our Own Loggrog. Milling - Transportation and Distributing Facilities
FROM Consolidated Lumber Company
Lor Angeler ttOnly the Piston rnovestt
Dirtributorr of Creoroted Lumbcr, Piling and Polcr.
Yz to 2-lrnch Drilling Capacity.
Veights 10 to 20lbs.
Priced at t100 and up.
Electrlc Drlllr' All Slzcr
Portable Gr{nderr and llcnch TY?cc
Goncrete Surfacem
Strand Fledble thattc and Equlpnclrt
Electrlc lland Sawt
Sandem . Pollrhcm . Buflem
(TheCleating Hourc)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is fon
The Fellow Who'Wants to Buy
The Fellow \Mho Wants to Sell
The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rste: 82.50 p cofurna incl The Fellow
\ilho Wants to Be Hired
Lady Stenographer Wants Position
For Sale
Planing Mill Machinery for sale. All modern, new 3 years ago. Los Angeles Planing Mill Co., 1800 Industrial St., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone VAndiki E460.
Wants Position
Sales Promotion Ideas
Experienced Line Yard Manager
Plan Book
Make your yard center for owners and contractors WISHES POSITION.
Address Box C-360. care California Lumber Merchant
Wanted Hardwood Salesman
Have opening for man thoroughly acquainted with Hardwood conluming trade, Los Angeles and vicinity. Twohy Lumber Co., WEstmore 8746.
Young lady with several years' experience in the lumber business, m.ill and wholesale, wants position with Los Angeles lumber firm. Familiar with all office details. Address Box C-357. care California Lumber Merchant.
Modern Yard for sale, near Los Angeles-investment aroundtwenty-five thousand, sales sixty to seventy thousand per year. Good reason for selling. Address Box C-358. care California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced retail lumberman lvanted to manage yard close to Los Angeles. State age, lumber exPerience during past ten years, and references. Address Box C-359, care California Lumber Merchant.
Good Paying Lumberyard For Sale
Good paying lumber yard for sale on Monterey Peninsula. Investment around tlventy-five thousand-sales sixty to eighty thousand per year. Good reason for selling. Address Box C-361, ,care California Lumber Merchant.