1 minute read

Hundred Trucks Parade Los Angeles Streets With Large Lumber Order For Universal Studios

An order of over 600,000 feet ofFir and Redwood lumber, filling 101 trucks, was delivered in a solid parade to the Universal Picture Corporation, Universal City, Calif., on Monday, December 29. The lumber was furnished by the Hammond Lumber Company, Lounsberry & Harris, and the E. K. Wood Lumber Co. of Los Angeles. The material is to be used in the construction of new sound stages, in the erection of a number of large sets for pi.ctures which will be filmed during the month of January, and for general repairs. Carl Laemmle, president of Universal Pictures Corporation, decided to advance the date of their lumber purchases, buying the entire amount at the present time, which is in line with President l{oover's campaign to stimulate business and furnish employment during the winter months.

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