1 minute read
Red River Witl Manufacture Hardwood Panels
JAn announcement of importance to the plywood industry has been made jointly by thi Red River Lumber Company, of 'Westwood, Calif., and the United States Plywood Company, Inc., of New York City, that they are now manufacturing at Westwood hardwood panels faced with birch, mahogany, oak, walnutr gufir and other fine woods.
The large manufacturing facilities of the Red River Lumber Company backed by its extensive holdings of California white and sugar pine are thus allied with the distributing organization of the United States Plywood Company, Inc., with warehouses in New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit, Jamestown (N. Y.); Baltimore and Los Angeles. Both companies have established high standards in their respective fields and the new product is the result of an extensive resear,ch for improved quality.
The United States Plywood Company, Inc., for the past five years, has used the Red River California white and sugar pine cores, and cross banding for their best hardwood panels. The announcement states that this preference \Mas based on their own expeiien,ce and that of their customers, also that the Red River Lumber Company can provide a dependable product in quantities that can supply the large demand for a panel of the highest quality at an economical cost.
This improvement in quality, it is stated, will not be accompanied by an increase in price. The manufacturing and distributing facilities of the two companies will permit many economies and assure sufficient service to the trade.