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C. J. Hogue Back From the Argentine
C. J. Hogue, manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association Trade Extension and Field Service Department, has returned to Seattle following completion of several weeks of trade extension work in the Argentine in cooperation with L. E. Fonce, manager of the Douglas Fir Exploitation and Export Co. The calls made by Mr. Force and Mr. Hogue resulted in an exchange of information with important lumber users in the Argentine which is expected to react materially to the benefit of West Coast woods. Information was developed on lumber use practices of railroads and builders, lumber requirements, experience of various concerns in using Douglas fir, the economic situation, sales promotion opportunities and other sales factors. Mr. Hogue is now preparing a detailed report of his findings and recommendations, which will be issued later bv the Association.
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The more distinctive and convenient you build your home the greater witl be its attraction, and surely if this ideal plan will meet and care for yout requirements you will be making no mistake in adopting it to build from.
Plans for tfiis atcactive home can bc furnished by thc Lumbermen's Service Association
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