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lDcrDantrd rodc tL lrrr ol Gdllcdt
J. C. Dtor, Pr....d Tm; J. E. Muti!' Vlca-Prer.; A. C. Mrryru' Jrr S*t. Pub[&.d tba lrt ul llth of ..4 nntb rt rlr-1t-20 CENTRAL BUILDINCT LOS ANGELES, CAI-, TELEPHONE VAndLr rs|s Entarrd u S.6d4hr Drtt r S.Dt Db.r E, llgl et lht Pctdlcr et to Aupbr' Cledd+ utdrr Act of Mlrcb l, rt?t.
Subrcription Pricc, S2.lXf pcr Ycar Singlc Copicr, 25 ccatr cich. LOS ANGELES, CAL, JANUARY 15, 1928
How Lumber Looks
Douglar fir imporb from the Northwe* rhowcd a conrid. crabh decreere durios tte month of Deccmbcn The fir cargo arrivals into Southern Cdifornia totaled 10O,38OM fL ar compared to l27r2OO![ ft. for tte rarnc month in f926. For the yar 1927, 6r cargr arllvdr b Southetl California totaled lr277rO5OM ft. e.r compared to 11483'36OM ft. for 1926, a decreare of 2O6'31OM ft.
Doughs'6r irnp-orts into San Francirco for Deccmbe totaled 31,945M fL as compared to 45'415M ft for November. For tLe year 1927, the frr cargo receiptr at Sag FrancLco totaled ffi2r074M ft. er compared' to 683'565M ft. for 1926, a decreare of 76,491M ft.
55 boatr are reported tied up, the largert number that her becn recorded for many mont{rr, which would indicate ttat 6r cargo dripmentr will show f 1"t". decreare during tbe rronth of Januery. There are about 15 rnillion feet of unrold lumber on tte docks at San Pedro; it is ectimated that about onc third of this itock ir readily ralable.
Log pricer in thc Northwert continue firm. There arc only a ernall rupply of logr on hand, and ar they have becn having lorn€ reycre weethcr, rnany of the logging camps are down. When many of tbe mills re3ume operationr, the log rupply will be very light.
Orring to the tonnage tied up, the log rituation and ar ttere ie not a Large amorurt of readily ralable rtock on hand at San Pedro, rome wholeralerr prcdict thet betweeo Jenuary 15 and February 15 that the 6r market will take on a much firmer tone.
The Redwood nrarket continues ratirfactory and rhowr very little change. Commonr are rhort and the millr report ttat ctocks are rather low. Redwood cargo arrivalr at San Francirco for the month of December totaled 16'6O3M ft. ar coropared to 2Or122M ft. for the rnontfi of November. Redwood cargo arrivalr into Southern Cali6ornia for Decem"
Sen Frracirco OEcr tU thltr Mrbr Bldr. u2 Mrrl.t sE.ct Tdegho Drvmpat frTl SoutLcl OGcc bd Nettol B.!& Blds. Hqrtor T.[r bcr totded 13r775M ft., which ic practicdly-t!'e rarnc for November, when the receiptr totaled 13'225M ft.
Four year reportr from 15 idcntical Redwood qtqo qd: cate that-produ.tion war lcer b 1927 than in any of th" ttlt foirr yeerr, and tbat orderr and rhipmntr were greatcr in 1927 than either of the prcviour thrcc year.
The California White and Suger Pine market rhowr vcry little change. During the part-fcw weclc therc har beco considerable increarJin inquiriec received. 'All rtocb et the mills are badly brtken which har rerulted in pricec 6ry' ing rome increare.
- Production of Californie White and SWar Pine for the yar 1927, according to Aerocbtion figures, amotmted to i.,Zeergeg,S05 ft., a-de"r."q" of l4Vo from 1926. Orden receired t6t 1927 iotalcd 1,304,33,9i9, an increar""t !.!% over 1926, and rhipmentr-for the year totded 11356'828r' 083, an increare ot2.7Vo over 1926.
For the week ending December 31, tLe Welt Coart Lurnbermen'r Agociation Earometer, 109 millr reporting, ghowed: Prod'uction, 491238;474 ft.i New-Burinecr, 67r?!!t 914M ft.; Shipmcntrr 66,522197l fl. For th9 yeat 1927, 97 milb rlporied: Pr6ducti'on 5,243'995,097-ft.; Nerr Brui' nerr, 5,O95,696,534 ft.; Shipmenb, 5,032'8721749 fL
For tfie week ending December 31, the Southern Pine Ar' rocirtion barometer. barcd on 111 millr, reported: Prod,uc' tion, 45,766,134 fd'; New Buriner, 4Or74O,4gO ft.; Ship' mentr, 391505'920 ft.
For the week ending December 31, the California Red' wood Association bar6meter, 16 millr reporting, rhowcd: Orderc Received. 4,508M ft.; Shipmentr, 5,106M ft.; Pro' dnction, 4,465M-ft. For the yeat 19271 16 milb reportcd: Order:r Received, 428r556M ft.; Production, 4(Xr068M ft.; Shipmentr, 4211296l|/| ft.
Fageol truck sales increased nearly LOO% in L927, a year \ in which other manufacturers were forced to content themselveswith mediocre gains or, as in some casesr losses in volume.
Vouldyou ask more decided evidence of Fageol popularity? \7ould you, yourself, be convinced of the reasons for the
,/ tgzean euen greaterFageol lear tban tbe one just ended? -"'- ThenbuyaFageol-anymodelfrom the fleet-footed Flyer with all the snrdy strength of its bigger brothers,to the gigantic Lo-ton, master of huge loads. Then-and only then-will you realize f"Ay why buyers who insist on profitpaying trucks choose Fageols! steadily-increasing demand that will make There's a Fageol dealer close at hand. there is a FAGEOL for eoery iob.
SEATTLE-Factory Branch, Fageol Motors Sales Co.
PORTLAND-Factory Branch, Fageol Motors Sales Co.
SAN FRANCISCO-Factory Branch, Fageol Motors Sales Co.
OAKLAND-Factory Branch, Fageol Motors Sales Co.
LOS ANGELES-Factory Branch, Fageol Motors Sales Co. .
RENO, NEVADA-Direct Factory Dealer, Ginocchio Bros.
VANCOUVER, B. C.-Disuibutor, Campbells Limited