3 minute read
lDcrDantrd rodc tL lrrr ol Gdllcdt
J. C. Dtor, Pr....d Tm; J. E. Muti!' Vlca-Prer.; A. C. Mrryru' Jrr S*t. Pub[&.d tba lrt ul llth of ..4 nntb rt rlr-1t-20 CENTRAL BUILDINCT LOS ANGELES, CAI-, TELEPHONE VAndLr rs|s Entarrd u S.6d4hr Drtt r S.Dt Db.r E, llgl et lht Pctdlcr et to Aupbr' Cledd+ utdrr Act of Mlrcb l, rt?t.
Subrcription Pricc, S2.lXf pcr Ycar Singlc Copicr, 25 ccatr cich. LOS ANGELES, CAL, JANUARY 15, 1928
How Lumber Looks
Douglar fir imporb from the Northwe* rhowcd a conrid. crabh decreere durios tte month of Deccmbcn The fir cargo arrivals into Southern Cdifornia totaled 10O,38OM fL ar compared to l27r2OO
RENO, NEVADA-Direct Factory Dealer, Ginocchio Bros.
VANCOUVER, B. C.-Disuibutor, Campbells Limited