1 minute read
Redwood Retailers... Do Nat Oaerlook- the Prospects Kftrred
To every retail yudstocking Redwood the California Redwood Association sends regularly a list of prospects.
These prospects are those who are sufficiently interested by national advertising to write for further information.
A careful survey of t1,000 prospects secured in t927 brings to light the following facts
Zlf" build aithin six monthl fif" build utithin eigbteen rnontlts.
667" 0f those who build uithin six montbs use fudwood,
Every onc of these prospects is teferred to you, as a Rcdwood dealer. You @nnot afford to disregard them.
The advertising that proved successful in 1927 will be even bette r in L928. More prospects will be secured. More people will be sold on Redwood.
If you stock Redwood, and have not received your list of prospects, notif us so that we may see that you are supplied.
If you have been receiving the prospects but failing to use them, now is the time to act.
Have you your copy of "California Redwood"? It gives accurete informa.ion on dozens of native woods. It costs nothing. You need it for reference.