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rni a" Redwood
California Redwood Association, z4 C.alifornia Street, San Francisco, Oept. z68r
Please send me complimentary copy of "CALIFonNra RrowooD," the authoritative text on practically all native woods.
San Francisco building permits for the year 1927 totaled 9190, involving an expenditure of $47,032,8,8. The total for 1926 was 1O085, involving $57,953,948, During the last Decembei 620 permits for $2,582,015 worth of work were issued, as compared to 756 permits and $5,066,659 in December, 1926.
Oq! of, 620 permits issued last month every class of building with the exception of class B, public, liarbor and State, was represented. Following aie the segregated amounts given:
Class A, 1, $2Q000; Class C, L2, ff278,350; frames, 44, $1,286,955; alterations, 403, $996,710.
The totals for the year, by classes, are as follows-: Class A,25, $6,773,W; class B, 14, $2,546,Cffi; class C, 19F, $7,388,960; frames, 36F.4, $22,784,423; alterations, 5260, $5,- ?34,172i public, 17, $1,168,653; harbor, 10, 9962,6n; Stite, l, $125,000.
These figures, compared with last year, show gains in class B, class C, frames and State construction. The loss was in four classes, the largest in class A construction, for which the figure in 1926 was 913,660,000. Alterations were greater in 19?-6, the figure being $6,952,017, and there were larger totals for both public and harbor projects.
The John Suverkrup Lumber Co. have opened a new yard at Riverside with S. L. Giles in charge. The new buildings were erected by Harry Meyers, contractor, o{ Riverside. The John Suverkrup Lumber Co., have been connected with the lumber business for over fortv vears in the Citrus Belt and also operate yards at San 'Betn.rdino and Crestline.
Iiihe Fred Roth Hoo Hoo Club Attendance
/ The Hoo Hoo Clubs throughout California are showing lpkeen interest in the beautiful loving cups that have been (donated by Fred Roth of San Francisco, Bojum on the Supreme Nine, for the best attendance record during the year. Photographs of these cups were published in the January I issue of "The California Lumber Merchant." Jack Dionne has been named by Mr. Roth as the judge in the contest.
All Hoo Hoo Clubs in the state are especially invited by Supreme Bojum Roth to participate in this contest. The total attendance of all Hoo Hoo meetings throughout the year should be submitted as soon as possible after every meeting. In the attendance reports, it is also necessary that the total club membership should be specified. All reports should be rnailed to Jack Dionne, 318 Central Ruilding, Los Angeles.
Fire At Hammond Long Beach Yard
The lumber shed of the Hammond Lumber Co. yard at Long Beach was destroyed by fire on Saturday, January 7. The finish lumber that was under cover, together with the hardware supplies, were destroyed. Five trucks were also lost.
The Frank P. Doe Lumber Co. of San Francisco have leased the Nelson Moulding Mill at Marysville. They are now operating the mill with a crew of fifteen men. Practically all their shipments from the plant will go into thc Eastern territory