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Los Angeles Building Permits Total $ 123,027 ,239 in 1927
Building construction in Los Angeles during 1927 was approximately the same as in 1926.
During the first six months of 1927 permit valuations ran somewhat below 1926 figures and for a time it appeared. that the- year's total would show a loss, but during the third and fourth quarters activity increased and the-1927 total amounted to $123,027,239, an increase of $21,024 over 19216. Building has been at a high level in Los Angeles for over five years and construction equaling last !ear, though below the totals f.or 1923,1924 and.1925, may be regarded as very satisfactory.
As is usual dwelling construction was the largest item in the building program, amounting to $39,211,431 as compared to $45,n7,959 daring 1926. Apartment construction, the next in importance, amounted to $22,86,436, as compared to $19,126,251 duting 1926. Apartment construction in L927 provided space for 9967 families as compared with space for 7459 families in 1926. Dwelling construction pro-
Portland Office Buildings Change Names
The building known as the Northwestern Bank Building in Portland, Oregon, will be known in future as the American Bank Building, and the name of the Gasco Building has been changed to Failing Building.
A large number of lumbermen have their offices in these buildings.
vided for 10,833 families in t927, as compared in L926. Following are the monthly figures permit valuations in 7927 and 1926
Douglas Fir Sash And Frames Pamphlet Printed
A pamphlet entitled "There is No Equivalent to All Heartwood, Vertical Grain Douglas Fir Sash and Frames," has just been issued by the Bureau. The pamphlet gives 27 reasons why Douglas fir sash and frames rank in first place. Copies of the booklet will be sent to retail dealirs on request.