1 minute read
Paul Bunyan remarked as he parked himself at the lunch sled one cold winter day, "ls one place where poor quality is expensive."
"Lumber is another" continued the man who invented saw mills, "Take California 'White Pine and Sugar Pine. They make direct profits for the man who uses them whether he is a manufacturer or a builder.
,'CALIFORNIA WHITE PINE DOORS cost less to hang, by actual measurement of ca4tenters' time. This is on account of their soft, easy-to-work texture. Th.y stay put and do not warP, craclc or shrink (Red River Doors are Guaranteed). They cost less to finish and make a superior job because they do not 'grain raise'.
,,IN THE FACTORY production costs are reduced because California Pines are easy on edged tools' Tools stay sharp longer. California Pines take a smooth surface without "fuzzy" vertical fibers. Factory products of Californiu pin". enjoy a quick sale at good prices because of the bright attractive appearance of the wood itself."
Somedag gou uiII use California Pines. Noro is the right time to start.
PHONE: AXridge 9071
"Producers of White Pine fot Ovet HaIf a Cenlury"