1 minute read
A auestionnaire For 1928
Why should REDWOOD be specified and furnished
for Fences, Pergolas, Posts, Garden Furniture, Exterior Trim, Rustic, Door and Window Frames, Sills and Porch Flooring?
BECAUSE it resists deay, works easily, is unaffected by weather changes, holds paint and stays put. IT LASTS, first cost is the only cost, so it is less expetrsive in the end.
Why should you furnish REDWOOD
for fnside Trim, Panels, Casing, Base, Ceiling Beams, Mantels, Doors?
BECAUSE it stays put, the joints do not op6r per,ferr, mitering is an accomplished fact. ft works easily, allowrng the builder to develop ef. fective design. It is best available wood for Sand Blast. Its beauty of color is distinctive. It allows wide variety of artistic efiect with paint and stain. fts natural beauty improves with time. It cannot be imitated, but can be furnished to duplicate the naturd finish of practically any of the hardwoods.
Why is REDWOOD your best general Stock ?
B E C A U S E in addition to the above uses, your Industrial solicitor can sell it to Pattern Makers, Gremhouses and Nurseries, Boat Builders, Fur. niture Factories, Operators requiring veneer cores, Sign Board Builders, etc. The Railroads, Manufacturing Industries generdly and Highway Commissions specify REDV/OOD.