2 minute read
The Little River Redwood Go.
General Salcr O6ce: Financial Ccnter Building' Son Francirco
Sales Offices: Mills at:
New York City
Ffavana, Cuba
Amsterdam, Holland
Crannell, Calif.
Fairhaven, Calif.
Cargo and rail shipments IIEDIAENS..,
Mundell Recetves Untque Christmas Gift
One of the most unique and cleverly conceived Xmas remembrances that has come to our attention was that of the Orange Belt Lumbermen's Club where the members of said Club presented to their Secretary, R. D. Mundell, blocks and pieces of various kinds of wood with their respective business cards attached. Many of these woods rvere hardly of first grade quality as apparently the knottier and harder were selected. but they were especiallv
Jim Chase Visits Los Angeles
Jim Chase, manager of The Little River Redwood Co" yard at Madera, was a Los Angeles visitor over the New Year where he spent several days calling on his many lumbermen friends. He also attended the East-West football game between Pittsburgh and Stanford at Pasadena on January 2. Mrs. Chase accompanied him on the trip.
W. L. McGinnis, superintendent of the Silver Falls Timber Company, Silverton, made a trip by automobile to California during the Christmas and New Year holidays, traveling as far as Los Angeles. He was accompanied by his wlIe.
Douglas Fir Bridge Material Book Ready
The Bureau's booklet on "Douglas fir for Bridge Material" is now ready for distribution. The booklet, prepared by L. P. Keith, Bureau engineer, covers the various grades of Douglas fir, grade-strength relationship, gives recommended grades for bridge items and working stresses for structural grades and No. 1 Common grades. Other subjects treated include: available sizes, records of performance and preservative treatment. Samples may be had by sales representatives of Bureau mills without charge by application at the Longview office.
"Bob" MundeU digging for goltl.
valuable for each block and piece had a $5.00 gold piece driven in them in such a way that it was utterly impossible to secure the money without chopping the blocks to pieces. The accompanying picture shows "Bob" hard at work digging out this gold. We would judge from the expression on his face that he was certainly happy and pleased to do this work.
R. E. Irwin, assistant manager of the Potlatch Lumber Company, Potlatch, Idaho, and recognized as one of the most practical lumber operators in the United States, has been appointed a member of the National Committee on Wood Utilization of the Department of Commerce by Secretary lloover, its chairman. Mr. frwin's addition to the National Committee is expected to be of great benefit to that organization in extensive experiments now going on. with sawmill machinery, as he has, for several years, been interested in improved manufacturing methods and has had valuable experience in Northern pine, Western pine and red cedar lumber manufacturing.
The National Committee on Wood Utilization, which has for its purpose a more complete utilization of the log in order to make reforestation commercially feasible, is working on improved manufacturing methods as one of the steps toward better utilization and most of Mr. Irwin's rvork with the Committee will be in that field.