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Cedar Lumber Manufacturers Meet
Longrriew, Wash., Dec. 28.-Complete satisfaction with tl-re results of merging the Red Cedar Lumber Manufacturers' Association with the West Coast Lumber Bureau was expressed by members of the cedar association when cedar lumber manufacturers met this week with Bureau representatives in Seattle.
Exhibits of Bureau advertising rvere displayed, showing horv the properties and uses of Western red cedar had been brought to the attention of architects, engineers, retail lumber dealers, and the general lumber using public during the past year. C. J. Hogue, I3ureau field manager, outlined the national advertising program and field work now being carried on for West Coast rvoods. Red cedar will come in for more attention during 1928, Mr. Hogue said, 1>articttlarly for home building.
In expressing appreciation of the rvork of the Bureau in behalf of \A/estern red cedar, W. C. McMaster, president of the Red Cedar Lumber Manufacturers' Association, said, following the meeting, "We expected that the larger scope of trade extension rvork possible under the Bureau's Dlan of operation rvould increaie our markets. We are surprised
J. A. "Jack" Thomas, lnanag'er for the Coos 13ay l,urnlter Cornpany at I-os Angeles, attencled a rneeting of the compan_\'s sales representatives at J3ay Point, Wednesday, December 28th and also spent a feu' days in San Francisco. He has a good manl' f1igt.ls in tl-re l3a1' Region ancl u'as kept busv cluring his stay.
and delighted at the results already apparent and feel that the trade promotion plans for the-coniing year rvill bring increasing returns."
The Red Cedar Lumber Manufacturers'Association, representing 90 per cent of the production in Washington and British Columbia, discontinued advertising as a group last fall and joinecl the Bureau in a rvider campaign for West Coast woods. Every cedar mill in Washington and British Columbia, except one, was represented at the meeting.
The follorving representatives of cedar mills attended the trade promotion session : Glen Hulburt and T. J. Skallel' of the- William Hulburt Mill Co., Everett; Frank Smith, L. S. Black, and R. E. Guyer of the Seattle Cedar Lumber Manufacturing Co., Seattle; D. M. Hartnell and C. J. Culter, Hammond Cedar Co., New Westminster, B. C.; S. P. Johns and Charles Ingram, Snoqualmie Falls Lumber Co., Snoqualmie Falls; James A. Loggie, Whatcom Falls NIill Co., Bellingham; E. C. Miller, E. C. Miller Cedar Lumber Co., Aberdeen; Aird Flavelle, Thurston-Flavelle. Ltd., Port Nloody, B.C.; H. J. Bratlie, Bratlie Bros. Nlill Co., Riclgefield; \A'. C. McMaster, John McMaster Shingle Co., Seattle; Leonard Skalley, Clough-Hartley Co., Everett.
R. L. Duvall, who for soure time rvorked out of the Sau Francisco oflice of the Wheeler-Osgood Company under the direction of L. J. Woo<lson, is uou'l'orking out of the company's Nerv York office.