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Up Door Sales
L.fuNonros of Laminex door soaking tests have been made in all -fL oam of the countrv to Drove thit dampness cannot make a Laminex door warp, splii or cbme apart. Many thousands of prospective buyers haie 6een thoroughly convidced, after seeing a -Lamioexd6orsoakins inwater foi davs at a time, that here is a door that will always-operate properly-and look well, despite climatic conditions, Naturallv. these people who have witnessed a Laminex door soakinc test ire extra-coo-d prospects for the sale of Iaminex doors, and ritail dealers tellus that th-eirsalesoflaminex doos do increase gready after such demonstrations.
Let us help you conduct a Laminex door soaking test
'!7'e will be glad to show you hoq to cooduct this famous test that arouses suih great interist amorig carpenters, builders, architects, property owiers and realtors. Y6u wi-ll find that it-will bring tnanv new customers to your place of business and will identifu vouf business as headquaiters for "the door that stands the famous ioaking test". We sripply you with free cuts for newspaper adveftisements; special folder to mail out to your customers; display sisns and otirei literarute. In addition, we furnish you with a biueprlnt and complete plans for making-the test successfully. The whole plan is worked out and waiting for you. x""""""'-" i rr{E wrrrurER, osGoOD CoMPANY, Tacoma, lfashington ; Gmtlcmm:Plase send me your new book on doors aqd complete insuuctions fot conductiag a Laminex door soakiog test, LrsTL