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Gfite%s Jdaonta{e in a?crrnancnt&uving t4rrangernent ditltWgfrhaeuser

\fOU can seeWey r erhaeuserquality. Itshowsuprtoorin the better service each piece delivers. The high quality comes from paying snict attentim to dl details of manufacnue. Precise sawing tosquare edges and unilorm sizes; scientifrc sea- soning; eryett planing tosmoofi, satiny surfaces; careful handling and loading to insure delivery oI clean stock, tOO% saleable. You are not bothered with the "boneyard"evilwhen you become a WeyerhaeuserPermanent Customer.

TF YOU have never dealt with Weyerhaeuser' there is a new I sensation awaiting you in yourfirst talk with a'Weyethaeuser Representative.

He has lumber to sell you, oI course. That is his business. But he has also something to giue you-the advantageof a furmanent go-ahead progrran lor the benefit of the lumber dealer as well as Weyerhaeuser.

The way it benefits the lumber dealer is rwo-Iold: lst-In his buying and supply. In the qtnl'ity oI lumber he gets-grades always the same and dependable; seasoning complete; manulacturing and finish workmenlike, no need lor apologies or evasions. And a complete rmge of woods Ior a large part oI all your customers' requirements. t. Cmenaatd buying and concentrated selling A call fron a single Weyerhaeuser Repreeentative bringsyou dl the difrerent kinds of lumber youneed toeupply a largelnrt ol your uade. l.The fineat starrds ol tinber in thie ountry. Precise manulacturing Sci' enti$c eeasoning, giving the user the maximun natural durability d the epecies.

2nd-In his dealing with his customers. Weyerhaeuser really does understand the lumber user. Practically every step in the 'Weyerhaeuser PLUS program is intended to make the lumber better to use.

2. Filteen difrerent epeciea of lumber-including Douglas Fir. Weet€rn Red Cedar, Pacific Coaet Henlodr" Poudosa Pine, and ge:mtine 'Wlite Pine.

3.The output oI t7 largsmille-andtluee more building Shipping from Z) large stocks.

.{. Four huge Diaaibuting Plants, with l00,(x)o,(no feet of lumber and 25,o0o,ooo feet oI tinbere dways on hand. Shipping in Zhoursif neceasry.

The noilcnt equijment ot Wcyodtuttor mills rruha jorslble o a*y hlgh tyba of serntlc..

6. Careful handling and loading to insure delive,ry ol LoO/o saleable and usable etocks.

J. Sales making specialties that attract uade and repeot.

$. Quicker, cleaner turnover on a smaller invegtment Eaey buying Regular supplies of compact stock Fewer loeses, and leas lumb€r thrown into the "boneyard.'

9. Thu'Weyerhaeueer Permanent Cugtomer P1"., operated by Weyerhaeuser Representatives who ake care of their cugtomers in geason and out of se:tsorL A moet profitable arrangement br -.'.. thedealerwhomakeeuseof it

-: TheWeyerhaeue€r Plus is a ftnething .^ -..r.^ -. -L :- -'^'.-.'^-l f r-':ll toput to work in your yard.Itwill urrl*e penna ncnt custorners for you.+nd we hope will make yu a penrwngnt cur tomerlorus.Callup theWeyerhaarm Representative.

O. Drewer 629, Newerk' N'J'

Th Vqe$*3sct Sahs Company is thc combincd sclliag oryedzation of th folhuine Vcycrbactsr Mills ard Dh*ibtttitg Pk* : CXoquet Luober Co. Cloqwt, Minn. Saoqualmie Falls Lumber Co., sooqudmie Fdk, Wash. Cleermter Tinber Co., Ie*iston, Idrho l.5c Nonhem Lbr. C,o. doqoet,ltinn. Hmbird Luber Co. SudDoiot, Idebo lTeyerhaeurer Tbr. Co., Everett, T9ash' Johnron-Vcotwonh Co.,Cloquet,l{inn. Edwatd Rutledge Timber C,o. Coeu d'Alene,Idaho '$Teyetheeu.ser Tbr. Co., Bstdmore' Md' \ToodConversionC,o. Cloquet,Mion. PotlatchLumberco..... Potlatch,Idrho VeyetbaeuserTbr.C,o.,Portrmouth'R.I' Boooe6 Fettylbr.Co,,Boaaers Ferry,Ida. Boise Payette Lumber Co, , . . .Boise,Idaho VeyerhteuserTbr.Co.,PortNewark'NJ. 'Vcyerhaeurer Timbet Conpany, Mionesota Tranrfer, St. Paul, Minnerotr

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