1 minute read
Putontlrchdhch ofP
The first ihing a careful man does when he'f eels that the treasures in his home are not properly safe-guarded, is to add a padlock to whatever protection already exists. Just so with the careful lumberman. He not only protects himself against loss of his business treasures by insurance for their replacement, but he also puts on the padlock of prevention to keep fire out.
Our first servicc is to cooperate with the policy-holder in the interest of effective fire prevention. When fire does come, our resources and reputation guarantee prompt payment of Iosses. We provide the best irrsurance a lumberman can buy, furnished through our dividends at lowest cost to the policyholder.
.'lslt arr1, of our companies f or inf ormatiorr. os to wlrot our ltolicics, our.frre prcaention .srrtice, (ind our diz,idcnds nrc(n to \ou.