3 minute read
Mr. Frederic Binder engaged in his faztorite pastime, carving togs.
So far ar lumbcr ir conccrncd, onCr pocLct lraifo rill urually tell tLe talc. Mr. Frcdcric Binder, of Lor Caton Celiforaia, a retired burincr man, har edoftcd ar hir Lobby thc carving of toyr. Hir prcfcrcncc of rll the woodr avrihblc to hin ir Sugar Pinc. He rtatcr thrt hc her found thrt by rcardn of itr rmoothncrr, roftncr, ard rtraight greinr, norc then aay othcr wood it lcndr itrclf nort adnirably to cr.ct fidelity of reproduction.
Madora Sugar Pinc retr a rtrndard by which othcr woo& are gaugcd. It L both watcr curcd end gir dricd. Itr quelig ir uncxcellcd, and it ir thc delight of pattcrn nelcrr end wood wor|rcn thc world ovcr.
Lambertiana A
True and Durable Vhite Pine-Pinus
Cotton is the overcoat of a seed that is planted and grown in the Southern states, to keep the producer broke and the buyer crazy. The fiber varies in color and weight, and the man who can guess nearest the length of the fiber is called a cotton man by the public, a fool by the farmer, and a poor business man by his creditors. The price of cotton is determined in New York and goes up when you have sold, and down when you have bought. A buyer working for a group of mills was sent to New York to watch the cotton market and after a few days deliberation he wired his firm to this effect: "Some think it will go up and some think it wilt go down. I do too. Whatever you do will be wrong. Act at once." Cotton is planted in the spring, mortgaged in the summer, and left in the field in the winter. You can and you can't. You will and you won't. You'll be damned if you do, and be damned if you don't.
The Tongue
Not the tongue in your shoe, nor the tongue in the lowly wagon, but the tongue in your mouth is the thing I want to talk about. The human tongue starts more trouble than friends or finance can stop. It is the toot that can ao more harm in a day than you can correct in many years. Lincoln said little and Grant less, Washington talked only when necessaryr, and Coolidge is as silent as a steam caliope with a broken boiler. The more men talk the less time they have to think and the less time others have to think. If you are a great talker, you are not a great thinker. Listen to yourself, and get your own weights and measures. The Silent Partner."
Men are like rivers: the watcr is the same in each, and alike in all; but every river is narrow here, is more rapid there, here slower, there broader, now clear, now cold, now dull, now warm.-Tolstoi.
The Christmas Pudding
Take some human nature as you find it, The commonest variety will do; Put a little graciousness behind it, Add a lump of charity or two.
Squeeze in just a drop of moderation, Half as much frugality, or less Add some very fine consideration, Strain off all of poverty's distress.
Pour some milk of human kindness in it, Put in all the happiness you can; Stir it up with laughter every minute, Season with good will toward every man.
Set it on the fire of heart's affection, Leave it till the jolly bubbles rise; Sprinkle it with kisses for confection, Sweeten with a look of loving eyes.
Flavor it with children's merry chatter, Frost it with the snow of wintry dells; Place it on a holly-garnished platter, And serve it with the song of Christmas bells.
-Author Unlcrown.
Speaking Of Derby Hats
Abe Martin says that a saxophone in a jazz orchestra looks better in a derby hat than any of the men he's seen wearing them.
Dark And Gloomy Days
"Why, hey dere, Prune la, how yo'comin'dese days?"
"f'se jes tollable pol'y, thankee, Ijelou. I'se had de scarlet fcver an'de pink eye, and de yellar jandis. I'se had a regular rainbow o' troubles."
Come And Gone
The old darky dropped his flask on the sidewalk Christmas morning, and was heard to remark: "Dah, now! Christmas come an' gone."
We cater to the small yard-o---
And the smaller dealers have found out that our service to them is REAL SERVICE. Our quick shipment of anything and everything for the building trade by car or truck makes it possible for the small dealer to give tip-top service to his trade, and yet keep down his investment. his insurance and his overhead.